As you read The Glory of God Revealed, you will be amazed at the wonderful things Donna Rigney says and what she has learned on her spiritual encounters with Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. Donna shares her vivid accounts of a special golden mountain in Heaven—and all that glorious mountain holds for God’s children. IF you hunger for His glory!

My guest says the next
decade will be payback

for all that
you have suffered, next.


SR: You know, every time
I get together

with Donna Rigney,

there are two things
that always happen.

The first is, the presence
of God is tangible.

I mean, it is strong.

It’s stronger
now than the last time

I interviewed you,
Donna Rigney,

and the second thing is,

that you provoke me
to jealousy.

I mean, this woman
almost every day

is going to Heaven

and getting revelations
that are,

every one of them
has the potential

to change
your life forever,

and you also hear
what’s going to happen

in the future.
For instance, in 2019,

you knew what was
going to happen in 2020.

What did you know?

DR: Well, one of the times
the Lord brought me

into the Spirit,
He showed me His,

the world,
the whole globe.

His hand was resting
on top of it,

and He told me.

He said, “When my hand
rests on the world,

everything is
in its place.”

He said, “But if I just
lift it off a little bit,

chaos reigns,”
and I just saw His hand.

You know,
this part of his hands

was still on the world,

but just there
His fingers lifted up.

He said, “Chaos reigns,”
so I’m telling you this

because there’s going to
come a period of chaos,

of strife, civil unrest
and many problems

that are going to be
coming to the world,

and He said,

“I’m letting you know
this ahead of time

so you will not think
that you doubted my word

when I told you
revival is coming.

That when you see
all these problems,

I don’t want you to think
you didn’t hear me.

Revival is coming.”

He told me that in July,
July 30th of 2019.

SR: And what
you’ve described

was a perfect description
of the year 2020.

DR: And then again

He spoke to me like
a month and a half later.

On September 6th,

He spoke to me again,
and He said to me.

“A world war,
a war is coming

to your land like you
have never seen before.”

He said, “It’s going to be
brother against brother,”

and I thought,
“The Civil War was so bad.

How can it be worse
than the Civil War?”

And He said,
“It is going to be worse

than anything
you’ve ever seen.”

He said, “Remind my people
to pick up their weapons.

Their most
powerful weapons

are love and forgiveness.”

He said,
“I’m telling you this

so that you will mobilize
the troops,”

so I knew it was going
to be a spiritual war,

that a lot of prayer
was going to be needed.

This was back September

we had any of the problems
with the coronavirus,

with the riots
in the streets

and with all
the election problems

we’ve been having.

SR: I mean, it’s almost
an unreal time

we’re living in, Donna,

where parents are against

children against parents,
brothers against sisters.

I mean,
even in your own house on

so many different issues.
It’s like we’re two

different planets
or something,

so that was
a perfect description,

but the reason
I have you here

is because
you live in the glory.

You have a passion
for everyone to live

in the glory.

For starters, to me,
what you see is the glory.

What is it?
DR: All right.

The Lord explained to me
what the glory was because

I’ve encountered
the glory,

and I’ve felt the glory,

but, you know,
you want to know.

What exactly is the glory?
And one day He said to me,

He said,

“Can you separate yourself
from your humanity?”

And I said no because
we’re human beings.

He said, “In the same way,
you cannot separate

Me from My glory.

Wherever My glory is,
that’s where I am.

My glory is My essence,
My fragrance.

It’s who I am. My glory
is the greatest blessing

I can
pour out on anybody.”

His glory, and when
His glory falls on me,

I’ll just explain to you.
It’s, you know,

we’ve had the anointing
for many years,

and that’s a smearing
with the Holy Spirit.

That’s wonderful.

The presence of God
is wonderful,

and it’s equipping
to do the work

that God has for us to do.

The glory is like
the anointing on steroids.

It’s the anointing
magnified to the point

where you are undone.

The only way
I can describe it

when the glory is on me is

His breath
becomes my breath.

Our hearts beat as one.

Tears just flow down
my face

when I’m in
the glory of devotion.

I don’t have to try
to worship Him.

Worship just flows
out of my being,

and this is what

God is going to pour out
on all flesh, this glory.

I know I’m
a forerunner in it.

I know that

He’s giving me a foretaste
of what’s coming,

and that everyone is going
to encounter

this who’s positioned
in such a way

to receive with faith,

believing that
God loves them,

that God will touch them
and living a life

that they’re
set apart for him.

SR: And what I see, Donna,
is the presence of God,

the glory has magnified
so much more

since the last time
I saw you.

I believe like
the Bible says.

We’re going to go
from glory to glory,

and it’s going
to keep increasing.

Now I have heard for years
about soaking,

and that’s, some people
get on their back

or their face,
and they worship God,

and they
have beautiful music,

and they just kind
of soak in His presence

and get filled
with the anointing,

but you have a term
I’ve not heard before:

soaking in the glory.
What do you mean by that?

DR: Well,
it’s very similar

to soaking
in the anointing,

but it’s soaking in that
intensified love of God.

The glory,

the Lord told me this
about the glory, too,

which will
help you understand it,

is the glory is like
when God gives us a kiss.

It’s a kiss from God.

We’re receiving
a kiss from God,

so it’s much more of
a love relationship

than soaking
in the anointing.

Soaking in the glory

is you are soaking
in the love

and the approval,
the wonder of God.

It’s a communion,

an intense
communion with God,

but it’s not that you have
to manufacture it

or make it happen.

It just pours
effortlessly out of you.

SR: And that’s what,
you’re dedicated

to teaching everyone
how to receive the glory

and how to live
in the glory.

In fact, you make
a statement that the glory

is the solution
to everything, explain.

DR: Yes, the glory is the
solution to everything.

That’s what the Lord
has told me.

You know,
He said in His scripture,

“Seek first
the kingdom of God,

and all these things
will be given to you.”

All right? So if we seek
His glory, we seek

His love, His goodness,
His presence. All right?

Then what is there
that we’d be lacking?

He says, “In My glory are
the healings you need,

the prosperity you need,

all the
blessings you need.”

Whatever we need, it’s all
right there in the glory

because God is there.
He’s right there —

SR: It’s all ..
DR: — so everything.

SR: Also the difference
is, in the past,

it might take a lot
of meditating

on the word and prayer,

hours and hours of prayer
and time.

It seems to me that in
the glory, it’s instant.

DR: Exactly, when you’re
in the glory,

the presence of God
is on you so strong

that your heart
and His are one, so

He will give you
the prayers

He wants you to pray
for the things

He wants you to do.
You know it.

You pray it,
and it’s done.

SR: All right. You say
this is payback time.

DR: Yes.

That’s what the Lord
has told me,

that we have gone
through 2020

was a horrible,
horrible year.

God did not do this.

The enemy did this to us,
and the Lord has shown me

that we are in a time
right now where

He is going to cause
the enemy to pay back

what he’s stolen from us,
what we’ve lost.

This is payback time,
and He said it’s not going

to be 1 year of payback
where great glory

is going to be
poured out on the world,

where great wonderful
miracles, inventions,

wonderful things
are going to happen.

He said, “It’s going to be
10 years.

I’m going to give
My children

10 years for the 1

that the enemy
robbed from them.”

Many people have
suffered terribly,

Sid, during this
last year, terribly.

They’ve lost loved ones.
They’ve lost income.

They’ve lost so much,
and God says, “I see it.

I know it, and I’m going
to pay you back.”

SR: Well, you call it
the payback of the good

and the evil harvest.

DR: All right.
This is after

He spoke to me about
the war and everything.

Now a few months ago,
He spoke to me.

He said, “In the past,

I told you that there was
going to be a war

coming to your land
to mobilize the troops.”

He said,
“Now I’m telling you

a great harvest is coming,
get ready for it,”

and I asked Him,

“How do we get ready
for this?”

He said, “With intimate
fellowship with Me,

spending time with Me,

spending time in My glory
and in My presence.

That’s how you get ready
for this great harvest.”

And he said, “It’s going

to be a harvest
not just of the good deeds

My children have sown,
but it’s also going to be

a harvest
of the wicked seeds

and the wicked deeds

have done in secret.”

That when you sow seeds
in a garden,

all of a sudden, you know,
the seeds

are under the dirt.
No one sees.

They don’t know
what seed you sowed.

All of a sudden,
they start springing up,

and you see the plant.
You see the fruit.

He said, “This is the hour

when those things
that were sown in secret

are going to come
to the surface,

and they’re
going to flourish.

They’re going to grow,
and people,

everyone is going to see

you sowed something good

or whether you sowed
something evil, and

My angels are going forth
to harvest the good,

and people are
going to rewarded

and blessed for the good,

and those things that were
sown, wicked,

evil things also are going
to be exposed,

and people are going to be
reaping judgement

for those things they did.

SR: Donna, I keep hearing
this word for myself,

but this is for everyone.

God told you,
look for the suddenlies.

DR: He said, “I’m going to
be doing things

suddenly, very suddenly.”

He said, “Just like,
oh, when Jesus died,”

you know,
He’s in the tomb,

and all His disciples
are just heartbroken,

and they’re afraid because
they think they’re going

to get crucified, too,
and they’re devastated.

They felt like Jesus
was their answer,

their hope,
and now He’s gone.

And so they’re all
hiding away and afraid,

and all of a sudden,

suddenly Jesus rose
from the dead,

and everybody knew

because it was suddenly
that it was God,

and God said in
the same way,

“This is what I’m going
to be doing in this hour.

Suddenly I’m
going to appear.

Suddenly I’m going
to arise.

Suddenly I’m going to
do miracles in ways people

couldn’t imagine.”

People are going to try
to figure out,

well, maybe it’ll happen
this way or that way.

Un-uh, God says, “Suddenly
I’m going to do it,

and I’m going to do it
in such a way

that everybody knows
I did it,

and I will get
the glory for it.”

SR: Donna is going to pray
for you

to have daily encounters
with God

just like she does.

She says anyone
can do this.

That means you, me.
Be right back.

[Music] >> We now return to
“It’s Supernatural!”

SR: Donna Rigney is taken
to Heaven often,

and she has revelation
from Jesus

that when she shares,

it changes everything
about you.

For instance, Donna,

you had an encounter
in the glory,

and Jesus said —
and, boy,

would you like Jesus
to say this to you:

“You are protected.”

DR: I was sitting
in the Spirit

on the top of a mountain.

Often He brings me
to this place

I call the mountain
of intimacy,

and we sit together
on a seat

overlooking the world,

and as we were
sitting there,

demons were climbing up
the mountain,

and as they got near
the crest of the mountain,

they started throwing
grenades at me.

And angels came, and they
picked up the grenades.

They handed them to Jesus.

He took the pin
out of the grenades

and then gave them
back to the angels,

and the angels threw them
back down the mountain

at the demons,
and the demons left.

And He showed me.

He said, “When you’re
sitting in My presence,

when you’re in

My glory, that’s how
protected you are.”

And I knew that the pins

that He took out
of the grenades

was the only bit of truth
that was in those missiles

and those grenades

that the enemy was trying
to throw at me,

so there was
a little bit of truth.

You know, the enemy
fabricates things.

He threatens us,

so we hear this
is going to happen.

That’s going to happen.

This will happen to your
husband or your finances,

and the Lord took that one

little bit of truth
that was in there.

He says, “I’ll take care
of the little bit of truth

that’s in it,
and you’re fine.

I’ll take care
of everything.

You don’t need to worry
about a thing

because you’re resting,
abiding in the shelter of

My wing, and you’re
abating in my glory,

and I will cause
what the enemy said

he was going to do to you

to come
right back on him.”

SR: Everyone knows

we’re in a pandemic
of coronavirus,

but you see
a greater pandemic coming.

Tell me about
that greater pandemic.

DR: He says, “Oh, yeah,

the enemy is trying
to spread

this wicked virus, huh,
with contagion?

Watch what I do
with the glory.

I’m going to spread
my glory with contagion.”

He said, “But you’re not
going to have to touch

somebody or breath on them

or cough on them
for this to spread.”

He said, “This glory
is going to be spread

just with people
looking in your eyes,

people seeing you
on the Internet,

on television,
on a phone call.”

He says, “You’re not even
going to have to

tangibly touch somebody,

but My glory is going
to spread even greater

and wider and further
than the coronavirus.”

SR: Donna, you hear God
so clearly.

How can we encounter God
that clearly?

Give us a few pointers.

DR: Okay. I think the key,
really, is surrender,

is living
a life of surrender.

You know, being holy means
being set apart for God,

and to live your life
for Him

where He’s the
most important thing,

and you’re seeking Him
all the time.

You have time alone
with Him. I do that.

I dedicate every day time,
special time.

SR: And what do you do

when you’re alone
with God?

DR: Oh, yeah.

SR: What do you
do personally?

DR: What I do personally

I will go into
my prayer room.

I put on my soft
Christian worship music,

and I sit alone with Him.

I get my notebook
and my pad ready

because I know
He’s going to talk to me.

I’ve learned in the past

when I’ve had a not
so good morning

and go to sit with Him,
I think,

“Oh, I’m not going
to hear God today,”

and I heard Him say
as clear as anything,

“Where’s your pen
and your pad?”

Because I wasn’t expecting
He was going to talk,

or I would hear Him,
and He corrected me,

and as you worship,

you know, as you play
the soft music,

and you’re loving him
and worshipping him

and expecting that he’s
going to talk to you,

you know, knowing
my Father loves me,

and He wants
to talk to me.

He sent His Son to die
on the cross

so I could have intimate
fellowship with Him.

Of course He’s going
to talk to us,

and for years
I was seeking God

and trying to hear
from Him,

and I couldn’t hear Him,
and what I learned was,

He was always talking,

but I wasn’t recognizing
His voice.

So as I learned
to quiet myself,

get rid of
the distractions, focus on

Him, picture Him, picture
Him there before me,

and then the first
couple of words

I would hear in my spirit,
not outside me

but in my spirit,
write them down,

and then as
I wrote them down,

that helped my mind
to focus

so I wasn’t distracted

thinking about
cooking dinner, whatever.

I’m just thinking
about these words

I’m hearing
and writing them, and then

He continues to speak,

and I continue to write
and write, and that’s

how I learned to
get all the revelations.

And then as
He would talk, many times

He would bring me
in the Spirit into Heaven,

to hell, to the mountain
of intimacy,

to different places.

He’ll bring,
the greater your faith,

I learned this, too.

The greater our faith is,
the more He can show us,

so to have faith that God
will show me these things.

Whatever God wants
to show me,

He’ll show me because
He’s God.

I’m not going to stop
God by my unbelief.

He’ll give me the faith
I need, and I pray,

Holy Spirit,
give me the faith

I need
for these encounters.

SR: Tell me about
the flowers you saw

being sent to Earth.

DR: All right.
This was recently.

Recently the Lord brought
me back in the Spirit.

I had been there

to this beautiful ballroom
in heaven,

and I saw all the saints,
wonderful, wonderful.

The great crowd of
witnesses were all there,

and they’re dancing and
having a wonderful time,

and I’m like,
“We’re having a lot

of stuff going on here
on the Earth.

How come you’re having
so much fun?”

And Jesus said to me,

He said, “The Father
is in complete control.

He knows the beginning
from the end.

He knows what’s coming,”
and they’re laughing.

They’re having
a wonderful time,

and then I see
all these flowers.

You know,
the Father is sitting

at the very end
of this beautiful ballroom

on His throne, but there’s
a mist over it,

so I can’t see
Him clearly,

and there’s beautiful
flowers all over the floor

in front of Him
at His feet,

and then I saw some people
from the crowd

of witnesses go over,
pick up a flower.

They look carefully to
find the flower they want.

They get the flower,

smell it,
hold it to their heart.

Then they run
to the other side,

way far to the other side
of the room

where there was a balcony

and throw the flower
off the balcony,

and I looked
in the spirit,

and I could see people
on the Earth

with their arms

in the air,
worshipping God,

and those flowers were
falling down upon them.

And what I saw
was that these flowers

were covered in the glory.

They’re at the feet
of the throne of God.

They’re the prayers.
You’re praying.

I’m praying.
We’re praying.

Everybody is praying.

Those prayers
are sending to God.

Like they said,

our prayers are held
in bowls in heaven.

He was showing me
them like flowers.

In the great crowd
of witnesses,

and I believe

that the people
that were going over,

looking for the flowers
were looking

for our loved ones
that have gone before us

looking for our prayers
that we prayed,

getting our prayer,
partnering with us.

Oh, yes, I agree with this
prayer and throwing it,

and what the Lord
showed me was,

the prayers are easily
able to be answered

because so many people
have been praying,

and angels
have been released

to open
the portals of Heaven,

so these flowers
or prayers,

answered prayers,
easily would get to us.

He said,
“The portals are open.”

He said, “What I’m showing
you is not what is coming.

This is a now word.
This is happening now.”

SR: It’s time to pray.
DR: Okay.

SR: It’s time to release
that glory

that you are filled with
to give us a jump start

in hearing God,
in experiencing God,

into even visits
to Heaven.

Pray that with me.

DR: All right. All right.

Lord, just like when
Paul said to Timothy,

“I long to come
and lay hands on you

and impart some gift
to you,”

I say that to you,

to everyone
that’s watching right now.

I long to come and lay
hands on you and impart,

but I know by faith.

I don’t have to
lay hands on you.

The Lord has shown me that
this glory is contagious.

That you can just
receive it by watching,

just by believing,
so Lord God,

I impart right now
the love of God,

the love for intimacy
with you,

the anointing for intimacy
with you

and the wonderful glory
of God

to fall from heaven
upon all my brothers

and sisters
all over the world.

That you will saturate
them with your glory.

That they will come
to know you, Lord God,

and your great love
for them,

and then as they encounter
your glory,

they will feel your kiss
from heaven.

Thank you, Lord.

[Music] >> Call now and
get Donna Rigney’s

brand-new anointed book,

“The Glory of God

and her powerful
three-part audio

CD teaching series,
“Soaking in the Glory.”

It’s exclusive for our
“It’s Supernatural!”

audience, yours
for a donation of $35.

Shipping and handling
is included,

ask for offer number 9730.

As you read Donna Rigney’s
powerful book,

“The Glory of God

you will be amazed
at the wonderful things

that she saw

and learned on her
many spiritual encounters

with the Father, Jesus
and Holy Spirit in Heaven.

Through her book,
you will learn how you,

too, can access
the glory in your life.

Find out how
the days ahead

will be marked
by God’s glory.

Discover how miracles,
signs and wonders

will become commonplace
in the glory,

understand how to enter
into glory

encounters with God
every day.

You will also receive
Donna Rigney’s

anointed three-part audio
CD teaching series,

“Soaking in the Glory,”

In her audio
teaching series,

Donna reveals
what the glory is

and how to encounter it.”

DR: The first CD explains
exactly what the glory is,

so I explain that clearly.

Also, I show
the difference

between the glory
and the anointing.

The second CD,

I teach about how
you can access the glory,

and then the third CD
is all about the benefits

that the Lord has taught
me through scripture

and through
prophetic words,

and I give the words
of what the benefits are

for our soaking
in the glory.

>> Begin to hear God’s
word more clearly,

find out that
all negative feelings

and pain must leave,
gain supernatural wisdom,

experience healing
and miracles,

receive your prayer

become more loving,

and kind, experience
an increase in your faith.

Throughout this series,

Donna released
anointed prayers

of activation
and impartation.

God is getting ready
to pour out his glory.

Will you be prepared
to receive it?

Don’t miss out on getting
Donna Rigney’s

brand-new anointed book,

“The Glory of God

and her powerful
three-part audio

CD teaching series,
“Soaking in the Glory.”

It’s exclusive for our
“It’s Supernatural!”

audience, yours for
a donation of $35.

Shipping and handling
is included.

Ask for offer number 9730.

Call, or you can send
your check to Sid Roth,

It’s Supernatural!,

PO box 39222, Charlotte,
North Carolina, 29278.

Please specify
offer number 9730

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Call or write today!