My guests—Kevin and Kathi Zadai and Mike Thompson—have revelation from Heaven that will make you the devil’s worst nightmare. They will equip you to navigate these end times ahead!


Sid Roth here welcome to my world where

it’s naturally supernatural

my guests have revelation from heaven

that’ll make you the devil’s worst

nightmare as you navigate these end

times next for heaven to invade the

earth join Sid Roth and three powerful

voices Kevin and Kathy say die and Mike

Thompson for this releasing heaven now

TV event on this program you will learn

that we believers in Jesus as our

Messiah and Lord can pray from a vantage

point from heaven itself since we are

seated in heavenly places with Jesus

nothing is impossible when you learn how

to pray from heaven all of the promises

of God are yes these three powerful

voices will reveal words that God has

given them to help you be ready to

overcome every obstacle that has kept

you from receiving the promises of God

in your life and now here’s your host

Sid Roth

hello heavens and I hear and I don’t

think I have to introduce them you he’s

been a guest many times but when he told

me what he was working on I said he had

got to come back he is teaching and

demonstrating and praying impartation of

holy fire that begs the question what is

holy fire it was said I saw in heaven

that there was a lot of fire and gods

really in the fire excuse me for those

of you that haven’t seen Kevin before

he’s minded his own business with a

dentist’s hand and drill inside of his

mouth and he dies and goes to heaven

and many experiences that he has had

were downloaded into him from heaven

that’s why his teaching is so different

than most but biblically consistent I’m

sorry go ahead

well I encountered this fire SID and I

didn’t know exactly when I would be able

to release all this so for many years I

didn’t even share these experiences I

had but since I’ve met you I’ve I’ve

released now to do this what I saw in

heaven was that there was altars of fire

the angels were on fire and then I saw

that there was a sapphire floor that was

on fire as well so holy fire is actually

something that’s in heaven and that

we’ve encountered on the earth through

the day of Pentecost through the Holy

Spirit it’s part of the baptism of the

Holy Spirit is a baptism of fire well

that’s it says you will be baptized in

the book of Acts with the Holy Spirit

and Fire yes now I have interviewed a

lot of people over the years that have

major miracle ministries and they say

when the fire of God came on them they

were activated into miracle ministries

is this the same fire that you’re

talking about yes except that Jesus

instructed me that if I came back that I

would have to teach people how to

permanently walk in it not just to be in

and out of it and it has to do with our

ability to obey God’s voice put

ourselves in an environment

that is conducive for maturity which

means that we’re going to have to live a

crucified life if you notice the message

of the crucified life is not taught as

much anymore it’s not a popular message

but the Lord told me go back and make it

popular again well eNOS chapter 10 verse

9 and 10 says if you confess Jesus as

Savior and a lot of people don’t realize

that he’s next to words and Lord what

does Lord mean to you well Lord I saw in

heaven was relationship so as you know I

saw the in heaven when I was there he

showed me many things and he showed me

that there was positional through the

blood of Jesus what he had done on the

cross we have a position with him but

there was also relationship as well so

there was a relational holiness which is

when we choose to come out from among

the people and be separate and say no to

ungodliness and worldly passions and to

live an upright light life in Christ

Jesus to yield to the spirit to where we

walk in the fear of the Lord these are

all things the Lord said are gonna be

brought back into the body of Christ

yeah you know it’s almost hard to

believe because as a Jewish person that

came to the Lord at thirty I didn’t have

religion beyond Judaism I just had the

Bible and it was so clear how did

something so clear get so different in

in here in Christianity well say that

said that was the reason I told Jesus

when he told me I was coming back I said

I don’t want to come back because it’s

realm down here so slow and if you’re

left to yourself you get in trouble I

mean I told him that I said you know if

you’re left to yourself we and he showed

me how every three chapters in Genesis

man left to himself got in trouble every

three chapters things started happening

and so he said Kevin you got to teach

people how to yield to the fire and walk

in the fire it’s it’s walking in

repentance I can’t believe I just used

that word you did it’s that’s not

working it’s spoken yeah you know when

it is spoken it is spoken when you get

saved to repent of your sins and you’ll

be forgiven but then it’s kind of like

out of the VOC

you Larry the rest of someone’s walk

exactly but but I can tell you if I

didn’t live in instant repentance I

wouldn’t be right here that’s a fact

and then so jesus said to produce fruit

in keeping with repentance so somebody’s

wrong here I don’t think Jesus is wrong

so I’m gonna keep with repentance I’m

gonna produce my fruit I’m also going to

keep with repentance I’m gonna stay in

there and it’s just like when an angel

like like an angel just showed up right

now he just showed up behind me right

now oh yeah this is right oh yeah this

is for real I don’t do fake okay and all

the sudden all of a sudden now

everything shifts the message that I’m

speaking shifts from where I speak

shifts my perception shifts I am

speaking from the other room right this

minute and it’s all because something

from the other realm someone a person an

angel came from the fire in heaven and

he’s lit up behind me it shifts your

personality it shifts your perception

everything about you and I just want to

repent right now because I fear the fear

of God I feel the fear of God right now

I feel the holiness of God and I want to

repent and I just want to turn my face

back to Jesus right now and I went to

heaven and I have a ministry but I

repent every day because what happens is

is when I encounter holy fire it causes

me to want to turn and do the right

thing even when my body and my mind are

working against me and that’s for

somebody out there if you are

encountering anything right now in in

the area of temptation just remember

that your character is more important to

God than your comfort at times you’re

gonna feel uncomfortable but the fire is

burning out all that yeah there’s many

people right now they’re experiencing

this fire they’re thinking they did

something wrong but they’re not God is

burning out the dross all the impurities

out of their life so that you can have

your own experience all knowledge

with God let it let the fire come say

that at home in here let the fire come

all right Kevin well you told me yeah an

angel just started talking to you yeah

man how are a nose in volved in the holy

fire well they actually behold the face

of our Father that’s in heaven that’s

what Jesus said don’t do anything to

these little ones because they’re there

they’re angels

the children’s angels always see the

face of their father in heaven well the

angels report back but when they do they

energize they I saw them coming to the

throne they were catching on fire and

energizing and then coming back and

standing beside people and helping them

so angels come and they grab us they’re

Expeditors they come to grab us and to

take us in to what God has for us so

they’d know our books they want to

implement them that’s what’s happening

right here’s my tool translation our

book so there’s a book on everyone in

heaven your entire life it’s all for

good but because of us and the devil and

the world sort of us miss all that good

so the Angels I want to help us

accomplish the good in our books yes and

so this shift has already happened for

the move of God just so you know the

move of God this last endtime glory

revival has already started but it’s

more than just a revival because the

glory of the Father has come now when

the father comes into into our lives we

are one with him which means we’re one

in purpose and we benefit just as Jesus

benefited this is all in John 17 when

the angel cut he shows up like he does

in my meetings everything goes into this

this hyper like a hyper drive in other

words it goes up a level and all of a

sudden I’ve seen that in your readings

yes and all the sudden you’ve seen

witches come up and repent you’ve seen

demons flying out of witches well you

know that just doesn’t happen they can

usually come to disrupt a service okay

other things are gonna start happening

right now like there’s people right now

he’s telling me that there’s are

watching this show that they’re being

healed there’s all kinds of problems

that are being healed in people’s backs

and that’s right now and not only that

there’s there’s a lot of cancer patients

there’s a lot of people with cancer

right now the tumors are starting to

dissolve III know where you’re gonna get

reports said this is because we have to

speak from the other realm we were

healed that means we are here

Kevin when you were in heaven you talked

about a sapphire floor

you saw rooms this was the throne room

and tell me about the Sapphire floor I

was I was really surprised because I had

to look up the scriptures but I did see

this sapphire was really really blue but

it was beaten lit up by flames and they

were white flames so I was standing on

the on the floor cuz I had walked on it

and the Lord stopped me he said he said

oh this is only if I bid you to come and

I said well Lord you know I am I’m the

righteousness of God in Christ Jesus you

you you were taught that yeah and I

started saying say all those scriptures

I’m holy as your holy and he so no he

said this sapphire floor is not is not

positional this is relational he said

Enoch can walk on this floor

he said because Enoch walked separate in

the fear of the Lord and in holiness so

so when you confess the Scriptures you

know that is called positional yeah well

you you adhere to what Jesus did for you

on the cross that’s there’s a positional

righteousness he bought us by it’s a

true statement it sure is okay but what

in order to walk on that floor you’ve

said it has to be relational anything he

said he said many will come to heaven

and never be able to walk on this floor

because they did not fear me and they

did not walk separate from the world it

surprised me SID because I was taught by

the best

on my position in Christ but I realized

that he said Kevin he said many that day

will come and I will say them I never

knew you

and he said they will say I cast out

devils I healed the sick you know and he

said those people believed in me but

they didn’t walk with me and so it took

me about the white fence well this is

what he took he took me next we walked

outside we we were accelerated out to

where it was it looked like where the

spirit realm ends and it goes into the

physical realm and at the end of of the

where the spirit ends and then there’s

like a membrane and then there’s the

physical realm and they’re there because

of the fall

it’s separate now on that was a white

fence and it was it was symbolic

there was a white fence and there were

all these Christians that were on the

fence and I said what is this fence and

he said well he said my pleases my

people he said my people are asking how

close can I get to the world and live in

the world and still get to heaven when

they should be asking me where the

hottest spot in heaven is which is the

Sapphire stone which is mentioned in

Exodus 24 10 God came down on the

mountain with the sapphire stone and he

had a tear in his eye and he was he said

I didn’t hang on a cross and suffer and

die for the fence I hung in and I bought

my my feet my I’ve got my father’s

people back so that they can walk on the

set now this is this is what I got when

I read the Bible with no religion

I got what he’s saying but so it’s

anyone can read the Bible and get what

you’re saying mm-hmm

so why is that not even mentioned why

why is it say a prayer with Billy and

you’ll go to heaven and they don’t say

live like the world but they don’t say

live in biblical holiness right well I

saw I saw it said when I was in heaven I

didn’t want to come back because I saw

the spirit of this world is very strong

in fact SID it’s just like in a stream

if you’re not if you’re not swimming if

you’re just like neutral you’re going

downstream really fast if we are left to

ourselves we we get into trouble the the

whole spirit of this world is meant to

go towards chaos go towards destruction

death is is is is imminent in our body

but we don’t if we’re born again which

we don’t ever die we die physically but

we we always will exist with God in

heaven because of the born-again

experience so down here we’re supposed

to be ruling and reigning we’re supposed

to be swimming upstream in the power of

the Spirit and that’s what the that’s

what the Lord died for the Lord died for

that he died to flip it on the devil to

flip the whole real quick tell me about

another room

the the gold the room with the gold

glory cloud very quickly okay so he he

he quickly ushered me down a hallway

back in the building again off to the

side on the left side he there was a

hallway with many doors

we went down about five or six maybe

seven doors and went in there and there

was nothing on the door too labeled like

the rest of them well when I got in

there the glory cloud was in there and

there was it was so thick that I could

see Jesus about five feet from me but I

couldn’t see the floor I couldn’t see

the ceiling there was no furniture that

I could see it I felt such acceptance in

that room such love and acceptance one

with God and I started to cry and I said

Lord what is this and what he said when

you stepped into this room you stepped

into our father’s heart and I was I was

valued I was I was loved and it’s

interesting to me it took years after

that experience before I experienced

that again it happened with me and my

wife just a few months ago did she go to

heaven no we were in our living room and

I always told her about this because

it’s the most special thing cuz you know

you’ve been on the Sapphire stone so you

provoked her to Jones yes I know what

I’ve seen it I was I was seated I seated

with Christ in the heavenly realms I sat

there with him

I was on the Sapphire stone but this

room was beyond anything it was full

acceptance of the Father I was fully

accepted in the Father and I was telling

my wife about this and one morning while

we were sitting there paring in our

chairs the glory came in so strongly and

I said Cathy this is the room and we

were both weeping under the love it was

the love of the Father for that he has

for us I was made in His image said we

were all made in His image and he bought

us back and that is the true salvation

that’s what the church needs to walk in

right now that’s worth yeah I understand

that presence stayed in your apartment

for weeks yes it went on it went on it

went on for a couple weeks and then when

we started to go to other countries for

we were we were in Switzerland the Lord

did something in Switzerland that has

never stopped and the meetings would we

would break for two three hours we’d

come back and the people would still be

there in their chairs they would

never have left it in Australia we went

there afterwards they were still singing

the same song I’m gonna have you I’m

gonna have you release that later but in

order for you to receive I want you to

lead us in repentance right now I’ll

repeat after you okay father in the name

of Jesus I just thank you as we’ve all

come before you right now in the name of

Jesus we repent of everything that we

have done against you father anything

that we have neglected and father we

repent right now father

we repent just say that we repent we’re

a name of Jesus we have not focused on

you father we have not probably turned

our face back towards you and we turn

our face and we Lord ask that that

forgiveness for this country and Lord we

ask for forgiveness for this country and

we speak it out into over this country

and we speak it out over this country we

called this country to repentance we

call this country to repentance and we

thank you father we walk in your fear

the fear of the Lord is a beginning of

wisdom we thank you Father we walk in

your fear the fear of the Lord the

beginning of wisdom and then

amen now Mike my next guest is a very

accurate prophet he’s visited heaven

many times and is assigned you get that

word assigned by God to teach you how to

walk in endtime authority that is third

heaven authority it is the game-changer


we will return with more of our special

presentation of releasing heaven now in

just one moment


during dental surgery Kevin said I died

on the operating table he had an out of

body experience and found himself

standing on the other side of the veil

with Jesus in a heavenly visitation that

forever changed his life this encounter

and many more heavenly encounters have

propelled his ministry into new

dimensions of power activation and

impartation now Kevin wants to share

with you how to access heaven and

experience a new wave of healing

miracles signs and wonders in your life

and for others around you call now and

get Kevin Sinai’s anointed brand-new

five-part audio CD teaching releasing

heaven now exclusive for our it’s

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 3 5 to 2

through Kevin’s a nice brand-new

five-part audio CD teaching series

releasing heaven now you will understand

what holy fire from heaven truly is and

why you need it

discover the connection between

accessing God’s holy fire and holy

angels find out the significance of the

Safire floor in God’s heavenly throne

room and what is in store for you as

heaven is released now in your midst

enter with Kevin into the heavenly

throne room of the Father’s heart

discover a more powerful revelation of

the Holy Spirit and how to access every

promise God has for you understand the

keys on how to live from the secret

place and how to receive your healing

your miracle your breakthrough

Kevin will further share with you how

God’s glory is going to come upon every

believer in these end times

how to receive all the things Jesus has

obtained for you so that you can walk in

his authority to defeat demonic

strongholds in your life how to position

yourself to be a vessel to do the works

of God the Father and show forth his


how to experience healing and help

others to receive it – how to operate in

self deliverance how to bring every

thought captive through the renewing of

your mind how to clearly hear God’s

voice and fulfill God’s divine plan for

your life

Kevin brace anointed prayers over you

for a baptism of holy fire for heaven to

be released in your life for you to

clearly hear God’s voice and receive his

direction the Lord is saying I’m shining

my face upon you because I’m smiling at

you and I am pleased to help you and to

give you all that you would ever want or

need because I am your God and I bless

you and the father says you just trusted

me yield to the spirit and I will take

you to places that you’d never even

imagined you could go don’t miss out on

getting Kevin said eyes anointed

brand-new five-part audio CD teaching

releasing heaven now exclusive for our

it’s supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 3 5 – to

call or you can send your check to sid

roth it’s supernatural

peel box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number three

five two two or log on to

call or write today


and now back to our releasing heaven now

TV event


okay I do this a lot I protest and

that’s the Jewish person that believes

in the messiahs right because the

Gentiles is to provoke us to jealousy

and Mike Thompson’s first time I’ve met

him in person is provoking me to

jealousy he’s has a proven prophetic

ministry some 40 years he goes to heaven

drink Whitley as then shall we visit a

shion’s what maybe a couple times a week

are there any angels on this set that

you see many mana yes I like that plane

that later oh okay

now you move in miracles dangerous ed

much to do with the miracles you move in

yes they do very often they give me

words of knowledge and word of wisdom

they help empower ya okay April 2016

you had an angelic visitation about a

man that was not president his name was

Donald Trump tell me about that it was

during a prayer meeting a lot of my

visions happen when I’m praying speaking

in tongues that’s a good time for them

to have there you go

I was with the group and in the middle

of the prayer meeting an angel appeared

and he spoke to me and he said that the

dogs of Hell have been released against

the one with the hand of the Lord on him

and while that was happening he showed

me Donald Trump’s face this during the

primaries he wasn’t even the nominee yet

and he said pray against the spirit of

false witness hatred and murder speak

truth Annette and justice into the

atmosphere and we the Angels will break

their spiritual teeth meaning the

authority of those dogs of Hell false

witness the fabrications lies hatred the

visceral hatred detestation murder it

wasn’t just like an assassination plot

although I prayed against that it was

character assassination at every turn of

the way I believe that we are witnessing

before our very eyes I often wondered

how Hitler’s Germany could pull off what

they did but we are watching the dumbing

down and the brainwashing of society

through the media and the education

system and it’s about time if you have

been watching the 90 plus percent

negativity about our president if God

has put him in office take a look at

some of the good things is that right

that’s it that’s right

anything else you want to add on that

well just about the anointing the

anointing the hand of the Lord is on him

it’s about anointing it’s not about

character that’s where people miss it

right and that’s so important to

understand that because anointing is

about everything in the spirit realm

anointing is there and so I always look

for the anointing in everything that I

do so it’s still on him now the reason

I’d never met you but I read about your

experience in 2010 and you were caught

up into the third heaven now for those

that are not aware what is the first

what is the second and what is the third

heaven right well my belief is that the

first heaven is a stellar heaven the

physical universe the second heaven is a

spiritual atmosphere around us in which

the activity of spirits which would be

demonic angelic human happens and that

third heaven is actually the throne room

of God and so that was where I was

caught away and tell me tell me what you

saw well especially this this whole

concept of third heaven Authority well

the Lord took me up and as I was rising

I was in a prayer meeting by the way

again and as I was rising up above

through the building and through the

atmosphere I saw a bunch of dull lights

representing lack of glory something I

knew they were demonic spirits that

prayer warriors were going against I

found myself in the throne room of God

and as I was standing there before the

throne I could see Jesus

see angels and why did that why the

demons have gold whites lack of glory

okay yeah in his moves around very often

I can tell what God’s will or whether

it’s angels and so forth whether the

presence of the glory of the lack of the

glory is there and so as I was standing

before the Lord the very first thing

that I noticed is an absolute lack of

any sense of condemnation guilt

accusation fear intimidation any of

those things that we experience on the

earth and it caught my attention so said

that what I did is I just kind of II

only inside of me I said Lord is this

what it’s like to be a new creation in

you is this what you created me and all

of us to be and it was real I felt the

love acceptance and value of the of

Jesus right there but then he spun me

around and as I looked down it was like

an open portal and I could see all the

way down to the earth

and I could see those dull lights above

the demon rare me of the demons and but

up above where they couldn’t see from

below was this large dull light and the

Lord said that’s the general that’s in

charge of the geographical location and

the others take their order from him and

then he said something and as he was

speaking to me because I had my back to

him I could hear him the words coming

into my back into my being and

resonating and he said launch your

warfare from here from the third heaven

rather than the prayer meeting you were

not from below up but from above down

and because of the absence of all of

those other factors the hooks that are

in is on the earth the first thing that

just of course you bet you I’m gonna do

that I’m gonna tear him a new one you

know it’s just it’s really if I’m

hearing you right it’s a revelation in


shifting your perspective but that comes

from Ephesians explain that yes it does

come from Ephesians because in Ephesians

1 and 2 it says that Jesus has been

raised up high above all principality

power might and Dominion he’s been

raised up there and then it says that

were seated with him in heavenly places

in the heaven leaves and so seated with

him there we have the ability in the

spirit because of the Holy Spirit on the

inside of us to have that perspective

heavens perspective to be able to look

down and to see see the form of the Lord

see the ways of the Spirit and to

prophetically be able to see what the

Holy Spirit is telling us to do and to

deal with in different situations and so

it’s not from the terms about

righteousness consciousness how’s that

did it well Hebrews 10 talks about sin

consciousness and righteousness

consciousness awareness and I believe

that as Christians a lot of times we’re

trained to look on a linear level or to

look up you look up to God you look up

and you do trying to pull down yeah if

you say if I said to the group here pray

what would instinctively a lot of people

do like that look up to heaven exactly

and what I experienced so I felt like

the Lord well actually the Lord told me

while I was there that that’s sin

consciousness now I’m not saying that

believers can’t be effective because

they can be in tremendous ways but if

you’re constantly looking up trying to

find a way to break through or to get to

heaven there’s that awareness of sin of

the flesh that holds you back when I was

there that day and he told me to launch

my warfare from there looking down it

was the absence of that it was

righteousness consciousness is from

heaven down knowing who we are in the

Lord Jesus Christ seated with him in

heavenly places what else did you see on

that trip well as I I heard the words

come into me

and I just released him and I said in

the name of Jesus I dislodged the

assignment that you had speaking to that

general and I also break the power of

the strategies the communication system

the structure that you’ve enabled with

them and I saw disharmony into the camp

and when that happened every time that I

would give the faith command there was a

thority that was coming boom an angel

would shoot from my ride in my left and

go down and hearken unto the word and in

order to obey it so when I after this

was all over I stayed there for quite a

while and the Lord taught me about the

involvement of angels in spiritual

warfare and also about how that they

have the creative ability to help us to

create destiny and things for us and

then the Lord spoke to me and he said

there’s coming a time now this was 2010

so the next decade I witnessed this he

said there’s coming a time when the veil

between the spirit and the natural is

growing thinner and there’s going to be

a lot of experiences people are going to

be having spiritual experiences and so

therefore I am giving you the assignment

to teach people 3rd heaven Authority so

that they will not be deceived by the

spiritual experiences that they’re

having that’s why I preached it now you

were commissioned to do that what did

the Lord tell you yes he said go back

and he said your assignment from now on

is to teach people how show them how to

navigate the heavenlies is this for

everyone or just general it’s just

everything everyone everyone what

difference will make in their prayer

life change it forever it’ll increase

their sense their awareness of who they

are in the Lord Jesus Christ and how to

combat the destructive demonic

influencers and forces in a way that

they can do it with confidence

and anointing you had a vision of God’s

prophetic time clock yeah what did God

show you well on January 31st just weeks

back the Lord took me into the heavens

now preceding that let me just mention

that in 2013

Michael the war angel in the heavenlies

told showed me the coming revival and

how to gather intercessors and to pray

for that time well during this clock

vision on the 31st in the heavens I saw

this huge clock and it was kind of flat

faced and the spirit grabbed me and

pulled masseuse me that was that was of

this year that yes this year okay just a

few weeks back he pulled me into the

face of the clock through the second

hand and as soon as I went into the

clock I saw multi dimension of perhaps

millions of second hands representing

God’s time clock in multitude of affairs

on earth and while I was there I noticed

well actually the Lord began to speak to

me one of the things is he said the

thread of time that is called Donald

Trump will not come to an end today now

this was during the Senate trial in the

middle of it the impeachment I knew that

he was telling me number one that he

wouldn’t be impeached number two I

believe even though he didn’t frame the

words that it means that he will win the

second term but he said it’s not coming

to an end

it’s not worth it it does not end now it

continues he said there are other

threads of time that are in relation to

those who oppose him and oppose my hand

that is upon him and my will and destiny

for America he said pray for them

because their souls are in my hand in

other words pray for their salvation

continue to pray for their deliverance

when you talk about praying from the

third heaven you’ve had where you’ve

been caught up but you’re saying that we

can do that without being literally

caught up like you were right what are

you saying on that explain you mentioned

a word earlier that I think is at the

core of all of it

and that is oh and I might mention when

I was in the clock I saw the faces of

millions of people being born again and

coming up and the angel said here they

come here they come with excitement

meaning it’s here it’s today this is it


what is what do you mean for for me yeah

and in my prayer if I don’t get caught

up why Paul did in the Bible to the

third heaven like you do often what does

that mean to me how do I pray from the

third heaven if I’m not caught up it’s

about perception and what I have learned

over the years is that so many believers

have never had anyone in their life

to actually teach them to train them on

how to operate in the spiritual realm

and they think that it’s a spiritual

experience is God initiated you know

it’s when he comes and performs a

miracle so they’re sitting around

waiting for that when spiritual

experiences can also be initiated by us

that’s one of the things that the Lord

told do you teach a lot of people how to

do this I do and do they receive do they

do it they do on different levels

according to their experience their

knowledge and and what so so if I have

you back a little later on there is n

segment if I have you back will you

teach a little and pray for this

impartation be my pleasure okay well I’m

going to be getting it to people I hope

you are

Kevin’s and I and and Kathy his wife

pray in tongues or supernatural

languages more than anyone I know they

say it’s the secret to their power they

will demonstrate this by interpreting

their own tongues and prophesying over

you when we return

clear ight back we will return with more

of our special presentation of releasing

heaven now in just one moment

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releasing heaven now TV event


okay I have my friends Kevin and Cathy’s

that I hear and you’ve seen Kevin many

times but you’ve never met on television

his wife and so although she’s done a

few things with Kevin she this is kind

of her first time on on something like

this and because they’re praying in

tongues all the time for why Kathy do

YouTube pray in tongues all that’s I

mean even just me as Paul said he prayed

without CC you’re trying to match him

yeah seriously but there are people

watching us that have never been

baptized in the Holy Spirit and spoken

in tongues and received the fire you’re

talking about the Holy Spirit and fire

then there are those that have received

their supernatural prayer language but

they don’t use it much why is it so

important to pray in tongues Kevin well

first of all it’s a command of the Lord

that we’re to yield to the spirit and

we’re not to fulfill the lusts of the


see Paul Paul talks about this in Romans

8 if believers would just live in Romans

8 they would do a lot better so the

Spirit of the Lord wants to pray through

us but he wants to pray on our behalf on

our and he does this by us yielding to

him it says that in in verse 26 of

Romans 8 it says that in our weakness

the Spirit comes in and grabs us and

lifts us up and super intercedes through

us the mysteries of God’s will I mean

that’s a great deal you could pray

perfect prayers so it’s a really a

command of the Lord and Paul said you

know I pray in tongues more than you all

of you do and he was an apostle so how

about us that we’re you know we’re just

we’re just believers but we can be super

interceding for this nation for this

world for

daily lives you know Kathy and I are

addicted to speaking in tongues and

praying in this bed we’re addicted

howdy curiosity when you guys go to

sleep Kathy does he do you ever hear him

praying in tongues and Kevin do you ever

hear or praying in tongues I’m curious

oh yeah oh yeah yeah we we hear each

other she’ll be talking to Jesus or

she’ll be talking to someone and and

then I’ll wake her up

and and I know I don’t know if it’s an

angel or anything but don’t bother we

pray we pray in tongues we pray in

tongues whether we’re asleep or awake we

believe that we speak in the spirit our

spirits always alive or it never never

sleeps yeah but what about the person at

home that’s talking back to me right now

and saying said haven’t you read in

Corinthians not all speak in tongues or

supernatural languages I’ve read that

they’ve read that what would you say

well I know that Paul was talking about

the gifts the gift of tongues and

interpretation in the church in a

physical and in a in an actual setting

where there was public and and if Paul

said I would rather you prophesy

intelligible speech so that everyone is

built up then you speak thousands of

words in an unknown tongue with no one

to interpret it but Paul spoke in

tongues all the time so who was

interpreting his tongues you know so so

there’s all kinds of scriptures that can

go and show you that there are as a

separate personal praying in the spirit

like like it says in Jude we build

ourselves out praying in the spirit in

the most holy of faith that’s that’s it

Kathy you love you have a special gift

and you love to pray for people to be

filled with the spirit and speak in

tongues and Kevin told me just about

everyone you pray for start speaking in

tongues if you prayed for many yes it

started happening in our meetings a few

years ago and yeah it’s just been

happening which is a great joy to us

because we want everybody to speak in

tongues we believe as the Bible teaches

that it’s for every believer and that

you really shouldn’t go out without it

every believer needs to pray in tongues

now take me into your home right

now you know you’ve got a cup of coffee

maybe in your you’re ready to pray you

you prayed together usually or no yes

are you ready to pray together could you

to demonstrate to me what you to do is

that okay well what happens is the deal

is whoever wakes up first sometimes it’s

at 1:30 like like the last couple of

nights it’s been 1 o’clock in the

morning 1:30 the spirit awake one of my

wife would not like me coming in let’s

pray in tongues at 1:30 that’s why I’m

married to Kathy she likes it we we yell

out whoever wakes up first starts

praying in tongues and yells yes really

loud and wakes the other person up

because we’re saying yes to God’s will

then when she hears the word yes if

she’s the one that wakes up then she

starts praying in tongues immediately as

she’s waking up we we both get up we’re

praying in tongues we go out push the

brew button and we go out and we that

was the brew bye so we sit and we pray

in tongues for for a period of time and

then we will talk amongst each other and

ask you know what what is the Lord

showing us or what is it that the Lord’s

telling us should we stay up and do some

more and if we start to fall asleep we

do circles around our house inside house

I want you to maybe a Kathy I want you

to pray in tongues and I’d like to see

Kevin interpret that can is that putting

you on the spot or kidding well though

that’s fine and and and and if it’s a

prophecy for people just prophesied to

him it will be go for it yeah so it will

be now if that isn’t faith

thank you bokura Bosnia – new shavonda

vitae jute mcleach nikki folk rant

clicky anta savannah bay no more ranee

ha ha ha ha ha ha the Lord says that

just as you will see the Spirit of the

Lord come on Sid Roth this year he will

go into the next phase of his ministry

everybody will not be expecting what’s

about to happen to him the anointing is

gonna come on just as it is gonna come

upon him it’s a coming upon you this

year as well the spirit of prophecy to

prophesy ha ha ha you’re going to tell

the devil ha ha just speak what’s going

on inside in your cabin all men are well

did the culmination the ages is is

coming is coming this year all the all

the people that have ever laboured for

the Lord they’re in heaven most of them

are in heaven they’re waiting for us to

finish this up the this the the Spirit

of the Lord is saying he’s saying right

now that it’s time to go back to

Pentecost but see they were all in one

Accord so we need to get back in one

Accord then we need to let the wind blow

we need to let the fire fall we need the

prophesy and we need to deal to the

spirit to where people think were drunk

that comes from the book of Acts yes

because Peter had to apologize he said

these are not drunk as you suppose well

you know they’re not drunk from alcohol

no no you don’t need that kind of

alcohol if you have the Spirit of the

Lord the new wine you do not need any

drugs or alcohol and so that the Spirit

is wanting to – to us to not compromise

anymore it’s just as yield to the spirit

and don’t worry about what people think

don’t worry anymore Perry

get your skid drunk in the spirit and be

full of a spirit speaking to yourselves

and hymns and psalms and spiritual songs

making melody in your heart to the Lord

that is so unlike the world that’s right

and we’re supposed to be away from it

we’re supposed to have stepped out and

be separate says the Lord and then I

have another prophecy coming forth if

you’d like me to speak that right now

gone for the Spirit of the Lord is

saying I am coming upon you in power I

am coming to you with a word to speak a

word of deliverance to many people says

the Lord you shall speak and mountains

will be removed this year you shall see

all those things have been pending there

coming forth there’s a time coming where

you will not be able to speak now is the

time to speak speak by the fire praise

God this nation is about to turn this

nation is about to turn there’s going to

be the history books will show it’ll be

a big question mark because no one will

be able to explain they thought what

they’ve already seen isn’t is something

you just wait this this this next term

of President Trump it’s gonna flip

everything have you seen a piece go away

yes yes but see this is what I saw I saw

that there was going to be great and a

great upturn in the fall I saw that I

saw cars upside down on fire there were

all kinds of riots people that the devil

was mad why would they be rioting

because they didn’t the devil didn’t get

his way and so he didn’t want President

Trump and all right and the President

Trump will will will be standing there

saying let’s make America great just

like he’s always said and they’re like

wait we can’t kill this guy we can’t get

rid of him the devils are going to be

upset because this nation is coming back

to its for and for the forefathers the

roots of the state

now do you two ever speak in languages

that someone recognizes we both have had

okay once once what experience

well there was there was a time there

was a time where I I spoke I spoke in a

language that I didn’t know what it was

and then the pastor it was in an Iranian

church and I was just praying in tongues

and then I was speaking by the spirit

and I ministered to each one of his the

people in his church but I don’t know

what I was saying I was just praying

over them in tongues he was then I was

interpreting those tongues as well what

happened was is that there was a lady

who was not saved who saw the the Farsi

language on the sign outside the church

and came in thinking that it was just

Iranian people when she walked in I

pointed at her and start a prophesying

to her she fell to her knees and gave

her life to Jesus but I don’t know what

I said I don’t know what I said but I

was telling her to repent and give her

life to Jesus and and I’m this this kind

of stuff has happened to us in places

like where people have said you know you

just spoke you know in other like other

countries they’ve told us you know I

don’t remember exactly what they were

but they said you know you just spoke

Hungarian or you just spoke Romanian you

know you spoke whatever and they could

tell what I was saying and then when you

interpreted your tongues it was exactly

what you were saying in the known

language so it was a signer wonder to us

and to those people Cathy when I have

you to back in the iesson segment which

we’ll talk about in a moment uh and you

pray for people to be baptized in the

Holy Spirit what is going to happen well

I believe if they will receive they will

be filled they speak in – yes they will

speak in tongues and when Kevin releases

the fire what’s gonna happen well I just

had a vision great before you said that

I remembered that there’s there’s many

ministers that are crying out to God

right now for the fire it’s it they’re

telling the Lord I’m either leaving the

ministry or you baptize me in fire and

now I’m telling you the spirit Lord says

you’re gonna get your fire

what will the benefit be for the people

that receive the Holy Spirit and Fire

the benefit is is that you walk in the

power of the spirit down here and you

don’t have to be left to yourself like

I’ve said many times and when we’re left

to ourselves we get into trouble

I depend upon the Spirit of God I do not

like it when this anybody talks against

the Spirit of God in any way because

he’s all I have

Jesus told me if I go back that his next

exhale was my next inhale I live for

that and we need to speak in tongues we

need a walk in his way

we need that it’s like the breath of

heaven this is what life is all about

down here Sid Sid Jesus told me if you

go back he said you’ll change a whole

generation and you cannot fail you know

you could have stayed in habit I had

that you had the choice yes but I have

never had anyone talked to me like that

he looked right at me the head of the

church the the I am said if you go back

you cannot fail I never had anybody

talked to me like that so on this earth

we’re supposed to walk in our authority

but we’re supposed to walk in power

which means we got to walk in fire which

means we have to live the Crucified life

we have to live in a place that’s holy

fire constantly you do that by praying

in the spirit you you do continually

work your out your salvation with fear

and tremble pray in tongues for about 30

seconds and interpret thank you father

Lockean O’Gorman Akito vite nakute maja

hey coke Randy ash davos highway la

Anthony and oh oh ma sake na hey Nico

toh nice shape a the spirit Lord says

I’ve gone before you and I am separating

between the enemy’s armies that have

surrounded you they are separating and

they will globe they will not be able to

touch you as you walk through I am

causing you to triumph over your enemies

the sword of the Lord has been drawn

follow me says the Lord I always win

when we return heaven will be released I

know you’re ready we will return with

more of our special presentation of

releasing heaven now in just one moment

call now and get Kevin Sinai’s anointed

brand-new five-part audio CD teaching

releasing heaven now exclusive for our

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donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 3 5 to 2

through Kevin’s a nice brand-new five

part audio CD teaching series releasing

heaven now you will understand what holy

fire from heaven truly is and why you

need it

discover the connection between

accessing God’s holy fire and holy

angels find out the significance of the

Safire floor in God’s heavenly throne

room and what is in store for you as

heaven is released now in your midst

enter with Kevin into the heavenly

throne room of the Father’s heart

discover a more powerful revelation of

the Holy Spirit and how to access every

promise God has for you understand the

keys on how to live from the secret

place and how to receive your healing

your miracle your breakthrough

Kevin will further share with you how

God’s glory is going to come upon every

believer in these end times

how to receive all the things Jesus has

obtained for you so that you can walk in

his authority to defeat demonic

strongholds in your life how to position

yourself to be a vessel to do the works

of God the Father and show forth his

glory how to experience healing and help

others to receive it to how to operate

in self deliverance how to bring every

thought captive through the renewing of

your mind how to clearly hear God’s

voice and fulfill God’s divine plan for

your life

Kevin praise anointed prayers over you

for a baptism of holy fire for heaven to

be released in your life for you to

clearly hear God’s voice and receive his

direction the Lord is saying I’m shining

my face upon you because I’m smiling at

you and I am pleased to help you and to

give you all that you would ever want

her need because I am your God and I

bless you and the father says you just

trusted me Gill to the spirit and I will

take you to places that you

even imagined you could go don’t miss

out on getting kevin said ice anointed

brand-new five-part audio CD teaching

releasing heaven now exclusive for our

it’s supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number three five

two two call or you can send your check

to sid roth it’s supernatural p o– box

39222 charlotte north carolina 28278

please specify offer number three five

two two or log on to call or

write today and now back to our

releasing heaven now TV event


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away because we’re gonna have Kevin

release the fire Cathy they’ll release

the Holy Spirit like released the

anointing to go to the third heaven I

know is n go to the App Store type in my

name’s Sid Roth and get it because I

only had three more seconds god bless





okay I have my Thompson here and I am so

intrigued Mike with this third heaven

authority teach just five six minutes or

so on it and then demonstrate how we me

you can go to the third heaven yeah

alright I’d like to say to everyone is

that first of all they understand that

they are a spirit that exists that lives

on the inside of a body and that spirit

man is in connection with the Holy


all of the time with God with heavenly

things the book to the Ephesians in in

my opinion is what I call the third

heaven book if you read the book to the

Ephesians you’ll find that I believe

that it was written about five years

after the Corinthian books particularly

second Corinthians 12 where Paul was

talking about him going to third heaven

and so there he said that in the

Corinthian text that he heard

inexpressible things but then in the

Ephesians it’s my opinion that the Lord

released him to actually write the book

that talks about many of the things that

he learned in his experiences in heaven

because I heard the same things that God

taught me there so it’s about perception

spiritual perception learning to not

look just through the eyes and the

physical senses but to actually hear the

Holy Spirit and begin to walk in that

realm to where you can simultaneously

observe the things that are happening in

the spiritual realm we call that gifts

of the Spirit and many other things but

here’s the here’s the thing third heaven

authority that the Lord gave me that

Commission was the ability because he

transported me there the ability to look

from heaven down on all situations to

that we are with him now what about

people who have never gone and that is

where okay we all have the ability don’t

take that and in condemnation let’s see

what happens but perception is learning

to feel the spirit that’s on the inside

of your spirit man and the Holy Spirit

that lives on the inside of it heaven is

in you so even though we can actually go

to what I call the third heaven by the

way that phrase the Lord gave me I’ve

never heard it before in my entire life

Jesus told me teach on third heaven

authority teach this experience so that

I got it from him and we can do that in

stages the first stage is that you have

to be willing how many of you are

willing okay

the second stage is that you have to do

it on the authority of the word of God

and the Spirit the word and the spirit

right okay because no authority exists

outside of the word the third level is

that you have to be willing to change

perspective and that is on the inside of

you and the canvas of your heart with

everything that’s on the inside of you

and your being is to be lifted there’s

what I call a lifting anointing that

comes upon me and upon congregations and

people as I’m teaching where they feel

this beginning to happen on the inside

you have to be willing to change

perspective and to look from a different

realm not linear but from above down and

then the fourth level is that you have

to be willing to let the Holy Spirit

give the experience you have to let go

let the Holy Spirit carry you and to do

whatever he wants to do Mike

because of time I need you to pray that

happened with us right now let’s do it

so right now I want you to close your

eyes at home that’s you too

we’re talking that’s right I want you to

close your eyes right now and I want you

to let the Holy Spirit just come upon

you on the inside of you all over you

let him provide the experience for you

you don’t make it but let him right now

father God in the name of Jesus Christ

as I pray I pray that that anointing

would come upon the people now to shape

and to shift their perspective from the

outer man to the inner man from the

physical round to the natural realm and

at this moment the anointing that is

upon me I release into the atmosphere

around each and every person regardless

of where they’re at now lift them up

Lord in the spirit now lift them take

them into that spiritual realm lift them

up high above all principality and power

and might and Dominion lift them up Lord

God now change their perspective shifted

by the anointing so then at that moment

that they can see that they are high

above all of those things now they’re

high above all of the worldly stuff and

they look from that perspective down on

the situation they are not beneath

looking up

they’re above looking down they are not

pulling down strongholds they are

stomping down strongholds in the name of

Jesus they are not under the

circumstances they’re above the

circumstances and from that perspective

now shape it in their heart shape it so

that every time they go into the spirit

every time they pray Lord God that at

this moment that they have that

perspective and they are looking down

looking down because they’re seated with

Christ in heavenly places not only

positionally but also experienced

shortly in the name of Jesus let that

anointing flow angels do it now angels

do it now an angel appeared to me and

came to me on the plane as I was landing

and he said I’m gonna walk through you

and there’s going to be angelic

involvement that’s going to happen as

you pray for the people it’s going to

come upon each and every one of them in

the studio and angels ministering

to them angels to people all around the

world right now

angels are helping you right now because

the angelic beings not only helping

lifting you up and taking you into the

spiritual perception but they also

provide protection for you an

empowerment and creative ability right

now to flow through you right now in

Jesus name because it’s not only about

binding the enemy it’s about loosing the

creative ability of God and destiny

through you your destiny in God right

now is a loosing that needs to take

place the enemy has a false future for

you and it needs to be bound so right

now in the name of Jesus Christ I

release that anointing by the Holy

Spirit in Jesus name

when we return Kevin and Kathy’s that I

will release an impartation of heavenly

fire we will return with more of our

special presentation of releasing heaven

now in just one moment

prayer is an essential part to access

every one of God’s promises and

blessings for your life and praying

daily in your god-given prayer language

is so important in light of the times we

are living introducing the brand new Sid

Roth God Talk app with this new prayer

app you will be able to set a reminder

for when you want to pray let others

know the time you spent in prayer each

day for accountability take advantage of

our worldwide prayer app community to

lift your prayer requests to God it

includes a video teaching on how to

receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit

and how to effectively pray the

supernatural language that God has given

you on a daily basis watch our TV

archives and ISN our it’s supernatural

network to build your faith to believe

God for the impossible the app is free

and available for iPhone iPad or Android

devices just go to your device’s App

Store and search for Sid Roth’s God talk

and now back to our releasing heaven now

TV event



but anyway Kevin and Kathy I promised

the people that you would pray for the

Baptism and the Holy Spirit

releasing tongues and you would pray for

the impartation of the holy fire and I’m

gonna turn you loose I want you to know

ed here I can tell if you’re not

participating and I may walk right up to

you right in your face at home you don’t

know how the supernatural works okay so

let’s just all pray together and there’s

also going to be people on TV everybody

whoever watches this show pray along

with us let’s raise your hands now

repeat after them and you say it with me

as I repeat it okay and just bottom line

is just like Jesus has already died the

Holy Spirit has already come so it’s

like a Christmas present he just wants

us to receive and so father we thank you

for sending the Holy Spirit we thank you

for sending the Holy Spirit and we thank

you Jesus for dying and making away we

thank you Jesus for dying and so lord we

receive and so Lord we received the Holy

Ghost with evidence of speaking in

tongues and now I’m gonna pray for you

lord I pray for my brothers and sisters

Lord that you release their tongue and

fill them to overflowing with the Holy

Ghost and with fire in Jesus name and

just a simple instruction it says in

acts 2:4 they began to speak as the

Spirit gave them utterance so it’s a

partnership just like a baby who learns

how to talk he has to open he or she has

to open his mouth so let’s all pray

together Salah Cora is she

Konoe Rashida Lovato behravesh nak de

Soto would Rob about Sara Barroso Salib

oh no oh you’ve never spoken just make a

sound like idiot though thank you thank

you lord and then you can all stop

because I know we have some of us could

go forever but I know that Sid has a

certain amount of time so let’s all stop

let’s shop let’s stop if you can but

everybody stop because you can start and

stop it’s not something where you’re

gonna ever gonna be out of control it’s

you have the Lord’s giving you control

so what if you say to someone well I did

hear it so I didn’t say what if someone

says to you I didn’t hear it so I didn’t

say it right well you just partner with

the Holy Spirit and you might invite

something if somebody if you didn’t get

it like right now and you’re like don’t

be discouraged you can go home and

actually how I received a loan in my own

room the except I’ll give you a clue if

you will say it you will hear it if

you’re waiting to hear it you may never

say yeah and just don’t well what do I

say perfect if you know what to say it’s

not unknown is it so but if you don’t

start speaking and as Kathy said

cooperating with the Holy Spirit nothing

will happen

direct them one more time to pray in

tongues okay so let’s go again let’s

just yield to the Holy Ghost and those

of you who haven’t spoken yet say any

sound just not a word that you know just

crime the pump so to speak

allemande Oh drama man de que la vache

more Lord I want you to pray for the

baptism of the holy fire in the name of

Jesus I thank you that you came to

baptize in the Spirit and with fire and

I thank you that the same fire burning

right before you right now at the altar

the same fire that’s on the Sapphire

floor the same fire that’s lighting up

the serums wings right now yes we

received that fire in the name of Jesus



fire we see the fire this is permanent

this is a fire that does not go out says

the Lord we see the fire yield to the

fire this is the beginning of your life

where you end and I begin says the Lord

it begins with fire yes yield to the

fire I have this I have this I have this

Scroll in my my hand that is written

about you I am opening it it’s a good

report it’s one that you will succeed at

you will prosper everything you put your

hand to do the Lord say it I have plans

for you yeah they’re good plans plans

for you to prosper and fire is your

friend yeah

embrace the fire Jesus thank you hey if

the two of you can sit stand and Mike if

you would join us Mike Thompson and just

do what you were going to do Kevin you

started to do something I just can’t

stop prophesy o the Lord says why are

you waiting for the fire to fall why are

you waiting for the plans that I’ve

already given you I have been working

with you I have been speaking to you in

the spirit you are listening in your

head I am talking to you in your spirit

you’re doing better than you think

you’re doing

yield to the Spirit I impart the fire of

prophecy prophesy prophesy to your world

says the Lord prophesy my word yeah make

the mountains move yes make the devil

scream yeah chase him out of town yeah

drive him out Jesus name I command you

to be healed

I command you to be healed cancer must

go at Jesus name Jesus name I command

cancer any kind of mental sickness you

go mental fog you go in Jesus name I

dragged you out Satan Jesus name

shake or trace I Drive you out be healed

prophesied of your world says the Lord

prophesied to your world prophesied all

those things that are not as though they

were speak to your Mountain believe that

you receive and you shall have it

everybody lift their hands right now the

other realm is handing out all kinds of

provision healing

so financial emotional healing right now

deliverance reached out the Lord is

walking through us right now he’s here

I’ll release you this is permanent

spirit of prophecy prophesied as you

prophesy baby I know that the Lord told

me that angels were here yeah angels are

here they’ll speak to you right now it’s

a Holy Spirit but the Holy Spirit

directs the angels

yeah and so the angels speak to you what

do you hear right now prop say out of

your spirit yeah prophesy your future

prophesy your destiny prophesy who you

are in Christ prophesy the things that

God has placed in your heart right now

prophesy your future bring it into

reality name of Jesus I see people that

are being moved by the spirit you’ve

never felt – some of you have never felt

the spirit move like that before and

it’s about time that you did this who

you were created to be yes and as you

were created to be a child of the Living

God and that spirit on the inside to

live out and to motivate right now carry

you into your destiny and it’s time it’s

destiny time there are healings healing

many people are being healed in your

heart right now in your back and your

hips your extremities because of poor

blood flow in the name of Jesus it’s

leaving right now there are a multitude

there are thousands of areas that the

Lord is touching people all around the

world right at this particular moment

it’s up to you to receive it right now

in the name of Jesus Christ

this is no elaborate risotto

Tobaccoville a seasick all evade

Atrocitus MIT below shisha Tokina malady

tro to tottenham a legacy mesito

Nicassio so no seasick oliveira dragos

kg vallabha in Saco

the Lords of a warrior and he’s singing

over you he’s singing songs of


oh this is your night this is your night

we see the Lord is a warrior so call a

benadryl shot or I release the finances

I break poverty I release those finances

you go to your proper place I command

all finances to come yes in the name of

Jesus to finance the gospel of Jesus

Christ to this world in Jesus name I

loose every devil

it has your finances I command you to

let go Jesus now this is permanent this

is the heritage of the children of the

Lord yes to live free thank you to live

and move and have our being in him

and be free this is permanent I’m gonna

visit your house says the Lord I’m gonna

wake you up at night and we’re gonna

talk we’re gonna talk about your future

we’re gonna get up in there we’re gonna

mess up the devil’s plans together

we’re gonna talk in The Seeker place

about your future and how the devil’s

going to back off I got plans for you

says the Lord plans for you to prosper

everything that you set your hands to do

shall prosper everywhere you walk is

yours the Lord says don’t be bashful

don’t hold back it’s time I release this

nation back to God yes I release this

nation back to God I Drive out all

sickness all disease in Jesus name I

Drive it out many many are being healed

right now many people are being healed

right now yeah Kevin I see fire in the

spirit fire a fire that you were talking

about fire flames of fire angel angels

but also tongues of fire on the heads of

millions of people and the Lord says

that this is the day that he has chosen

for that fire to come forward for the

greater works yes there is a time right

now that’s being released where the

anointing the anointing that have have

been upon the earth and have moved

through the body of Christ in times past

but have waned because people haven’t

walked him he said it’s time for the

culmination of all of those anointings

to begin to be released for this

miraculous time for this is a greatest

harvest that the earth ever seen and he

says it’s time for you to receive that

right now because it will raise you up

and lift you up into those high places

of God yes hallelujah hallelujah and the

Lord says I’m gonna give you signposts

along the way I’m gonna confirm my word

to you I’m going to give you signposts

they call it that my friend Keith Keith

else calls it kisses from heaven

signposts God’s gonna give you signs

that’s gonna show you that you’re right

on the right path yeah he said I’m gonna

be with you but he said when I come to

your house and I wake you up you better

get up and talk to me says

amen the healing anointing is really

strong in the wrist if you have a wrist

problem just start moving your wrist you

have a knee problem just start bending

it in in faith you have a hip problem

you you’ll find that when you walk the

pain is is all gone you have problems in

your feet your feet are being healed

right now in Jesus name arches are being

restored right now backs are being

restored the pain is totally gone in

your back the neck is being healed

they’re all pain and your neck is gone

and I keep hearing the word deliverance

didn’t you tell me Kevin what did God

tell you about deliverance yes the

spirit the spirit of deliverance is

driving out the devil right now the

spirit of deliverance it’s a spirit that

the angel of the Lord is driving the

devil out I’m telling you I saw I saw

angels drawing swords and the Devils

were leaving


that’s one of the things I shared with

you a little bit earlier when the angel

came to me as we were coming into

Charlotte he came to me and he said

there’s going to be angels that are

going to be released through the program

because of this higher dimension that

people need to and he said it’s an angel

of deliverance to prepare people to

propel people into and a greater

happening the work of God yeah yeah

the Messiah said you will do the same

works I have done and even greater this

global glory it’s being released

throughout the whole earth and there’s a

reason for it because God wants everyone

to know him he doesn’t want anyone to go

to hell it was never his plan for humans

to go to hell

so if you do not know him I want you

with your mouth to repeat after me I

believe Jesus died for my sins and

because of his blood they’re totally

washed away and as of this moment I have

no past I have a wonderful future and

now that I am clean I asked Jesus to

come and live inside of me I make you my

Lord and Savior I want to have

experiential knowledge of you I want to

fulfill my good book of life

I don’t want to miss a beat

I Love You Lord get on your feet and





call now and get Kevin Sinai’s anointed

brand-new five-part audio CD teaching

releasing heaven now exclusive for our

it’s supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 3 5 to 2

through Kevin’s a nice brand-new five

part audio CD teaching series releasing

heaven now you will understand what holy

fire from heaven truly is and why you

need it discover the connection between

accessing God’s holy fire and holy

angels find out the significance of the

Safire floor in God’s heavenly throne

room and what is in store for you as

heaven is released now in your midst

enter with Kevin into the heavenly

throne room of the Father’s heart

discover a more powerful revelation of

the Holy Spirit and how to access every

promise God has for you understand the

keys on how to live from the secret

place and how to receive your healing

your miracle your breakthrough

Kevin will further share with you how

God’s glory is going to come upon every

believer in these end times

how to receive all the things Jesus has

obtained for you so that you can walk in

his authority to defeat demonic

strongholds in your life how to position

yourself to be a vessel to do the works

of God the Father and show forth his

glory how to experience healing and help

others to receive it to how to operate

in self deliverance how to bring every

thought captive through the renewing of

your mind how to clearly hear God’s

voice and fulfill God’s divine plan for

your life

Kevin praise anointed prayers over you

for a baptism of holy fire for heaven to

be released in your life for you to

clearly hear God’s voice and receive his

direction the Lord is saying I’m shining

my face upon you because I’m smiling at

you and I am pleased to help you and to

give you all that you would ever want or

need because I am your God and I bless

you and the father says you just trusted

me yield to the spirit and I will take

you to places that you know

even imagined you could go don’t miss

out on getting kevin said ice anointed

brand-new five-part audio CD teaching

releasing heaven now exclusive for our

it’s supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number three five

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to sid roth it’s supernatural p o– box

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prayer is an essential part to access

every one of God’s promises and

blessings for your life and praying

daily in your god-given prayer language

is so important in light of the times we

are living introduced