Kynan Bridges shares more SHOCKING details regarding his dream about President Trump!

well my guest is keenan bridges again

and keenan is a pastor

of a multicultural uh church uh

he had a dream and we

we just put the dream on a couple of

days ago keenan and uh

probably by the time we finish this

interview it will be

two million views on social media it


went viral it literally hit

a nerf for those that are watching and

perhaps didn’t see

the uh explanation of the dream


uh president trump and the world etc i

wonder if you would uh

recap it for us okay well thanks sid

briefly uh the part of the dream is the

lord took me to the white house

in the dream and as i was there i went


the white house and there was a desk a

security desk

and a security desk of course you had to

sign in and when i signed in there were

two large

uh secret service agents they were

at least eight to ten feet tall and they

stood guarding a door

uh that went to the president as i went

to the door

there was a security camera and the door


i i said i can’t wait to see the


and the bible and i skipped apart so in

before this my wife

in the dream said i need to get the

bible from the president

and so i was transported in the dream to

the white house and then

of course went through that and then i

went through the door there was another


where a man named victor was stationed

who actually knew growing up so i was

familiar with the face

and he said the president will see you

now and i went straight to the president

and as i approached his office he was

sitting down and when i came around to

greet him he stood up but he was very

tall at least eight to ten feet tall


abnormally tall and he said let me show

you this bible

and when he showed me the bible he took

me to another desk that was very

luxurious and

and uh very well fitted and it had a

huge bible on it like an ancient book

gold gilded leather bound and he

he opened it to the back and he signed

it his initials

dtp which i believe was donald trump


and he he actually handed me this

book and when he handed the book it was


a revelation a download came immediately

and god said to me is that i’ve made him

to be

a protector of ancient foundations

and then the next part was that to to

honor uh his office to honor him

uh as president and i’ll honor you and

so that was a whole download we talked

about that in detail but that’s the

right a quick summary of the dream

well uh if you told me you got a fringe


from about two million people actually

viewing the video and it’s gonna keep

growing i know

yeah uh and the fringe benefit you got a

call from someone very

important to you in your life your


yes yes tell me about that you know i

got a call from my sister we have a

great relationship

uh we talk about things all the time and

she saw the video she said i saw your

video about the dream she says but i


i really don’t understand i have some

questions and

and the questions had to do with with

with president trump and and she’s

saying what about all the things he said

all the things he’s

done and and uh you know the racial

things and what about you know

isn’t he a threat you know to to to the

black community

kind of thing and she she wasn’t

necessarily being

she wasn’t being combative at all she

was having genuine questions

and it was interesting my sister and i

talked for about i would say 20 or 30

minutes but

you know what when people can get rid of

the emotions

attached with these issues yes and talk

as one human to another right

and and not talk past each other exactly

i believe there’s going to be a lot of


exactly yeah that’s very true and so

that’s what happened with my sister and

uh as we were talking

uh i began to share some things some

some information

some facts i talked about abortion the

fact that

uh 22 million black babies have been

aborted since 1973

which is more than half of the current

population of every black person in this


i talked about the fact that 900 black

babies are aborted every day

and how a black woman is four times more

likely to have an abortion than her

her caucasian counterpart and so as i

began to highlight these things and talk

about our own experiences growing up

she she she paused and she says hmm

well i never thought about what you said

and she said you’re right

you’re right and for me it’s interesting

because i believe that

as people get the truth you know the

bible says that the sword of the spirit

which is the word of god one

thing a sword does it cuts right it it


through things it can cut through the

veil and allow people to actually see

and so for my for for me and my family

having this discussion was so profound

to me it was worth the video

the fact that my sister and i uh were

able to talk about this and she she’s my

older sister so she actually listened to


i said but praise god that’s a miracle

in and of itself that

so i’m the youngest by the way i’m the

baby boy so

but i i think this is going to begin to


all over the united states on top of

that sid

i’ve been getting emails from people


judges people in the black community who


man of god i’ve had that same experience

that you had

god showed me the same thing they said

but i didn’t know what to do with it

i was afraid to even say anything about

it i mean i can’t tell you the emails

that are put in

of of leaders in the african-american

community pastors who said the lord

showed me the exact same thing

but but this was confirmation for them


really a bold encouragement that they

are on the right path

i i have to ask you a question that’s

really been bothering me

yeah as a white jewish

believer in jesus uh

being jewish causes me to be sensitive

to discrimination of any kind because

our people have gone through

uh discrimination discrimination such as

the african-americans have

right but i have examined that

the words actually the context

of all of these things that the

media accuses president trump of being a


and i’m telling you i’m trying to look

at it objective

but i can’t look at it through someone

that has suffered

uh by being african-american as you can

uh what am i missing help me out

keenan i don’t see that about president


as a matter of fact in my opinion as

because he’s so refreshingly transparent

we see things in him that all the others

probably had

but no one saw them because they were

good actors

yeah that’s a good point i think that

when you look at let me give you an


i mean i won’t name names but there’s

some politicians who

have actually had racist policies that

that have damaged the african-american


from from cris prison bills right

from mass incarceration things that are


affecting the black community in a very

tangible way

but what’s happened is that the media

and also our educational system the


have really uh done a great job of


right done a great job of causing people


focus on verbiage

as a sign of racism and i’m not here to

judge the president’s heart that’s not

my responsibility

but just because somebody says something

that is

brash or harsh or or

is it strong it doesn’t make that person

a racist

no more than if i was in the trajectory

of a bus that was going 80 miles an hour

and a white woman said hey get out of

the street and i’m arguing with her hey

you’re racist i don’t like the way you

said that

well you’re going to come to my funeral

you know and so the idea

is uh that but on top of that you have

to understand

the black community has suffered


and that has caused a deep wound in our

conscience as a community

and sometimes when there’s a wound and

somebody says something

uh that that is deemed insensitive

it can exacerbate that wound wound

and when that wound is exacerbated it

will cause

people to discount the validity of

what’s being said

what we have to ask ourselves is is it


right not is it sensitive

is it uh palatable no we have to ask


is what’s being said actually true and i

think that’s

that’s where the the conversation has to

start as a community we have to look at

the truth or the untruth

right or the invalidity of what’s being

said and

again when you talk about emotions

sid when you talk about i’ve talked to

people who said well

well you know what i i hate this i hate

that and they named a bunch of things

and i said well explain to me exactly

what you’re saying

and you you realize that a lot of it is


it’s not necessarily facts it’s not

necessarily information

it’s how a person feels and it’s how a

person is being

encouraged to feel and and that that

doesn’t discount these emotions but we

have to understand there’s a difference


facts and feelings and so this is one of

the reasons when you look at the

historical plight

i mean let’s be honest sid i mean i i

have to say this

the last school in the united states to

be desegregated was 1975 that’s 46 years


and so our wound as a nation is a fresh

womb it’s not

uh it’s it’s not 100 years 300 years

there there there have been things even

in the

the lifetime of some of those of us who

are watching

that have been very very bad uh

this doesn’t discount america but it

shows that that there is a lot of things

that people have to be healed of and so

i think when we look at the historical

wounding of the black community

and then we put on top of that the media

exploiting that wound

right uh uh really exacerbating that


you have a powder keg really you know

uh being jewish i’ve often pondered

how could adolf hitler have accomplished

what he accomplished

with such evil intent

and he had full cooperation

with the media and it was you used to an

interesting word

brainwashing yes how could how

how could the german community have been


brainwashed i pondered how how could

that have happened

but before my very eyes came in

i feel our communities are being


and it goes back to something we said on

the other video

we were talking about black lives matter


and we were talking about everyone

wants sense black lives matter i believe

that uh anyone that says that it doesn’t


that’s a racist right however however

i believe the whole movement has been


yes uh and tell tell and and i asked you

on the show on the show

tell me why you feel the movement has

been hijacked what has it been hijacked


uh and uh what’s your proof and you said

just go to

their website and you’ll know but

there’s people that won’t go to the

website you tell me

so what we have to understand uh there

is a a

principle the two principles that we

have to look at one is called critical

race theory

uh which is an uh epistemic

uh philosophy about race prejudice power

privilege right and these these are

philosophies that are being

uh really pushed in secular schools

right uh indoctrinating people

really to to believe that they are


inferior or someone else is inherently


and then there’s the issue of marxism


so when you look at black lives matter

when you look at the ideology of black

lives matter not the moniker

not the statement black lives matter and

like you said before we have to get

beyond the statement

and look at the deep rooted philosophy

behind it

and what you’ll come to understand is

this is a

movement that is against traditional

christian values

they’re against the nuclear family

they’re against

traditional marriage they’re against

gender roles

they’re against age roles these are

things that are not only

biblical foundation sid these are

american foundations

and these are foundations within the

black community and the average black

person doesn’t realize that the very

movement they’re aligning with

is undermining their history and their


and is an existential threat to the

black community

because if you take away the church from

the black community the same church that

was a was a a huge part of our

freedom in terms of civil rights it was

the black church dr

king and these these were pastors these

were ministers so when you

when you begin to demoralize the black


demean the black church demean the black


demean the role of men right god says

that the head of every woman is the man

and the head of the man is christ

right first corinthians 11. what you’re

doing you’re attacking

the very fabric of the black community

and these are the very things that are

destroying the black community

fatherlessness right the fact that many

black women are not getting married

right the fact that there are

there are non-traditional families with

two mothers and two fathers

where there can be no procreation

these are the things the blm movement is

pro-choice or

let me put it another way pro-abortion a

movement which is sacrificing our black

babies on the altar of baal

which is depopulating the black

community by 25

which is the leading cause of death

amongst any factor heart disease


stroke any chronic illness abortion is

the leading cause of death in the black


and the issue is if black lives matter

really had an

interest in the black community they

would go in and

address the issues that are detrimental

to our our community

how about black and on black uh murders

that’s an issue too but see here’s the

thing about this

is that not an issue of black lives

matter you mean that they’re

black on black it doesn’t matter if you

kill each other

well you see i’d understand that’s not

their agenda sid

their agenda is to

disintegrate the black family

their agenda is to push the lgbtq

agenda in the black community i’ve said

it many times before what’s going to


is that you’re not even going to hear

about black lives matter anymore they’re

not going to use it they’re going to say

trans lives matter

they’re going to say uh this lies matter

and it’s going to go further and further


from the original agenda and that’s why

you haven’t even heard much about george


we don’t even hear much about him

anymore today because

because that’s not the real issue

that they are propagating and again i

want to say that this is so important

for me to say this

black lives do matter and we should

align ourselves

biblically for the cause of any group of

people who are oppressed

disadvantaged downtrodden afflicted

the poor the widow the fatherless but

that is different that is

a a very different thing from the


the anti-christian antichrist ideology

of the movement black lives matter which

i believe is an

existential threat to the black


what is the answer in other words

uh yeah we have to communicate with each


yeah anyone that sees that reads the

webpage of black lives matter

realized that isn’t even their purpose

uh but what’s the answer

so i’m gonna tell you where the answer

is the answer is the one new man

in the messiah the answer is matthew 6


seek first the kingdom of god and his


and all these things we add unto you the

answer is the gospel of jesus

the messiah which is the power of god

unto salvation

and we need to pray because the reality

is that america must turn back to god

america needs to repent the black

community needs to repent the white

community needs to repent

and we need to turn to god in humility

and repentance and then we need to be

reconciled one to another

so it begins with us first being

reconciled to god

and then reconciled to one another as

brothers and sisters in christ

because the truth of the matter is paul

said there’s no more jew there’s no more

greek there’s no more

uh barbarian scythian but we are one in

the messiah

well it goes a step further keenan is i

i really that’s a specialty area for me

and of course there’s males and females

as long as we’ll have an earth of course

there’s jews and gentiles

in the physical but that’s not what paul

is talking about right he’s

talking about a brand new creation

that never existed before it’s not a jew

it’s not a gentile it’s not a white

person it’s not a black person

it’s a new species of being

and when the church starts focusing on


real one and one new man it could really

from the greek it could be one new


when the church starts really focusing

on who this one new man humanity

is there i believe

that everything an african-american

feels deprived of is available

in this life not just for their children

and grandchildren

but for them uh if they only

understood that the true gospel gospel

means good news

if and they’re people in churches that

don’t understand

the good news it’s not a color

issue in the kingdom of heaven it

doesn’t exist

and our job is to bring heaven on earth

that’s our ambassadors to do it i’ll

tell you what i get worked up over this


i see how much good can happen to the

african-american community

and i see that african-americans

and jews of which i’m part of and what

you’re part of miss

of uh african americans

they are voting many of them

on personality versus

issues speak to that you see this is one

of the biggest issues sid

the divorce the great divide between

personality and policy

so we we cannot judge a person martin

luther king says

a man should not be judged by the color

of his skin but by the content of his


right in other words we shouldn’t just

look at the

image we shouldn’t just look at the

perception but we have to look at the


are the policies aligned biblically are

the policies

according to the bible i want to say

something very important here sid and i

feel this by the spirit of god

we must have a biblical worldview

a biblical world view

what does that mean it means that you

see in the in the world

system when we look at the secular arena

they look at things from a social

standpoint there’s a social even a

social gospel

right the the social aspect of things

but the bible doesn’t look at it that

way the bible looks at it

from the spiritual aspect when man

fell in the garden of eden he committed

high treason against his creator

and he was he was kicked out of the

garden and the curse of sin came into

the earth

and he had to send nature from that

moment forth and that sin

nature became the foundation of every


that would come out of the mind and the

heart of man

and we can change social policies all we


but until people are transformed by the

power of the spirit

by the power of yeshua from the inside


they will never come to realize their

their potential

their created intent as sons and

daughters of the most high god

and so essentially we have a sin problem

not a skin problem

it’s a sin problem you know the thought

that came to me

several times as you were speaking what


president trump called a national day

of prayer and repentance and we’ve done

we’ve done the prayer but prayer and


yeah and he was front and center stage

not giving it to someone else i’m


would african-american pastors support


of prayer and repentance do you think

they might for our country

they definitely should they definitely

should and i would encourage

i would encourage this um sid i believe

that there are some william j

seymour’s watching us right now i

believe that there are some revivalists

right now who happen to be an

african-american community

but god has called them gifted them

given them grace that

that is enviable but we must open our

spiritual eyes

my prayer for every person watching

specifically the african-american


is the same prayer that paul prayed

for the ephesian church that the eyes of

your understanding would be enlightened

that you would know what is the hope of

your calling and the glorious riches of

your inheritance in the saints

the black church is a sleeping giant sid

and and the powers that be have

anesthetized the church

they have lulled the black church to

sleep and it’s time for this giant to

shake herself

shake himself and rise up in power

and authority and i believe that when

that happens sid

we’re going to see one of the greatest

awakenings in america that we’ve seen

since the 1900s

and i’m telling you it is time now so

many people are reaching out to me

saying man of god i feel what you feel

but i’ve been afraid

i feel what you feel i know that what

you’re saying is true

i know that you’re hearing from god but

there’s been so much pressure

and i’m telling you the devil knows the

devil knows

that when communities like the

african-american community

and the white community for that matter

really come into the full

knowledge and understanding of who we

are that it will transform

our country transform this world yeah

you know i’m i consider myself a fairly


courageous individual

i’m not i’m i’m really not afraid of

most stuff

but i am intimidated to come

out and talk in many social situations

about president trump for the sake of


give me a few reasons why

an african-american should vote for

president trump

as an african-american you you tell you


state why they should well i think we

have to look at what i said earlier

the life of the unborn

which by the way is an issue that god

looks at when it comes to nations he

looks at how

those nations treat first of all his


the jewish people and how they treat the


how they are treat the oppressed the

afflicted and as i said

earlier one of the leading causes of

death in the black community

is abortion so we need to vote for


who are against abortion who are

fighting for the unborn when we look at

not only abortion when we look at the


we have to vote for leaders who will

protect the church which is the

pillaring ground of the truth

when we look at uh who to vote for we

have to look at leaders that will


prayer in schools and protect the very


that make us strong as a community so

those would be some of my reasons sid

and and and furthermore uh the other

options are

are just detrimental destructive they

are yeah

what what about um all the prison

reforms he’s doing and the

uh and and the prosperity

he’s bringing in this various zones in

poverty areas

exactly you know so when you look at

prison reform right 30 plus percent

some some estimates between 30 and 34

of the prison population is african

americans which you’re talking about 12

of the population of america that that’s

a staggering number sid

yes this is a huge issue 53

of all of the homicides committed in

america are by the black community

and so there needs to be reform we need

to vote for people

who are who are first of all committed

to protecting the ancient foundations

and committed to the very things that

will preserve our community unemployment

looking at

prison reform looking at empowerment

zones in communities where black

businesses are being

encouraged right from a government

standpoint to flourish

and thrive and prosper and these are the

things that people don’t

they don’t want you to know how about

what he did recently for the black

colleges in america that’s another

example i’m a product of

hbcu historically black college

university and

and and if we could only see

if we could only open our eyes as i’ve


to people before just look again

look again just look again before you

come to a conclusion

pray research and you’re going to find

that a lot of what you’re being told and

a lot of what you’re believing

may not be true and you have to have the

humility to admit

you know what i was wrong just like i

had to admit when the lord began to show

me sid

it was devastating because i had been

taught my whole life to vote a certain

way to think a certain way

to perceive a certain way as you

probably have as well we look at the


i was raised democrat exactly i didn’t


think there was an option because the

democrats were for

and i was a minority i’m not greater

minority now

jewish and a believer in jesus

the democrats were for the small person

that’s what i was

always told exactly exactly i see it’s

been flipped it has and we’ve been sold

that same bill of goods

you know both the jewish community the

african-american community

have been sold a bill of goods and we

need to we need to

we need to take it back we need to

return it back to the store where we

bought it from

i’m going to say something that only you

could say

but i’ll go so far as to say

the programs within the democratic party

are keeping african americans in the

plantation and they don’t even know it

that that’s i’ve said it before sid

because if

as long as you keep a person dependent

upon you

as long as you tell people that they’re


as long as you tell people that they

can’t survive without you

you are keeping that person a slave but

when you remove the shackles

of dependency of fear poverty

when you remove these shackles and you

tell people you know what you really

don’t need me

you are you’re a whole person on your

own you can thrive you can prosper

that’s when the black community will

begin to see real change in


that’s when we will be empowered that’s

when we will go

forth and use the god-given gifts and

talents he’s given us

to empower and preserve our communities

that’s what i believe with all of my


i want to pray father god

you heard this discussion you

you love blacks and whites because you

created us

and you created us different

for your overall purposes and

lord if we can just get along on earth

and operate in love

your kingdom will change

the things that man can’t change

thank you lord i pray father god

for the tsar shalom the prince of peace

and the rocha kodesh the spirit of god

to come on everyone and move us

to deep heart repentance

and deep prayer for our nation

father i believe you want the united

states of america to walk

in its greatest days and it’s all


on believers praying believers

voting and believers loving

in jesus name amen amen

god bless you wow