Are you ready? Sid Roth shares with JD Rucker what he sees coming soon to the world…


many americans are feeling like

strangers in a strange land

sadly it’s becoming more challenging

every day

to recognize our own country

listening to the midnight sentinel will

help us make sense of the craziness

we’re seeing and hearing about all

around us

we need patriots and christians who are

willing to stand up for the values that

made our nation great

are you ready to be a sentinel

here’s jd rucker

our next guest began airing a television

program named it’s supernatural all the

way back in 1996. each week on

television he investigates and reports

on people who have experienced

extraordinary healings miracles and

personal encounters with god at the end

of each program he tells his viewers how

they can achieve this intimacy

with the living god we are very blessed

pleased and honored to have the great

sid roth joining us today sid how are

you doing sir

i am

i’ll tell you what i’ve been on such a

fast track today i haven’t

had a chance to say self how are you


but um but

no i’m doing well thank you jd how about

you i’m doing great you know i’ve had

some great conversations about the bible

lately and i know that this one is going

to be another fantastic one we are

living in a world that is so full right

now of negativity the adversary is

trying to pit us against each other

give me some good news tell me what’s

what’s coming because we we’ve all read

the bible most of my audience has we

know that there how it ends we know that

we win but give us something now what

can we look for today sid

i have i got some good news for you

i have been given

insight based on the word of god and the

spirit of god of the next

the last

and the greatest move of god’s spirit in


and as a matter of fact

a jewish prophet by the name of isaiah

described it and he said it will occur

at a time depending on the translation

of deep


and you just described where we’re at

right now

uh and uh


i i will tell you this it’ll be

different than anything god’s ever done

before and if you try to put god in your

religious box

you’ll miss the whole thing

well as i call it


glory of god revival now the glory of

god uh moses

started talking about it and we saw the

glory in his life based on the bible uh

the glory of god

he said to

god one day god show me your glory

and god used a synonym he didn’t use the

word glory in his answer he said

i will have my presence

appear before you

my goodness

my goodness was the actual word he used

i will have my goodness

you see a lot of people have a lot of

adjectives for god

but i like the description god gave

himself his goodness

he is a good god

and and and i could talk forever about

how good he’s been in my life and does

that mean he makes you a millionaire and

you don’t have a problem no that’s

science fiction but does that mean

that if you have defeated the fear of


if you know you’re not alone in this


if you know there is a book written in

heaven according to the bible called the

book of life

and your whole life is written out

and this is what i know everything in

that book is good

everything there’s no bad things in that

book god did not will the bad things

they do happen bad things happen to good

people however

that wasn’t god’s will on this side of

heaven we’ve got an imperfect world with

imperfect people and an imperfect devil

you want perfection come on give me a



the goodness of god no matter what

happens in your life if you can just

remember i’ll tell you what happens to


i go all over the world and i give

lectures on the supernatural i happen to

be jewish and to the chagrin of most

rabbis that come into contact with me

and talk to me

they say are both of your parents jewish

because in their mentality they say no

one that was a real jew

could believe in jesus as the messiah

and i understand i understand why they

think that way

look the devil is a master strategist

and his checkmate

is the salvation of israel it’s all over

it’s curtains why do you think little

israel the size of rhode island

is in the center of the news of every

newspaper in the world it’s a tiny

nothing when you look at the map of the


because the stakes are so high with

israel the stakes are so high for the

salvation of israel so anyway when i go

into a a country like israel or ukraine

or russia or

boca raton fraud florida or any area the

heavy jewish population i run ads

lecture on the supernatural

why because my rule book says that the

jews require a sign

so therefore the first church

had signs and wonders even those that

don’t believe in signs and wonders for


recognize the last church is going to

have signs and wonders

so why did god stop especially the god

that says i change not i’m the same

yesterday today and forever i don’t i

don’t get it so like i don’t get an

atheist who says there’s no god i mean i

would love to have an intelligent

conversation with the atheist and tell

me how your brain evolved


you mean you could take the parts of a

watch and shake it in a shoebox for a

million years and it would come out

ticking no i don’t have enough faith to

be an atheist but jd

i give these lectures all over the world

i’ll have as many as a thousand twelve

hundred thirteen hundred well in israel

have like thirteen hundred jewish people

israelis that have never heard word one

of the gospel nothing


all i do is i stand up there and i’m

headed towards a point i stand up there

and i start speaking and when i speak

the goodness

or the glory or the presence all

synonyms for the same word the goodness

or the glory or the presence of god

invades the room

and a high percentage of jewish people

that do not believe in jesus

are healed in his name

and once they’re healed

i have their undivided attention once i

have their undivided attention if

someone were to just


take the religion and put it in a

shoebox and shake it for a million years

just listen to what i say that the bible

says and it’s so good

and it’s and god is really

you see my big issue jd with jews and

with christians and with muslims is very

they all have good religions

depending on one’s definition of good

they all have good religions they all

want to accomplish good forget the

terrorists they all want to accomplish

good some of the nicest people i’ve ever

met are muslims


they don’t they have religion but they

don’t have the whole purpose of religion

they’ve missed the vote

they think the purpose of religion is if

i join this church i’m going to go to

heaven someday and i want to live a

basically moral good life

that’s what they think no

the purpose of a religion is to tell

each one of us how we can have our own

experiential knowledge with god and once

we have that experiential knowledge you

could put a sword up my throat and said

your head

or convert to to my religion and i’d say

you’re telling me that’s not much of a

deal you’re giving yourself heaven

no devil no sickness no fear no worry no

depression no


terrorism if

you think that’s a threat

come on now i’m like paul i look i’d

rather be in heaven but for your sake

for your sake

i’ll stay here a little while longer and

that’s the way i feel i am 81 years

young i am busier than i’ve ever been in

my life

and people think uh well you’re 81 you

should be

getting your uh replacement in line and

you should



relaxing a little they don’t understand

my relaxation is doing what i’m doing

right now with you jd

that’s my relaxation

that’s my passion why wouldn’t i want to

if i if if golf or fishing was my

passion why wouldn’t i want to be

golfing or fishing i want to tell people

because like i i went to an eye doctor

this afternoon uh before the interview

with you and i’m talking to the woman

and she says she’s catholic and but

she’s not into religion i start talking

the way i’m talking to you

and i’m going to tell you something it

was like

a person dying of thirst

and drinking

so i have these meetings

in countries that have large jewish

populations they’re packed with jewish

people i don’t mince words even in the

ad i say i’m a messianic jew a jewish

believer that the messiah has already

come his name is yeshua which is hebrew

for jesus so there’s no deception of any

sort but the the urge for miracles is so

great same as the first church is so


someone from what they consider another


wants a miracle they don’t want the

religion but they want the miracle

and so a high percentage get instantly

healed in the sea i don’t lay hands or

any religious thing it’s because i can’t

heal anyone

i wish i could but i can’t

but when god shows up jd

people are healed all over the

auditorium and i have to tell you it’s

between you and me you won’t tell anyone


i have trepidation every time god if you

don’t show up i miss me i have promised

that what miracles and i can’t heal


so so jd that miracles occur

and then i say would you like to meet

the god that just demonstrated miracles

and like 90

stand up and make public professions of

faith even in the land of israel so

don’t tell me jewish people aren’t open

to the gospel muslim people aren’t open

to the gospel people are so open right

now in fact i’ll tell you something else

that um

uh this this glory that is coming if you

just study the old testament about the

glory of god do you know in the glory in

the wilderness

we had our food taken care of we had our

water taken care of our clothes did not

run out there wasn’t one feeble person

can you picture uh 70 year olds 90 year

olds walking in the desert in that hot


but it wasn’t that hot

they had a cloud over them i mean you

talk about modern technology i’ll take

the glory cloud any day over modern

technology uh at night they had no

electricity so what does god do a pillar

of fire up there um it

i i mean


lived 120

it says even his eyesight wasn’t fading

in that v in the presence of god



uh he he he lived to 80 and he was a

strong the day that uh uh

that he uh

uh at uh

i’m sorry he was as strong as strong as

80 at 80 as he was at 30.

he would go out to battle

that’s in the glory

we’re not going to have to

you know we’re not going to have to run

to a healing evangelist if we’re in the

glory why

god is the healer god’s gonna do it all

and uh and the the thing that will make

this move of god’s spirit so different


is it’s all hands on deck that means you

jd that means everyone watching us or

listening to us right now that means you

because you’re not going to do it what’s

the best preparation to have the glory

the best preparation i know is to be a

grateful man or woman

is to be so thankful for the goodness of


it’s it’s a heart attitude

and when you have the right heart i in

fact you have viewers right now

that have been fed a bill goods that if

they’re a member of a particular

denomination or religion uh uh then they

have a free ticket to heaven

well i’ll tell you what they still don’t

know for sure even though the religion

tells them that there’s only one way

you’re going to know for sure this side

of heaven and that is to have your own

experience with god through jesus now i

is a coming from an orthodox jewish


it would take the glory of god

for me to move into this and you know

what the day i became a believer in


i was flooded with the presence of god

jd you have friends

and our viewers have friends and i have

friends and family that i wish would

know god

and they don’t they’re so far away from

god they don’t even know how far away

they are but they are

and there’s no hope for them

none it’s so like a democrat feels about

a republican or a republican feels about

a democrat or a black might feel about a

white or white may feel about a black or

a radical muslim yeah you know all these


whether you say god’s got an answer in a

time of this great darkness

his glory is going to fill the earth

it’s going to flood the earth and the

best way i know is read the bible every


and say holy spirit

if i am wrong in some area if i haven’t

forgiven someone that i should and

there’s lots of people that don’t

deserve forgiveness i might add but

jesus said i’ll forgive you the same

degree you forgive other people jd how

much you want to be forgiven i want to

be forgiven 100

it’s not like ivory snow it’s not 99

percent you get to heaven no you’re

either righteous or you’re not righteous

and you can’t do a thing to earn your


if you could do it you wouldn’t need god


jd i get excited but god is brilliant

he’s brilliant

he’s good

i don’t understand why the whole world

isn’t running to him

and they will in the glory

you’re worried your viewers are worried

about covid

and rightfully so i have two friends

this week that died from covet but you

know what

they both knew jesus i know where they

are they’re better off than you and me

our brother was put together right now

not that i want to die

i mean i i i feel

i you know maybe i’m a little meshuga if

you heard that word it’s a hebrew word

it means crazy

maybe i’m a little meshoka but i want to

be here to see the greatest harvest of

souls in history

it’s going to be the greatest and the

least likely some of the children of the

people viewing you right now they’re

into drugs so they’re into a crazy

belief system i mean there’s no hope

non-jd for the people uh that are so

divided i don’t care there’s no hope

except god

and even with god under the last move of

god’s spirit as good as it was

there’s no hope

for these people but this new move is

going to be something that you and i

have never seen before when someone

prophesies that means they speak on

behalf of god

there will not be it’s like samuel the

prophet not one word will fall to the

ground without it happening

when someone prays for someone

everyone’s going to get healed

i mean it’s


you better you better be ready to revamp


if you’re not displaying what god is

doing you you you don’t you don’t have

any news watch what happens on the

secular news people will be interviewed

because there’s a cloud over them i mean

if they get so crazy or their meshuggah

over flying saucers and stuff like that

how about walking around with a cloud of

god’s goodness and glory that no devil

in hell can penetrate no sickness no

covet can penetrate uh no worry it’s

impossible to worry in that cloud

who wouldn’t want that j.d

you know the story of adam and eve from

the bible everyone knows that story no

matter what their background well adam

and eve before they fell lived in the

glory you know to me another name for

the glory of god

is the atmosphere of heaven


have you ever seen people with an apnea

mass they put it on when they go to

sleep well you’ll have a built-in apnea

mask of the presence of heaven

how many germs are going to live in that

we won’t have to look for alternative

solutions for covet

coven won’t even be in our vocabulary

now there’ll be a big division

because you think there’s division now

the big division will be those that know

god and those that don’t not those that

go to religion or not that’s got nothing

to do with it that’s like what flavor

pie do you want apple or cherry who

knows you know i like both myself but uh

but that’s just that that that’s really


you either know him or you don’t and

there won’t be this lukewarm

and that’s what i would call

christianity at least in america is

lukewarm and you know a famous rabbi


i i’d rather you be hot or cold if you

lukewarm i’ll

actually in in the uh greek you said

i’ll vomit you out of my mouth

i don’t want to be vomited out of god’s


but um i i feel that people have heard

enough right now

with your permission jd

i would like to pray for everyone for

two things number one they have their

own experience with god i’m not saying

believe in him

that would be good i would be you know i

wish you would but i’m not saying that

i’m saying open yourself up to your own

experience with god

and i’m saying i’m gonna i would like to

pray a supernatural prayer the glory of

god came on me i’m kind of like a

forerunner of it nothing compared to

what’s coming nothing

and i’m i’m uh

i mean what’s

i have a

a symbol full of the glory of god

the ocean is coming fact let me let me

read this and then i’m going to pray

that prayer um

with uh everyone let’s see here uh

isaiah i was talking about ishiahu

isaiah chapter 60 verse 1 through 3

arise shine for your light has come and

the glory of the lord has risen

upon you

for darkness shall cover the earth deep

darkness the peoples

but i love that but but the lord shall

rise upon you

and his glory will be seen upon you and

nations shall come to your life kings do

you know jd

every government in the world will hire

a prophet to find out what god says they

should do they won’t make decisions on

poles of people who don’t know the left

hand from the right hand they’ll make

decisions on what god has to do

um i mean the days are going to be so


and then about habakkuk says in chapter

2 verse 3 and 14

for the vision and this was written many

years back for the vision is yet for an

appointed time it’s for now right now by

the way uh but it speaks the end and

does not lie

if it delays wait for it it will surely

come it will not delay for the earth

will be filled with the knowledge of the

glory of the lord as the waters cover

the sea

and how long pray this prayer with your

permission and now i wouldn’t mind i’ll

say the prayer in jd if you’ll repeat it

after me and every viewer if you’ll

repeat it when jd repeats it um

uh and who wouldn’t want their own

encounter with god

i’m not saying believe because i tell

you to believe that’s good that he

believes but you know i’m i’m from

missouri i’m on the scenes believing

well you’re ready to see good

you’re about ready to repeat this prayer

after me out loud

very important out loud because the

whole world was created with the spoken

word of god so everything changes for

the better or the worse with this with

our spoken words

so repeat this after me

dear god

dear god i’ve made many mistakes

i’ve made many mistakes

i’m so sorry

i am so sorry

i believe

i believe the blood of jesus

the blood of jesus

washes away all of those mistakes

washes away all of those mistakes and as

of this minute

and as of this minute

i’m clean

i’m clean and now that i’m clean

and now that i’m clean

i ask you jesus

i ask you jesus

to come and live inside of me

to come and live inside of me

and not just keep me clean through your


and not just keep me clean through your

righteousness give me the grace

give me the grace

to make you my lord

to make you my lord

fill me with your spirit

fill me with your spirit


let me experience

your glory

and let me experience your glory the

same glory that moses experienced

the same glory that moses experienced

the same glory that paul experienced the

same glory that paul experienced

i love you god

i love you god i must know you better

i must know you better



wonderful prayer sir wonderful prayer

and that is it is extremely important as

you said this the spoken word

is important as is the importance of

prayer within groups it is the prayers

we all pray hopefully most of us pray by

ourselves but we also need to pray

in groups whether it’s just with our

friends our spouse our family we need to

be able to pray together because when


are within groups they are magnified and

so this is very important

that you know if you didn’t if you

listen to that prayer spoken by sid roth

repeated by me and you didn’t repeat it

i would encourage you push the rewind

button that’s the beauty of technology

go back and speak it out loud with us

because it is an important prayer and

this is a time when we need to as

believers we need to express this

our love and ask for the forgiveness

that is we don’t deserve

but that we desperately need for our

eternal souls

i have one more thing if you could


oh you’ve got all day brother the

presence of god is all over your set all

over people’s computers or tvs or

however they’re watching this

and in god’s presence all things are


and while we were speaking i know that

god is healing pneumonia

perhaps it’s someone that

has coveted but god is healing pneumonia

right now


are being healed

right now

backs and necks and hips all joint


thank you god

thank you god

thank you for your goodness

is in his glory his intensity is getting

stronger now

i thank you god

oh you’re so good

we’re so undeserving it’s not false

humility it’s coming to our senses

you’re so good god

anything i haven’t said

you just reach out into that invisible


because according to

isaiah chapter 53 the most graphic

description of the messiah of israel

written 800 years before he came to

earth as a physical man

it actually says in the hebrew he not

only bore on himself our sins

but he carried our pains and our


all pain all disease is gone

just reach in and say thank you jesus

thank you thank you thank you

thank you jd for being such a marvelous

host to me and your program

thank you sid roth for coming on with us

and we will definitely definitely have

you on again lord willing we will be

back very soon with another episode but

in the meantime you all stay strong stay

safe and god bless


