The Mark of the Beast is here, and it’s not what you think. Paul McGuire has studied Mark of the Beast technologies for 30 years. He says the government can already use TVs and computers to monitor us at home or office — whether turned on or not!

ANNOUNCER: Is there a supernatural dimension?
A world beyond the one we know? Is there life

after death? Do angels exist? Can our dreams
contain messages, from Heaven? Can we tap

into ancient secrets of the supernatural?
Are healing miracles real? Sid Roth has spent

over thirty-five years researching the strange
world of the supernatural. Join Sid for this

edition of “It’s Supernatural!”



SR: Hello, Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world,
where it’s naturally supernatural. You know,

sometimes I kid with people, and they say,
“I watch you on TV! Almost every day!” And

I said, “Well, I’ll tell ya a trade secret!
I’m watching you through your television!”


SR: Uh, they don’t — they don’t know what
to make — and I’m just kidding, you know.


SR: However, my guest has spent thirty years
studying the mark of the beast, and he says,

“Our computers and our television sets have
the capability for an– for anyone, from the

government on down, at-will — whether they’re
turned on or not — to watch what we’re doing,

right in our office, right in our home. This
technology is getting out of control.

AU: Yes it is. (CLAPPING)

SR: Now you’re probably familiar with my guest,
Paul McGuire. You might have seen him on Fox

News, O’Reilly, History Channel; I mean one
of the top-viewing shows. But, as a young

man, he had quite a background. You were raised
to hate Christians; you thought the answer

was in science and the New Age. So you go
out to the University of Missouri, where you’re

really debating Christians and you’re — you’re
gonna “put them in their place”. (LAUGHS)

Guess what his major was? You’ll — you’ll
never guess, so I — I shouldn’t have said

guess. His major was Altered States of Consciousness.
That’s a major?

AU: Hmm.

SR: (LAUGHS) And he’s in class one day —


SR: — and he hears a voice.

VIDEO: BIBLE TEACHER: For God so loved the
world —

SR: What does the voice say to you?

PM: It was an audible voice —

VIDEO: (BIBLE TEACHER): ____________

PM: — which said, “Surrender to the dark
forces within”.

SR: And what did you do about that?

PM: I freaked out. I never heard an audible
voice before, and I looked around to see if

anybody had heard it.

SR: Okay, so, they — he — he’s tearing these
Christians apart —


SR: — but their love is kinda contagious.
So he goes to a retreat meeting, and he says,

“Oh no, they’re all hypocrites! I’m leaving
this place.” But he doesn’t have a car, so

he hitchhikes. Tell me about your adventure.

PM: Well, right after the religious retreat,
which confirmed my worst suspicions about

Christianity being a “country club religion”.
The place looks like a “field of dreams” — the

movie, the corn fields in the —

SR: Right.


PM: — middle of nowhere. I stick out my thumb
on the road. A Pentecostal preacher and his

wife picks me up in their car, and being from
New York City, I said, “Okay great, we’re

in the corn fields, and there’s probably a
lot of Pentecostal —

SR: Right.

PM: — preachers and their wife.”

VIDEO: PREACHER: Young man —

PM: They share with me the Gospel of Jesus

VIDEO: PREACHER: Jesus is the way. He is the
only way, to Heaven. He will save your soul

PM: Then, they let me on the road again. I
stick out my thumb again; within seconds a

station wagon pulls up. It’s a guy in a dark
three-piece suit, like an undertaker. He’s

a Bible salesman.



SR: Does he have any Bibles in his car?


PM: Yes. He has, uh, I don’t know, a hundred
King James —


PM: — Bibles. You know, the big, thick ones.

SR: Oh I know! (LAUGHS)


PM: So, he’s driving down the back roads of


PM: He lets go of the steering wheel; it looked
like a sixty-five pound King James Bible.

He’s looking at me, not the — not the freeway


PM: — and uh, he’s preaching, and he gets
right down to it. He says, “Did you know —

VIDEO: BIBLE SALESMAN: Did you know you’re
a sinner, and if you don’t accept Jesus into

your life, you’re gonna go to Hell? You need
to be born-again!

PM: — that you’re a sinner, and that if you
don’t accept Jesus Christ into your life,

you’re gonna go to Hell? And you need to be
born-again?” And that basically was it. I’m

from New York; I didn’t even believe in the
word “sin”; that was an archaic concept.

VIDEO: BIBLE SALESMAN: You wanna pull over
to the side of the road and say the sinner’s


PM: And he says, “You wanna — you wanna pull
off the road and say the pr — the sinner’s


VIDEO: MCGUIRE: I’d like to pull over.

PM: And I said, “Yeah”, but inside my mind
I’m going, “Great. He’s a religious axe-murderer




PM: “…He’s gonna chop my head off…”


PM: “…before he does whatever…”


PM: “…and bury me in the bushes, and say
a couple of prayers over me.”



PM: So —


PM: I prayed with him.

VIDEO: BIBLE SALESMAN: Jesus Christ, I ask
You to come into my life, and forgive me of

my sin —

PM: Was a real short prayer, “Jesus Christ,
I ask you to forgive me of my sins; I ask

You to come into my life and make me born-again.”

VIDEO: MCGUIRE: Jesus Christ, I ask you to
come into my life —

PM: So uh, I forgot about it!

SR: So then a few days later, he’s in New
York; he’s at a place called The Lambs Club.

Briefly, what occurred?

PM: Well what happened was —

VIDEO: MCGUIRE: I got out of that car, and

PM: — I was discussing my experience with
people who had been witnessing to me, and

as I was sharing this hitchhiking experience,
a girl —

VIDEO: MCGUIRE: — and I got into this car,
and he starts —

PM: — who we had never met before, came over
to me —

help overhearing you, but, I’m a minister’s


PM: — and said, “I couldn’t help but overhearing
your conversation.”

with the same questions as you, “Is Jesus

Christ Lord?”

PM: She said, “I’m a minister’s daughter.
I was wrestling with these same questions,

“Is Jesus Lord”, and for some reason, she
looks right at me, and she says —

Jesus Christ is the Son of God?

PM: “Do you believe that Jesus Christ is the
Son of God?” And I’d never said this before,

but the words blurted out of me —

VIDEO: MCGUIRE: Yeah, I believe that Jesus
Christ is the Son of God.

PM: “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son
of God.” At that moment, the sky cracked open


PM: — and I saw God; not in the physical
sense, but a spiritual sense, and I knew,

instantaneously —


PM: — that all the “cosmic consciousness”,
“astral projection”, “altered states of consciousness”

— all that stuff was illusions and false,
and I knew that Jesus Christ was the Son of

God —

AU: Yes.

PM: — (CLAPS) instantaneously.


SR: That is God. Now, what happens next is
so amazing because he then devotes his life

to studying prophecy, and studying what’s
going in the world, and then God starts giving

him supernatural dreams to direct his research.
Tell me a few things you found out about the

“one world currency”.

AU: Hmm.

PM: Well, first of all, I do a tremendous
amount of research from mainstream sources.

It has to be documented, and it has to be
credible. Number two is I study Bible prophecy,

and the Old Testament and the New Testament.
But the third component is I do research where

the Holy Spirit leads me and guides me into
specific areas of research! So as I’m researching

this, I notice that in the Old Testament,
the Tower of Babel, or Babylon, is the world’s

first “one world government”, “one world religion”,
“one world economic system”; that’s clue one.

Then I get into Revelation 13, and I read
about the one world government, the one world

economic system, one world religion, the false
prophet, the religious false prophet, and

the anti-Christ. And then I see that in Revelation,
it talks about a global government, and a

global economic system, and you can’t buy
or sell without getting the mark of the beast.

And then I realized that everything that was
predicted two-thousand years ago is coming

to life, in this world, now, even as we speak.

SR: Give me one fact that’ll knock me out.


PM: Well one fact is that the international
banking elite have planned for there to be

a world currency by 2018. Now that doesn’t
mean they’ll hit the date, but the target

date is 2018, and they intend to bring in
a one world currency called “the phoenix”,

which just happens to be the bird on the back
of the dollar bill. That — that bird on the

back of the dollar bill is not a eagle; it’s
a phoenix.

SR: And what is the phoenix symbolic of?

PM: It’s an occult — ancient occult symbol
that goes back to Phoenicia.

SR: So what is going to happen to our currency
when there’s a new currency? I want to find

out. How about you?



ANNOUNCER: We’ll be right back to “It’s Supernatural!”




ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s Supernatural!”


SR: Okay, so, we’re headed towards this one
world currency system, and my natural question

is, “What’s gonna happen to the U.S. dollar?
I have a personal need to know”. (LAUGHS)

PM: The — the personal dollar is bye-bye,
and the — the proof of that would be the

super-billionaire, George Soros, that most
people of are aware of — I was watching him

on the BBC speak to about twenty-five million
Europeans live, and he quite openly spoke

about the fact that the plan is to devalue
the dollar. And the purpose for devaluing

the dollar is, you can’t bring in a world
currency if you have a strong dollar, so you

have to lower the dollar to “equalize the
playing field”; that way you can merge the

currencies into one — a one world currency.
And he came out and basically said that on

BBC. Very — he was very open. So he said,
“The goal is to devalue the dollar”, and then

he said, “We’re gonna bring in a one world
currency.” But then he also said that, “Part

of the goal is to transfer the wealth out
of the American middle-class and middle-class

from other nations; transfer the wealth out
of the middle-class, into third-world nations,

where some people may think is Christians,
but it’s going to go into the hands of dictators.”

So, it’s going to reduce the dollar, but also
it’s going to destroy the middle-class. You’ll

have an elite upper-class, and you’ll have
a giant lower-class or “worker class”.

SR: Now, lotsa things are going on simultaneously.
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a time in history

where so many — so much Bible prophecy is

PM: Well, you’re — you’re absolutely right.
There has never been more prophetic signs

coming true in one generation, to this extent,
ever before in the history of mankind. So

we’re not just talking about economically
and politically and spiritually; we’re talking

about scientifically, and in every realm of
society. We — we are moving at lightning

speed to the tribulation period, and we’re
moving at lightning speed to the return of

the Messiah. The number one prophetic time
clock is Israel, “God’s prophetic super-sign”

SR: Right.

PM: — which began as a nation in 1948.

SR: Okay. You have, through your dreams and
visions and Bible prophecy and research, predicted

things that would happen. Tell me a few.

PM: A number of years ago, I was doing research,
and the Lord began to supernaturally tell

me to write about and investigate people,
and this was before 9-11; this was before

the Trade Centers went down. The Lord told
me to investigate Saddam Hussein, Osama Bin

Laden, the Twin Trade Towers, weapons of mass
destruction, EMPs, Iraq, Iran, and all of

those geopolitical leaders and events that
became popular language, after 9-11. But I

was researching and talking about it before
9-11, prophetically, because I was open to

the supernatural leading of the Holy Spirit.
And I just want to say this one thing: That

supernatural leading of the Holy Spirit, before
today’s program is over, there is going to

be a very strong move of the supernatural
force, and if people will be open to it — and

they don’t have to be religious to be open
to it — by the time today’s program is over,

they are going to experience first-hand, perhaps
one of the most powerful experiences, supernaturally,

that they’ve ever had in their lives.

SR: Let me explain something. God did not
leave us defenseless.

AU: Amen.

SR: God is going to do this for you, because
He knows what the future holds, and He wants

you to not be “under”; he wants you to be
the “head”. Now, you have been studying the

mark of the beast and technology. Tell me
some of the things you’re finding.

PM: Well, one of the most important things
that I have found — and this again was the

Holy Spirit supernaturally leading me into
these fields of study — is that I began to

understand that the modern science of “mind
control” is a science, and it’s about two-hundred

years into the future, almost like science
fiction than most people realize. But here’s

the thing about the signs of mind control.
Everybody knows that biotechnology has gone

through the roof; everybody knows that computer
technology has gone through the roof; but

the average American does not know that the
science of mind control is just as much a

technology, and it’s about two-hundred to
three-hundred years in the future. So, to

put this in very clear terms, there are huge
masses of people on planet Earth, especially

in America — that would include politicians:
the highest politicians, cultural leaders,

the leaders in all kinds of fields — that
are, in a sense “Manchurian candidates”; they’ve

been programmed, and theyíre unaware of it.
But the most frightening and disturbing thing

of all that I’ve found is that there is a
mass mind control experiment, going on now,

and the easiest way to say it, it’s a “mass
Manchurian candidate mind control operation”

where you can program, scientifically, an
entire population.

AU: Wow.

SR: Wow! Did you understand what he was saying?
Electronically, an entire popula– you know,

when, te– tell me if this is a good analogy.
When Adolf Hitler would speak, the people

were like mesmerized. So you’re saying when,
say, a politician speaks, this technology

will cause them to be mesmerized to do whatever?

PM: Yeah, and you’re absolutely right, Sid.
One of the areas that the Lord, prophetically

and supernaturally, told me to research was
Adolf Hitler, about twenty years ago. I had

no interest in researching Adolf Hitler. I
spent twenty years researching him, and I

began to realize that his ability to speak
so powerfully and persuasively was supernatural,

but it was more than that. It was advanced,
scientific mind control, whetted with the

occult. So when you look at Hitler’s life,
he was surrounded by occult teachers, and

the Vrill Society, the Thule Society, who
taught him the dynamics of body language,

how to use his vocabulary, to persuade the
masses, and they trained him systematically,

step-by-step. The very fact that he was called
“The Father”, and other things; he was using

mind control on the German masses. All the
symbols of the Third Reich are not accidental.

Number one, they’re occult symbols, but number
two, they were scientific mind control, and

action; and the lesson we need to learn is,
look how far and how dangerous mind control

can be.

SR: Listen. Everything he is saying is telling
me one thing: Jesus is coming back soon!



ANNOUNCER: We’ll be right back to “It’s Supernatural!”




ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s Supernatural!”


SR: You — you know, with all these advances
in technology — and Daniel spoke about it,

that there would be an increase in knowledge
in the last days — and I was thinking “increase

in knowledge of God’s Word, which there is
— but there’s also an increase in the devil’s

information; there’s mind control, and things
like that, and I — many people are really

concerned. What would you say to them, because
this is pretty dark stuff you’ve been talking


PM: It’s very dark stuff, and you know, I
cried out to the Lord for an answer, and the

Lord spoke to me, and He said that in the
last days, as these problems accelerate, that

God was gonna pour out His supernatural power,
in an unpren — unprecedented force and manner.

And as I’m joining you now, I just want to
share with you, very briefly, that no matter

what situation you’re facing — whether you’re
religious or not — that right now as you’re

watching this TV program, the supernatural
power of God is flowing through this studio,

into your bedroom or living room or wherever
you are, and you can feel it. It’s like a

tangible force; it’s like electricity is filling
your room, and you can sense the overwhelming

power of God. Now, I just want to encourage
you; that’s gonna give you the power you need

to live triumphantly in the days to come.
But, no matter what youíre facing, the Lord

simply wants you to just receive His force
as He extends it to you now. So whatever you’re

facing, whatever challenge or problem you
have, at this moment, the Lord delights in

proving His reality; not with talk, but with

SR: And — and you know what? I can feel this,
in the presence, the name of Jesus, the power

of the Holy Spirit, is going to tangibly come
into you right now.

PM: Absolutely right. So, what I want to share
with you is, as you feel this incredible power

and supernatural force flood into your room
— and you can feel it — I just want to ask

you to make the choice to receive it. So you’re
feeling the supernatural force of God, with

an overwhelming sense that Jesus Christ is
touching you now. And we’re not talking about

words or hypnosis; we’re talking about the
power of God, moving through the airwaves,

through this studio, and it’s flooding your
bedroom and your office. And all you have

to do is respond to it, and God is going to
do something absolutely incredible for you!

SR: Pray right now.

PM: Lord, I ask, in the name of Jesus, that
whatever problem a person is facing — whether

you’re an influential leader or an ordinary
person — whatever your need is, whatever

you’re struggling with is, I ask in the name
of Jesus that the power of the Holy Spirit

that is flooding this studio, would move into
your life right now, and in Jesus’ name, I

say to you, that you are experiencing a supernatural
miracle. Simply receive it, and you will see

just how powerful God is.

SR: Have you seen a third “great awakening”?

PM: Yes. I was doing research on this subject
and saying, “God, is there any hope for America?”,

because a lot of people are blinded by a dark
supernatural force, where they think everything

has to get worse, and I’m just a victim. And
I just want to say to those people, “That

idea, that everything has to get worse, and
you’re just a victim”, is a demonic attack.

It’s an attack from principalities and powers,
and the Lord wants you to rise up.


PM: It’s not God’s will for America to be
destroyed, but God said, “If the repentance

is real, and My people will truly seek my
face, He will send his power upon this nation

with such great force, it will transform it”.

SR: Last word: Hopelessness. It’s a spirit.

AU: Yep.

SR: You get out! In Jesus’ name!


SR: Because there

is hope in

the Messiah!