On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2017, Cleddie Keith wants to re-introduce you to the most supernatural prayer on earth—the Lord’s Prayer—so you can hear God clearly and see Him move.

Is there a supernatural

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

My guest was taught the most
supernatural prayer on Earth.

Now millions of people are
praying this prayer and this is

what they’re experiencing.

They hear God’s voice clearly.

Their prayers are answered and
their intimacy with

God is off the charts.

Do you want him to teach this to


Well you know, the gentile is
supposed to provoke

the Jew jealousy.

You provoke me to jealousy.

How does one family have 38
immediate family

members in ministry?

How is that possible?

Cleddie Keith: Well it began
with a miracle, Sid.

There were people that were

I had an uncle that married

my aunt married an uncle who was

I believe God moves through

And so his brother was working
on a road crew outside of

Austin, Texas, and he got his
arm in a rock crusher,

and he pulled his arm off,
pulled the shoulder blade off.

And so they didn’t have the

They didn’t have the medicine
and the know-how back in the

early 1940s, and so they prayed
and God saved his life.

And out of that one miracle our
entire family was impacted

because we had no question it
was God.

My family prayed.

My mother was not a praying

but after that, my mother became
a praying woman.

Sid: You said to me that
miracles are an evidence of a

greater reality.

Cleddie Keith: When God works a

whatever kind of miracle it is,
it’s an evidence of a greater

reality and then we know that
there is more beyond.

There’s a supernatural.

Sid: One miracle settles the

would you agree?

Cleddie Keith: Oh, I agree with
all my heart.

Sid: But at 19 you didn’t feel
that way.

At 19, you were running from

Cleddie Keith: I was like a lot
of kids in Christian families.

I didn’t make a commitment to

I was in Tucson, Arizona, and I
ended up one morning in a house,

and I walked down the hallway to
the bathroom,

and I looked in the mirror, and
God spoke to me,

and he said, “What are you
living for?”

And at that point I knew I had
no purpose in my life,

but God gave me a purpose at
that moment because my choice

was to live for him, and I had
faith in Christ as my savior at

that moment.

Sid: How about you?

What are you living for?

You’ve even seen the dead raise.

Tell me about one.

Cleddie Keith: I was over in
England preaching

in Sheffield, England.

It was like probably the rival
Bible days of Welsh,

the Welsh revival.

They were jammed.

They were standing at the sides
of the building.

And I called a song leader, not
a worship leader,

a song leader, you remember
those kind of song leaders.

I called him up to pray over

and when I did a spirit of
prophecy came on me,

and I said, “You’re going to

You’re going to lead worship to
hundreds and hundreds of people.

I see great crowds.”

Well the guy died right under my

Sid: No!

So they’d better not have a lot
of rocks to throw at you.

Cleddie Keith: I was in England.

I could just see the newspaper
the next day: “American

Speaker/Preacher Kills the Song
Leader in Church”.

You know, they’re not really
friendly over there

in the newspapers.

But what happened was at that
time I called up some of the

old-timers, actually the man
that was had died under my hand,

Smith Wigglesworth was his
father-in-law’s best friend,

and Smith Wigglesworth died at
his father-in-law’s funeral.

Mr. Richardson, he died at his

in Wakefield, England.

And so I called up his wife, I
called up C.L. Park

wife, who was legendary,
and I called up a surgery nurse

to come and to check him.

What took place was the pastor
and I got down behind this big

wooden pulpit.

I was so thankful for that big
wooden pulpit.

It was as big as a battleship.

I mean, I was never so
appreciative not having

a little transmitter.

And I leaned over his corpse and
I said,

“Paul, he’s dead.”

And he looked at him, and he

“Nobody can see us.”

And he said, “He was no minor.

He’s clocked out.”

In other words, he punched out
and fell down.

And we called the ladies up
there and we prayed.

And I wasn’t God’s man of faith
and power.

I was God’s man of paste and

I’m telling you, at that point I
was really totally dependent on

God, I mean totally dependent.

And we prayed for him and God
touched Mr. Park.

God touched him, brought him
back to life.

The nurse was in shock because
she had pronounced him dead.

We took him over and set him a
cane back chair.

It was setting up against the
wall and he sat there for the

rest of the meeting just like

I mean, he was totally just, it
was like he was a stiff.

He was alive and he was

but I was never so thankful for
an answered prayer.

Sid: Okay.

There is something that you
teach that is so phenomenal and

most believers go their whole
life and they don’t even realize

they’re in a spiritual battle.

Comment on that.

Cleddie Keith: You know, it’s
like this.

I tell people that they know
they’re in spiritual warfare if

they had jet lag and they hadn’t
been anywhere.

And so it’s like right now we
see a lot of that in churches

where people, they’ve been

their minds have been working.

How are we going to work this

What’s going to happen in the

Well I don’t preach to people’s

I preach to their hearts.

I don’t preach to the church
like she’s a widow.

I preach to the church like
she’s a bride.

And so what changed my life was
seeing the Kingdom of God

differently because where there
is a kingdom there has got to be

a throne, and where there’s a
throne there has to be a king,

and where there’s a king there
will be petition,

and where there’s a king there
will be worship,

and that’s exactly what
transformed my life is I came

into the realization that God
hears and answers prayer,

but I came to him as the King of
kings and the Lord of lords.

I wasn’t a beggar, I was his

I wasn’t an orphan, I was his

I wasn’t defeated, I was

And I’m thinking right that
there’s a lot of people that

come to God like he is a beggar.

You don’t have to come to God
another day like

you’re a beggar.

You’ve been adopted into the
family of God.

I have an adopted son and he is
as much my son as our natural

born daughter.

And if you will begin to
understand he wants you to pray

and prayers that include his
purpose in your life then your

life can be transformed.

Sid: So for you, prayer isn’t
drudgery or religious,

or routine.

What is prayer?

Cleddie Keith: Prayer is

Prayer is talking to my Father.

Prayer is my Father talking to

Sid: Okay.

I am ready for him to release
what God taught him as the

single most supernatural prayer
on Earth.

I know you’re not going away.


We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Okay.

Now I know you guys are on the
edge of your seat.

I want to know what God himself
said is the most supernatural

prayer on Earth.

Cleddie Keith: I believe the
most supernatural prayer on

Earth is Our Father who art in
Heaven hallowed be thy name,

thy Kingdom come, they will be
done on Earth

as it is in Heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread
and forgive us our trespasses,

our sins, our debts as we
forgive those

who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation, but
deliver us from evil.

For thine is the Kingdom and the

and the Glory forever.

Sid, I believe that is a
supernatural prayer.

Anything that is not
supernatural is superficial,

and I believe Jesus when he was
apart from his boys,

the disciples, I believe this is
what he was praying.

I believe when he got up in the
morning he was praying the

prayer that he told them, “When
you pray,

pray like this.”

Sid: But you know, when I hear
this prayer like in a

congregation it’s part of the

It doesn’t have impact.

It doesn’t have meaning.

What does it have to you?

Cleddie Keith: Oh it has meaning
because it’s the prayer that

changed my life.

Number one, I began to pray this
prayer because we were believing

God to do something in a certain

in Houston, Texas, in the east

in the second ward.

And we began to pray every day,
and I would pray,

“Thy Kingdom come” understanding
that he was my Father and

approaching him like “hallowed
be thy name” and praying

in his name.

I knew that, but I had never

“Thy Kingdom come”.

Actually in Greek, and you know

it means you one stomp foot, you
stomp the other foot and you

say, “Come thy Kingdom”.

Sid: You know what, I didn’t
know that until I heard what you

taught on that.

In other words, now do you
really do that when you pray?

You stomp one foot, you hear

and he stomps another, and
that’s what it means

in the Greek.

That’s very different than the

“Our Father”.

How do you pray it?

Cleddie Keith: I pray it, “Come
thy Kingdom,

be done thy will.”

I literally pray that way.

I do it before great crowds of

I do it in small groups.

I get the people to pray like

It’s a command.

And he says, “Pray with the fire
of desire.”

It was an intense prayer.

I was praying with tears.

Jesus said this to the disciples
said to him,

“Teach us to pray like you

Well we know in Hebrews it said

“With strong cryings and tears
he prayed.”

With strong cryings and tears.

I’m telling you there was a lot
of times I prayed with tears and

there were tears of unbelief.

You could have floated in a
battleship with them.

But when I began to pray, “Come
thy Kingdom,

be done thy will,” and it was
with earnest and some urgency,

and the fire of desire, things
began to happen.

Miracles began to take place.

Sid: Okay.

You’re driving with your wife in
Houston and you began,

but you were praying “Thy
Kingdom come.”

Tell me exactly what you were

Cleddie Keith: I was praying,
“Thy Kingdom come,

thy will be done.”

And what happened was my wife

“Somebody needs to work with the
young people in Houston.”

This was back in the Vietnam

I didn’t know exactly what was
going on.

We were going pass a school one
night and I just looked over to

the school, and I said, will God
give me that school.

I meant give me a breakthrough
where I can minister to the

young building.

I didn’t want the building.

It was all torn down, beaten up.

It looked like something out of
the 1930s,

which it was, and it was a
junior high school.

And God gave us that school.

In the next 48 days, we probably
had a thousand young people come

to Christ in that school because
of the miracle that day.

In that school, they had guys
that were selling drugs,

running drugs.

There were mules, they would tie
dope to them,

send the Miami kids that were 12
and 13 years old to take drugs

over to Miami for the cartels at
that time.

And then they had prostitution
rings in a junior high school.

And we would take hands full of
dope and lay it down on the

principal’s desk.

I was a young man then.

I’m telling you right now, it’s
just as fresh today as it was

then because when I started
praying that prayer

I saw the power.

You know, a lot of people think
that prayer is boring.

I’m telling you it’s the most

If they want some romance back
in their Christian experience,

if you will pray this prayer,
God will transform your life:

Come thy Kingdom in my home.

Come thy Kingdom in my business.

God can turn your business

“Come they Kingdom in the
ministry that I’m a part of.

In the church, when we pray that
way we’re praying an alliance,

we’re praying in allegiance and
accordance with God’s Word.

Sid: You had a place, I think
you called it the Salt Inn.

Cleddie Keith: Well it came out
of that prayer.

It came out of that prayer.

Sid: And there were times that
people wanted

to destroy that building.

But tell me about that big

Cleddie Keith: Well what

we prayed that.

We needed a place because we
grew out of the church

with the youth.

And about four blocks from the
church a lady gave us a large

house with a three-car garage
and an apartment over it,

and a duplex.

So we had a complex where we
could work with

the young people.

It was like a mini church there.

And the kids would come.

We’d have 250, 300 kids at night
sometimes packed

into that house.

And what took place is the drug
addicts in the area began to be

aware of what was going on

Sid: So they want to stop it.

Cleddie Keith: Yes.

And one guy came up, he was
going to rob the place,

and when he was getting ready to
go into the back door,

a large angel stood before the
door and stopped him

in his tracks.

He saw the angel.

He ran with fear from the place
and he went and told every drug

addict he knew in the east end
of Houston,

don’t you go near that place.

Sid: Now that’s my kind of

When we come back, and this, I
have to tell you,

Cleddie, this is hard for me to

but they developed a prayer, it
was a 30-second prayer.

In fact, I’ll tell you its name:

And at the end of 30 seconds
people that were high on drugs

and alcohol, and addicted were
set free.

I want to have him teach you
that prayer.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Now when your wife said
something has to be done about

these kids, you had no idea that
today there are hundreds of

people in ministry whose lives
have been turned around.

Tell me about Jacob.

Cleddie Keith: Well Jacob was a
young man.

He was from a broken home.

It was like we were thrown into
a big lake

of dysfunctional people.

They were latch key kids.

They were 17 years old in the
seventh grade.

I mean, they were kids that had
nobody that really loved them or

cared for them.

If they did they just had to
care for their selves and other

family members more, and so they
couldn’t give them attention.

And I had a bus that we prayed

it was called “My Brother’s

And we had to go pick the kids
up and we’d have meeting points

where we picked them up.

And I picked this kid one day on
the bus right out in front of

the school.

He said, “Mister, can I go with

And I want to tell you now, you
will never know what the Kingdom

of God looks like when it comes.

You need to forget thinking that
you’re going to know

what it’s like.

It’s not going to be more church
members in the pew.

It may be some Mexican boy that
gets on that bus.

And he got on the bus, and he

he said, “Mister, can I go with

I said, “Sure, son, why not.”

He said, “I think I backslid.”

He had been sniffing glue.

And he got on the bus with us
and he went to the meeting that

night, and then he didn’t leave.

See, what I didn’t understand
was he said,

“Can I go with you.”

He meant Can I GO with you.

Sid: Can he live with you.

Cleddie Keith: Can I live with

And he moved in with us, I’m
touched every time I tell the

story, and he was a part of our
family and we raised him.

His mother was a prostitute.

His father had been married many

and so he was really from a
dysfunctional home.

And he went with us, and he
lived with us.

He graduated from high school.

He led like 300 people, young
people in his high school to

Christ while he was in high

He went out of that, as he came
and became a part of lives in

ministry, and he started
preaching the Gospel in the

public schools of America.

He preached to six and a half
million young people

in 20 years.

Just a kid that said, “Can I go
with you”.

You never know what the Kingdom
is going to look like.

Jacob now pastors 50,000 people
on Sunday mornings.

Sid: Okay.

I’m going to get in big trouble
if you don’t explain Snap.

Cleddie Keith: Well what
happened was is that you didn’t

need formal prayers.

Those kids didn’t need that.

They didn’t know that.

They would come to us high on
drugs and I would just say,

“God, give them, snap,” like

And I’m telling you, God would
snap them out of their high.

They would get angry at us
sometimes because it was such a

powerful prayer.

We could see them sober up in 30

But all we had to do during that
season would just

give them snap.

I saw them again about six

I prayed for a young man, I

“God, give him snap.”

Somebody had laced his drinks
and God absolutely gave that man

Snap right on the spot.

Sid: Pray that Snap prayer right

Cleddie Keith: What I meant by
that was snap out of it and the

power of God would come.

Heaven would come down to Earth
and break the power of that

addiction off them.

I’m talking about strong

I’m not talking about just
taking to many aspirins or


In the name of Jesus Christ of

be healed.

Be healed in the name of Jesus
Christ of Nazareth.

Be delivered.

God, give them snap.

In Jesus’ name I pray.


Sid: Tell me about the phrase,
“Give us this day

our daily bread.”

Cleddie Keith: That’s one of my
favorite parts of the prayer,

and the reason is, is because
we’re dependent on God.

When we say, “Give us this day
our daily bread,

we mean give us our life, give
us our peace,

give us our joy, give us our

give us our confidence, give us
our boldness.

We’re believing God to give us
everything we need that makes us

the person that God wants us to

Sid: What are you living for?

If you just believe in Jesus
that’s good.

But the Bible says in the
original language,

“This is eternal life that you
might have experiential

knowledge of me.”

Pray this prayer with me and
mean it,

out loud, right where you are.

Dear God.

Cleddie Keith: Dear God.

Sid: I’m a sinner.

Cleddie Keith: I’m a sinner.

Sid: Against you and you alone
have I sinned.

Cleddie Keith: Against you and
you alone have I sinned.

Sid: And I’m so sorry.

Cleddie Keith: And I’m so sorry.

Sid: I believe.

Cleddie Keith: I believe.

Sid: The blood of Jesus.

Cleddie Keith: The blood of

Sid: Washes away my sin.

Cleddie Keith: Washes away my

Sid: And I’m clean.

Cleddie Keith: And I’m clean.

Sid: And now that I’m clean.

Cleddie Keith: And now that I’m

Sid: I make you my Lord and

Cleddie Keith: I make you my
Lord and savior.

Sid: Jesus, come inside of me.

Cleddie Keith: Jesus, come
inside of me.

Sid: Amen.


Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Now let’s be real.

Have you prayed, have you

have you moaned, have you
groaned for your physical

healing and it didn’t happen,
and year after year passed and

it didn’t happen?

My guest knows why.
