Teaching Your Children to Pray with Power. (CD) Imagine your children praying and then witnessing the power of their prayers. It can become a reality for you and your children! Jane Glenchur reveals how you can apply the principles in her message How to Pray with Power to your children. By helping your children develop a lifestyle of prayer, their faith will be elevated and you will see them develop a deep relationship with God.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there
life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

What would you do if you heard
from God, you’re a doctor, a

dermatologist, highly

You’ve been doing it for a
number of years.

You have a good practice.

You love what you’re doing.

Your husband in the meantime is
a career man, but he can’t get a

job in his career, so he’s
working for minimum wage.

You have children.

What would you do if God spoke
to you and said, quit your job,

walk away from your practice and
be a stay-at-home mom.

Wait a second now.

My husband is not making enough

I can’t do this.

Would you say yes to God?

It’s easy to have what someone
else would say.

But would say yes to God?

This woman said yes, and God
took her to a new school, a

school in which he taught her
how to pray, and get

supernatural answers, and she
wants to now impart this to you.

Sid Roth here with Dr. Jane

Jane, you’re provoking me to
jealousy again.

I’m going to tell you why.

As I understand it, Michael is
supposed to be the angel for the

Jewish people, according to

And unfortunately, he moves on
your prayers.

Tell me about that friend that
called you and the angel


Jane: Yes.

A friend of mine called me one

She had a desperate situation.

She needed an answer within 15
minutes, but she wouldn’t tell

me any of the specifics.

So we prayed.

I did not know how to pray for

So I said, Lord, how do I pray
for her?

And I heard an inner quiet voice
say, “Ask me to send Michael,”

meaning the archangel.

Well I dismissed it at first
because I thought that wasn’t

appropriate to pray that way.

But I heard that voice again,
the Lord said, “Ask me to send


I knew this friend well enough
to say, “I’m about to pray

something I have never prayed

It’s unusual, but I really feel
like God is telling me to say


So I said, “Lord, would you send
Michael and his angels to her

house to resolve this situation
for her.”

Then I saw a picture in my mind
of Michael and a host of angels

behind him marching down her
street to her house.

So we thanked the Lord, we ended
the prayer.

But 20 minutes later, she calls
me back absolutely amazed

because God had resolved her
situation within that 15


Sid: Do you know that what
you’re telling me now and the

other things I know about you
would have never happened, never

Jane, unless you said yes to

You see, God asked her something
very, very tough, tough, because

she’s a dermatologist.

She’s very successful.

I don’t know about you
personally, but I know in my

little town that I spent a
number of years in, that was the

top profession financially.

In addition to being successful
as a dermatologist, her husband

is out of his career.

He’s only taking a minimum wage

He can’t find a job and God says
to her, “I want you to quit

being a dermatologist.”

In addition to that, she has a
lawsuit having to do with her

dermatology going on.

What did you do with all this
chaos and God says, quit her


Jane: Yes.

When God put that burden on my
heart, it made absolutely no


Because I had said to my husband
before I got married, I will

never stay home to raise a

And we had two children.

My mother lived with us and
cared for them in our home.

We were also planning to build
our dream house.

As you said, my husband was not
employed in his profession.

So if I quit, I would have lost,
we would have lost 90 percent of

our income and all of our health

And on top of that with a
malpractice suit, I thought this

is crazy.

It’s the worst possible time for
God to ask me to quit.

Sid: So what did you do?

Jane: Well I wrestled with God
for three months, got a lot of

prayer and wise counsel, and I
finally quit.

And so God used that malpractice
suit to compel me to spend more

time with him and to spend more
time reading the scriptures.

And the scriptures are full of
wisdom, but they don’t tell you

specifically which health
insurance to buy, which college

your child should attend or
where to find shoes for your

child’s narrow feet.

And I wanted to make the best

I started to realize that my
wisdom is so limited as a human

being and God’s wisdom is

So I thought, I need his wisdom,
not my wisdom.

And he began to show me how to
access his wisdom.

Sid: Well actually, she had a
medical degree, but she was

about ready to get a brand new
degree, an AOP.

And of course, Jane, you know
what an AOP is.

No you don’t know.

I know you don’t because I just
made it up.

An AOP is apprentice of prayer.

She became an apprentice of

What does that mean?

Jane: Well after I quit my job,
the next 16 years as a

stay-at-home mom was what I call
my prayer apprenticeship with


So God was drawing me closer to
him and I used what I learned

during that time to learn how to
access his unlimited wisdom, and

it totally changed the way I

Sid: Well I’ll tell you one
thing I know that changed the

way she prayed.

She had to get a stain remover.

Tell me about that.

Jane: Yes.

I found an orange stain on my
green carpet and I was upset

about it, didn’t know how to
take it out.

It had been there for days.

So I went to the store and I
said, “Lord, would you show me

which stain remover would be the
best”, because they all sounded


And then on the bottom shelf of
the store, so I knelt down and I

put my hand on the first can.

I said, “God, is this the best
stain remover?”

And nothing happens.

I didn’t know what I expected,
but nothing happened.

I did the same thing the second
one and the third one.

When I got to the fourth can, I
hear an outer audible voice say

to me, “That is the best stain

And I felt like I was on God’s
candid camera because I was

shocked and I thought, is that
an angel?

It couldn’t be God because it
was a female voice.

Then I heard it again, “That is
the best stain remover.”

So I turned in the direction of
the voice and I saw these two

elderly white-haired women
walking down the aisle.

They never spoke to me directly,
but when they walked behind me,

the same person said again,
“That is the best stain


So I bought it and the stain
came out easily, and that

totally revolutionized my prayer

That was really the start of my

Sid: And it taught you really
power prayer.

What is power prayer?

Jane: Well let me tell you first
what it’s not.

It’s not a formula.

It’s not saying special words to
get God’s favor, because I don’t

want to treat God like a genie
in a bottle.

It’s based on a deep intimate
relationship with God.

Before I learned these
principles, I would just rattle

off my laundry list of requests,
ask God for wisdom and then get

up and solve all of my problems
using my human logic and


God was never directly in the
middle of my decision-making.

If we don’t learn how he speaks,
we might miss that he’s speaking

to us.

So he can talk to us through
scripture, which is the most

common way.

But he can also talk to us by
giving us an image in our mind

or an impression, or a dream.

Sid: I tell you what.

Hold that thought.

Here’s what concerns me.

Two-thirds of college-age
Christians leave the faith.


Because they’re dealing with
head knowledge rather than

experiential knowledge.

When we come back I want you to
teach, Jane, on how the children

can do exactly what you’re
teaching the adults.

Be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: You know, I’m reminded of
the scripture, “This is eternal

life that you might have
experiential knowledge with


That’s in the Wuest translation.

Jane, how can we stop what’s
going on with these young kids

that either go to college or
they’re that age.

They’re raised as Christians,
but they never, they were much

like you.

They just had the head

They believe because their
parents told them to believe.

The minute they get to college
or they get among peers who make

fun of them, they drop their

How can we make a difference as
we raise them?

Jane: Well I did have that same
experience because all of my

knowledge about the Lord was
head knowledge.

And I walked away from my faith
in college and recommitted my

life to Christ right as I was
applying to medical school.

And I have such a passion to
teach children and young adults

to experience God’s presence, to
experience these personalized

answers to prayer.

Because once you experience
hearing God or see supernatural

answers to your prayer, you
can’t deny that God exists and

you start to see how much he
loves you, because he shows you

how he cares about the smallest
details in your life, and then

your faith builds.

Sid: My favorite story about
your daughter is a birthday

party and she got an unusual
gift, a sock.

But it wasn’t just a sock.

It was a sock that had been used
with a hole in it.

Tell me about that.

Jane: Yes.

My daughter received a gift.

It was a special pair of
multi-colored socks and she was

so excited.

It was from her best friend.

When she opened the gift and she
tried them on at home, there was

a hole in the sock.

So she came to me absolutely
upset and very angry because she

felt like the friend had played
a trick on her, was doing

something mean.

Well I said to her, you know,
let’s ask God what his truth is

about this.

So we sat and listened and God
was showing me that the child

couldn’t afford to give her a
gift, but wanted to.

And so this was the only thing
she could do was to give her a

pair of her own socks.

But I didn’t want to tell my
daughter that.

I wanted her to hear that from
God herself, and God showed her


And all of a sudden, her
countenance changed and her

anger disappears, and she starts
to have compassion.

She said, “Mom, God just showed
me that she really wanted to

give me a present, but she
couldn’t afford it.”

And then she felt sorry that she
had gotten mad, and she had

compassion for this little girl.

Sid: What a life lesson.

But what about adults that never
had that good a training.

They didn’t have an apprentice
of prayer, mother.

How do we hear God?

Jane: Well I teach people that
you need to be in a quiet place

because you don’t want to be
thinking about distractions,

your cell phone, your to-do
list, what you’re going to have

for supper.

You also need to learn how to
quiet your mind.

Now many people are talking in
their head while they’re

praying, and what they’re
usually doing is analyzing the

problem and coming up with
solutions, not listening to God.

Sid: So they’re doing a God
bypass and they don’t even

realize it.

Jane: That’s right.

Sid: And they don’t even realize

Jane: That’s right.

They don’t.

And I used to do this myself
because in high school I was the

queen of pros and cons list, and
I have a very linear, logical

way of thinking.

Sid: I see that.
Jane: Right. So.

Sid: You know why I see it?

Jane: Why?
Sid: So do I.

Jane: Which is great for

Sid: Right.

Jane: But it doesn’t work for
prayer because, again, you’re

relying on your human logic and
reasoning, and that will filter

out God’s best solution for you.

So I had to learn to get rid of
the pros and cons list, because

Romans 8:6 says that, “The mind
of the flesh is sense and reason

without the Holy Spirit.”

And that convicted me that I was
using my sense and reason to

solve my problems.

I really wasn’t listening for
God’s answer.

And so then I began to quiet my

I began to relax and focus on
hearing and expecting to hear an

answer from him.

Sid: Now that’s key, not just
hearing, but there’s a faith


Did you catch it?

Expecting, expectancy.

I am going to hear from God.

When we come back, Jane was
mentored by the Holy Spirit on

power prayer, and I want her to
share one of the supernatural


Don’t go away.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: My passion is for you to
walk in Divine health 24/7.

That’s why I handpicked my
favorite healing scriptures from

many translations of the Bible,
personalized them for you and

made them available in this free

I want you to meditate or pray
out loud these scriptures over

your life daily and witness the
supernatural healing power of

God’s kingdom come upon you.

Download your free healing
scriptures e-book now.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: So God put Jane in a
situation where she became an

apprentice of prayer.

She literally sat at his feet to
learn how to pray.

Tell me one of the secrets of
power of prayer that God showed


Jane: Yes.

One of my favorites is called
tapping into God’s heart.

Because when you ask God what is
on his heart first before

presenting your concerns, you’re
really giving him free reign to

speak about anything in your
life or the life of the person

you’re praying for.

Sid: If I’m understanding you
right, when you start every

morning praying, is that the
prayer you pray?

Say it again.

Jane: Yes.

I start.. Sid: Tell me how you
pray it.

Jane: I simply, after I’ve
thanked God and praised him,

I’ll say, “God, what is on your
heart today?”

Sid: That is so different.

It’s normally a laundry list.

Jane: Yes.

And I’ve heard amazing things by
doing that.

So for instance, one time a
friend asked me over to her

house to pray about a problem,
and I said, “I would like to

honor God first and ask him
what’s on his heart.”

When we did that, I was
surprised by what God said to


He said to me very clearly,
“Your mother will not die this


Sid: Had she been sick?

Jane: No.

She was in her 80’s, but she was
very healthy.

Sid: So that was a pizza dream.

Jane: No.

I heard it again twice, very,
very clearly.

So I wrote it in my journal, not
realizing that several months

later this would be extremely
important because three months

later, my mother is stepping
from her house into her garage

at 9 p.m. at night.
She falls. She sustains


No one hears her cry for help.

So she lays on the garage floor
for seven hours before someone,

a neighbor, calls the police.

So I get a phone call and
immediately I’m reminded, God

told me she’s not going to die
this year, so I can stay calm.

So I went to the hospital
emergency room where the

emergency room doctor says to
me, “Her injuries are so severe,

you would best call in your
family members because she may

not make it.”

And he pulled up the x-rays, and
I looked at those black and

white facts, but they were no
match for God’s truth.

And I said to him, “She’ll be

Sid: Wait a second, you’re a

Is this guy a little upset?

Jane: He probably thought I was

Sid: Meshugah.

We like that word.

Jane: Right.

Sid: It’s Hebrew for crazy.

Jane: Not only that.

But he says, “Her injuries are
so bad we have to ship her off

to a level 1 trauma center.”

So we go to the next hospital.

Sid: But you’re convinced she’s
not going to die.

Jane: Oh absolutely because God
told me she was not going to


Sid: God is so fabulous.

Before she’s even sick, before
she’s even injured you get the


I love it.

Is that part of power prayer?

Jane: Oh absolutely. Absolutely.

And because I knew what was on
God’s heart that day it made the

difference in making medical
decisions for my mom.

Because she ran into multiple
complications as she recovered,

and every time she did, I would
just declare Psalm 118:17, my

mother will not die, she will
live to declare the Glory of


And so all my decisions were
based on the fact that I knew

she would recover.

Sid: You shared a little earlier
about the way you used to pray

and the way you pray now.

Give me a real life example of
the way you pray now.

Jane: Okay.

One time I needed a Christmas
gift for a friend and I had no

idea what to get her.

Now before I would have probably
not even prayed about it, but if

I had, I would have gotten, I
would have said, “God give me

wisdom please about what to buy
her for a gift.”

But then I would have gone from
store to store, to store looking

for items, buying one or two,
bringing them home and then

fretting about whether she would
like them or whether I spent too

much money or not enough money.

Sid: You sound typical.

Are you relating to her?

I think you are.

Jane: But in reality, what I did
was I sat down and I prayed.

I said, “Lord, I have no idea
what to get my friend.

But I know you know.

So would you show me what would
bless her.”

And instantly I get this
impression, buy her a fleeced


Well this was back when fleece
first came out and it only came

in sleeveless vests.

So I corrected God and I said,
“I’m sorry, but fleece doesn’t

come in jackets.

It only comes in vests.

So what would she like?”

And I hear again, a fleece

So I thought well maybe this is
a deception from the enemy.

So using Matthew 18:18, “I bound
the enemy from speaking to me.”

And I asked a third time, “God,
what would my friend like?”

And of course, I hear fleece

So I thought, well how can I
confirm that this is God?

My next question was, God, if
this is you, would you show me

where I can find it.

And I get a picture in my mind
of a store that’s in an area of

town that I normally don’t shop

So I felt let’s test this out.

And I drive there, look at all
the racks, and I said, “God,

where is the fleece jacket?”

I get to the clearance rack and
there is one periwinkle fleece

jacket in exactly my friend’s
size at a great price.

And so the beauty of power
praying is one trip to the right

store to buy the right item, and
it saves time and money.

My friend loved the present.

It fit her perfectly.

Sid: I happen to love that power
principle that she pointed out

rather than my laundry list to

God, every morning pray, God,
what is on your heart?

I want to be a God pleaser.

And I have to tell you that you
are on his heart.

He want you not to know about

He wants you to have
experiential knowledge of him.

If you will tell God you’re
sorry for your mistakes, believe

the blood of Jesus washes them
away as if they never happened,

ask him for help to turn from
doing these wrong things and

then say, Jesus, come inside of
me, become my Lord, become real

to me, I want experiential
knowledge with you.

You are on his heart.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest went to India.

God spoke to him and revealed to
him ancient secrets that make

people ten times wiser, ten
times healthier, ten times

closer to God, and he wants to
teach that to you now.

Are you interested?

Your gifts to this ministry will
help Sid air It’s Supernatural

in Israel 28 times a week and
distribute his evangelistic book

to the Jewish people worldwide.
