Jonathan Cahn unveils a NEW mystery that holds shocking implications for the US and the world… 💥 The Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Cahn [Book & 8-DVD Set]:

⚡️ Unlocking Ancient Wisdom Embark on a revelatory journey with The Josiah Manifesto. This extraordinary book uncovers hidden mysteries fueling recent global shifts, offering unique prophetic insights that challenge the ordinary. Explore a 3000-year-old calendar’s secrets, untangle the impact of ancient temples and prayers on pivotal events, and unveil connections between ancient and modern leaders. Delve deep as you explore the influence of an age-old decree on contemporary leaders and ponder how Middle-Eastern enigmas could reshape America’s narrative. ⚡️ Unveiling Uncensored Material Is there a solution, a roadmap, a framework that discloses the essential insights for surviving, persevering, and succeeding amidst impending challenges? With Jonathan Cahn’s book, The Josiah Manifesto, and his exclusive 8-DVD series, The Josiah Manifesto Uncensored, you will gain an unparalleled perspective into ancient mysteries that will serve as a blueprint for navigating the end-times. His 8-DVD set promises to unveil uncensored material and other mysteries that extend beyond the book! 💥 The Josiah Manifesto by Jonathan Cahn [Book & 8-DVD Set]:

#SidRoth #JonathanCahn #EndTimes

>> The Josiah Manifesto is,
I believe,

the most important thing
I could share.

It’s a mystery that is so big.
It encompasses everything,

even mysteries that I’ve written
about in the past

that are now coming home

They’re all converging.

This is the reality of God,
the mystery,

the stunning mysteries
behind our world.

What’s happened in recent times
that have changed our lives,

the hand of the God
of the Bible.

And it’s all going
to come together

like a prophetic symphony
that’s going to open up a key,

that’s going to give us
an answer and a guide

and a blueprint

for what we need to know
to live in the days ahead,

what’s coming and how we are
to live for this hour

and in the end times.
It begins on the island of Cuba.

And there at the end
of my time there,

I gave an object and a message,
a prophetic object,

a prophetic message
to Fidel Castro.

And it would end up
giving the revelation

of exactly how much longer
he had to reign.

I mean, down to the year, to
the day and to the exact hour.

And that opens up
the mystery of the jubilee

that begins in Leviticus 25.

And that mystery actually
gives the countdown,

which tells us exactly
when the plague of Covid 19

came to America,
50 years to the exact date.

It’s linked to the time that we
began offering up our children.

The Bible says
if you harm your children,

it’s going to come back to you.
Judgment is coming.

The prophet Jeremiah
said it’s going to come.

It’s an absolute rule.

Well, 50 years from when we
began offering up our children,

the plague comes to America,
not just to the year,

but the exact dates,
the exact days, day to day,

the entrance of the plague,
the falling of the plague,

the exact dates.
It’s stunning and it’s real.

And it shows
the amazing hand of God

and the truth of the Bible.

One of the mysteries
I open up in the Josiah

Manifesto is that of Jehu
and the Temple of Baal.

And this is actually the mystery
that lies behind

Donald Trump,
and it lies behind the events.

It actually lies behind
what happened on Capitol Hill

on January 6th.

You know, the Congress
has been investigating

this for hours and hours
and days and days endlessly.

And yet the answer
is actually in the Bible.

It fulfills this pattern,
this this paradigm, amazingly.

And this actually came true

I first spoke of this mystery.
Now, there’s something else

I speak about called
the Jubilee and redemption,

and that is that the overturning
of Roe versus Wade

didn’t just happen.

It was part of a mystery
that was in the works

for not only 50 years,
but from ancient times.

And we’ll see you also
how the dates are exact,

50 years to the exact day that
goes again and again and again.

One of the dates in the Bible
is called Adar 13,

The Day of the Evil Decree.

What are we going to see that
that date actually identifies

the evil decree of America
with an event that happened.

There’s another date called
Sivan 23 from the Bible

that actually identifies
the actual case

that would overturn abortion.

Now, one of the mysteries
I speak about in the Josiah

is the mystery of days.

And that is a stunning thing.
And that is that the shakings

of America,
behind the shakings of America,

are actually the appointed
holy days of God.

It goes back to Mount Sinai.
It goes back to Leviticus 23.

But behind every shaking,
for example,

behind the shaking
of the plague,

the pandemic that came
on America, is an ancient

Hebrew holy day that identified
the very time of the plague,

the time of the lockdown

and the peak of the plague
as it entered America.

But then there’s another
ancient festival

has to do with breath and fire.

And it actually identified
the next shaking of America

when riots spread
across the country,

when the cities were in aflame,
it all goes back.

And then there’s there’s
an ancient holy day

that’s about the heavenly court
and the judgment of God.

And that date was actually
behind what happened

at the Supreme Court
that altered the Supreme Court

and opened the door

for the changing
of American history.

It all began on the exact day.

Each of these began
on the exact day

that God appointed
in the book of Leviticus.

All these mysteries
coming together

and you actually see how it
changed the course of America,

the hour, the minute
and the exact split-second.

Now there’s something else
I open up in the Josiah

manifesto called
The Phineas Factor.

And that is a mystery
that has to do with

when the plague was
at one of its peaks

and all of a sudden it plunged
and began to disappear.

Well, it didn’t just happen.
And it goes back to a principle

and a revelation
that is found in the Torah,

and it has to do
with the Phineas factor.

And it’s amazing.
And it’s precise.

There’s something else
I open up in the Josiah

Manifesto called
The Day of Broken Curses.

There’s a day in the Bible

that is appointed
to break the curse.

And actually, on that day,

the course
of America was altered.

In the book, I share a vision
that actually was given to me

when I was beginning to write
The Return of the Gods.

And it actually came true
on the very day

that I finished
the Return of Gods.

And it has to do
with the broken altar.

This is a key.
All these things converge

with a biblical sign
of the broken altar.

And that sign not only tells us
where we are,

but where we are heading.

It has to do with the judgment
of a nation.

It has to do with the fall
of a nation.

But it also has to do with the
last chance given to a nation.

And it has to do
with the potential of revival

and all these things point to
what I call the Josiah moment.

And this goes back
to the ancient king

that actually holds the key
about where we are

and what we need to do,
what you need to do.

This is why the book is called
The Josiah Manifesto,

because it’s a blueprint
from God

that all these things open up
and point to about the answer.

What do we do? How do we live?

What are the keys
we need to know to survive now

and in the days ahead
and what’s coming

and the end times.
That’s why the Josiah

Manifesto is called
the Ancient Mystery

and Guide for the End Times.

I mean, it’s literally
every part of our life.

And then I get into
the last mystery.

So these are things
I can’t get into here,

but it is so crucial
that I knew

I had to write this book
for such a time as this.

And the last mystery has to do
with something that happened,

a prophetic event and moment

that really opens up the key
to the end times,

and especially for believers,

because the end times
are not just darkness.

It’s also light.

And it’s not just
the power of evil.

It’s the power of good.

And we have to live
in that power.

And how do we do that?

How do we live victoriously now
when everything’s going on?

How do we live the way
God called us

to live for this hour,
for the last days?

Because God doesn’t
want us fearing.

He wants us to prevail.

And there is, there’s a secret
and there’s a key to this

that is opened up

at the very end
of the revelation.

And this is to give you
a little taste

of what you’re going to find

and what’s going
to be revealed in the Josiah


[Music] >> Call to get
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s

brand new revelatory book,
“The Josiah Manifesto,”

plus his exclusive
eight-part DVD video series,

“The Josiah Manifesto

After delivering
seven explosive New York Times

best sellers,
Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

unveils his latest book
alongside his exclusive

DVD video series,

building on the impact

of his previous hits.

This new release
introduces something special.

The blueprint, the answer
the manifesto.

JC: “The Josiah Manifesto”

opens up
the stunning mysteries

that lie behind the dramatic
events of recent times

that have changed our world

and the message hidden within
them with regard to the future.

>> Could these mysteries go

all the way back to
ancient times, to the

biblical feasts in ancient
Israel, to a broken altar,

to the destruction
of a pagan temple,

to the reign of King Josiah?

Through this book and exclusive
eight-part DVD video series,

you will be taken
on a prophetic journey

from a Caribbean island
to Washington, D.C.,

to the ancient valley of Hinnom
to the Supreme Court,

to a desert mountain,
to an ancient Middle East temple,

to the gates of America,
to uncover an ancient puzzle

that lies behind the events
that have altered our lives.

What are these mysteries

and what exactly do they
have to do with us?

Is it possible that they are
impacting the modern world,

and specifically America?

Did they forewarn
of a catastrophic event

that shook America
and the modern world,

was an altered to an ancient God

actually built on the streets
of Washington, D.C.?

What is the mystery of days,
the return, the Josiah moment?

Who is the child of the Nile?
The modern Jew?

And where is this heading?

JC: All these things converge
with a biblical sign

of the broken altar.

And that sign not only
tells us where we are,

but where we are heading.
And all

these things point to what I
call, The Josiah moment.

And this goes back
to the ancient king

that actually holds the key
about where we are

and what we need to do,

what you need to do now
and in the days ahead

and what’s coming
and the end times.

That’s why it is so crucial
that I knew

I had to write this book
for such a time as this.

The end times are not
just darkness. It’s also light.

And it’s not just
the power of evil.

It’s the power of good.

And we have to live
in that power.

And how do we do that?

How do we live victoriously now
when everything’s going on?

How do we live the way

God called us to live
for this hour, for the last days?

Because God doesn’t want us
fearing, He wants us to prevail.

And there is, there’s a secret
and there’s a key to this

that is opened up at the very end
of the revelation.

I believe
it’s a blueprint from God

that really opens up the key
to the end times in

“The Josiah Manifesto.”

>> Don’t miss out on this call
or go online

to get Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s
exclusive offer,

which includes his brand
new revelatory book,

“The Josiah Manifesto,”

plus his exclusive
eight-part DVD video series,

“The Josiah Manifesto

It includes the full revelation.

You can’t get this anywhere else.
Yours for a donation of $59.

Shipping and handling
is included.

Ask for offer number 9951
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