Jim Woodford was brain dead for 11 hours. Propelled through a tunnel of light, Jim Woodford found himself standing on the edge of Heaven and utter darkness. Something began calling his name. Jim went to Heaven and was sent back with a message from Heaven — it’s never too late to cry out to God. Jim Woodford recently died and went to Heaven, but not before visiting the gates of Hell. Heaven – An Unexpected Journey. (Book) Unsaved, and facing death, Jim Woodford cried out for God to forgive him. Jim died, but it was not his time — Jesus sent him back, and he is here to tell you it’s not too late for you. Jim’s journey through a tunnel of light brought him to the edge of Heaven and Hell. The darkness and the sound of Hell’s gates were real, but so was his angelic rescue from a creature who called him by name. Jim shares the experiences of singing flowers, God’s “sticky love” and meeting Jesus, who silently read the book of his life to him. Jim was ashamed that his worldly accomplishments amounted to so little! Jim is changing that now, and his book will change you! Heaven is Beyond Your Wildest Expectations (Book) shares the testimonies of ten ordinary people who have been to Heaven — having died and returned, or in a vision or dream. These real life, modern-day stories inspire faith that, no matter what happens here on earth, all troubles are momentary, light afflictions compared to the glory that awaits you in Heaven. “The first time I saw Jesus I was completely overwhelmed. When He looks at you His eyes pierce you, they go all the way through you. Just love! I melted in His presence.” — Dr. Gary Wood Life After Death. (2-CD Set) Many people have died (medically speaking) or had a near-death experience, visited heaven or hell and then returned to life or consciousness. These people have given amazingly similar accounts of their experiences. Since we must all exit this life, we have a natural curiosity about what they have seen and heard.

Is there a
supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of It’s Supernatural!


Sid Roth: Hello.

Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world where it
is naturally supernatural.

My guest was brain
dead for 11 hours,

went to Heaven, sent back
with a message from Heaven.

We have a Hebrew word,
it’s called “bashert”,

it means it’s meant to be.

I tell you it is bashert
that you be watching right now.


My guest, I’ve just gotten to
really know over the last day,

he’s a retired pilot.

You put it in a
lot of hours flying.

How many hours?

Jim Woodford: Just over 20,000.

Sid: Just over 20,000.

He’s not, he was not a
believer in the Messiah.

His wife was a believer.

Is it fair to say that
your god was things,


Jim Woodford: Yes, Sid,
and I’m ashamed to admit it.

I mean, I lived what I
thought was the quintessential

American-Canadian dream
of a successful career,

successful businesses.

And yet I would wake up in the
middle of the night and I’d have

this yearning inside of me, and
I foolishly interpreted that as

meaning I needed a
faster plane, a bigger car,

a larger boat.

Sid: But one day,
again, he’s his own god,

so to speak, he wakes up
and something unusual,

his arms and his legs are numb.

He gets diagnosed
with a disease,

frankly I’ve never
heard, is it Gillian Barre?

Jim Woodford:
It’s Guillain Barre.

Sid: I’m close.

And if I understand this right,
this is life-threatening and you

could end up paralyzed.

But actually if you don’t
get treatment right away,

which you did not, what
did they tell you to expect?

Jim Woodford: Well it’s often
fatal and Guillain Barre is the

deterioration of the myelin
sheath on your brainstem and

it’s similar to if you strip the
insulation from an electrical

cord and all the signals
from your brain become

pain and interrupted.

And I went from being a guy
that flew jets and raced cars to

someone completely dependent
on nurses and my wife who is a

nurse for my care.

Sid: You told me that the pain
was so bad that you had pain

when you blinked your eyes.

Jim Woodford: I actually trained
myself to blink one

eye at a time.

Sid: Because of the time.

Jim Woodford: Because every
blink of my eye was pain,

not just in my eyes, but
through my whole body.

My whole nervous system had been
interrupted by this incredible

debilitating disease.

Sid: And all of a sudden, the
pain gets so bad that you take a

whole bottle of pain medicine.

I mean, but didn’t you
realize that could be fatal?

Jim Woodford: You know Sid, it
was a gradual thing and yet to

give me some
semblance of normalcy,

some ability to sleep two or
three hours a night I began to

take more of the
medication than I should have.

And I was trying to get up the
energy to get under the truck

and inspect the field
that I was trying to sell,

and I saw a vial of
prescription medication.

I should have known all I was
consumed with stopping the pain.

As I took the last of the
medication that evening and I’m

facing the setting
sun, for some reason,

I didn’t plan it that way, all
of a sudden my feet began to

burn as though
they were in fire.

My hands and fingertips started
to burn and as that burning

sensation made its way up my
body in my arms toward my chest

I knew that I had done
something truly catastrophic.

And it was then that I said
the first three of the six words

that I believe are responsible
for me being here today along

with the prayers of my family.

And in that last instant in my
consciousness I looked at the

setting sun and I
raised my hand,

and I remember it
was shaking violently.

I cried out, “God, forgive me.”

I cried out from a part of me
that I didn’t even know existed,

not out of fear.

I faced death a couple
of times as a pilot,

never flinched, but I had this
overwhelming sense in those last

nanoseconds of my life that I
had wasted this beautiful life

that the Creator had given me,
and I had never honored

him for that life.

And I was just trying to express
my sorrow for not having led a

better life.

Sid: After that prayer, which is
half of the prayer that got you

back, what do you remember?

Jim Woodford: And suddenly I
became aware that the horrific

pain that I had endured for all
those years since the onslaught

of the Guillain Barre was gone.

I felt more alive than I had
ever felt before and the pain

was gone.

I felt so great.

I slid under the truck, I walked
about 15 feet away and I’m

feeling as though a heavy wet
overcoat has been taken off from

me, and all the
pain has gone with it.

And then I look back at the
truck and there’s someone in my

truck, and I’m
absolutely enraged,

who would dare get in my
truck, and not only that,

he’s sleeping on
the steering wheel.

The moment when I realized that
the guy in the truck was me was

truly earth shattering.

Sid: The next thing that
happened you’re flying but

there’s no airplane.

Jim Woodford: Finally
I’m saving on fuel.


But I began to rise.

I can look through the rear
window of the truck and see my

body slumped over the wheel and
over the truck I can look down

in the bed of the truck,
Sid, and see my toolbox.

And being a former pilot
I’m a good judge of altitude,

and I’m suddenly a
hundred feet, 200 feet,

I’m drifting slowly
backwards and I’m rising.

I’m rising, and I am terrified.

I can look out
over the countryside.

Sid: I’ll tell you
what, hold that thought.

He finds himself in a
very unusual place,

almost a crossroads
between Heaven and Hell.

When we come back we’ll
find out what he did about it.

Hell was actually, he actually
heard Hell and demons calling

him by his name.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: Now people are on the
edge of their seat right now.

So you start going up.

It sounds, I’ve heard this
story from others before,

sort of like a tunnel
you’re going through.

What is this?

Jim Woodford: Well I
got to about 1200 feet.

I tilt my head and this
beautiful golden circle appeared

in the sky and then the
center filled with gold,

it opened and suddenly it
was though I had put all the

thrusters on the jet engines.

I went zipping into
this tunnel of light,

which I’m sure many
people have heard of,

and I’m traveling a
tremendous speed.

I’m leaning back at
about 45 degrees.

I have an incredible
sensation of speed.

But typically you feel
the wind in your face.

There was wind and there was no
rushing noise of the sound of

travel, and no jet
engines, and tremendous speed.

I’ll bet, I’m
guessing Mach 1, possibly.

And within a very quick period
of time I recognize that there’s

a brilliant light at
the end of this tunnel,

I come to it, it’s
covered in mist.

I step out because I feel
the tunnel closing behind me.

I put my foot down,
the mist cleared,

I look down and I
can’t believe it.

I am standing on the most
incredible green grass you could

ever imagine.

I now know where the
saying comes from,

“The grass is always
greener on the side.”


They’re talking about Heaven.

Sid: But I’ve been
told the colors are,

it’s greener than any
green we have here.

Jim Woodford: If we have a
spectrum of colors on Earth,

Heaven has 10,000
times, 10,000 more.

It is a feast for the eyes.

Sid: Okay.

But then you see some darkness.

Jim Woodford: I look up
from that beautiful grass that

radiated light from underneath
my feet and there is as though a

dividing line.

A median has been
drawn in front of me.

To the right there’s this
beautiful mist-colored field.

The mist is laying over it.

We pilots call it ground effect.

There’s beautiful
flowers showing through it.

But then to the
left of that line,

Sid, it was so different because
that beautiful green grass went

from green to
brown, to scorched,

to black and then
dropped off in a crevasse.

And I stepped forward and
looked down into this cold black

blackness, and then I saw
something like a dim light at

the bottom, like
a light of fire,

red fire.

And suddenly I heard the
strangest sound like two massive

iron doors opening and
screeching on hinges that had

not be used in a long time.

And suddenly emerging from
those doors was the most hideous

creature you could ever imagine.

Hollywood could never
duplicate what I saw.

So I’m looking.

I can’t believe, I see this
thing coming out and suddenly

I’m assailed by this horrific
smell that comes out of that

pit, an odor of death and
decay, and of things long dead,

things that should
never see the light of day.

And it gazed up at me and when
its fiery eyes looked at me it

started to make its way
up the wall of that pit.

But its body, Sid, was formed
of like a rolling mass of dark

cloud with a face of it.

And I heard the
most horrific things,

something screaming within
the body of this creature.

And then what absolutely
horrified me was I heard my

name, my name being called.

This creature knew me.

It knew me and it
was coming for me,

and I was terrified.

I mean, I want to tell you I
stood there and wanted

to do battle.

I was terrified.

And it reared up under that
pit over me and the most hideous

face imaginable,
massive in its size,

snarled at me.

And there was this feeling of
an anticipation of glee that it

couldn’t wait to
get its claws on me.

And I was so horrified I turned
from the darkness

toward the light.

We are creatures of the Light.

And I automatically
turned toward the Light,

and when I did I
sensed this creature,

its breath on the
back of my neck,

the stench of its breath and I
felt a sharp claw move

down my back.

And it was at that point,
remember I said there are six

words in the prayers of my
family that make it possible for

me to be here today, and the
first three words I cried out in

the truck, “God forgive me!”

In my absolute terror, and I
had no reason to expect any help

from God, I turned myself toward
that mist with that creature

breathing up my back, and I
looked at both hands and I cried

out, “God help me!

Help me!”

And Sid, instantly three
stars appeared in that mist like

distant points of light,
but coming rapidly toward me,

and I focused on them to keep
my mind off what was snarling

behind me because I could
hear the saliva from his jaws

dropping on the
ground behind me.

And I concentrated
on those lights.

They came so rapidly,
Sid, incredible speed.

My pilot instincts took over.

I was afraid they were going
to make too fast a landing,

but they did a beautiful job.

They took form.

They were angels.

As they approached me, this
beautiful light fluttered over

me, went beyond me and
struck that creature.

And when the light of the angels
struck the creature it scrambled

back down in that hole
like a rat running for cover.

God had heard the cry of someone
that had never turned to him in

his life.

Sid: When we come back I want
Jim to share about what Jesus as

well as the angels have:
transferrable sticky love.

I’ve never heard
about sticky love.

Have you?


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural!

We now return to It’s


Sid Roth: You know,
there is so much that

this man experienced,

but when I was reading about
your experience I was reading

the chapter on sticky love.

Tell me about that.

Jim Woodford: The
sticky love of God.

Sid: Yes.

Jim Woodford: The angels came
forward and they spoke to me

through thought transference,
and as they put their wing

around me and held me close I
felt so safe and protected.

And I reached out to
touch the angel’s arm,

and Sid, when I did I felt I
had been impolite in doing that,

and so I pulled my hand
back, and when I did,

the light of the angel’s body
clung to my hand until I got it

back about six to 10 inches, and
then let go and

went into its body.

And that’s why I tell people
every chance I get the love of

God is sticky.

It wants to cling to you.


Sid: And you told me that God
was in process of replacing all

your selfishness,
all your greed,

all your lust for love.

Explain that.

Jim Woodford: I
don’t think a human,

a soul or spirit can go through
this experience and not be

profoundly changed, and I feel
as though I have been

truly born again.

Not only have I come
back from the grave,

my soul has come
back from despair.

My spirit has found God
again and I will

be eternally grateful.

Sid: Tell me about
the Hall of Knowledge.

Jim Woodford: Heaven,
you have to suspend your,

all that you’ve been taught
about physics and gravity,

and time, and linear
space, and spatial references.

They simply do not
exist in Heaven.

But I was shown the
Holy City, I mean,

these incredible
buildings of light,

not hued from stone, Sid, but
hued from blocks of light that

exuded this warmth and love.

And I saw the
Halls of Knowledge,

the Halls of Music,
the Halls of Learning,

the halls of everything that
you wanted to learn about the

mysteries of God.

And then they
showed me the nursery,

the nursery, Sid.

I think it speaks to the
compassion of our God that

little souls that are aborted,
God gathers their spirit back

and they’re raised in
the nursery in Heaven.

Sid: Tell me about the
size of your book of life.

Jim Woodford: I’m
ashamed to talk about it,

but in the Hall of Records they
keep a record of everything that

you’ve done in
and with your life,

and it’s not decreed
an I gotcha moment.

It’s for when you are
shown the book of your life.

And when they pull, the angel
pulled mine out of his robe and

opened it for Jesus to read,
I was absolutely shamed and

mortified that all I had to show
for a life lived that I thought

was the ultimate in success was
this small thin book no bigger

than a diner,
roadside diner menu.

And I was ashamed
that I should have,

with all the resources
and the time that I had,

I should have had a book as
thick as the Bible filled with

all the goods, all the good
deeds that I could have done.

You know, as Charles
Dickens said in his novel,

“Mankind should have
been my business.”

And instead I was only
involved in my self-ego.

I am determined now that if I
have the opportunity to go back

again to do everything good I
can so that when Jesus reads the

book of my life again he’s
going to need three angels and a

forklift to open it.


Sid: Now you have
got to tell me,

when you looked in
the eyes of Jesus,

what did you see?

Jim Woodford: It was the apex of
everything that happened to me

because when his eyes locked
on mine and

he smiled at me, Sid.

Jesus smiled at me.

But when I looked into
those eyes of grey and green,

and blue, I was lost in eternity
because in those eyes I saw

sadness for the way
I had lived my life.

I saw sadness for the way we
as mankind have rejected his

Father’s message, but I
saw incredible love for me,

for me, someone
that deserved none, nothing.

For me.

And I also saw mixed in with
that love in the eyes of Jesus

forgiveness for me, forgiveness
for the life that I had lived,

and a chance to do it again.

I am eternally grateful.

My life, our lives,
Lorraine’s life and mine,

are now his.

Sid: Let me tell you a couple
of things that you need to know.

While all this is going on his
wife and family are praying and

he sees it.

He can see them praying.

He comes back and guess
what happened

to his incurable illness?

Went out the window.


Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

Mark Taylor: Hello.

I’m Mark Taylor Mary
Colbert: And I’m Mary Colbert.

Join us on It’s Supernatural as
we share how God supernaturally

used ordinary people like us
to help shape

the presidential election.

And wait until you
hear what is coming next.