We put together some scriptures to ease any anxiety and fear you may be feeling right now.


i want us to take a few moments together


and breathe in the word of god i want us

to take just a few moments

and receive his promises over our life

these scriptures are for anyone who is

struggling with fear

or anxiety or uncertainty about your


i want you to let the word of god wash

over you today

and i want you to receive it as his


promise to you when i am afraid

i put my trust in you in god whose word

i praise

in god i trust and am not afraid

what can mere mortals do to me therefore

since we have been justified through

faith we have peace with god

through our lord jesus christ through


we have gained access by faith into this


in which we now stand and we boast in

the hope of the glory of god

not only so but we also glory in our


because we know that suffering produces


perseverance character and character


and hope does not put us to shame

because god’s love has been

poured into our hearts through the holy


who has been given to us we have this

hope as an anchor

for the soul firm and secure

it enters the inner sanctuary behind the


where our forerunner jesus has entered

on our behalf

i pray that the eyes of your heart might

be enlightened

in order that you may know the hope to

which he has called you

the riches of his glorious inheritance

in his holy people

and his incomparably great power for us

who believe

that power is the same as the mighty

strength he exerted

when he raised christ from the dead and

seated him at his right hand in the

heavenly realms

far above all rule and authority

power and dominion and every name that

is invoked

not only in the present age but also in

the one to come

the lord himself goes before you and

will be with you

he will never leave you nor forsake you

do not be afraid do not be discouraged

the wisdom that comes from heaven is

first of all pure

then peace loving considerate submissive

full of mercy and good fruit impartial

and sincere peacemakers who sow in peace

reap a harvest of righteousness

teach me your way lord that i may rely

on your faithfulness

give me an undivided heart that i may

fear your name

guide me in your truth and teach me for

you are god my savior

and my hope is in you all day long

the lord gives strength to his people

the lord blesses his people

with peace you will keep in perfect


those whose minds are steadfast because

they trust in you

be strong and courageous do not be


or terrified because of them for the

lord your god

goes with you he will never leave you

nor forsake you why my soul are you


why so disturbed within me put your hope

in god

for i will yet praise him my savior

and my god this i call to mind

and therefore i have hope because of the

lord’s great love we are not consumed

for his compassions never fail they are


every morning great is your faithfulness

i say to myself the lord is my portion

therefore i will wait for him the lord

is good to those whose hope is in him

to the one who seeks him i have learned

the secret of being content in any and

every situation

whether well fed or hungry whether

living in plenty or in one

i can do all this through him who gives

me strength

god will never forget the needy the hope

of the afflicted

will never perish may the god of hope

fill you with all joy and peace as you

trust in him

so that you may overflow with hope by

the power of the holy spirit

i sought the lord and he answered me

he delivered me from all my fears

are those who find wisdom those who gain


for she is more profitable than silver

and yields better returns than gold

she is more precious than rubies nothing

you desire can compare with her

long life is in her right hand in her

left hand

are riches and honor her ways are

pleasant ways

and all her paths are peace she is a

tree of life to those who take hold of


those who hold her fast will be blessed

though an army besiege me my heart will

not fear

the war break out against me even then i

will be confident

cast all your anxiety on him because he

cares for you

let the peace of christ rule in your

hearts since as members of one body you

are called to peace

and be thankful in christ jesus

you who are once far off have been

brought near

by the blood of christ for he himself

is our peace no one who hopes in you

will ever

be put to shame those who hope in the

lord will renew their strength

they will soar on wings like eagles they

will run and not grow weary

they will walk and not be faint

in peace i will lie down in sleep for


alone lord make me dwell in safety the

fruit of the spirit is love

joy peace patience kindness

goodness faithfulness gentleness

and self-control no discipline seems

pleasant at the time

but painful later on however it produces


harvest of righteousness and peace for

those who have been trained by it

may god himself the god of peace

sanctify you through and through may

your whole spirit

soul and body be kept blameless at the

coming of our lord jesus

the one who calls you is faithful

and he will do it you are my refuge and

my shield

i have put my hope in your word i saw

the lord

always before me because he is at my

right hand

i will not be shaken therefore my heart

is glad

and my tongue rejoices my body also will

rest in hope

because you will not abandon me to the

realm of the dead

you will not let your holy one see decay

you have made known to me the paths of


you will fill me with joy in your


the lord is my shepherd i lack

nothing he makes me lie down in green


he leads me beside quiet waters he

refreshes my soul

he guides me along the right path for

his namesake

even though i walk through the darkest

valley i will

fear no evil for you are with me

your rod and your staff they comfort me

now may the lord of peace himself

give you peace at all times and in every


the lord be with all of you do not be

anxious about anything

but in every situation by prayer and


with thanksgiving present your request

to god

and the peace of god which transcends

all understanding

will guard your hearts and your minds in

christ jesus

he said to me my grace is sufficient

for you for my power is made perfect in


therefore i will boast all the more

gladly about my weaknesses

so that christ’s power may rest on me

that is why for christ’s sake i delight

in weaknesses

in insults hardships persecutions and


for when i am weak then i am strong

be strong and courageous do not be


do not be discouraged for the lord your

god will be with you

wherever you go the advocate

the holy spirit whom the father will

send in my name will teach you all


and will remind you of everything i have

said to you

peace i leave with you my peace

i give you i do not give to you as the

world gives do not let your hearts be


and do not be afraid though the

mountains be shaken

and the hills be removed yet my

unfailing love for you will not be


nor my covenant of peace be removed says

the lord

who has compassion on you nevertheless

i will bring health and healing to it i

will heal my people

and will let them enjoy abundant peace

and security

therefore i tell you do not worry about

your life

what you will eat or drink or about your


what you will wear is not life more than

food in the body more than clothes look

at the birds of the air

they do not sow or reap or store away in

barns and yet your heavenly father feeds


are you not much more valuable than they

can any one of you by worrying add a

single hour to your life

and why do you worry about clothes see

how the flowers of the field grow

they do not labor or spin yet i tell you

that not even solomon

in all his splendor was dressed like one

of these

if that is how god closed the grass of

the field

which is here today and tomorrow is

thrown into the fire

will he not much more clothe you you of

little faith

so do not worry saying what shall we eat

or what shall we drink

or what shall we wear for the pagans run

after all these things

and your heavenly father knows that you

need them

but seek first his kingdom and his


and all these things will be given to

you as well

therefore do not worry about tomorrow

for tomorrow

will worry about itself i took you from

the ends of the earth

from its farthest corners i called you i


you are my servant i have chosen you

and have not rejected you so do not fear

for i am with you do not be dismayed for

i am your god i will strengthen you and

help you

i will uphold you with my righteous

right hand

i have told you these things so that in


you may have peace in this world

you will have trouble but take heart

i have overcome the world

let’s take a moment and pray and seal

these words

in our heart holy spirit

thank you for these promises we ask now

that the peace of god would guard our

heart and mind

in christ jesus i ask that your word

would become real

in my life we thank you for protection

wisdom and faith for our future

we thank you that you are in this moment

and we thank you that you are

all that we need in jesus name
