Kevin Zadai died in surgery and experienced the Glory of God in heaven. Keith Ellis had “one minute with God” that changed his life forever. Both sense a coming move of the Glory, and with it comes everything you need!

Is there a supernatural

A world beyond the one we know?

Is there life after death?

Do angels exist?

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Can we tap into ancient secrets
of the supernatural?

Are healing miracles real?

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years
researching the strange world of

the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!


Sid: You must be expecting

But I can tell you, you might be

but I think the baby has

Let me tell you about this baby.

So few in this generation have
been in the presence of the full

Glory of God, so few, too few.

We have been functioning in what
is called the Anointing of God.

But in order to get this world
no longer upside down but right

way up, we need the Glory of

I believe that on this show at
this moment you are going to

experience the Glory of God!


Kevin Zadai, he’s a nice flight
attendant for a major airline.

He goes to a dentist, has a

dies, goes to Heaven.

You didn’t want to come back.


Kevin Zadai: Because everything
that you could ever hope for is

there in this presence of Jesus
and you look in his eyes,

and you don’t ever want to leave
that place again.

You want to stay with him for
the rest of your eternity.

Sid: You told me he sent you


You didn’t want to, I know.

Kevin Zadai: His heart was that
everyone would be activated and

to walk in the Spirit these last
days just like Enoch did.

And so he asked me to come back
and activate people,

and he said he would be with me.

He said it was essentially
rigged in my favor and that I

can’t lose.

Sid: Now I’ve noticed this, but
you literally live

in two worlds.

How do you function living in
Heaven and Earth

at that same time?

Kevin Zadai: Well at times it’s
kind of amusing because it’s

slower down here.

So Jesus will show me things
that are supposed to happen and

it takes weeks sometimes for
people to get it.

And so I have to help them along
a little big sometimes.

So I either pray or I start to
talk to people and get them

moving in the right direction.

Sid: You had an experience where
you were taken back into time

and saw Enoch go to Heaven and
Elijah go to Heaven.

What did you see?

Kevin Zadai: Well Sid, first of

I just want to tell the audience
that while I tell this story

about Enoch and about Elijah and
what happened to them,

every time I tell this story the
power of God will come through

either the television set or in
an auditorium when I speak

because this is an example of
the power and the Glory of God

that’s going to come upon the

Enoch’s walk with God and
Elijah’s ride in his chariot,

the power that took them is the
same power and glory that is

coming upon the earth.

So open your hearts right now
and receive

as I tell this story.

When I was on an airplane with
my wife going to Seattle,

I felt somebody come pass me in
the aisle way and stop right in

front of my seat.

So knowing that someone was
standing there looking at me,

I looked up and there was no one
there and they immediately I saw

an angel.

He grabbed me by the arm and
whisked me away,

and we went off the airplane.

I watched the airplane go behind
us and we went to a place on the

earth that didn’t look familiar
with me,

and there was an open field, and
I saw a man walking on a path.

And the angel said, “I have been
given permission to show you

what the powers of the coming
age are.”

He said, “It’s the resurrection

And he said, “It’s the power
that caused Enoch to go to

Heaven without dying.”

And he said, “Behold, the
resurrection power,

the power of the coming age.”

And he pointed at this man, and
I watched him take

his last step.

And the Glory surrounded him and
enveloped him around.

And then all of a sudden his
last step was in the other

realm, and he disappeared right
before our eyes.

But Sid, what happened was, is
that Glory came back and hit the

angel and I, and almost knocked
us over.

And immediately after that, he
told me that that was Enoch and

that was his last step.

And so then he grabbed me and we
went up into the air,

and we were flying.

And I didn’t know it, but we
were going to another time.

And we landed, and I saw a
chariot pull up.

It was on fire, and this man got
into it.

And I saw someone standing
beside the chariot as well,

and the chariot took off with
this man.

And the same power that I saw
around Enoch went around the

chariot, and the power of God
came back and hit us,

and almost knocked us over

and the angel told me that that
was Elijah.

And that was what I came back

I actually came back with what
hit my spirit,

came back and imprinted me.

Sid: You came back with that.

Can anyone walk in that
resurrection power glory that’s

a believer?

Kevin Zadai: Yes.

Before he brought me back to the
plane he handed me a scroll and

he said, “Here’s your ministry.”

And I said, “Can I keep it and
take it back with me?”

And he said, “No, because it’s
in the Bible.

It’s in Second Corinthians,
Chapter 5.”

He said, “That’s your ministry.

You have a ministry of

He said, “You go and you
reconcile people back to God

because the price has been paid.

Just tell them that.”


Sid: Do you believe we are at
the beginning stages of the last

move of God?

Kevin Zadai: Yes, Sid, I do
believe that.

I believe that right now there
is a quickening of the spirit

with that resurrection power.

It’s the same power that rose
Jesus from the dead.

It also caused us to become a
new man in Christ with the born

again experience.

But that same power is also now
coming in glory,

and when the Glory of God comes
in then things begin to correct.

And so in the next coming months
the Lord showed me that there is

going to be such a correction
that people are going to have to

watch their words.

Sid: You know what I’ve been

that as this glory increases, if
we say something even in jest

it’s going to happen.

Kevin Zadai: Correct.

Sid: And it’s almost, it’s going
to be dangerous.

Kevin Zadai: Right.

And I feel like there’s a lot of
you out there right now,

you’re going through a lot and I
just want you to know that this

time that you’ve gone through
it’s very hard for you.

But the Lord wants you to know
right now,

thus saith the Lord, that your
time of coming out is here.

Don’t wait another day.

The Lord says you are going to
break out by the resurrection

power in Jesus’ name.

That power, Sid, is there and
it’s waiting.

The Lord said don’t wait another

So I see that in the next months
coming that people are going to

start being quickened in the

They’re going to be activated.

People aren’t going to know.

They’re going to say, who was
this person?

I don’t know him anymore.

It’s going to be their friends.

They’re going to change.

They’re going to transformed in
the quickening power of God.

Sid: You know, I just feel such
a presence of God.

I’m going to have you back later
really praying,

really moving actually in the

And when we come back, I’m going
to have Dr. Keith Ellis by faith

demonstrate creative miracles in
the Glory.

We’ll be right back to It’s

We now return to It’s


Sid: You know, the presence of
God is sweet like honey.

Keith, I’m reminded, you were
such a reluctant prophet.

God literally pinned you to the

Do you remember that?

Keith Ellis: Yes he did.

The Lord was calling me to speak
and preach,

and prophesy, and I had been
given my first major prophecy,

which was the Lord had came to

Jesus appeared to me when my son
was in a coma.

He said go and prophesy to the
doctors he’d be raised from the

dead, and he was totally healed.

Sid: Take me to the time God
pinned you to the mat.

Keith Ellis: Yes Sid, I want to
go back there because the Lord

was dealing with me after I

I think repentance is so

When I got a word from God and
then when Justin my son went

into that coma and there was no

no brain activity, and I
unplugged him,

I did a lot of repenting.

And when I got home the Lord
appeared to me.

One minute it was God, he told
me what to do and had to go back

and I prophesy to the doctor and
say he would live

and would not die.

Our words, what you were talking
about earlier are going to be

very important in this last day.

I mean, we’ve got to watch our
words if we’re going to have

what we say.

I mean, that’s very important to
think about.

I was pinned to the floor and
all day long I tried to get up,

I couldn’t get up.

And the Lord said, “When are you
going to surrender and preach?”

How would you like to be called
like that?

“When you are going to prophesy
for me?

I showed you these dreams as you
were young and here you are

running from me.”

I said, “Lord, I repented.

Justin got raised up.”

He said, “Yeah, but you haven’t
surrendered your whole life to

win this world to Jesus, which
is me.”

So I said, “Okay, Lord, if you
will do five things.”

Sid: Tell me one.

And by the way, he felt very
confident they were

too hard for God.

Just tell me one.

Keith Ellis: You know Sid,
always growing up you look at

the ministers up on the platform
and they were educated and all.

So I thought, first thing to
come in my mind,

I have no Bible education.

I just went to church.

So when I said, “Lord, I can’t
preach because I have no Bible.”

I gave God five excuses why I
couldn’t do it.

God already knows how to fix it.

So I gave these five excuses,
but the number one,

I can’t preach because I have no
Bible education.

He said to me, “You’re going to
have some education if you’ll

surrender to me.”

So I surrendered to preach.

That night I went to church.

The pastor couldn’t preach.

He said, “Somebody in here has
got the message.”

I gave the message and revival
broke out.


Sid: Both of us had a friend who
is currently in Heaven.

His name was Bob Jones and he
reminded me of you a lot because

he also, when he had a dream, it
was a hundred percent accurate.

But Bob told you there was a
point and he was talking about

the Glory.

Tell me what he told you about
the Glory being lifted.

Keith Ellis: You know, Bob had
told me,

he came to my church a good bit.

We were good friends, him and
his wife Bonnie,

and we just loved them.

Bob was such a great man of God.

And he came, and he was talking
about this End Time revival

that’s coming where a billion
souls would be swept

into the Kingdom.

No church could hold them.

They’d be in the fields.

They’d be in stadiums instead of
sports events.

And there will be sports events,
but the stadiums will be full of

people hungry for God.

That’s what’s fixing to happen
right now.

So I asked Bob a lot about that
during that time,

and he said, “You know, Keith,”
he said,

“years ago the Lord came to me
and told me he was going to take

the Glory off the earth for a

but he was going to leave the

and thank God for the

And Bob said, “You know, Lord,
if you’re going to take the

Glory I just want to go.”

And he said, “I’m going to bring
it back.”

And so, you know, Bob had a
prophecy about this time,

about 40 years later, and here
you are celebrating 40 years

that the Glory would begin to
return to this earth.

Sid: So is the 40 years the same
celebration I’m having,

is it going to happen, did he
say this year we’ve

been 40 years?

Keith Ellis: Well many people
have told me and he they have a

book out called “The Shepherd’s

Bonnie has it out, and it says
in there that

it will be 40 years.

The way it’s going to fall it’s
going to fall in the spring of

this year is when it’s going to

So I’m ready.

How about you all?


Sid: Keith, we just have a
couple of minutes in this

segment, and of course we’ll
have you back

in a little later segment.

But there are many people
suffering right now.

Keith Ellis: Yes.

Sid: They’re in the wilderness
and they don’t even know why,

and you’re crying out to God,

where are you?

God, did I commit a horrible

God, we had such sweet

What word would you give them?

Keith Ellis: What I’d like to
say is we didn’t endure if not

for joy coming in the morning.

And I want to say that I believe
that we’re

in a mile marker today.

Sid: Would you look at someone
in the eye right now and say

that to them.

Keith Ellis: I want to say right
that those that are watching,

you’ve been hit with grief.

You’ve been going through some

You’ve been confused.

You’ve been burdened about a lot
of things.

You can’t see the end of the

I’m going to tell you we’re at a
mile marker today in the Spirit.

And a mile marker shows you
where you’re at on the road,

and I believe that what you’re
about to see is you’re at a mile

marker and just around the
corner you’re coming out of the

wilderness into the promises of

You’re going to have the answers
you’ve been looking for and

you’re going to see.

God gave me during my time

Chapter 61, I’m 61 years old,
Isaiah Chapter 61 and Verse

Number 3, and he said, “What I’m
going to do is I’m going to give

you beauty for your ashes.”

I want to say today that God is
going to give some people some

beauty for the ashes you’ve had
in your life.

And God gave me a whole thing
about Job,

because Job was sitting in an
ash heap scraping himself.

There are people that are right

it looks like your world has
turned to ashes,

but God is about to resurrect

Your best days are ahead of you.

The same Jesus that got up from
the dead is about to resurrect

your life and it’s going to be
the best days.

It’s going to be Heaven on Earth
for you people that will,

believe me, many of you are
being delivered right now by the

power of Almighty God.

[music, singing]

Holy, holy, holy, God, Lord.

The elders and the angels of

they redeem and worship you now.

Holy, holy, holy, God, Lord

We now return to It’s


Sid: Oh there is a river in this
studio like we have never had

before and I want you, as a
matter of fact,

Kevin, you were telling me about
Jesus at the pool of Bethesda.

Kevin Zadai: I just want you to
picture Jesus coming into the

pool and there’s all these
people that are waiting for that

water to be stirred.

And Jesus himself told me before
I came back that I was supposed

to share this story.

He said the church is waiting
for the water to be stirred and

they don’t discern that the
healer is before them.

And so this man is trying to get
Jesus if it happens while he’s

there to go ahead and to help
into the water because that

first person in gets healed.

And Jesus said that’s what
people are doing.

They are waiting for this thing
that’s random to happen.

He said, “That man didn’t even
know who I was there.”

He said, “If he would have asked
me I would have laid hands on

him and healed him right there
on the spot.”

But he said, “There’s no man to
put me in.”

See, there was a man that was
seated at the right hand of God

at one time and came down in a

and he right there could have
healed him,

and he did.

And the Lord said, “We’re at
this point right now where we’re

not discerning the day of our

We’re waiting for something to
happen and the Lord says don’t

wait, just ask and believe.


Sid: Kevin, told me something
that I have felt for a long

time, just a few minutes ago,
that God told you about

something about supernatural

about tongues.

Kevin Zadai: Jesus himself, in

I mean, just imagine this, 23
years ago,

in person he told me that the
number supernatural thing that

you could do was to yield to the
Spirit and let the Spirit begin

to speak out the mysteries of

He says, “And once that happens,
guess what,

the transaction goes from the
heavenly realm into the physical


And I have had people who spoke
the language that I speak in

tongue tell me what I was

And for a whole week this
individual translated,

not interpreted, translated from
his native tongue everything

that I was saying.

It was naming people that I
would meet within

24 hours and I did.

It was every transaction that
was going to happen

the next week.

He didn’t even know.

He was just telling me.

He would name names, and I would

I know what that is, and then I
would come in contact

with that person.

He would tell me things.

He said, “The Spirit is saying,

he says, “you’re going into the

He said, and he told me what
name of the school

I was going to.

He didn’t know that.

I was speaking his native

So what is it that the Spirit is
wanting to say through you

that’s going to take it from the
spirit realm and bring it here?

And I’m telling you, once you
utter it,

it is a transaction and the
devil can’t do

anything about it.

Sid: Keith, you told me when you
were sitting on the set the fire

of God, the electricity of God
went through your body.

But you see, I know something
about you that few people know.

Do you pray in tongues much?

Keith Ellis: All the time.

I’m just hearing this from the
Lord so clearly that the Lord is

saying to me that Joshua stood
one time at a point in his life

where the Lord said, “Cross this

Now Joshua and Caleb had crossed
the Jordan before,

but he said, “Cross this

This Jordan that he was talking

he was talking about not
yesterday’s Jordan,

not tomorrow’s Jordan, but the
Jordan that’s here right now.

It was one mile wide out to the

very deep and rushing, and many
people standing there,

they thought that’s impossible,
that’s impassable.

Nobody can cross that.

But when you have a word from

when you have a word from God,
anything is possible,

and that’s why God is going to
do great things here right now.


Sid: I’ll tell you what, let’s
stand up.

Eyes are being healed right now.

Migraines are leaving right now.

Pain in the fingers, in the

it’s gone.

It’s finished.

It is gone.

Pains of any kind, they are gone
because I in the name of Yeshua

Ha-Mashiach Tzikenu, Jesus the
Messiah our righteousness,

I bind the enemy.

I hold the blood of Jesus
against the enemy.

I command those spirits of
infirmity to be bound and to

leave right now, and I say that
healing is flowing like a river.

Sid: Next week on It’s

I have a woman that has been
known as

Pastor John Osteen’s wife.

I have a woman who has been
known as Pastor Joel Osteen’s

mother, but I found out she
operates in a supernatural gift

that I want.