James Goll was taken into a vision where he saw Satan’s manual for End Time Global Warfare. Find out what he saw and how we can stop it!

I’m here with one of the most accurate

prophets I know can I tell you a trade

secret I analyze hello current profits

are by obviously what they do publicly

but when they prophesied to me

personally uh and James didn’t know what

he was doing he said he just said I’m

just being obedient just saying what God

is saying this James called a prophet

and and he had the name of the

organization before it became Middle

East TB which our ministry owns right


and details about it that were so

precise that it absolutely got my


James call I am looking forward to this

interview when I’m a stepping on toes if

I asked you to tell me Oh what you just

heard from the Lord about this

particular interview yeah

I know you won’t step on toes you will

push me forward how well okay so I wanna

pray how’s that and react don’t move

father thank you for this time we bless

all of the IT the management the

direction we pray over the internet and

we say that Jesus is the god of this

world not the devil

and so we bless the Airways and we ask

you guide our hearts and our thoughts

that the word of the Lord would go forth

with precision and clarity in Jesus name


I saw I got to say it’s the Amen which

means so be that prayer you’re right so

those who don’t know ok Sid and I have

had a friendship relationship over

multiple years ok and uh and then also

share some friends as well in common now


the Lord speaks to me often in dreams

and they’re about world events regional

events they’re about people but they

also are about my own life and this

morning I simply in a dream hear the

voice of the Lord and it says get ready

I heard get ready and then in the dream

because it’s see God doesn’t neither

sleep nor slumbers and our spirit and

God in our spirit and so it’s

interactive and so he says get ready get

ready and I’m going like for what he

says because you’re about to have your

most strategic media interview of your

lifetime well I am I am looking forward

to it with as much anticipation as you

and as much anticipation as you our

viewers right now now the thing that

caught waiting before I get to that

because in all the years I’ve known you

I didn’t realize that I knew about the

Kansas City prophets I didn’t realize

the number that they had everyone well

in my realm was focusing on Bob Jones

who was never but there were seven of

you and you were one of the seven Kansas

City prophets and all six of them have

been promoted and it’s as if the mantles

they had especially with this greater

glory that is coming James are being

just deposited into you are you finding

your gifts are getting sharper or

different at this point than they were


all six went to heaven let me clarify

for a moment is that in many years ago

John Wimber publicly recognized seven

different leaders

and then there was a book that was

written by a spirit-filled angle


out of England called some set at

thunder so not everybody lived in Kansas

City so but those who were together in

Kansas City out of the the primary ones

were Paul Kane John Paul Jackson and Bob

Jones and then myself and then there

were some others that lived in other

parts of the country now so I didn’t

mean to say that all six have gone to be

with the Lord

uh of this group that was in Kansas City

I’m gonna rehearse this and I will

answer your questions because it’s

really important on to 22 2014 Bob Jones

who was my spiritual Papa and too many

as a seer he that isn’t the day he died

he died on 214 Valentine’s Day but he

was a seed put into the earth buried on

to 22 2014 one year later to the very

date John Paul Jackson dreams and

mysteries streams he went to be with the


quick and he was a seed put into the

earth on to 22 2015 then on mm and then

19 Paul came then who at his peak was a

statesman had his trials his ups and his

downs but he was a seed put into the

earth exactly five years later to the

exact date that Bob John hallwas

so you had these seer prophets Bob Jones

– 22 2014 Paul Cain – 22 2015

and then Bob Paul excuse me Bob Paul

Cain on – 22 2019 five years I was at

all three memorials I spoke at Paul

Cain’s and when I did there was a

presence of God that came into the room

and I had a god encounter in the middle

of that memorial so since then the Lord

has been distributing gifts Mantle’s

Authority what about me what’s happened

for me is there is greater authority on

my voice

am I in a higher realm of Revelation I’m

actually and being restored recovering

to the realm that I walked in 30 years

ago and with a greater authority so it

comes across as though I am in another

realm but I will mention that then there

are others and I’m gonna mention a name

Shawn balls with the detailed word of

knowledge he was my student when he was

like 18 years old in Kansas City he

inherited a prophetic grace so there are

many who are now emerging but then what

about me I am a bridge from the past to

the present to the present to the future

so am i increasing yes in this hour I am

entering in beyond the veil into a

dimension of clarity and impact that I

have not known for in this level for

maybe 20 years or so James the moment

you said that what just came out of your

mouth the glory descend it did you feel


but yours here did you see that I’m I’m

a feel or first and then I’m a seer and

then I hear but Jill so I just speak

right now there is a mantle of authority

and it isn’t available for a one but

when it is released it’s available to

the many so guess what folks plug right

in for an increase of Revelation but for

the double it’s an increase of

Revelation and it’s an increase of the

double we are moving into the double for

our trouble so plug in for greater

revelation but greater authority on your

voice in Jesus name okay I want to start

not where we originally were going to

start but I want to start at a different

spot when I spoke to you the most recent

a few days ago I asked you a pointed

question because many of the words that

were coming out of your mouth when I

spoke to you we’re identical to a

prophet I’ve had many times on by the

name of Tracy cook and you said you had

never heard of him beyond people told

you he was on my show I never met him

and for sure never intentionally never

heard his words because in early January

they blurtin the news knew all about the

pandemic in and and the coronavirus

crisis that that was going on before

that you had a dream about it would you

tell me what you saw in that dream yes I


now folks some of what said and I have

rehearsed and some of what maybe we have

not rehearsed I am just flat-out decided

to pull the cork out of the bottle and

just go for it

now I’m gonna say something I’ve never

said before because I have such a holy

awe and

reverence for God I say yay God yeah

yeah I agree

yes yay God yes God you know there is a

fire that people are going through and

it is are they gonna just build their

own little excuse me altars their

platforms or are they being tests

they’re being tested will you build his

whose reputation are you building so on

Tracey cook had I heard of his name yes

because friends had sent he said you

need to watch this and I prayed and my

discerner went no I don’t and I wondered

why so I asked Holy Spirit questions and

he goes I don’t want you to be an echo I

want you to be a voice and so it wasn’t

prejudice or anything in that nature of

why I didn’t watch the interviews with

Tracey cook it was that it was a

restraining of the Holy Spirit so back

in January then I had I called these

clips these are shorter like dreams and

then they go into a sequence so I saw in

Wuhan China

I saw laboratories and I saw

I didn’t know the words all to use but I

saw bio engineered man-made virus hmm

and this so I see things and then I have

knowings and I see and then or I then I

hear so I saw a laboratory in Wuhan

China and that there was being bio

engineered a man-made virus to release

in the earth my knower went man will say

it came from a wet market and the Lord

said it did not not in its origin it

originated in Wuhan and a biological lab

man-made to be released not from a wet

market I’m not saying it didn’t get

released someone picked it up and then

they go there that part the Lord didn’t

show me okay I want to be honest that

part I don’t know but what I do know is

what I saw I saw that there was being a

weapon you heard what I just said a

weapon being biologically engineered in

a laboratory and move on to be released

upon the world and tell me some more did

you see anything else you can tell me

about it I can again say that I knew

that it would be said that it came from

the wet market but that it didn’t in its

origin okay

No this then leads to a sequence of

things that then where it’s only then

two and a half weeks ago I went into an

encounter and that by the way I think is

why I said I wanted you on the show

but go ahead yep so I went into an

encounter and by the way ice this next

piece I submitted to Authority

that I walk with because I know the

price that there can be and the cost

that there can be on going on the edge

so but about two and a half weeks ago in

a very vivid dream I had a book come and

appear before me

it had a dragon on the outside of it and

it it was the title of it was the global

dragon warfare now it was a manual it

flipped open and I could read the table

of contents and there were twelve

chapters in the book but it was the

global dragon warfare manual I opened it

up in the dream I go to the table of

contents and there were twelve we could

call them stages or phases but in the

manual they were chapters in yellow

highlight marker it highlighted stage

seven and my knower see this is like a

combination seeing hearing feeling

knowing so I saw dream dragon reddit

global dragon warfare manual flips open

table of contents I see 12 so I saw that

there would be 12 stages or phases

highlighted in yellow on the seventh

stage and another set of states that

aren’t quite getting yes I’m saying when

you stay global warfare dragon a global

warfare dragon manual when you when you

talk about the book that is just as in

the Bible and chapter I believe it’s 12

of Daniel and talks about a book of life

there are many books in heaven and the

devil has no origination so he’s a

counterfeit artist of what goes on in

heaven so make sense if there are books

in heaven

then the devil has books for him headed

for his people

and Paul the Apostle said in the New

Testament we are not to be ignorant of

the devil’s schemes if we are not to be

ignorant that means that we have access

or we can have access to what is God’s

plans but we also according to the will

of the Lord and the leading of the Holy

Spirit not by pushing yourself out

somewhere into a fake false prophetic


realm of astral projection no no no no

no I don’t push myself anywhere I

worship God I pray I ask questions and

the Lord brings me into this so Paul

said were not to be ignorant of the

devil schemes so we can see into here

into peer into this Gemara the the

blueprints of the enemy at times so

that’s what this is and so I saw

a manual of spiritual warfare is what

you could call it of a global nature the

global dragon warfare I opened it up

highlighted on the seventh chapter or

seventh phase it said global pandemic

and it was highlighted because that is

where we are but stage six was the

scourge of fear that is what was being

released to lead up unto the seventh

stage which is the global pandemic I saw

into the eighth and it was global

economic collapse now what do you do

with these things so yes that’s just

happened two and a half weeks ago I have

submitted this to prophets intercessors

spiritual warfare experts and we have

multiple confirmations about the war

with the red dragon tell me a bit if you

can about this fear because I see it all

over the map and unfortunately I see it

in Christianity it’s it’s over the top

and what I think in my mind anyway is

fear then leads to anger anger then

leads to murder fear leads to depression

and then anger and then you know this is

I and striking out at anyone and I see

all these ingredients going on then that

would be satanic oh yeah absolutely so

let me touch the fear piece because in

the dream again

I see things I hear things I know things

and after I wake up out of these kinds

of level

of encounters my room is often charged

with a presence of the Lord this is how

I know that these are dreams from God

not the devil see I know they’re from

God because I am catapulted and the room

was charged with the presence of destiny

of destiny so I was peering into the

enemy’s plans to cut them off to delay

them or actually even stop the

progression now but what you said is the

fear factor the very foundation of this

global dragon warfare was this is

amazing it said he who teaches people to

fear rules hmm it was an underlying

philosophy he who teaches people to fear

will rule I’m going to say it again

slower because this is vital for people

to grasp he who teaches people to fear

will rule and that is the underlying

whole foundation to this global demonic

assault it is to create the scourge of

fear so even a pandemic will loom as

though it is larger than it actually

even is and so isn’t it what a joke said

the thing that I feared has come upon me

mm-hmm and see God knows this but the

devil knows in part but he only knows in

part and so but the enemy knowing this

part the foundation the philosophy is he

who teaches or let’s say cultivates a

culture of fear he who creates a culture

of fear will

ultimately rule so that is what the

spirit behind okay

behind that the spirit of fear behind

global control this is the issue behind

global control there is always a culture

of fear if you look at the former Soviet

Union of which we love the Russian

people we love the Chinese people we

love the people from the UK we love the

Latin people we love all the world so I

want to be real clear before we proceed

any further at all what I am presenting

is not an anti Asian it is not an anti

China it is Chinese it is not an anti

Korean it’s not an anti-russian it’s not

an anti patriotic American no God so

loved the world he has a plan for every

kindred every tribe every nation but the

demonic has plans stratagems and so I

just want to be very clear because I

won’t i’d will not partner with creating

a culture of fear I’ve made a very overt

decision in the last 10 years I will not

be a gloom and doom prophet I will not I

am a good news prophet that it does not

mean I live in denial mm-hmm I know I’m

not an ostrich with my head stuck in the

ground some want to be so he who creates

the culture of fear will rule this is

really important and if you study

civilizations through history fear will

be the underlying force that causes

control take over oppression etc so he

who creates the culture of fear will

rule so but Jesus God has not

Syd God has not given us the spirit of

what beer but he’s given us want power

love and a sound mind oh okay let’s work

on I mean I’m just gonna flip this

interview for a moment okay he’s given

us not and some of you need to repeat

this right now God is not the author of

fear God has not given us the spirit of

fear but power Syd stands for the

supernatural his whole branding is it’s


so God has not the author of fear God is

not the author of the global dragon

warfare but the enemy is and it produces

fear our faith propels fear paralyzes

fear put people in straightjackets and

they live paralyzed faith propels God’s

not given us a spirit of fear but power

love only love will make a miracle faith

works through love you got to love as

Jesus loves you got to love the Jewish

people you got to love the people and

the places that are closest to her God

but the one I want to get to is this

he’s not giving us a spirit of fear but

power love and a what’s the third line

said bound right sound mind what is a

lot of this battle for today it’s about

how we think a sound mind and a lot of

people and in the church are getting

into irrational fear rights it

unfortunately that’s true

how is this gonna play out or will it in

the political area of say this next

president don’t election yeah very smart

Sid Roth I think you might know how to

add dots together

so I I want to be honoring because we’re

to honor Authority and yet I want to be

truthful we have one particular party

that is a bedfellow something in common

with this particular great nation of

China is that not true it’s of course we

have a Democratic Party that is a bit

fella which china go ahead I’ll say yeah

I’m that I’m going to have a say it

together so we had one particular group

that is truly in bed partnering with and

I even wonder if not being financed to a

certain degree and then we have another

who is rising up to disrupt Donald Trump

President Donald row at this point in

time will go down in history as the

great disrupter because he has an

assignment now do I agree with all of

his mannerisms no I don’t but do I agree

with his leadership absolutely and do I

agree with all of the bold stances this

man has been taking like moving the

embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem that

it’s biblical so yes we have a person

and a window of opportunity that is put

before us to help turn turn turn this

nation now politics do not turn a nation

the church does but we have been too

passive in going forward in taking at

times a stand so but the Lord has raised

up a one with a leadership mantle upon

his life to challenge and bring

disruption and

cut the cords you know we talked about

soul ties like a person can have a wrong

soul tie or something and and to get

free they got to cut it right right now

we’ve got a war going on are we gonna

keep these tubes feeding us or are we

gonna pull them out or cut them off and

this particular president is frankly the

great disrupter and he’s coming along

and he right now it’s the who and what

did he just do I saw the who was a now a

Trojan horse the who the World Health

Organization okay the who is a Trojan

horse that we have funded and we have

promoted it sounds right

as this amazing the other party is very

upset over him pulling the cord is again

I’m putting dots together go ahead

bacala he won and and one of the ball

another bold thing he did he just

removed our funding what is that that

would be a legal basis because the who

has a big base in where Wuhan China I

okay I have to push the envelope is

President Trump going to win the next

election okay you know who you’re

talking to

I do but I am an intercessor I’m also a

teaching prophet not only a declarative

prophet so there is always a warfare

around a new beginning there is always

the read in the Book of Revelations the

dragon is there ready to devour the moon

the new birth

the male child so that it’s a principal

and the dragon is always there so there

is a warfare always on your life on

families city’s churches ministries

nations globally of the dragon Satan

ready there to devour now I believe that

it is the will of God for president

Trump Donald J Trump by the way he has a

generational inheritance in revival that

a lot of people don’t know anything

about he has in the White House the

Bible of his great aunts who were

intercessors in the great 1952 Hebrides

Islands revival

I have to believe they trade for Donald

having no idea their prayers were so

powerful I’m done research on the one on

the Hebrides Island revival Peggy and

Christine Smith two older women 84 at 82

years old and how they prayed the word

and they prayed oh that you would rend

the heavens and come down will God did

in duncan campbell and that’s a whole

nother issue but donald trump literally

has as an inheritance the bible of his

great-aunts who were the tooth – of the

intercessors of the great Hebrides

island revival not having said that i

have been shown what could happen it is

what would be the fullness of god’s will

i saw i’m gonna jump into the Supreme

Court justice issues that all right Sid

that was my next question but go for it

so what let’s weave it together so when

if you guys will remember judge Supreme

Court justice now Cavanaugh

and when his hearings when he was

nominated by President Donald J Trump to

be the next Supreme Court justice

everybody was talking about a lot of

people were how this was gonna fully tip

the scales well I started praying into

it I mean into conservativism and I

started praying into it and yes it was

an important piece but the Lord showed

me that Donald Trump was appointed he

was assigned to put in place three

constitutionally conservative judges

this was after and I might not say the

name correctly right now gorgeous as he

was already put in place which will be a

great justice then the battle waged more

over the Cavanagh appointment while that

happens I had dreams visit

tations and the Lord came to me and he

said that it was his will for Cavanaugh

to make it in and like many you have to

pray the promise but he showed me that

President Donald Trump was assigned to

appoint a third judge but I saw that a

judge and I know who it is would hang on

to try to stay on the bench in case

Trump would not get reelected and then

withdrawal after his election so is

secure a liberal justice in this

person’s place so the Lord showed me

that he has Trump an assignment to

appoint a third justice and he told me

she will be an ester this third

appointee excuse me was she it’ll be a

woman is that what you’re saying yes

okay it she will be an ester it’ll be a

woman and she will be an ester regal

smart with authority and he’s told me he

said and she will be used this ester to

tip the scales towards true

constitutional conservatism then it

would happen in the second term

rather glory just came back on that

particular state let’s go ahead yeah now

I feel it now – okay I sent see we but

we cannot go into this automatic neutral

gear que sera sera what will be will be

that’s not the way the kingdom works God

reveals and then we pray and we work the

promised faith without works is dead and

so there’s a promise that revealed then

we must birth the promise so I believe

it is the will of the Lord for President

Trump to be reelected for a long-term

reason if Jesus Terri’s any at all it is

to turn this nation for lineage and

legacy unto this was the exact phrase

the Holy Spirit gave me to true

constitutional conservatism so I believe

it’s God’s will for him to be reelected

now I’ve had another than experience

that happened in January of 2019 when I

was touring for my first time President

Reagan’s Museum Library I think it’s in

Orange County California and I was

walking through there I was watching the

documentaries it’s a brilliant amazing

place it would be worth anybody’s visit

my first time I’m walking through and

the Holy Spirit arrested my attention

and he says you know that President

Reagan was known as the Great

Communicator I know yes and he said did

you know at this point in time President

Trump will go down as the great

disrupter and I go yeah I know but he

spoke something to me about his future

then I go okay and he spoke something to

me about later in the middle of a second

term he would go in praying

that he will become he will a praying

president there’s a difference he will

become Lord willing in the middle of the

second term he will don’t be such an

apprehension of God in his life that he

won’t only have gone in by praying he

will be a great praying president who

God will move on his heart and he will

be a part of welcoming in the Great

Awakening yeah you know I think it’s

it’s important for me to clarify

something that is the the global dragon

warfare manual of which you are you only

so I think three of the sections

read yes okay the reason you saw it is

to pray against it so it doesn’t happen

you know it’s our job gets easier when

we know exactly what the devil is doing

then it’s kind of easy to go against

what he’s doing so when one of the

points you made was the economy

collapsing that’s not necessarily so if

the church acts like that Supreme Court

justice will like Esther let’s pray and

fast for three days and watch the heart

of the King change and on earth on our

behalf absolutely and that there will be

five words for this year 2020 probably

and beyond

repent reset we are right now in the

middle of the great reset from Passover

to Pentecost we are in what will be cut

it is called God calls this the great

reset Passover to Pentecost 50 days

we’re at the great reset and it’s right

now see just don’t get

excited about that things are changing

and businesses are gonna open back up

and dissing that and whatever okay a

gradual rollout but this is the time of

first repentance second reset that’s

where we are it’s followed by


it’s a chiropractic adjustment that is

brought to economic global economics

it’s brought to nations in alignment now

something that will excuse me it’s also

brought to us to you yeah you see this

isn’t just the whole big world sure this

this applies to us as individuals

let your spiritual leaders be listening

go ahead changed see absolutely see when

I’m talking macro I’m talking a lot of

what I call macro vision big but a

camera has lenses that goes like this

and it goes from the large to then I’m

gonna now call the micro vision the

micro vision is you the micro vision is

your life and all of this is also about

every individual person to call us in to

back to repentance call us into a reset

call us into recalibration now I’m gonna

go off for a moment but it’s important

18 years ago when ministry in Canada at

the miracle channel I prophesied 18

years ago that each church would come

into being 18 years ago

each earch and what I said was it will

come into being when it is relevant and

necessary about a month or so ago I

started reliving prophecies I gave 30

years ago 40 years ago 20 years ago 10

years ago and I started having the holy

spirit this is something has never

happened with me before and I am

seeing clips of things that I have

prophesied over my tenure one of them I

relived was this that happened 18 years

ago where i prophesy each church would

come about when it would be of necessity

and be of relevant when I relived and I

saw me prophesying that I wake up and

the Holy Spirit says these are those

days the reason I went into that is

because you see this is very personal

and it affects you Sid each urch but let

me tell you how it affects me just just

a little aside yeah we are making plans

to head on our social media discipleship

material we are now reaching on such as

a post like this

a million people rather than the

thousands it’s totally transformed about

what we’re doing and we’re not doing it

because we’re so smart we’re doing it

because God is so smart he is confined

us in the house and the only thing I

have is this little iPad and iPhone

that’s what I’m working on on my kitchen

table that awesome and I’m in my home

row and I’m not personally I’m reaching

more people through the multiple digital

formats that are available right now and

my home then I have by traveling all

over the world now as a tie-in with Bob

Jones word of the billion soul harvest I

like is this is awesome I’m gonna finish

the e Church so each earch electronic

Church no folks I’m not prophesying that

this the e Church displaces or replaces

local congregations and mega churches

that’s not what I’m saying

and some could run with that and say

well you heard James doll say that no I

said each church comes in

into being when it is of necessity and

relevant that is now now but what it is

it’s additions to the father’s house

it’s not to replace or displace it’s

like it’s God is expanding the house so

there had actually James I see it just

just slightly a little different from

the and absolutely you need not be with

obscene you need to be with a person

otherwise who’s going to iron sharpens

iron driving that would be all be left

out you won’t even learn how to love if

you do it’s just it’s just a computer

mmm but how but I see so many people

coming to the Lord that no local

churches will not be able to contain it

especially with the avalanche of souls

that is coming in and a lot of it

through media through social media which

I’m using a broad stroke calling it a

church okay so II media digital guess

what the devil did not invent the world

wide web God did and we must be shrewd

more shrewd in the world and we must be

we must invade this space which thank

God for many who are stepping to the

plate in this hour let’s go over to the

Bob Jones piece that you brought up I


it’s night in 1983 at a gathering in

Kansas City that Bob Jones prophesied

about three different things that would

be signs of when a great revival

particularly youth awakening when it

would begin now one of the three signs

was this it’s absolutely outrageous

he said when laborers in the rice fields

in China do you hear me

God’s got a plan the devil tries to mess

up the plan the God’s plans are higher

and Bob Jones said when the laborers in

the rice fields in China are watching

24/7 365 worship and prayer on unplugged

television sets on their wrists huh

you’re talking about this yes I wish I

had mine on right now I was ministering

in New Jersey at a church and a man I

worked at Wall Street and when I shared

that prophetic word he took off his

smart watch and he threw it up at the

platform to me because see that this is

that and he said that there will be

laborers in China now it’s not just

China who will be watching 24/7 365

worship and prayer on unplugged 1983

unplugged television sets on their

wrists and he said that that was like

Dick Tracy I had that it was like

science fiction it wasn’t in real life

listen everybody was like scratching

their heads and dying yeah Bob you’re a

parable and we know it and we don’t know

what you just said but it was true and

these are those days and so back to

where we began about these you know

seers by the way there’s multiple

streams of the prophetic so this is not

me now exalting only the see your stream

that’s not it at all

it’s just that I have an inheritance

with that particular camaraderie that

company of prophets I came forth so

because there’s many diversities thank

God for people like bishop bill Hammond

with christian international who’s

probably activated more people into a

prophetic gift than any person in all

church history I know that was a big

statement I just made no I believe that

too but it’s true

I said and activated into a prophetic

gift now so we are living in days of

great opportunities see consider this

there are defining moments in a person’s

life defining moments in a family in a

city a nation a church a ministry in the

world at the end of World War two it was

a defining moment things never returned

as they were previously the nations were

realigned and in fact there were nations

that were like put together that were

never put together before like

Yugoslavia or Iraq and they were brought

together by a group of leaders in it and

they weren’t really before that they

they were a part of they were a nation

but those nations didn’t like Yugoslavia

didn’t exist and then so there’s

defining moments and life did not return

as usual and we had the Cold War we had

the Soviet Union and all of that that

then emerges and comes forth life did

not return as usual we had a defining

moment at 9/11 and life did not return

as normal and we entered into a global

war of fear life after this will not

return as we have previously known it

considered these thoughts what has been

touched in this current situation

athletics entertainment medical

elections politics church religion

weddings funerals utha lytx education on

and on and on and on and on media

Hollywood it’s all been touched

we though in coming out on the other

side we’re entering into an entire new

era an entire new era a lot of us

prophesied about five seven eight zero

and 2020 and Beyond and many of us

several of us said this is not just a

new day this is what I said we are not

just crossing over into a new day or a

new year or even a new decade we are

crossing over an entire new era but what

we maybe didn’t comprehend as the

fullness of that new era nhoa goes into

an arc he comes forth into an entire new

era in civilization and I had another

encounter where I was given a scroll I

opened it up and it’s a blueprint and I

started building an arc of his presence

with family members people see that

what’s happening the word gets out in

and it was a dream and people started

coming now it was like the loaves &

Fishes the blue especially what do you

mean an arc with family members explain

what you say Noah

built an ark right it was for the

preservation and who was it that was on

the ark with him his family and animals

and there were eight eight eight is a

new new beginning so in my dream

it’s full of prophetic symbolism I

follow yeah and so I’m given a scroll

but it’s a blueprint when I unrolled it

and it is a blueprint on building an ark

now it took me time to then die cipher

decipher this so and then it multiplies

it multiplies it multiplies in the dream

and then there scores there’s hundreds

or thousands then of arts arcs of his

presence being built then I wake up out

of this encounter and a word was sitting

on me and it says as it was in the days

of Noah this happened about two months

ago as it was in the days of Noah and

I’m going okay the ark was four

Texan provision preservation it was


presence of God there was the Dove and

it was about coming into a new era of

promise we if we redeemed the time we

will shift now truly from one era into

an entire new era and part of the new

era were shifting into is the great

harvest ok why don’t I do James what do

you do what did what do you do that are

watching us right now I have started out

talking about Passover and and we never

got so wheat we also not only are we

under Omar to a degree

just like the Jewish people were

confined to their house so the Angel of

Death would pass over us the blood of

the lamb was run but we’re coming to

Pentecost so that’s a 50-day period as

we know yes what can we should we be

doing to to build our Ark for ourselves

our families during this time what

should we be doing ok this last Passover

and you know this said was historic in

Jerusalem it’s only the second time

Passover has happened son to similarity

of the original Passover the original

Passover is in quarantine under a plague

and they applied the blood this last

Passover just ten days or so ago two

weeks ago in Jerusalem they celebrate

Passover in the homes

under lockdown in quarantine due to a

plague I’m only using that one

illustration if that was a historic

Passover and it was guess what’s coming

a historic Pentecost when the law was

given when acts to the fire the Holy

Spirit was poured out and then

evangelism occurs we are moving into

from pass over to Pentecost we are going

to shift into the one of the greatest

Passover’s excuse me greatest Pentecost

since the Azusa Street revival where

there is an outpouring of the Holy

Spirit it will be like a coming-out

party for the church we have waited we

have been with the Lord and he’s then

it’s going to be one of the greatest

seeing sending going periods of time

that we have known in history so how

does it relate to each of us let’s take

this time make sure that you get some

time with the Lord make sure that you

are repenting in behalf of you your life

your family and just confess any

generational sins ask the Holy Spirit I

want to say because it’s a lost art if

you will it’s a lost word on Christian

media it’s a lost word in the church I

know about repentance especially being

Jewish however and I have repented quite

a bit I had a lot to repent oh right and

get saved I would until I was 30 but I

am finding things now that I need to

repent of it’s like the Holy Spirit is

revealing things at this point you know

that here’s a reveal for the past 30 40

years to me it’s it’s part of the

package of the of the global glory this

is come

I believe and it’s not about

condemnation conviction greater freedom

it’s under freedom condemnation lingers

to oppress you conviction comes to

cleanse you and when you partner with

conviction and sanctification then you

some know the truth and truth will set

you free and then you’ll come out on the

other side with greater character to

carry the greater glory so are you using

Pentecost or a shovel hoped yes are you

using that is for like a better words

your pointed contact to move into the

new is that what I hear you saying yes

sir yes I am we’re in a 50 day great

reset from Passover to Pentecost it’s a

time of crossing over a Joshua chapter 4

where the prophecies declared or on one

side of the river another generation

arises and there are messengers then who

cross over they walk in a culture of

honor and then they inherit the promises

which one of the major prophecies it is

now time to inherit is the great harvest

and you’ve made reference to the billion

soul harvest especially of youth it is

now time she’s right hope Peter got that

word especially of youth yes that’s

three now but that’s a parallel of the

original Passover it was only the

younger generation outside of a couple

people like me that passed over into the

inheritance and the promises and God is

choosing I’m gonna dial down my

intensity just a little bit okay are you

making me intense I know I know I feel I

feel something from the Holy Spirit that

requires me I think to be a little more

sensitive right now

I want to just speak to

individual out there I want to go from

the macro to the micro and I want you to

know this God so cares about you and he

wants to remove any common ground that

you might have with fear or depression a

spirit of heaviness and casting it off

the divine exchange because I know this

can be a cliche but I have I’m still

here those who know me well you know my

narrative you know my storyline Sid

knows it is show you you are only here

by the grace of God I know of three

occasions where it took a miracle for

you to be here

uh-uh or you would have been in heaven

with a lot of the other Kansas City

prophets and my late wife and Jill

Austin a bunch of other friends Sid Sid

is here for such a time as this to be a

bridge to carry the promises from age

iteration because probably no one has an

interviewed more prophets then said

Rolfe he’s probably a steward of more

prophetic revelation then it’s probably

one of the top five people in the world

that’s a steward of prophetic revelation

today and scuzz he’s interviewed so many

people and you guys know what I’m saying

and a lot of diversity and then we

become a bridge and I’m calling myself

I’m a bridge prophet right now to carry

the best of yesterday from the

asked to the present from the present

into the future and God wants to

encourage you that you are here for such

a time as this that he wants cleansing

to happen from the spirit of fear

because he wants us delivered he wants

you delivered and so I just speak right

now that you’ve not received the spirit

of fear but power love and a sound mind

I declare right now put on your helmet a

hope a salvation the positive

expectation of good because something

good something’s going to happen to you

something good oh boy now if you talk

about a tangible presence it just fell

on me

it is now he it it is all over me I am

like whoa I mean it’s like yeah I know

it’s a feeling but it’s not just a

feeling it’s an anointing this is not a

cliche what I’m going to declare is a

living reality something good is just

about to happen something good I feel

that presence of like the great cloud of

witnesses looking in I see all Roberts

in that great cloud of witnesses right

now I see Papa Kenneth Hagin in the

great cloud of witnesses I see Derek

Prince in the great cloud of witnesses I

see Kathryn Kuhlman in the great cloud

of witnesses and and there is and and

and they’re there they God has a word

heaven has a word to release to earth

something good is just about to happen

something good is just about to happen

it was fifty plus seventy years ago that

three movements of God were birthed in

the earth at the same time the

charismatic movement the Messianic

movement and the Jesus people movement

we are back in such a Kairos period of

time and it’s going to be one of the

greatest the sending movement an

empowering movement and a youth

awakening that the world has never seen

I speak it forth and God is going to

move upon the Jewish people in diaspora

and God is going to move upon the Middle

East he’s going to move upon Iran I’ve

been tough a sign for a decade that

there will be the fastest Church growth

is going to happen in Iran and that

there will be a People’s Revolution that

will occur and that there will be Iran

Iran will run with the gospel in the

name of Jesus and there will be a

People’s Revolution that will occur and

I declare that there will be a great new

movement that will be relevant it will

be historic that will happen in the Land

of Israel and I declare in the name of

Jesus we are passing over into a new

empowering of fire of presence of

gifting and with the fire character

to carry the gift I got to go back to

this statement something good it’s nurse

II receive it right now receive it for


it’s micro before it’s macro one time I

was teaching out of the Book of Numbers

and I said and the glory of the Lord

will cover the earth as the waters cover

the Seas the Holy Spirit interrupted me

well I’m teaching and he says how do you

think that will happen

and I go and I’m still teaching and I go

uh tell me and he says and I and I

recited again the glory the Lord will

cover the earth as the waters cover the

Seas how do you think that will happen

and he said to be one clay pot at a time

one clay pot at a time you’re the clay

pot you’re the laborer in the rice

fields you’re the laborer and the

kitchen you’re the laborer in the family

you are the one you are the one and I

speak over you a fresh baptism in the

Holy Spirit I speak a fresh fire I speak

a fresh giftedness I speak a fresh

sanctification that burns out sin

iniquity patterns and even addictions

someone is getting healed the

diverticulitis right now someone is

getting at the blood stream getting

healed of leukemia someone there’s a

healing of the generational spirit of

infirmity and it’s actually getting

burned out by the fire of God someone

with a stage four cancer in their lungs

I see something greater than radiation

its Holy Ghost saturation of his

presence and it’s it’s a Holy Ghost

III don’t know really what I’m talking

about right now Holy Ghost like protons

and it’s cuz they’re they’re they’re

they’re they’re they’re prophetic it’s

it’s it’s prophetic presence and it’s

going to infiltrate I just see someone

with the Stage four lung issue in cancer

but their God has

remedy God has the protection God has

something for you and I just speak forth

provision preservation protection

presence of God to shift into the new

era of the new promise in Jesus name

and I have to say what a word you use at

the beginning there’s this broadcast

amen so be it

James I want you to come back because we

haven’t even scratched the surface I

know what God’s put inside of you and I

also know that even where as you said

the anointing changed at the end I could

feel it

it was an anointing of compassion and

love they caused those words to just go

into you and I don’t want to leave you

know you tell me one thought and I’m

gonna leave them with one thought one

thought I’m gonna speak to you to pray

the Bible I’m gonna give you a key to

your future pray the Word of God don’t

just read the word pray the Word of God

and I want to give you Jeremiah chapter

29 God has a future a hope and a good

welfare pray proclaim prophesy that word

over your life and over your sphere pray

prophesy proclaim don’t just read the

Word of God God has a future a hope and

a good plan welfare for your life and my

last word is in addition to what James

just said pray the Word of God do

something that Paul commands us to do

pray without ceasing only way you can do

that is in a supernatural language or

tongues I want you

to be conscious at all times

especially all this downtime you have

you can be praying perfect prayers with

perfect faith your whole future your

family’s future and the world’s future

those two things pray the word and pray

in tongues you’ll drive the devil Masuka

many eat that’s the Hebrew word for

crazy crazy

I knew it next time I’m gonna have Jim I

don’t know if next time but I’ll have

him soon and but I’ll tell you this this

has become a hot spot for God may the

Lord bless you may the Lord keep you may

the Lord lift up his countenance upon

you may the Lord make his face shine

upon your face and may you have Shalom

for such a time as this this is James

gall with God encounters ministries

partnering with my friend Sid Roth with

it’s supernatural and we say together

God has something good that’s just about

to happen amen