Is the pressure to post distracting you from living out your purpose?

we live in a time where everybody wants
to be a public figure we live in a time

and please don’t get mad at me for
saying this where even people who have a

private account spend their whole lives
posting stuff and commenting on stuff to

create an image and a projection of a
reality that may bear no resemblance the

awkward golf claps really help me I
appreciate that to the reality of their

situation and Jesus’s brothers pull him
aside and say we’ve got a great idea why

don’t you show the world who you really

the interesting thing about the text and
I’m gonna give this to you quick because

the the nexus of this text is in verse 5
it says that even Jesus brothers did not

believe in him and since they didn’t
believe they were trying to get him to

perform any time you have unbelief in
your heart it will cause you to try to

perform to prove something that you
don’t really believe in psychological

terms it’s called the fraudulence complex
or some call it the impostor syndrome

and it speaks about how many of us have
an inability to internalize our

strengths and our accomplishments
psychologists call it the imposter

syndrome because they say that many of
us secretly deep down feel like we’re a

fraud many of us secretly deep down feel
like we have so much less to offer than

what people expect and that even when
people compliment us we figure that the

reason that they’re complimenting us is
because they don’t really see us for who

we are and if they ever saw us for who
we are if they ever saw how stupid we

feel if they ever saw how inexperienced
we feel if they really saw how nervous

we really feel they would kick us out
the room it happens to fathers it

happens to mothers it happens to leaders
it happens to teenagers it is the fear

of being found out to be less than they
thought you were it is the fear that

keeps you in a performance mode it is
the fear that keeps you spending money

to look like something important because
deep down you’re afraid that you’re

really not it is the fear that keeps you
overcompensating and you get in

situations and rather than letting other
people be the center of attention you

feel the need to overcompensate to show
how intelligent you are because deep

down you don’t feel intelligent enough
so people think you’re cocky but you’re

really not cocky you’re scared with the
conflict between who they think you’re

supposed to be and who you feel like you
really are it’s called the imposter

syndrome it means that sometimes even as
I’m trying to fulfill my purpose I feel

like a fake it’s not that I’m a

it’s not that I’m insincere it’s just
that deep down inside I’m a man who

sometimes feels like a little boy I’m a
preacher who sometimes feels like a

sinner I want to be wise but sometimes I
feel like a fool and I’m wondering is

there anybody here who lately has been
up under the pressure of an expectation

and when you feel that the temptation
and the tendency is to prove it I gotta

prove I’m a good dad I gotta prove I’m a
good mom I gotta prove I’m a good

preacher I gotta prove it and when you
do it to prove it

it takes the joy out of it see Jesus
Jesus didn’t mind performing miracles he

just wasn’t gonna do it for the wrong
motives Jesus was going to Judea he just

wasn’t going to make a public spectacle
out of his power

Jesus was ultimately determined to show
the world who he was but he wasn’t going

to do it for the gram I think the key
thing that he says in the text is not

now I’m going to Judea which is the
region where he would ultimately give

his life but not now and it’s such a
weird world we live in isn’t it I mean I’m

so scared for my kids honestly I don’t
even know what to tell them about

growing up in a time where we’ve always
had the pressure but now the performance

now everybody gets to experience
performance anxiety because we all

perform our lives for one another all
the time just constantly I mean if you

if you cook a good meal for your family
it does not count unless you make an

Instagram story out of the meal this is
a very common thing to preach about it

it’s common because it’s killing us Jesus
said if I go to Judea for the wrong

reasons and if I show up with the wrong
motives and if I live my life to perform

for others
rather than to glorify my Father it’ll

kill me the religious leaders were
waiting to literally kill Jesus but I

wonder what are the things that are
killing you it says that he purposely

stayed away from Judea what do you need
to purposely stay away from in this

season of your life what do you need to
purposely stop thinking about in this

season of your life who do you need to
purposely stop comparing yourself to in

this season of your life for me it’s

I was doing squats the other day and
Chunks Chunks was watching me do these

squats and I was doing them deep deep
squats I only do leg day once every 6

weeks so I got to make it count when I
do it and I don’t know if I can do it in

these jeans I should have tested this I
hadn’t done this illustration yet but I

mean I was down deep on a squat now
Buck wasn’t there that day Chunks was

there and Chunks was spotting me and he
said what are you doing and I said I’m

doing I’m doing my squats like Buck but
he said something so important he said

don’t do them like Buck Buck is built
different than you

you’re gonna break your back trying to
be like Buck and I wonder how we look to

God trying to you are gonna snap your
hamstring you are gonna pop your quads

trying to trying to be Buck
trying to trying to I went on

Instagram the other day and I saw I saw
um Kevin Hart and I felt like a failure

in my whole life I felt like what am I
doing with my whole life what what is

the point of my existence within 15
seconds here I am with a burden on me

that I wasn’t built for by comparing
myself to someone with a different

calling and please don’t judge me while
I am in this vulnerable position because

the truth of the matter is some of you
are hurting in ways that you don’t have

to hurt because you are putting yourself
in a position that you are not built to

live in Jesus said I’m not going to
Judea because you want me to go to Judea

I don’t have to post it to prove it I
don’t have to turn stones into bread to

show that I’m the Son of God I live out
of purpose not for popularity I live out

of purpose not for the praises of men
but for the praise that can only come

from God and I wonder if there’s
somebody today who is content to stay in

Galilee to know that it’s my season to
be obedient

and that’s all I have to do all I have
to do is be obedient in this season of

my life and Jesus said y’all go I’m not

not now y’all go i’ma stay I’m purposely
staying away cuz if I go here to impress

people with that motive it’ll kill me
and trying to impress people and trying

to measure up to arbitrary standards
that are changing so fast it’ll kill

your contentment it’ll kill your joy
it’ll kill your marriage it’ll kill your

ministry it’ll kill your family
and now even Jesus couldn’t please

everybody and he was sinless and
spotless Jesus Jesus Christ the Son of

God couldn’t please everybody and we
expect that we can even Jesus had to say

y’all are my family I love you but it’s
not for me and just those words it’s

not for me you ought to go down there to
Judea show them what you’re made of

because I think they were under pressure
too honestly I think probably it was a

lot of pressure to be a sibling of Jesus
and you’re bringing home C’s in

chemistry you know and he’s turning
water into wine like affecting molecular

structures in real time it’s a lot of
pressure you got that weird brother yeah

the one who stays at the temple teaching
people at age 12 it’s a pressure to feel

special and sometimes the pressure that
we feel to be special does not come from

God it comes from culture who tells you
that you’ve got to be so special so

different so unique so set apart but you
already are

you already are you already are

I already am set apart Jesus if you go down to
Judea you could you could really you

could show them who you are you could you could show them who you are I don’t need to show

them I know when you live out of that

it affects you to be able to do it for
purpose and not for proof because really

who are you trying to prove it to I mean
whoever you’re trying to prove something

to isn’t paying attention because
they’re trying to prove it to somebody

who’s not paying attention and they’re
proving it to someone who’s not paying

attention and so while we’re busy
posting to each other our results to

prove to one another what we’re worth
our purpose is dying in the place of our

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