We can usually recognize God working in the new beginnings, and later, in the fruits of our labors. But what about the time in between? How should we handle those long waits when we don’t know God’s schedule?

our challenge as people of faith is to

synchronize our faith with God’s

schedule that’s the challenge would not

be a challenge would not it would not be

a challenge if God would mark harvest

season on your schedule would not be a

challenge wouldn’t be a challenge

because you could keep yourself occupied

until that point don’t even worry about

it you’ll be married by 27 well then I’m

good I’ll just enjoy myself till 27 and

then my man will show up is it October

of 2020 I want God because Lord we could

be ready with the sickle if you would

let us see the schedule talk to me

people if they talk to me men and women

of God of great faith I could be ready

with the sickle if you would synchronize

in our office my schedule is

synchronized and they synchronize my

schedule – Holly schedule – my assistant

schedule is helpful because now she can

know where I’m going to be and what I’ve

got to do and she can she can keep a

surveillance system on my schedule to

kind of know what she needs to pray

about me with and when i’ma be in a bad

mood because I had to meet with drunks

and uh I’m just kidding shun she’s

amazing but she’s she’s good

she’s got all that on her schedule and

it helps us to be in the same flow when

we’re on the same schedule so let me ask

you a question how did you relate to a

God in patients who won’t show you the

schedule he’s working off of me because

this scripture says that the man

scatters the seed on the ground and the

seed sprouts and grows but watch this

the real tests of the seed and this is

my message is my message this one

message all others someone might send my

message the real test of the

it is can it survive the soil so he says

that the seed is scattered and you can

see that right you can see the beginning

of the thing it might not be easy I got

a long way to go and my muscles might be

sore at the end of the day from the

sewing process but at least I can see

that the ground is being broken up I can

see it I can see it and well the harvest

season is a season of joy because I’m

going to be eating from the field that

I’m working in real soon but he says

that the seed sprouts and grows because

of the work of the soil I think that’s

where most dreams die in the soil in the

soil I think that’s where most marriages

fail in the soil I think that’s where

most good intentions give way to apathy

in the soil in the soil I think I think

it’s aw I think it’s somewhere between

changing diapers and sending them off to

college that most parents wonder did

anything that I taught you take root in

your heart hello

I mean is one thing to be the farmer in

this passage he had to sew the seat and

he had to reap to see but what about the

times where you’re not the farmer but

you’re the see can I preach this like I

gave it to me I hope you’ll understand

that sometimes you’re going to feel like

that seed that goes down into the soil

and the soil is a very strange place to

because when the seed is in the soil it

cannot see the intention of the one who

sowed it when the seed is in the soil

there are times where it feels like it’s

not going to get enough oxygen or water

to make it I know that I’m personifying

in an intimate object but you know your

life is a seed

your dream is a see your vision is a

seed your purpose is a see we talked

about it last week it seems

insignificant and it takes a lot of

faith to see the purpose is what seems

insignificant but you know what takes

even more faith to believe that the

purpose is still working when the

process is invisible in the soil stage

yes it takes faith to soul and yes it

takes faith to reap but what takes the

most pain is to be buried in the soil of

uncertainty and keep growing but that’s

exactly what you’ve got to do the

kingdom of heaven is like a sea the man

scattered it and it went in the soil and

it stayed in the soil and it stayed in

the soil and it stayed in the soil and

it stayed in the soil and it stayed in

the soil every stage of things I find

myself to be pretty pretty proficient in

at this point in walking with God I

don’t mind sowing I don’t mind working

I don’t mind writing a song I don’t mind

writing a sermon I don’t mind

ministering to somebody I don’t mind

sewing I certainly don’t mind reaping I

don’t mind reaping a bit problem is I

don’t know what tool to use in the soil

stage talk to me talk to me when I’m


I need belief then it could become

something when I’m reaping I need the

strength to go out and act on what I’ve

initiated there are some stages of faith

but there’s not a thing you can do just

takes time

um I’m believing for something I can’t

see anymore

sowing a seed means releasing it

that means you you’ve got to let it go

for a while you got to just step back

and the seed is in the soil to die the

farmer is telling you yeah man I

scattered to see and I woke up and I saw

the ear and I saw the head and I took my

sickle and I had a sandwich it was the

most amazing thing to see this going can

I speak I went down in that soil and I

was down in that soil so long I thought

I was about to die in the soil I was

gasping for breath in the soil I didn’t

know if I had been forgotten I felt like

the farmer didn’t love me anymore I

didn’t even know what I was going

through then all of a sudden I started

to change shapes and everything was

unfamiliar but I was still down in the

soil didn’t even know if anybody

remember they had put me there can I

hear somebody shout because you know

what it feels like the VFC for my

preaching too I know this message is

personal for somebody and and the seed

is in in the ground but the scripture

says don’t get it twisted the seed is

still on schedule this is where I want

to encourage you if you feel like a seed

that is in the ground of uncertainty the

ground of this appointment the ground of

doubt I know God’s going to fill in the

blank for what you need because you know

what your seed is and if I asked you you

wouldn’t say the real thing that’s

working in your life you would say the

church Allah acceptable thing the

spiritually acceptable thing you

wouldn’t talk about the real dirt that

your life is in you wouldn’t talk about

the real

assess that you’re trapped in you

wouldn’t talk about the real thought

patterns so you just substitute whatever

you need proceed okay and God knows what

it is and you know what it is and I want

to preach about that see because one

thing I found out about the sea is that

the seed is protected I need you to know

when you’re in a soil season in your

life in a season where you can’t see

anything happening see God knew that the

seed would need to survive a period of

vulnerability so every seed is wrapped

in a hard protective coating the seed is

wrapped in a hard protective coating so

that until it produces what it’s meant

to produce nothing’s going to be able to

get what’s inside of the seed I see

Moses in a basket trying to kill off all

the Hebrew children but until the seed

was ready to be released the seat was in

a basket floating down a river to

protect it but three people say I’m

protective I need you to know that I’m

protected I need you to know that God

has covered me I need you to know that

God has wrapped me up I need you to know

that God didn’t just put purpose inside

of me he put protection all around me

and until it comes to pass I need you to

know I’m protected the devil could try

to snatch me up

but I’ll protect it the rain can fall

really hard or I can go through a dry

seasons without protective coating I got

something on the outside protecting

what’s on the inside

if God’s got me covered and it shall

come forth protected I’m protected God

said to tell somebody your child is

protected you’re praying about them but

while you’re praying about them you need

to know that God already wrapped them

there are some things in life you can’t

do for your child but how many are

grateful when the seed leaves your hands

it never leaves God’s eyes is

is awesome Pharaoh and he’s got your

baby it’s protected its protected and

the scene is in a stage right now where

it doesn’t have the roots to be able to

get the nutrients from the soil and it

doesn’t have the ability through

photosynthesis would think I was in

agricultural horticultural expertise in

the sermon I got excited about the seed

and I discovered that the seed has its

own food supply

until the time that it is able to derive

the nutrients from another source what

am I trying to say the seed has not only

protection but the seed has provision

help me preach everything I need for

life and godliness is inside of me and

what I take it from others in the soil

stage God will give it to me from the

inside I’ll paint myself love myself

help myself

bless myself encourage myself the stuff

that the seed needs is already in the

seeds only worry about it because it’s

protection protection and provision if

you’re looking at somebody who’s

shouting right now and you don’t

understand their enthusiasm the reason

they’re shouting is they’ve got some

stuff in the ground


they got some dreams in the cloud

they’ve got some potential in the ground

and when it rains farmers don’t get

annoyed when it rains everybody who has

something in the ground reaches up to

receive I hear a sound of an abundance

of rain in the house today

come on you matter spreading Texas rain

you better catch it so the protection is

on the seed the provision is in the seed

and it’s just a matter of time before

the potential is released from the sea
