God is calling you to stop surviving and start thriving today. This is an excerpt from “It’s Mine To Manage.” To watch the full message from @elevationchurch, click here:    • Are you managing your miracle? | Game…   #faith #peace #hope #stevenfurtick #elevationchurch Chapters: 0:00 – It’s Different In The Middle 2:17 – Why Joy Stops Flowing & Faith Stops Growing 4:21 – When Your Perspective Begins To Shift 7:02 – You’ve Stopped Telling The Story 9:37 – How You Forget What God Has Done 11:42 – It’s Yours To Manage

it’s different when you’re in the middle

of it huh it’s it’s different when

you’re raising your kids believing that

they’re receiving the values that you’re

trying to impart to them because when

you are teaching your kids

responsibility they do not thank you and

recognize you for being a voice of

wisdom and an encouraging force of good

in their lives it’s different when

you’re in the middle of it and see the

reason that we can sometimes look at the

biblical miracle and experience them and

celebrate them is because we know how

they end but it’s it’s different when

you’re in the middle of it it’s it’s

different when you’re in the middle of

it when you’re having to stand in the

middle of something and say no God I I

know that you’re faithful and I know

that you’re good but I don’t feel that

you’re faithful and I don’t feel that

you’re good right now that’s called a

sacrifice of praise that’s where you

have to dig somewhere deeper than your

feelings or your knowledge or your

certainty or your

circumstance or your bank

account God show me how to manage the

middle I have a hard time with that I

don’t have a hard time being excited

about the

beginning and I I don’t have a hard time

celebrating the end but this

middle teach me how to manage the middle

oh o um one of my best friends pastors a

big church and they had three years

where they didn’t grow in fact they they


backward I said what was the problem in

those three years when you didn’t grow

he said middle

management we got so

large the organization got so big that

there was a lair of people in the middle

who started to block the values that

were a part of the organization in the

early days and it was middle management

it wasn’t the people that were executing

the job it wasn’t the the the vision had

changed it was what happened in the

middle that almost cost us the momentum

of what God was doing I wonder is that

how it happens in our

lives I wonder if sometimes the reason

that Joy stops flowing the reason that

Faith stops growing the reason that

sometimes we lose our sense of

perspective Ive about who God is is it’s

not the end it’s not the beginning it’s

middle management we don’t know how to

manage the middle we don’t know how to

deal with Monday so we Shout good on

Sunday but I need a sermon I need an MMA

sermon I need some Monday morning

application I need something to help me

manage this middle because I’m not

fighting the devil on Sunday morning I’m

fighting him on Tuesday at


so the key to this Joshua says take 12

Stones 12 Stones January February March

April May June July August September

October November December 12 months 12

Stones 12 tribes 12 disciples 12

everybody say 12 take 12 pile them up

and in the future when your children ask

you what’s up with these

stones or like my kids ask me what’s up

with these set tapes I still got

some when your children ask you tell

them what the Lord did tell

them tell

them take them to show them the stones

and tell them we didn’t know if we were

going to make it

through but God did something only he

could do and we made it somebody shout I

made it made it tell the the person next

to you you have no idea what I’ve been

through look at him right in the eye and

say and God brought me over God brought


over and look at him one more time and

say how about you how about you ask them

have you been through

anything imagine this imagine this they

come through the Jordan let’s play the

story out for a moment they come through

the Jordan God brings him through

they set up the stones God does a great

miracle they go on to fight battles but

they set up the stones to remember what

God did in that moment it’s very

beautiful and then they go forward into

the land and they they fight they fight

many battles and God gives them many

victories but every once in a while

maybe they come back with their kids and

they show them the stones because they

left the stones in gilgal and then they

moved on to conquer

Canaan and you know how it is when when

somebody is reflecting on something and

they get

nostalgic and maybe maybe the parents

start telling the

children we didn’t know if we were going

to make it Joshua uh was our new

leader and we had never we’ never been

this way

before and he told us he told us that if

the priest would stand in the middle the

waters would stand at attention until

the people passed through

so we hurried through as fast as we

could we ran through the Bible says in

Joshua 4: 211 they hurried through they

didn’t have a whole lot of faith just

enough to get through

it they weren’t they weren’t dancing

through the middle they were running

through the middle let me tell you

something when you got the double

chasing you sometimes all you can do is

get through it you don’t look flashy

you’re not shooting you’re not flossing

you’re not doing nothing but running for

your life so they got through

it but they said God got us through it

it was amazing amazing because we didn’t

know it was amazing and the Ark was

there and it represented the presence of

God oh I wish you could have been there

son it was just so amazing and and we

didn’t know if we were going to be able

to do it but we did God did it God it

wasn’t us God did it okay and they and

they say that and then so so maybe a few

years go

by maybe they go back to the place again

and they look at the stones but you know

maybe maybe the stones are they’re still

there they haven’t gone anywhere but the

story starts to get lost a little bit

and maybe a few years later they they’re

telling their children they’re like oh

yeah it’s pretty cool I mean we got

through it I mean God did it but we we

were the ones who had to walk cuz you

know like God didn’t God didn’t carry us

through but but we got through it and

then a few more years pass and maybe

they’re telling their kids again making

another trip and they’re tell them yeah

those stones they’re they’re cool Joshua

made us get them out the middle of the

Jordan it was it was weird we were ready

ready to move on but Joshua let me tell

you how I know that the story stopped

being told because when you get to the

end of Joshua’s life you read in Judges

chapter 2:1 just this verse just this

verse I want to show you and I want you

to think about the space between when

Joshua led the people through the

Jordan and when the next Generation

arose it says it after that whole

generation Joshua’s generation had been

gathered to their

ancestors another generation grew up who

knew neither the Lord nor what he had

done for

Israel Joshua’s generation set up the

stones the Next Generation didn’t even

know the story what

happened somewhere along the way between

Joshua chap 4 and Judges chapter 2 they

sto stopped telling the

story something changed about the story

somewhere in that space and God if I’m

just preaching this for one person help

me to do it now because they have been

telling themselves the wrong story and

now their faith is feeling feeble and

now their worship has been weakened and

they are in a cycle of dependence on

false gods because they stopped telling

the story the St story of Salvation is

this I was lost and dead in my sin I had

no hope in myself I could not save

myself I could not help myself I could

not lift myself I would not have made it

if he had not reached down and with a

mighty hand and an outstretched arm he

died for me he came into my life he

intersected me at the point of my sin

and while I was still a sinner Christ

died for me why are you screaming cuz

I’ve got a story that didn’t start with

me it started with the mercy of



God and the enemy doesn’t want you to

tell this story see he wants he wants

you to lose your

testimony they kept the stones the

stones are still there to this day but

they sto telling the

story you know you can have all of of

the the the monuments of

religion but lose your

relationship with

God you can have all the stones in the

world you can come to church you can you

can still live a a a a life that’s

between the lies but if the truth were

told today some of us have stopped

telling the story We we’ve lost our Our

Testimony you have a testimony there are

things that God has done for you that

only he could do and nobody else can

tell it for you and nobody else can tell

it like


you it can happen it it can happen in

your own heart it can happen in a

generation it can happen within a

lifetime it can happen with within 3

years you can actually have God do

something amazing for you and have the

stones to prove it some of you are

sitting next to the woman that you asked

God to give

you but now you want out of your

marriage the problem isn’t your marriage

it’s your

management I’ll go back here

cuz I’m not scared to say this stuff we

need to manage our Miracles God has been

good to us God has been more than enough

he is a provider he is Jehovah Gyra he

did bring you through he did bless you

he did make a way he is more than enough

he is elai he is a great king he is a



father touch somebody say manage your

Miracle Man your Miracle it’s God’s to

give but it’s yours to



manage I told Elijah if you crack the

screen I’m not replacing it it’s yours



manage if you crack the screen or if you

here’s here’s what happens to me let me

tell you something sit sit down let’s


I sometimes

I I sto telling myself the

testimony because to me sometimes it

seems it seems small right you know

something happened between when they

crossed the Jordan I don’t know exactly

what it is I think there’s evidence to

support this

hypothesis they fought a lot of battles

between Joshua 4 and judges

2 and I wonder if the battle

became bigger in their minds than the

blessings and I wonder if they started

telling themselves the stories that

centered around their struggles rather

than God’s Sovereign hand that saw them

through the

struggles I wonder if they got in

survival mode to the point that they

stopped telling the story hey thanks for

stopping by my YouTube channel I hope

you were blessed today if you were share

this with somebody like And subscribe

and leave me a comment let me know where

you’re watching from what we can pray

for you about hope to see you back here

again really

