In this It’s Supernatural! Classic episode from 1998: All Carol Kornacki knew was rejection, molestation and violence as a child. She thought she found the truth in witchcraft, until the spirits turned on her.

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all carol knew was rejection molestation

and violence as a child she thought she

found the truth in witchcraft until the

spirits turned on her life after death

experiences and until a communications

are on the increase terminally ill

patients from doctors have given no hope

our unexplainably cured in blur being

mysteriously protected from natural

disasters Sid Roth your investigative

reporter examines this invisible world

on it’s supernatural


hello I’ve said brought my guest

Karen Kornacki abusive dysfunctional

these are terms we hear quite a bit but

Carol we have to come up with a new

adjective to describe your home tell me

about your mom

my mother was probably one of the most

violent women I have ever met said when

the weekends would come my mom and dad

would drink excessively and they would

come home from bars four o’clock in the

morning when I’d be lying in my bed and

all out the children in the house

because it was a large family of ten and

we lived in a little cracker box and at

four o’clock in the morning we would

wake up as children almost like crackers

we just sit up in our beds because we

knew any moment it was going to start

and you see the lights of the car come

up the driveway and mom and dad would

come in and from the moment they walk

through the door it was a reign of

terror she would break everything I mean

every dish out of the cupboard she would

pick up beer bottles and smash him

against the wall

she would throw forks that would land in

his chest she would throw I remember we

had a gold glass ashtray and it sailed

through the air and us little children

would come out of our bunk beds and we’d

come down to the end of the skinny

little Hall and we’d be screaming no

mommy no daddy and I would be shielding

with my older brother and sister the

small children so they wouldn’t get hit

by the ashtrays there would be things

throwing a flying through the air SID

everywhere and then all of a sudden

you’d see the red and blue light which

indicated that the police were coming

and to us children in the middle of that

violence it was almost like a piece

because here would come the police up

the drive when they knock on the door

and they’d come they say mr. and mrs.

Thompson that was my maiden name mr. and

mrs. Thompson we come here every weekend

the house would be erect my mother’s

clothes would be ripped off she’d be

walking around exposed my father would

have blood all over his face there’d be

blood on the wall it was a terrible I

hate to say this but did you think this

was almost the normal way to live or did

you know something was wrong I think for

a long time said we thought it was the

normal way to live and then when you

started going to other children’s house

and you saw parents touching their

children showing love toward their job

they ever touch you and show love Sid my

memory of my mom and this is the truth

when I was a little girl she we used to

sit on the floor in the living room they

were like 10 of us in the small house


and I’d be watching TV and all of a

sudden on the clear blue sky in the dark

from the couch she’d come her I feel her

hand swinging through the air all you

see is the wind and her fist would hit

my mouth and the blood would just

trickle down my face and my lips would

blow up my mom was so violent that one

time I asked her if I could go to a

baseball game or something with the kids

in the neighborhood and for daring to

ask her why when she said no she took in

all those squeegees you used to wash a

windshield one side sir he washed the

other side you rub it off with the

rubber and said she beat me so bad till

I was black and blue from my neck to my

waist at out of curiosity what was her

background that caused her to act like

that did she have an abusive family I

guess she mostly yeah she came as a

illegitimate child out of three children

she never knew that the man who was

raised in it was matter daddy one day he

cornered her to beat her and she picked

up a knife and threatened him don’t you

hit me you’re not my father

so she always felt that rejection that

she wasn’t loved because she too was you

know she lived in a family where she

didn’t see love so when she had these

all these ten children I mean my mother

had children since she was 19

every single year she’s like a gerbil

she had children every single year so

here she was a young woman with nine

children in this tiny little house and

the only extracurricular activity was

alcoholic so why did your father come

against this my dad was mentally ill

when my father was about 28 years old he

became very

his kidneys he went into the hospital he

was about 35 to have an operation while

he was there they gave him an

anaesthetic they had tried a brand new

anesthetic on him

Syd it made him totally crazy he

dismissed himself from the hospital

after the operation he came home he

started beating the children up trying

to choke my mother hanging himself in

the cellar one particular time when my

mother had been out all night because my

mom ran around all the time she had a

fair after a fair of in fact out of all

ten children it was believed that I was

the only one who wasn’t really my

father’s child that I was born out of

one of her affairs but one day she was

out all night with a man and my dad was

home alone he was on a drug called

Thorazine and the reason he took that it

was because of his mental state and he

would escape the mental institutions in

come home and this was one night he had

escaped from the mental institution in

his home and she was gone all night with

a man well he had fallen asleep on the

couch with the Thorazine and the alcohol

content in his body it put him in a

terrible state and I heard a screeching

in the living room and one of the little

kids came and what meant they said Carol

the house is on fire

so I shuffled off the bunk bed and got

all my little brothers and sisters out

and I started to try to get him out of

the house we lived in Buffalo it was the

middle of the night the snow was three

feet high oh so cold and when I tried to

get him out my dad got up in this

drunken demonic State this the state of

a drug induced state and he blocked the

exit of the house and I was trying to

get the children to climb over me was

growling in this mental state and I said

dad please if the house is on fire we

can’t get out we can’t breathe so he put

us in the cellar next to a furnace and

he started another couch on fire with

the hopes that the whole house would

explode and that all of us would die in

it I can remember being woke up one time

sit at about four o’clock in the morning

and brought out into the kitchen my

daddy didn’t like me out of any of those

kids because he knew that I was somebody

else’s and he brought myself and my

little sister Debbie OTT and we were

standing in the kitchen and he handed me

a cup of poison to drink my mother and

my frozen so help me mom and dad was

standing there it was poison and he said

my mother wants to give it to my little

sister Debbie this is how insane and

dysfunctional his home was and my father

said don’t give it to her give it to her

and so this little pink melmac cup I’ll

never forget it was handed to

and as I put it to the my mouth and I

could feel the poison burning my mouth

my mother in a last moment in a drunken

state hit it out of my hand and said

you’d feed her poison and he said I

would kill her there was so much

dysfunction said that eventually incest

crept into the home I remember I used to

lay in bed in the middle of the night

and hear my sister on the top bunk

my dad’s natural daughter scream as he

would rape her my mother would be gone

all night and I would be afraid to do

anything because what could I say to my

dad I hear crying no daddy no daddy and

after he leaves she’d come down and

cuddle in my bed and cry because of the

molestation then it began to go through

the family my older brother began to

molest all of us children the mall

station began to flow through the family

when I went to my mom and told her that

my dad was raping my older sister I was

beaten for it not only by her but for my

father more because I dared to suggest

that something like that was going on so

it was alcoholism violence mental

illness sexual abuse and emotional abuse

SID in the years that I spent in that

house I can’t remember once my mother

ever walking up to me and ever touching

me other than to hit me or to correct me

or to rebuke me for something I was

doing I was scared to death of my mother

and certainly afraid of my dad so I got

to the point where I said one of these

days when I’m old enough no matter what

it takes pregnancy or what I’m getting

out of here and I’m going to find two

things I’m going to find power and I’m

going to find love you see my mom was

into spiritualism and she used to go to

a place called Lily Dale in Jamestown

New York it was a self-contained

spiritualist camp and she would go there

and hear all these past president future

things tea leaves and cards and she’d

come home with Mrak miraculous stories

actually of these things they were going

to happen in our home and so they’d

happen and I would go to church on

Sunday and I’d be sitting on this pew

looking up at this dead man on a cross

and I’d say where are you who are you

and I would think he’s dead he’s a big

plastered depiction of a man who’s dead

Warren why would you think that because

I would always thought where are you

when my brother’s molesting you mean

where am i are you and my mommy slapping

me where are you my father’s beating me

for nothing where are you and more

hungry where are you and there is no

milk in the house and there

no serial no one explained anything to

me so I left it at he’s dead I’m going

to find power so my mother coming home

with spiritualist stories intrigued me

and I would think that’s where the power

is they know things that nobody else

knows so that’s where the power is when

I was barely out of my teens I got

pregnant with my first child my mother

literally physically said removed me out

of the house by my hair I was thrown out

I went into the street the streets yes

it must be a very I mean it was scary in

the home maybe the streets were better

than your home from what you told me

it’s been like it was a little safer and

there I could fight back if I got into a

confrontation I could fight back I never

raised my hand to my mother or my father

I didn’t dare because I knew it was

awesome but when I had my first child

she was about three months old I was

living in a little Coldwater flat and

she was down in a little runabout and I

found out I was pregnant for the second

time I was in a very promiscuous

lifestyle so they sent a woman to my

house gave illegal abortions she came

into my home with a little brown paper

bag dirty fingernails she was hunched

over she was about 68 years old and she

came up the stairs of this Coldwater

flat in Buffalo laid me on the bed

examined me very quickly took a long

rubber hollow tube out of the play out

of the brown bag inserted a long piece

of wire into the yellow tube and went

inside my body steady in at least three

different times she released the the

wire and left the yellow tube and said

you will experience your first abortion

the baby will die by bleeding that was

my first experience with a boy now how

in the world were you able to cope with

yourself and your daughter I was reached

I wasn’t well I was living in a

Coldwater flat at this time and then

that the New York State took my little

girl away from me I became an instant

alcoholic and began to tamper did it

bother you at that time that they took

your daughter away I mean it seemed to

me there was a relief that I came from a

home right I know the meaning of love I

thought love was getting drunk and

raping your daughter or slapping in the

face or saying I didn’t have you because

I love do you were an accident that’s

what I thought love consisted of I

thought power was some tea leaves

written or some psychic cards right

that’s what I thought power and love was

I was totally confused

were you ever hugged I don’t mean in a

sexual way but I mean

in a loving way as you know no said no

said I would have gave my arm up to hear

if my mother would have just touched me

lightly it was basically either you saw

her head coming or you saw this coming

or a belt coming and there were times I

had spankings come and don’t think they

were just beating me day and night there

were times when I disobeyed was

rebellious and had a spanking coming the

majority of them they weren’t warranted

when I finally get out of there and

after the first abortion and my child

being taken away I became increasingly

dependent on drugs I became pregnant for

the third time this time I went into the

Larkin building on Seneca Street in

Buffalo New York and stood at the top of

30 concrete stairs and in a desperate

attempt because of the inconvenience

inside my body

because I didn’t think anybody loves me

and I wasn’t worth anything and they had

taken the first child I had boarded the

second my mother didn’t love me my dad

didn’t care and he already was in a

mental institution permanently I threw

myself down 30 concrete stairs SID I

rolled like a bowling ball down those

stairs and landed at the bottom and shot

I was in complete shock shaking they

rushed me to Buffalo General Hospital

and when they checked me they said that

this leg I had done damage to it they

said you’re also pregnant I said if you

don’t give me an abortion I’ll go to the

top floor to the roof and I’ll jump off

Carol hold that thought I’m going to

tell you something there are so many

people that are watching us right now

that have so much hurt inside Carol

understands this hurt and understands

the answer you’ll hear it when we come



we’ll return to it’s supernatural right

after this

Sid Roth with Carol Kornacki as I said

at the front of the show

abusive dysfunctional she needs a new

adjective she’s got her third pregnancy

she tells the people in the hospital

she’ll literally go to the top floor of

the hospital and jump if they don’t give

her an abortion you really said that I

meant it

you didn’t care whether you lived or

died I had absolutely said I used to

always refer to myself as the dirt on

the bottom of the someone’s shoe and

that the best thing for me would be to

die so when I told them that they

realized how serious I was they sent me

to psychiatrists because at the time

they gave therapeutical abortions the

Roe versus Wade hadn’t come into effect

as of yet so they gave therapeutical

abortions if you these two psychiatrists

deemed you unable to carry the child

then they gave you the abortion they

came and I’ll never forget it so the guy

pounded on his little pad like you got

there listened to me for two and a half

minutes you’re totally dysfunctional

absolutely unstable permit abortion the

second guy came in did the same thing

pounded his pencil he looked up he said

just give her an abortion I received

that they call it DMC it was my second

abortion when I left the hospital I was

so broken by that time helplessly

addicted to drugs I got what they call

peritonitis and it is a very severe

infection in your innards it almost

killed me when I got out of hospital

peritonitis I left for New York City I

spent 11 days there and learned how to

be a heroin addict they found me in the

Brentwood apartments after 11 days

walking around New York City aimlessly

lying in a pool of my own body secretion

they washed me up put me on a train and

sent me back to Buffalo in New York

where I continued to grow in my drug

addiction now I was a needle freak I was

pushing needles and how are you

supporting her but I never got into

prostitution but I always found a way

either stealing or working as best I

could or begging for enough money or

using welfare checks that I was getting

to live on because I was I couldn’t work

that was very very sick physically so

that I would also use to get my drugs I

met a young girl named Linda and Linda

was into what she called white

witchcraft this is important that your

audience listened to this part because


no such thing as white witchcraft

witchcraft is witchcraft Samantha the

the friendly witch

you’re telling me is not a friendly

power no sir she’s operating in demonic

powers given to her and able to express

these powers in her psychic by spirits

and so I began to be very interested in

power because remember I was looking for

the love and power and I sure wasn’t

found in love

I was sleeping around within a terrible

person for mysterious lifestyle and only

getting hurt more now here I was looking

for power and she’s telling me I can

have all kinds of power well I was

enamored with the idea I got all the

books your kid on witchcraft out of

California Louise Hitler was the top

which of the day I studied everything

there was to know about tarot cards

tired reading everything to know about

ask the projection Tibetan Book of the

Dead Buddhism anything there wasn’t know

about spirit guides and what I would do

is I would ask her project out of the

body and abling spirits to come in

because in witchcraft I believe that if

I could get my own spirit I could be

empowered by bringing spirit guides in

now understand I was of the mind that

these spirits that were coming in spirit

guides were nice spirits that were

people that had passed away throughout

the centuries there’s a nice word that’s

used on most TV it’s called channeling

about what you were doing I was doing

that as well but what would happen with

me is I would begin to gargle these

voices almost demonically they would

come out in a demonic sound and so now

here I was so interested in witchcraft

here I was in Buddhism reincarnation

planning to kill myself so that I could

I could go back in reincarnation means

return it means enter back into life

return to the flesh so I believe that if

I killed myself I’d be born inside the

wool again and through the Tibetan Book

of the Dead I would learn that soul

migration be born into the earth and

have another chance have a better mother

have a better father not be a drug

addict so I became very very studious

about astrology witchcraft tired reading

and that card really became my niche

said I would walk into a room with a

deck of cards and read everybody’s mail

just by that deck of cards and I thought

I was the best thing since the

McDonald’s hamburger I thought I had

finally come to a place of prominence

because I could intimidate people I

could make them afraid of me because I

was operating in

these powers and I never knew they were

demonic or evil I thought that I had

come into this great power that I had

been looking for the trouble is when you

play with the devil he doesn’t play fair

he’ll give you everything you want all

the drugs you want all the women you

want all the promises and all the power

you want and when he’s done with you

he’ll kick the legs out from under you

sounds like the Broadway play Damn

Yankees another soul to the devil and

they become a champion baseball player I

never saw that but that’s interesting

and that’s why you’re rock stars

sometimes say I sold my soul to the


because once you make that that trade

he’ll give you what you want but people

need to understand that the devil is not

sharing his kingdom with anyone he’s

selfish and hateful and his personality

is that of hate and violence and so as I

began to encounter these spirits from a

pleasant person even though I was a

falldown drug addict I began to take on

the personality of the devil I began to

act I began to hate that began become

violent in my head and I hate you much

of you you hate all of anymore

really Oh hate all the more and I love

to see people hurt like I’d like to do a

card reading why knew a man was

committing adultery I’d name names and

it was just an evil behavior and so here

I was with these spirits operating in

despair cursing people I curse one man

said he fell three stories into a

wheelbarrow thank God that we all bear

over there as he would have been killed

I was asked at rejecting I was studying

all this witchcraft I thought everything

was wonderful the same spirit as you

said in the opening that gave me power

began to turn on me why would they turn

on you because the personality of

spirits of darkness is not a nice

friendly personality you can tell any my

people that are deeply involved in

witchcraft the way they dress the way

they act ghoulish and black nails and

dark colors and very strange Oteri’s

like I used to watch westerns as a kid

and in the Western a new guy comes into

town and goes and plays poker and he

wins and the next day he said boy these

are country bumpkins I’m going to take

them for all they’re worth and he bets

everything he has in the game is fixed

and he loses everything he has excellent

and that’s

exactly the way it happens – that’s

excellent and that’s exactly what had

happened to me I thought I had arrived

but as these spirits began to turn into

torment the same stirrups that gave me

power to read cards and after project

and operate in the solar core power the

psyche power would turn on me what does

that mean what do you mean turn on you

it was as if all of a sudden the same

voices that would say this man is

committing adultery or this woman steals

at work or this girl’s going to get

married last year when I was reading

cards would now say to me you should die

it’s better than look that said I would

walk around with a gun in my mouth I

remember the metal used to burn my

tongue I would just suck on a gun

waiting for the moment to stop this

power that I had entered into the stop

the destruction of my mind my drugs

increase I would take needle Sid and

people that were the worst drug addicts

in town would not get high with me I

would go into a bathroom and take a

needle and bang it into my arms I had

sick gross all the way down today’s and

see they’re totally gone but thick

groves and abscesses all the way up and

down my arms in that drugged state I’d

go out and become even more promiscuous

hoping that someone would just love me

for a little while that’s what our kids

are doing today said they want somebody

to love them for 15 minutes that’s why

sex has become an everyday movement I

mean it’s nothing to be 11 years old and

go to bed with your boyfriend that you

go to school with and so here I was

mailing myself with needles blood coming

out demon possessed from the the the

spirits died invited inside broken in

one particular time in all the story

they live in a mental institution CID

they locked me behind a metal door

that’s how crazy I got my arms were full

of needle marks my nose was full of

blood from cocaine they put me in a room

locked me in because I had now had serum

hepatitis which you get some filthy

needles so they had locked me in a

mental institution in the K Ward and

Memorial Hospital in Buffalo New York

with needle marks with mental crazy

screaming in my head giving me a liquid

diet to try to clear up the hepatitis

when they finally let me out I became

pregnant again

oh no this time I went to the buff the

Erie County State Building in Buffalo

New York and got a legal abortion so

when I left that medical building that

day after that abortion and it’s still

talk about it hurts a little

I remember sitting down for the first

time saying I wanted that babes that

baby I wanted because I felt like I had

such a low opinion of myself that maybe

this child could change things for me of

course it was too late so here I was I

had had three abortions a child that was

taken away from me I was hopelessly

drug-addicted the doctor comes to me and

he says to me you have chronic active

hepatitis your M signs are right off the

hinges you probably and what does that


chronic it means that a chronic means

it’s constantly going on active means

it’s happening right now and hepatitis B

is a very serious form of hepatitis he

told me that my liver was turning into a

piece of leather it was in that state

that I decided that it didn’t matter if

I live I increased my drugs I increased

the insanity increase the promiscuous

life increased hatred was full of

violence and totally suicidal and then

one day standing in a fire standing in a

bar serving drinks feeling from the

place everything they had stealing and

lying and getting high in the bathroom a

young woman approached me named Linda

Smith and you know what said she really

believed in the power of God she knew

I’d experienced the power darkness that

I knew it was out there that it worked

but she wanted me to see a higher power

a greater power that superseded the

power that I was operating and so what

did you think of this window I thought

that she talked the talk and didn’t just

she walk the walk and just sit and talk

to talk a lot of people talk the talk

and walk the walk and Linda just showed

the love of God in the way she acted

she didn’t come out with all these

spiritual lingo Conda but you told me as

a kid getting care for this Jesus

because now I was at a place she was

introducing a man to me a man that

didn’t rape you beat you use you put you

on the streets and stick needles in your

arms a man that was the son of God loved

you for the way you are not for 15

minutes loved you for who you were and

who was able to reach down in that liver

and reconstruct it reach into that belly

full of blood from bleeding altars

reconstruct and heal that reach into a

mind that was mentally ill reconstruct

that reach into a heart that’s broken

and put it all back together just

because he’s a man who loves mankind

because it was the son of God


huh she took me to church she took meant

to pass why don’t you go to church

because I was dying and there was no

hope I figured I’m gonna die anyway

let’s go see and you know what really

influenced me to be very honest the last

few minutes of this program she acted

like a person who didn’t just put on a

facade of Christianity she lived it

she walked that she won’t impress

anybody said she wanted to introduce to

a dying demon-possessed [ __ ] which she

wanted to introduce that human being to

a man who changed her life you went into

that church I Walter I was dressed lewd

I had demons in my eyes they were

screaming all over to kick you out well

some of them weren’t everything to do

with me but Sid in a very quick moment I

know we’re coming to the end of your

program in a quick moment the man on the

platform said if you need God to touch

you if you need healing in your body

come on up

I took the longest walk in my life when

I got to the platforms of the state

brings tears to my eyes Jesus Christ was

waiting for me within an instant within

an instant and I have medical reports in

a moment of a prayer of 1,800 strangers

I didn’t know my first name the church

stood forth the blood-bought church

began to sing the blood of Jesus and in

a moment when they began to call on the

name that people curse the name of power

and ability my liver was healed my

stomach was healed my mind was restored

and I left that church said never to be

the same from that time the day I left

that church a process of healing began

what about drugs I was instantly

delivered I had Sid no cold turkey that

means to come off a drug none of that I

was instantly delivered from drug

addiction instantly delivered for mental

illness instantly delivered from chronic

active hepatitis instantly delivered

from peptic bleeding alters and the Holy

Spirit the only spirit that lives in me

now you can have all those other demons

the only spirit that lives inside me now

and the power and the supernatural

anointing began a process of demons

coming out releasing out of this temple

the only spirit in me now sir is the

Spirit of God and my life has been

changed ever since my mother got saved

my brother Ronnie got save from

homosexuality my father got saved they

all got saved let me tell you something

what carol has just said there is such


I mean danger in the new age that most

people are not aware of I want her back

on our next program and I want her to

explain exactly how these powers operate

and the difference between these powers

and the real thing you see a counterfeit

cannot be a counterfeit unless it’s a

counterfeit of the real thing

and for this reincarnation business it’s

a lie

you live once and then comes the

judgment choose this day whom you shall

serve but as for me in my house

we’re serving the Living God
