Barry Segal shares in Israel update from the ground.

I want you to hear a friend of ours a

reporter of ours that lives in Israel

his name is Barry seagull and I want you

to hear a news report of what’s going on

in Israel from a

Biblical spiritual perspective you get

this very few

places everybody I’m here in the

neighborhood of Mion we live literally

just two blocks away I’m talking only a

couple hundred met walk from here a

rocket slammed in while I was in the

shower it was so strong even from 200 M

away or even less to where we live and

uh you see in the background there are

police there are uh rocket uh shrapnel

pieces and there are

ambulances and uh people are just being

encouraged to go home we’re just

reporting this this rocket hit in Mion

all the way from the Gaza Strip so

please keep us all in prayer this is

just the beginning of something that’s

bigger about to explode over in the


East so Shalom everybody um up top here

on the Millennium Center excuse my

unshaven look but it’s been a late last

night and uh early this morning and

we’re doing all we can to help the

people of Israel and those that are

protecting our borders anyways just so

you know it’s now been confirmed that

800 um Israelis were murdered by Hamas

homicidal U murderers and um those that

were taken hostage back into the Gaza

Strip are estimated to be at 100

civilians and Soldiers the number is

still um not uh Quantified um Hamas

claims that four Israeli hostages they

were holding were killed by um uh air

sorties of the Israeli Air Force but

that’s unconfirmed as well um we have


173,000 troops uh full-time troops and

Reserve troops that are amassing on the

border with the Gaza Strip we certainly

have about uh 600 war planes uh that can

also contribute to crushing Hamas as you

hear the thunder or the uh planes in the

background or Rockets I’m not sure which

one because I’m not looking but um this

is the situation in Israel uh the

numbers have increased uh of the young

adults and those that were attending the

music festival not far from the border

of the Gaza Strip the other day uh that

number has grown from 260 to

270 uh that were killed there uh it’s a

very shocking uh situation it reminds us

of the Nazis and the

atrocities uh during World War II and uh

beyond that we have over uh 2500 injured

uh hundreds of them are in critical or

serious condition so please pray for

those families obviously nobody likes to

see a loss of life or destruction but

this was brought on by Hamas and

unfortunately the people of Gaza will

suffer as a result there is now a

complete blockade uh where no food is

coming into the Gaza Strip no

electricity and no fuel and so uh it’s

black darked out at night and they

continue to shoot Rockets against Israel

just as an example last night they shot

a 100 Rockets just towards the city of

ashalon one of the Rockets also hit the

bareli hospital a direct hit so they

have no understanding of uh uh any kind

of Geneva Convention is just ridiculous

we’re talking about

murder uh demonized individuals who were

funded by Iran and ibraim REI REI and uh

he had met uh or the irgc had met

together in Beirut with Hamas leaders

recently about a week before this uh

whole situation exploded so we know that

Iran has been funding it and is behind

it we will keep you updated as best as

possible I thank you for praying for the

Peace of Jerusalem and for the whole

nation of Israel our Jewish and our Arab

residents God bless you and shalom

shalom from the nation of Israel the IDF

spokesperson’s unit announced earlier

this week that Israeli forces had taken

full control of the Gaza border fence

and are setting up counter measures in

places where that fence was was breached

on last Saturday morning IDF

spokesperson rear Admiral Daniel hagari

added in a statement that there have

been no new incursions of Hamas Ground

Forces into Israel since last Monday

morning however there are still Rockets

being fired into Southern Israel back

during the fourth day of this War I can

also report to you that the IDF called

up a bit more than 360,000

reservists which is officially the

largest such mobilization in Israel’s

modern history there might have been a

bigger one back in biblical times when

the Philistines made a surprise attack

or something like that but this is the

biggest one in recent times the Israeli

air force is also continuing to carry

out heavy bombardments of Hamas

infrastructure inside the Gaza Strip and

has renewed the policy of targeted

assassinations of Hamas leaders it is

also my sad duty to report to you that

as of this recording the IDF is

reporting that 123 of its soldiers have

been killed in action when combined with

the hundreds of civilians butchered in

the opening hours of the Hamas attack

this brings the Israeli death toll to

well over a thousand innocent men women

and children with more than 3400 wounded

those numbers are both expected to climb

as ground fighting and rocket fire

continues one of the soldiers killed in

action this week is of particular

strategic significance beyond the

obvious human tragedy for his family and

friends because he was killed on

Israel’s northern border in a clash with

the Iranian back hisbah terrorist group

as we’re recording this report the

clashes up north have been limited and

the White House has given warnings both

implicit and explicit for his Bala to

stay out of this fight bite they better

the explicit warnings came in the form

of direct public statements by United

States President Joe Biden warning

hisbah and its Iranian patrons not to

take advantage of the situation the

implicit warning came in the form of the

USS Gerald Ford aircraft carrier battle

group being moved into the Eastern

Mediterranean US Air Force squadrons in

the Middle East are also being

reinforced and shipments of Munitions

and supplies from the US are being rush

to Israel many analysts have assessed

that hezbollah’s leaders appear to have

been just as surprised by the Hamas

attack on Israel last Saturday as

everyone else and they weren’t prepared

to make an attack of their own having

lost the element of surprise and with

more IDF troops being mobilized and on

the alert hisbah chances of achieving a

strategic victory over Israel decrease

with every day and every hour no doubt

hisbah and it Iranian Masters are taking

careful note of the response this attack

by Hamas has prompted both from Israel

and its allies now while all of this is

going on the civilian front has also

been mobilized in its own way civilians

have taken the government’s advice to

stock up in their homes with several

days worth of food and drink seriously

communal bomb shelters some of which

haven’t been opened up in years have

been cleaned out organized and stocked

with emergency supplies in case there is

a need for people to stay in them for

extended periods neighborhood watch

groups made up of volunteers sometimes

armed only with a baseball bat or a

roofing hammer have spontaneously formed

in big cities and small villages all

over Israel this helps to also reassure

children and the elderly that someone is

watching to make sure what happened to

the people living in so many Gaza border

communities doesn’t happen to them

Beyond these organic Grassroots efforts

established Civil Society organizations

have sprung into action humanitarian Aid

of all kinds has been deployed and

thousands of volunteers have shown up to

help pack boxes full of food and

household items to provide to internally

displaced refugees the families of

mobilized Soldiers the elderly and

disabled and others who are unable to

provide for themselves now while all

this has been going on amazingly enough

another Cornerstone of Israeli National

life has also continued I’m talking

about alah the in gathering of the

Exiles from around the world MK oir

Sofer Aliyah and integration Minister

and attorney avihai Cohen the director

general of the ministry have announced

specialized support for new immigrants

arriving in these challenging

circumstances roughly 700 new immigrants

are scheduled to arrive this week along

with hundreds of Israelis who were

abroad when the war broke out and who

are returning to help their Homeland in

its hour of greatest

need indeed the IDF posted images to

social media on Tuesday Morning of a

chartered L flight landing at beneran

International Airport full of young

Israelis who had been in the US when

they heard about the Hamas attack and

immediately sought to return to Israel

so they could join the reserve Army

units and defend this country well I’ll

wrap up this report with a brief

commentary the atmosphere here in Israel

is filled with grief and pain but also


determination the scenes I’ve described

to you in this report remind me very

much of the stories of my parents told

me about what happened on the American

Home Front during World War II 25% of my

own family was murdered in the Holocaust

and when most of the young people were

were drafted into the military those who

were too old too young or otherwise not

able to join the battle did whatever

they could to support those who were

fighting and care for those who couldn’t

take care of themselves as horrible as

this war has already been for Israel the

prospect of a ground invasion of Gaza

which most analysts agree will be

necessary in order to achieve a

strategic victory in this war is even

worse many more Israeli soldiers will

inevitably be killed and wounded if that

step is taken and many Palestinians will

be caught in the crossfire in the

densely populated Gaza Strip ruled by

Hamas homicidal

thugs now I just want to tell you how

Wicked these Hamas leaders and these

Thugs and their terrorist Army is

because it was reported earlier this

week that just alone on kibutz Aza 200

bodies of murder Israelis were found

burnt and murdered 40 babies were

amongst that number killed and many of

them beheaded how gruesome is that

people Rachel weeping for her children

and not being comforted on kibutz beeri

over a hundred bodies found on the

kibutz I’m sure shocking Israeli

soldiers so please continue to be urgent

in prayer in the coming days and do what

you can to send practical support to

Israel as well the needs are great and

they are likely to be much greater going

forward and we’re getting more and more

request coming across our desk to place

more and install more bomb shelters

across the northern and southern border

so I’m thankful to all of you that have

partnered with MeTV and on social media

and together with vision for Israel we

can win this war and this battle
