Bill McKay shares incredible stories of miraculous events in Israel. Only God! ▶▶Join our Naturally Supernatural membership to get exclusive perks:


This episode originally aired in 2008. Stay tuned for more It’s Supernatural! Classics from our It’s Supernatural! archive! Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2023 #SidRoth​​ #ItsSupernatural​Classics​

throughout history Israel has faced

impossible odds but during the six- day

war see how a miraculous wind exposed a

Minefield to allow the Israeli Army to

pass through unharmed and how one battle

that took place 3,000 years ago repeated

itself with the same miraculous



hello said Roth here welcome to my world

where it’s naturally Supernatural I’m

going to talk about a miracle today a

series of Miracles that defies any

logical explanation 48 you just saw some

video footage of the war of Israel

declared a nation and 12 enemy armies

attacked one day later they didn’t have

an army I mean they were merchants and

shopkeepers uh and and and in the Arts

they they they didn’t have guns they

they had a a few guns 12 well-armed

armies attack them they should not have

survived from day one my guest Hollywood

film producer Bill McKay um bill I am

told that West Point refuses to study

the battles of modern-day Israel why the

probabilities cannot be calculated uh

the experts at at most of the military

institutions including West Point have

literally written off the battles of


5667 and 1973 they said we can’t run the

calculus on why is there anyone to your

knowledge that gave Israel a chance of

any of the modern day Israel a chance of

any of their major battles as I went

back to study all the major Wars and the

formation of the modern state of Israel

uh there wasn’t one military expert in

the world or major military power from

the Pentagon to the Kremlin that would

have put money on Israel’s survival in

fact they were unanimous in their

predictions that Israel was going to

fall in each case now why did you decide

to do this movie Against All Odds

well the Genesis of of my experience

with Israel and this particular

television series uh goes back many

years I’ve traveled Israel now 67 times

in my life uh and all over the Middle

East and I know many of the enemies of

Israel I have spent an inord amount of

time doing documentary film making uh

with the terrorists in the Middle East

uh so I’ve gotten to know the Middle

East uh and the Israelis through the

prism if you will of of terrorism my

first real big project was back in the

9s for the British Broadcasting

Corporation uh they had asked me to

produce a television series uh to

basically explain the Oslo phenomenon

because at the time everybody expected

the Oslo Peace process to actually bring

peace in our time yes but the uh title

was Vanishing peace you did the opposite

of what everyone expected well that’s

exactly right we were and by the way the

uh Oslo Accord this was one of the first

meetings to orchestrate a two-state

solution or peace in the Middle East uh

and everyone was optimistic except Bill

McCay well initially we did not have a

Prejudice one way or the other uh we

thought that it was just another effort

if you will by man to uh paper over the

very complicated issues between Arabs

and Israelis and so our job our task by

the BBC was to Simply Chronicle the

events that were leading up to this

Grand moment when Bill Clinton and the

world leaders were going to celebrate uh

what was the thorniest political issue

in modern history well when we got

halfway through the interview process we

realized there was no peace there was no

there there the politics of this process

was an utter sham so I called the BBC up

when I got back to Jerusalem and I said

you’re likely not going to want to have

this conversation but I said

Oslo is a sham it will not produce peace

in our time and the British as they can

only be said well yes Mr Mai uh you’re

right we don’t want to have this

conversation uh and the net result was

we terminated the agreement I financed

the rest of the picture uh we went on to

edit it and the BBC actually got a rough

cut came back to me and we’re so

astounded by the quality of the

journalism and our ability to document

our prediction that the worst inata

Israel was ever going to face was going

to be as an outcome of the Oslo Peace

process so they rebot the program from

us we titled it then Vanishing peace the

aftermath of Oslo now this was released

before taba failed now from what I

understand many top Israelis from Mad

officers to politicians were amazed that

the BBC ran this film of yours why well

as you know many of the leaders in

Israel are secular humanists uh they’re

atheists they don’t believe in God they

don’t have the little girls and worship

and all the rest uh so for them their

Messiah if they have one is the M16 uh

and when they saw that I was able to get

Vanishing peace on the BBC which by many

experts may be the most

anti-Semitic political organ on the

planet next to Al jazer that’s why I

thought BBC would never carry something

like this you must have been a hero in

Israel well Israel assumed that that

that I was walking in the footsteps of

Moses parting the Red Sea uh at least

that was their words uh as a result of

that Sid uh I developed some very close

relationships with the heads of of State

in Israel uh Prime Ministers generals

the head of the Mad uh and interesting

things started to happen one night I was

sitting uh in a in a Tel Aviv Hotel tell

you what hold that thought this started

Bill McKay in an investigation of

Miracles that are equivalent when I say

A great miracle I’ll say someone with an

arm and the arm goes back that is a

great miracle the Miracles that he

investigated with due

diligence with several witnesses for


Miracle amazing amazing equivalent to an

arm that’s missing growing out don’t go

away we’ll be back right after this


word we’ll be right back to H

Supernatural we now return to its


Supernatural hello Sid Roth here welcome

to my world where it’s naturally

Supernatural I love the rarified air of

heaven and you’re going to find out

about miracles that few people have ever

heard of my guest is Hollywood film

producer Bill McCay and uh bill by the

way just as a little aside you’re

working on such an exciting film you’re

working on the sequel to The Passion of

Christ picking up at the resurrection

just briefly tell me what this is about

this well about a year and a half ago uh

I was in a meeting with the heads of

Sony Pictures and we were putting

together some other picture deals and at

the end of the meeting this head of the

studio turned to me and said I have a

script you ought to read it’s about the

life of Jesus would you be interested

and I said well there’ be three

conditions he said what what are they I

said well number one it has to be shot

in Israel I said every motion picture

from Cecil be to Mill to Mel Gibson has

been shot everywhere the place where the

story took place he loved the idea he

said what are your other conditions I

said it has to be faithful to the Bible

and he laughed he said well I’m Jewish

he said I have not much knowledge of

your Bible but he said my experts tell

me it is he said what is your last

condition and I said it’s time to have

Jesus portrayed as a Jew I said we need

to deal with the biggest lie that has

been perpetrated on Humanity that he is

an Anglo he belongs to the Jewish people

and it’s time to tell that story so

we’re now in the early stages of uh

pre-production let me switch gears right

now because of time and we were talking

about the movie you did for BBC uh the o

on the oso ACC court and that gave you

great favor with top leaders in Israel

late at night they began to say the last

thing you expected from secular

atheistic Jewish people what did they

say to you they said we’ve seen things

on the battlefield that we cannot

quantify in a scientific test tube we

don’t know how to explain it what we do

know as military experts is that we

should have been dead on that

Battlefield or Israel should have lost

that battle or Israel should have lost

that entire war and yet the outcomes

don’t measure the circumstances that we

experienced on the battlefield so as I

begin to investigate the surrounding

elements several things jumped out at me

number one going back to the Old

Testament I found that in many cases s

they were fighting on the same

battlefields that Joshua and David and

other greats fought on you have the same

protagonists the same antagonists and

the same Supernatural methodologies

employed by the Holy Spirit 2500 years

ago as you did in

1967 or 73 Le let’s talk about one which

was um amazing with these angels with

flaming swords tell me about that well

interesting story there is a very small

town in the northern part of Israel that

has been inhabited by Jews since ad70

when General Titus came in and sacked

the city and Jews have made a

determination that this is the land that

was given to them by God through Abraham

in a covenant and so there have been a

series of family Generations that have

lived in this same city coexisted with

the Arabs to prove God’s purpose and

plan and just prior to

1948 the Arabs decided they knew the

politics were was beginning to shift the

British were planning to leave and so a

group of Arabs determined that they were

going to wipe out the last vestages of

these Jews that were living in this city

and as they plotted their plan the

rabbis house was surrounded by the Arabs

and they were coming in to burn them out

and as they made their way in the middle

of the night and as they got proximate

to his

home they saw seven large angels with

flaming swords at the

ready and every one of the Arabs

scattered for fear of what they were

dealing with but some of the other

things you verify in your film it’s I

mean you think that’s amazing that’s a

nothing compared what about the

mindfield is that unbelievable uh set

the stage for the minefields well

1973 uh the Goen Heights uh the syrians

were in control and a group of Israelis

uh tank commanders were were sequestered

from their units and they were

surrounded by Syrian tanks and they were

looking for a means of retreat because

they were outgunned and as they were

preparing to make that Retreat one of

the commanders real realized that they

were in a

Minefield what what is the probability

of them hitting one of these mines


99.9% I mean they were so so why didn’t

they just Retreat well because they

physically couldn’t walk out without

triggering a Minefield so it wasn’t just

so they were they they were trapped they

painted themselves in the corner there

was no exit strategy possible anywhere

possible so I I’ll tell you what I’m

going to in the next segment I’m going

to let you see some of this amazing

amazing footage but how do you know this

story is

true well there were eyewitnesses to the

story and did you find eyewitnesses yes

we did uh I actually had searched all

over Israel to try to find uh the man

that was in charge the commander of that

particular unit and I couldn’t go with

the story on television unless I had

found him particularly to authenticate

this and I was very discouraged because

the story is remarkably powerful uh came

back to the United States I was in a

production meeting and uh Matthew Crouch

said to me my father Paul knows a man up


Seattle I think you ought to talk to him

he would likely know some others that

might give you stories for our Series so

the connection was made and in the

middle of the phone call it turns out

David yanev was the commander that I was

looking for what’s the probability of

that well again it’s the same

probability one person the world

absolutely the one person in the world

that he needed he just happened to talk

to on the telephone I’m going to tell

you something the Miracles you’re about

ready to see are equivalent to

everything you’ve read in the Bible

don’t go away we’ll be right back after


word we’ll be right back to its

Supernatural we now return to its


Supernatural hello Sid Roth here with

Bill McCay and we’re talking about the

Miracles in modern day Israel’s history

uh the our serviceis West Point refuse

to study these wars because the results

are too improbable if there’s no God

there should be no Israel it it’s that

simple and Bill you were talking when at

the last segment about you bumped into

the one person in the world that could

verify some major Miracles that were

going on in Israel during its Modern Day

history history and we were talking on

the Yom kipor War I mean a a war that

Israel should never ever have won they

there’re they’re praying in the

synagogue I mean golden mayair from what

I understand Was preparing uh plans for

uh a government away from the nation

Israel things were so bad at this yum

Kipper War there were some Israelis that

were trapped and you found an eyewitness

uh with about the minefields explain

that again and then we’re going to see

it sure David Yan was a colonel in the

uh IDF and he was a commander of this

small tank force surrounded by a Syrian

arm of tanks and he was in the middle of

a Minefield so the options were

absolutely limited and he then ordered

his men to get out with their bayonets

and tediously go through uh the dirt to

try to lift out these Mine Fields and

then disengage each and every mine

systematically how deep were the mines

they were over 30 in deep into the

soil how do you find I don’t know

anything about this but how do you find

all of these Minds you do it by simply

getting down on your hands and knees and

crawling through the dirt and with your

bayonet like an archaeologist with

almost a feather-like touch going

through to find it because you if you

trigger one of these things not only you

but your entire company would be blown

up but then a windstorm which I

understand is highly unusual occurred

tell me about that wind storm well as

David described it he said that at that

particular time of the year and the

verocity of the storm uh was so great

that those great Sherman tanks he said I

stood next to my tank and he said I saw

the thing rocking off the ground and the

wind was the wind was rocking a tank a

tank and he said by the time the wind

passed through this Valley 30 in of top

soil had been blown off of the land and

he said we could see every single mine

what’s the probability of a wind of that

magnitude well even more important at

that particular moment in time it’s not

that there aren’t great winds but at the

moment that David needed it his men

needed it the wind was provided by God

and he then saw the exit strategy

because he knew where the mines were and

then they were able to escape I’ll tell

you what this changed the destiny of

Israel let’s look at this reenactment


now it’s















sidroth here with Bill McCay this is

absolutely phenomenal but if that were

the only Miracle it’d be phenomenal but

the Miracles keep increasing with

intensity what does a Jewish person that

doesn’t believe in the Messiah even uh

an atheistic Jew think when they see

these documented Miracles well as you

know most Israelis are secular by

definition they’re not religious and


true for the most part in the United

States uh and it’s been interesting as

this show has been shown in Israel and

in the United States the reaction among

secular Jews uh is absolutely

electrifying I mean I my sense is Jews

are spiritual by Nature even if they are

not uh attending synagogue and and are

committed to their religious values

there’s something innately spiritual

about their character and when they see

something authentic or something that

that Sparks that uh Supernatural touch

inside of them there is a recognition of

Truth and I’ll tell you some of the best

reactions I’ve had to this series have

been from secular non-believing Jews

we’re talking with Bill McCay Hollywood

film producer about his series Against

All Odds he has done brilliant

investigative reporting documenting

modern-day Miracles that would rival the

Miracles you’ve read in the Tanakh

you’ve read in the scriptures you’ve

read in the Old Testament the New

Testament uh you you’ve heard of

anywhere these Miracles are so

phenomenal it’s equivalent the Miracles

in modern-day Israel are equivalent to

someone missing an arm and someone

praying for them and the arm growing

totally out I

mean you have to see them you have Bill

it must have been hard for you to

believe these Miracles and and your life

is a miracle you should would have died

if God didn’t perform a miracle as a

young man but it still must have been

hard for you to believe well it is

because I think even as Christians uh

who embrace the Supernatural and

understand that God created the heavens

and the Earth and has purpose for our

lives and all the rest that when you’re

confronted uh with a collection of facts

that suggest arguably that something

should not exist particularly the

Israelis I mean they should not exist on

the planet one of the things we

researched and determined was that they

are the only people group on the planet

that have ever been displaced from their

land to return again not once but twice

this has never happened in the history

of the world and they’ve been hunted

down said by every major

superpower except the United States and

they are and not just survived but they


thrived let me let wait till you hear

the story about a modern day hero uh uh

General Kanani tell me about him very

interesting man uh and one who has a a

deep spiritual sense of who God is and

in 1967 he was involved in a vicious T

tank battle with the Egyptians in the

siai his tank was literally blown out of

the sand and he found himself uh on fire

in the belly of his tank and he clawed

his way out of that tank and was

literally rolled rolling through the

Sands of the deserts to try to

extinguish the flames and in those Nan

seconds he called on the name of the

Lord and he said I don’t know if there

is a God out there but if there is I

want to make peace with you and in his

own feeble way he constructed whatever

the sentences were that allowed prayer

to come out of his soul and he said God

if you want my life I will give it to

you at the time nothing miraculous

happened other than he lived uh but he

should have never been able to reinlist

the military they went back to do all

the medical testings afterwards and you

have to score a 92 on an Israeli scale

which is very tough he scored a 32 when

the surgeon was out of the room because

of his love for Israel and for the flag

of Israel he changed the score that

allowed him to go back in now this is

important Sid because in

1973 uh when the Jews were in religious


repenting for their sins as a nation uh

the syrians decided talking about the Y

kipor War yes and uh uh young Kanani now

who was a little bit older and a colonel

a commander uh was sent desperately up

to the Goen Heights to stop the Syrian

Armada from an advance because the

syrians were planning to sweep down

through the valley into Tel Aviv

realizing that even if the Israelis

could pull out one of their great

Miracles and survive if we can destroy

the economic industrial base of Tel Aviv

then we’ve won the war because the

economics will be the finishing point

for Israel and Kanani knew that he and

his four tanks were the only thing that

stood between the utter destruction of

Israel and the Syrian Army good time for


miracle well he was not necessarily

looking for a miracle but when he gave

the orders for his four tanks to move

directly into the face of

600 tanks 600 600 Syrian tanks how many

did he have four I said that’s a good

time for a

miracle all of the tanks except for his

Advanced forward they were in a state of

paralysis and he said that when he was

in that moment he realized that what God

had done for him and through him in 1967

when he was rolling through the deserts

and he personally faced down

death and by God’s grace he overcame the

power of death he knew then why he had

been rescued for this moment and the

fear of death was no longer with him and

he gave the orders and went straight

into the battle how it happened no one

knows but for 72 hours this man held off

over 600 Syrian tanks now this is

important Sid because it’s not just a

great story of a David taking on a

Goliath single-handedly but God was

working somewhere else around the world

that allowed that moment to take

place well you know what’s so amazing to

me is uh I I have studied history about

the presidents of the United States and

I know the presidents that have been

pro-israel and I know the presidents

that have been anti-semites now one that

I would never have thought was

pro-israel that literally God reached

down and touched and literally he became

president of the United States for this

decision and few people know it was

President Richard Nixon and as far as

I’m concerned he turned from goat to

hero in my eyes and especially in God’s

eyes we’ll be right back after this word

don’t go away you’ll find out about a

miracle involving President Nixon that

spared the lives of Jewish

people we’ll be right back to its

Supernatural we now return to its


Supernatural hello Sid Roth here with

Bill McKay Hollywood film producer and

Bill that was an amazing sequence that

we heard about I mean how does one

Israeli tank hold off hundreds for

of enemy tanks for what was it 72 hours

yes there there is no explanation short

of God is there there is none uh and yet

the facts are stubborn things because

not only did he accomplish The

Impossible but while this David if you

will this young David uh fighting off

the goliaths of of the Syrian Army uh he

had no knowledge other than he was

believing that this was the protection

that Israel needed

uh in terms of her utter destruction but

while that was going on uh golden mayair

the prime isn’t it amazing there’s a

plot beneath the plot right that God is

working on it’s so wonderful listen well

he’s a great Storyteller and uh golden

mayair was in in a desperate straight

because she and her generals had pretty

much concluded they were going to lose

the war they were preparing for a

government and Exile uh she had been

negotiating with Henry Kissinger who was

a secretary of state at the time uh you

would assume because he was an Austrian

Jew that he would have had at least a

modest predisposition for the Jewish

position no he was the opposite well his

position was at that time let the Jews

bleed a

little and so she that that was before

there were open mics but that was his

position to say a Jewish secretary of

state so she kept trying to go through

protocol with Henry Kissinger and got

nowhere with someone with a comment like

that let’s put this in a little bit

larger cont context this is Watergate

Richard Nixon is on the verge of being

destroyed politically by his opponents

and being brought down under the quidd

pro quo with Congress he was to have no


adventures all decisions had to go

through the office of the Secretary of

State Henry Kissinger and if he had a

foreign Adventure that would put the

nail on the coffin for his impeachment

and it would trigger the impeachment

process so there was a Checkmate in

terms of his power by Congress and so

eventually exhausted every opportunity

with Henry Kissinger and she realized in

that moment there was no other option

except to pick up the hotline and call

Richard Nixon and Nixon told the

following story he said I received a

call from Golden mayair in the middle of

the night and he said I sat on the edge

of the bed agreeing to take the call and

she was pleading Mr President Israel

will not survive unless you give us help

immediately now he said something that

was extraordinarily

fascinating he said when I was a little

boy growing up in Whittier

California my mother used to require

every day after I came home from school

the reading of the Old Testament Heroes

of Faith and he said I came to

understand and appreciate God’s work

among the Israeli people and one

afternoon as she concluded her readings

she looked directly at Richard and said


son you’re going to be in a position of


power and with that power you’re going

to be given the opportunity to rescue

the Jewish

people and Sid in that moment he said I

heard my mother’s voice as Golda was

speaking to me he said I knew why I had

been put in this office and it was to

save the Jews

now Richard you could say whatever you

want about the man he was politically

astute he understood the consequences of

the decision that he was about to

make and because of his mother’s word

because of her love for the Jewish

people he decided then to stand with the

Jews and he said Golda what do you

want and she had a list and she started

down that list one item at a time and he

said Golda no need even continue he said

I’m going to sign an executive order

right now you call the chairman of the G

Joint Chiefs of Staff and you are going

to be given everything you want and with

that executive order the greatest

shipment of material military material

was airlifted overnight and that’s the

link between the 72 hours that colani by

the power of the Holy Spirit bought for

Israel and for Golda and for Richard

Nixon and that’s the story behind Theory

story you say you don’t believe in M

Miracles I’ve got a Hebrew word for you

you’re just plain muga I mean this is

all verified and this this DVD Against

All Odds I mean you you’ve seen some of

the reenactments these are top Hollywood


reenactments how many total not in this

particular DVD but how many total

Miracle stories I mean Miracle stories

have you heard that were worthy of

Investigation from the modern day

Israel’s history well we have collected

about a hundred uh I have been told by

my my sources that work with me over

there that there are many many more the

reason is the Israelis never talk about

it why uh because I don’t think they

know how to quantify a miracle I mean

yeah and I think too if a general were

to ever publicly admit uh that a

supernatural phenomenon had taken place

on the battlefield it would diminish his

prowess as a military man uh it would

provoke him to ask the question is there

is there any chance Israel would survive

of as a nation if the Miracles you have

personally investigated and and your

investigation was very thorough had not

occurred is there any doubt in your mind

that Israel would be ex in existence

without the god Factor s I have no doubt

and I’ll tell you why it’s not to take

anything away from the military

capabilities I mean the Israeli have

built one of the finest military

machines in the world and they’ve got

resources and advantages and ideas and

capabilities that are remarkable but

they’re not enough they’re not enough to

deal with 22 Arab hostile nations with a

Soviet Empire that is feeding and

supporting it with an Iran that is

breathing fire down their their throats

and launching missiles in preparation

for an attack they need God just as

Joshua needed God just as David needed

God the Israelis need him just as much

then as they do now and guess

what US Israelis we need God but guess

what you need God as much as we do and

you’re going to find out when we come

back about a miracle that if you think

what you just heard was something this


unbelievable unless you believe in God

In Miracles we’ll be right back after



we’ll be right back to its

Supernatural we now return to It’s


Supernatural look I believe in miracles

but this is you are stretching me Bill

McKay were you stretched I mean you

believe in miracles but were you

stretched on these Miracles well in some

cases yes because uh you know I mean I

live in a physical world uh I do believe

that there is a God and and that he is

is the creator of the heavens and the

Earth uh and he certainly would have

opportunity to intervene in the the

course of men’s events uh but when you

hear some of these stories if I couldn’t

journalistically authenticate them uh as

as to the detail we did I wouldn’t

include them in the in the film in fact

I hired Michael Greenspan who worked for

the BBC who worked for CNN himself was

an agnostic this isn’t a group of

Christians that were going in to try to

find stories that would butress our

theories on why Israel survived we

wanted to take a hard noosed

journalistic look at this turn over

every Rock ask every question prove up

every point now obviously you can’t

quantify a miracle in a test tube but we

could gather all the facts and and the

basic thesis of the film is to say to

the audience you decide we’ll give you

every fact we’ll give you every story

that we know but you must draw your own

conclusions at the end of the day all

right there’s one there’s one m there’s

so many miracles we’d like to show you

right now but there’s one in particular

it’s got to do with french hill tell me

about that well in The Six Day War uh

the Israelis understood the importance

of Jerusalem at that time the city was

divided as it had been since 1948 and

the great dream the great hope of many

Jews around the world was that Jerusalem

would be United again as the city of

David and on that purpose uh a group of

nine Israeli soldiers were commissioned

to find a back route into Jerusalem so

their tanks could follow in purposes of

taking East Jerusalem and a group of

soldiers were moving up through an area

called french hill and as they crested


hill they realized they were being

surrounded by

250 Jordanian soldiers now Sid what’s

really important to know is two things

wait a second how many Israelis nine

nine how how many Jordan that Jordanian

soldiers that was the the elite Army of

oh no of the Arab armies this was the

one that terrorized the Jews the most

because uh these guys were tough

Warriors and more than that there was a

savagery if you will much like when the

Americans used to fight the Indians uh

the the jordanians would go into a

lather and they’ begin to chant and it

wasn’t just enough to kill the Israelis

it was the torture and the Mayhem and

the violence that they could inflict so

when the Israelis were surrounded they

made a c that no man would be taken

alive that they were going to fight to

the death and so they dug in on french

hill and the jordanians were going into

their War hoop if you will and

engendering a level of violence so that

they could commit the atrocities that

they were seeking in their own pleasure

of War making and when they got within


ft of the

Israelis they threw down their weapons

why why in that moment and this is uh

everyone told the story afterwards when

they were debriefed by the

mad as they got within 30 ft of the

Israelis they saw Father Abraham now the

Israelis could not see Abraham but they

could hear the Arabs crying out Abu Abu

Ibraham Abu

Ibraham and they recognize they were

something was going on 250 soldiers are

crying out the name of Abraham father AB

Abraham and simultaneously they threw

their weapons down at the feet of the

Israelis now the Israelis are expecting

death and

destruction and in that moment they were

paralyzed and and I might add on those

odds there was not one chance the

Israelis would survive and they were

going to die not a death a brutal death

let’s take a look at this








when they came to about I would say

about 200 M roughly towards us the next

thing they stopped and you could see

there was this

panic and they started to shout

Abu ibraim Abu ibraim which in Arabic

means Father

Abraham to us it didn’t mean a thing we

thought it most probably it’s another

Arab who came from the other side by the

name of ibraim which is a very common






that really was

unexplainable but there was one

Jordanian that was caught from that

group that’s only one of the many

miracles that are in this special DVD

Against All Odds uh Bill McKay when

Israeli soldiers see this video what

happened I had an interesting experience

in the 2006 Lebanon war which just took

place a couple of years ago uh I got a

phone call one day from a buddy of mine

who was my line producer Israeli and he

was on the way to the front lines 32

years old and the young boys had collaps

they had no stamina so they brought back

the veterans and his assignment with his

un was to go in and kill Hamas the

leadership and he said the first night

we went in we were so terrorized we were

out of shape he said the Fear Factor was

UN like anything I’d ever known he said

we literally had no capability we came

back out of Gaza that night to our base

camp on the Israeli side and he said I

realized I had the DVDs from Against All

Odds in my trunk I went to my commander

and I pleaded with him and I said can I

show these DVDs on my laptop to my

buddies before we go back into Gaza at

first the commander was resistant and

then he finally relented and all of

these Israeli soldiers in 2006 were

sitting around in the middle of the

night in the desert looking at these

DVDs that you just saw and he said as

they were watching it now these are all


guys he said the spirit of the Lord Came

Upon them and he said we believe that we

could take the land back and he said in

the middle of the night we left our

laptops we went right back into Gaza and

he said with the power of God’s spirit

upon us he said we killed a hundred of

the leaders of

Hamas you want to talk about courage we

were listening a bit about Abraham

showing up Abraham says in Genesis the

12th chapter in his seed God says to

Abraham in your

seed All Nations will be blessed who was

blessed from the Seed of Abraham Jesus

is the seed he’s blessed you receive him

