If you’re feeling drained, it may be time to check where you’re putting your energy.

when you don’t have a sense of priority

in your life and everything feels urgent

it’s a sign that you haven’t figured out

what’s really important now you are open

to everybody’s demand and they all take

up equal space and so by saying yes the

people who don’t really matter you say

an automatic no to those who do by

saying yes the people who essentially

are using you in order to achieve their

own goals now you find yourself unable

to give because you are a limited

resource to the people that God has

entrusted to your care the most so I

have to have watch this a sense of


i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i-i I could preach

about balance you know you got to work

out and pray and eat and all of that but

this is not that kind of seminar what I

mean is you’ve got to be balanced in

what you give weight to that’s what I

mean is that sometimes we are stressed

out because we are giving too much

weight to the wrong words and not enough

weight to the right words and so we’re

out of balance because we have this feed

and everything on our feet is the same

size and because it’s all the same size

we think it carries the same weight so

we live in a state of stress because we

haven’t learned how to weigh it out

you’ve got to weigh it out with when

when someone doesn’t like you sometimes

it doesn’t matter depends on who they



they were pulling on me i’ma start

telling you things I shouldn’t the other

week someone was telling me that there

was somebody who hated our church and

came and said it wasn’t that bad I sound

care I know wasn’t that bad in fact not

only was it not that bad

it’s freaking awesome tell him I said

God is in this he is glorious in this

place I’m glad you think it’s not that

bad but I wasn’t really waiting for you

to hand me the award for not that bad it

was not that bad before you decided it

was not that bad

so I was talking to a guy one time about

something here’s the church that was

complicated and I gave him a 30 minute


asking for his advice I got my notebook

ready to hear what he would tell me

after I listed everything that was

happening and he goes he goes Stephen it

doesn’t matter

so I wrote that down you know point one

because I need you to tell me what to do

and do you know he didn’t say another

word it just turned to the person next

to you and look at them and say their

name if you know their name say Stephen

tell them it doesn’t matter no you got

to tell them with that little bit of

gonna do from your diaphragm already

tell them it doesn’t matter

now what you just said is true about

ninety nine point nine nine nine nine

nine nine nine nine nine nine nine seven

three percent scientific number of what

they’re staying up worried about and one

time I was laying in my bed at night and

worrying about something and God spoke

to me through his spirit

you’re staying awake worrying about

something that I’ve already worked out

now when you give weight to that promise

from God when you give weight to the

right things when when I give weight

when I have a clear sense of priority in

my life I’m okay if people are angry if

I say no because my no is a yes to

something that I already decided was

more important than what any given

demand might require of me at any given

moment and this is the thing that that

I’m coming to realize is that Christ is

the solid rock but if you don’t know how

to stand on that rock with the right

balance the devil will push you around

and you will always feel unsettled and

you will always feel tossed and turn but

when you make up your mind what does

matter and what doesn’t matter let me

help you out a little bit what doesn’t

matter what they think what does matter

what God knows search me God know my

mind test me you see you speak to me

it doesn’t matter he was so right

what he was talking about didn’t matter

in fact I thought about writing a book

and calling the book

it doesn’t matter and I’ve already got

my subtitle figured out really and my

first chapter will be called at all I

feel somebody getting their balance back

getting your equilibrium that you give

you’re seeing it right now for what it

is this doesn’t matter this matters that

I keep my faith then I keep a grateful

attitude that I don’t let my situation

contaminate my spirit this matters not

that this matters not that because if

you don’t sort this out you will live in

constant imprisonment to your own

indecision but that went down as number

three we’re making terrible time

indecision is a prison so I want you to

make three decisions before Wednesday if

you’re watching this at a midweek

worship experience you’re running short

on time

the clock is counting I want you to set

a d-day all you procrastinators and

you’re claiming to be thorough I want

you to make I want you to make three

decisions this week I want you to do it

I want you to set aside a day this week

sit down have four cups of coffee so you

numb your rational rational thinking

processes and go in and just make them

just make the decisions and if you make

dumb ones apologize but make the

decision my god 15 minutes to the side

chicken or shrimp in a restaurant

I’m serious you’ve been dating her seven

and a half years and you can’t decide is

she the one well if she’s not get out of

the way Oh Bridget out not just got

somebody in diamond you are the name

do it or go do it or don’t buy the house

or don’t sell the house or don’t stay in

Raleigh or don’t do it at home you can

always move back and now we’re making up

more stuff to give us opportunities for

anxiety and we call it options I don’t

know if it was just growing up in Moncks

Corner you did have to decide where to

send your kids to school there were two

I moved to Charlotte I never saw

anything like it

it’s crazy yes killing us so many


I just want gas massage

I did it this week I went in I was nicer

than that anxiety and I told Jess to

send over my notes for my why am i

anxious teaching cuz I felt like I

needed my own notes and I’m gonna keep

him after I write I might give them away

I write a scratching down and then give

them away but somebody else keeps them

and so I said give me the notes and send

them over

I need them she said are you gonna teach

it I said no I need to live it I was

feeling online Sal and I went through my

list and I found this one and the Holy

Spirit hit me and said you’re very

indecisive right now everything

everybody asks you you go yeah when we

get back to that I’m gonna go to go

through the roof you think you’re not

going through a few things you’re not

talking you’re not praying anything like

that just wait until it comes around

again and and it was becoming the way

that I was handling things and so I just

came in that day I made three decisions

I felt I felt like I felt like I had

spent a day at a spa just by making

three decisions and they all started

with me and ended with oh and it felt so

good it’s also good enough try it try it

one two three


now this only works this only works if

you are living with integrity this only

works if you are living with integrity

and sometimes my anxiety as a result of

a compromise in my integrity it’s kind

of hard to have a peaceful heart when

you’re hiding secrets and feel like a

hypocrite it’s kind of hard to have a

peaceful heart when you’re having to

hope that your wife doesn’t check your

phone to see certain text messages it’s

kind of hard to have a peaceful heart

when you have three snapchats and the

one that your parents think is your

snapchat is just a decoy and now you’re

asking God to give you peace but your

life is so many different pieces the

word integrity means whole whole like in

math class they taught us about integers

whole numbers whole integrity into

everything all one person all the time

and when there are three different needs

that I have to manage for every

different situation it’s kind of hard to

pray the panic away when my own

lifestyle is creating it when I’m trying

to figure out which masks to wear at

church so that no one will see into my

situation at home when there’s work me

and after work me and Friday night me

and 9:30 Sunday morning me it’s kind of

hard for me to have peace when my

foundation is cracked it’s kind of hard

for me to manage all those different

knees because I might send out the wrong

one at the wrong time have you ever done


oh I meant the sin preacher me out there

right now it’s kind of hard for for me

to ask God to bless a life that is

divided in so many different directions

now I don’t mean by this that you have

to interact with everybody on the same

level for instance if we were to meet at

Pizza Hut I wouldn’t talk at this volume

do you know how it modulae people say

well you should be the same on stage

that you are out in public well that

would be obnoxious

can you imagine touch three people at

the baseball field scandalous what what

I am saying is that although you might

bring a different approach to different

situations that the essential nature of

who you are remains unchanged in every

encounter so it shouldn’t be like that

for my family to watch me preach and go

like what is that it shouldn’t be like

that it should feel like a continuation

somebody shouldn’t see you on the

television program and go you go to


I heard you say hallelujah on the church

service but I hear you say some others

and it’s it’s costing you your peace I’m

not condemning you I’m telling you you

might be anxious sometimes because you

are trying to manage so many different

versions of you and if you would bring

it all together and just be honest

before God and just ask God what David

search me know my heart and if the way

I’m doing it is wrong I want to be


I’m already accepted because of what

Jesus Christ has done for me now God

helped me to align my life with what you

made me to be so that I can be the real

me I want to be the real me the highest

version of me that called me that chosen

me that secured me that stable me that

God loves me and I don’t have to prove

anything to anyone this is my child with

him with her I am well pleased I don’t

have to be anybody else


and my cortisol levels just dropped just

by being the real me because all that

other layers of stuff and all that anger

that’s not the real you not in Christ

that’s what David is getting to the

bottom of did you notice that all of my

points are starting with the same letter

the letter I I figure that’s a common

denominator in a lot of our anxiety

search me

God your eyes can see God’s eyes God see

beneath the surface of what the

situation is um anxious because of my

money and I’m anxious because of my help

and I’m anxious because my mom no no no

that might trigger it but the truth of

God’s Word can enable your heart to

transcend this is what the New Testament

preaches is that the peace of God

will actually pass all understand it and

guard your heart and mine in Christ

Jesus so no matter what triggers the

anxiety in any situation

they’ve been said search me and know me

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