As we enter a new year, this is the perspective shift you need to focus on the battles that really matter and let go of the things that don’t.

for this year you need to see some

things with your spirit that you cannot

see with your senses and the reason this

is so important is because if you don’t

recognize where the enemy is attacking

you the most frequently and ask God to

give you insight into the places of your

greatest vulnerability you will spend

all of your energy this year fighting

battles that you could have avoided if

you would have learned the lessons of

last year you don’t like this part of my

sermon I know makes you mad when you

realize that a lot of the battles that

you fought you could have avoided if you

had listened to what was on the inside

instead of responding to what was on the



so I want to spend this year with what

Paul called open eyes in my heart

it sounds grotesque when you describe it

like that but he was saying that there

is a kind of sight that does not revolve

around external stimuli and it is more

based on internal processing if I could

break it down even more for you I would

I would use this phrase on his guard in

such places to describe how I think God

intends to protect you as you go into

this next season this next decade of

your life and that requires

self-awareness there’s a theological

term progressive revelation it means

that while God never changes our

understanding of him unfolds over time

not necessarily chronologically but as

we experience different things in our

life we come to see God in different

ways even the Bible is constructed with

the progressive revelation in mind so

that you see concepts introduced in the

book of Genesis that are mirrored in the

book of Revelation that’s the first and

the last and by the time you get to

Revelation you get a full picture of

what was hinted at in Genesis so you see

types and shadows in the Old Testament

which ultimately point to Jesus Christ

but they’re pointing to something that

you have not clearly seen yet

life is this way it is that many of us

in this season of our life are going to

see things that we only saw a shadow of

in a previous season of our life

progressive revelation means that God

wants to show you some things about

himself and even about you that will

cause you to be able to avoid what I

call unnecessary roughness it’s a

football term but it also applies when

we’re going up against the devil and let

me help you with something real quick

some of the battles that you fought last


we’re in places that you never should

have been I know it’s supposed to be a

praise party but before we party can I

preach for a moment I got 24 minutes to

tell you about this that there are

certain places that you need to stay

away from this year because if you go

there and then ask God to protect you in

those places I don’t I don’t know

whether to start with Facebook or

whether to start with CNN or whether to

start with Fox News but we have to be

very careful about where we go watch

this not just with our bodies but with

our minds



because it is very possible that God is

trying to warn you about certain places

that every time you go there you start

feeling judgmental or every time you go

there you start having comparison or

every time you go there you start

feeling like your life is missing

something and if I were you I would put

that Bible app on the front screen of my

iPhone this year for those of you who

aren’t saved yet you might have an

Android but you could put the Bible app

on there too and I would find that thing

that deletes some of the other apps and

can we all just make a covenant

agreement in the presence of God on this

the last sermon of 2019 lest all not

post our workouts until we have been

doing them consistently for at least

four weeks this year can we do that now

look at somebody and say I don’t have to

post it to prove it cuz if I do the work

you will notice the results I won’t have

to screenshot my sweat on the floor

nobody wants to see your spandex thank

you very much do a rep in the secret

place well no well no and it’s really

interesting how how certain places bring

me into vulnerability and I just want to

ask the question have you lived long

enough to know yet where your most

vulnerable there were certain places

where the enemy intended to attack but

because the king had somebody on the

inside would it be nice to have somebody

on the inside

that could tell you like it can tell you

where there’s traffic and it can show

you on the GPS where there’s gonna be

traffic wouldn’t it be nice to have

somebody on the inside

like Elijah was on the inside and he was

feeding information to the king saying

don’t go there wouldn’t it be nice

to have somebody on the inside would it

be cool if you didn’t have to go into

this year alone but you could have

somebody on the inside wouldn’t it be

awesome if when Jesus Christ went to

heaven he sent down his Spirit to live

in those who would believe in his name

wouldn’t it be awesome if you had

somebody on the inside the Spirit of

Truth the spirit of righteousness the

Spirit of God telling you don’t go there

don’t think that don’t complete that cut

off that conversation don’t give them

all that information and here’s the

beautiful thing about it God will show

you where to be on your guard if you

will give him the opportunity even this

God will even show you what days of the

week you are more susceptible to

discouragement so you can plan around it

y’all don’t believe in God you don’t

think he’s in you you don’t think God

can show you about yourself what he

knows from the inside up you don’t think

the one who created you knows how to

counsel you and yet we all the time we

go into states of discouragement and

then we try to pray our way out of them

but we got discouraged because of a

mental game that we play and no cliches

can rescue us



because if we told the truth it doesn’t

sound us cute right like what really has

to happen for you to change is that

Romans 12 says you have to be

transformed by the renewing of your mind

okay so that means that you have to do

things a different way for a long time

and so the pathways that were in your

mind called neural pathways that were

causing you to do the things that you

don’t want to do anymore

whether that’s an addiction to

pornography or whether that’s an

addiction to a substance or whether

that’s an addiction to food or whether

that’s an addiction to gossip or whether

that’s a addiction to judging people who

struggle with pornography food or

substances because I can preach to

everybody in the room I’ll tell you

pastor Steve I don’t I don’t struggle

with these sins that you mentioned it’s

actually great because I’m starting this

new year with a pretty clean slate

I’ll tell you I’ve been walking with the

Lord for a long time and I don’t really

have any of these struggles except the

one with self-righteousness that I am

expressing by saying that I don’t need

anything new from God this year but to

to really have a new year new year new

you doesn’t work like that

new year new neural pathways see it

doesn’t breach us good who’s gonna put

that on Instagram but the fact of the

matter is for God to do something new in

your life this year you will have to

save your strength for the things that

matter and that means you are going to

have to listen to the Spirit of God and

the Spirit of God will tell you don’t

return that phone call don’t return that

text don’t even go there you’ll start

thinking something in your mind and the

and the Spirit of the Lord will show you

you can’t afford to play with that you

can’t play around with the devil and

then ask God to deliver you from the

devil that you were playing with there

are some places you cannot afford to go

this year your soul cannot

your joy cannot afford it your piece

cannot afford it and I’ve got somebody

on the inside

that can show me where the attack is

wouldn’t it be cool if some of the

battles that you fought last year you

could avoid this year so you’d be

singing this is how I fight my battles

and you’re just sitting there

and they’re expecting you to be swinging

but you’re not fighting your battles by

swinging you’re fighting your battles by

staying away from the places I know this

is heavy for a party but I got a Bridget

because God will not strengthen you for

a battle that he did not call you to

fight so you’ve got to let go this year

of the need to prove things to people

because that is not a battle God has

called you to fight you’ve got to let go

this year of trying to of trying to make

up for things that are in the past and

that God is already forgiven that is not

a battle God has called you to fight it

is over it is gone the old is gone the

newest come you have got to ask the

Spirit of God what areas to avoid in

this year okay

so Elijah is giving the information for

the military attack and I wonder if the

Spirit of God is trying to give you

information for the spiritual attacks

that you’re under but you keep going to

two old places and when he found out

about it not only was he mad but he was

determined to get rid of this guy

because Elijah was a problem Elijah was

a was a problem are you a problem for

the enemy

I’m gonna tell you how you can know if

you are if nothing ever goes wrong in

your life and you never burn the toast

if everything is so nice and neat and

orderly and you never face any kind of

resistance it means that the devil isn’t

threatened by you at all and here’s how

I know that from the text because again

we often perceive that the presence of

God is proven by the absence of problems

right wrong couldn’t be more untrue

because when Elijah was giving the word

of the Lord to prevent the attack for

the people of God watch what the King

did in verse 13 go find out where he is

the moment that you begin to fill

fulfill the purpose God created you for

the enemy will dispatch special forces


raise your hand if you had some things

happen this year that made you question

if God even loved you raise your hand be

honest enough to raise it I suggest that

you keep it up I suggest to you that the

reason you had some of your problems is

because you are such a problem

for the darkness because of the light

that you carry




somebody shout I’m a problem so let me

tell you how you can prove that God is

with you okay the way that you can prove

that God is with you is not by the fact

that nothing bad ever happens to you the

the proof my mom used to say the proof

is in the pudding well I found out when

it comes to the things of God the proof

is in the problem how do I know that God

is using me and that he has great plans

for me how do I know that God has put a

big calling on my life how do I know

that God has something outstanding for

my future I know the size of my calling

by the size of my problem

y’all shout if you’ve been through

something this year when Elijah started

telling the King where to look for the

attack the king of error said you gotta

find him he’s a problem the enemy’s sent

special forces for you this year because

you’re right on the verge of breaking a

generational curse and changing a

bloodline you’re a problem for the

darkness your problem hey thank you for

watching make sure you subscribe to this

channel so you don’t miss a single video

or live stream and share this video with

a friend and don’t forget you can join

me live every Sunday thanks again for
