In “Let God Be Your Guide,” Pastor Steven teaches us how to make God’s word our true north and never turn back to the old patterns that are keeping us stuck. This is an excerpt from “Now Turn North.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • Now Turn North | Pastor Steven Furtic…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – Let God’s Voice Be Your Guide 2:42 – You Are Called & Chosen By God 4:49 – Why Did Jesus Choose Him? 7:42 – Walk In A Word From God 10:12 – Grace To Get Up 12:17 – This Is Your Second Chance

I think that until what God speaks to me

becomes my true north

I will always be lost

in my life

the law forbids you to carry your man

you can’t do that your your anxiety is

always going to tell you what to do

until God’s word becomes your true north

so that you realize that he’s greater

than any storm of fear that you feel

is your true north your feelings or is

your true north your faith

we live in a time where people do not

know the difference between truth and


belief is not necessarily truth

when you say the phrase that’s my truth

you would be better served to say that’s

my belief


because it might be your belief but it

might just have been what you believe

based on did you notice what the Bible

said about the man who was lying down on

his mat it said that he had been lying

had been

past tense

his situation changed

so can yours

his perspective changed so can yours if

anyone is in Christ he is a new creation

the old is gone the new has come

and part of belonging to God and part of

becoming what he has called me to be is

is realizing

that sometimes I have circled around

something so long

that it seems to me like my natural


but the Wilderness was not meant for you

to live in it was meant for you to pass


there come moments in your life that God

will call you out of wilderness thinking

out of wilderness living out of isolated

patterns you had to do that for a season

let’s praise God for what he gave you to

survive in the wilderness

but then God will speak to you and say

now turn north whose word is this today

God is saying where I’ve had you is

where I’ve had you

where I put you is where I put you and

thank God that you made it as far as you

did as long as you did without what you


but what the man said in John chapter 5

I have no one to help me

is no longer true

it had been true

for 38 years

for 38 years it was all he could do is

wait for somebody who never came to help

him and that’s all you can do with the

law you fall you get up you fall you get

up you fail you feel ashamed you try to

make it through another day you cope you

hide it you numb it you do whatever you

can to get through it that’s all you

could do

cause I have no one to help me

Moses can only take you so far

the law will always have its limits

and that is what the man in the text did

not realize

is that while he was saying I have no


and feeling like I am no one

standing right in front of him was the

one who singled him out

who picked him out who of all the people

now you got to get this you got to get

this of all the people that God could

have put in that family and that

business and that job and that role in

that season in that church in that

Ministry in that seat of all the people

that God could have put there you were

the one he put there

that is my true north that I’m called

and chosen by God regardless of what I


now turn north

that’s the direction of the Promised


because you’ve circled around this long


you have convinced yourself that you are


until your loneliness has become a lie

I know the feeling of loneliness is real

but sometimes just like the man in John

5 you can’t see what’s right in front of


because of pain you carry inside of you

and Jesus

when he learned

it had been 38

years I think he took a survey I do I

think he asked around how long you’ve

been sick how long you’ve been there how

long seven years not long enough how

long ten not long enough

18 not long enough 25 not long enough

32 not long enough

37 not quite long enough

39 too long

it had to be 38. somebody said had to be


it had to be 38 it had to happen right

when it happened it had to happen right

where it happened it had to happen

through whom it happened

because if you read down to Deuteronomy

chapter 2


number 13 Moses goes on somebody say now

turn north

and the Lord said now get up and cross

the zarad valley so we crossed the

valley they’re moving forward into the

promised land now they’ve been in the

wilderness for so long they’ve been in

the wilderness a long time they’ve been

living off of manna and water from rocks

for a long time they’ve been bitten by

snakes for a long time they’ve had shoes

that didn’t wear out but never got

replaced a long time it’s been a long

time how long verse 14 38

years past


from the time we left kadish barnia

until we crossed the sarad valley

38 years


Jesus walks up to the pool

and he says I need somebody to use

as an illustration

of what I came to do

because my people are lost

in a Wilderness of religion

and my people are paralyzed

under what the law is powerless to do

and they keep trying and falling short

and trying and falling short and they

are slaves to things that they are

supposed to rule over and they are

servants to think that they are supposed

to be Masters over and so I need

somebody I can use as a tool to show

what I came to do how long 38 years

you’re a perfect illustration because

I’m about to show you what I can do to

bring you out of a Wilderness with one

word get up with one word pick up your

mat with one word walk I came to declare

when God gives you one word you can walk

in it for the rest of your life one word

from God can get you up one word from

God can make you whole one word from God

can turn it around


now turn north

the man is sitting there lying there one

moment and walk in the next moment and

the only difference was what he looked


as long as he was looking at what was

around him he stayed stuck in what he


but now turn north I lift my eyes to the

hills where does my help come from my

help comes from the Lord

do you all know that scripture

the maker of heaven and Earth so God is

saying you’ve turned to everybody you’ve

turned to everything you’ve turned to

drugs you’ve turned to sex you’ve turned

to Compulsive work ethic you’ve turned

to success you’ve turned to status

you’ve turned to buying stuff you don’t

need to impress people you don’t like

who aren’t paying attention anyway

you’ve turned to everything else now

turn north you’ve turned to self-help

and you couldn’t help yourself if you

could have helped yourself you would

have been in the pool by now but I see

you trying to get to the pool and you

couldn’t get to the pool so I got good

news summer is over but the pool is

coming to you the pool is open you can

come to this water and drink from this


I don’t know who needed to hear it

but your Wilderness season is over

lift your hands and worship for 20

seconds now turn


I release you from regretting the spirit

I release you from the bondage of

yesterday’s decisions I release you from

inferiority caused by the patterns of

sin I release you now turn



not gonna be lost forever

God gave me Grace to get up

now turn north


when they asked


God showed me I’m telling you while I

was praying God showed me somebody you

are going to walk in a completely

different direction and manner of life

because of this word


you know something interesting happened

when Jesus healed that man

the religious leaders didn’t like it

and the man didn’t really even

understand it

because the Bible says that when they

when they asked him verse 12 John

chapter 5.

who is this fellow who told you to pick

it up and walk

the man answered

I have no idea

for Jesus

had Slipped Away

into the crowd

sometimes God is trying to bring you

back to your North and you don’t even

know it you don’t even know it’s him

God uses certain seasons in your life

even certain setbacks in your life and

yes certain blessings in your life

so that you will know your North

so you won’t be like me

with no sense of direction

just going through your life

and I’m grateful that Jesus didn’t just

let that man walk away

because it was one thing for the man to

see Jesus

but it was another thing

for the man to look at verse 14.

to see why Jesus had seen him

because later Jesus

found him at the temple and said to him


you are well again

I gave you a second chance

I’m gonna give you five seconds to

praise God for every second chance he’s

given you in your life


one six five four

see you are well again

stop sinning

or something worse

may happen to you

I love that the passage didn’t end

when the man got up and walked

I loved it before Jesus let him go

he told him why he raised him to begin


he told him

you were lying in your excuses and now

you are risen by my power

now that you know the truth

now that you know you’re North

I want you to head in the direction of

your future and never come back to your




who’s this for you can’t go back

you can’t go back


I don’t want you to hear a word from God

that turns a direction in your heart and

then you just go right back to the same

patterns of sin and isolation

that you came from

that’s why Jesus told him to take up

your mat

because I want you to make a statement

I won’t be


hey thanks for stopping by my YouTube

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me know where you’re watching from what

we can pray for you about hope to see

you back here again really soon
