On this week’s episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2017: Kynan Bridges was on an airplane minding his own business when suddenly he was taken up to heaven. Jesus said to him, “Tell my people there is more.” You’ll want to say yes to more!

Walking with I Am That I AM

Intimacy and authority go hand in hand. They are your purpose and inheritance. Kynan Bridges says they should be your daily bread and your highest priority. His powerful new book and 3-CD set will both stir you up and get you focused!

When you step into the Heaven-kind of vision and expectation, all things become possible. Your words carry power and your mouth becomes the key to changing the atmosphere around you. But if that’s been missing from your life, do something about it. Such as:

• Press through the mundane in worship • Continue in the Word until God shows up • Practice living as a citizen of heaven • Focus on Heaven’s agenda • Take risks with God regularly

The Practice of the Presence of God. (Book) Kynan says the challenges and rewards of God’s Presence are hardly new, but THERE REALLY IS MORE. And you can live it.

Brother Lawrence was a man of humble beginnings who discovered the greatest secret of living in the kingdom of God here on earth. For centuries, the story of his life has given both blessing and instruction to those who will settle for nothing less than knowing God and His Presence every simple day. He lived it and you can too.

Kynan Bridges is a pastor and gifted teacher with a passion for seeing God’s people walk in the fullness of divine health and provision according to the Word of God. He is senior pastor of Grace & Peace Global Fellowship in Tampa, Florida.

Sid: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where
it’s naturally supernatural.

My guest was on an airplane
minding his own business and all

of a sudden, he was
taken up to Heaven,

and the Messiah of
Israel said to him,

“Tell my people there
is more, so much more.”

And this more is all obtained
from being in the presence of

God, 24/7.

Every promise of God that
he’s made to you in the past,

every promise
that’s in the Bible,

when God says this it’s
true: all things are yours.


Is there a
supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of It’s Supernatural!


Sid: You know, Kynan,
let’s whet their appetite.

You’re in your congregation.

The presence of God comes in.

There’s a woman who
was in an auto accident.

What happened?

Kynan Bridges: Well this
was an amazing experience.

There’s a lady that comes to
this meeting that we have and

literally we are worshiping God,
we are lifting up our voice in

worship and the presence
of God invades the room,

and it was an
amazing experience.

You could feel it.

It was palpable.

You can literally people
could almost touch the presence.

And as we’re doing that, a woman
comes in and the presence of God

hits her, and when
the presence hits her,

she falls to the ground and she
begins to cry out in what sounds

like agony.

She’s screaming as if something
is burning on the inside of her,

and this goes on
for quite some time.

Afterwards, they pick her up and
they take her to her vehicle,

literally in a drunken state.

She’s almost drunken.

And after that, two days
later when I saw this woman,

she had on workout gear.

She had been working out.

She had been running.

She ran nine miles.

And she comes to
me, and she says,

“I ran nine miles.”

I said, “Okay.”

She says, “You don’t understand.

I was in a car accident about
four or five years ago and it

shattered almost all the
bones in my lower body,

and those bones had to be
replaced with metal and all

these kinds of things, and the
doctors told me I would never

walk, I would never run, I
would never play sports,

I would never wear high
heels, all of the things.”

And she said, “I just ran
nine miles without any pain.”

She brought me four pages of
x-rays and the metal had been

fused into bone.

This was what we would
call a creative miracle.

Sid: Do you know what you saw?

You saw just a foretaste of
what is going to be normal.

Kynan Bridges: Yes.

Sid: Now, there are so many
pastors that love God and

they’re burned out, and
they don’t even know it.

You were one.

Kynan Bridges: I
was burnt out, Sid.

I really was, honestly.

And I didn’t even
realize I was burnt out.

I was just tired of church.

I know that sounds bad.

I was tired of church.

I was frustrated with ministry,
not seeing the results.

And I got to a place where
I was just so frustrated.

And you get to a place
where you’re going

through the motions.

You’re saying all
the right things,

but there’s no presence.

And that’s where
I was, honestly.

Sid: That’s called religion.

Kynan Bridges: That’s religion.

Sid: At its stickiest.

Kynan Bridges: It is.

I like that, yes.

So I got to this place where I
began to cry out to God because

when I was praying,
nothing would happen.

I didn’t feel anything.

It just felt like a ritual.

And one day, I was
praying early in the morning.

I’ll never forget it.

I was praying behind my sofa.

We had an extra room like an
extra living room with another

sofa there, and I was
praying behind my sofa.

And I was just really trying
to toil and struggle to get a

prayer through, and
nothing was happening.

So I cried out to God in
desperation and I said,

“Lord, just touch me.”

And all of a sudden, I sensed
someone standing behind me,

and then the Lord opened
my eyes in the Spirit,

and I saw an angel.

This angel took a bucket of
water and he poured

it on top of me.

It was ice cold.

I don’t know if you’ve ever felt
ice cold water on your body.

Sid: No, but I have seen coaches
when they win championship games

and I feel sorry for them.

Kynan Bridges: It was like that.

It was like a bucket of ice cold
water was poured

on top of my head.

And immediately I jumped up.

I began to shout, I
began to pray in the Spirit,

I began to run around and
I felt the Glory of God,

I felt the presence of God.

It’s like I was
supercharged, revitalized.

It’s like somebody took a
defibrillator and just shocked

me back to life again.

And all of a sudden, my
prayers were so powerful,

they had so much
substance, and I said,

“God, what happened?”

And I said, “What’s
the name of that angel?”

And the angel spoke and
said, “My name is Joy.”

Sid: Wow.

That is wonderful.

Kynan Bridges: The Bible says,
“The joy of the Lord

is our strength.”

Sid: You needed joy.

Kynan Bridges: And when
you get to that place,

oh, I feel the presence now.

When you get to that place of
desperation where you want God,

you want more, you
don’t want a formula,

you don’t want a ritual, you
don’t want religion anymore,

but you just want to know
God, you want to touch God,

you want to feel

that’s where I was, Sid.

And I cried out, and
Heaven heard my cry,

and Heaven invaded the earth.

Sid: You know, every true
believer wants what you say.

Kynan Bridges: Yes.

Sid: But God showed you how.

That’s why I ask
these questions.

Kynan Bridges: Yes.

Sid: Okay.

Talk to me.

I want to get to that point.

Tell me what to do.

Kynan Bridges: One of the first
keys is intimacy

with the Holy Spirit.

You know, Jesus said that “We
shall know the truth and the

truth will make us free.”

Most people don’t even know what
that verse of Scripture means.

We think it means we’ll
know more information and that

information will liberate us.

But that’s not what
he’s talking about.

He uses a Hebrew idiom,
which is the word

“knowledge” or “gnosco”.

You remember when the
Bible says in Genesis,

“Adam knew Eve
and she conceived.”

That’s the same
word Jesus is using.

Speaking to this Jewish audience
that knows what he means,

he’s saying there is place
called intimacy where we become

filled with this intimate
encounter with God and it causes

us to become
impregnated with the miraculous.

Literally, we’re
giving birth to something.

And so when God says
to know the truth,

truth is a person.

It’s not a concept.

It’s not mental ascent.

It’s not….

Sid: It’s not rules
and regulations.

Kynan Bridges: It’s not
rules and regulations.

Jesus is the truth.

Yeshua is the truth and to
know him is eternal life.

Sid: How many people know
that we can know THE truth,

the Messiah of Israel, in an
experiential way

and then be free?

When we come back I want to
find out about you’re on a plane

coming back from England and God
spoke to you after he went to a

place that he wasn’t headed.

He was headed back to America.

He went to a new country.

It was called Heaven.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: So, I hate to
call you Dr. Bridges.

You’re Kynan to me.

I’m Sid to you.

But Kynan, you’re flying back to
the United States from England

and the last thing in the world
you were expecting happened.

What happened?

Kynan Bridges: You know, I’m
actually feeling God’s presence

right now, Sid.

But I was coming back from
England and had been there a

while teaching on
the supernatural,

having several meetings,
and I was ready to come home.

So we’re on the plane.

Sid: I know the feeling.

Kynan Bridges: We’re on the
plane and I was flying back.

We’re 30,000-plus feet in the
air and I kind of nodded off a

little or was
trying to get some rest.

I closed my eyes and the
most amazing thing happened.

When I opened my
eyes, I was in Heaven.

It was so real.

I could feel the atmosphere
because the atmosphere of Heaven

is totally different from
the atmosphere of the earth,

and I could feel God’s presence.

I could see, I saw the Glory.

Everything around
me was so real.

I looked down at my hands and
the first thought I had was,

oh no, I got in a plane crash.

I thought, I didn’t get to
call my wife and my kids.

But immediately, that subsided
and I just was overwhelmed by

the atmosphere.

And I felt a rumbling from the
plane and it seemed like I was

back in my body, but I was
still in transition

between the experience.

And as I was coming back in,
it was like a movie fading to

another scene.

As I was coming back into
it, I saw the face of Jesus.

When I looked at his
face, it was just pure love,

pure love.

He could see right through me.

Every fiber of my being
resonated with this love,

and I heard these words: “Tell
my people there’s so much more.”

Sid: What affect
did that have on you?

Kynan Bridges: It
changed my life.

It changed my ministry.

And for months after that I
began to teach on the presence.

I began to teach on developing a
heavenly vision and developing

heavenly encounters
because God had mandated me.

That was commissioning
as far as was concerned.

Sid: Now when you use terms,
there are people that really

don’t grasp what you’re
saying, when you say things like

“presence of God”, someone
that has never experienced this,

what do you mean?

Kynan Bridges: When we talk
about the presence of God,

we’re talking
about three things,

four things.

First of all, we’re talking
about the atmosphere of Heaven.

The second thing
we’re talking about,

we’re talking about God’s
personality because you cannot

separate God’s
presence from his person.

Remember earlier we talked about
that the truth is a person.

God’s presence is a person.

We’re talking about the
character of God or his nature,

and then number four, we’re
talking about the power of God.

All four of those things begin
to work in concert when the

presence of God manifests.

Sid: I have to believe
that every promise of God,

all of the healing,
all the deliverance,

anything anyone has ever
prayed, it’s available,

but the missing ingredient is
it’s available in his presence.

Kynan Bridges: Yes.

Sid: And it’s tangible.

Someone that’s never experienced
the tangible presence,

what does that mean?

Kynan Bridges:
It’s unmistakable.

It resonates with
your entire body.

It’s literally
like Heaven on Earth.

You know, the best
way I can describe it,

God gave me this
description of it.

I was coming home one
day from traveling,

I travel quite often, and my
children are very inquisitive.

So they can hear me outside and
then when I come to the door I

begin to rattle my keys,
and they run to the door.

Now, one of the reasons they run
to the door is because they know

Daddy has some treats that he’s
brought from other places with

him, and so they run.

And God told me, he said, “Why
do your children run to you?”

I said, “Because they
know Daddy is home.”

He says, “They are gravitating
toward your presence because

they know your person, or
they know your character.”

This is the same way.

Sid: That’s why.

If you beat your kids
everyday they’d be running away.

Kynan Bridges: They’d run the
opposite way from the house.

But because they know Daddy
never comes empty handed and

that Daddy loves them, they are
always anticipating my presence

because they know the
person behind the presence.

And the same is true of us.

Once we understand the
person behind the presence,

we know that God never
shows up empty handed.

In fact, the prophet
David, not just the King David,

David as prophet said, “In his
presence there’s fullness of joy

and at his right hand
there are pleasures.”

Everything we need is
in the presence of God.

Sid: What about
someone that says,

you know, I’ve heard all this
stuff and for the last week I’ve

taken an hour every day, and
I’ve just been still before God.

And I’ll tell you, Kynan, it
sounds wonderful what he’s doing

to you, but it’s
not happening to me.

How come?

Kynan Bridges: It’s
available to everybody.

The key is desperation.

How desperate are we?

You know, it’s kind of
like a marriage relationship.

You know, you can have a
mechanical marriage or you can

have an intimate marriage.

The choice is yours.

A mechanical marriage is a
husband comes home and he says,

“You know what, I
paid all the bills.

I didn’t cheat on you.

What more do you want from me?”

That’s mechanical.

You’re following the rules.

But intimacy is, I
think about you every day.

Intimacy is when I see
you, I’m enamored by you.

I’m smitten, if you will.

Every time I see your face
it’s more than a ritual.

It goes beyond
regulation and rules.

It goes into intimacy.

It’s when we want to know him.

Paul said, “I want to know him
in the power of his resurrection

and the fellowship
of his suffering.”

It’s that intimacy with God that
makes all of the difference,

wanting not just to get results
or not just to get gifts,

but falling in love with the
person behind the presence.

Many people like to feel
something and the presence

evokes great things in our body.

We resonate with it.

But when we know the
person, I’m telling you,

everything else
comes along with that.

Sid: You know what also
want to find out from you,

I want to find out how this man
worships God that he has such a

hunger for more and more of God.

I want to know what he
does when the doors close,

there’s no
congregation there, no audience,

just him and God.

And you know what?

I’m going to have
him demonstrate it.

And you know what?

God is going to show up.

We’ll be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: You know what
is so wonderful,

it’s wonderful that
you’re in the presence.

It’s wonderful you have
all these encounters.

But when you teach
about it, others do.

Tell me about the person that
heard your teaching and went

into a cancer ward.

Kynan Bridges: You
know, this is amazing.

Every time we
teach on the presence,

people get activated,
people get released,

people get reset.

They get restored.

You know, this is an
amazing situation.

I was teaching about
the presence of God.

And there’s a person there
hearing the teaching and

immediately they
catch the revelation.

The same day they go into to
a cancer ward where a man

is dying.

He’s on his last leg.

The doctors say we can’t
do anything to help you.

He’s basically on his death
bed, a bed of affliction.

People have gathered around.

This person goes into the ward,
lays hands on him and says,

“Be healed.”

And they walk out of the ward.

Sid: Now is this guy
Jewish, because he had a lot

of chutzpah.

That’s a Hebrew
word, it means nerve.

Kynan Bridges: No, they weren’t,
but they had a Jewish heart.

And they went, and literally,
the man’s situation

turns around.

He completely
overcomes the cancer,

defies all of the
diagnosis that the doctor gave.

That’s the power
of God’s presence.

Sid: Now, you used to teach that
one of the keys is understanding

the story in the Bible about
the Mount of Transfiguration.

Kynan Bridges: Absolutely.

Jesus goes up to the
mountain, in the Book of Mark,

and he transfigures before
them, and he reveals the Glory.

Then they see the Glory cloud
and they hear the voice from the

cloud that says, “This is my
son in whom I’m well pleased.”

Now, Peter of course, says, “We
should build tabernacles here:

one for you, one for
Moses, one for Elijah.”

Jesus comes out of the vision,
out of this manifest presence.

And they go down to the mountain
and there’s a demon waiting on

them, a boy
afflicted by the devil.

Now this is amazing because this
is a pattern

of the presence for believers.

Most people live
for the mountain,

but Jesus lived
from the mountain.

Sid: Say that again.

Kynan Bridges: Most
believers live for the mountain.

In other words, we live
for particular encounters.

But Jesus lived
from the mountain.

In other words,
because of God’s presence,

when he came down
from the mountain,

he came down with
power and authority,

and that’s what
God wants us to do,

not to live for the
presence, that’s great,

but to live from it.

Sid: So, when we have these
encounters they’re for a purpose

to fulfill our destiny.

Kynan Bridges: Absolutely.

Sid: This fellow, when he
went in the cancer ward,

if he hadn’t caught the
vision and the presence of God,

he would just pray for someone
and that person would have died.

Kynan Bridges: Absolutely.

You see, God’s
presence changes us.

This is so important.

It changes every
part of our being.

That’s why the Bible says
Jesus had

a transfiguration experience.

You know what Sid,
that wasn’t for him.

That was for the disciples to
see because the same word is

used in Romans, Chapter 12.

It says, “Be transformed by
the renewing of your mind” or be

transfigured by the
renewing of your mind.

God wants to transfigure us
so that we can walk in power,

we can walk in authority,
we can walk in dominion,

so that when we come down from
the mountain every demon in the

valley will tremble.

Sid: Okay.

The door is closed.

You’re children are asleep.

You have, tell
me, five children?

Kynan Bridges: Five,
the number of grace.

Sid: You have a congregation,
the number of grace.

I got that.


The door is closed.

It’s late at night, just you.

What do you do?

Kynan Bridges: Hallelujah.

Sid: How do you worship God?

Kynan Bridges: Thank you, Lord.


This is
the air I breathe.

This is the air I breathe.

Your Holy presence living in me.

This is my daily bread.

Thank you, Jesus.

This is my daily bread.

Your very word
spoken to me and I,

I’m desperate for you, Jesus.

[singing in tongues]

Father, we
thank you for your presence.

In your presence
is fullness of joy.

In fact, the presence of God
is invading the room right now.

There’s someone watching, the
Spirit of the Lord is

touching you.

You’re being healed.

You’re being restored.

You’re being touched by the
power and presence of God.

Your life will never
be the same again.

The Holy Spirit wants to come.

He wants to touch you.

The presence of God wants
to manifest in your life.

God is calling you to host
the presence and to live a

transfigured lifestyle so
that you’ll never be the same.


Sid: Okay.

You got your marching orders.

I don’t know about you, but if I
didn’t have work that I have to

finish this day, I would be
doing what he was just doing.


I love you, Lord.

I worship you.

I worship you, Yeshua.

You are the King of Kings.

You are the Lord of Lords.

I worship you, O God.

I worship you.

I hold your hand.

I worship you, Lord.




Oh, what
a powerful show.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Have you ever thought that
God just does not speak to you?

We’ve got good news.

God speaks to us all
the time through signs,

symbols, names, numbers.

We just need to learn to
recognize what God

is saying to us.

So join us right here on It’s
Supernatural with Sid Roth and

learn about God’s prophetic
symbolism in everyday life.