God is getting you ready. In “God Will Never Give Up On You,” Pastor Steven Furtick explains that God is using what you’re going through now to prepare you for what’s next — and He’ll be with you every step of the way. This is an excerpt from “The God Of Again.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • The God Of Again | Pastor Steven Furt…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – What Maturity Looks Like 2:05 – Don’t Be So Discouraged 4:14 – God Will Never Give Up On You 5:35 – The One That Got Away 8:31 – Nothing But Next Scripture References: Hebrews 11, verse 6


is doing something once in a while

and wondering why it didn’t work

if God is the god of again

what makes you think you’re going to

quote one scripture and the devil’s

gonna run off of everything in your life

you need him to leave

come on

if God is the god of again

what makes us think we could just come

to church once on Sunday

and put a space of six days between us

and God and just be okay

I’m gonna need God to get in the gaps

between Sundays

for me to fight against the stuff that

I’m struggling with because he’s the god


again that’s why I put these messages on

YouTube for free

so you can get it



some of y’all like you talk too fast

when you appreciate the slow down no you

need to rewind to get it again

YouTube even has to slow down function

there’s no excuse

follow me down and get this word


I’ll go as slow as you need me cause I

got something for you and I want you to

get it oh sometimes he will leave you in

a season a little longer and you’ll

think that he’s being slow but what you

call his slowness is actually his love

because his slowness as you perceive it

is his steadiness to prepare You by his

sovereignty for something that your eyes

cannot see

I’m preaching

he’s the god of again

don’t be so discouraged by what you’re

still working through because I

guarantee you

it takes all of us time it takes

everybody time in marketing they used to

have a rule called the rule of seven

have you ever heard of this this is this

is way back from like the 30s and stuff

way before social media they said you

have to touch somebody seven times with

the message before they act on it seven


seven times before they see the product

and you have to show it to them here

show it to them there show it like this

show them that they said on average this

isn’t completely scientific but on

average it’s at least seven

the walls of Jericho

at least seven

Naaman dipping in the Jordan

it’s at least seven

there’s a cloud the size of a man’s hand

it’s at least seven

so do you want to

dabble in seeking God

because Hebrews 11 6 says without faith

it is impossible to please God because

he who comes to God must believe that he


and that he is a

rewarder of them that

diligently seek him

not them that haphazardly dabble in him

they don’t like me today Holly furdick

you want me say that again

should I say it again

Pete and Repeat were on a boat

Pete fell off who was left

all right Peter was following Christ

Peter fell away

but who came to get him

and how many times did he come back for


how many times did he restore him

I would suggest to you that even if you

are not diligently seeking God

he’s diligently seeking you




don’t you see it how he kept coming for

you all your life

don’t you see it how when people gave up

on you he was there

don’t you see it how even when your nets

came up empty

even the empty Nets were preparation

for the greater blessing

don’t you see how even the rejections in

your life

we’re making room for something you did

not know to expect

that was next

somebody shouting next

I don’t know what’s next but I get a

sense in my spirit that God is getting

somebody ready for next

because he’s the god of again

I don’t think he brought you this far to

leave you I don’t think he gave you this

much to abandon you I don’t think he

brought you into this Earth to step back

from you and have you figure it out on

your own I think he’s gonna show up in a

great way in this next season of your



so I was talking to this friend the

other day and they were stuck in regret

and they just kept expressing over and

over again their regret and they said

this fishing term they said

um I just feel like it’s the one that

got away it’s the one that got away now

they were taking this as a sign that it

was over and they would never get it

back and it was painful and I could tell

it was painful because it was an

opportunity that they lost and they

couldn’t get over what they lost and

they couldn’t even think about what they

had left because of what they lost and I

never liked to just say stuff that

sounds like a fortune cookie because I’m

a preacher I don’t talk in sound bites

if you ever meet me and you say I’m

having a hard day I will not say rejoice

on the lord always again I say rejoice I

do that up here because I have a

different role up here but this was a

friend I was talking to and I’d walked

with this friend through some of it and

I could see that while they were saying

The One That Got Away they were

literally like Peter fishing fishing

fishing like empty empty empty and they

couldn’t find an explanation and they

couldn’t find a way forward and so I let

them say it a few times and I just

listened but like on the third fourth

fifth sixth or seventh time they said

The One That Got Away something hit me

and I said it and I don’t know if I made

it up I don’t know if God gave it to me

I don’t know if it was arrogant I don’t

know if it was right or good or whatever

but the Lord said to say it to you today

so I’m gonna say it to you they said I

just keep feeling like this is the one

that got away and I looked back and said

stop saying that

it’s not the one that got away

it’s the one that got you ready


God inside

it’s not the one that got away

every time you let the Nets down and it

came up empty and you let them down and

it came up empty and you let them down

and it came up empty all it was doing

was holding the place so when Jesus

shows up you’ll be ready for what’s on

the other side of the boat

somebody said I’m ready

I’m already

ready high five seven people say you’re

ready now

you’re ready now

you’re ready now

you’re ready now

your Nets are ready your heart is ready

you’re humble now you’re wiser now

you’re with it now you’re wider than

snow now you’ll watch now you’re clean

now you’re open now you’re hopeful now

I’m ready now



glory to God

high five them again and say I’m ready


I’m ready now

in basketball they say nothing but net

and that’s what Peter had as long as he

was fishing without Jesus

but when he got to the other side of

that boat watch this I came to say stop

focusing on the one that got away

God said to tell you don’t focus on

anything in this season nothing but next

because what’s coming what is yet to be

is greater

oh somebody’s shot again


gonna do it again but it’s gonna be

bigger he’s gonna do it again but it’s

gonna be greater






I’ma preach this thing till you believe



how many times will he have to part

water before you take the step when

you’re ankle deep


how many times will he have to kill

Goliath before you get your rock and

start swinging

everything in your life

that is in front of you

there is something that God already did

he will not do it the same way

so stop expecting to part cease with


the rock is for Goliath the staff is for

the sea God will use different Tools in

different seasons


but there is no one that got away

not with God

prove it pastor

he came back to get Thomas

he didn’t let Thomas get away

and he won’t let you get away and

anything that’s truly for you in your

life God won’t let get away either

hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

channel I hope you were blessed today if

you were share this with somebody like

And subscribe and leave me a comment let

me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
