This move is about your relationship with God and His sovereign power released through you. It is the testimony of His unchanging goodness, where His supply of blessing resides. Andrew’s 3-CD/audio series, Living in Triple Blessing, tells you how to move with this breakout move of God. Expect it and make room for it in your house!

at age four my guest experienced

the tangible glory of god

and the glory continued

imagine what he’s like now

you know andrew it’s hard to believe but


age four you experience

that tangible presence

of god in your bedroom the glory of god

tell me what you experienced well you

know sid when i was four years old

my mother my sister and i were driving

on vacation

and at those days we listened to

cassettes and so i was listening to a


of a worship song and something came

over me and i remember getting chills

and i asked my mother i said can we play

that song again

and she rewound the song and we played

it again

and as she did i began to be filled with

the holy ghost

and began to speak with other tongues

now thank god

i had parents that encouraged me in this

see i think sometimes we experience the

glory of god and people may not


what they’re experiencing but she said

son that’s the glory of god

and so after that experience i continued

and i started prayer meetings in my room

i’ve always

loved music and so i would start singing

at the top of my lungs in worship to the


it’s just you just me now when i hear

prayer meetings i think of a lot of


that’s your prayer meeting at four me

and the holy ghost

and four i didn’t know my left hand from

my right hand

well we uh me and the holy ghost i would


singing every christian song that i knew

and worshiped to him

and then i began praying and it was

really during those times

that the holy spirit birthed a

hunger for god and i experienced

something real that has carried me


today the same god see we don’t receive

a junior holy ghost

children don’t receive a junior holy

ghost they receive the same spirit that

raised christ from the dead

and so when i received him he’s carried

me through to today and still operating

in my life

and so it was really during those times


prayer and intercession and the hunger

for the glory of god was birthed in me

now it’s hard to believe but there was a


where they didn’t expect you to ever

speak again

you had seven many strokes

yes one morning i was laying in bed

talking to my wife we were just talking

a casual conversation

and i went and had a seizure i went into

a seizure never had a seizure before in

my life

so she called the ambulance to come and

they took me to the hospital

and they began running test after test

after test

and finally they came to the conclusion

that i had seven mini strokes

and so when the doctor told me you may


ever be able to speak or sing again

clearly now for

anybody that’s bad news but when you’re

a preacher and you communicate for a


and you communicate that’s what god’s

called you to do that’s really some bad


uh and so you know my tongue was all uh

you know torn into pieces from the

seizure but i went home

my family myself gathered some


and for two weeks we began to pray and

we began to intercede

and we began to believe god for my

healing two weeks later

we went to my neurologist now he was one

of the top

neurologists in all of the southeast


and he we went into his office i’ll

never forget

my wife was very pregnant she was nine

months pregnant with our miracle baby

and so he said mr tao you’ve had seven

mini strokes

uh you may not be able to speak again


do you understand this and i refused to


into agreement with the with the enemy’s

report because that was what the enemy


and i said that’s what you say because i

believe the power of words there’s life

and death in the power of our tongue

and so i said you know that’s what you

say and he looked at me with almost


like i was in denial of some sort and he

said well come here and let me show you

your mri

let me show you where the lesions on

your brain

are and let me just show you what i saw

in the hospital

and so he brought me to where his

computer was

and i gave my wife one chair and he sat

in the other chair

now i’m standing behind them praying in

the holy ghost

and i know that i have a promise from

god i know

that god has spoken to me that i was

going to be whole and this was going to

be a testimony

so i’m standing back there and i’m

praying in the holy ghost

as he brings up my mri and this was his

exact word sid he said to me

wait a minute this doesn’t look like the

mri that i saw

in the hospital when you were in the

hospital and i’m back there i’m about to

do a jericho march i’m about to run


the office right now come on i was about

to just shout

my pentecostal side was about to come

out right there but i

i said he said to me i’m going to have

to consult

with some other neurologists in my

practices can you come back in an hour

i said i will come back but the report’s

going to be the same

and so my wife and i we went to

chick-fil-a and got some chicken

and man we ate good that afternoon sure

yes and so we came back in an hour and

he said to me

we’ve consulted and we’ve come to the


that you never had a stroke and i

said i well there are two conclusions he

either never had a stroke

or he had a miracle come on now

when he had an mri showing he had

seven mini strokes give me a break

okay tell me about how this

triple threat anointing i’ve never even

heard that terminology

how you even heard about it well i was


on a new move of god he’d give me a


to begin to prophesy about a coming move

of god

and one night i went to sleep and said

it was the most

powerful vivid dream that i’ve ever had

in my life

i went to sleep and jesus began to take


to stadiums filled with people

i’m not talking just thousands tens of

thousands of people

field to capacity and we went to this

stadium and jesus and i were standing in

what i could only describe as like the

concession area that’s at the top of the


and when i looked down i saw thousands

of people running to the altar now i’ve

been a part of stadium

services before ministered in stadiums

with different ministries

but i’ve never seen anything like this

before because people weren’t just

walking slowly to the altar you know

come to they were

running to the altar there was a


and a hunger that was inside of them and

as they began to run to the altar

they began to accept jesus as their


and he allowed me to see in the spirit

and i could actually

see the transformation of this people

going from darkness to light and i saw a


it was actually a spiritual

transformation that came upon them

and then said i saw a wave of healing

i could only describe it as like a

tsunami of healing

that began to take place among these


it was tens of thousands of people

cancerous growths began to fall off i

saw people

rising up out of wheelchairs just

miracles after miracles i stood back

and i was in such amazement of what was


i i just couldn’t believe it and i

looked at jesus and just

you know utter amazement he said look


and so i looked again and when i saw

i saw heavy chains that were

all around people and and

it was so heavy and they were trying to

lift up their hands it makes me get

emotional right now because

i i think about what i saw i i see

you’re almost reliving it

yes because most stadium services

concentrate on

one area you know either at salvation or

maybe it’s a healing crusade

or a deliverance but i’ve never seen it

to where it’s all three at one

and i said i’ve never experienced

anything like this before

and he said something to me he said i


it was almost an excitement and such

giddiness that like he’s been waiting

for this moment

and he says i know it’s a triple threat

movement so the triple threat was

salvation healing

and deliverance but you know what’s so

good about that

it’s not just for andrew in a stadium

the lord showed him it’s for you

andrew says you are

one decision away from seeing the

greatest move of god’s spirit

in your life be right back

we will be right back to it’s


hello youtube is a hebrew word it means


this is sid roth welcome to my world

where it’s

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we now return to it’s supernatural

andrew you say this new move

will be marked by god’s glory

yes you know he spoke to me and he said

to me

that this move of god man’s ways of

doing things

are not going to be included in this


i’m so glad yes me too he said

traditions and men’s ways but this move

of god

is going to be marked by the glory of


and it’s only in his glory that lives

are transformed

it’s only in his glory when his glory


that’s when chains break when his glory


that’s when people are healed saved and


so this move of god is not going to be

anything like we’ve ever experienced

it’s going to be more like the book of

acts than anything we’ve seen before

now jesus walked in the triple threat


and he commanded his followers to do


yes you know as i woke up from this


i was so puzzled by the title triple


because i’ve heard that in entertainment

industries i never heard that

spiritually yes i’ve never heard that in

the church

so i began to pray about it and he began

to reveal to me

he said i want you to study this out in


because there is an anointing that’s


now we don’t have to wait for the coming

movement in fact it’s going to

usher in the movement he said i want you

to look in scripture and so when i did

if you look at the great commission he

tells them he says

he commanded them to preach the gospel

the message of salvation

to heal the sick healing and to

cast out devils which is deliverance and

he said that

is what we are equipped to do today the

army of god is called the people of god

every believer is called to walk in the

triple threat anointing

how does just saying yes allow us to


change the world well you know i can

tell you about my yes

uh one sunday morning i had i was in the

middle of a service we were in the

middle of worship

and as we were worshiping the lord i

heard the holy spirit speak to me and


i want you to go up and release a word

of knowledge

about healing now i’m sitting there

having a

dialogue with the holy spirit in my mind

and i’m explaining

you know i need to preach first because

the word’s important

i need to receive the offering and then

we’ll move in the

the gifts of the spirit and he spoke to

me and he said

if you want to do this service by

yourself i’ll leave

and you can do this service by yourself

now he knew that would get me

because i never want to do a service by


and so i immediately went to the

platform and i began to release

the word of knowledge about healing and

i had this

little grandmother that had walked in

leaned over on a cane

and she came and she received her


dropped her cane right there then

healing began to break out in the altars

and she’s never again used the cane and

god began to move in the altar service

right there

so i believe it’s in our yes

the holy spirit is looking to partner

with us he wants to partner with us this

is not some

illegal prayer he wants to use us

but he is waiting for us to say god we

want to be used by you so

here’s my yes and when you say that

you have to be willing to take the risk

that’s right

that’s right andrew will pray

for the triple threat anointing to

land on you next

you talk a lot about the importance of

getting into the secret

place what is the secret place you know

the secret place

is anywhere where you have communion

with god

the bible says when you call to him he

will answer you

and so the secret place can be a prayer

closet the secret place can be your car

wherever you can get to begin to have


with god and you can begin to pray see i

want some of you right now that are

watching this program

god is calling you to the secret place

he is called he wants to speak to you

that’s the amazing thing is the holy

spirit wants to partner with us

he wants us to accomplish his purpose he

could do it all by himself

but he wants to use us

god spoke to you play time

is over what does that mean yes

uh i think how i could

define that for you is that i know that

when god

spoke that to me he said when the when

he said

uh this is going to be marked by glory

he said

man’s way of doing things if you look at

the apostles

they did not dumb down the message or

make it

uh so that everyone would receive from

it or user friendly

no they prayed god make us more bold

make us more uh let us see more signs

and wonders and miracles when they were


they said god let a new anointing come

upon us so that we are

more bold and so what i mean

by saying play time is over we’ve been

playing games in the church for long


we we’ve been uh pleasing ourselves long

enough we’ve been going by our schedules

our agendas i believe there’s a reset

that is happening in the spirit

and this next wave of glory is going to

be confirmed by

signs wonders and miracles and we are

going to see the masses

the masses that are coming into this


because play time is simply over we

can’t play with games anymore

this is the kingdom of god speaking of

play time

and speaking of what jesus said you have

to be like a little child

to enter the kingdom of heaven you

started at four

your daughter didn’t start till five

right what happened to her at five

was she watching her father yes well i

have a little room over my garage and i

call it my upper room

and so i was up there praying as i

normally do

and i hear the little door creaking

open and so my first reaction was

to to tell juliana you know go back

downstairs and daddy will be down in a

minute we’ll play together

however in this moment i heard the holy

spirit speak to me and say

invite her to come into the prayer room

with you she needs to see her father

pray and so i said julianna why don’t

you come in and pray with me

and i’ll never forget it i just shared a

picture on my facebook of her because i

got a picture of it i love that

but she had a little plastic crown on

her head and she came in she was in her

pajamas and she brought a little drum

that someone had given her and so we’re

worshiping the lord

and she is playing the drum and

suddenly the glory of god just came and

sat in the room the weighty glory of god

and i was weeping so i lay down in the

the presence of god and i’m

laying there and i’m praying and she

comes and lays beside me

and she begins to weep and at first i

thought how cute she’s imitating me

and i heard the holy spirit speak to me

and say no i want to do something in her


i want to fill her with the holy spirit

and so i he said i want you to lay hands

on her

explain to her what is happening but i’m

going to move in here today

and so i took my hands and i said

juliana the holy spirit wants to feel

you today

he wants to give you your prayer

language and

sid it was the most beautiful experience

that the lord had given me

ever in my history of ministry because i

laid hands on her that day

and as i began to pray with her she got

a fluent prayer language and began to


in the holy ghost and that day we stayed


in his presence and she’s never been the

same again

you know because of the glory

i believe in a moment you can pray

over those viewing us right now

and they are going to have an

impartation of the triple

threat anointing one thing about your

teaching it makes people hungry

for more of god and when you’re hungry

for more of god

he is more than able to fulfill that


but just before i have andrew pray for


i want to make sure you have had

experiential knowledge with the living


pray this prayer with me out loud

and mean it to the best of your ability

dear god repeat after me

dear god i’m a sinner

and i’m so sorry i

turn from my sins i believe the blood of


washes away every sin i’ve ever


and i’m clean in your sight

now that i’m clean in your sight

i boldly proclaim you are my

lord and savior

lord jesus come and live inside of me

you pray for the triple threat anointing

for these people right now the ones that

just prayed

and the ones that have done it

previously lord i

come and i ask you right now

oh i just sense the glory of god just

flowing to you right now

god i thank you that you said when we

ask you for the holy spirit you will

give the holy spirit to those that ask

that you won’t give us a serpent or a


but i thank you right now for the holy

spirit flowing over my friends

right now i thank you for the triple

threat anointing

the anointing that destroys every yoke

of bondage and sets the captive free

beginning to flow to them flow inside of


and not only to them but flow through


i thank you that you have called them

right now you have been

marked by the kingdom of god you’ve been

marked by god himself

to be a carrier and a releaser of the

anointing of the holy

spirit you carry the glory of god i

thank you for it bubbling up

running over and overflowing in them


now in the name of jesus

call now and get andrew tau’s powerful

brand new book the triple threat


and his anointed three-part audio cd

teaching living in triple blessing

an exclusive package for our

supernatural audience

yours for a donation of 35 shipping and

handling is included

ask for offer number 9696 you will

receive andrew tao’s powerful brand new

book the triple threat anointing

in this book you will learn how to flow

in the triple threat anointing of


healing and deliverance seek crisis and

impossibilities with supernatural eyes

of faith

obtain an expectant heart that is ready

and positioned to experience miracles

identify when the holy ghost effect is

in operation

overcome demonic pushback and put the

devil on the run

in your life the alarm is sounding and

an army is being awakened to the

supernatural presence and power that is

your inheritance in jesus

you will also receive andrew tau’s

anointed three-part audio cd teaching

living in triple blessing andrew tao


every day people can flow in the

miraculous power of god

it’s not just for bible times it’s for


through this anointed audio cd series

you will become equipped with a triple

threat anointing of salvation

healing and deliverance receive god’s

triple blessing

move beyond the enemy’s obstacles and

begin to access

every blessing and promise of god for

your life be

empowered to put your past behind you

move into

the next level of anointing and the

glory of god come out of lack and

sickness and move into abundance and


andrew also releases powerful prayers of

blessing and impartation upon you

to overcome impossible situations for

captives to be set free

for you to move into a new supernatural

season to walk in the fire of god

we are called to walk in dominion over

the earth

we’re called to walk in authority we’re

called to live

in blessings don’t miss out on getting

andrew towels powerful brand new book

the triple threat anointing and his

anointed three-part audio cd teaching

living in triple blessing an exclusive

package for our its supernatural


yours for a donation of 35 shipping and

handling is included

ask for offer number 9696 call or you

can send your check

to sid roth it’s supernatural p.o box


charlotte north carolina 28278 please

specify offer number 9696

or log on to call or

write today