This week on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural: Do you realize a third of your life is spent sleeping? Laura Harris Smith demystifies understanding your dreams and how to remember them. God speaks about direction, decisions and things He wants to share with you. He blesses as we listen!

Is there a
supernatural dimension?

a world beyond the one we

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35
years researching the strange

world of the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Hello. Welcome.

Welcome to my world where it’s
naturally supernatural.

That rarified air of Heaven, I
love breathing it in and

breathing it out.

We spend a third of our life

What if that third of your
life was actually arranged by

God to have you in a total
seeing state in your dreams

and He wants to tell you what
decisions you should make,

yes or no, what direction you
should have,

wisdom for friends in your

My guest totally demystifies
understanding dreams.

She teaches how to remember
your dreams and how to

understand them, and one-third
of your life will not be

wasted on pizza dreams.

You will know the truth
through your dreams.

I have to tell you I’m a
pretty pragmatic

person, and therefore,
I’ve had my dreams,

I’ve had literal dreams, but
only a few.

I can number them on one hand.

However, they’re all symbolic
and I never can know exactly

what they are.

So being the type of person I

I’ve tossed them all out.

Laura, why doesn’t God just
make it easy and give us

literal dreams?

Laura: You know what?

You’re right, a lot of times
He does.

But you know, Jesus spoke in
parables and he is still

speaking in parables today.

But mainly I say the reason he
does this is because you have

to apply your faith.

When he shows you something
then it requires you to seek


It requires to pray and to
come up with an interpretation

or go to someone who

and then you have to apply
your faith to it,

and that’s pleasing to the

Sid: Well you know what?

You said the key operative

It’s pleasing to the Lord to
apply our faith.

So I was, there’s a Hebrew

meshuggah, a little crazy for
tossing out God giving me


I’m not going to do it

And you told me something last
night that I’ve been thinking

about ever since, Laura.

And that is you have gotten up
at night and opened your eyes

and seen someone protecting
you right in your bedroom.

Tell me about that.

Laura: Yes.

I have seen someone twice at
the foot of my bed and once

over to my right where just
reaching over me to touch me,

like this.

And I had seen angels in the

but it was through bright
bursts of light or in other

ways, over people, around a
situation where protection was


But this was just a man.

And I’m telling you he was
there as if you’re there right

now, just guarding over me.

Sid: Now you’re provoking me
to jealousy.

I want that angel over my bed.

How about you?

Laura: You know what, I pray
often for people to receive


I don’t want mine leaving my

but the Lord to send someone

because I believe that He also
can give us sweet sleep.

God says in Psalm 127, “He
gives His beloved sleep.”

But it’s not sometimes so

You say, well I’m not

I’m His beloved.

But you know, there’s a war
going on for that third of our


The enemy wants us riddled
with sleep debt,

apnea, insomnia, he wants all
of that so that we don’t rest,

so that we don’t have an
opportunity to hear from God

at that time of day like we

Sid: How did you get into this
understanding dreams?

I mean, because you have
become so expert at it.

How did, what was the nucleus
of it to start?

Laura: Okay, well I’ll tell

Twenty years ago I was
teaching classes on hearing

the voice of God and I began
to notice that people were

less comfortable saying, I had
a word from the Lord or I have

a prophecy for you than they

I had a dream last night.

Let me tell you what I think
it means or what do you think

it means?

And so I began to just

you know, and exploring
scripture on what dreams say.

That’s really where it

And then I changed the name of
the classes to “Seeing the

Voice of God”.

So what happened to me
personally during that time,

and this was about 15 years

I was still teaching the
hearing classes,

I went through this hearing

as I call it.

I was spiritually dead.

My husband had just walked
away from a lucrative music

industry job and we had five
children that time,

and it was, and had a sixth
one in the interim.

And it was a really, we had to
hear the Lord on our next

step, and I wasn’t hearing

And then one night, I finally
heard this small phrase and it

was “five days”.

And I thought, what does five
days have to do with anything?

And the Lord downloaded into
me all at once,

and I do mean all at once,
“You’re going to get away with

me for five days and you’re
going to read the Bible in

five days, and I’m going to
let you ask me that question,

‘Is God ever silent?'” Because
I was mourning.

I was hearing and seeing these
books on Christian bookstore

shelves that when God is

And I just, I couldn’t bring
myself to the point where I,

you know, my God was silent,
like He had a mute button.

I just did not think he would
do that.

So the Lord provided a way at
my father’s prayer cabin and I

went, and in five days with a
very strict reading schedule,

it was just, you know, 12 to
15 hours a day,

I read the entire Bible.

I didn’t stop to chew on the
Greek or Hebrew,

or anything like that, just
asked that one question.

And Sid, I did not find one
place in scripture where it

says that God is silent.

I found scriptures like, “If I
regard inequity in my heart,

you will not hear me.”

But coming to that conclusion
I thought,

okay, it’s not God’s mouth,
it’s my ears.

And that’s where Job 33 came
into play for me.

God began to bypass my ears
and pour out visions and


And Job 33 says, “God speaks
in one way and in another,

yet man does not perceive it
in a dream,

in a vision of the night.

When deep sleep falls upon men
while slumbering in their

beds, then He opens the ears
of men.”

So the visions and the dreams
started coming and during this

time we changed the name of
the classes to “Seeing the

Voice of God” and voila,
suddenly my ears were open


Sid: I love that.

There is hearing the voice of

but you’re going to start, not
just hearing,

you’re going to start seeing
the voice of God.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Now my guest tells me she
gets angry because it’s the

devil that is causing insomnia
to stop God’s people from

hearing God, seeing God so
clearly in their dreams.

Insomnia is a big problem.

Laura: It is.

And it’s not just God’s people
that the enemy doesn’t want


Remember, Jesus can reveal
himself to people,

and this is happening a lot in
Muslim nations right now.

He can reveal himself to
people in their sleep.

So you know, be comforted by

That family member that you
have thinks they’re an atheist

by day or they think they’re
an agnostic by day.

We are made of three parts in
God’s image.

And so there’s that portion of
us that does not sleep,

just like there’s that portion
of God that does not sleep.

Our body and our mind sleep at

but our spirit is awake.

And so that person who says by

I’m agnostic, listen, they go
to bed at night and their

spirit is the Lord, so the
enemy doesn’t want them

sleeping either.

Insomnia and other sleep
disorders… Sid: But Laura told

me, this is so exciting, is
when she has friends that are

non-believers, agnostics,

another religion, she’s got a
captive audience to pray for

them while they’re sleeping,
because the Bible says that

God neither slumbers nor
sleeps and the human neither

slumbers nor sleeps.

But tell me a bit about what
you learned about insomnia.

Laura: Yeah.

Well there’s 40 million people
in the world who struggle with

insomnia, chronically, another
20 million who just have it


There’s always times for each
of us,

maybe we can’t sleep.

But yes, I believe it is
attack of the enemy to come

against that period of the

Listen, the moon and the

and the nighttime, those were
not an afterthought when the

Lord created those.

That is a sacred time and it
is a time for you to be able

to receive information from
the Lord when your busy mind

is turned off.

And I sat next to, on a plane
on time,

a person who was really into
Sigmund Freud,

okay, and they had a lot of
psychologists in their family.

You know, Freud was Jewish by
birth and atheist by choice.

Sid: Unfortunately.

Laura: Right.

But his, can you imagine
having those roots and

ignoring them.

But his whole take on dreams
was that it was a


I’m like, it’s so much more
than that.

We can receive in our spirit
from the Lord as we sleep.

So yes, the enemy does not
want us to sleep and that’s

the place where I get excited
about praying for people.

Sid: Now you actually had a
dream before my staff called

you, that told you what was
going to happen.

Laura: I’m so thankful.

I woke up one morning, so it
was a waking dream,

and yes, there was a dream.

And I saw a… Sid: Excuse me,
what is a waking dream?

Laura: Well it’s exactly what
it sounds like.

You wake up to this dream.

Sid: Just as you would in the
middle of the night.

Laura: Yes.

It can be in the middle of the
night if that dream wakes you


Sid: I see.

Laura: This one was in the
morning and I saw a hand.

It was knocking on a door.

It wasn’t my hand.

It was a hand knocking on my
door and that was it.

Then I heard, “opportunity

So I waited.

Well the morning before that I
had a dream that I was big and



So I’ve had six children, so
that was analogy that the Lord

knew I would understand.

I was expectant.

You know, you’re expecting,
when you’re pregnant.

So I put those two together in
my mind and I thought,

something big is about to
knock at my door.

I’m full and here comes the
opportunity for,

you know, delivery.

And hours later, we got the
email from your executive


Sid: You know, that is
exciting to have this

knowledge before it happens,
that it really is God knocking

at your door.

But also, you can have what
you explained,

warning dreams.

Explain a little bit more.

Laura: Can I give an example
of one?

Sid: Please.

Laura: Because it’s sort of

But I love this example.

It was a warning waking dream,
and waking dreams you just

have a hard time shaking.

I woke up one morning, it was
a Sunday morning,

and I saw myself standing in
front of my church.

My husband and I pastor in
church in Nashville.

And there was a huge wrecking

and it was coming towards the

Now I’m standing in between,
you know,

it, so I see it coming at me.

And I woke up, and I knew
immediate danger… Sid: That’s


Laura: It was, it was, not
just because I saw it coming

to me at my church, but it was
staring me in the face at a

rapid beat.

And so I got up, I got out of

I knew that the early morning
prayer team,

the pre-service intercessors
would be there praying.

And so I must have barged in
there like a bull in a china


I gathered every elder I could

I gathered every pastor, the
music pastor,


And I said, “Listen, there’s
something that is about to


I’m not sure, but if we’ll
pray with this,

I believe we can thwart it.”

So sure enough, that week we
had two of our key families,

a feud broke out between them
that could have been really


It could have split the

But because we had already
been praying,

we had fondued the whole
situation in prayer.

We had gotten prepared to
clear our schedules if need


We did.

We had some mediation

And you know, love won.

Prayer won.

They… Sid: If you had not had
that warning dread… Laura:


Sid: What would have happened?

Laura: Exactly.

Well who know?

I mean, the enemy, he was
after more than just our

family, he was after our

These were two very key

So you know, I say it’s like
those DVDs that you can watch.

You have the alternate ending,
you can choose which ending

you want.

That to me is what a warning
dream is about.

It’s not fate, it’s not set in

Many people mistake them for
nightmares because what they

actually are is they’re
information like intelligence

being given to you by God to
pray to change a situation.

Sid: You know, a lot of people
miss that.

They see a warning dream and
they say,

oh no, something awful is
going to happen.

Oh no, you’re to pray so
something awful doesn’t


Well Laura, you researched
1000 symbols,

if you will, from the Bible,
and when you did this,

what did you find as far as
opening your understanding of

your dreams?

Laura: It was so important.

It was difficult to write a

I wasn’t quite sure, you know,
what I was biting off at


But I did it because I wanted
people to be able to

understand what they were
dreaming and not to just rely

on, oh my goodness the secular
websites that are out there or

New Age interpreting books on

I went to a secular website
and dreamed or saw that if you

dream about biscuits, it said
you’re a woman who’s ambitious

in your career.

And I was like, what does that
have to do with anything?

Sid: Toss that stuff out.

I like the biblical

Laura: Exactly.

Sid: I’ll tell you what, when
we come back,

I’m going to have Laura pray
for you.

She’s prayed for people with
insomnia that have been able

to sleep.

She’s prayed for people that
don’t remember their dreams.

They start remembering their

I’m going to have her pray
whatever the spirit of God

wants her to.

Be right back.

We’ll be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: My passion is for you to
walk in Divine health 24/7.

That’s why I handpicked my
favorite healing scriptures

from many translations of the

personalized them for you and
made them available in this

free e-book.

I want you to meditate or pray
out loud these scriptures over

your life daily and witness
the supernatural healing power

of God’s Kingdom come upon

Download your free healing
scriptures e-book now.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Sid: Laura, since you
‘ve been research dreams,

I’m sure many people have
asked you questions.

Tell me two of the questions
most people ask you.

Laura: Well I think the number
one question I get asked is,

why don’t I ever dream?

And my answer to that it is
scientifically proven,

I’ve researched it, you have
between four and six dream REM

cycles, rapid eye movement

each night, and then you have
in those,

each of those, between four
and six dreams.

So you’re having,
scientifically proven,

between 16 and 36 dreams each
and every night.

So if you live to be 75 years

that’s almost a million

Sid: Wait a second.

If you’re having a million
dreams…Laura: Right.

Sid: How come someone can say,
I never dream?

Laura: It’s because they’re
not remembering their dreams.

So are things that you can do.

There’s nutritional issues
that need to be addressed.

And I often have people ask

well can’t God override all of

Do I really have to nourish my

my brain and make sure that
I’m able to have better


And my answer is, absolutely,
God can override anything.

But see, the issue isn’t just
that God wants to communicate

with you during times of

He wants to be able to reach
you any time,

and ultimately He wants you to

So that is the question I get
asked the most,

why am I not dreaming.

But I would say the number two
question I get asked is,

why do I only dream pizza

Why can’t I just have.. Sid: I
can picture that.

That’s probably, I have an
idea you’re asking,

how come I just have pizza

Just talk to me literally.

I’ve said that so many times,

You convinced me earlier in
the shake,

without faith, you can’t
please God.

And you know the thing that’s
so overwhelming to me,

Laura, is that once you
started moving in faith on

your dreams, you started
hearing God better.

Laura: Oh, it’s like it
doesn’t take grandiose faith


It’s child-like faith.

And so… Sid: So what happens
to people that say,

not only I don’t dream, but I
don’t hear God.

Laura: Yeah.

Sid: What would you say,
what’s the reason?

Laura: Well there are many
reasons for that static.

It’s as if we’re on a
different radio frequency with


Sid: Right.

Laura: And I say there are
many things that cause us to

get off the right channel.

We have to get back on the
right channel.

And then that static, it
clouds our hearing,

if I can say it that way.

And so I teach about that
static and the things that

prevent us from hearing God.

And just really quickly they
are sin.

That’s a biggie.

That would be the “S”, because
sins dis-fellowships us from


Time, our busy schedules, A,

We’re not sure.

Was that God?

I’m not certain.

And you waiver, and you never
think anything.

You know, you pray to hear him
and you can’t take yes for an


The other “T” would be trials.

Sometimes we sit with God with
our grocery list.

When we’re finally still, we
just run down our list of

everything that we need and
they eclipse our entire visit

with Him.

“I” is illiteracy.

We have an illiterate church
who does not know how to read

the Word of God, and how can
you stand on the promises

unless you know what they are.

And then “C”, the competing

Now this is, I always say,
there are least five voices in

your head at any given time.

There’s your flesh voice,
there’s your reasoning voice,

you know, that tries to reason
its way out of everything.

There’s your conscience, which
we’re all born with,

knowing right or wrong.

There’s Satan’s voice and then
there’s God’s voice.

Sid: How do you know the
difference with all these


Laura: Well you know,

you can look at each of those
and you can see how that they

compete with one another.

The one that people get
tripped up over the most is

not my voice or my flesh.

You kind of know when your
flesh is leading you

somewhere, but it’s Satan’s
voice and God’s voice,

and those are the two polar

And so what I tell people is,
pray over your hearing.

Tell the enemy he is not
allowed to minister to you.

And what you will find is, you
will find that diminishing

your ability to hear him
diminishing and your faith to

hear God increasing, and
getting the Word.

Because Romans 10:17 says,
“Faith comes by hearing and

hearing by the Word of God.”

So if you hear you’re going to
have faith.

Sid: You know, our time is
slipping away.

I need you to pray those

how would you like to have
Laura against insomnia,

pray for you to recall your

pray for you to understand
your dreams.

She has a gift from God to do

Would you pray right now?

Laura: Oh I would love to.

I’d love to.

Father, I just pray in the
powerful name of Jesus that

you would touch every listener
within the sound of my voice

right now.

Father, that you would bless
their sleep,

that you would make it sweet,
that where they have laid down

in the past and their minds
have been troubled,

that the Prince of Peace would
rule there and reign there,

and that they would find sleep
and stay asleep.

All insomnia, all sleep

we come against those in the
name of Jesus.

His name is powerful.

And so we come against those
and we ask you,

God, for you to release sleep,
sweet slumber,

over your children and over
those who are watching.

There are some who are
watching and you’ve not been

able to sleep, and you don’t
know God,

you don’t know the Prince of

And if you’ll ask him into
your heart right now and just

say, come on in, fill me, take
all of my sin,

take every spirit I’m troubled
with and replace them with one


I trade them for one spirit,
the Holy Spirit.

And as he comes in, you’re
going to notice,

you’re going to notice the
difference in your sleep.

You’re going to notice the
difference in your dreaming.

Sid: Our time has slipped

He gives us beloved sleep.

Laura: Yes He does.

Sid: Next week on
It’s Supernatural!

My guest comes from a hopeless
background and he has

supernaturally found how you
can get rid of hopelessness in

every area of your life.

God said to him, your season
of hopelessness is over.

You want that?

I do.

Get a little excited at home,