In “God’s With You In The Dark,” we’re reminded that, even in the hard and confusing seasons, God will not abandon us.

are you following god in the night right
now what i mean is you can’t really see

what’s two steps ahead and you keep bumping
into stuff that makes you want to cuss

and you can’t even hardly
find the bathroom at night

and you don’t really know you’re just like joseph

you’re just like mary you’re just like
the magi you’re even just like herod

there was only one in the passage who knew where
this was headed and he couldn’t even walk yet

nobody else knew

so i i tell my sons about my daughter
about my church about nights like that

i want to just tell him about
the god of 9 30 on sunday morning

it’s got too much makeup on then they
won’t realize god when he has to show up

at 4 a.m i want to pastor a church
and to be a person who has 4 a.m faith

during the night

because i want my kids to see me do great things
from god and write great songs for god and preach

great messages and make good decisions and love
their mom and be a memory making dad and give them

all of these wonderful experiences but i want them
to know that i had some nights where i didn’t know

i didn’t know i didn’t know if the
church would keep going especially when

it was a baby i would walk out every week not
knowing if anybody would be out there i would

i hate when god prompts me to tell
you stuff that’s embarrassing to me

i’d rather keep you in the dark i
would rather roll out on the stage

hey praise the lord everybody god is your
gps and he’s going to rerult you am i right

but the lord lord said to tell you the
things you doubt about i doubt about

you hear me son i’ve had nights like
that i had nights where i wished i

could throw up but i couldn’t because it
wasn’t physical what was making me sick

there’s no sickness like night sickness i
never had morning sickness like holly did but

let me tell you something he’s not
just the god of 9 30 sunday morning

he led joseph to egypt

at night so if you ever see
me do anything great boy

it’s not because i always walked in the
light is because i was kept in the dark

everybody who god ever used he didn’t use them
because they always had so much light so much

knowledge so much goodness you see all this other
stuff everybody’s posing on instagram and they

got all these lights that are so flattering
and all these filters but the god of 4am

the god of 4am the god who got up from the grave
in in the physical body of a man named jesus

in john 20 verse 1 it says while it was still dark
mary magdalene went to the tomb what he didn’t

get up when the light came out easter didn’t
start with a sunrise it started in the dark

so so if you are in the dark today and you
don’t know and you can’t feel and my god why

have you forsaken me and how does this end
and why does it hurt and when does it stop

and when can i leave i need you to know
that he’s watching you and keeping you

and holding you and with you in
the fourth watch of the night

yes there’s a star that guides you yes there’s
a light that guides you yes there are blessings

that attend you yes there is favor that you can
feel and you will experience all of those things

but sometimes he’s going to tell you things in the
night and lead you through things at the night and

what he does at the night you will be shouting
about in the day because what this is why you

got to hold on that’s why you can’t give up this
is why you got to get help that’s why you got to

work through it this way you can’t accept the feed
this why hair is searching for you but he couldn’t

find you yet he couldn’t kill you yet what he
couldn’t kill is christ in you the hope of glory

and he leads me not just with
a star not yet not yet not yet

y’all don’t want to go yet do you y’all don’t
want to go yet do you y’all got enough battles

at home just stay with me for a minute get
under this blessing for a minute the night

is coming when no man can work let us work the
works of him who sent us he’s watching over me

yes he is because i got something
in common with mary and joseph

i’m carrying jesus i got jesus on the inside of me

everything that god spoke to joseph that
confirmed his word he did it at night

in a dream take mary home in a dream go
to egypt in a dream go back to nazareth

everything god did in joseph’s life he did it
at night what is he doing on the night watch

for you right now what is he doing i’m telling
we’re going to be shouting about it tomorrow

but right now it’s night and now it’s night

i always feel like coming out here to preach is
a little bit like a detective novel i’m trying to

find who are you who are you that god gave me this
word for that he just stirred me up to like i told

graham i feel like i’m about to give birth who
are you what are you carrying what does herod know

about you that has him trying to track you down
and kill you why has the attack been so strong

if you were not carrying jesus if you were not sin
for purpose if there was not a prophecy over your

life you wouldn’t be feeling any pain the pain is
a labor pain you’re about to bring something forth

and it made me think that
this is not the only joseph

that there’s another joseph who had to go to egypt
you all know the other joseph y’all know ot joseph

old testament joseph y’all know joseph put
it in the chat i know joseph i know joseph

i know what you’re talking about i know what
you’re doing you’re not talking about joseph

who married mary you talking about joseph
who was promised that god would raise him up

to feed his whole family and save his whole
nation in a time of famine that joseph who saw

the stars and saw the grain but god didn’t show
him everything he would go through god kept him

in the dark he didn’t tell him your brothers are
going to betray you the very ones you’re going

to have to feed you’re going through something
right now and you didn’t see this coming he didn’t

see himself pushed into a cistern he didn’t see
himself sold into slavery he didn’t see himself

rotting away in a prison while he was forgotten
by the cup there in the baker but you know what

joseph told me to tell you god kept me in the
dark he was with me he kept me he held me steady

he held me down he held me level he kept me sane
he preserved my mind he walked with me through

the valley of the shadow of death i will fear no
evil he’s with me that’s how i’m here he kept me

everybody god kept giving praise right here


he kept me [ __ ] he kept me in the dark he kept
me in the dark he kept me from killing myself he

kept me from walking away he kept me from giving
up my dream he kept me from turning my back on

my faith i’m not here because i always walked in
the light i’m here because he kept me in the dark

that’s how i got here he kept me in the dark
he didn’t tell me everything that’s how he got

me here he told me one thing at a time and that’s
how he’s going to speak to you one thing had to do

one thing at a time give us this day our
day library he kept me in the dark if god

told you everything you start spazzing out
we have to call the ambulance to your campus

so i used to pray and i still pray god give me
light but this is a christmas prayer god keep me

in the dark when i doubt you don’t let me deny

one man said from the 1920s

don’t forget in the darkness what you learned in
the light he got up at night joseph went to egypt

you’re following god right now to a strange
place i know you are he spoke to me about you

he said to tell you i’m keeping you in the dark
you gotta turn it over you gotta trust in the

lord with all your heart and lean not on your own
understanding in all your ways acknowledge him and

he will direct your past what’s he saying
he will keep you in the dark they keep you

you remember when god’s people came
out of egypt in the old testament

the bible says that they had believed and
the firstborn of all of egypt was struck down

so committed was god to the freedom of his people
god is committed to your freedom yeah god is

committed to his children he is watching over his
word to perform it in your life in this moment

at night he neither sleeps nor slumbers and
one time i heard a fella say well if god

never sleeps nor slumbers then i’m gonna
get some rest because one of us should

the bible says that the people of israel

and look at this holly just cling to
me in the last minute how god does it

the first joseph who went to egypt in the bible

was joseph who went to preserve the
nation of israel and watch what it says

in exodus chapter 12 verse 40. and this
is the word i want to leave you with today

now the length of the time the israelite
people lived in egypt was 430 years y’all

i don’t care who you are that’s a long night

that’s a long time to wonder where are you god

now it’s been 81 generations since
the birth of christ that we live in

and i think we have completely messed up the
message of christmas in those 81 generations

because we only associate god with the light and
he is the light there’s no darkness in it however

look what the bible says to the people this is
thousands of years before jesus and watch how

the prophetic word alive well god is watching
over his word to perform it next verse at the

end of 430 years to the very day all the lord’s
divisions left egypt go go go because the lord

kept vigil that night somebody say that
night do you know the one i’m talking about

the one where the anxiety was beating the breakers
were pounding you know the one i’m talking about

where all the memories came flooding back
you know the one i’m talking about all the

regrets that 4 am devil that you fought that was
searching to kill you like herod was searching

like pharaoh wanted to kill the the israelites
like he like he wanted to kill like he wanted to

strike them down but he couldn’t watch why because
the lord kept vigil that night and this is what

the scripture says to bring them out of egypt
on this night somebody say this night now follow

me follow me receive this word how many of you
received this word that i’m preaching to you today

that is a weak response if you
have heard this word if you receive

this word maybe it’s for somebody on the epham
maybe it’s you that this word is coming for

all right so give me the scripture again he
said on this night because the lord kept vigil

that night i want you on this night to keep vigil
to honor the lord for the generations to come

aren’t you glad that joseph

followed in the dark so we could have jesus in
our hearts and our lives what are you carrying

what is the important thing on the other side of
this night that night the night they left egypt

with the blood on their doors so that the
angel of death passed over their houses

that night god stayed up and watched and now so
he said you keep if you were kept in the dark

then don’t you get in the dark and lose your faith

don’t you let this knock you off of what the solid
rock you’ve been standing on don’t you let this

snatch your prophecy this is bigger than you you
hear me this is bigger than how you feel right now

this is for generations to come that’s why you
have to make it through the night that’s why i had

to make it through the night so i could tell my 16
year old so he can tell his 16 year old i’ve had

nights like that but watch this no matter how dark
the night got god never stopped watching god never

stop keeping god never stop working god never
stop sustaining hey thank you for watching make

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me live every sunday thanks again for watching