On this week’s episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2018: Jesse Duplantis asks, “How would you like to be sitting in your room, and have Jesus walk up and answer every question you have?” What works for Jesse is also for you!

Adam lost it. Jesus got it back. Jesse Duplantis says never settle for less. Forget distant. God wants to have a relationship with you like no other!

Wanting A God You Can Talk To (Book) is an inside look at Jesse Duplantis’ often humorous accounts from his personal relationship with God. God is not distant. More than likely, He is in your face. Jesse helps you learn to know God’s voice and also what to do when God speaks.

The Big 12. (Book) Whether you are pursuing a dream, want to go further in your vision, or just have a practical life-goal that you want to see met, The Big 12 will inspire you to be bold, go for what God has put on your heart with confidence, and achieve the success you want in your life.

Jesse Duplantis LIVE. (DVD) The recent live event with Jesse Duplantis and Kevin Zadai on It’s Supernatural! was electric! The Spirit was moving and you won’t want to miss it!

Jesse Duplantis is a well known author and evangelist focused on reaching the lost as well as strengthening believers in their daily walk with Jesus.

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth.

Welcome to my world where
it’s naturally supernatural.

I was talking to my
friend Jesse Duplantis,

and Jesse said, “You know, how
would your people like to be

sitting in the seat like you
guys are doing or you guys are

doing at home and
Jesus were to walk up,

and answer every
question you have?

What would be
that worth to you?”

Well he says that’s what happens
to him and he says he wants to

teach you to do it.

Anyone interested?


Is there a
supernatural dimension,

a world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain
messages from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient
secrets of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this
edition of It’s Supernatural.


Sid: Jesse, I am so
intrigued by your background.

I don’t think many
people know about it.

Jesse Duplantis: That’s right.

Sid: And also I’m
intrigued by the humor.

You tell me, before you became
a believer in the Messiah,

you weren’t a funny man.

Jesse Duplantis:
No, I was not funny.

In fact, when God saved me,
the first time I ever preached,

people were
falling out the pews.

And I was so mad, I
went home and told Cathy,

and said, “What’s wrong
with these crazy people?”

And she said, “You’re funny.”

I said, “This is
serious business.

What are you talking
about being funny?”

I mean, I told a joke every once
in a while like everybody else.

But when the Lord
came in my life,

I got so happy, Sid.

I’m so full of joy, which
is the fruit of the Spirit,

and I’m so happy, which
is an emotional feeling,

I’m just a dangerous individual.

Sid: Tell me about you.

I can’t even
picture this long-haired,

rock and roll singer that has
a bottle of Scotch every day.

Jesse Duplantis: Every day.

Sid: That does everything a rock
and roll singer

is notorious for doing.

How in the world
did you get saved?

Jesse Duplantis:
Well I’ll tell you.

It’s a miracle.

I drank a fifth of whisky a day,
smoked a little dope a week,

snorted cocaine,
PCP, crystal meth,

took trips and
never left my house.

You understand what I’m saying.

Now I’m sitting there, but
what happened was Cathy,

she was watching Billy Graham.

God made Cathy tell me
something that got my attention.

Now I worked on the same
circuit as Led Zeppelin,

Grand Funk, KISS, Alice Cooper.

I mean, let me
tell you something,

you young people,
girls screaming,

and that was your
mama or your grandma,

one or the other
who was doing that.

But anyway, I was ready to
do a rock show in Boston,


I’ll never forget it, Sid.

Quickly, Cathy said, “Jesse,
Billy Graham is coming on.”

And I thought, “Okay, what
do I want to watch him for?”

And she said this: “He
pulls more people than you do.”

And it caught my attention.

I said, “You know, the
guy does fill up stadiums.”

So I decided to watch him
to get Cathy off my back.

I was sitting in a
hotel just like this.

You know how Billy
Graham says at the end,

“If you’d like to get saved,
write me and I’ll send you the

same literature that I send,
and go to church next Sunday.”

I jumped.

I got off that bed.

You got to
understand how I looked,

long, dark,
chocolate-brown hair,


I had a good body in those days.

You got to believe it
by faith, but I did.

I had a six-pack.

I got a keg now.

I had a six-pack, you
know what I’m saying.

And I got up, I immediately
left and went into the bathroom,

but I couldn’t close
that door fast enough.

God got in that
bathroom with me.

Sid: Why did you
go in the bathroom?

Jesse Duplantis: Because
I was told never to cry.

I was raised with a
bunch of Sicilians.

You do what I got to do.

My grandfather said, “If
somebody mess with you,

we don’t fight in this family.

That’s what the
Mississippi River is for.”

I’m serious.

When you’re raised on the
streets of New Orleans,

you do what you got to do.

Now what happened was I
didn’t know how to pray.

I said this: If there’s
such a thing as a God,

whatever Billy
said, then you do that.

I got born again.

Something supernatural, now
I didn’t hear thunder and

lightning, and I had
to go do a rock show.

Are you ready for this Sid?

I come out of there, my
three-year-old daughter looked

at me and said
this, Jodi, she said,

“Daddy not going
to hell no more.”

And I said, “Cathy, did you
tell her I was going to hell?”

She said, “No, she just saw it.”

I went down, did that show.

Now I walked in there, the
night before it was fun.

When I walked in, it was
an upholstered sewer now.

I saw sin for the
first time in my life.

And I opened up that show
with Sly and the Family Stone,

“I Want to Take you Higher.”

Real quickly


dah, dah, dah…


And I’m
supposed to sing,


Feel it getting stronger.


But what came
out of me blew me away.

I went, [singing] Everybody in
this place is going to hell!

[talking] That’s a true story.

And people smoking dope.

They went, wow, babe,
we’re going to hell.

That’s a true story.

And the drummer, he
told the lead guitar,

“Grab him.

He’s tripping.

He’s on some bad drugs.”

So anyway, I closed
out that session,

I mean that set, and
Jimmy said,

“What happened, man?”

I said, “I met Jesus.”

He went, “Wow, man.”

You know, that kind of stuff.

From that day I knew
something had happened,

but I couldn’t explain it
because when you’re not taught

you don’t know.

Sid: But what happened
with that bottle every day?

What happened with the drugs?

What happened
with the womanizing?

Jesse Duplantis:
Instantly delivery,


I mean, I shut down.

I told Cathy, I said
“Let’s go to church tomorrow.”

This was on Saturday

Labor Day weekend, 1974.

She thought, my God,
you’re going to church?

Sid: You have such a
childlike, simplistic faith.

Jesse Duplantis: Yes.

Sid: You sit down.

You have conversations with God.

Jesse Duplantis: Yes.

Sid: Not
necessarily, we understand,

not necessarily
the audible voice,

but you know God’s voice, and
so many with love to be able to

hear God’s voice.

Jesse Duplantis: Oh yes.

Sid: But the
problems that you have,

do you remember, how do I
know that you have problems?

I’m a member of the same race.

It’s called the human race.

Of course, you have problems.

But if you knew you could sit
down and have a one-on-one with

Jesus you
wouldn’t have a problem.

Am I right?

I want to find out how he hears
God’s voice and he says what the

Bible says.

God is not a
respecter of persons.

So Jesse says anything
that God does for him,

you can do.

You can do it better.

Be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural.

We now return to
It’s Supernatural.


Sid: By the way, something else
happened in addition to getting

rid of all those vices when
you came to know the Messiah.

You didn’t really have
much of a love for people.

What happened?

Jesse Duplantis: No, I didn’t.

I loved myself too much.

I was raised very poor and I
didn’t have time to love people.

You do what you got to do.

I was going somewhere.

I was raised very poor and I
didn’t care who I hurt to get

what I was gonna get.

You see what I’m saying?

And you know, you
said before the break,

I’m like a child.

I really am because children are
born believers and they believe

everything you say until
you teach them to doubt.

So when God tells me to
do something impossible,

I go, okay.

So simple that you need a
good theologian to help you

misunderstand it.

Sid: Jesse, I asked you,
beyond coming to know the Lord,

the thing that pops in your head
is the most supernatural thing

that happened to you was.

Jesse Duplantis: I was just
fascinated with Scripture.

I mean, I was fascinated.

I said, look at this.

They thought I
couldn’t understand this?

I can understand this.

Well anyway, I saw how God
showed himself to people and I

thought, why don’t he
show himself to me?

And then that scripture,
“He’s no respecter of persons.”

So I began to hound God, for
lack of a better way to say it,

I want to see you.

I want to talk to you.

Sid: How often did
you say that to him?

Jesse Duplantis:
I’m going to say,

this is conservative, at least
200 times during this period.

I was irritated.

I said, listen, I stayed up
last night and you didn’t come.

I mean it.

I thought he had
to come at night.

I don’t know.

I just thought he did.

You know, crazy.

And I went to a revival
and there was a preacher.

He said, “Young man.”

I was young in those days.

I was 25 years old.

And to make a long
story short, he says,

“The Lord told me you’ve
been asking to see him.”

And I thought to
myself, okay, come on buddy,

come on.

He said, “The Lord
is coming to see you.

You’ll be
sleeping and your maid,

he called Cathy the maid.

She didn’t like
that, but anyway,

“The maid, she
will not wake up.”

Now this is the most
supernatural thing that happened

to me other than my salvation.

So I stayed up all that
night, nothing happened.

Two weeks, nothing happened.

I was so frustrated.

I didn’t call the man
that he missed God.

I didn’t know that,
how do you miss God.

I didn’t know
nothing about that.

Then one night I went to bed,
I always sleep on my stomach,

and I’m about
ready to go to sleep,

all of a sudden,
wind began to blow, Sid.

When I say wind,
I’m talking wind.

It blew the curtains
up on top of the rods.

It was blowing through,
I’m getting goosebumps,

thank you, Jesus,
blowing through my skin,

coming up under my
nails, blowing onto my face.

I was on the bed and
I was like pinned,

and I went, my God!

And the Lord, I heard
him, this is audible.

This is not vision.

This is all physical.

I’m seeing the
curtain flying up.

He said, “You asked to see me.

Turn around.”

And went like this, “Oh gee!


I wasn’t scared.

I was freaking out,
is about the best way.

And he asked me three times.

The second time, he
said, “You asked to see me.

Turn around.”

And I went, “God!”

I was pinned.

I thought, Cathy will see him.

I start hitting
Cathy with my fist.

I said, “Get up!”

Sid: Wait.

Did you really hit her?

Jesse Duplantis: Put a
bruise on her this big.

Sid: Okay.

Jesse Duplantis: That’s the
only time I ever hit my wife.

I’m hitting her and
she’s going [snoring].

I mean, she’s a
very light sleeper.

Finally, the last time, he
said, “You asked to see me.”

Wind blowing.

My God, I’ll never forget
that as long as I ever live.

“Turn around!”

And I said, “Lord, forgive me.”

I didn’t know what to do.

All of a sudden the wind
stopped and went like this,

and I was so mad at myself.

I said, “You stupid, stupid.

You asked God to see you,
you wouldn’t turn around.”

And I hit Cathy again.

And she goes, “What?”

I said, “You missed it.

You missed it.”

She said, “What do you mean?”

I said, “God was in
the room, but no,

you got to sleep all the time.”

You understand?

And Sid, to make a
long story short,

I got up, went into my
living room and I sat down.

I was so frustrated with myself.

God had come to my house.

He had blew the
curtains up on the rods, man.

I mean, wind went
through my skin.

You don’t have to
believe it, but it’s true.

You know it’s true.

You can tell.

You hear it now.

To make a long story short, then
I heard him in my spirit like

you normally do.

I said, “God, I’m sorry
I didn’t turn around.”

He said, “I’m glad you didn’t.

It’s better that you
believed me and not see me.”

That is probably the most
fantastic supernatural thing to

happen to me other
than my salvation.

Sid: How can we
get to know that?

Jesse Duplantis: You
see, you come as a child.

You become
childlike, not childish.

You see, Christianity has become
childish instead of childlike.

I said, “Lord, I want
more than a relationship.”

That’s called being born again.

“I want a fellowship.”

He said, “Well talk to me.”

You know why God don’t
get to talk to people?

Because you’re praying.

I’m going to shock
you when I say this.

You’re praying so much, you
don’t give him time to talk.

You go, oh Jesus, you want
a come to Jesus meeting.

Oh Lord.

And then you stop praying, he’s
about ready to talk to you and

you get up and you walk off.

And he goes like this, he goes.

So I have conversations, Sid.

I said, “Lord, I want
to know some things.”

Sid: Yes, but what happens
if he’s not answering you?

Do you continue
the conversation?

Jesse Duplantis:
Oh, he does answer.

He wants to talk to you more
than you want to talk to him.

I’m not exaggerating.

Every time I’ve
always said, “Lord,

he says, “What?”

He says, “Let’s talk.

What do you want to talk about?”

I said, “I need to
know some things.

What about this,
what about that?”

And Cathy has heard me,
I’ll be laughing in my study.

He’s actually very funny.

And I’ll tell you what, you’re
looking at one of the happiest

men that ever walked
the face of this earth.

That doesn’t mean
trouble don’t come.

I just don’t pay no
attention to the devil.

I ain’t got time for that fool.

I don’t pay no attention to him.

He’s defeated,
restricted and rejected,

and he’s awaiting confinement.

I’m going to tell you something
you never heard before.

You know why sometimes
things go real good.

I asked the Lord about that.

I say, “You know, Lord, things
have been going real good with

the ministry.

Everything is good.”

I said, “Where’s the devil.”

He said, “He’s
putting out fires.”

Now these are my conversations.

He’s what?

I said, “He’s
putting out fires?”

I said, “What do you mean?”

He sowed rebellion in Heaven,
he’s got rebellion in his camp.

Listen to me.

Sid: I like that.

Jesse Duplantis: Listen to me.

You see, the Bible
says what you sow,

you reap.

That includes angels.

He has to put them down.

He has to get them back in line.

That’s why
everything is so good.

But now he’s going to come
back because all he’s got,

the only way he can hurt
God is try to hurt you.

Sid: I want you to
answer this question.

Someone does not believe they
have that relationship that you

have with God.

They’ve been a
believer 20 years.

They have prayed.

They’ve done every
method and system they know.

Give them some advice.

Jesse Duplantis: You’ve been
religiously brainwashed instead

of New Testament taught.

See, you’re going through
the rigmarole of religiosity.

God isn’t interested.

You know, God never
created Christianity.

Man did that.

God created Christ.

God sowed Christ so he
could have Christians.

See, Jesus was a seed, so
we could be his family.

And I love telling
that to Jewish people.

They say, “You Jewish?”

I say, “I’m adopted.”

You’re adopted?

I say yeah.

He made me an offer
I couldn’t refuse.

You understand?

Sid: Okay.

When we come back,
I have to tell you,

I’ve been doing
this a long time,

I’ve heard a lot of
supernatural stories,

but your mom takes the cake.

I want you to tell
me what happened.

He’s in a bar, as
unsaved as a human can be.

He’s down in Mexico and this
is without a doubt the most

supernatural thing.

You had some mother.

We’ll be right back.


We’ll be right back
to It’s Supernatural.

We now return
to It’s Supernatural.


Sid: Tell me about the time
you were in a bar in Mexico.

Now, you weren’t in
the bar preaching.

Jesse Duplantis: No.

What happened was, you
know, I was a rock entertainer.

This is in, we were in McAllen,
Texas and were going to go

across the border to
Reynosa, Mexico to Boy’s Town.

We were going to change
the red light district.

Don’t look at me weird.

I was a sinner.

That’s what you do.

So we went in, there’s no way
my mother knew where I was.

I was playing rock music.

So we’re in there.

All of a sudden, in
this bar, in Reynosa,

Mexico, in Boy’s
Town, this guy says,

“Is there a Jesse
Duplantis here?”

And I listened.

And then he said, “Is
there a Jesse Duplantis here?”

And Jimmy Spencer
was my drummer,

he said, “That’s
your real name.”

I said, “Yeah, but Jimmy,
there ain’t nobody who know we,

who knows my name.”

Who knew my name?

He said, “You know anybody?”


“Is there a Jesse
Duplantis here?”

I said, “Yeah.”

And I got up and
walked to the phone,

and I went, “Hello?”

And my mother said, “I see you,
you little devil from hell in

that terrible place.

You better get outta there.

God’s gonna kill
every one of you.”

And I went, “Okay, Mama.”

Sid: Okay, wait, Jesse.

Jesse Duplantis:
That’s a true story.

Sid: How did she
have the phone number?

How did she know where you were?

Jesse Duplantis: After
it was all said and done,

I went home.

I said, “How did you know that?

There’s no way you could
know that bar in Reynosa.”

She said, “The Lord spoke to me.

Your boy, he,” the Lord
showed her where I was.

I came back and I said, “Jimmy,
we got to get outta here ’cause

God’s gonna kill us.”

Sid: Jesse, I have an
idea that there is,

you are creating, with
humor and with your stories,

just a hunger for people that
have the same relationship with

God that you do.

Is there a prayer that you
can pray to jump start us?

Jesse Duplantis: What it is, is
that you just sit down and try

to, and get out of the
religious way of thinking.

Sit on your couch,
wherever you are in your house,

and just say, “Lord, I
need to talk to you.

I want to be your friend.”

See, that’s
another thing I read,

that Abraham was
a friend of God.

Wait a minute.

If Abraham can be a friend,
how come I can’t be a friend?

You know what the Lord told me?

He said, “I need
friends, Jesse.”

See, most people pray to
him and never talk to him.

Now I want to
tell you something,

what’s going to happen,
you’re going to feel foolish,

you’re going to feel silly
because your intellectual

activity, your
range of research,

your induction and
reason, that’s all in the mind.

But see, you’re
getting out of your mind.

You say, “Lord,” all of a sudden
you’re going to hear something,

First, you’ll
sense the presence.

He’ll come in that room.

I mean, you’re going
to get some goosebumps.

You’ll go, whoa.

Because see, the body can’t
handle anything spiritual.

It just reacts.

It doesn’t know what to do.

But that spirit goes [pfft].

It will pull real quick.

Your spirit is in 100 percent
contact with God

if you’re born again.

What your problem is, is
that your soul is real.

You want me to prove it to you?

If you go to a mall today, you
see somebody in a wheelchair,

ready for this,
your spirit says,

go over there, grab
him, pull him out.

In the name of
Jesus, rise and walk.

Your spirit goes, yes!

Your mind says,
control yourself,

fool, you’re crazy.

You’re gonna get a lawsuit here
if you don’t watch yourself.

You see, that’s the
intellectual activity.

Sid: Jesse, you got to tell
me this story because

it’s so amazing.

God calls him into ministry.

Jesse Duplantis: Yes.

Sid: And for a year he doesn’t
get a speaking assignment.

Jesse Duplantis:
Yes, that’s right.

Sid: And then he gets angry and
starts talking to his telephone.

Tell me about that.

Jesse Duplantis: Yes.

The Lord, I was at
a church, he said,

Sunday morning, this is when I
got out of the music business.

He said, “You walk down there
and ask them for a ministry.”

I said, “I ain’t
even in Bible school.

I’m no preacher.”

He said, “You go down there and
you ask them for a ministry.”

And I just, I
said, I ain’t do this.

I ain’t doing that.

Finally, a couple
of weeks went by.

Finally, I went down
and I said, “Lord,

forgive me.

Forgive me.”

No, it was a year.

“Forgive me.

I want this ministry.”

Now before when he
told me to do that,

I was getting people
writing me, you know,

those Gospel businessmen
and all that kind of stuff,

confessing and all because
I was in the rock world.

Sid: Right.

Jesse Duplantis: I
thought I should submit.

I didn’t get one
invitation for a solid year.

And in my frustration,
that would be January of ’76,

that year, and I said, “Lord, I
went down in January of ’75 and

asked for a ministry, and
you, why didn’t I get any


He said, “You made me wait.”

Just like that.

He said, “How do you like it?

You like it?”

I said, “No.”

He said, “Never
make me wait again.”

I said, “I’m yours
to command, sir.”

I went into the ministry.

I came home.

I quit my job.

I don’t tell you to do that
just because Jesse did it.

Got home, looked at
the phone, I said,


And Jesus was

[ringing sound],

it rang.

It was a yellow phone,
an old yellow phone,

and I thought this
must be my daddy.

I picked it up and
there was a man,

Sabine, Calcasieu

in Lake Charles, Louisiana.

He said, “I was praying and
the Lord said for

you to come preach.

Can you come tomorrow night?”

This was a Thursday afternoon.

I went there Friday night.

And ladies and gentlemen,
from that day forward,

I have been
preaching almost every day.

I have over 9000
requests I can’t even get to.

I’m trying.

I’ll get all of them if I can.

And I mean, from that
point, but you know what,

I’m not making God wait no more.

And he told me to
go on Sid Roth,

so I did.

Sid: I’m so glad you did.

Aren’t you glad he did?

Sid: Next week
on It’s Supernatural.

Dr. Clarice Fluitt: Did you know
that the Kingdom of God is voice

activated when
you agree with God?

Everything you need
to be successful,

to be prosperous, to be
healed, to be blessed,

it’s available to you.

I’m Dr. Clarice Fluitt and I’m
inviting you to join me on the

next It’s
Supernatural with Sid Roth,

and let’s learn how to speak
the Word of God and activate the

creative will of God.