Jesus ministered in the towns and villages, teaching in the synagogues. He preached the good news of the kingdom and healed every disease and sickness. It is no different today.

Is there a supernatural

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Hello.

My name is Sid Roth.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

My guest is one of these people
that has God experiences

all the time.

In fact, he said to me God is so

Now most other people, they say,
what’s the matter with me?

How come God is not so talkative
to me?

And he says that God has told
him that his assignment is to

equip you so that God will be
talkative in your life.

Anyone interested?


So you’re a teenager.

You come to know the Messiah and
shortly thereafter,

you hear the voice of God.

What did he say to you?

Jamie Galloway: Sid, it was like
an echoey,

thunderous voice that filled the
room that I was in.

Sid: Now that’s the way I
envision that when God spoke to

Moses it was like Charlton
Heston’s voice.

Was it similar?

Jamie Galloway: I really wish I
could imitate it because it was

so real, thunderous.

It was majestic.

There was power and the words
themselves penetrated

my entire being.

I literally felt my bones
vibrating under the intensity of

the words.

And he spoke to me this one

he said, “I want to speak to you
like I spoke to Moses.”

When he said that I could feel
shockwaves of his presence

coursing up and down my body,
and I passed out.

Now I know I was out under the
power of the Spirit.

Maybe I was out like Adam when
God put him in the spirit of a

deep sleep.

But it was in that moment that I
received an impartation to walk

with God.

Sid: You’re in Brazil and you
have an unusual

heavenly visitation.

Tell me about that.

Jamie Galloway: I was preparing,
as I do for the meetings that we

do, whether it’s in the U.S.,
Brazil or around the world,

but I get alone with God and I
want to prepare myself.

I want to get my heart ready.

I was not ready for what was
about to happen.

In a moment I was caught up and
I was flying through

the heavens.

I remember seeing the clouds
passing by me, stars.

I mean, I was going way up and I

what is going on?

And I heard a voice, and I heard
this voice say,

“I’m taking you to the Third

When I arrived in this location
there was thick dark clouds all

around, I mean, billowy dark

and behind these dark clouds was
a being of living light.

It looked like lightning and it
was moving,

and it was alive, and

just powerful.

And I could feel the energy of
the moment.

I was also afraid, Sid.

I had so much fear.

But it wasn’t the fear like
Halloween type fear.

It was the fear of God.

I was aware and connected to the
fear of God and I could feel it

so tangible.

And in a moment, I’m talking, I
must have been there 30 seconds,

maybe 45 seconds, I don’t know
how long an eternity that is,

but all of a sudden I’m back in
my body and I’m laying in bed,

and I can feel the power of God
still coursing over

my physical body.

I was there in one moment, now
I’m back in my body.

I feel this power.

I’m vibrating with this energy,
and I’m crying,

I’m weeping, and I’m undone.

I don’t know what to do.

But I go to the meeting that

I have a team with me and I say
to them,

“Guys, I had just had a fresh
encounter with God.

I want to pray for you.

I want to bless you.”

I didn’t really explain

I go up on the stage.

I’m speaking and suddenly people
are looking at me,

pointing at me and I’m getting a
little paranoid like maybe I

have something on me that
shouldn’t be,

maybe I look weird, I don’t

But the whole crowd is starting
to point to me and I’m getting a

little nervous.

I’m getting a little

Someone comes up to me in the
middle of the moment and says,

“They’re pointing at you because
you’re lit up like a light bulb

and you’re glowing.”

I was glowing, visibly glowing
in the natural and behind me the

whole wall got filled with gold.

It was like golden glitter had
just filled the wall

and it was glory.

My Bible had been filled with

I didn’t know what to do, so I
stopped debating,

and I said, “Let’s pray for the

Sid: That’s a good thing to do.

Jamie Galloway: I mean, where do
you read about what to do when

these type of things happen.

I just went with whatever was in
my spirit.

And so everybody came up and as
people were coming up they were

getting healed of, I remember a
woman had like a deviated septum

or something of that nature.

I didn’t even pray for her, but
as she’s coming up to the front,

everyone is getting healed and
reminded me of the moment when

Peter’s shadow would touch those
that were laid out on the city

streets, and his shadow would
heal people.

So much glory on Peter, his
connection with God was so much

that his shadow would heal those
as he passed by.

Sid: Were many of those people

Jamie Galloway: All of them were

Sid: All?

Jamie Galloway: All of them were

That’s the thing.

We went through every single
person and by the end we weren’t

even praying for people and
people were getting healed.

Sid: Okay.

You’re sick.

You got allergies.

It’s not the end of the world,
but I know people with allergies

and it’s a tough thing to have.

An angel showed up.

Jamie Galloway: Yes, this was,
you know,

it really hits home when it’s

And in this moment I was not
expecting what was

about to happen.

I had been in a season, maybe

three years of allergies so bad,
I was in hay fever all day.

I mean, I felt miserable.

It’s no kind of life to live.

I literally would go to bed
excited because it was the

moment where I would no longer
experience this torture

of allergies.

And all day long I ended up on
so much medication

nothing would work.

And so I one day was praying,

heal me, heal me, heal me.

I go to a friend’s house that
night and I’m ministering.

We’re just at a house.

We’re enjoying the meal and I
begin to share with him what God

is doing, and he says, “You
should pray for my kids when

they get here.”

His kids were coming back from

So we pray for them.

We started praying for them.

Some words of knowledge were

We’re ministering prophetically.

In the middle of that moment God
hijacked our situation.

Sid: What do you mean?

Jamie Galloway: I saw an angel
step out of the corner

of the room.

What I mean is the angel was
invisible and then

he became visible.

And I saw this angel and in my
spirit I had a knowing.

I had a sensation that was a

like I know that I know, that I

And I know in that moment that
God is about to

do a special miracle.

I don’t know what the miracle

I say, “How about we do this, go
get some unscented olive oil.”

So I had them run around, find
some unscented olive oil.

They brought it out.

Every one of us smelled it in
the room.

It was unscented.

I wanted to verify that it was
unscented olive oil.

I said, “God, as we pour out
this olive oil,

transform it into our favorite
fragrance right now.”

We poured it out on this kid’s
hand and instantly that oil

transformed from the regular
unscented olive oil,

the natural scent that it
already carries,

to the smell of roses and
laundry detergent.

Sid: I’ll take the roses.

Jamie Galloway: It was so thick,
it was so real.

I reach out, I put my hand in

in this boy’s hand, I pull it to
my face,

I smelled it, and when I did I
smelled it,

I took a deep breath [breathing]
and I could feel the burning

sensation going through my nose
and all over the inside of my

face and I was instantly healed
of allergies.

Sid: You know, Jamie, this is
his life.

This is happening to him all the
time and he told me he can show

you how you can do this.

He knows the future.

He knows the future of America.

He knows the future of the
former Soviet Union.

He knows the future of Israel.

Anyone here like to hear that?

I do.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back to It’s

We now return to It’s


Sid: Now Jamie tells me God is
so talkative,

but he knows how God can be
talkative in your life.

Before we get to that, tell me
what God has shown you about the

former Soviet Union.

Jamie Galloway: I believe Russia
is a hot spot for

revival right now.

I believe we are going to see an
epic move of God and it’s going

to be centered on the Jews that
are there in Russia right now.

And what I’ve seen is that
they’re going to walk in a

prophetic awakening that is
going to cause the nations to be

jealous, and even more
specifically because of what God

is going to do there with them,
it’s going to draw Jews out of

Israel to come there to seek the
Lord and receive encounters with

Jesus and have supernatural
awakening moments.

But what I saw is prophetic
voices emerging from that place.

Sid: These will be like

where their words will not fall
to the ground.

Jamie Galloway: Yes.

Sid: And I’ve been waiting for
that day.

Jamie Galloway: Yes.

Right now in the Spirit there is
a demonic power trying to serve

up a war with Russia.

It is trying to sabotage a
revival that God wants to do in

the earth today.

Sid: Makes sense.

Jamie Galloway: And I see this
because he knows his time is

short there.

And God is about to move so
powerfully unlike we’ve ever

seen before.

And we’re going to see prophets
that have power and authority

like Samuel, like Elijah, like
those that we’ve heard of old.

I mean, we are going to be signs
and wonders,

not just miracle moments in

but on a world stage we will see
signs and wonders where they’ll

call things out in heavens.


Sid: Tell me about Israel.

This is important to God.

What is God telling you about

Jamie Galloway: I woke up around
the end of December and I heard

Israel in my spirit, “Israel,
Israel, Israel.”

And I felt in my spirit that
this was a time where God wanted

to walk again with Israel.

He wanted to speak to Israel and
he wanted to make himself known

to Israel.

What I felt in my spirit was it
was so important that America

partner with what God wants to
accomplish in Israel

in these days.

It was going to be a controversy
in this year.

Actually, over the next four
years there was going to be

major controversy and there were
going to be people on either

side of the fence, and how they
partner with Israel in this time

will determine the outcome of
their spiritual life.

I feel those who bless them and
pray for them in this time will

see not only harvest as far as

but harvest in their own life in
their families.

And I feel it’s so important
that we come into alignment with

what God is doing there.

But I saw specifically Jews in
Israel coming out of Israel and

then being sent back in.

They were coming out to be
filled up and actually meet

Jesus Messiah.

They were going to be sent back
in with signs,

wonders and miracles.

Sid: What is God telling you
about the United States

of America?

What’s God showing you?

Jamie Galloway: I’m seeing an
awakening from coast to coast.

Specifically on the east coast
right now we will see a revival

from New Jersey all the way down
and it will even touch Cuba.

Cuba will be a major hot spot
for revival and awakening.

And I feel in this hour right
now the east coast has an

opportunity and we’ll begin to
see the power of God travel down

all the way from the upper
northeast down towards the

Florida panhandle and we’ll see
revival and awakening.

California and the west coast,
the rest of the west coast,

I feel God is going to raise up
prophetic voices from those

locations that will prophesy and
do signs and wonders

unlike ever before.

And out of that prophetic, the
mantle that will be released,

we’ll see emerging media
movements that will so strike

the media that news like CNN,

they’ll want to see it and
they’ll turn off everything else

in their regular programming to
watch what God is doing.

The news right now is reaching.

They have no news.

They’re just trying to create

But when they see the Living God
at work moving,

they’re going to turn everything
towards that focus,

that center of attention because
God is going to hijack the media

and we are going to see such a
media movement that the world

has never seen.

And I’m talking kids with their

their Androids, their camera
phones picking up resurrections,


Sid: Resurrections?

Jamie Galloway: Resurrections.

I mean, we’re going to see these
type of events and it’s going to

hit every major media outlet as
well as some of the media

outlets that our kids are able
to connect with today.

Sid: What’s going to happen to
your kids?

I mean, I see what the colleges
are doing to Christian kids.

They go in a Christian and they
walk out a heathen.

Jamie Galloway: You know what,
where sin abounds,

grace much more abounds.

We’re going to see revival
momentum unlike ever before at

the universities, and even in
the middle education,

I mean, we are going to see such
a move of God.

My daughter is a total exact
expression of what we’re seeing

in the earth today.

At the age of three, Jesus
visits her and she comes to


He wakes her up in the middle of
the night and she comes to


At the age of five, an angel of
God came to her and put his hand

on her shoulder in the middle of
the night.

She said, “Mommy, Daddy, his
hand was hot on my shoulder

all night.

And he spoke to me, and he said
to me,

‘Stay away from wickedness and I
will be with you all the days of

your life.'” Sid: That’s the
generation that is coming.

Can you, I don’t care what the
devil has done.

I don’t care how negative it
looks in your life,

your family’s life, your
health’s life,

I’m telling you this is a new
day and God is going to make

himself strong in your life.

When we come back, I want Jamie
to teach you how to do exactly,

how to hear exactly the types of
things he does,

the types of things he hears.

We’ll be right back.


We’ll be right back to It’s

We now return to It’s


Sid: Now Jamie, as you know, the
Bible says the gentile believer

in the Messiah is to provoke the
Jew to jealousy.

Well I think you’re provoking a
lot of Jews and Christians to

jealousy right now.

How can we do what you do?

What you do reads like the Book
of Acts,

maybe even stronger.

And let’s face it, most
Christians live a very

boring life.

Jamie Galloway: I totally agree.

I’ve made it my goal, Sid, to
take people out of boredom and

into an adventure with God.

We owe the world an encounter.

So how do we host that encounter
in our life?

I found there is a secret
ancient way,

a waiting on God that unlocks
the supernatural in your life.

This is the key: Waiting on God
puts you in a place

for visitation.

It puts you in a place where you
can encounter God and actually

go into the realms of the

So many of us stop and we’re
satisfied with the still

small voice.

But the still small voice is an
invitation for more.

So do we know how to wait on

Sid: And many people don’t even
hear the still small voice

because they don’t, as you put

know how to wait on God.

How do we wait on God?

Jamie Galloway: Waiting on God
leads you to the still small

voice and waiting on God leads
to a visitation.

So here’s what I do.

I sit down.

I get myself in a place of

I don’t let anything distract

I turn my cell phone off.

I put it as far from me as

I’m stealing time to wait on

I don’t want any distractions.

Sometimes I do it in the night
when no one else

can distract me.

Sometimes I’m doing it right
before I got to bed,

that way I posture myself for

I dial myself down.

I don’t meditate.

I don’t think.

Sid: But wait.

Some might say that’s new age.

What would you say?

Jamie Galloway: I focus on

I’m not trying to focus on
centering myself.

I’m not looking inward.

I’m looking at Jesus and when I
do that I walk into the door.

I have encounters.

I begin to see things.

I mean, I’ve had visions and
literally taken out of my body

into places and it’s all in the
place of waiting on God.

Your mind is going to be a

It’s going to go, you’ve got
things to do.

You’ll have all of a sudden
ideas that you’ve

never had before.

You’ll have bills that will come
up in your mind that

you never thought.

Sid: The little sound will go
off on my cell phone.

There’s a message there.

I’ve got to see that dumb
message, right?

Jamie Galloway: Exactly.

We’re in the most distracted age
we’ve ever been in.

So how do we free our self from
this waiting on God?

And I believe when we get still
that is a pathway

to the supernatural.

We’re literally entering into
the supernatural by being still

and focusing Jesus.

We dial down and about 30, 45
minutes into it,

I’m telling you that may seem
like a long time,

but you’ll come to a place of
such focus and connection.

It may even take you five

It doesn’t have to be forever.

But when you do, you’ll suddenly
connect with the Living God and

you’ll be aware of him and his

Sid: And if nothing happens in
that first time,

should we throw in the towel or
keep doing it?

Jamie Galloway: You have to

You cannot give up.

It took me seven months.

Sid: Okay.

I’m going to tell you what, I
want you to pray and push your

gift right now for those that
are viewing and those in the

studio audience.

Would you pray?

Jamie Galloway: Absolutely.

I’m going to pray for you
because I believe God wants you

to visit with him and he wants
to visit with you.

He wants a visitation and he
wants to inhabit your prayer

life and make it exciting.

Waiting on God is not boring.

You’ll find yourself taken up
into realms of the supernatural.

Father, right now I ask that you
would release such a realm of

the supernatural that there
would be times of encounter even

in the waiting where those that
would be still in your presence

and focused on Jesus, you would

speak, Lord, your servant is

And when you do this, you put
yourself in a place of waiting.

Father, I ask that you would
visit them,

you would inhabit their prayers
and you would visit them with

encounters of the supernatural.

Show them things of Heaven.

Show them things of your spirit

And I ask that you would open
their eyes,

their ears and their hearts to
understand what is happening.

Give them the patience and the
determination to press in.

Thank you, Father, in Jesus’

Sid: Amen.

You know that means?

So be it.


Sid: Next week on It’s

Sandra Kennedy: Did you know
that God made healing simple?

Join me, Dr. Sandra Kennedy, on
It’s Supernatural! with Sid Roth

and I will show you how simple
it really is to receive

your healing.