We all have needs — what matters is how you’re trying to get them met.


when we come to Christ there’s often an

expectation unrealistic expectation that

he’s going to take away our needs and he

does in fact if you are a Christian you

still have the same needs now that you

did before you met Jesus the same needs

but they are now met in a different way

in other words you still have the same

need for approval but now instead of

trying to get it from another human who

doesn’t even fully like themselves you

are getting it from the all-sufficient

all-knowing all-seeing ever-present

everliving God who gives you breath and

who intricately knit you together in

your mother’s womb so it’s not that I

don’t have needs it’s it’s not that I

don’t have once the Lord is my shepherd

I shall not want that doesn’t mean I

never want anything never need anything

it doesn’t mean my appetite went away it

just means I go to a different buffet

now amen that means I eat off a

different menu now and sometimes we are

so focused on people’s behaviors that we

can’t discern the needs that drive the

behaviors and a lot of Christian

teaching and preaching is focused on

condemning behaviors without

understanding the need there is no need

that you are currently meeting in your

life that is an evil need or a bad knee

and many of us who have various

addictions need to hear this exact point

and maybe you can even leave after I say

this because this may be the whole

reason God brought you here you’re not

meeting the wrong need you’re just

meeting it with the wrong means

this applies to overspending overeating

over talking over bragging and yes I

hear you Facebook over sharing it

applies to every sexual addiction you

know there’s a certain shame that comes

with sexual addiction but there

shouldn’t be because all the addiction

is is a valid need trying to express

itself it’s a it’s a need for connection

which is very good and very God it is

not good for a man to be alone but

loneliness if left untreated becomes


that’s all lust is is the need for

connection being met through something

that has no ability to satisfy the need

that it is trying to meet so it becomes

more and more and more and more and more

and Paul says my God shall supply all

your needs or meet all of your needs not

according to your resources but

according to his and I’m glad about it

I’m glad that the only one who has what

I need happens to be the only one who

knows what I need how many are glad

about that let’s give God five seconds a

praise for knowing what we need and for

being what we need the Lord is my light

and my salvation whom shall I fear the

Lord is the strength of my life of whom

shall I be afraid

listen Blakeney when the wicked even

mine enemies came upon me even they

stumbled and fell he prepares a table

for me in the presence of my enemy no

Lee doesn’t take the need away he

becomes what I need he meets my need

some of us are waiting for God to remove

the need but if he removed the need he

would remove the means by which he meets

the need to remind you that he is what I


he not only gives it he is it let’s back

up a little bit and let’s talk about

your need meter you know spell it

different just if we spell it like this

need not that meters but the other one

need meter like how needy are you like

what’s your meter read we could read the

meter on your need today if it was right

there on your forehead when you came in

the house of God what would we see if we

could read your meter what we can read

your joy meter today not your happy

meter happy meter might be just caffeine

Starbucks can make you happy and and and

yet there’s this there’s this joy this

contentment is described in the

scripture I don’t let people smile

confuse you because some people’s bone

structure is just arranged in their face

they look like they’re smiling okay some

people just have you know resting

blessed face and they just look happy

but it’s covering up a lot of stuff

don’t worry about that I’m saying like

the the thing that we can’t see if we

could see it if you had a peace meter on

your forehead today and we could see

your peace meter would it be like

or would it be like the the gas gauge of

a 16 year old who fills up five dollars

at a time you know filling up five

dollars at a time a click at a time I

like at a time a comment at a time

because here’s what I’ve learned about

this when when joy is low usually it’s

because entitlement is high that’s why

the most joyful book in the Bible

according to many was written in a

prison cell because Paul has come to the

point where he says I don’t need it I

don’t need it and he really means it

it’s not like the one preacher who got

up you know I don’t preach for the

praise of men amen amen

hey man he’s really he’s really found a

place he’s really found a place of

freedom from what he thinks he deserves

and once he’s set free from what he

thinks he’s deserves and what he

expected it to be oh that’s good that’s

good God just gave me that for this

particular worship experience I didn’t

say it any other time once he set free

from what he expected he can receive

what he needs and sometimes what blocks

us from receiving what we need is what

we expected we would get and when it

doesn’t show up like we expected we

can’t receive what we need can I move a

little deeper into this teaching good

okay find Acts chapter 16 if you can

find it in your Bible or if you want to

look it up on your phone I always have a

back-up plan on the screen for you just

in case okay so it was hectic getting

out of the house it’ll come up on the

screen and so God does something unusual

in acts 16 as Paul is taking the gospel

out and you have to understand that Paul

isn’t riding the principles in

Philippians in a vacuum he’s writing

them in the context of historical

relationship with people in a church and

he loved him and he’s right in saying

thanks got the gift

gonna use it don’t need it what I’m

excited about is how God is going to use

your gift to bless you that’s what he’s

saying and it goes all the way back to

how he met them to begin with

and how many would say that some people

in your life right now don’t understand

you properly because they don’t know

your background and they expect you to

be further along in certain areas but

you’re like if you only knew how good

I’m doing to even be as far along as I

am I mean I still cost but I used to

beat people and why I think we really do

Philippians 4:19 a disservice is because

we strip it of its context so I thought

we needed to look at this real quick to

understand the stuff we shout over my

god will meet all your needs according

to his glorious riches and I’m sad but

that verse sounds great so I’m gonna

shout over top of my sadness it’s

because we don’t understand the means we

don’t understand the means so let’s go

back several years earlier Paul is is

trying to get somewhere verse 7 when

they came to the border of my seea he’s

got Timothy with him and they tried to

enter both inia but the spirit of Jesus

would not allow them to wouldn’t allow

them to what wouldn’t allow them to

preach about Jesus Jesus stopped his own

PR campaign that’s very very very

unusual very difficult for me to get my

mind around until I get to the the next

verses and sometimes you do not

understand at all what God is doing in

the moment

Graham is so funny we’re coming to

church today and a lot of our staff kids

went to camp last week and we had a

staff advance last week and I was

sharing with the staff all weekend it

was just a family event and family

affair and Graham got to play Joseph in

a skit in a small group at camp so he

had the story of Joseph the Old

Testament Joseph on his mind and they

sent me a video of him down on the

ground when Potiphar’s wife is accused

in Joseph

Potiphar’s wife is called hot offer and

she was the cute she was accusing him of

trying to make advances and grandmas on

the ground saying no I didn’t do it but

grandma’s Nissan he said do you think

when the Bible says God was with Joseph

you think Joseph felt that way at the

time I don’t know it doesn’t say how he

felt it states the fact after the fact

but you can’t really know what God is

doing until he’s done it and you don’t

really know what you need until you get

what you want and find out it isn’t even

what you thought it was so Paul wants to

go to Asia blocked Paul wants to go to

my SIA blocked and he does something

that you got to learn to do when you

don’t know what to do instead of going

home he goes into the place of active

waiting it means God I’m not just

waiting for you to do something I’m

waiting on you like we used to not call

them servers it was waiters I’m waiting

on you God what would you like me to do

in this season so I’m praying for a new

job but I’m being nice at this one y’all

don’t want to help me preach I’m praying

for my kids behavior to improve but I’m

not gonna exemplify the exact behavior

that I’m trying to correct by going off

on them and demonstrating anger while

I’m trying to correct anger I’m actively

waiting and this place is called TRO ass

Bible says that since they couldn’t get

into my SIA they went down to trow ass

this is a place of transition it’s a

port city Asia Minor one side Europe on

the other where are we going what’s God

doing I don’t know but I’m not going

home I don’t know but I’m not giving up

I don’t know but I’m not losing sight I

don’t know but I’m not gonna go into

despair I don’t know I don’t know I mean

I thought it was God and I thought it

was this and I moved to Charlotte or I

moved to Raleigh or a move to Winston

and I had this idea and I had this plan

but God’s purpose is greater than my

plan so I am in I am in the place I’m

and to hear God’s voice and God speaks

to Paul in that place God speaks to Paul

I believe he’s gonna speak to somebody

here today too during the night verse 9

not in the daytime when everything is

pretty and you can see what you’re doing

during the night this is a theme in

scripture some of the greatest stuff God

will show you will be when you can’t see

with your eyes and when you can’t feel

with your emotions and you can’t

understand with your mind during the


Paul had a vision of a man a man of

Macedonia this big region in Europe with

people who were not yet reached by the

gospel there were a lot of Jewish people

in Macedonia but not many believers yet

and certainly no church and now I

understand why God told Paul no because

God knew the real need the plans of a

man are in his heart but his steps are

ordered by the Lord God has a purpose

and you have a plan and sometimes he has

to do away with one to get to the other

I’m preaching right to your heart today

trying to get you to see this vision

that Paul saw it was a man of Macedonia

a what of Macedonia a man of Macedonia

standing and begging him come over to

Macedonia and help us Paul was looking

for an opportunity God showed him a need

could it be possible that you’ve been

asking God for an opportunity and God is

showing it to you in the form of your

greatest need would you be willing to

receive that maybe the way God is

speaking to you in this season is not by

what you feel and not by what you think

and not even by what you want when you

try to figure out your life and how

others should act and

how it needs to be have you got to the

place like Paul where you say I don’t

know what I really need I I need you to

lead me God

somebody say leave me Lord I don’t want

to lean on my own understanding I need

God to leave me I don’t need to lean on

what I think I need because I don’t

think I need one thing when I really

need another that’s how I gain weight

when we got married I thought I needed

an Oreo and I really needed exercise

sometimes sometimes we think we need

food we really need a nap sometimes we

think sometimes we think we need another

person what we really need to do is pray

and ask God to get our minds right

sometimes we think we need people to

treat us different when what we really

need is to see people not as trees for

us to pick the fruit from but for soil

for us to sow in and God speaks to Paul

and says you want an opportunity here it

is and it’s in the form of a need God is

trying to lead you through your need and

my God will meet all your needs how with

a need God is God he meets needs with

meets he he’s better than

ChristianMingle God is a match maker

he’s better than farmers only in

Christian farmers only and God is in the

business of meeting needs with needs as

your joy been low lately has your focus

spin off is your meter reading knead

knead knead knead knead knead knead

knead knead knead maybe God is gonna

show you a need that you can mean so

that you can see what you had all along

that you have not been using hey thanks

for watching make sure to click the

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can notify you whenever we release new

content go ahead and subscribe now I’ll

see you next time