Sid Roth and Karen Zelfimein reveal what’s really going on in Ukraine.

that’s hebrew for a holy


i ask for wisdom i ask for direction and

i ask for

naseem miracles to burst forth on this

broadcast i have i and karen uh works

with us when we go to ukraine to have

large meetings of of uh

lectures on the supernatural in which

many many jewish people become believers

in the messiah

but karen give me the latest report

of what’s going on right now in the

nation of ukraine

hi everyone hi sid well uh this is the

seventh day of the war i mean real war

which is taking place in the nation of

ukraine with all its consequences

demonstration destruction death


but the good news is

that our military our army are standing

and not only defending but also in some

places advancing right now and the whole

world is watching and in amazement of

how ukrainian army which is smaller in

numbers comparing to the russian

invaders it has less weaponry but stands

out against this big giant as russia and

its and its evil attention intentions so

of course you know every war has its

worst part of them is it’s you know lost

life people in confusion refugees

um you know they’re they’re now heating

and shooting missiles into a residential


destroying buildings destroying schools

in kiev only over 150 000 people

sleeping in the subway

and in the last seven days of the war

over 47 children were born in the

subways i mean despite of the death war

devastation and calamity

life are there you know kids are being

born in subways in hidings there so

yeah that’s what’s happening right now

it’s it’s a real war well you know

what’s exciting me no end any time i see

the hand of god in something it excites

me i don’t care how little or how big

i’m like a little kid i get absolutely

excited when i see the hand of god and

many years ago

there were some major wars in israel

and a friend of mine documented bonafide

miracles that were happening because the

situation was similar israel was

surrounded by bigger armies

better prepared armies more uh equipment

and tanks and


it’s almost like

the same thing is going on

and what i believe in ukraine is the the

the series was called against all odds

of what happened in israel

uh and

i’m going to call this against all odds



and thrives

you that’s exactly survives

well i’ve known several stories in the

last few days and this is truly a

miracle you know uh we all know and we

all heard the stories of the great

immense of russian army that is so in

such a rise but what’s happening now is

people praying

and all of a sudden we hear the stories

that russian tanks stop in the middle of

the field or somewhere near the

ukrainian village and they ran out ran

out of diesel ran out of gas and this is

really amazes me because these guys were

preparing for this war for many many


and incidents like that happen not once

many many places we hear the stories

that they would run out of gas even one

of their missile one of their ships in

the sea ran out of fuel and they were

contacting the nearby passing by cargo

ship uh and asking them to help them

with fuel and they denied because they

called they said you guys aggression you

aggressive you attack ukraine and we’re

not going to give you any fuel so the

russian ship stuck in the middle of the

sea and couldn’t move so i mean come on

it’s the hand of god you know

yeah just uh the one that i received

this morning uh from uh our brother our

dear brother and you you met him sid

it’s our zhenya hitchhive he’s our

evangelist who does the power shows

feats of strength evangelism and uh he

called me today and he sent me some

photos as uh he was going to uh through

the city where he lives and his city was

attacked and bombed many many times and

there are now surrounded well he was

driving on that city on one of the

streets and then he says that he was

driving back 30 minutes later and he saw

that the the whole street with the

buildings with the hospital nearby were

were just exploded and blown away by the

rockets and missile attacks i mean it

was all devastated the whole street was

basically gone and he said if i would

have been there 30 minutes prior he

would he said i wouldn’t be talking to

you karen so

that’s really i mean another another

occasion of the hand of god being there

and protecting our people who stuck

there who were not able to evacuate with

their families but god is doing miracles

by protecting them i mean he just missed

30 minutes from here being hit by the

rockets and that that whole street was

gone um another tremendous miracle i

received from one of the soldiers he’s

an officer he’s a lieutenant in

ukrainian army and he’s a he’s a brother

from our church in odessa and uh he he

called and he said that him and his men

were sitting in hiding and they were

looking out you know where would enemy

come from where where would they attack

and all sudden he says i’m sitting there

in hiding with my man he says and all

sudden i start praying i just he said i

felt the urgency to pray right now so he

started praying and he heard god

speaking to him and he said nazar that’s

his name

take your man and leave this place right

now this very location and as soon as

they did it as soon as he himself and

his men relocated to another hiding


rockets and fire was open on that spot

and that very spot was bombed and


so it’s it’s amazing how god does

miracles and protects and all the men

who were there with him

they uh

before they were not really you know

listening to the word of god they were

not really paying attention to what he

was saying about jesus but after that

everybody started praying and asking the

lord to come into their lives


i’ve been getting pictures sent to me

reports that

many ukrainians are citing angels i mean

i had i got one on my cell phone it was

unbelievable uh are you hearing many

many saying they’re seeing angels

helping people and angels in the sky and

in different places

yeah i heard a couple of them i heard

that people told me that they saw like a

shape of an angel in the sky and at that

very moment they said that they were so

encouraged and they felt someone’s

presence so

tangible and comforting and i believe

god does that to encourage people in the

times of you know difficulties and and

devastation like that because a lot of

people now under fear and they don’t

know what will happen

next day but this is i believe those

visitations are something that god

speaks to them that he cares about them

that he sends his angel to protect them


they felt the glory or the goodness of

god all around them and if god and this

is a word for everyone viewing right now

if god is for you and if

you have come to have experiential

knowledge that jesus is your messiah and


who can be against you that’s what the

word says nothing can be against you uh


but that all that is nothing compared to

what we’re about ready to release


this got me so excited karen uh you may

not know this uh but for almost a year

now i’ve been talking about what i call

the sunflower prophecy

the harvest that is about ready to hit

planet earth and in particular israel

uh a prophet who’s a seer that means

they can see what’s going on in the

visible world saw a field of sunflowers

and it was so long this field you

couldn’t see the end of it and the

sunflower field represented souls and

there will be billions of people born

again all over the world well here’s

what happened

i got an email

at home and i found out something you

could have told me

that the national flower of ukraine is



isn’t that amazing and so what that

tells me

let me tell you a couple of things most

people don’t know karen about the

sunflower the only reason i know is i

researched it

but the sunflower

follows the sun this will be a crop of

believers that will not play games they

will say jesus you are my lord whatever

you say

i am going to do and i’ll do it

immediately i’m waiting on instructions

and i know that the kingdom of god i am

to enforce on earth and no weapon formed

against me will prosper and i’m going to

have the same type of glory kavod that

moses had uh and people are going to see

flames over their head they’re going to

they’re going to see clouds of glory

over their head just like moses had to

put a mask on away before clovis because

he was people were afraid to see all the

light that was on him and there are

going to be signs and wonders uh wonders

is the key word it’s the operative word

there are going to be wonders that will

cause the world to wonder and and the

most impossible sunflowers are going to

become blossoming and this is what else

i found about every single sunflower

thrives almost anywhere it is every

single i mean you don’t have to do much



these sunflowers every single one has

between one thousand and two thousand

seeds that means yeah karen happens to

you don’t know this but it happens to be

a wonderful evangelist in fact you train

ukrainians on how to evangelize you have

schools of evangelism uh that’s right

but so everyone that you lead to the

lord karen everyone that i lead to the

lord everyone that those viewing leads

the lord they’re gonna have about a

thousand to two thousand people just

like themselves so when i say billions

of souls are about ready to come to

planet earth i mean it now the context

for me of the sunflower video

was israel and when i say israel i mean

the nation israel but i mean the jews

that were scattered to the four corners

of the earth and i think it’s

unbelievable in ukraine that you have so

many jewish people now a whole group of

jews um just went to israel how many are

they taking do you know

i don’t know the exact number but know i

heard ten thousand

uh that’s nothing that’s nothing

compared to every other person in odessa

where you minister uh every other person

has jewish ancestry

and and i think if they did a proper dna

they’d find it’s even higher

uh yes


so when i say i was called to israel

that means i was called for the great

harvest of israel the nation and israel

the jews and the four corners of the

earth and you know what when you reached

out to the jew throughout the world you

must go

to the four corners of the earth and i

maintain what paul maintained what god

the father maintained what the messiah

yeshua jesus maintained and that is by

planting a seed with the jew first it’s

going to have the a greater gentile

harvest paul put it this way

he said i’m not ashamed of the gospel

because the gospel is the power of god

unto salvation to everyone who believes

to the jew first was not just the

historical order but god’s

supernatural spiritual law of evangelism

uh god is so so brilliant karen uh you

have to excuse me but

there are there’s a generation here in

america where i live

that has been raised godless

has been raised without morals i i often

wondered how uh during the days of


so many

really intelligent german people went

along with them it’s called brainwashing

they’ve been brainwashed since they were


and there’s a whole generation like that

and frankly

the devil’s made his major stand

and it looks like he’s winning the devil

has made his major stand in ukraine and

it looks like he’s winning but god is

getting ready to stand up right now

and devil it’s going to be your worst

nightmare um karen do you have any last


before we conclude

yes i’m i want to say that really the

sunflower image it’s so powerful you

know every season during the sunflower

season the fields are just just just so

beautiful and a lot of people just even

driving passing by they would stop and

take photos next to the field of

sunflowers and every time i would see

this scenery it speaks to me that this

is the perfect picture of how the seed

of the god’s word the gospel that you

just mentioned which we are not ashamed

of will impact thousands and millions of

people and it’s truly indeed that

ukraine will be known by all the nations

and ukraine will become like that

cornerstone from where all these seeds

will spread and bring the revival into

corner into the all

corners of the world

i believe so deeply

and now i found out another fact about

sunflowers cone did you know that

ukraine is the number one supplier of

sunflower oil which is yep for so many

health benefits that i was i couldn’t

believe hold up but guess what we have

something better than the uh we i say

ukraine will not only be known for

sunflower oil but they’ll be known for

the sun the son of the living god yeshua


jesus the messiah and if any of you

uh where there are probably a lot that

have never had experiential knowledge of

god i i tell you god’s presence is

drawing closer than ever before karen


you told me about what’s happening in a

in in a situation where it’s extremely

fearful for people it’s life or yes

critical and they’re feeling the

presence and peace of god you can’t feel

that unless god is there and i want god

to be that close to you that are viewing

right now if you will repeat this prayer

with me out loud and mean it to the best

of your ability i tell you the greatest

miracle possible will happen you will be

translated from the kingdom of darkness

to the kingdom of the son of his love

repeat this prayer out loud dear god

i’m a sinner

i’m so sorry

i believe

the blood of jesus

washes away all my sins

and i am clean

it’s so good to be clean

not because of anything i’ve done

but because of what you have done for me

i accept your gift

i accept your gift

jesus come and live inside of me

be my savior and my lord


and may the shalom

and the glory of god

overtake you karen your family your

extended family all the workers in

ukraine that are sharing the gospel in

schools and its streets and and everyone

that is watching

may the glory of god rest upon you and

stay on you the goodness of god is

another name for the glory