Find out about people who died, saw Heaven & came back to life!

On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Dr. Chauncey Crandall shares stories of miracles that have happened on his operating table. This leading cardiologist prays and the dead come back, sharing what they saw in heaven. God even tells him what procedures to perform. Your kind of doctor?

About Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Dr. Chauncey Crandall is a prominent cardiologist who meets many of his patients in the midst of extreme crisis. When they are in his operating room, he prays with them. Sometimes he can feel what they feel and see what they see. Sometimes his patients have near-death experiences and “come back” with astonishing descriptions of the afterlife. And he has seen the dead come back to life!

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth
here. Welcome.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

My guest is a leading
cardiologist and then it


Do you know in the operating
room he prays in supernatural


Do you know in the operating
room he prays for the dead and

they come back?

Do you know that in the
operating room God tells him

what to do and saves people’s

That’s my kind of doctor!

Dr. Crandall, you work for three
hospitals, but there was a very

profound moment in your life.

You’re 19, you’re an intern and
someone you know dies.

What affect did it have on you?

Dr. Crandall: Well you know,
Sid, this was first time that I

really witnessed death.

And as a young man I entered
that autopsy room and there was

this gentleman that I had known
for many months that was dead on

the table.

I was shocked.

I couldn’t believe it.

His whole insides were emptied.

In fact, and what happened was,
Sid, that it made me think that

there is something else to life,
that life with all its order and

complexity doesn’t just end when
we die.

Something must move on ahead.

And it was the first time that I
really ever thought about God

and Heaven.

Sid: Now you heard the audible
voice of God to tell you to be

praying for your patients.

Tell me exactly what happened.

Dr. Crandall: Well you know,
this was, one day I was walking

down the hospital ward on the

And I had been praying for
people, but it seemed like many

of the people weren’t receptive,
and I was concerned.

So I cried out to God for three
months for an answer to prayer,

“Lord, send me the people group
you want me to pray for.” And

what I did that morning, I
pressed the elevator button to

go up.

I prayed that prayer again,
“Lord, send me your people group

that I can pray for that
receptive.” And I heard the

voice of God, and the voice of
God said this, “Your people are

your patients, Dr. Crandall.”
I’ve sent them to you and I

haven’t sent them to anyone

And he also, the Lord also said,
“If you don’t pray to bring them

into the Kingdom of God no one
else will.” And it changed my


Now I knew that I could pray for
my patients and for the sick on

the hospital wards, and it would
be covered by Almighty God.

Sid: You know, I would think in
the culture we’re in now that it

would last like ten seconds and
you would be kicked out.

Dr. Crandall: Well you know, I
went undercover in the

beginning, to tell you the

And but as I started to pray,
Sid, I saw miracles.

Sid: Tell me about one of your
first ones, Earl.

Dr. Crandall: Well Earl was a
heart transplant patient.

He had been on the waiting list
for months and months.

He was in ICU.

There was no way we could get
him a heart and he was dying

before our eyes.

But I read in my Bible, Sid,
that we could pray for the sick

in the name of Jesus and that
they could recover.

I had never prayed for anyone
like that before.

And I walked into that room with
Earl, who was depressed and was

down and out, and in fact who
was dying, and I said, “Earl, in

my Bible it says that we can
pray for the sick and they can

be healed in Jesus’ name.

I will pray for you.” Sid:
Excuse me.

Were you trembling a little bit
on the inside?

Dr. Crandall: Yes, I was.

I was nervous.

I had never prayed for anyone
like that.

I had never stepped out and
prayed for someone like that,

but I prayed with Earl.

We held hands.

It was a simple prayer.

Father God, in the name of Jesus
I ask you to heal Earl in Jesus’


And that man that couldn’t left
his head off the pillow for

three months, within a couple
days, he was lifting his head

off the pillow.

And then a couple days more, he
was sitting on the side of the

bed and within many weeks, he
left that hospital, Sid, without

the need of a heart transplant,
and he was healed.

Sid: I told you, he’s my kind of

You have so many amazing stories
of experiences of patients,

don’t tell this to most of your
doctors, being raised from the


You don’t hear doctors talk
about this.

When we come back, I want to
find out about some of his

experiences of praying for
people that were dead that have

come back to life.

Don’t go away.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

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We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Now Doctor, you prayed in
tongues and supernatural

language in the operating room.

Do you recall the first person
that was raised from the dead

and it had something to do with
when you were filled with the

Holy Spirit and spoke in

Dr. Crandall: Yes, right.

Sid: Tell me about that.

Dr. Crandall: You know, Sid, for
three months I had been praying

for the baptism of the Holy

I didn’t attend a church that
believed these things.

But I read in the Bible that
there was this gift from God

called the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, so I was praying for

that and I didn’t receive it.

But one day it happened.

In the emergency room, a woman
came in with sudden death.

We took her to the operating
room and I was standing over her

body, I was working on her and
all of a sudden, Sid, she went

flatline on the table.

When she went flatline, my arms
were pulled up in the air by the

Lord over this body and all of a
sudden this new language started

coming forth out of my mouth.

Actually, Sid, this thing
bypassed my brain.

It was something coming from
deep within that came out,

poured over this woman who was
flatlined on the operating room


The nurses were running around
waiting for the next


Sid: What does flatline mean

Dr. Crandall: Flatline means
that the heart had stopped due

to a massive heart attack.

There was no life, no pulse, no
blood pressure in this body that

was on the table.

But the Lord had other plans and
said, “This will be a miracle.”

And as I stood there, this
supernatural experience came

over me, this new language came
out of my mouth that spoke life

over this woman and then
suddenly life came into her.

The heartbeat came back, the
breathing came back simply by

praying over this woman in this
new language from the Lord.

Sid: Now there is so much power
when he prays in a language from

God, a language directly from
his spirit that fortunately

bypasses his brain because his
brain has a filter of


God has no limitation.

There’s another one.

There’s too many to talk about.

But Jeff, who was flatlined,
that means dead, dead.

Dr. Crandall: Yes.

Sid: Tell me about Jeff.

Dr. Crandall: Well this was one
day I didn’t feel like a godly


I was in the middle of work.

I was working.

A massive heart attack came in,
Jeff Martin, and they worked on

him in the emergency room for
over 40 minutes, and then they

called me to come and respond.

But as I was walking there, I
said, “You know, this man is

going to be a dead man.

He’s been gone for 40 minutes.”
And I arrived at the emergency

room, Sid, and it was like

It was an operating room full of
chaos trying to bring life into

this man, but there was no life

And I went over the protocol
with the senior physician, and

we reviewed everything and we
decided that everything had been

done, and even if we brought
this man back he would be brain

dead, so we declared him dead.

Everyone left the room except
one nurse.

She was preparing the body for
the morgue.

I finished my notes and as I
walked out of that room, Sid, I

heard the voice of God say,
“Turn around and pray for that

man.” And I said, “Lord, that
can’t be you.

I can’t pray for a dead man.”
And I kept walking, but the

voice of the Lord came back a
second time, Sid, “Turn around

and pray for that man.” So I
walked back to the room.

I stood over the body.

The nurse looked at me, why are
you here.

The head of the body was here,
the feet were here.

I prayed.

I was going to pray, but I
didn’t know what to pray.

The Holy Spirit took over.

And as I looked down at that
body and put my hands on his

torso, these words came out my
mouth: “Father God, I cry out

for this man’s soul.

If he does not know you as Lord
and Savior, raise him from the

dead now in the name of Jesus.”
And as I said that prayer, I

stepped backwards.

My arm went up in the air as to
praise the Lord.

The other emergency room doctor
walked in.

“What are you doing?

Why are you still here?” I said,
“I am praying for this man.” And

I looked at the emergency doctor
and I said, “Shock this body one

more time.” He said, “No,
impossible.” I said, “Shock

him.” And he went over, he
grabbed those paddles on that

corpse, he let out the
electricity and an instant

perfect heartbeat came back,

Sid: Are you special or can
anyone do this that knows Jesus?

Dr. Crandall: I am not special.

Anyone can do this, Sid.

All of us can do this and walk
this way.

Sid: Okay.

When we come back, here’s what I
want to find out.

All these people that are dying
and coming back to life, what

are they experiencing on the
other side?

Are any of you interested in

I am. Be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatura!

Sid: Now you just
heard about Jeff,

who was
flatlined, dead, dead.

But what you didn’t hear is what
he saw on the other side.

What did he report to you?

Dr. Crandall: Well you know, as
soon as Jeff woke up three days

later, he accepted the Lord as

But he had the most amazing
story and I kept asking him,

“Where were you that day that I
was praying over your body?” And

he said, “I’m so disappointed.

I’m so disappointed.” He said,
“I was worth nothing.

I was in total darkness forever
and ever, and these men came in

and they threw me in the trash.

I was worth nothing to anyone.”
He was in Hell.

But that day he accepted Jesus
as Christ and Lord his Savior.

But he also told me that during
that that he was gone that there

ministering angels, Sid, that
were over him, helping him in

the intensive care unit,
ministering to him and bringing

life into his body.

Sid: Tell me about the man where
the Glory cloud came in.

Dr. Crandall: Yes.

This was amazing.

This was another gentleman that
came in with a massive heart

attack and he was crying out.

He was in so much pain, Sid.

It was like he was entering

I had never seen a man scream in

The agony of his pain was like
someone cutting off his leg.

We couldn’t control the pain and
we were working on him.

And I stepped back from the
operating room table, and I

prayed, “Lord, life into this

I pray for this man, Lord.” And
the Lord said, “Tell him to cry

on my name for my mercy.” So I
stepped back up.

I tried to do the procedure.

I couldn’t because of the pain,
the screaming, the agony that he

was in.

And all of a sudden, I looked at
him and I said, “My brother,

you’re dying.

Cry on the name of Jesus now!

My brother, cry on the name of
Jesus now!

You’re dying!” And all of a
sudden this man, on his back on

the operating room table cried
out to God, “Jesus, I need your

mercy, Lord!

Jesus, I need your mercy, Lord!”
And all of a sudden the Holy

Spirit descended through the
ceiling as if like a cloud

encompassed that man.

His whole body, all of a sudden,
life came into him.

Color came into him.

The pain left him, Sid.

I could think clearly.

I entered into his heart.

I opened the artery and that man
is alive today because he called

on the name of Jesus.

Sid: Based on your study and the
experiences that you’ve had,

what has God shown you Heaven is

Dr. Crandall: In Heaven, from
the experiences that I have had

with patients, is a place of
total peace and love.

You will see your family there,
Sid, if they are believers in


I just had a woman that reported
the other day that when she

passed she met her mother in
Heaven and not only her mother,

her dog was there, too, that had

Isn’t that amazing.

Sid: We have a lot of pet lovers
here, I can tell.

Dr. Crandall: But I’ve had other
patients that said there are the

streets of gold and they’re
surrounded by flowers that are

more brilliant than any color
that you or I could imagine,

that there are rivers, clear

A woman reported, “My son was
swimming in a clear river with

other children.

It was the river of God.

There were fish in the river.

There were children.

They were laughing.

They were playing.

They were splashing.

And then suddenly that vision
shifted that there were children

running in a field with Jesus.”
It’s glorious.

It’s all the promises that we
look for in Heaven.

From this life we just gently
take one step into the

heavenlies and we’re with Jesus,

Sid: You told me about a crisis
in your life, and if you don’t

mind, you had a son.

Dr. Crandall: Yes.

Sid: That developed, I believe
it was cancer.

Dr. Crandall: Yes.

Sid: And it had a profound
influence on where you are


Tell me about that.

Dr. Crandall: It did.

Now my, his name was Chad and he
became very sick at age 11.

We had to put him in the
hospital and he wasn’t doing

well, and we was dying, Sid.

And all of a sudden, one day a
Glory cloud appeared the

hospital window, a cloud full of
thunder and lightning, the

presence of God, it came to the
hospital, it shook the building.

And I said, “No, Lord, not
today, not my son, today, Lord!”

And all of a sudden my son took
his last breath.

I held that body in my arms and
I cried over him, and I became

angry and upset with God, Sid.

I said, “Why this?

You have more power.

You have power over death.

You can bring my child back.”
And his mother was in the room.

She said, “Do you feel the
peace?” I said, “No, I don’t

feel the peace.” His twin
brother was in the room.

“Do you feel the peace, Dad?” I
said, “No, I don’t feel the


I want my son.” And all of a
sudden I became angry with God

and I said, “Lord, I am going to
turn away from you.

I don’t want you if it comes to
this.” And as I rocked that body

for an hour and a half in my
arms, Sid, I cried out to God

for an explanation.

And then suddenly I reflected
over my last four years and saw

that God was there with every
step, and I said, “I made my


God, I will follow you, but for
my death of my son I want a

million souls for the Kingdom of
God in Jesus’ name.” Sid: And

that’s what drives you today.

Dr. Crandall: That’s what drives

Sid: And my understanding is his
son, right this moment perhaps,

is looking over the balcony of
Heaven and saying, “Go Dad!

This is for both of us.

Go Dad!” Tell me something about
what’s coming in your ministry


Do you travel?

Do you see miracles?

Do you see souls coming to the

Tell me.

Dr. Crandall: Well we travel.

You know, we’re traveling with
Reinhard Bonnke for the most


Sid: So you see a lot of souls
coming to the Lord.

Dr. Crandall: We see miracles.

We speak.

Sid: The faith that I discern
the presence of God that I

discern right now, I want you to
pray for the sick right now, to


Dr. Crandall: Yes I will.

It’s a blessing for me.

You know, brothers and sisters,
if you are out there and you are

sick in your body, I am going to
pray for you.

Just put your hand wherever you
are, whatever that illness is,

wherever it is put your hand
there and we will believe in


It says, “Faith comes by hearing
and hearing by the Word of God”

and it is important for you to
be in the Word.

Read the Word.

As you read the Word your faith
will grow in Jesus’ name.

The Word builds faith, but I
will pray for you like I do on

the hospital wards and in the
operating room, and on the

fields of battle, in third
worlds, I will pray and Jesus

will touch you.

So right now in the mighty name
of Jesus, I speak over your body

and I speak over that infirmity,
and I command that infirmity to

leave your body right now in
Jesus’ name.

I command illness and the spirit
of death that is there knocking

at you, go in the name of Jesus.

And I command it to leave you

Be healed in Jesus’ mighty name.

Father God, bless them and use
them, and have them come to know

you if they don’t.

In the name of Jesus, you are
being healed now.

The process is happening.

Go and report that to your
friends and your family, and

your colleagues that Jesus
touched me today, in Jesus’



Sid: And just like Jesus said,
it is finished, and that means,

in the Greek, paid in full.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest Perry Stone, he has
come up with revelations that no

one has ever come up with

He even has come up with a
revelation about the 2016

presidential election.

Anyone interested?