If you get trapped in a loop about yourself, you will only see your flaws, your weaknesses, your shortcomings. And that is a very lonely place to be. It may be time to get yourself a new loop.

some of God’s greatest work is seen not
heard not heard the skies preach a silent

sermon the consistency of the solar
system says something to us about the

nature of life that it is cyclical some
of the things that you think are

circumstantial in your life are actually
cyclical I think that’s a big part of

maturity is learning what’s cyclical and
not just running around from situation

to situation but understanding the
cycles that create the situations

because if you don’t understand the
cycle that creates a situation you will

be dealing with situation after
situation after situation after

situation I don’t need to be a science
teacher to explain to you that the solar

system operates on cycles you understand
we’re making a trip right now we do it

every 365 sometimes it takes us 366 on
those leap years but we’re making a

cycle David said that the the heavens are

declaring the glory of God and they keep
on doing it consistently in a cycle and

although we know that technically he’s
not explaining how the universe works

he’s giving us a picture of the Sun in
its circuit the whole text kind of has

this theme of it that were going round
and round and round and round he ends

the psalm saying may the words of my
mouth and the meditations of my heart be

acceptable in thy sight O Lord my
strength and my Redeemer he starts with

the solar system the heavens declare the
glory of God and he ends with his soul

so from the solar system to his soul
everything is on a cycle it’s a cycle

whatever you are thinking about right
now it’s because of a cycle in fact I

think it’s very
very good to start your day with God

because it starts the cycle from the
right place I think that’s why it’s

really important if you can read a Bible
verse before you read a Facebook post

because it’s just a better purer cycle if
it’s possible before you check email

check your knee mail I just threw that
in for the corny people I would never

say that a lesser preacher would say
something like that

touch somebody say it’s a cycle and he
uses this phrase the meditation of my

heart y’all get it together wasn’t that

meditation is not a hot yoga term
meditation is not a term reserved

exclusively for Eastern religion
meditation actually in Hebrew is a

musical term I bet you didn’t know that
that’s why I’m telling you it’s like

David okay here’s where I learned about
what meditation is because for years and

years and years and years I thought that
what I said to God was my prayer life

and so I would say all this stuff to God and I would say all this stuff that he got to

do and now sometimes I would lose focus
and I had a prayer list and prayer

thoughts and all that and it felt real
boring I didn’t realize that there were

some things that God wanted to say to me
I didn’t understand the power of the

silent sermon until I went to see Ed
Sheeran in concert and I have nothing

against Ed Sheeran in fact I think Ed
Sheeran has written some beautiful songs

how many would agree that Ed Sheeran has
written some beautiful songs three of

you but I’m just saying
this is not a rant against Ed Sheeran

but I went to see Ed Sheeran
because Holly likes boring music and and

Ed Sheeran had had an interesting way of
doing a concert and and it was

surprising to me because Ed Sheeran did
a whole concert without a band a whole

90-minute set in an arena when I say it
was boring not maybe I’m just spoiled

because I pastor a church with the
greatest musicians you will find

anywhere in the city the state come on
GTA the continent but not Ed no not Ed

Ed Sheeran didn’t even have a band no
bass player no kick drum no electric

guitar 90 minutes of him with his guitar
and his accent

and he had this little pedal
come here David David’s gonna help me

yeah give it up for David this is the
other King David

this is David David Liotta the king of
the strings the king of the sixth string

guitar David’s gonna do his best Ed
Sheeran impersonation because what what

Ed Sheeran did I had to ask somebody the
first time I saw I’d do this I didn’t

know what it was because I’ve saw him he
would play something and then he would

stop playing it but it kept going and
that’s because he had one of these right

it’s called a loop station if you’re
taking notes you look like you’re

waiting for something to write down at
some point in this sermon write down the

word loop loop loop and show us how the
loopy station work because he doesn’t

have a drummer because apparently he’s

so instead of instead of hiring a

he made his own drums on the guitar just
give him an example see what he did he

looped it now we got a beat see you can
move to that a little bit but he’s not

doing anything but he set something in
motion and there it is now put something

on top of it loop something else

whoo that’s nice David

I like that jazzy major7 stuff that’s
pretty soulful for a white boy that’s

good David there’s something else on it
all we’re doing stacking the loops

that’s all we’re doing

come on that’s too sexy for church David
take it all the way back down

take something out take that out all

all these layers

start with a loop with a loop now what I
found out David

how do you make it stop cuz sometimes I wonder that about my heart how do I make it

stop yeah because I get stuck in a loop you

ever been stuck in a loop I’m talking
about in your mind now not at the guitar

or anything like that you ever been stuck
in a loop where you find yourself in an

absolute state of panic that started
watch this with a silent sermon Moses

this is the only one who preached silent
sermons Lazarus isn’t the only one who

preached silent sermons Jesus isn’t the
only one who preached a silent sermon

David isn’t the only one who preached a
silent sermon not only do the stars and

the Sun and the skies and the solar system preach a silent sermon I got bad news

for you the devil preaches silent
sermons he gets you in the loop I’m done

with you David thank you so much give
him a hand

our very own Ed Sheeran you ever been
stuck in a loop of life please talk to

me I feel awful lonely up here
Concord they’re giving me no love you

don’t admit it but but some of your
relationships went off-track not because

of what was said in the relationship but
because of what was not said what you

started saying to your self he said
within himself that’s what the rich man

did in the parable when he sent to him

I built many barns I’ll take life easy
he didn’t know that very night his life

would be required he said to himself it
matters where you start with what you

think about and self is a very small sun for your

life to orbit around it’s a very limited
loop self is a is a very small scale to

see the world in in fact sing with me
doe ray me me me me

I’m just me singing the song me that
many of us me have been singing all week

me me me me

me what’s your favorite meditation me

me what are they thinking about me me

when is anybody ever gonna notice me I
change the key but it’s still about me

sometimes I can find a way to make
anything about me me me me me me me me

I’m also at choir practice let the words
of my mouth and the meditation of my

heart me me me me me me me me
Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee Mee

I don’t think it’s a hit Ella I don’t
think anybody’s gonna buy the album I

don’t think it’s gonna bring me joy I
don’t think it’s gonna bring me peace I

don’t think I’m gonna figure out a
solution if I start with myself

I need a new loop I said I need a new
loop some of you came to church today

not just to hear a sermon but to preach
one to yourself why don’t you start with

your source and not with yourself now
it’s a hymn come on who is able shout

to do it naturally more than I asked
for imagine tired of that track me me me

me me me me me me I thought about
singing it till it wasn’t funny anymore

and it sounds like we’re already at that
point I know how long it would take how

long will it take until you change that
meditation realizing that if you start

with yourself you stay in yourself and
you will always be limited by who you

are but when you start with the Great I

David said who’s that they said uh think
his name’s Goliath David said I’ll fight

him Saul said you’re small David said
I’m not coming against him in myself or

in my name but I come against you in the
name of the Lord the skies declare the

glory of God notice David did not start with what was

in his heart you start with what’s in
your heart you’ll scare yourself to

death that’s a horror movie
to start with what’s in your heart I was

going to preach one time and the guy who
invited me I never been to his church

before he said just share what’s on your
heart I said oh no you don’t want me to

do bad I must share what’s in heaven
because if I tell you what’s in my heart

it won’t help any of us so I don’t start
my meditation with what’s in myself I

noticed that every meditation and and
again don’t think meditation

think about the loop think about the
lines that loop over and over again in

the way that you think think about how
you have this subtle way if you let

yourself into turning every interaction
into a stage on which you are the star I

don’t do that I don’t like to be noticed
I don’t do that I don’t like people to

even look at me I’m not that type of
person this must be a preacher thing no

I promise you you talk too much
sometimes I promise you some of the

stuff that you post oh you didn’t think
I was talking about your Instagram feed

did you I promise you some some of you
need to go home and change the bio on

your on your Instagram and they should
just say what it’s really all about me

me me me me just give us an expectation
of what’s gonna happen on that feed when

you’re easily offended when everything’s
an insult

did you see how they looked at me they
weren’t looking at you they were

thinking about dinner they have not
bought groceries this week and their mom

has cancer could you get outside
yourself and think about something

bigger the skies declare the glory of
God people life is bigger than what

happens in here hey thank you for
watching make sure you subscribe to this

channel so you don’t miss a single video
or live stream and share this video with

a friend and don’t forget you can join
me live every Sunday thanks again for
