Francis Frangipane says you have a choice — the world and its troubles or a secret place you can enter daily. You should hear what Francis has learned about the shelter of the Most High.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world,

where it’s naturally supernatural! My guest
had a vision of the End time outpouring of

God’s Glory, and it is so real, that he feels
it’s coming soon! I know better. It’s coming

sooner than soon!
Audience: [cheers and applause]

SR: I know that every show I do from now on,
I am expecting the presence the manifest,

tangible Glory of God to show up and when
that Glory shows up, every Promise in the

Word of God is instant!
Audience: [applause and cheers]

Announcer: Is there a supernatural dimension?

A world beyond the one we know? Is there life
after death? Are there hidden forces of darkness

trying to block God’s blessings for your life?
Do Angels exist, providing us with supernatural

protection, disarming our enemies? Can our
dreams contain messages from Heaven? Can we

tap into ancient secrets of the supernatural?
Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing

onto Planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent
over 40 years researching the strange world

of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition
of “It’s Supernatural!”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: you know Francis, you’re such a nice

guy, I find it hard to understand how you
had thousands of witches and warlocks fasting,

and praying, and cursing you. But even more
important question than that is, you survived.

How did you survive?
FF: [chuckles] Well the short answer is, you

know, life in God and the Holy Spirit forces
us to find our shelter in them, in the Most

High. And the situation you’re referring to
was back when I had written a book called

The Three Battlegrounds, and um that book
and a Bible was given to this fella who was

into witchcraft, and he had a large mailing
list. And that mailing list, um, when he got

saved, this guy came to Christ, and when he
gave his life to Jesus, he began giving out

Bibles and The Three Battlegrounds. And and
I remember telling him I don’t need this kind

of promotion,
SR: [laughs]

Audience: [laughs]
FF: you know.

SR: [laughing] Thou I mean you have thousands
of witches and warlocks. [laughs]

FF: [chuckling] Yeah, really! But but I went
on with my life, and you know, cities were

opening up, and there were moves of God, and
there were personal blessings, and it was

all these wonderful things happening! And
now a few years later, we had led this lady

to the Lord, and um, she had been involved
in a coven that was putting curses, trying

to put curses on us. And the amazing thing
to me was, I didn’t even know it. I couldn’t

tell that there was a curse that was trying
to get through the protection of God. And

every Believer has that, we’re sealed with
the Holy Spirit.

Audience: Yes!
FF: And to be able to be, to live in that

and to function in there, and to walk through
life “though I walk through the valley of

the shadow of death, I fear no evil”, because
the Lord is with us, amen?

Audience: Amen!
FF: Amen.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: So,

FF: So,
SR: you [sighs] so, you had already prepared

for this, not even knowing this was ever going
to happen!

FF: No. I, my focus really is is on the Lord
on this,

Audience: [cheers]
FF: and um, if He tells me to deal with the

enemy, I do.
SR: Alright, speaking of that,

FF: Yes.
SR: you had a woman that was actually part

of the group praying and fasting and cursing
you, came into a congregation you were speaking,

and tell me about that.
FF: Well, the woman was through a witness

relocation program, was moved to the city
where we lived where I lived and, she was

she took advantage of an outreach that we
had to a home, a group home where she could

be secured from her husband who was trying
to kill her. So one of our ladies, our dear

ladies in the church, brought her to church
on a Saturday night we had a Saturday night

service at the time and it happened that I
was speaking that night about how God will

not allow a curse to light upon the righteous!
All of a sudden, this lady realizes she’s

in the church of the man they were trying
to put curses on! And she begins to manifest

demonically. She was picking people up and
throwing them. She was a bigger, stronger

but d demonized human, throwing men, picking
up ladies, and throwing ladies. And right

after the service, the woman that was in charge
of the prayer team that took her into the

back room, to have a prayer, she comes down.
When now when she first came to church, she

looked great, had a little bun on the top
of [chuckling] her head.

Audience: [laughs]
SR: Um-hm. [chuckles]

FF: [chuckling] She was very personable, you
know. Now, after the service, her bun is hanging

Audience: [laughs]

SR: [laughs]
FF: you know. [chuckles] She got to looking

at me cockeyed,
SR: [laughs]

FF: and so I go walking over to the room.
at the time, I had tennis elbow. I couldn’t,

like pick up my cup, I had no strength at
all in my right arm. And I was carrying my

briefcase in my left arm when I went into
the room. When she said, “Francis is here”,

she bent over, and took out of her purse a
fishing knife. And in her demonic frenzy,

she lunged at my face with this knife.
Audience: Mmh!

SR: Mmh!!
FF: And the Lord this was the sore the arm

I couldn’t pick up a coffee cup, the Lord
how many of you know the Lord loves photo

Audience: [cheers and applause]

SR: [laughs]
FF: He healed my arm on the way up!

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Hmh!

FF: And it’s that knife came right to you
gotta shout, that was a

Audience: [cheers and applause]
FF: shouting moment.

SR: [laughs]
FF: But He

SR: That was that was such a shout, you wouldn’t
be here [chuckling] if the Lord didn’t show

Audience: [laughs]

FF: I know, I know! I know. So, you know,
I actually broke her wrist when our my hand

her arm came down, and then she passed out
and then eventually, you know everybody took

her home. And I called the next day. And I
got her number at this group home, and I called

her next day and I said, “You know, I could
have you arrested for you know, attempted

murder. But, I want you to know that Jesus
loves you, and He brought you here. You think

you came on your own, but He brought you here,

Audience: Right.
FF: “because he wants to show you His salvation.”

And she said “Well I “, she says, “I I hate
men. And my dad my father, abused me, my pastor

abused me, the street evangelist abused me.
And your God is a man, and I hate them, and

I hate you, and I hate God.” And I said, “Look,
I’m calling, I could send you to jail for

a long time because I have all these witnesses
that saw you try and kill me.” And she said

I said, “But I’m not going to do that. I want
you to know that Christ forgives you, that

our Lord Jesus forgives you, and He wants
“, and all of a sudden, this girl began to

cry. She hadn’t cried since she was a little

SR: Mm.
FF: and she accepted the Lord. But the

Audience: [clap]
FF: the amen. That was a good

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FF: [laughs]

SR: [laughs]
FF: [chuckling] I’m not going to keep telling

you when to clap, alright. [chuckling] So,
so anyway. So it was in the context of that,

that the Lord began to show me how He had
structured my spiritual walk so that I would

be under you know, “under the shelter of the
Most High”, that I would be in His presence.

Audience: Amen.
FF: It’s not that I always walked perfect

and never failed or stumbled, itís that there
are principles, spiritual principles, that

I that I put in the book, The Shelter of The
Most High. They weren’t, it wasn’t a theory,

it wasn’t just theology, it wasn’t just doctrine,
SR: Um-hm.

FF: it was o something that God had done in
me, and to me, and through me, that made that

barrier of His presence immunize me from the
attack of the enemy.

Audience: Amen.
SR: Now I’m told

Audience: [applause]
SR: I agree. I am told that Psalm 91 protects

you from every conceivable thing that could
be thrown at you in this life, that’s what

“the secret place” is!
Audience: Yes!

SR: Do you realize every protection you see
in Psalm 91 is in “the secret place”?

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: But most don’t know how to [shouts] get

to “the secret place”! When we come back,
we’re going to [shouts] get to “the secret

Audience: [applause and cheers]

Hello YouTube mishpochah! Mishpochah is a
Hebrew word; it means family. This is Sid

Roth. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally
supernatural! If you’ve been blessed by

this show, please subscribe. Then click the
bell so you won’t miss a single episode

of It’s Supernatural!
[music] ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s

Audience: [applause and cheers]

SR: Okay. We’ve been talking about “the secret

FF: Yes.
SR: Describe to me what is “the secret place”.

FF: Alright. Um, I believe “the secret place”
is the point of contact where the Holy Spirit

and my human spirit are engaged. “Unless you
are born of the Spirit”, those that are born

of the spirit, “that which is born of the
Spirit; is, spirit”.

Audience: Yes.
FF: and so that union of my spirit being regenerated

to the Holy Spirit. But let me just say, the
way to the holy place, and we can say the

way to the holy place is Jesus, and that
would be true. But I also notice that there’s

a lethargy, there’s a passivity. Christians,
we too many of us give our life, to the Lord

in a momentary experience at an altar, but
we don’t really hunger for what else there

can be, how much more of God there is. That’s
the biggest enemy to getting into the holy

place, is that we think where we are is good

Audience: Mm.
FF: you know what I’m talking about.

Audience: Yes. [applause]
FF: Where I am. Amen.

SR: And there is so much more!
FF: There’s so much more.

SR: If you only knew! “Eye has not seen” that’s
what God says to you “Eye has not seen, ear

has not even heard,”
Audience: [cheers and applause]

SR: “all that God has in store for you.”
FF: Amen. And it goes on! and this and it

and where Paul says, “But to us, the Lord
revealed them through the Spirit, because

the Spirit searches all things, even the depths
of God.”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Mmh.

FF: Come on!
Audience: [applause and cheers]

FF: The “depths of God”, that is that that’s
the limitless reality of the Almighty.

Audience: Whoo!
FF: The Spirit that we have in us,

SR: Mm!
FF: that we are born of.

Audience: Yes!
FF: Jesus is jealous, for that Spirit, because

He wants to bring us into that fullness.
Audience: [cheers and applause]

FF: And so but we need to the discipline of
it all, you know. We’re to

SR: When you call “the secret place”
FF: Yeah.

SR: the place of immunity, what do you mean
by that?

FF: I mean if we live in there, “all the promises”
from Psalm 91 “are ‘Yeah’ and ‘Amen’.”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
FF: They are, truth.

SR: And you also use another term that [sigh]
I read in the Bible, I don’t hear anyone talk

about it, Lord, excavate my heart.
FF: Amen.

SR: Explain.
Audience: Wow.

SR: Isn’t that
FF: It

SR: Isn’t that a good term?
Audience: [cheers and applause]

SR: Excavate my heart.
FF: When I pray, often I start with a simple

statement that says, “Holy Spirit, lead me
into the presence of Jesus.”

Audience: Yes.
FF: “Take me to where I hear His voice.”

Audience: Amen.
FF: “Scan me, so He can tell me if there’s

any hurtful thing in me, ”
Audience: Amen.

FF: “or any presumptuous thing.” It’s the
beginning of the real steps into the presence

of the Lord. The “The sacrifices of God are
a broken and a contrite heart”, that breaking

of the outer man, the old man, that and when
I say the old man, I’m not talking about your

husbands, ladies,
Audience: [laughs]

SR: [laughs]
FF: I’m talking about [chuckling] I’m talking

about that that that old that thing that we
used to be, the thing that we don’t like in

Audience: Yes.

FF: That thing that tries to offer protection,
but itís hostile to the ways of God. And

so but now but now we’re on that journey inward.
We’re in that journey, where the Holy Spirit

can begin to speak, begin to show us what
needs to change. Begin to did I did I was

I harsh to my wife this morning? Was I unconscious
of the need of my daughter? Was, you know

what I mean, I have a point, I have a place,
a mirror, if you will, where the living presence

of the Lord begins can speak to me about what
needs to change in me.

Audience: Amen.
FF: It can speak to me, with what needs to

be healed in me!
Audience: Amen.

FF: And those, the 91st Psalm is telling us
that it’s anything we come to the Lord with,

He will He will be there, and He will meet
us there, and He will heal us there.

SR: Francis,
Audience: [applause]

SR: when we come back, I want you to share
how many years ago, you had one drop of God’s

glory, and what is about ready to hit Planet
Earth! We’ll be right back!

Audience: [applause and cheers]
[music] ANNOUNCER: We will be right back to

“It’s Supernatural!”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Francis, you “provoke me to jealousy”,

50 years ago, you had one drop of God’s glory.

FF: We were just in this circle praying, just
seeking God and praying. And all of a sudden,

I felt this I could actually see it with spiritual
eyes, but I felt this drop, like a mercury

touch my head, and it just went down my back,
down my neck, down my back, and it just leached

out all the years of when I was unsaved, and
all the consequences of those crimes and sins

against myself and others, before I was a
Christian. It just leached it all out. And

I said to the Lord, “Whoa, Lord, what was
that?”, and the Lord said, “That was one drop

of My Living Water.”
Audience: [cheers and applause]

FF: And I said, “Lord, evermore, give me that

Audience: Yes!
FF: and He said, “You only need one drop.”

Audience: [cheers]
FF: And that’s and from that moment, till

today, every time I think of that moment in
time, that same cleansing thing goes down

my neck and quenches my thirst,
Audience: [cheers and applause]

SR: Tell me
FF: spiritually.

SR: tell me what happened to the vision you
had in 1970.

FF: As a new Christian, my wife and I were

reading our Bibles for the first time through,
we had never read the Word of God.

SR: And you made an interesting point to me
last night at dinner. You told me most Christians

FF: Yeah.
SR: read the Promises, but they don’t read

the Bible!
FF: Yeah.

SR: There is a distinction! [chuckles]
FF: Yeah, there is. for a couple of years

ago I started um taking every word, every
verse that Jesus spoke and taught, and asking

the Lord, “Am I walking in this?” “Am I living
in this?”

Audience: Mm!
SR: Mhh!

FF: you know you the hard verses and the easy
verses, there’s, you know we tend to pick

cheesecake verses
SR: Right.

FF: and leave the liver verses, [chuckling]
you know.

Audience: [chuckles]
SR: [chuckles]

FF: But we need the whole thing, we need the
whole package. And you know, and so I ‘d say

“Lord, am I walk “, “am I really a disciple,
or do I have a religion about You?”

Audience: Mm!
FF: But n but, you understand, it’s am I standing

and searching for the museum of what You did
or the power plant of Who You are,

Audience: Mm!
SR: Hm.

FF: and having both. But, you know, “Lord,
what “, “am I walking in this? I not, how

m how much am I lacking?” Or maybe I the next
verse was what “Lord, when did You put this

verse in the Bible?”
Audience: [laughs]

SR: So what you’re doing is you’re letting
the Word of God excavate you! Thatís what

you’re doing.
FF: Dig out all, to bring in the new.

SR: Take you back to the vision of 1970.
FF: Yeah, thank you. Um, so we’re reading,

I’m reading in my Bible. I read Isaiah 59,
I shut the Bible, I went to sleep. I woke

in the middle of the night, and there is a
city covered in darkness. In the darkness,

there are faces coming out, a massive amount
of people. the place is obviously desolate.

The time is already passed for anything good,
it just looked awful. But, the Holy Spirit

began to flow through us, our faces were radiant
with the light of God! I felt the surge of

the electricity of God, like a geyser of life
coming out from me. And there were multitudes

were receiving the Lord! And when I woke,
[clears throat] I turned for the first time

in my life I picked up my Bible, and for the
first time I turned to the page, and I read

Isaiah 60. Isaiah 60 is a Promise for the
End Times, amen!

Audience: [applause]
FF: That Isaiah 60 says, “‘Arise, shine, for

your light, has come, and the glory of the
Lord ‘”

Audience: [cheers and applause]
FF: “‘has risen upon you.'”

SR: And that’s what we’re this is what we’re
about ready to have on Planet Earth! And I

feel a bubble of it now, but I’m going to
tell you something: When this Glory comes

in, you won’t have to just feel it, you will
see it!

Audience: Amen!
SR: It’ll be tangible. Will you

FF: Amen.
SR: pray for a g great there’s more of God,

pray for us to be as hungry as you are, right

Audience: Yes!
FF: Lord, we do pray, Father, for everyone

here, and everyone watching. Father, I pray
for the hunger of God that thing that compelled

Paul where he said, “I press on for the upward
call of God in Christ Jesus”. Lord, I pray

for every heart who’s been disappointed, that
they would be set free, and they’d be able

to walk out of the past and “the snare of
the trapper”, into the arms of their Beloved,

in Jesus’ name, amen!
Audience: Amen!

FF: And amen.
Audience: [applause and cheers]

SR: Now, Moses I want you

to pray, this is important. Moses prayed a
prayer, and this

should be on, your mouth 20, 30, 40 times

a day! This is what Moses prayed: “Show me
Your Glory”.

FF: Yes, Lord.
SR: [shouting] “Show me Your Glory”!

Audience: [cheers and applause]