God has told us these things long ago, and we can be assured of a glorious outcome! Perry Stone is a fourth generation minister and director of Voice of Evangelism. He is recognized as a leading author and teacher on Bible prophecy. Perry is joined in ministry by his wife, Pam. They reside in Cleveland, Tennessee.


welcome to my world where it’s naturally


if the first four feasts of Israel

reveal the first coming of the Messiah

what are the mysteries hidden in the

last three feasts of Israel could we

have the revelation of the exact order

and situation of his return well I know

one person that I want to ask this of

and here’s my guest I want him to break

the code of the mysteries of the seven

feasts of Israel Perry stone

is there a supernatural dimension a

world beyond the one we know

is there life after death


are there hidden forces of darkness

trying to block God’s blessings for your

life do angels exist providing us with

supernatural protection can our dreams

contain messages from heaven

is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of

healing onto planet Earth today

Sid Roth has spent over 40 years

researching the strange world of the


join Sid for this edition of it’s


there’s a angel that is passed down in

your family from generations and

recently he’s been showing up in your

meetings what’s been happening when you

said that every hair on my body stood up

it started happening I saw him stepping

out of a wall literally in Roanoke

Virginia aged 18 at the campground and

it scared me so bad I fell to my knees

but my dad had told me about seeing him

in Arlington Virginia Fillmore having

the Church of God with the sword there

were three men coming against my father

and the angel took the sword and touched

the Pew where those three men and all

three men fell under judgment two weeks

and because you can’t come against true

godly holy men of God and get by with it

and so my dad would always pray that he

would be with me and when he passed that

that same presence that angels God be

with me Perry I want you to just briefly

explain the the hidden code in each of

the first fourth beast just briefly okay

Passover was the Exodus and of the

before the they took the blood of the

Lamb put it on the doorpost God

protected them from death and healed

their bodies that was fulfilled with

Jesus Christ who was crucified near the

Passover season was placed in the ground

and with His stripes on his back we were

healed there’s the healing of the Lamb

of the Old Testament the imagery and

redemption from death came through his

crucifixion unleavened bread is that did

not have the time to put the leaven in

the bread but leaven represents a sin so

Jesus Christ the Messiah Yeshua was in

the tomb during the season of unleavened

bread and that represents to us that

once we come to him through the

redemptive covenant of Passover through

his blood then we’re Lam able to be

sanctified or separated from the sin

nature in the sin life and then we come

to the time of firstfruits where which

is this is amazing could we have

Passover you have unleavened bread you

have firstfruits and here’s what that

means when the firstfruits of the barley

were taken to the temple to the priests

it meant the rest of the field was

sanctified to God so when Jesus took the

Old Testament Saints out of the chamber

under the earth and he cook took them to

heaven to present them at the heavenly

temple to

father this is all in the Bible it means

that all the other dead in Christ will

one day be raised to take into heaven

because the rest of the field is ready

because there’s a gap period and when we

come to what’s called Pentecost no

Pentecost is not a Hebrew word it’s a

Greek word Pentecost means 50 and so a

Pentecost is the time of the birth of

the church now now where we’re at now

because a lot of people ask me where do

you think we’re at now we are between

the festival of Pentecost which is the

church age or the dispensation of the

grace of God as it’s known and the next

festival in order is trumpets now if I

can say something here because you told

me just kind of go with the flow and

obey oh there are people who believe and

they’re good people by the way but they

believe that the Lord comes in the

middle of the seven year Tribulation

Period which means that tribulation

begins and then what we call rapture is

in the middle there’s others and one of

my very dear friends believes this that

there’s a 7-year tribulation that we go

through and then we have the the blowing

of the trumpets the sound of the RET

shofar together the elect etc here’s the

problem with that God is such a God of

divine order he never changes his divine

order and the order of the festivals

cannot be altered now here’s the big one

ready for the big one okay if you look

at the order of the next festival it is

trumpets if you have the tribulation

I’ll tell you what before we get to that

you have to ask you this question why is

it important for a believer to

understand what is in the Old Testament

after all we have that life a better

covenant with a better you know

revelation but the New Covenant message

which is the gospel of Jesus Christ is

the ultimate message to get people saved

and into heaven but what do you do after

people have been saved there’s a depth

of knowledge and understanding that can

only come through the entire study of

the Word of God and I like it I like to

say it this way the Old Testament is the

New Testament concealed and the New

Testament is the Old Testament revealed

in other words let me say it to you this

way Christ or Yeshua the Messiah the

reason that we believe he’s the Messiah

to be the Prophecy’s number one we have

a whole group of people who saw him


who saw him buried and who saw him

raised from the dead so we have actual

eyewitnesses who gives us the reports in

detail of what happened when he rose

from the dead on the third day then we

have something else we have the

testimony of a Pharisee achill rabbi

named Saul of Tarsus who hated

Christians to the point he’s murdering

them but all of a sudden he becomes a

believer because he sees Yeshua appear

to him right there saying why are you

kicking against me and he has a radical

conversion that literally overnight

turns him into a believer and a follower

of the Messiah to the point he’s willing

to be beheaded in Rome something

happened that this man saw an experience

that was so real that he could not deny

it I will not name the man but I have a

very dear friend of mine who was a

practicing Muslim for 50 years he can

read the Quran he knows the hadith in

detail I mean can quote it like this but

you know what happened he was in a

hospital dying in at 24 hours to live

and the Lord Jesus Christ appeared to

him at the foot of his bed he thought it

was a doctor and he was saying they’re

saying who are you and he said I’m the

Messiah and the man said which one which

one you know cuz the Muslims have a

messiah the maha de crĂ­a you know and so

he said I am Yeshua HaMashiach I’m the

Messiah and the only true and living

Messiah and he said okay I have some

questions for you he said if you’re the

Messiah how can Allah have a son how can

God have a son and the Lord explained to

him the son of God and how that worked

every question that a Muslim a

practicing Muslim would have he asked

those questions to him and he answered

it in detail the next day he was out of

the hospital he’s still living today

yes when we come back this is so

important I want to know a little bit

about the future the last three biblical

feasts reveal the return of Messiah be

right back

hello YouTube miss Baha misspoke as a

Hebrew word it means family

this is Sid Roth welcome to my world

where it’s naturally supernatural

if you’ve been blessed by this show

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then click the bell so you won’t miss a

single episode of it’s supernatural I am

ready to ask Perry stone to break the

code of the last three biblical feasts

now you when we go into the book of

Revelation or we go to 2nd Thessalonians

chapter 1 also chapter 2 first

Corinthians 15 here’s the basic order of

what I believe is going to happen we do

know there’s going to be a return of

Christ for the called out ones the ECLA

see of the church the overcomers those

who have followed him faithfully now the

the term we use is in it so it’s a

that’s out of the Latin translation of

the Bible which is no problem it’s just

the word rapture okay so we have the

rapture now we do know also in the

prophetic future is the Tribulation

Period we then know in Revelation

chapter 19 in Zechariah chapter 14 and

other places in Scripture we do know

that Messiah Christ at the end of the

tribulation returns with these saints of

God in the armies of heaven to the earth

to rule from the city of Jerusalem now

here’s what I wanted to here’s the real

code right here we talked about this

just a little bit earlier when we

stopped and got into some other things

so pay attention

you cannot break the order of the

festival’s it is impossible God will not

allow the order to be broken you cannot

come from Pentecost to atonement and

then Tabernacles and then throw the

trumpets in there you have to maintain

the divine order the next

absolute festival that must be fulfilled

which has not had a fulfillment yet is

the festival of trumpets now here’s

what’s important to understand of all

the festivals mentioned in the five

books of Moses called the Torah the fest

of the the blowing of trumpets is the

most mysterious there’s only two verses

about it in the whole Torah right I mean

it’s really weird and it just says

here’s what you’re gonna do you’re gonna

have one day that you’re gonna blow

trumpets it’s gonna be a holy

convocation it’s gonna be no work and

then he gives you this detail about the

day of atonement which is 10 days later

then he talks to you about Tabernacles

which is five days later here is what I

want to tell you if you believe and I’m

not fussing with people about this I’m

not in a disagreement we’re just going

to make a point but if you’re mid-trib

or post tree of you have this problem

you are already into the tribulation

when the trumpet sounds in atonement

trumpets is the rapture atonement is the

judgments of the tribulation and

Tabernacles is the 1000 year reign of

Christ on the earth that is the order in

the book of Revelation as some would

disagree with me but in chapter 4 verse

1 of Revelation where John says I heard

a voice of a trumpet and that voice that

come up here and immediately I was in

the spirit there’s your there’s your

trumpets there’s your blowing of the

trumpets there’s the festival trumpets

you come later on and you start seeing

this set the seal judgments the trumpet

judgments the bow judgments and there’s

always the number 7 connected with them

there’s 6 judgments but the seventh is

always a transition but the number 7 is

connected with them all

there’s your Tribulation Period then at

the end of the tribulation Mystery

Babylon is destroyed the city ruling

over the kings of the earth and then we

read that the heavens open and the

Messiah Jesus comes back on a white

horse and the armies of heaven are

following him upon white horses so here

this is really important you hear this

because it would if people would

understand the order the coded order of

the festivals it would do away with a

lot of the confusion and controversy we

have on our we mid-trib or we post trip

because you have to have the blowing of

the trumpets and the and I hear people

say well you know the Bible says that

the sound of the last trumpet will be

changed and we know what the last

trumpet is it’s there in the book of

Revelation it’s the seventh angel

sounded the seventh trumpet now that’s

the trumpet of angels this trumpets

called the trumpet of God in 1st

Thessalonians it’s two different things

the interesting thing is in Jesus day

and here’s the phrase no man knew the

day or the hour because it was a 48-hour

window for the festival trumpets it’s

the only festival that you did not know

the day or the hour well that gives us

all sorts of yeah it’s this that these

are these are nuggets these are using

something interesting I as a traditional

Jew as a child growing up I never could

understand it all together

mm-hmm but I knew one thing I had to be

there for the blowing of the shofar on


exactly my father said you don’t have to

know anything else you just have to be

there because that is the great

celebration now here’s a good news for

all the Baptist and Pentecostals who

love to go eat on Sunday after church

you know we do you know we do the

marriage supper of the Lamb based on the

patterns and the code is going to last

one solid year and here’s the reason why

every seventh day is a Shabbat of rest

every seventh year is a shemitah year

and so it will be a heavenly shmita in

heaven and we have to have celebration a

celebration festival and rest for that

seventh year so for those of you who

enjoy eating you have a whole year so

the point is one of the things that the

Lord has had me do over the years is

he’s had me to to delve into the

mysteries of God to tie it together this

verse with this verse this history with

this history all that happened I didn’t

know that tied in and to really show

people that God is so detailed

but he’s easy to understand and and

hopefully and I get comments on this to

God be the glory of us so you know I

read your book but it’s so detailed but

I can understand it or the CDs in their

detail but I can understand it so that’s

what I try to do I want people to

understand because you will really

believe there is a God you will really

believe this is not an accident this

Bible is not just a fake book this book

really was inspired by a being from

another world

and it’s the almighty God yaver so

that’s what I want people to learn and

know there is so much that I want to

cover with Perry and we’ve prepared an

extended version of this program if you

want to see the extended content with

Perry all you have to do is log on to

sidroth.org ASID

our o th dot o-r-g when we come back

Perry you had recently an angel appear

in a service that gave you revelation on

the glory and what it is and I have to

tell you I’m kind of an expert in this

area I have never heard this before be

right back

call now and get Perry stones powerful

revelatory book breaking the code of the

feasts plus his three-part audio CD

teaching series mysteries of the feasts

plus his bonus audio CD teaching

revealing God’s glory this is an

exclusive offer for our rich

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $39 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine five

five six in this groundbreaking yet easy

to understand revelatory book breaking

the code of the feasts and the anointed

three-part audio CD teaching series

mysteries of the feasts Perry stone will

share with you amazing insights into the

prophetic layers that encode the future

you will see how God has detailed future

events in the fall feasts and

celebrations of Israel topics include

God’s best-kept secret concerning the

future prophetic events that will impact

planet Earth the progression of

Revelation the Exodus Code the

tribulation code in Gideon’s story

prophetic secrets hidden in the parables

the Armageddon code hidden in the book

of Esther the future hidden in the fall

feasts of Israel the awesome revelation

discovered in Genesis 22 and so much

more you will also receive Perry stones

bonus audio CD revealing God’s glory in

this teaching Perry addresses the

questions what is the glory of God what

happens when the glory of God arises how

can we tap into the glory of God when

you listen to that say day

we’ll see the glory of God it is

important to understand this teaching to

better prepare you for the tsunami of

God’s glory about to invade planet Earth

if you are really concerned about the

future and if you really want to know

what’s going to happen this is an

instruction manual for the last days for

the end time and for Bible prophecy it’s

important that right now you get this

entire series because it’s going to open

your eyes to inside and revelation that

you need to hear in this day and in this

season don’t miss out on getting Perry

stones powerful revelatory book breaking

the code of the feasts plus is

three-part audio CD teaching series

mysteries of the feasts plus is bonus

audio CD teaching revealing God’s glory

this is an exclusive offer for our rich

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $39 shipping and handling is

included s for offer number nine five

five six call or you can send your check

to sid roth it’s supernatural p o– box

39222 charlotte north carolina 28278

please specify offer number nine five

five six or log on to sidroth.org call

or write today I know there’s gonna be a

suddenly of God’s glory that’s gonna

change the whole paradigm implanted

earth but Perry just recently was

teaching at a church and his family

angel but whispers I understand in your

right eye D always in your right ear

began teaching you about the glory and I

have never heard some of the things that

came out of your mouth tell me some of

the revelation you have okay let me go

through this explain the service we were

I had the message already planned we

have we have a Holy Spirit gathering

every Sunday night in all of our

meetings and we pray for people that

want receive the baptism of the Spirit

when I walked into the print it’s the

Princeton Pike Church of God in Hamilton

how anyone watching that was there will

know what I’m talking about

and I walked over to my associate Robby

James and every hair on my body stood

straight up for no reason and I looked

at Robby said Robby it’s going to be

different to not because he’s here

Robbie said man when you just said that

he said something walked right by me on

the aisle and all my hair stood up now

he’d never felt he’d been with me but he

said I feel the atmosphere but I’ve

never felt what you talked about when

the angel walks the hair on that side of

your body stands up then if it walks on

this side and you can okay so so I had

no notes I had zero notes and I said God

you have something for me so what is it

so I started I came off the platform I

said I’m not preaching at the platform

I’m gonna start talking and with with no

notes not even a Bible open

I started getting downloads and the

almighty the only way to describe this

is if you were to take a laptop and plug

the plug in here and hit a button and

transfer what’s written into audible I

can’t describe it any other way but it’s

always my right ear in other words I

hear right through here this stays

totally blank and I think it goes to the

principle of Jesus is on the right hand

of God the angel appeared at the altar

and Zacharias the right side of the

altar there’s something about that and I

don’t want to go into all the

explanation there so I began to talk

about and I want to share this very

quickly when Moses asked god to show him

his glory he’d already seen ten plagues

he saw the Red Sea open how much more

glory do you want I mean think about it

now think about it this guy has just

tore the whole Egyptian Empire up with

God using miracles so in Exodus God says

I can’t show you my face but I will turn

my back and you’ll see my hind er parts

now I believe that King James says

hundred parts that always confuse you

because I said okay so he saw the

shoulder blades of God and that was the

glory of God and that doesn’t make a lot

of sense I mean to me because the face

is worth the glory and I looked up the

Hebrew word and it actually can mean and

I checked this out with some scholars

they said the other way that word is it

can it can mean I’m gonna and I’m gonna

trance literate this to where we can

understand it I will show you something

in the distance or I will show you

something about the future now get ready

for this cuz I changes though it changed

my perspective so in other words God

says I’m gonna I’m gonna cover you I’m

gonna fail you I’m gonna lift the veil

off of you and you’re going to see

something about the future I believe

that the Lord

showed me and look folks this is the

abbreviated version now he’ll have the

information on the whole thing because

this is abbreviated Moses later comes

off of that mountain with his face

closed and he’d been on that mountain 40

days before and came off of that

mountain his face was not glowing

this experience caused him to glow they

veiled his face remember that right okay

why was his face

well did he see the glory yes but what

did he see he went into the future he

went to the Mount of Transfiguration

well we know that says he said you went

in the feet he stepped into the future

to that place where the glory of the

Messiah was so on the Messiah that it

came on him Moses stepped into the

future if I’m wondering if many of us

are going to have experiences like well

basically a vision that comes from the

Lord is a vision takes you out into that

dimension in its route of the glory

dimension because when Isaiah saw the

Lord highlight that that part he talked

about he said the glory filled the

temple you’ve heard a lot here I mean

and some of you is hard to even digest

but that you’ve not only heard but you

have felt a tug of the Spirit of God if

you will a touch a splash of the glory

of God has just came on you if you say I

do not really know this Messiah of

Israel I really want to know him you

could have been in synagogue at church

in a mosque all your life but I don’t

know him repeat this prayer and believe

it to the best of your ability home and

studio audience repeat after me

dear God I’m a sinner against you and

you alone have I sinned

and I’m so sorry

I believe the blood of Jesus washes away

my sins and I am clean and now that I am

clean I asked Jesus to come and live

inside of me become my lord give me

experiential knowledge of you give me

experience amen

see at sidroth.org only someone like

Perry stone who understands Israel the

Jewish roots and studied the Bible for

over 80 thousand hours and has a

supernatural gift of teaching can help

you unlock and understand the appointed

times of the seven feasts of Israel so

you can be prepared for the endtime

events about to occur on planet earth

call now and get Perry stones powerful

revelatory book breaking the code of the

feasts plus his three-part audio CD

teaching series mysteries of the feasts

plus his bonus audio CD teaching

revealing God’s glory this is an

exclusive offer for our rich

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $39 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine five

five six in this groundbreaking yet

easy-to-understand revelatory book

breaking the code of the feasts and the

anointed three-part audio CD teaching

series mysteries of the feasts Perry

stone will share with you amazing

insights into the prophetic layers that

encode the future you will see how God

has detailed future events in the fall

feasts and celebrations of Israel topics

include God’s best-kept secret

concerning the future prophetic events

that will impact planet earth the

progression of Revelation the Exodus

code the Tribulation code in Gideon’s

story prophetic secrets hidden in the

parables the Armageddon code hidden in

the book of Esther the future hidden in

the fall feasts of Israel the awesome

revelation discovered in Genesis 22 and

so much more you will also receive Perry

stones bonus audio CD reveal

God’s glory in this teaching Perry

addresses the questions what is the

glory of God what happens when the glory

of God arises how can we tap into the

glory of God also Perry’s free bonus CD

and as far as I’m concerned there is

revelation knowledge in this CD I don’t

believe even Perry stone knew Hillary

had an angel whispering in his ear on

this service and the presence of God is

so amazing and I think when you listen

to that CD you will see the glory of God

it is important to understand this

teaching to better prepare you for the

tsunami of God’s glory about to invade

planet Earth if you are really concerned

about the future and if you really want

to know what’s going to happen and you

want to know the mysteries of God let me

tell you this is an instruction manual

for the last days for the end time and

for Bible prophecy it’s important that

right now you get this entire series

because it’s going to open your eyes to

inside and revelation that you need to

hear in this day and in this season

don’t miss out on getting Perry stones

powerful revelatory book breaking the

code of the feasts plus is three-part

audio CD teaching series mysteries of

the feasts plus bonus audio CD teaching

revealing God’s glory this is an

exclusive offer for our rich

Supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $39 shipping and handling is

included s for offer number nine five

five six call or you can send your check

to sid roth it’s supernatural p o– box

39222 charlotte north carolina 28278

please specify offer number nine five

five six or log on to sidroth.org call

or write today

Perry stone hi I have found out so much

about you that a lot of people find out

when you speak in front of a group right

they don’t really find out by watching

you on television right true tell me the

first time you felt the presence of God

oh I can remember that like it was

yesterday I was 11 years of age and a

church got camp-meeting in Roanoke

Virginia opened her tabernacle and TL

Lowery who was one of my mentors later

was praying for the sick I’ve

interviewed him yep and he I’d have to

interview him in heaven now he had a

long prayer line and I was up on the

platform I don’t even know why I was up

on the platform I was 11 years of age

but I was up there and it may have been

youth night anyway there’s a man that

comes through and he’s got a cane and

this leg is totally stiff you can tell

that man it’s really hurting he can’t

move his leg and when brother Larry

prayed for the man now this is the part

that fascinated me the men fell out

under the power of God and literally

bounced up like a rubber ball I mean

this way

natural it’s imposed impossible and I

knew how did he do that then he starts

shaking this leg and he starts screaming

I’m healed

and brother Larry was notorious for

either taking a cane and breaking it or

throwing it and he would of course a

couple times he got a hold of an oak

cane he couldn’t break that was a

anyway he threw he threw the cane he

threw the crack cane and Abba and I

remember almost ducking because that’s

amazing them hitting with that cane and

the man started yelling shaking his leg

and ran at full speed around that big

Tabernacle now I was raised in a church

my dad when I was 5 years of age I saw a

demon spirit age 5 when my dad was

casting the devil out of a boy on a

Sunday night service and it came out

like a blob out of his mouth was about

this long but I didn’t know what I saw

and it didn’t it didn’t really scare me

because I didn’t know what it was and I

thought ooh what was that that just came

out of his mouth about a bubble a blob

so I’d been connected with men who knew

how to walk in the spirit

cast out spirits pray in the Holy Ghost

but when when when when that man was

healed I felt God presence for the first

time all over me and it’s kind of like

the feeling you get like if you’ve ever

had I don’t like to call him you know

when you had a football game as goose

bumps when the anointing history it’s

ghost bumps that’s what always every

time you see but you get that feeling

and it came all over me and I remember I

started crying because I felt at that

point I knew there was a god I never

doubted Ivan prayed but there’s

something that really happens to a

person we had a mentoring thing with our

young people last night and I said to

them what makes it what makes the

difference between a group of people who

just are Church people good people but

they have no fire and they’re dead they

don’t burn for the Lord versus people

that are just so on fire and they can’t

get enough and one of my young people

says one of the things is accountability

there’s a whole generation that wants no

accountability but said poppet that’s

coming Papa they said you hold us

accountable all the time you ask us do

you all still have the victory or you’re

just faking it you know and we have

prayer meetings so you have to have the

accountability of someone but your

accountability person if they are not

spiritual you’ll not be spiritual and if

they’re not in the word you won’t be in

the word so it’s not just being

accountable it’s there having

accountability to people who have a walk

with the Lord but the second thing is

this there has to be and where this

generation has to have it the young

people of this

generation they’re keyed into haunted

you’ve watched TV all the haunting

things I’m uh that’s a bet that’s the

biggest fake they got some guy behind a

door hidden who you know the music is

going it’s crazy but they’re into that

they’re into the haunted movies they’re

into the spirit world they’re into

vampires into werewolves and what people

don’t understand we look at that as

negative and it is but we’re missing

that there’s a hunger for the unknown

and the supernatural and the part that

disturbs me in being in four generations

of Full Gospel ministry is a generation

coming up that’s not emphasizing that at

all so basically if we have really good

music that attracts a crowd if the

speaker can really speak then we’re

happy so we leave a packed out building

a mega church and we’re happy with that

but the problem is if those people have

never had a real heavy experiencial

encounter with the Spirit of God now is

what you that’s where the hunger of the

super says what why I’m carry is today

is because he had an experience that’s

right with the Living God

yeah and and experienced someone can

walk up to you with a sword and say deny

Jesus or I’ll cut your head off and

you’ll say you want me to go to a better

place than this right now you’ll really

want to bless way that much


I’m finishing a little bit but I’m not

teasing you we’re living in a world that

everything is screaming don’t believe in

Jesus don’t be a bold witness for Jesus

well I’m gonna tell you something I had

an encounter with God when I first

became a believer and if I never had

another encounter which I’ve had but if

I’ve never had another encounter it

would have been enough the missing

ingredient in Christianity is that

there’s become a history lesson

yeah and how to how to react emotionally

I want to touch the Living God

I want to tell you I’m gonna tell you an

experience I remember and again like

partners of our ministry who kept up

with her ministry know these things but

like you said the TV audience doesn’t

but when I was 18 at that same

campground and I had been on a real long

fast I was called into the ministry and

was getting ready to travel I was

getting invitations to go to churches

and preach the youth choir was singing

and the power of God just fell I don’t

know if you’ve ever been in a service

where the power of God just comes all

over the entire place and the power of

God fell and I was at the altar I came

off the steps and we had wooden benches

my picture just a wooden bench and those

were the altars Sid before God in heaven

this happened I turned to walk from that

step this way and I was on the altar

committee as a teenager so I was praying

with people and then the corner of the


now I didn’t imagine this I didn’t dream

it I saw it and it was as white as your

shirt that’s a blue shirt but it was

white and it was about that tall and it

had a top and it went naired at the

bottom it was a whirlwind of the glory

I mean smoke glow and I now I can’t

explain this but when I called it out of

the corner of my eye in less than 1/100

of a second this came into my mind and

then this came into my mind what is

somebody doing smoking here that can’t

be smoking this is a church campground

it came in a second because I caught it

and when I looked it was spinning I

didn’t know what to do so I took my

right hand I can still feel this to this

day hallelujah and I hid it when I hit

it it dissipated just like like if you

see smoke and you’d run your hand

through the smoke and you had lights and

you could see the movement it dissipated

and my hand got caught on fire not a

burning a painful burning but a lick

like a liquid fire you might say inside

the bone not the outer skin the inside

now my little brother who’s now in his

50s can verify this that’s the last

thing I remember I cannot if you were to

say Perry well we could we’ll build you

a youth camp pay for it if you’ll tell

us what happened in the next hour I

could not tell you what happened


I was in the spirit and that’s all I

remember and when I came to there was

150 to 200 people laying out on the

concrete all on their backs shaking and

praying and I and I asked my brother

what happened I did know I had didn’t

have a jacket on a suit jacket and I was

totally soaking wet because it was in

the summer my shoes were wet my muscles

were aching I’ll explain that in a


and he said you just prayed for all

those people and everybody you touched

fell out

you had no memory I don’t have no memory

I said are you serious I said man you

were like a wild man and said you

haven’t changed but he said he said even

when you got near him

the power of God was so strong that when

you’d walk by they’d fall out now was it

me what happened was the Holy Spirit’s

in me but there was a manifestation of

the glory of God that overwhelmed the

atmosphere came into that atmosphere and

for the life of me and so God began to

teach me about when you get in the realm

of the Spirit John says I was in the

spirit on the Lord’s Day I heard a voice

and him immediately he was caught up so

in other words he gets in the spirit and

he gets caught up immediately and that’s

what happened I was immediately caught

up into something into another zone into

another realm now my daddy and it’s you

asked me earlier off-camera where did

this come from a lot of it probably come

from my father who was he was the most

spiritually minded man and I saw him

operate in all nine gifts of the Spirit

he’s the only man that I know that in

one service seven of nine gifts operated

yeah you know he literally hacked up

what was going through my mind right now

huh he told me at lunch yeah about his

father’s yeah friend oh my god and I and

I I mean I am always like always

it was his uncle yeah what was his

education level he had a third grade

education when he would write his name

he’d draw an X there and his daughter

would have to fill his name in in 1933

had a brain tumor went to John Hopkins

Hospital they said if we operate you’ll

be a vegetable or die

they sent him home he said

deine the mountains he’s from war West

Virginia Welsh Ward English area Bartley

area and three days after he got back

he’s he told me this himself I’m digging

potatoes and potato patch I feel a wind

come the wind spins on me knocks knocks

me down doesn’t hurt me but those were

on the ground and I start praying and he

said the more I prayed the better I felt

he said all the headaches started

leaving the pressure started leaving

that nauseas started leaving and he said

then I started asking God to forgive me

my sins because he wasn’t I wasn’t a

real believer at that so when he started

repenting the Spirit of God he said

looked up and there’s no wind in the

trees but it’s all around me was

spinning like this spin like this and he

received the baptism of the Holy Ghost

and started quoting the Bible he

couldn’t even read it and and his wife

came out is why his wife’s name was

Mamie Mamie comes out of the house and

the kids said something like this

oh mama is daddy dead the brain tis she

thought the brain tumor had ruptured and

she screamed out when she heard him

speaking in tongues so she was

Pentecostal she says no he’s not dead

he’s just starting to live


here’s here’s what he could do and I’ve

preached in West Virginia the past two

years and I’ve had people who knew him

personally who told me these stories

they said well I know for a fact God

gave him the gift of divers tongues to

the point that in War West Virginia

where the in Welch where the coal mines

used to be they called it the

billion-dollar coal mines and those

cities had thousands of coal miners tens

of thousands I mean they were booming

with money this is back in the 50s 40s

and 50s Rufus had a guy that was an

Italian Catholic from Italy who could

speak only broken English and he

couldn’t understand him and Rufus would

say to his buddies I need to go down

there and talk to him about the Lord and

he would speak Italian never learned it

drinking a cup of coffee speaking attack

and my dad said he could speak seven

languages Italian Greek Latin oh he was

fluent in Latin his Latin was so now

this comes out like honks oh yeah to him

he’s speaking in tongues

he knows it’s diverse tongues and when

he was in the hospital in 1976 in watch

West Virginia his he was in he was in a

semi-coma state now he would come out

and mumble and say things but he

wouldn’t open his up and up his eyes and

talk and so maybe his wife went home to

refresh yourself and come back to the

hospital she gets back there’s four

doctors and they got notepads making

notes since they’re thinking oh my

goodness something’s happened she walks

in and she says he’s he okay they said

yeah he’s okay but you know he keeps

coming out he don’t come out fully but

it comes out and he starts speaking in

Greek and Latin and she said well what’s

he saying they said well we took Greek

and Latin in med school and she says

everything’s about the Messiah and the

prophecies he’ll quote Isaiah he’ll

quote another one and said we’re just

making notes here they said now let me

ask you a question said did he ever

teach at a theological University sir

now this is hilarious excuse civil why

would you say that she said visa because

for a man to speak perfect Latin

imperfect Greek to his Greek is perfect

he has to have a very high education but

we never knew when we saw him come in

the hospital where did he go to school

she said he went to the school of hard

knocks up in the mountains she said she

told him that he’s filled with the holy

spirit in the 1930s Hilde of a brain

tumor and speaks in tongues with

thorough education it spooked the

doctors so bad they they literally ran

out and would not talk to her it scared

them so bad because they said okay this

can’t this can’t happen but it did

happen you know Perry hmm I’ve got to do

a live show with you one on one of just

that the experience like you know that I

knew your dad because you and your dad

flew into my office in Georgia in

Georgia I had when I was doing just

raided yeah and I did a radio show with

Perry stone Perry and Fred stone his dad

is now in heaven and his dad prophesied

over me and this is what his dad said

said I see you on the air speaking in

tongues and people in other countries

will know what you’re saying you’ll be

speaking their language this happened to

me only once I had a little home Bible

study and a Filipino doctor and his wife

came and they were Catholic and the wife

had gotten born-again and was on fire

for Jesus you said could you leave my

husband to the but he was a real into

like so he was a professor at a medical

school or one day I felt like putting my

hand on him and praying in tongues and I

did and he looks at his wife and he gets

angry and he said you taught him how to

say that he was something he knew life

was up to something and she said no he

said he is so smart he said no you could

not have taught him because your dialect

is different than my

Lupino died away and he spoke in my diet

again that it’s time for you to believe

in Jesus something I have not seen Oh

ear has not heard all that God has in

store for us you get ready with her

suddenly of the glory of God

