On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, Kevin Basconi sees in the invisible world just like you see in the natural. Kevin says many people’s angels are unemployed even though God gave them charge over us. It’s because we don’t know how to cooperate with them. It’s time to learn.

Is there a supernatural

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Welcome.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

My guest is a seer.

That means he can see in the
invisible world just as most

people can see in the natural

And this is what he told me:
Many people’s angels, and

everyone’s got an angel, many of
your angels are unemployed.


Because you don’t know how to
cooperate with them.

Anyone want to learn?

Now Kevin Basconi and his wife,
and I took a tour to Israel and

it was actually at the communion
service that I was conducting.

You had some words of knowledge.

We had eight of the people on
our trip, they had tumors, eight

of them, recorded, the tumors

You even got an email from one
of the people after the tour,

but what happened to her?

Kevin: Amazing, Sid.

In the Garden of Gethsemane, the
power of God was present to heal

and what we experienced was a
precious woman from New Mexico

named Olga emailed us, and she
had actually had cancer before

on one of her chest areas, and
it had been surgically removed.

Another one developed on her
other side, and so the Lord

spoke to her.

She would go on the trip and he
would heal her.

And in the Garden of Gethsemane
suddenly the tumor dissolved and

God released a creative miracle
in her life, and her testimony

was she was totally healed to
the Glory of God in the name of


Sid: I don’t know.

Eight tumors disappeared.

But Kevin, that kind of makes

Tell me about your experience
with an angel that did creative

miracles and financial miracles.

Kevin: Yeah, Sid.

That was amazing.

Kathy was with me and she
witnessed it.

It was late at night and as I
was counting money from an

offering from one of our events,
hundred dollar bills began to

multiply in my hands.

It was like lightning was

After this day we began to have
incredible miracles, creative

miracles with healing, but also
with provision.

I’ve seen things multiply like
gas in my car.

People have the money in their
bank accounts multiply.

People have the money in their
wallets multiply, all sorts of

amazing miracles, signs and
wonders since God releases an

angel of creative miracles to
accompany us as we preach the

Gospel of the Kingdom.

Sid: Now because you’re a seer,
a seer is someone that can see

what’s going on in the invisible
world, he has learned that there

are ways that we can cooperate
with our angels as opposed to

having an angel unemployed.

What’s the best way we cooperate
with our angels?

Kevin: The most important thing
we can do, Sid, is to begin to

decree audibly God’s Word over
our lives.

So according to Psalm 103:20,
“As we decree God’s word, God’s

angels heed his word.” Really
what it is, is the fragrance of

Heaven is attached to the logos
canon of scripture and God’s

angels, they recognize it and
then they begin to go forward to

bring those things to pass.

Now here’s something

God’s angels also heed the reign
of the Word where the Holy

Spirit where maybe a prophetic
word has been given to you

that’s truly of God, God’s
angels, as we decree that and

speak it audibly go forward to
bring those things that pass.

Sid: If I have a prophetic word
and I start decreeing it, I’m

not making it happen, so to
speak, by decreeing as something

God wants, but he uses his
messengers or his angels to

cause them to come into being.

So if I’m not decreeing it, I
guess my angel is unemployed.

Kevin: That’s absolutely true.

There are millions of unemployed
angels in the Kingdom of Heaven

and my heart’s desire, and I
believe the Lord’s heart’s

desire, Sid, is for God’s people
to get the revelation that we

can co-labor with his angels.

Sid: Demonstrate a decree and
actually I want this, I want

something that you want to
happen right now, decree it.

Kevin: Father, in Jesus’ name, I
decree that you are releasing

your angels of creative miracles
and supernatural provision and

healing to go forward.

And I just sense that even as
you’re watching this program

right now, there are people with
arthritis, arthritis in your

body, and if you’ll begin to
move your hands as you watch

this broadcast, many of you are
going to receive a creative

miracle as the arthritis and the
pain will go.

But actually, the knuckles, the
swollen knuckles in your hands

will be miraculously healed
because God is going to release

in your spirit influence healing
angels and angels of

supernatural provision and
creative miracles.

Also Sid, I like to tell people
I will prosper and be in health

even as my soul prospers.

And what happens is God’s angels
go forward to begin to work on

those who are decrees.

Sid: You know, something I’ve
been doing by faith, but I’m

beginning to really understand
this now, is when people walk up

to them and I’m not having such
a great day, and they say, how

are you doing.

In the South, everyone says, how
are you.

They don’t mean a thing about

They don’t care how you are.

It’s like saying hello.

Kevin: Exactly.

Sid: But I take advantage of it
and I say, I am so blessed, and

I may not be blessed when I’m
saying it.

But guess what?

I’ve been doing it so long, I
actually believe it.

And I am, you know what, I am so

Kevin: You truly are blessed.

Sid: Let me ask you this.

I have seen an angel several
times, not like you.

I mean, you looked over at our
studio and you saw, what did you

tell me you saw?

Kevin: I saw an angel of glory
standing behind you.

Sid: Oh in the studio, you
actually saw angels in the

studio watching that we were
going to tell people, getting so

excited we were going to tell
people for the first time how

they can cooperate with their

Kevin: That’s right, Sid.

The whole studio was filled with
God’s angels, because when we

begin to talk about God’s angels
and teach about them from the

canon and the scripture, they
get very excited because God’s

angels will have no other
testimony when they stand before

the judgment, see, than what
they have done to co-labor with

God’s people, his children,
those who have received Yeshua

as Messiah.

Sid: Okay.

Tell me about someone, which is
mostly me outside of a couple of

times, that doesn’t see angels.

Will they operate as effectively
for me as they do for you?

Kevin: This will take a lot of
pressure off people, Sid.

The answer is absolutely yes.

According to the scriptural
principle, Psalm 103:20, “God’s

angels heed his word and begin
to go forward and do it.” So as

we decree God’s word, we may
never see God’s angels, but they

begin to work on our behalf.

So the answer is yes, you can
begin to co-labor with God’s

angels and never see them.

But if it’s your heart’s desire
to see his angels, God will give

you exceedingly, abundantly
above anything you can think,

ask or imagine.

And I believe that as people
press into this aspect of God’s

Kingdom, more and more people
are going to begin to see and

discern God’s angelic hosts who
are all around us, visibly

working every moment of every

Sid: Okay.

When we come back, you’re going
to find out Kevin literally saw

hundreds of warrior, yes, you
heard me right, warrior angels.

I want to know what they look

I want to know what their
purpose are.

We’ll talk about it when we come

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: This is a fascinating
subject on angels.

I mean, people don’t teach and
talk about them enough as far as

I’m concerned.

But just as there is so, such a
release of angels on Planet

Earth right now to cooperate
with us to cause things to come

into being, assuming we’re
cooperating with them, that’s

the key.

But there’s an onslaught of the
demonic because we’re in the

last of the last days.

What do you expect?

Do the angels help us in
fighting the demonic?

Kevin: Absolutely, Sid.

And that’s what God’s people
need to get the revelation of,

that we have the right to
co-labor with them.

If we could see into the
spiritual dimension

consistently, we would be amazed
at the number of God’s angels

and demonic that are out there.

But as we begin to pray in the
name of Yeshua, God will release

these mighty warrior angels to
fight, and to war on our behalf

to overcome these demonic things
by the blood of Yeshua.

And we have the right and
privilege to co-labor with God’s

angels to release them to battle
on our behalf in reference to

demonic beings.

Sid: Are you afraid at all when
you see these demons, when you

know these angels are going to
fight on your behalf?

Kevin: Absolutely not, because
over the years God has given me


Luke 9:1 says that Yeshua gave
us all power and authority over

unclaimed spirits to cast them
out and to heal sickness.

The key is when you observe
them, you must take authority

over them, you must bind them,
you must cast them out.

Sid, I like to cast them into
the pit.

Sid: You know, I was thinking
about that.

I’ve heard people, I tell them,
go under the feet of Jesus.

I’ve heard people say, go to the

What do you prefer?

Kevin: I just tell them to go
into the pit and to stay there.

Sid: I like there.

Kevin: To stay there.

Sid: Yeah, that was key.

I hope you were listening to


Tell me about the hundreds of
warrior angels, you had a

visitation from the Lord.

Kevin: Yeah.

It was 2002.

I was in Tanzania.

I was praying in the Spirit,
Jude 20, and as I prayed in the

Spirit, the heavens opened, Sid,
and I saw God’s angels first

begin to ascend upon Jesus, and
then descend upon Jesus.

And I knew by revelation he was
sending out into different

nations in the continent of
Africa to further the Kingdom of

God and to minister in nations
and cities for ministries and


God has angels like that he
wants all of his people to

understand that they have the
privilege to co-labor with.

Sid: How important is it to pray
in the Spirt in supernatural


Tell us.

Kevin: It’s extremely important,

You know, over the course of the
last 15 years, the Lord has been

showing me the importance of
praying in the Spirit.

And what the Lord showed me is
as we pray with understanding,

at times, through the unction of
the Holy Spirit, we can pray in

other tongues with the
understanding that we are

releasing God’s angels.

Many times as we’re praying in
the Spirit, the Holy Spirit is

co-laboring with us to release,
activate or loose God’s angels

to go forward into our spirit of
influence on missions of mercy

upon the earth.

The results can be amazing and

Sid: Now there’s something I
want to ask you.

You know, just a good worship
service, you’re a seer.

You can see what’s going on in
the invisible realm.

Tell me, what did you see in

Kevin: You know, that was an
amazing event because not only

I, but everybody there witnessed
angelic ministry through their


And what happened, Sid, I was at
the Methodist School of the

Supernatural and we were
teaching about angelic ministry,

and at the end of that event,
one of the pastors from

Tennessee said, “I believe we
should pray in other tongues.”

And as we were praying in the
Spirit, all of a sudden, the

Holy Spirit prompted me to tell
everyone to stop.

And I told them to stop.

There were maybe 120 or so
people conservatively in the

room, pastors from the Methodist

And when we stopped singing,
God’s angels continued to sing

for about five or ten minutes.

Everyone prayed.

Sid: That was my point.

If Kevin just heard it, that
would be interesting, but at

this event, everyone heard it.

Kevin: My understanding is that
multitudes of people heard it.

It was glorious, Sid.

Sid: Now I’m told that by other
friends that when they worship

and dance, that the angels are
literally doing what they’re


Have you seen this?

Kevin: Absolutely.

Many times God has opened up my
eyes to see into the spiritual

realm to discern God’s angels
during worship.

You see, God’s angels were
created by God for his purposes.

One of those purposes is to
worship the Lamb of God, Yeshua

the Messiah.

And as we adore the Lamb of God
through our worship, we can

track angelic activity.

And God’s angels at times will
join in with us.

We’re spiritual creatures, human

As we worship the Lord, as we
worship Yeshua, God’s angels get

excited, they dance, they sing.

I’ve seen angels that play

It’s amazing what there is going
on in worship services.

And if we would exercise our
spiritual senses, according to

Hebrews 5:14, worship is an
opportune time for us to discern

and begin to see God’s angels.

They love to worship the Lamb of
God, Sid.

Sid: Okay.

When we come back I am going to
turn Kevin loose in some amazing

revelatory areas.

But here’s what you have to

Everyone has an angel.

You have an angel.

I want to find out about these
guardian angels when we come


We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: You know, it’s so
comforting to know that there

are a flurry of angels that are
running interference for us.

Kevin, has your life ever been
spared by an angel?

Kevin: Many times, Sid, in the
missions field and on ministry


But you know, there was one
particular time.

Early in the day, my wife and I
sat down to do our devotions.

I prayed and I asked the Father
in the name of Yeshua to release

his angels to go before us and
to make our path straight for

that day.

One day, Kathy and I were on our
way to a ministry assignment and

a gentleman ran a red light, and
his car was going to hit us.

There was no way, we were in the
middle of the intersection and I

just said, “Yeshua,” I said,
“Jesus help.” And that car

literally passed through the
front of our car.

And the guy as he went by was
like, because he knew he was

going through our car.

And I know without a shadow of a
doubt God has sent his angels to

minister for us.

According to the Hebrews 1:14
and Psalm 91 model, we can

activate our guardian angels to
minister for us.

Sid: Tell me about the angels
that you met in London.

Kevin: Oh that was amazing.

We were ministering in London at
the church in Clapham Common and

we had taken a break.

And we were walking down the
street in London, England and I

kept feeling someone touching my
shoulders, and I kept turning

around, but no one was there.

So I asked the Holy Spirit,
“Lord, what is this?” The Holy

Spirit said, “Kevin, that’s your
guardian angel.

He’s standing behind you.” And I
could feel his wings spread out

over me.

And you know, Sid, in London,
people are kind of to


They don’t make a lot of eye

But this one tall lanky man
walked by and all of a sudden

his eyes popped open and his
mouth dropped open, and he just

looked at me as he was walking
by, and then he stopped.

So I stopped to look at him.

And then he walked up to me and
he said, “Excuse me, mate, I

didn’t know if you know this,
but I thought you’d like to

know, there’s an awfully big
angel walking behind you and

he’s got his wings spread out
over your shoulders.” Now

there’s a teachable moment here,

This man was not a believer in

He was an ordinary person.

If God can open up the eyes for
an ordinary person to see his

angels, what can God do for
those who know the Lord as


Sid: Tell me about a term that
we hear all the time, and it

isn’t even biblical, guardian

Kevin: Absolutely.

Psalm 91:12 is the scripture
that most people use in

reference to this.

In Matthew 18, Jesus was
teaching the disciples and they

brought a little child to him.

Jesus said, “See that you do not
offend one of these little ones

because in Heaven their angels
always behold the face of their

Father.” So here’s the thing,
Sid, if we have guardian angels

and little children, did we lose
them when we grow up?

The answer is no.

What happens is our mindsets

We go from having a Hebraic
childlike mindset to having a

Greek mindset and we no longer
believe it’s possible.

Everyone has at least one
guardian angel and as we decree

God’s Word over our life, we
begin to activate or loose them

to go forward to minister for

In the Book of Revelations, John
fell at the feet of an angel to

worship him.

The angel said, “See that you do
not do that.

I’m your fellow servant.” The
Greek word there is “sandulus”.

It means co-worker of the same
Divine king.

Now I serve a Divine king, Sid.

How about you?

His name is Yeshua.

He is the leader of the armies
of angels, and so sometimes God

gives us the privilege to
co-labor with his angelic hosts.

Man times this takes the form of
releasing God’s guardian angels

to go into our sphere of
influence, our family, our

ministry, our state, our nation
to do missions of mercy to

recreate the Lord Jesus in our
sphere of influence.

Sid: Now I’m really fascinated
with the gift that God has given


Last night we were having dinner
and you said to me, the waiter’s

wife, you said to the waiter,
“Does your wife have migraines?”

And the guy looked.

He wasn’t, he was raised
Christian, but he wasn’t, he was

far away from God as he admitted
later on.

And he said, “Yeah, my wife has
horrible migraines.” So we


He comes back a few minutes

“I just called my wife and she
is so excited.

The migraines are gone.” Did he
say they were gone or they’re

going to go?

I don’t remember.

Kevin: I think she was more
excited about the fact he prayed

to receive the Lord as Yeshua.

Sid: I think so and he did right
at the table.

That’s why God has given us all
of these gifts.

What happened in Newfoundland?

Kevin: You know, Newfoundland
was amazing.

I just began to stay up there.

Now understand, Sid, this is
what I call a supernatural

learning curve, and I’ve been
pressing the end of this for

about 15 years.

But when God first began to open
my eyes to see his angels, I was

in Newfoundland and I was taken
into Heaven, and the Lord Jesus

assigned a healing angel to me.

And during that time, I came
back down and the Lord began to

lead me to minister to people.

And tumors dissolved, and in one
woman’s house the Glory of God

showed up as this angel stood
behind me.

I was able to tell her the
secrets and desires of her

heart, really minister to her.

But God has angels like this
that he wants all of his people

to be aware of because we can
co-labor with them.

Sid: Would you pray right now.

You believe every spirit-filled
believer can move in this realm.

Kevin: I believe so.

Sid: Pray for us.

Kevin: I believe that just as
Elijah prayed in the Book of

Second Kings, he prayed to the

He said, “Lord, I praise you to
open my servant’s eyes.” And I

just want to decree for those of
you watching right now, that

scripture says, “And God opened
the young man’s eyes to see the

angels and chariots all on the
mountain.” I pray in the name of

Yeshua Ha’Mashiach that the
spirit of the most High God, the

Holy Spirit, the Ruach HaKodesh
of God would begin to fall upon

you as you watch this, and that
as you begin to lean in and

entertain Heaven, God would open
up your spiritual eyes that you

might see those who are for you
are more than those who are

against you.

And Father, I give you praise
and honor, and glory for

activating the eyes of people’s
heart and enlightening their

spiritual discernment so that
they might recognize the truth

of the Kingdom of Heaven, that
you might give us wisdom and

revelation that we can co-labor
with God’s angels to release

them into our sphere of

And I just also sense that there
are angels of healing and

miracles just as we talked about
that are being released into

your sphere of influence right

Whether you’re in another state
or another nation, just put your

hand on the part of your body
where you need to be touched,

where you need a healing ,where
you need a miracle.

And Father, in Jesus’ name I
release and activate your angels

of healing and creative miracles
to minister for those who are

watching this program right now
in the name of Yeshua



Sid: I’m hearing right now
someone’s neck is being healed

right now.

Kevin: Amen.

Sid: Kevin earlier talked about
arthritis in your fingers, your


I’ve heard that at the same

The left part of someone’s
stomach is being healed right


There’s oppression in the brain,
in the forehead area, any brain

or any area there, you’re being
healed right now.

Backs are being healed.

I’ll tell you what, that angel
must be here because healing is


As a matter of fact, people say,
well if Sid or Kevin would just

the word of what I wrestle with.

I have a better idea.

The Messiah took every one of
your sins, every one of your

sicknesses, every one of your
pains, the presence of God is so

strong, whatever your need,
cancer, I bind you in Jesus’


I command you to leave.

Spirit of death, leave.

Be healed in Jesus’ name.

I’ll tell you, I’m excited about

How about you?

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest is a worshiper and when
he worships, the tangible

manifest presence of God invades
the place, and in God all things

are possible.

Are you ready for the God