In this Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! Classic episode from 2001: Ricky Roberts saw hell and has come back to speak about it.

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Sid: My guest saw Hell – yes it’s a real place
– and has come back to speak about it.

Next on this edition of “It’s Supernatural!”

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Sid: Hello.

I’m Sid Roth your investigative reporter,
and I’m here with Ricky Roberts.

If you tuned in last week, Ricky was the young
man that was diagnosed by the best doctors

to be “three points above moron”.

No hope; he was in special education; they
said he couldn’t cut it with children half

his age.

Imagine children eight years – he’s 16 years
old, weighs 300 pounds, tries to get into

those little desks.

The children mock him, make fun of him; he
has no hope.

Doctors have written him off.

And at age 16, a prophet makes a prediction
over him from God.

That’s how you know whether their prophecy
is from God or not: it comes to pass; it’s

that simple.

And he not only gets healed, he’s moved immediately
into tenth grade.

They tested him.

He knew trigonometry, he knew algebra, but
he never was taught these things.

He went on – one of the great, great miracles
of this life, he went on to get seven doctorate


He has two PhDs, honors – I’m not going to
take the time to explain all the honors that

he’s received.

Ricky, you have a doctorate in Greek, in Latin,
in Aramaic, in Hebrew.

Why did you get doctorates – and these are
Bible languages – why did you do that?

Ricky: To understand the Word of God in the
original languages, to deep – to go as deep

as I could to pull out the original thought
of God Himself, who is the author of the Word

of God.

Sid: But why would God choose you – someone
that was almost a vegetable – and make you

a scholar, winning awards just recently from
Cambridge University.


Ricky: Because the Lord told me.

He said that He chose and called a person
to do all of this, and they rejected their

calling, they rejected their election.

And God looked – for the sake of grace – and
said, “I will choose the useless, and use

the useless.”

Sid: When you think about the state you were
in, and although your intelligence wasn’t

there, you still had emotions.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: You still felt.

You still hurt.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Do you remember the kids calling you

Ricky: I sure do.

You know, the Lord allowed all that to be
embedded into my very spirit.

You know, ten years ago I couldn’t even talk
about this without crying and just bawling.

And every once in a great while the Lord will
let a smell, He will let a taste, remind me

and bring me back to that, so that I will
always be humble and know that what God has

given me is not of my own; it’s His.

Sid: Now Ricky, there are gifts from God that
are given to humans.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: There are gifts of healings.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Gifts of miracles, gifts of faith, gifts
of words of knowledge, gifts of words of wisdom,

gifts of prophecy.

You move in all of these gifts.

Ricky: Yes I do.

Sid: I’ll tell you the one that intrigues
me the most, and concerns me the most; I’ll

be real candid with you.

It’s called prophecy, and the reason it intrigues
me the most, it’s a word from God.

Ricky: That’s right.

Sid: Who would not want to hear a word from

But a lot of prophecies are very non-prophet
– very “un-prophetable” – because they’re

not from God.

Have you given words to people that you know
have come true?

Ricky: As far as we know, we have over 300
fulfilled prophecies that have been confirmed

in less than two years.

Sid: You told me before we went on the air
that God spoke to you and told you about certain

things that were going to happen on this program.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Would you speak to the camera and tell
– and speak this out now.

Ricky: Yes, I sure will.

There is a mother.

She has a retarded, disabled child.

Two months ago the Lord spoke to you and said
this: “I, saith the Lord God, will heal

your child within three years.”

The Lord is telling me right now for you to
accept that word.

He has confirmed it, now stand on it; because
within three – excuse me, within six months you

will see the beginning of this take place.

Sid: And you know what I’m reminded of, Ricky,
is your own mother.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Your mother was given a word that you
were healed.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: But she had to do something.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: She had to go to the principal and say,
“Move my son – who you want to kick out of

special education – to the tenth grade.”

And if she hadn’t done that and exercised
her faith, I’m wondering whether you’d be

sitting here right now.

Ricky: I wouldn’t, because prophecy works both ways.

It’s God’s part and man’s part; you have to
fulfill both.

What I like to say is, you have to reach up
to God, while He’s reaching down to you.

Sid: Now we’re going to talk in a moment about
your experience in Hell.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: But you had another experience.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: That I like even better.

Ricky: I do, too.

Sid: In Heaven.

So as a little preview, as a preview.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: You saw – in Heaven – body parts.

Ricky: Yes I did.

Sid: Explain that to me.

Ricky: Well can I go back just a little bit?

In – I went on a 22-day fast.

For eight days I was shown the demonic; the
last day, I was shown the heavenly.

All of a sudden there was a chariot in my
room, and there was an angel.

This angel said, “Come.”

I went up into the spirit realm.

I continued for several – several seconds;
not minutes, but seconds.

I was – I beheld the very Heaven of God, the
very Heaven of Heavens, if you will.

It was surrounded with the Glory of God, with
the very presence of God.

I entered into the very Throne Room of God.

There were angels, thousands and millions
of angels, and they were saying, “Holy, holy,


It was like choirs of the greatest music that
you can’t even explain.

Sid: Were you in your body?

Was it a vision?

Ricky: It’s a vision.

It was a vision.

And during this time, to the right – to the
right, I was shown the gifts of the Spirit.

I was shown rewards and blessings for all
of God’s people if they would just come and

receive them.

To the left I saw the body parts.

The body parts; what that literally means
is for every sickness we have, God’s got a


Sid: You mean, basically, if we can believe.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: That hip that someone needs.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Will come from the invisible world.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Into the visible world.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: I’m believing this is going to happen.

Ricky: Amen.

Sid: During this show.

Ricky: Amen.

Sid: Don’t go away.

We’ll be right back.

Hello YouTube mishpochah!

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Sid: Hello.

I’m Sid Roth your investigative reporter
here with Ricky Roberts, and Ricky is a walking


If he never does another thing, he’s a walking

But I am intrigued.

He went on a long fast, and he had a vision.

And in the vision he saw Hell and he saw Heaven,
and he saw some things in Heaven that are

going to change your life.

But before we find out about the reality – and
it’s the reality of this invisible world from

someone that had a visitation – literally,
as you said, there was like a chariot.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Did you go in the chariot?

Ricky: Yes I did.

Sid: Was that fun?

Ricky: Yes.

And what’s so fascinating is to my left, the
angel of the Lord said that since I was 14

years old, “I have been placed to protect
you”, to protect me.

This is the protective angel over my life.

Sid: And what did he look like?

Ricky: No wings; around six feet, had white
clothes or white garment; beautiful.

Sid: Have you seen him more than once?

Ricky: Yes I have, several times.

Sid: Pretty comforting.

Ricky: Yes it is.

He’s here right now.

Sid: Really?

Ricky: Yes he is.

Sid: Do you believe everyone has at least
one angel?

Ricky: Yes I do.

Sid: Protecting them?

Ricky: Yes I do.

Sid: Even people that don’t know the Lord.

Ricky: Yes I do.

The early church, for example, they taught
that there could be two, five, ten, a hundred

– however many you need.

Sid: I’ll take them all.

Ricky: That’s right.

Sid: Well Ricky, let’s go back to the experience
with the demonic and with Hell.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Tell me about that.

Ricky: For eight – for seven days, God allowed
the demonic – or demons – to literally enter

into my room.

It was so intense that literally the stench
of Hell was present in my room.

Sid: You’re telling me you could smell this?

Ricky: Yes I could.

That was a physical manifestation.

Sid: Out of curiosity, can you still smell
this, if there’s demonic activity involved?

Ricky: Yes; yes.

And the reason why God did this is to teach
me the different spirits.

For example, I can go to a person and pray
for them, and God will show me the spirit

that is controlling that person’s life or
attacking that person’s life.

And I had not this ability before the fast.

Sid: Tell me more about what you observed.

Ricky: I saw demons, for example, of demons
that looked like dragons.

These demons are the demons of counterfeit
gifts, counterfeit revivals.

They will always raise up to try to destroy
a genuine movement of God.

Sid: Now did you actually see Hell?

Ricky: Yes I did.

Sid: Tell me about that.

Ricky: The Lord Jesus came into my room and
he said, “Come.”

And I descended, and descended, and descended.

Sid: When you went to Heaven, you went up.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: When you went to Hell, you went down.

Ricky: Yes; yes.

I descended, descended.

But thank the Lord there was a shield around
me, and it looked like Plexiglas, and in the

middle of it was the Glory of God.

And as I descended, I began to see the demonic
or the demons all over Hell.

They were screaming in agony.

The Lord showed me the different compartments
of Hell.

What was so glorious was that in paradise,
for example, that’s where all the Old Testaments

saints except for Enoch and Elijah were before
Jesus came.

Well it was empty, and a cross was in the
midst; A cross.

I went to the bottomless pit.

Sid: Weren’t you afraid?

I mean, even though you had the protective
shield, weren’t you a little bit afraid?

Ricky: Yes, yes I was, but Jesus was there.

Sid: Okay.

Ricky: And what he was – what Jesus – He told
me; He said, “What I am showing you is, is

the demonic are nothing compared to the power
of the blood.”

Sid: You believe that.

Ricky: Yes I do.

I’ve seen it work.

Sid: What happens when you say out loud, “the
blood of Jesus” in the spirit realm?

What occurs?

Ricky: The demons run with fury away from

Satan – I have literally seen Satan himself
bow before the power of the blood.

Sid: Just saying “the blood”.

Ricky: Yes, in any language.

Sid: Tell me what else you observed.

Did you see any people?

Did you hear any people in Hell?

Ricky: I heard the agonies, and the pains,
of persons in Hell.

Sid: What does the Bible say about the torment?

Ricky: It’s agony.

There is no description.

There is absolutely no description that can
really describe the agony of Hell.

Sid: So in other words, the torment doesn’t
stop at a certain point.

Ricky: No it doesn’t.

Sid: It just keeps going.

Ricky: It just keeps on going.

What was so amazing is, is as the Lord was
carrying me, I saw three thrones: the throne

of Satan, the throne of Antichrist, and the
throne of the false prophet.

Every one was empty.

Then He carried me to the lake of fire, and
He showed me that that was empty.

What was amazing about it is the Lord Jesus
took His hand and dipped His hand into the

lake of fire, and it did no harm.

And the Lord said, “Hold out your hand”,
and I held out my hand, and He poured it upon

my hand.

And the Lord said, “I am showing you, My protection
is even stronger than the lake of fire.”

Sid: Now tell me who the lake of fire is prepared

Ricky: For all the rebels; all those who reject
Jesus Christ: Demons, Satan, and all those

who rebel against Christ.

Sid: Okay, that’s the bad news.

There’s some good news.

The good news is that chariot that went to
Heaven; remember we left off about the body

parts; that intrigues me, because I know they’re
out there, and I know that these body parts

can just come, Ricky, just from the invisible
world into the visible.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: Tell me what body parts you saw.

Ricky: I saw heads, arms, fingers, legs.

I saw hearts, lungs.

You know, my dad had a translation or a rapture
and literally in this he saw – and that was

out of the body – he literally saw people’s
heads being cut off and put back on.

He literally saw that; he literally saw God
working that.

Sid: If this doesn’t stretch your faith, nothing

But I want some of those invisible body parts
to become visible.

How about you?

Don’t go away.

We’ll be right back.

Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth your investigative reporter.

Before we go back to Ricky Roberts, and I
know you’re on the edge of your seat, I want

to go to Janie in the control room.

Janie, I’ll tell you what intrigues me so
much is when Ricky went to Heaven he saw all

these body parts waiting to come in.

I mean, people without fingers are going to
get their fingers.

People without hips are going to get their

People without eyes are going to get their

Do you believe that?

Janie: I absolutely believe it and I’ve heard
of other people who have had the same types

of visions of seeing Heaven with those body

And the more we, we hear of creative miracles
more and more these days, and Ricky himself

has seen over 2000 people healed.

Well we’re going to ask him about that.

But who’s up next week?

Janie: Bob and Joan Nast, and Joan Nast had
something very interesting happen to her.

She went to a meeting and people were praying
there, but there happened to be witches there.

One week later, she went home and she had
very big lump in her breast.

When she had a mammogram done, at this meeting,
they found out they were witches.

Well when she had a mammogram done an incredible
picture came on the mammogram.

I haven’t shown you the picture yet.

We’re going to see it next week.

But when you look at the mammogram it looks
exactly like a witch.

Sid: I’ll tell you, I’ve been waiting to see
that picture.

Janie: I’m not letting you see it.

Sid: That’s okay; I can wait.

Now Ricky, even with malignant tumors, what
happens with the blood of Jesus – the name

of Jesus – when it’s spoken over them?

Ricky: They disappear instantaneously.

Sid: Tell me about some miracles you have
observed with your own eye when you’ve prayed

for people.

Ricky: We’ve had AIDS healed.

A woman who had AIDS was instantaneously healed.

Sid: How do you know she was healed?

Ricky: The doctors have confirmed it; she
has been healed.

Sid: You don’t like to talk about healings
until you get medical verification, do you?

Ricky: Yes; yes.

I believe that God’s work can be tested, and
it goes back to my healing that God’s work

was tested in my life.

Sid: Tell me some more.

Ricky: One of the greatest that I’ve ever
seen in my life is a woman had 30 tumors all

over her body.

And I was praying for one, one disappeared,
and then my mom actually –

Sid: What size were these tumors?

Ricky: Golf ball up to –
Sid: WOW.

Ricky: Even some as baseballs.

Sid: Now the one you saw that you were praying
for, did you see it disappear while you were


Ricky: Yes I did; yes I did.
Sid: That’s got to be a wonderful thing.

Ricky: It is; it is. It’s amazing.

But you know, they were saying that she had
more, and I said, “Wait a minute.

In the spirit, I don’t see this.”

And I said, “Lady, do you have any tumors?”

She began to – I thought she was going to
take off her clothes; everyone disappeared.

We’ve had backs instantaneously healed, eyes
instantaneously healed.

We’ve had deafness instantaneously healed.

Sid: Is there any – let me put the question

Ricky: Diabetes was healed.

Sid: Why isn’t everyone healed?

Ricky: Good question.

I like to look at healing as a covenant.

There’s a time to be healed.

There’s a place to be healed.

It has to be your faith.

It’s got to be God’s timing.

Sid: Right now, do you have a word from God
for someone?

Ricky: Yes I do.

I have several words for people.

I see that some are blind.

A matter of fact, there is one man; very peculiar.

He has a cane and – he has a silver cane – and
written on it is the Shema, “Hear O Israel:

The Lord our God, the Lord is one.”

Sid: Shema Yisrael, Adonai Eloheinu, Adonai

Ricky: And God is saying, if he will stand
upon His Word, his blindness will be completely

healed instantaneously.

Sid: How does he “stand on His Word”?

What do you mean by that?

Get the Bible and stand on it?

Ricky: No, just believe it.

Just believe that Jesus is the Messiah.

Just believe that the blood is sufficient.

Sid: You can do that.

Just believe.

Ricky, is God telling you anything else about

Ricky: Yes.

There is also a woman that is trying right
now to commit suicide.

God is ceasing that right now.

God is literally stopping that.

You don’t need suicide.

You need Jesus.

And I see the hand of God coming right now
and stopping that.

There is another man right now, there is a
man that has been attacked brutally, attacked

terribly by witches and witchcraft.

God is breaking every bondage right now; every

Sid: Are you afraid of witchcraft?

Ricky: No I’m not.

Sid: Do witches come to your meetings?

Ricky: Yes they do.

They get saved.

Sid: The witches get saved.

Ricky: Yes they do.

And Muslims, they’re healed, and sinners are

Sid: Tell me about one Muslim or one witch
that got saved.

Ricky: Okay.

The main witch in Fernandina – actually he
was a warlock – he came to our meeting.

Sid: This is Florida.

Ricky: Florida.

He tried to interfere with the meeting, but
God stopped him.

He saw – but see, when you deal with witches
and warlocks and occult and some things like

that, you can’t read them the Word of God,
because they don’t believe in the Word of


You have to show them the power of God.

And what convinced this warlock was the power
of God.

Just by me blowing on people or pointing my
finger at them, they were being healed and

falling over, being overwhelmed by the power
of God.

Sid: Why did you blow on them?

Ricky: Because that symbolizes the power of
God, the blessing of God, the anointing of


And the Lord told me that as well.

Sid: Tell me – describe again to me – what
you saw in the body parts room in Heaven.

Ricky: Every body part; imagine it: Heads,
arms, eyes, ears, lips.

Sid: So if anyone that needs a body part right
now, you’re telling me.

Ricky: Yes.

Sid: I keep hearing, over and over again,
there’s someone whose hip is being restored.

Ricky: Amen.

Sid: You have a brand new hip.

Ricky: Amen.

Sid: Do you know anything else about people
right now?

Ricky: Yes.

Right now there are legs right now being straightened.

There are – I just see a kidney right now
being restored.

Actually this is a creative miracle.

Somebody is on dialysis, and God right now
is just completely healing, and completely

giving a brand new kidney.

Sid: What do you need?

See, the truth of the matter is 2,000 years
ago, Jesus died for your – every one of your

pains, every one of your diseases.

You’ve read this in the Hebrew in Isaiah 53.

Ricky: Yes I have.

Yes I have.

Sid: Did he die for illnesses and diseases?

Ricky: Yes he did.

Yes he did.

Sid: Anything else, Ricky?

Ricky: Yes, one more.

There is a person that is crying out to God
for a healing of the heart.

The heart – you can’t go any longer because
the heart is giving out.

But right now, I command that you receive
a new heart, in the name of Jesus.

Sid: All things are yours right now.

Ricky: Yes Jesus.

Sid: Backs, because that same 53rd Chapter
of Isaiah said He not only bore our diseases

and our illnesses, and our pains, but He bore
our sins.

And when you deal with sin, you get rid of
the things separating you from God, and it’s

the blood of Jesus that washes away your sins.

And if you will repent of your sin, and believe
that that blood has washed away your sins,

then you, according to the Word of God, are
righteous, holy.

Your mind may not think it, but you are.

And say, “I make Jesus my Lord and my savior.

Come and live inside of me.”

Be real.

“I don’t want to just know about You.

I want to know You.

I know there’s something more to life.

I know there’s a purpose for my life.

I know there’s something more than work, eat,
sleep and go to bed.

There’s got to be something more.”

And I’m telling you, there is something more.

The same God that healed Ricky, He loves you
just as much.

You may not have heard this before, but God
really does care about you.

You are really loved by God.

He wants to put His arms around you right

Just open yourself up to Him right now, you
and God.

Thank you.

Thank you for what You’re doing, oh God.