
I you know I’ve been saying lately

welcome Holy Spirit

but I don’t have to say it he’s already

here but I’ll still say it out of

courtesy welcome Holy Spirit take over

this is your platform I yield as much as

a human can heal yield to to you Holy


I want to talk to you about my favorite

subject and it will be your favorite

subject it’ll be the most important

thing you even think or or talk about

it’s going to be the next move of God’s

spirit that has already started it is

started throughout the former Soviet

Union it has started throughout Ukraine

as it started throughout the United

States it started throughout the world

and it’s called the greater glory

it’s the last great move of God’s holy

spirit you see we’ve had the the glory

of of the son we’ve had the glory of the

Holy Spirit

we’re about ready to experience the

glory of God the father but it’s beyond

that glory is a synonym for the presence

of God we’re about to experience the

glory on the Triune nature of the entire

godhead that is resting on them is

drawing so close to Earth we learn about

the glory in many places in the older

Covenant best example is in the temple

the priests could not Minister because

the presence of God was so strong they

were flattened on their face it’s not

that they wanted to be on their face

they could not get up off the ground

there were pinned to the ground

but the greatest example to me in the

old Covenant is moisture Rabino

otherwise known as Rabbi Moses

and Rabbi Moses

lived in the glory

felt the glory saw the glory experience

the glory of God it was so strong that

when he came off his encounter with the

glory on the mountain when he got the

Ten Commandments it was so strong that

people were afraid of him because there

was such a strong light on his face in

this Glory so many wonderful things

happen you hear from God clearer than

you ever have before your every gift of

the spirit is sharpened and operates the

same way it operated on everyone in the


that prophecy will not you don’t have to

plead and beg with God as it and and say

God you promise God you promised the

minute you open your mouth it’ll be like

Jesus opening his mouth the minute you

cooperate with God’s spirit

the presence of God will just move on

that situation you won’t be laying hands

on people with the anointing do you know

the difference between the anointing and

the glory

the anointing of God is a combination of

man operating with the spirit of God and

you lay hands on the sick and that

anointing flows right through you into

that person and that is wonderful but

what are you going to do if you have a

million people in a big soccer stadium

and they want to be healed you couldn’t

lay hands on everyone but here’s what

God has done

the new Glory that is coming

will circulate like a cloud but you

remember when the cloud came to Jesus

and their disciples were there on the

Mount of transfiguration

that was the glory that they witnessed

when you’re in the glory

at least what happened to Moses will

happen to you what happened to Moses he

could defeat the enemy what happened to

Moses he could defeat the Ancient demons

these ancient spirits that were behind

the frogs and the locusts and all of

these plagues no weapon formed against

him could Prosper but because he lived

in the glory he lives in the peace of


we’re coming into a time in history that

it’s going to be the worst time in the

history of planet Earth

but it’s going to be the best time

in your history because you will be just

like Moses you’ll have all these plagues

and things coming at you no weapon

formed against you is going to prosper

none what Moses was in the glory it said

he reached a hundred and twenty years of

age because he was in the glory his eyes

did not dim in other words he had

perfect eyesight I believe he had better

eyesight in 2020. and it says his

strength didn’t diminish he had the same

strength as a young man when you live in

the glory you don’t age I’m not saying

you get younger but I’m saying you don’t

get older when you live in the glory I

mean I I if someone dies at a hundred in

the Millennium it says that uh they’ll

be dying at a young age only God knows

how long Moses would have lived if he

hadn’t sinned that’s why he at 120 he

died if he hadn’t sinned he would have

lived a lot longer than 120 years of age

I intend to live a long time but I don’t

want to live one second more than God

wants me to live that I can tell you

but I don’t have retiring plans as a

matter of fact our ministry is getting

so big we’re about ready to launch into

the biggest Ministry this that we’ve

ever been in and say I’ve been a Jewish

believer in Jesus for 50 years 50 years

and from day one before I even read the

New Testament I was out sharing what I

knew and this is what I knew I knew

about the glory of God let me tell you

my history because I told you a little

bit about the history of the glory on

Rabbi Moses but let me tell you a little

bit about my history

um at age 30

I got involved in meditation courses in

the occult in New Age I didn’t know

there was anything wrong with it until I

bumped into some Christian friends and

these friends said Sid in your own

Jewish scriptures in Deuteronomy the

18th chapter God condemns communicating

with the dead

condemns going into seances condemns

going into witchcraft in fact he calls

it an Abomination and I’ll tell you why

he does this it’s because you’re going

to a forbidden area for the Supernatural

and why would you want a good


when you can have the authentic you can

come to Jesus and get all of the

authentic it’s just a counterfeit to rob

you of experiencing the love of God and

so but I didn’t understand that and as a

result I opened myself up to what’s

called in the Bible familiar spirits and

as a result I became demonized there

were is that demon inside of me I didn’t

that was didn’t know it was a demon but

I got a hold of a book once and and and

uh it was uh uh I didn’t realize it was

a Christian from a Christian viewpoint

but it said something very different

than what my Christian friends said

it says although it’s an Abomination to

be involved in the Supernatural not

according to the Bible according to the

word of God

and that’s a strong word for God to say

although that’s Abomination it’s worse

for Jew because we Jews we could be

atheists and we still are under a

covenant from God so God expects more

from the Jewish person and the Jewish

person suffers more when they’re in the

new age or or the occult so I had a

demon inside of me I wanted out I wasn’t

looking for God I wasn’t looking for

Jesus I just wanted out and the worst

day of my life I prayed a simple

two-word prayer because see I didn’t

want to die but life was too difficult

and so I prayed this prayer Jesus help

and I went to sleep and I didn’t think

I’d wake up life was just too hard I

didn’t want to wake up I didn’t want to

die but life was too difficult and maybe

some of you that are viewing this right

now you feel that way life is too


I went to bed

with every fiber of my being filled with

fear every fiber of my being filled with


nowhere to turn

who could have Set Me Free I know in the

Catholic Church they would uh hold

they’d hold a cross and that would set

you free

but that’s all I knew and I didn’t know

any any

priests or anything I wouldn’t go there

and I was Jewish so I wouldn’t go to

ministers there was nowhere I could go

and a rabbi would just refer me to a

psychologist that a few years ago they

used to give you shock treatment when

you talked about hearing voices and that

totally messed up they they found out

how awful that was

how so there was nowhere for me to go I

said Jesus help

I went to sleep and when I woke up by

broom was filled with the glory of God I

was 30 years of age that was the first

presence of God there you know another

word that’s a synonym for Glory Moses

said to God God Show Me Your Glory and

guess what happened this this is what

God said to him when he said God show me

your glory my goodness will pass before

you my goodness is going to pass before

you another name for the presence of God

is goodness I like that name God is such

a good god oh he’s just done so many

good things in my life and I’ll tell you

what no matter how dark the world gets

the light of God the glory of God is

going to be getting brighter and



my first exposure with the glory was

when I woke up not wondering you know

not knowing if I was even going to be

alive when I woke up

presence of God came all over me I had

never felt such peace in my entire life

I’ve never felt such goodness

in my entire life if you paid me to be

fearful I could not have been fearful

how can you be fearful in the presence

of the Living God if God is for you

who couldn’t be against you

so I and I was separated from my wife

and daughter and God said I hate divorce

he was quoting Malachi even though I’m I

come from a traditional Jewish

background I didn’t know Malachi I knew

the name that was it

but I he actually got actually quoted a

scripture I didn’t even know he said

Return to your wife and daughter and

that this is the scripture I hate

divorce so I did and God restored our

marriage and we’ve celebrated 53 years

of of marriage He restored my marriage

He restored my mind the glory Set Me

Free of the demon demons can’t even come

into the presence of the Living God they

flee they flee as in Terror

I got set free

and that was my first experience with

the glory then I met a woman and I would

like you to take a look at this picture

her name was Catherine Coleman in my

book she had the greatest miracle

ministry I’ve ever seen and I’m pretty

expert in this I’ve been interviewing

people now for uh decades that operate

in Miracles so there’s no one that I’ve

ever met that had the miracle ministry

like her but this is the light

the goodness the glory that was on that


and and I have to also tell you this

it jumped on me

I didn’t realize it at the time but that

Glory came on me at that time and then a

few years later my Orthodox Jewish

father from Poland

he was dying in the hospital no hope he

would never believe in Jesus my

motherhood become a believer in Jesus my

sister had become a believer in Jesus my

brother-in-law had become a believer in

Jesus my wife had become a believer in

Jesus many members of the extended

family had become Believers in Jesus my

daughter became a believer in Jesus but

my father was alone hold out and they

would even say to me there’s no way your


will ever believe in Jesus

coming from his heavy Jewish tradition

and that’s the word that’s why he didn’t

believe because not because of the word

of God the word of God is clear

the word of God the Torah is very clear

whoever the Jewish Messiah is would be

born in one city Bethlehem five

bethlehems at the time Micah said this

would be Bethlehem of Judea he just

happened they just happened to have a

senses and they just happened to be

pregnant with Jesus and they just

happened to move at the moment he would

be born or he would have never been born

in Bethlehem of Judea Daniel says the

Messiah or the anointed one will be cut

off will die

before the temple is destroyed so

however this Messiah is he had to come

and die before the year 70 A.D when the

temple was destroyed

this Messiah I read the 53rd chapter of

the prophet Isaiah to my Jewish father

and he said stop

you’re reading a new testament

you’re describing Jesus perfectly I said

Dad this is the Tanakh the Jewish

scriptures that my Orthodox Rabbi gave

me at my bar mitzvah I’m reading from a

rabbinically approved Taurus scroll

he he still didn’t believe nothing would

cause my father to believe but the glory

the glory came on him just before he


and I heard with my ears and my sister

heard with her ears my father say I make

Jesus my Messiah and Lord forgive me of

my sins come and live inside of me not

by man’s might not by what’s called

apologetics arguments from the

scriptures not by might

but by my spirit the glory of God Came

Upon my dad in that intensive care ward

of the hospital that Glory had been on

me for 24 hours a day for seven days

before I walked into the hospital not

knowing what was going on and it’s not

by man’s might not by Man’s power but

God Says by my spirit

saith the Lord and my Orthodox Jewish

father against all logic against a whole

lifestyle of saying I’m not going to

believe in Jesus I’m not I’m not

believing in Jesus just before he passed

out of his little Earth suit

just from Reading one passage of

scripture to him I planted a seed even

though he said he didn’t believe in it

and but it took the presence of God the

spirit of the Living God to breathe life

into that seed the word of God the 53rd

chapter of Isaiah and then one more

scripture I’ll just mention to you I

mean it’s so amazing Jeremiah chapter 31

says behold the days come in which I

shall make a new

Covenant of britisha with the house of

Israel and the house of Judah not

according to the old Covenant which they

violated anyway but under this Covenant

they will do three things that they

could not do before

the first thing is

off the word will be in them in them the

word was with God

the Word was God and the word became

flesh and dwelt inside of a human body

that word is going to dwell inside of

you the name of the word of God is the

Messiah Yeshua so the first thing the

Jewish Prophet Jeremiah says in the 31st

chapter is the word will be in you the

second thing that Jeremiah says is you

will know God that means you’ll have

your own experiential knowledge with God

you will know deep inside of your spirit

that Jesus is God in human form that

lived as a human and did not use his

powers as God he walked in just the

powers an ordinary man would have that

had the spirit of God in them

and and in Jesus

healed the sick I mean blind people born

blind that’s that’s what’s called a

Messianic Miracle uh they the atonement

says the only time you’ll see a person

born blind where their sight will be

restored will be that the Messiah has

done it well it’s just like the Messiah

if I lay hands on the blind person and

they get their sight back I can’t heal

anyone but not only will the word the

Messiah be in you under the New Covenant

but you will have experiential knowledge

of God under the New Covenant and then

the best of all the third thing is your

sins won’t be just covered because of

Yom Kippur and the animal sacrifice

which I might add there is no animal

sacrifice because you must do it in the

temple there is no Temple you can’t have

the young Kippur without the shedding of

blood you can’t even have atonement of

sin without the shedding of Blood The

Book of Leviticus 17 11 says without the

shedding of blood there’s no atonement

or covering for your sin but that’s just

a covering this is what God says under

the New Covenant much better than Yom

Kippur Yom kippo is just a shadow of the

Messiah under the God’s young Kippur God

says in Jeremiah the Jewish Prophet this

New Covenant that would be coming I God

will remember your sins no more in other

words they’ll be erased they’ll be taken

out of the Book of Life they will no

longer exist you’ll have a clean slate

but all those scriptures meant nothing

to me until the glory of God came on me

and so the glory of God came on me when

I came to know the Messiah the glory of

God came on me

when I met Catherine Coleman the glory

of God came on me when my Orthodox

Jewish father accepted the Lord and now

the glory of God comes on me when I

speak at Jewish Evangelistic meetings

look at this meeting in Haifa Israel

look what God did on my face and my

hands but you know what when the glory

fully is released it’ll be like the one

I picture I showed you with Catherine

Coleman your whole body will be flooded

with light you will walk into a room not

even open your mouth about Yeshua about

Jesus and people will begin repenting of

their sins you won’t tell them they’re a

sinner the presence of God will come in

the room and they’ll be like the Jewish

prophet Isaiah was taken up to heaven

and he came into the presence sense of

the Living God and this is what the

holiest man of Israel at that time the

Jewish prophet Isaiah said woe is me I’m

undone I’m an unclean man and I live

amongst an unclean people

and a stone a hot stone touched him and

cleansed him well that’s not a hot stone

it’s these Stone the stone that the

builders rejected has become the Chief

Cornerstone that stone

is represents the Messiah where God

washes away our sins forever I’m going

to pray an impartation of the glory of

God upon you but you should be saturated

in the glory just listening to me

speaking at this moment but I’ll pray

that impartation but I want to make sure

that you have done everything on your

part to have your sins totally forgiven

and washed away and you’ve done your

part to make sure the Messiah is inside

of you the word is inside of you and

you’ve done your part to have your own

experiential knowledge of God

repeat this prayer

out loud

and mean it to the best of your ability

dear God repeat after me dear God

I’m a sinner

I’ve made many mistakes

for which I’m so sorry

I believe

the blood of Messiah

the blood of Jesus

washes away my mistakes

and they’re removed from my book of life

and God

remembers them no more

so good to be clean

because of the blood of my Messiah the

Passover blood

the Yom Kippur blood

without the shedding of blood there’s no

atonement for sin Torah says

the Torah says there’s none righteous no

not one not even the greatest Jew of his

time Isaiah

but the Messiah Lift us a perfect man

and died in my place and in your place

for my sins in your sins

and by his stripes

you are healed

and I’m hearing about you right now I’m

hearing there are many people that have

pains in their body

I heard Nick get back and hip and arms

and fingers anywhere you have pain

be free in yeshua’s name

and now I’m going to pray the glory on


backs are being healed right now very

strong on backs just get up and bend

over you’ll see the pain you had is gone

just move your head from side to side

you’ll see the pain is gone even ears

are being opened up right now and

breathing problems are being cleared up

allergies are leaving oh we’re coming

into the glory and it’s all hands on

deck no superstars it’s a bunch of

Believers that are called the body of

Messiah that have the Superstar living

inside of them

the Superstar Jesus Yeshua

and the one that is going to be

recognized will not be me and it won’t

be you

it’ll be God

he will increase we will decrease

oh God you’re so good

I pray that same Shalom that is all over

me right now will come upon you

and you will realize if God is for you

no man can be against you

you have overcome death because our

Messiah has overcome the grave he rose

from the dead he’s seated at the right

hand of God the father and if you would


the scriptures say you are seated with

him and he is seated with you on Earth

but you’re in two places at one time


