Did you ever wonder why God isn’t doing something? You see America being torn apart, battered into submission, and molded into some ugly weak version of her former self. All in the name of progress. When the moral bottom of society becomes the loudest voices of influence, shouldn’t God act?

I believe He is acting. But it is happening in a wholly unexpected way. He is at war to save our nation. The real question is are you ready to understand what your assignment is in His war to save America?

hello sid roth here with mario morello

and i have to tell you i know mariel has

been looking forward to this

i am so looking forward to this

um you talk about a

shaking that is coming

to america around the election

time in the month of november you don’t

have to be prophetic to know that

yeah you also don’t have to be prophetic

to know

which if whichever party

wins there will be civil unrest

it doesn’t matter who wins

so i want to know what god is showing


about the shaking coming to america

well brother sid it’s an honor to be

with you and i want to answer your

question very directly november

is going to be a massive moral civil

earthquake many things that we are

looking at now

are going to be infinitely greater and

more intense

in the month of november the reason that

i wanted to be on this show with you

is because i believe that your ministry

is a voice

not only of supernatural but of sanity

and the body of christ is getting so

many confusing messages

about how to prepare for the month of

november and what to do

and what is actually going to happen and

you know the word of god

says if the trumpet gives an uncertain

sound who will

prepare for war and how will the army

move forward

and i really believe that we need to


what i feel god wants to do to the

people watching is make them disaster


you’re literally going to stand against

the wind the storm the fire the


the attacks and you’re going to prevail

you know what mary i believe there is

coming such a outpouring

of what i’ve been calling in it’s a

biblical term

the greater glory a glory that the world

has never seen before a glory that will

change the paradigm for christianity

change the paradigm for nations uh and

my eyes although i know the things we’re

talking about

are true yes my eyes is focusing on that

glory and i don’t think it’s an

accident that there is a light above

your head it’s not supernatural

i know that but it’s prophetic

glory that’s what’s going to push us yes


but go ahead i just haven’t you know

you’re saying what i’m saying

right now you know in the beginning of

my book vessels of fire and glory i said

before there can be a great awakening

there must be a rude awakening

and the rude awakening for the disciples

came when jesus was walking through the


city of jerusalem and and they were

oohing and awing over these massive


why what we would do walking through the


of washington dc with the smithsonian

and all of

these magnificent buildings the capitol

building the washington monument on and

on it goes

well jesus said all of these will be


not one stone left on top of another now

you couldn’t do that

unless you had defeated the jewish army

you couldn’t

israel would defend itself to the death

so in 70 a.d when this happened and

jesus prophesied it

that was a chilling prediction and there

are chilling predictions right now

so they asked him when will this happen

you know i got to get my house in order

sell my condo get rid of my timeshare

work on my 401k and get every

thing arranged for disaster and the

first thing he said was he didn’t answer

the question they asked he answered the

question they should have asked

he said take heed that you are not


the greatest threat to the body of

christ right now

is a lack of discernment lack of hearing

the voice of god

we should be ready not to run

and hide but to stand and

watch as god pours out his spirit on us

just as the evil will rise so will the

anointing rise and we’ll

surpass it the best verse i know is in

first samuel 10

look at verse 6 and it says the spirit

of the lord will come

upon you and you will prophesy with them

and be turned into another man

and let it be when the these signs come

to you

that you do as the occasion demands

for god is with you some people watching

say it will say well what do i do to


you have no idea how you have already

been doing the right thing to prepare

the best way to prepare is to draw

closer to god

so you can hear his voice and receive

two things

first inner confidence that

no matter what you’re gonna stand with

god and number two

is direction special direction

the lord will tell you not to store and

hoard up food and water and stuff

but it it is powerful how god is

preparing people

and there is actually a spirit that

needs to come on us sid

where we not only welcome this we

realize that we’re going to know god in

a way we

we never had before and do things we

have never done before

because of his glory that’s how paul he

said i

i glory in tribulation i glory in it

because i know

what god is doing inside of me

you talk about the shaking

in november right around the election

you talk about a judgment coming on


groups of people let me read them


politicians celebrities

and influence makers comment on that

well there’s no way to explain

how nancy pelosi was caught going to a

beauty salon

that was an explosive moment and her

reaction has been so ugly

i cite that sid only not because i want

to pick on her

but because she was seemingly impervious

to this kind of

public shaming and now she’s in it

well it’s because she’s come between

something god wants

and god will not tolerate as daniel said

god sets up kings and

tears them down i am reminded of the


judgment begins doesn’t it doesn’t

end it begins at the house of god

it begins at the house of god pastors

need to beware if by

marketing and human wisdom and what i

call big screen

skinny jeans and fog machines you have


a massive congregation that doesn’t know


doesn’t love god doesn’t want god if you

have cheapened grace

and taken what should have been a

catalyst to holiness

and mutated it into a license to sin

as paul warned in romans not to do

that is this significant change that’s


and i’m gonna i really wanted to focus

on why judgment is coming

because god loves america god will not

let america be destroyed and what is


fearful is the drastic measures that god

is willing to take

to bring the church back to a biblical


the drastic steps god is willing to take

to restore holiness

on those that are behind the pulpit and

the drastic steps

he’s willing to take with our economy

with our stature

with our with our protection

if it if the option is for america to go


god is rolling up his sleeves and in

november he’s going to selectively and

surgically remove people in some very

fearful ways

but those who are righteous this is why

i love

isaiah 26 20 which is a verse i’ve been

living in

you know when i mentioned direction

special direction and the inner work

god doing a work in you to remove your


the weight uh as jesus said

don’t let the constant pressure of the

last days

weigh you down with carousing so many

christians are are literally acting

immoral right now because of fear they

they don’t see the purpose of prayer and

holiness they’re making the opposite

reaction they should have to what’s

going on

anyway i want to read this first very

quickly isaiah 26 verse 20

come my people enter into your chambers

shut the doors behind you hide yourself

as it were for a little moment

until the indignation is passed i

believe that this storm

will pass the righteous will shine

and evil is going to be exposed in


the devil always overplays his hand

black lives matter

antifa the the turmoil in our streets

is leading americans to a point where

while they are for racial justice and


are for uh fairness and in our system

they’re watching evil unfold and they

don’t want it

and it’s going to create a massive

hunger for those who preach the word of


faithfully who operate in signs and

wonders with purity

this is going to be a golden age but it

will begin

with an earthquake a moral spiritual

earthquake an implosion

that will set the stage for the greatest

harvest of souls

in american history and in world history

you know i’m reminded a number of years


and fortunately these two men have

repented have

been restored uh but you

were on a tbn show

you made a statement and the minute you

were going to answer this statement


the show was shut down and then picked

up again

right is that too personal to ask you

about no

no you know uh there are parts of

obeying god that i don’t like and one of

them is when he gives you a word you

know one of my heroes is david wilkerson

a man that was greatly misunderstood but

he was a true prophet

and david would hear things from god and

have to speak them

and they weren’t always comfortable i

was on tbn with paul and jan crouch when

god told me

that three ministries were going to be


within a matter of 30 days of that

broadcast i was a young man

and uh so i was going to not say

anything sid

doing everything in my power saying lord

give this to someone else

when paul looked at me with jan seated

beside him

and he said is god telling you anything

right now and it’s on film i i can’t

find it

it’s conveniently unavailable i don’t

know i’m not going to say anything more

about that

but i looked at them and i said there

are three ministries

that are going to be destroyed within 30

days of this broadcast

and i and they said well who are they

and then all of a sudden the lord said

don’t say any names

just say what i told you

and paul said i think i know who you’re

talking about

and then sid he looked at me and he said

are we

that third ministry well that was not on

the air

no it wasn’t and then others they cut it


they stopped it and he asked the


he said are we that third ministry

and then paul said i don’t want to be

that third ministry

and he and jan in the audience we all

turn around in our seats

knelt before god and prayed a heartfelt

prayer of repentance and i believe that

that had its

effect and i do believe that i’m sensing

the same thing right now

and i don’t like it sid i hate it

but i feel a a very amazing mixture

of dread and joy

and i just can’t say enough that those

of you that are teaching

a false grace need to understand that

you are

shaking your fist at god

and he will not tolerate it anymore

as i’ve read the bible every day

and i hear the innuendos

or the blatant statements written by

some quote grace teachers i

say what bible are they reading don’t

they know there’s seven churches

in revelation and um just about every

one of them

uh jesus says repent or take away your

your candle everything one outside of

one and then it’s implied

in the church of laodicea is

perfectly a profile of the american

compromised church with the 12-minute

express service

and and all of these things that have

been taught

because it says you think that you don’t

need anything

but you are poor miserable blind

and naked and i counsel you to buy of me

gold tried in the fire that’s exactly

where i feel i am right now

you see the commercials on tv that tell

you to buy gold

that’s exactly what jesus said in

revelation buy gold

the gold he wants us to buy is this

there are turkeys and there are eagles

and it’s time for the eagles to leave

the turkey yard

instead of pecking the seed of carnal


in the turkey yard you need to spread

your wings and let the wind of the


take you up into the greater glory the

intimacy with christ

the power of god because you see what’s

going to happen

the people that want this hollow

imitation counterfeit christian


in america are going to die off

the audiences of tomorrow of the

immediate future

will have gone through turmoil they

don’t want

entertainment they want answers to


they have habits and drives that they


and they want deliverance so the church

of tomorrow

will be online as well as in person

god’s anointing will flow through the

internet and the voices that god will


in the immediate future or the ones that

are not afraid to tell people

if you’re going to serve christ you

don’t serve him as

savior and then his lord until he’s lord

he is not your savior until he has

the unquestioned throne of your heart

you cannot experience the active

ingredient of christianity

which is death to self resulting in new


and power now when you go into uh

mario has the most fabulous

ministry he goes into

the worst areas of the big

cities of america though mostly

california in the areas invested by

gangs and drugs and pornography

and and uh

slavery so to speak through prostitution

uh uh and you preach

that kind of strong message to them

how did how do these gang guys

take that kind of message you know i

really believe that

that that one of the reasons god has

blessed you so much sid

is your focus on winning souls

and demonstrating the supernatural power

of god in a biblically based

and centered way i’m going to tell you a

quick story

because it’s going to answer your

question directly

we went into a homeless camp our workers


and they found a woman that seemed so

out of place in a homeless camp

it was absolutely

inexplicable that she was there but she


and she was terrified what had happened

is she had come home from work one day

walked in her house and her husband and

children were all

murdered they were dead

and she didn’t bother to wait for the


she ran for her life left her job left

her friends left no

forwarding address and ended up in a

homeless camp

and one of the things people don’t

realize that happens to you when you are

homeless in a homeless camp

you’re subject to sickness because

you’re exposed to the elements

and here was a woman maybe upper middle

class suddenly

living on the streets and one day she’s

handed a card

and people wonder why do you take the

time to send workers down into these

hobbles and hell holes and pits

because sometimes we don’t know how they

got there

we have no idea how they got there we we

can’t have a stereotype that everybody’s

story is that they were lazy and


she took the card and came to the tent

terrified sat on the side

i walked out and the lord said don’t you

dare preach until you look this woman in

the eye and you speak life

and i said lord what’s happened to her

and this horrible story unfolded

and i walked over i stood in front of

her and i said

you have diseases in your vital organs

in your skin in your bones your heart

your liver and your kidneys well let me

tell you something

she began to shake and her

healing was so dramatic that it radiated

throughout the packed out tent

she was not saved she had been healed

and there she was ready to be born again

to give god her whole life she had to be

in a program where we kept her identity

private because

she still didn’t know why they had

killed her family

but she had been gloriously healed and


and most of all the fear lifted off of


i believe that the supernatural which

has been

relegated in so many ways to this

extracurricular christianity

in in some instances entertainment

god has so brought us to a point

so is satan he’s created such mystery

in the american public that miracles are

no longer

a side issue but they are the central


of preaching the gospel in america

whoever cannot cast out devils

whoever cannot ins instill in people the

baptism of the holy spirit

is not going to have a relevant voice

but those that do

it’s going to be explosive the harvest

and that’s why we do what we do

you know you say you’re not a prophet

but in the book he referred to vessels

of fire and glory

you said such things as

in this this was in uh uh

2019 you said that statues

are going to be toppled

that was prophetic yes

three things that i saw was mega

churches that were totally empty but i

didn’t know why

second was a crisis that would put

people in their homes

and third was statues being toppled

and fourth was a amalgamation between


and radical islam that they would join


i mean that that is so preposterous that

that islam and marxism

one blatant atheist the others

deceived by trying to follow god would

join forces uh

there has to be a devil for that to

happen yeah

they couldn’t be more and they they have

a natural

animosity to each other marxism and


have been at war for sims since the

1800s they’ve been at war against each

other since karl marx invented it

and and they’ve targeted each other and

they’ve come together

and it’s embodied in ilhan omar from


and alexandria ocasio-cortez

from new york one marxist other

radical islam they’ve joined forces

and now it’s happening on the streets

and uh

but but the purpose of the book was to

warn people

and prepare them for this i was on a

show where they asked me

now that you see what’s happened to

america what would you add to your book

and i said absolutely nothing because i

can’t believe

how i wrote it not for what was

happening at the time i wrote it for the

but for the moment

but it focuses on people

becoming something new that is greater

than the circumstances they would face

and i truly believe that is the message

of this hour

well we’re making it’s so important your


i believe your book is more important


uh than when we offered it when it came


and so we’ve we’ve made available to


viewers a digital download

of the book uh if you uh just go to

my web page sid roth

s-i-d-r-o-t-h dot org o-r-g

slash m-m mario morello

so again it’s ten dollars and you will

have it

instantly that’s sidroth.org

mm the name of the book vessels of fire

and glory uh and i’m going to tell you


it was almost like you were a newscaster


some of the things you were prophesying

but the direction

in that book is as much god

as the true prophecies were as much

god that leads me now to a question

yes sir you say this is going to happen


election time uh this judgment

poured out you said influencers by the

way before i get to that question what

do you mean by influencers

oprah winfrey i’m speaking about oprah

winfrey i

i love her i want i don’t wish her ill

but she needs to repent because she is

actively proposing to millions of


there’s no hell there’s more than one

way to god

and she’s projecting a narrative

well she is the uh if you will the pie

piper uh of uh that marianne


platform where she actually teaches

uh a horrific

understanding of god right

in love you know i i would like to say

one last thing about judgment that

everyone needs to understand

ananias and sapphira were killed

not simply because they withheld money

because we know that for many years

judas iscariot was stealing money before

he was finally judged

when the you look at the time lapse

between the moment they made a pledge to

give the money

and they died that’s a very brief time

why was god so strict it had to do

with the backdrop of what was happening

when they withheld the money

that’s what i’m trying to warn preachers


it’s one thing to preach the messages of

hollow selfishness

elitism of carnality of even abuse of


during a time when america was safe but

they have insisted on keeping that


after the pandemic after the shutdown

after the riots after the shutdown of

churches the illegal lockdown of


they persist in teaching this false


and that’s what ananias and sapphira did

they did it against

a great revival in acts chapter 5 god

was moving in a mighty way it’s the same


with the very shadow of peter healed the


and if you do it during that time you


the the strictness goes way up

and the wrath of god becomes more

apparent and that’s why it’s dangerous

now it’s

when we’re doing this nonsense okay

those that want the book

vessels of fire and glory uh there’s a

link below

just click it now right now uh but mary

most important question yes sir how

important look

i talk a lot uh about candidates

and people think oh that’s sid roth

he’s in love with president trump i


get it he’s supposed to be a man of god

no i’m not in love with president trump

i’m in love with the freedom we have in


and i am love in love with this freedom

so i can preach the gospel

to the four corners of the earth i’m in

love with god

plus nothing however

however why

why should someone that has listened to

the media

and if i just listened to the media

i would feel like them about me why

should someone

want to see trump versus biden

in it’s not democrat versus republican

it’s the destiny and future of america

comet you know i want to comment with

eisenhower when he went into the

concentration camps

in germany and he made the soldiers

look at everything and they asked him

why are you

making them look at this horror and he

said up till now

our men have known what they’re fighting


but they haven’t really understood what

they’re fighting against

we’re watching a question about the

democratic party and i’m going to get in

trouble for this but i’m going to say it

people accuse me of telling you to leave

the democratic party you need to wake up

the democratic party is asking you to


forcefully they took the flag out of

their convention they took

god out of the pledge they’ve made it

eminently clear

that they are the party of not


but of perversion of late-term abortion

which is nothing but the most

barbaric form of human sacrifice in the

modern era

there is no question that all of you

watching are faced with

the ultimate choice do i vote for evil

or do i accept god’s rescue

you know when jesus came toward


it’s the most ironic scene sid

because the masses are hailing him as

the messiah

they’re putting the palm leaves down and

as he gets closer

the adulation is having no effect on him

because he begins to cry

and he says jerusalem jerusalem how


i would have gathered you in but you

would not they were literally

ignoring their own rescue from god

they didn’t realize when god

had come to save them trump

is a rough cure

because we lost our right for a soft

cure our sin

did that now we have a man who’s a

wrecking ball

but he’s in god’s hands and you need to


by voting for trump you are stopping a


of evil in our nation it is absolutely


and and whenever i meet what is quote

unquote a woke

christian oh i don’t like trump i don’t

believe he’s christian i don’t

i look at it what is your alternative

what you need

to ask yourself is what dietrich

bonhoeffer asked germany

what are you doing to stop hitler and

what are you doing to stop the

socialist destruction of the united


now i i am told uh that tamil

harris is probably the most

socialistic uh member

uh in in the in the legislature today

and she is the one that will walk in his

shoes anyone

that has have a brain that watches

uh president biden your heart goes out

for him

but you cannot have someone like him


the biggest organization in the world

no no and uh camilla harris

in california has proven that her

priority is to keep power

hold on to power and say or do whatever

is necessary

joe biden is mentally diminishing

he is constantly making verbal gaffes

for getting where he is sentences


anyone with compassion would walk up and


somebody relieved this man of the burden

of running for office

but that is the evil part of the story

ladies and gentlemen

the evil part of the story is that


biden is a puppet he is the


he is the manchurian candidate he is a

trojan horse

and the voice behind him is none other

than barack obama

and that’s exactly what everyone needs

to understand

will come to power it’s about to come to


what you need to see is in a nation that

doesn’t want police

that wants to kill babies even after

they’re born

that wants to destroy and and tell


you can decide if you’re male or female

at a certain age

and the fluidity of your gender will be

determined later

this is what california is telling and

will be a part

of curriculum the only firewall

and and president trump was never more

accurate than when he said this

they’re not after me they’re after you

they’re after your christianity so

that’s a good word

to end on however there’s a better word

to end on

come on and that is we’re going to

release i’m going to have muriel

and then i’m going to pray to release


tangible manifest visible

glory the kavod of god

but before we release this dramatic

presence of god i want to make sure

that you are right with god yes

because the glory will destroy someone

that isn’t right with god

and it’ll be the greatest day of your


when the presence of god i mean

look at the fear in the old testament

of even coming looking at them and

looking at

you couldn’t even look at him he’s going

so great that we were

sinners so god sent his son

to die in our place and

his son was a willing son

that not only died in our place

but went through the most humiliating

death a person could go through

and because he did that you can become

clean in god’s sight in judaism it

didn’t work

it didn’t work in the temple we had to

have yom kippur day of atonement every

single year

to make up for what we did during the


but yeshua that’s his hebrew name came

once and came to die

for all of humanity he’s coming a second


that’s where we jews have missed it

we combined the prophecies in the jewish


about his uh

his coming the second time and eliminate

his first coming you’d have to

understand the ancient rabbis knew it

there were two appearances

of the same messiah the ranging rabbis

thought they were just two appearances

but why could there be two appearances

of the same messiah

and he came once to suffer as the

young kippur as the day

of atonement and wants

to rule and reign as king david

forever and ever out of jerusalem

it’s so simple you need help to be


say this prayer with me whether you’re

jewish or muslim or hindu

or or a backslidden christian or a

christian that doesn’t know

whether they have really had an

encounter with god

repeat this prayer out loud it’s very

important out loud

if you want to stand stand if you don’t

that’s not necessary you want to close

your eyes close your eyes you don’t

not necessary but repeat after me

and just mean it to the best of your

ability that’s all god wants

repeat out loud dear god dear god

i’m a sinner i’m a sinner i’m so sorry

i’m so sorry i believe

i believe your blood

your blood your precious blood your

precious blood

is washing away every sin i’ve ever

committed right

it’s washing away every sin i’ve ever


right now and giving me the power

and giving me the power to overcome

sins to overcome sins

and now that i am clean and now that i

am clean

because of jesus because of jesus

i ask you god to come and live inside of


i ask you god to come and live inside me

jesus i make you my savior

jesus i make you my savior and my lord

and my lord and i am not

ashamed and i am not ashamed

to say jesus is my lord

to say jesus is my lord amen

mary will pray for us if god gives you

words of knowledge just

let them go let them rip i do believe

that all across america

i would like you to place your hand over

your heart

and i would like you to understand that

the word of god says very plainly

sent his word and healed them it’s by

his stripes

we are healed the healing that you’re

feeling now in your heart your liver in

your brain

blood bones skin

respiratory in every manner of disease

that anointing flows that anointing

overwhelms that anointing empowers

and removes cancer removes viruses

and allows you to be well the holy

spirit himself

is hovering over tens of thousands of


around the world in this moment a moment

that the devil has

dreaded for centuries when the anointing

and the internet would intersect

and that moment has arrived and we thank


o god that pastors are being encouraged

that people are being awakened

to a true living relationship with god

according to daniel 11 verse 32

the people who know their god will be

strong and carry out great exploits

we will not allow fear to dominate us

we will allow the anointing to


us in the mighty name of jesus

amen muriel stretch your hands towards

those viewing right now

as i’m doing that right now and

release the glory of god that is

on you and now is on you in the

tent meetings is on you when these great

miracles come

and i believe it’s transferable right

now in yeshua’s name

receive it in the name of jesus the

mighty anointing of the holy spirit

to break the yoke of bondage

to destroy demonic power to overwhelm

you with joy

and peace that no circumstance

can overwhelm the power

to say in effect the end times are not

happening to me

i am happening to the end times the

power in me is greater than the

circumstances around me

flood them overwhelm them empower them

give them oh god a holy supernatural

presence of god let them lord be

so flooded with fire in this instance

that it will burn out every fear every

bit of confusion

and give them god a tongue that cannot

be stopped the spirit and heart of the

lion of judah

to face everything in the mighty

name of jesus amen

and one last word and this is important

don’t look back this

is the beginning of the best

moment in your life god bless you