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This episode originally aired in 2008. Stay tuned for more It’s Supernatural! Classics from our It’s Supernatural! archive! Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2023 #SidRoth #ItsSupernaturalClassics
outrageous I mean I know I’ve said it
before but I really mean
outrageous can you imagine someone
without an eardrum someone without an
getting their hearing back
medically impossible but in the realm
where my oxygen is the glory of God all
things are possible my guest Matt sawger
Matt I’m going to go back your young
child and amazing Miracle happens to
your mom tell me about that I’ll see
when I was 12 years old my mom became
really really sick and she kept getting
worse for about two years she would go
to the doctors she tried everything you
could think of to try to get healed she
was up to 24 bottles of medicine a day
and by the end she was still bedridden
the doctors couldn’t figure out how to
help her and and I remember the first
miracle that I’ve ever seen in my life
was that of my own mom and uh how old
were you I was 14 at the time okay and
you know my mom had come to the end of
herself she had tried everything else
and then finally one night my
grandmother invites her to a Catholic
Charismatic healing mass why is it we
try everything else before we go to God
I don’t know what is it what we humans
are my sugar that’s a Hebrew word it
means crazy yeah yeah yeah it’s true
sometimes you know sometimes we uh we
see God we should be first he should be
first definitely so what happened to
your mom well my grandmother brought her
to a Catholic Charismatic healing mess
where the priests were filled with the
Holy Spirit my mom had no idea what to
expect she figured she’d go and just get
some prayer she was going to God and as
she came into the church that night she
walked into the back of the sanctuary
and she just crumbled on the floor she
was just crying broken I mean at the
bottom and she tells me the story how
she looked up in that in that church and
she looked up and she saw the cross and
she prayed a really simple prayer in her
heart and she said Jesus tonight I’m
coming to you you see because up to this
point Sid she had been looking for other
ways for healing she had been looking
for the for practical medicine but also
in New Age Realms of
um you know crystals and also anything
she could find that could possibly bring
healing listen she tried it all when
someone’s desperate they try everything
but again why God lasts why not God
first okay and then when she looked up
and she saw Jesus there she she said
Jesus I’m coming back to you everything
else that I’ve tried to put my faith in
or that I’ve tried to see if it was real
I put it all aside and I come back to
only Jesus and when she came forward God
was bringing her on this path really
said God was bringing her on this path
to show her the truth number one that
Jesus was the Healer and that he was the
only way to get to God because she was
trying all these other ways she loved
people she never liked the idea of
anyone not being with God for eternity
in heaven so you know she was very uh
humanistic in her thinking and she you
know if you love God you’re a good
person you’ll get to heaven that’s all
fine and she had a really hard time with
the concept that Jesus was the only way
until she finally came to the bottom and
when that night when she stood there and
the priest went to pray for her before
he could even get his hand on her she
felt this overshadowing this presence
this power this Force come over her body
and literally it it was so strong the
force of it was so strong it knocked her
body back 10 feet through the air ten
feet through the air she went flying
catch her no one caught her no one
caught her they didn’t have they didn’t
have anyone catching or watching she was
just standing there the power hits her
she goes flying 10 feet backwards lands
on the floor with vaults of electricity
going through her body she thought she
died and went to heaven she had no idea
what was happening to her she had never
heard about this never had seen this it
wasn’t happening to anyone else in the
meeting it was a very quiet service but
this force was going through her body
this electricity this current and and as
his power was going through her it was
literally driving out every sickness
that was in her body and when she got
off the floor that night she was totally
completely healed by God and I remember
when she walked home she came home she
walked through the front door and I
looked at her as soon as I saw her I
knew something was very very different
she was bright she was smiling she was
happy she hadn’t smiled in two years she
had this oh this this Shadow or this
Darkness over her but it was gone and
she was bright she was smiling happy
totally healthy totally healed what
happened to all of her medicine she
threw them all out
see through she had a big racket 24
bottles of different medicines and
things she was taking and that week
every pain every symptom I mean she was
radically instantly healed by God you
told me that she was thrust back with
such a force that she literally had
whiplash she had she got whiplash and I
know some people say holy spirit’s a
gentleman you know he’ll be gentle and
nice but the power sometimes the power
is very strong and and the next day she
was in her room praying right and now
you have to understand she doesn’t know
the Bible yet she doesn’t know the Bible
she doesn’t really know what’s happening
she’s all she knows is that she had an
encounter with God and an encounter with
this person called Jesus the son of God
and she had received healing in her body
she got soul thrown back she got
whiplashed in her neck and she was
saying God I’m really glad you healed me
but you hurt my neck when I when I fell
backwards instantly the pain was gone
instantly her neck was healed and she
was fine what effect did it have on you
and the rest of your family the second
that I saw her healed I instantly knew
knowing how to tell me I instantly knew
as a 14 year old kid I instantly knew
number one that I had sin in my heart
that I needed to repent of I just had
this awareness all of a sudden an
awareness came in my heart that I needed
forgiveness I never had that awareness
and I felt it and then I knew that Jesus
was real I knew God was a reality he
wasn’t just some Force floating up in
the universe somewhere he was real he
was personal and he was in our lives and
uh and that week my whole family got
saved or we opened our hearts to Jesus
and we received Jesus the Messiah into
our hearts and into our lives but you
know what’s so exciting Matt Starts Now
contending from the miraculous and he
hid it miracles happen wherever he goes
don’t go away we’ll be right back after
this word
we now return to It’s Supernatural
hello Sid Roth here with Matt so I go to
Matt is a 14 year old boy saw a great
miracle his mother had an incurable
illness medicine doctors could not cure
her and so she Last Resort she tried God
had a major miracle and Matt saw this
his whole life was transformed he
committed his life to God but you did
something very unusual you would go into
your room every night and listen to
worship music why did you do that you
know I think when when Jesus made
himself real to me something happened in
my heart where I became very hungry for
God very quickly and did anyone tell you
to go in your room and listen to did you
have a lot of CDs no I had maybe one or
two to start with I had you know my
little worship tape that I had gotten
and I’d had some of the songs that they
would play in church and I just remember
as a young person Holy Spirit drawing me
and feeling this Supernatural pull to
just get along with God so I’d go in my
bedroom I’d shut the door I’d put the
worship music on and I’d start to sing
the worship songs and I’d pray and I’d
feel nothing I’d be like God where are
you you know so you stopped this
probably after a week no no no I pressed
in even more I said God I mean this
isn’t a natural thing Matt I was you
know what it was it was Supernatural
hunger because I would experience God in
a church meeting but then when I was
alone I wouldn’t feel them but I wanted
to I wanted to I wanted to be as close
as I could be so I would just every day
I would sing I would I would worship and
I remember I did this every day for
about four months this was when I was a
teenager every day for about four months
for hours I’d go in my room worship
worship worship worship worship and then
one day and I remember it like a picture
of my mind I’m standing there with my
hands lifted up and it was like heaven
opened up over me I was singing a song I
had sung a million times before Heaven
opened up over me the glory of God came
into my room the Manifest tangible
presence of God in the air around me I
could physically feel him came over my
body filled the whole room around me and
and it was like something in the spirit
realm broke open and from that moment
forward I would say I I entered into a
relationship an intimacy with the
reality of the person of the Holy Spirit
now you told me that all you have to do
is say the name Jesus and you’re
immediately in his presence yeah and
that’s what that’s what began to happen
I became so open in the spirit that I
would close my eyes and I would whisper
the name of Jesus and as soon as my
focus would go on him I would feel the
presence of the Holy Spirit come down
over me and around me now you also told
me you saw the miracle of your mother
you started praying for people and you
didn’t see many results at first I
didn’t see anything and that frustrated
me we’d be I’d be praying for somebody
no healing no change and I was saying
Lord God there’s got to be the same
power that healed my mom when we first
got saved it’s real so we should be
seeing it every day now still and and I
remember part of this process of
pressing in after God was having a
desire to be so close to him and then
out of it suddenly things started to
change I remember I would pray for
people and nothing would happen but then
all of a sudden it was like the glory or
the spirit of God the glory was just
overflowing in my life to the point
where now would start to touch other
people outside of me so I guess it
increased to the point where you know it
overflowed and then when I would pray
for somebody Miracles started happening
and people started getting set free and
and and and and I remember the first
time somebody fell on the floor and
people watching they’d be like well why
do people fall over you know what are
you pushing them over let me tell I was
a teenage kid I would gently put my hand
on somebody and when that anointing
started to flow and somebody fell on the
floor it shocked me just as much as it
surprised them and I remember thinking
wow what what is that because it was new
for me to see that kind of medicine some
of the Miracles that are occurring under
mats just praying for people it’s
phenomenal tell me about that person
without an ear and without an eardrum
you realize they can’t any doctor would
tell you no eardrum no ear they’re not
going to hear that’s what happened well
over the last five years I’d say we’ve
been seeing these miracles happen
probably thousands of them now and there
was in one service God said he was going
to open up deaf ears so we just started
to pray on mass Lord open up the deaf
ears and the spirit of God started
moving around this place it was maybe a
thousand people there Holy Spirit
started moving around and they brought
my team brought this young 12 year old
girl up on the platform cute little girl
long brown hair as they pulled her hair
back I could see she had no ears on the
side of her head just two little holes
and they said to me Matt this young girl
born with no ears no eardrums she’s Deaf
from childbirth she cannot hear and then
suddenly the power of God came on her
stop for one second to do did you kind
of say hey they oh my God what did you
inside well when you look at it in the
natural you know it’s impossible but but
at that moment I was in the spirit I was
not seeing with my natural eyes I was
looking with the eyes of the spirit of
God and when you look with the eyes of
the spirit of God the impossible becomes
possible all the limitations are broken
off and there was a gift of faith
operating in me at that moment so I
looked at this young girl and the power
of God came on her and instantly she
started hearing a popping on the inside
of her head in both of her ears and her
I the Lord reached into her head and
read created eardrums on the inside of
her head popped her hearing open and she
heard for the first time in her life
listen you’re going to catch a miracle
in this next segment because I’m going
to turn Matt loose and Matt is going to
turn the Holy Spirit loose and guess
you are going to
your goose is going to be cooked
literally if you don’t make Jesus your
Lord because there is no other way there
is no you want you want the real thing
then you must reach out to Jesus you
know I’m talking to you don’t go away
we’ll be right back to it’s Supernatural
we now return to It’s Supernatural
hello Sid Roth here with Matt sawiger
and Matt you’ve got to tell me about the
time you bumped into two angels well Sid
this was right before we started
traveling in our prophetic Healing
Ministry the Lord had commissioned two
angels to our light to my life and
Ministry to help me do what God had
called me to do I was a pastor at the
time it was on a Monday morning and we
were counting the Sunday morning
offering right in the middle of it God
speaks me says get up and start to dance
right now what has that got to do with
counting the offering it has nothing to
do with gotta be over it it has nothing
and my natural mindset but this doesn’t
make sense but it came from down in here
where the Holy Spirit lives and it was
rising up and God said you have to do
this so I pushed the money aside stood
up in the middle room started dancing
around just in worship to God and and as
I did we had there were two secretaries
also sitting in the room now originally
when they saw me do this they started
laughing until the glory Cloud came into
the room
because you could you feel it could you
see it it was a a tangible such a strong
tangible substance of the presence of
God I didn’t physically see it but you
could physically feel it all around came
into the room came over me when it came
over on top of me my body hit the floor
I was thrown to the ground physically my
spirit was caught up in divisions this
visitation lasted the whole day
eventually I was able to sit up on the
floor by this time that Glory had
covered the whole room and as it came
over the two secretaries literally threw
them out of their chairs onto the floor
so it wasn’t just you it was not just me
the whole room came under the influence
of this glory and it was the glory of
God and and as I was sitting there on
the floor and there the ladies are
laying on the floor as well I start to
feel these waves of God’s glory going
over my head and suddenly my spiritual
vision is opened and God allows me to
see into the invisible realm and I sense
behind me an angel standing right behind
me and I would sense its wings and fold
around me and every time it would a wave
of Glory would go over my head crash on
the two ladies and their bodies would
physically bounce off of the floor as
the glory of God would hit them and as
I’m feeling these waves suddenly I
become aware of a second Angel standing
over to my right side an Angelic
presence there are two angels now in the
room one behind me and one over to my
right and the voice of God speaks so
clearly to me and he says Matt the angel
standing behind you is an angel of
Revival and the angel standing to your
right is an angel of Miracles and I’ve
commissioned them today into your life
and Ministry they will travel with you
they will go with you wherever you go to
help you do what I’ve called you to do
and that was just a few months before we
started really praying for the sick and
seeing outbreaks of the Holy Spirit
happen tell me about that person with Ms
oh this was phenomenal this lady had
come to one of our services she had such
a severe case of Ms she was hospitalized
almost completely Paralyzed by it she
came into the service that night and she
said to her children tonight is my night
for a miracle and as she was in the
worship time before any person was even
involved in this she was lifting up her
handsome you know something Matt the
atmosphere is changing you feel that
studio it is have your angels shown up I
think so yeah but she lifted up her
hands see because people are getting
Faith to receive healing as as as she
was in worship had nothing to do with me
God was already performing The Miracle
she was feeling a tingling on the back
of her head then God speaks to me Matt
I’m going to heal women with chronic
fatigue Ms in their bodies I call it out
the lady comes forward God says to me
bring her on the platform because that’s
where I am as she stood on the platform
the glory of God overshadowed her body
without anybody touching her it was not
man it was God doing this Holy Spirit
touched her her body fell backwards
under the power of God
and as she’s laying on the floor the
back of her head goes on fire she feels
this Burning heat and she actually feels
a hand reach into the back of her head
and she can feel the inside of her head
her brain moving around on the inside
when she gets off the floor every trace
of Ms is completely gone out of her body
totally healed heaviness gone pain gone
every symptom gone and I saw is this
unusual for someone to feel surgery
going on inside of them I think this
this was an extreme this was an extreme
healing that God an extreme miracle that
God was doing because this woman was had
a severe severe case of Ms and and it
was very Supernatural I saw her two
years later still totally healed better
than before new haircut new clothes new
job she said to me Matt when God healed
me he not only healed me physically he
he gave me a new job gave my life a
complete makeover tell me about that
woman with the mitral valve problem the
mitral valve we had prayed for another
lady it was in one of our conferences in
New York where we host our Glory signs
and wonders it was in that conference
that the Holy Spirit spoke to me and
said there was a woman with a heart
condition with the beating and there was
some specific things that God had given
me about a heart condition I called it
out this this woman comes forward to
receive she’s standing at the altar the
power of God hits her and then later she
testifies of a total healing that
happened in her heart the two angels
that accompanied that
tell me if I’m wrong but I believe
they’re here right now they’re here I
feel I feel the glory and presence of
pray right if you if you need healing in
your body the power of God is here to
heal you right now actually get up off
of your seat place your hand on the
television screen this anointing is
tangible and transferable and there’s
actually Angelic assignments being
released through the airwaves right now
I can see even angels of the Lord and
the power of the Holy Spirit coming into
your living room someone’s watching from
your kitchen right now you have a
television in your kitchen the power of
God is coming into your kitchen right
now and you are being completely
overwhelmed by the spirit of God I take
authority in Jesus name over that
sickness in your body there’s somebody
right now you’re being healed of a tumor
in your spine in your lower back area
there’s a tumor that’s been there in the
in the back area it’s dissolving out of
your back right now in Jesus name I take
authority over the airwaves of every
sickness infirmity and impression from
the enemy in Jesus name I lose healing
into your body I command sickness to go
pain to go in the name of Jesus father
let that Glory father I pray for a
transferable glory to touch every person
watching right now and that they would
not only be healed but they would know
who Jesus Christ is in their lives
personally as their healer and Savior
and Lord in Jesus name father God I
thank you for it right now in the name
of Jesus every bit of sickness and pain
and disease it leaves your body back
conditions heart conditions Ms multiple
sclerosis chronic fatigue women with
with chronic fatigue and Ms in your
body’s fibromyalgia we rebuke that out
of your body in Jesus name I command the
fibromyalgia to leave I command bad
conditions to be healed in the name of
Jesus I just say receive your Miracle
even if I don’t call it out God’s power
is here to heal something just happened
someone’s ears just popped you now can
hear and someone’s back has just been
healed and in your nose you had
difficulty breathing allergies you’re
clear in Jesus name make Jesus your lord
tell them you’re sorry for your sins ask
them to live inside of you being a
mensch be real make Jesus your lord