God has promised to protect you and position you according to His plan. But are you ready to take possession of His promise?

God promises to protect His people God
promises to protect His people and

specifically He says I will guard you
along the way I was interested in that

phrase because a lot of times God is
guarding you from things in your life

that you don’t even know you need to be
guarded from and so the way it works you

can follow me real quick with the
cameras God will guard you along the way

but you will only see it looking back
that’s how life works is that God is

doing it for you along the way now
notice in order for God to protect you

you have to be in motion God cannot
guard you until you are along the way

and so when you are praying for God to
protect you but you’re sitting on your

couch doing it instead of obeying the
instruction that He’s given you God

cannot dispatch His assistance for an
assignment that you are not present for

this one intern was asking me recently
on the subject how do I deal with

feeling insecure and I shocked myself to
answer I gave her because I usually say

quote the Bible and confessions of faith
and you are the righteousness of God in

Christ but I found found something coming out

of my mouth was kind of weird I said do
the work do the work because it is in

completing your assignment that you
receive your assistance it’s the best

thing you can do if you feel insecure
like I can’t do it to do it and as you

do it you will receive the strength for
the assignment but let me tell you this

you will not get the assistance praying
for God to make the assignment easier He

does not promise that and I don’t care
how hateful y’all look at me God is not

going to make it easier what He said
I’ll do I will release my assistance in

correspondence with your assignment and
if you insist on trying to fulfill

somebody else’s assignment don’t expect
my assistance but if you will do you

right here right now and quit wishing
she was your wife and loved the wife

you’ve got as Christ loves the Church I will release my

assistance in correspondence with your
assignment amen good preaching only JJ

standing up I don’t know he must need
the Lord this week to me I think it’s

significant all the different times that
God gave people an assignment that was

greater than them and in fact often
contrary to their natural ability

because Abraham could have had a baby
for God when he was 40 not when he’s 80

God likes him at 80 better than 40 I
know why but I’m not gonna tell you why

I know why I studied it I know why God
picked him at 80 and not 40 okay I’ll

tell you if you do it at 40 you’ll think
you did it

but if God gives you something that you
know you shouldn’t be able to do it touch

somebody say don’t waste your angel and
you waste the assistance of your angel

this is so good I’m gonna help you right
there right there you right there right

there I’m so glad you know not you her
i’ma help her right there you got a

giant assignment that’s good the greater
the assignment the greater the

assistance so now I can look back on
several phases of my life where God was

protecting me with what I thought was a
problem you know God has a defense

system I have a security system in my
house a couple nights ago me and Holly

shot straight up into bed screaming both
of us just screaming the alarm went off

so loud I never heard it that loud and I
jumped up screaming she jumped up

screaming we’re screaming at each other
five seconds later I had that baseball

bat that I keep under my bed I was
crouched going through the house to I

was shaking the bat I was saying stuff
under my breath that wasn’t prayer

oriented you know just getting ready for
what the situation required but how

could it be that loud it was the loudest
thing I ever heard you know those little

air pods that you put in your ear I
forgot that I had fallen asleep with my

air pods in and it wasn’t the security
system in the house that went off it was

an Amber Alert on my phone

and here I am ready to kill something that’s not even there and you

know sometimes you let the devil in your
head to the point where you’re waking up

in the middle of the night chasing an
enemy that ought to be running from you

where are my powerful people at that know you have the Holy Spirit a deposit guaranteeing your

inheritance make some noise about it make all the

quiet people uncomfortable shout if you
know God’s got a defense system and a

surveillance on your life and the devil
can only go so far

get out of my head cause I’m protected
high five three people say I’m protected

and God God will even protect you from
your own prayers you will pray for him

to ask you out and he will walk right by
you to your best friend and she doesn’t

even have a prayer life and that’s why
he walked past you because you were

praying God I want what you want
for me protect me from anything that’s

not from you I got an angel somebody
shot I got an angel you can’t

but he’s there that’s weird that’s weird
you believe in angels what do you

believe in somebody some of y’all
believe in college-aged boys in tight

pants your hope is in them and I can’t
have an angel no I got angels I get

don’t make me flap it you I will flap
right in your face I got angels I got

something better than an angel I have
the spirit that raised Christ from the

dead and I’m protected I’m protected even
sometimes what you will call a

disappointment in one season of your

you will see as a defense later you will
see that if I had gotten what I wanted

when I wanted it it wouldn’t been a
blessing because I wasn’t ready hope I’m

helping somebody I hope I’m helping somebody I will guard

you along the way God says I’ll protect
you and the second one He says I will

bring you to the place so I’ll guard you
along the way and I’ll bring you to the

place if guard you along the way is God’s

promise to protect bring you to the
place is His promise to position and one

thing I’ve really come to believe is
that God is good at getting me where He

wants me when He wants me for reasons
that I do not understand while I’m there

and honestly some of the places that God
has sent me in my life is not where I

wanted to go I’m gonna say something to
you that I never ever said before in

public I’ve said it to Holly I might
have said it to a few of our team

members 13 years ago but I never said it
in a big room like this I didn’t even

want to come to Charlotte because it
seemed to me like Charlotte had churches

covered have you looked it’s trees and steeples

people it’s a lot of them already
I said God what could it possibly have to

do with me to be in this town where
there’s already all these big churches

it was Joe’s Crab Shack that God used
and just in a way I can’t explain and

I’m preaching to somebody with an
attitude right now because you don’t

even like where you live you don’t even
like it but often God positions you

according to a higher priority than your
preference and it’s called His purpose

I’m sending my angel and he will bring
you to the place here’s the interesting

thing the angel can bring you to the
place but it cannot go in for you all

God can do because it is a cooperation
of grace and faith that causes His

kingdom to operate on earth as it is in

all He can do is set you up but He will
not take the step for you if God took

the step for you it would not be
kindness it would be cruelty if God took

the step for you He would put you in a
place that your faith was not prepared

for so the great tragedy of Exodus 23 is
that God sent the protection to bring

them to the place yet an entire
generation never entered in did you hear

me the entire congregation that Moses is
delivering the message to doesn’t get to

experience the benefits of God’s promise
and here’s where it’s a little

theologically controversial God’s
promises are not automatic they’re

optional joy is optional peace is
optional you can have it or you can

leave it you can live in bitterness or
you can live in deliverance but you have

to take the step now God says I’ve
positioned you I’ve protected you I kept

you alive I brought
you threw it the sea didn’t sweep over

you the slave master didn’t kill you
with his whip all I did was bring you

out with the possession that you need to
go into the place that I’ve prepared for

you three not only will He protect me
not only will He position me but He will

prepare me now we got three piece let’s
preach God has been setting you up for

this step all of your life and before
you is the goodness and the glory of God

made possible by the grace of Jesus
Christ if it’s just three people I came

with an announcement you’re ready now
you don’t have to live in what was any

longer and you don’t have to stay stuck
in a mindset that no longer accommodates

your anointing you’re ready now the
sense the Spirit of the Lord I kept you

all your life I sustained you through
many dangers toils and snares and now

you’re ready high-five somebody looks
happy say I’m ready I will protect you I

will position you and I will dirty word
prepare you not a very fun one I know I

know and the way He does it is terrible
the way He does it is terrible did y’all

hear about the boiled frog have you
heard this they teach I don’t know why

someone would want to do this I’m not
recommending it but if you want to boil

a frog you ever just get it in your mind
you want to boil a frog have you heard

this before it’s the old preacher thing
if you if you if you want to boil a frog

don’t put it in a boiling pot put it in
a pot and turn up the heat little by

little and the Frog won’t know he’s
being boil now I don’t know what made

the preacher one a boil a frog I can’t
answer that but he is correct when the

enemy wants to steal your confidence in
the promise of God he doesn’t do it all

at once because if that alarm really
went off you jump out the bed

so what does he do little by little and
that’s the warning that God is giving

his people I’m sending my angel ahead of
you but if you don’t pay attention and

if you don’t listen to what he says you
will come to the place and I can prove

to you that this happened to them
because they got the edge of the promise

and they stopped and the reason that
they stopped is because two two spies

went in to the land and came out with
faith that they could do it ten spies

went in and said they’re bigger than us
the Canaanites the Hittites the

Jebusites the Perizzites the Hivites the
Amorite they’re bigger than us they’re

but but but guess what they were already
on the run sometimes you are running

from something that God has already
defeated so they’re standing at the

place God has protected them along the
way God has what’s the second one

positioned them for this moment
what’s the third one He prepared them

but guess what the angel can’t do
there’s one thing the angel can’t do and

will not do there’s one thing God won’t
do for you he’ll protect you

He’ll keep you you’ll keep your mind
you’ll keep your sanity He’ll keep you

from people that would harm you he will
keep you from places that you didn’t

even know if you would have been there
what would happen and you will never

even know on this side of life how many
times God block stuff and turn stuff and

shifted stuff and move stuff and you
thought it was just you were a little

bit late cuz you forgot your wallet but
there was a car accident on 77 that had

your name on it and when the devil said
they’re out God said I’ve got so they’re

there anyway they’re so anyway they’re
so anyway there’s so many things you

don’t even know to thank God for if you
could see for one moment all of the

things that God kept you from listen to me Blakeney if

we ever got a revelation of what God
kept us from it would be a bad day for

the worship team because all the worship
leaders wouldn’t have a job because we

wouldn’t even need them because we would lead ourselves in worship because we

would walk in the door and we will walk
in the door clapping and shouting and

rejoicing and praising God but sometimes
we don’t see all the things that He’s

kept us from and brought us to and now
we’re at this place and God has

protected us yeah God has positioned us absolutely and God

has prepared us but there’s one thing He
won’t do

He will not possess the land for you hey
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