In this It’s Supernatural! Classic episode from 1998: Witchcraft…Is it real? Have psychics really tapped into a supernatural power? Carol Kornacki says yes. In this video, Carol exposes the very real dangers of witchcraft, psychics, hypnotism, and tarot cards.

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witchcraft is it real have psychics

really tapped into the supernatural

power my guest says yes finally your

questions answering and more life after

death experiences and until the

communications are on the increase

terminally ill patients and doctors have

given no hope are unexplainable insured

and blur being mysteriously protected

from natural disasters

Sid Roth your investigative reporter

examines this invisible world on it’s



hello my name is Sid Roth my guest carol

Kornacki carol came from a very abusive

background she was molested

she was try her literally tried to

poison her she had abortions she was on

drugs she got involved in all the areas

we’ve been talking about white

witchcraft psychics magic Buddhism I

mean you name it you were looking for

something in all of these you are

looking for love tell me about its

reality the reality of the witchcraft

yes witchcraft is very real witchcraft

is a power what are the things that I’ve

said said is if you go to the devil for

power he will give it to you if you go

and you want power you can have it so

why shouldn’t everyone listening to us

just go there for power because is great

as it looks it is intriguing as it looks

and as drawing as it can be the end

thereof is death there’s always a price

to pay

you can talk to major people major male

witch is they were once called warlocks

they like to be forgers mail which is

now women in witchcraft and there’s

something a package that comes with

intense power and that’s fear it comes

it is part of it all it’s married but

they know I don’t see any

of them saying I’m fearful they look

pretty so confident I just got back from

a trip to New Orleans and I saw people

walking around it looked like vampires

and they looked they looked happy I

think we have a tendency to always try

to look like whatever we’re into no

matter how insecure we may really be

underneath to give the appearance that

it’s wonderful and it has everything we

could want

Syd let’s face it we live in a super

natural world people everywhere are

looking for super natural power we’re

hungry for it more than ever before

psychics are very very popular so I

could network of course people have

spent as much it’s 12 and 13 thousand

dollars in a month Syd to get on these

phones in to call somebody up and say

tell me what to do with my past present

and future starving for direct I started

to believe that much money people oh my

goodness yes sir all those people have

spent as much as 12,000 I had a woman

come one time and talk to me and say

$12,000 $4.99 per minute you multiply

that daily hours on the telephone

looking for an answer if some of it real

some people say well it’s the psychic

power real in many instances maybe 95

percent yes there is a psychic power

that operates and we have to look at two

kingdoms here the kingdom of light and

the kingdom of darkness

you can’t talk about psychic power that

is forbidden by the kingdom of light

without looking into the bottom line so

let’s look at the power of darkness

let’s look at this psychic phenomena

psychics people that you call up what do

they do

are they literally sitting there and

getting all kinds of power for your

situation you pick up the phone see you

make the call 1-800 or 1 900 I answer

the phone I’m an operating psychic

what’s happening that I’m able at times

to tap into your business what is

happening well in my estimation and what

I’ve learned through my environment I

understand I spent 6 years in that world

I was a psychic for 6 years and many

times did when a person like yourself

called the line or came in contact with

me or I read their cards I was accurate

and when I was able to evaluate after

getting out of it and

looking at it clearly is there the devil

is not stupid people should not go

around saying the devil of stupid he is

not stupid he has a tremendous

tremendous way of operating in the earth

and that’s why people are deceived so

you call me and I’m supposed to be

tapping into your life and giving you

information there are unclean spirits or

let’s say spirits that travel about

continuously in this earth plane when

you’re out doing anything those spirits

are aware of it whether you are doing

good whether you’re out at a job and

you’re going to get a promotion whether

you’re out committing adultery whether

you’re stealing no matter what you’re

doing those fears are around and about

you of course the Bible I think calls

them familiars familiars familiar with

what’s going on familial spirit is a

growth is that I believe it’s a Greek

word that means to mumble to grumble

that’s why when you hear in seances and

different areas and not to get off the

subject I’ll get back to what I was just

talking about

but that mumbling and grumbling that’s a

mumble that’s what’s familiar means it’s

this mumble sound that almost sounds

like it’s coming through a jar and a lot

of times when you’re in a seance or

you’re involved in some sort of psychic

opportunity when that guide that spirit

guide is speaking to you sometimes it’s

a grumble voice or foreign type sound to

the voice and that’s what familiar means

so these spirits are around about using

you for an example for our watching

audience they’re around and about you

the totally aware of your life now you

call me and I’m separating and psychic

power I have opened up myself to this

psychic ability I have said yes to this

realm all right so is a spirit such as

you describe inside of you telling

telling you what to say when I was

reading cards when I was working in

psychic area spiritualism that spirit

that was with you that knew all your

business would come right around and

would speak into my ear and tell me what

you were doing that’s how I had input

then there’s a psyche power within in

the soul a psyche working power that can

tap here is an example a woman is

sitting in her house she’s not an evil

woman or a bad woman and here she is

sitting there home and she feels this

feeling her daughter’s in danger you’ve

had that happen I’m sure in your own or

supreme’ nishan yeah

exactly you don’t you’re not tapping

into any power but suddenly you know my

daughters and I in harm’s way maybe you

might whisper a prayer or maybe you

might chance something or maybe you just

might sit them ring your hands together

in a moment the phone rings you go mom I

was just involved in an accident well

how did you know that there’s a psychic

power that works inside of all of us Sid

and then power that works at times Satan

will come in and teach a person who’s

involved in psychics spiritualism how to

operate in it and moving it and walk in

it as well as times when a familiar

spirit will come and speak to me the

psychic is we explained for your

listening audience and it’s some

information and I’ll save you I see a

woman in your life

her name is Jane and you’re sitting

there and I’m reading you and you’re

embarrassed because I’m telling you

about something very invent well that

spirit was there when you did all those

things that spirit was there when you

stole from the job so in psychic

spiritualism card reading information

giving through a medium through a

psychic sometimes so local power movie

working inspired by powers that are

forbidden by God obviously if you read

your Bible in Leviticus and Deuteronomy

and also other times a familiar spirit

coming and giving information and

there’s other times Sid when you might

pick up a phone and again using you as

an example and you call me and I’ll pick

up a pair of carrot cards and I’m just

they’re getting paid five dollars an

hour throw them up in there wherever

they fall I’ll read and just give you

any kind of a reading whatsoever or at

times you may pull up in a car with a

license plate from Alabama and here you

are in Florida well I can look out the

window and say I perceive you’re from

another state you’re traveling you’re on

a journey or it’s tax time I perceive or

the Spirit is telling me that there’s a

check coming in the mail for six years I

operated in this many many times I was

extremely accurate frightening ly

accurate other times it was bogus and

guessing games other time words were

coming too many spirits giving me

information on that individual or

someone in a crowd as I was reading so

if psychic power real yes there are

average when you learn to wait a second

you were a white witch that’s someone

that uses power for good so what’s wrong

with good it is believed that in

witchcraft today in Wicca whenever we do

different meetings sometimes Wiccans

will come and they’ll say to me well

you’re attacking us you’re saying that

we’re evil well we’re not doing anything

evil and there’s many times that they

deny things they’ll say that we are

covenant ‘add that we must do good we

cannot do harm to anyone well that’s not

– because when I was in which white

witchcraft I was burning candles against

people doing incantations against people

doing magic against people doing spells

against people and most often when

practicing any type of witchcraft you

enter into these things you enter into

these things you have to protect

yourself just like people in the human

realm will protect themselves as someone

who hurts them well in witchcraft you

use a psychic power you may send a

spirit off to do harm to someone you may

do a hex on someone so there is no line

of demarcation we’re drying your power

from an unclean source last week you

said that these spirits literally after

a while started telling you to kill

yourself exactly but what they did said

was they did it carefully because I was

a believer in reincarnation I believed

that my life was a cycle and this is the

New Age philosophy the pantheistic God

God is everything I am God you are God

this chair is God the floor is God the

waters God we’re all God everything on

earth versus one yes

Wiccans believe that God is in the Sun

and the moon and the stars and the wind

and the rain and they are God they they

worship the created thing rather than

the creator and so you believe you

really believe in this state that you’re

in that it’s it’s okay to do this it is

a it’s white witchcraft you’re not

harming anyone but you have to at

certain times now these same spirits

would come to me and say well this life

you’re living you need to go on to the

next so it would be best if you passed

out of this life so suicide is not a

terrible thing they would teach me it’s

a good thing your

pass out of this life yes but way second

there’s been like proof people been

hypnotized and they knew what happened a

hundred years ago when they lived I

don’t believe that

first of all hypnotism is very dangerous

and I’m going to tell you why we have

you ever watched a hypnotist that

entertains oh sorry about that for me

here you’re a mild man very business

type person in your manner I’m a little

out going on from New York but a person

like yourself why can a hypnotist come

up take a mild mannered very nice

reserved human being like yourself and

get you acting like a chicken bark and

acting silly in front of a group of

people while you’re in a so-called

hypnotic state how I because you yielded

your will to that hypnotist that’s why

hypnotism isn’t dangerous

so when I come to a hypnotist I say I am

subject to your will and they put me

into sleep in anything they tell me to

do I will do so you are literally taking

your will the most powerful force in

your human build because you have a

choice to do anything you want you can

do this or that you take that will and

you give it to that hypnotist he puts

you in a hypnotic state and you obey

everything he tells you to do right up

to making a fool out of yourself in

front of a group at a party so hypnotism

is a very dangerous state now I don’t

know that I believe and I’m not hesitant

to say because I stand for what I

believe that I think it noses at times

can be very it can be bogus it can be

faked these people who claim that

they’re all the way back 100 years and

lived in a colonial town and all that I

believe it’s a bunch of month but but

but I also wonder if some of those

familiar spirits were around a hundred

years ago or just giving them that

information is very possible think about

that that’s excellent they certainly

were there and here they are introducing

to this person in a hypnotic state all

the culture and what was going on in the

traditions in those moments and that

person is receiving the information from

that spirit and they’re speaking it

forth and the hip person who’s put them

in the attic state believes that the

information is true what happened to the

demons literally they were inside of you

from opening yourself up to these realms

when they heard a song about the blood

of Jesus it’s important for those who

didn’t want your program last week’s

that I if I can take a minute

to give them some information I believed

that when I allowed my human spear and

rather this was a psychic power evil

working making me believe or it was

really happy that I could ask her

project which is spirit flight bring my

human spirit out and that there was a

cord attached so I never wanted to go

too far now I many times would find

myself lying and watching myself said

and this is the truth

well I change this form of myself moving

about many times I would see myself in a

spirit form looking down at my body

lying down in the bed or where I a

stroke or astral projecting spirit

traveling I believed in my witchcraft

study and I think Adam go out of that

mess but for now I believe that when I

allowed my spirit to come out unclean

spirits or spirit guides as we refer to

them now could come in why do people

want spirit guides because they feel

that these spirit guides have so much

information of this this plane that you

and I don’t walk in the spirit plane

they have their Indians from years ago

their Egyptians they’ve all this is with

what channeling is oh this is what

people believe and so I would ask you to

check my spirit out allow these spirit

guides to come in as I believed some

would be Jesus one might be Cleopatra

one might be an Indiana chief this is

the guys that they’re under I would let

them in and here I was walking around

then my spirit would come in in my

astral travel and I’d be walking around

and suddenly I would allow these spirits

that I let in Sid for information for

wisdom from this other plane I’m seen by

the human eye I would let those spirits

speak through me so you and I would be

sitting in a in an environment or an

atmosphere and these spirits would begin

to come through or maybe someone would

want a message and I would tap into

these spirit guides to get a message to

this person’s dead loved one to party so

how did these spirits react to the song

the blood of Jesus when these spirits

were living inside me I went to church

and when I got in the church and sat

down I hadn’t a hint that there was

going to be any harm to them whatsoever

and there I am sitting in the church and

suddenly the blood-bought Church of

Jesus Christ rose to its feet and began

to sing oh the blood of Jesus said all I

can explain to you is in a moment It was

as if they were in torment because of

the power the supernatural power of God

they were confronted with the power of

God around about me in this church and

their power that could not subdue the

power of God

so as oh the blood of Jesus began to be

sung these spirits who were guised as

good spirits now were exposed as evil

spirits and were tormented by the

singing of the blood suddenly they began

I can only cover like bouncing off my

cranium I could feel this pressure said

in my head and you could hear him

screaming you’re never going to change

you belong to us and I was sitting in

this church thinking as I was feeling

like I was going crazy and I’ve always

explained to given my piss timoni

nationally and internationally that it

was as if the back of my head was

something was holding me like this and I

couldn’t move my head said it was like

they were holding my head lacked in this

position as they began to scream in

torment well when they stopped it was

almost like those spirits in silent when

the music’s that was subdued for a

moment and my will which we talked about

a minute ago in hypnosis broke out and I

was able to make a choice of what I

wanted to do in this human life to find

out about this guy Jesus or to continue

in the lifestyle that I was in in

psychic spiritualism let’s find out

about what happened when she chose God

rather than the demonic and you see the

counterfeit of the demonic is a

counterfeit of something authentic wait

till you hear the miracles that happen



we will return to it’s supernatural

right after this sit rock again back

with Carol Kornacki and what you heard

you think that was sensational

well as the line goes you ain’t heard

anything yet Carol there is a difference

between the counterfeit and the real

thing there were people listening to us

watching us that said power sounds good

I want that but then they heard the

repercussion of of you know they don’t

play fair and once they use you they

throw you away tell me about the real

thing an excellent point they throw you

away after that experience in this

particular church at that particular

time I thought what is this great

supernatural power that subdued the

power in me I’m a practicing witch I

have power and yet these Christians

so-called Christians are singing a song

about this Jesus and I can’t overcome

him I’m not greater in my power than

they are I want to know and so I made a

choice that day I yielded my will to

coming to know the man Jesus Christ the

risen Lord and his supernatural power

was it greater than the power I was


could it outdo the supernatural power I

had learned why didn’t you use your

power to get rid of your hepatitis

because I wasn’t able to do that I

wasn’t able to come into a human that

hepatitis was killing me

and that’s one thing said all the

incantations and all the junk in all the

candle burning I worked it could not

heal me and there was a doctor in

America that could do anything for that

liver that supernatural power was going

to have to be something greater because

not only did I have a rotten liver I had

a rotten heart and a rotten mind and

something very great very powerful above

the power of what I was experienced it

had come into my life and so I came to

know this Jesus instantly instantly and

I have medical records the liver was

transformed and healed completely

instantly I experienced supernatural

miraculous power blood inside my belly

from bleeding ulcers I used to vomit up

that look like coffee grounds I said

that’s blood coming

out of your belly was absolutely healed

medical reports doctors were baffled

suddenly a mind that psychiatrists and

drugs and and pills couldn’t change

supernatural power in the name of Jesus

began to come in and reconstruct my

thinking into normal okay human thinking

I remember a little girl that a father

or mother didn’t have the ability to

Huck I remember a little girl that was

involved in incest I remember a little

girl that would have to clean up the

mess that her mother made when she beat

her husband violently with blood flowing

I remember a little girl whose father

tried to poison her I remember a young

woman that was looking for love and got

nothing but abortions what Oh No world

could you explain you experience love

now what’s going through traumas like

that don’t you no psychiatrist couldn’t

even help you not at all if God thought

we needed a psychiatrist said he

would’ve said to psychiatrists but we

don’t need a psychiatrist we need a

Savior so that’s what he said and that’s

who came into my life how are you

changed I found a love that you don’t

find for 15 minutes in a strange bed I

found a love that you don’t find in

witchcraft spiritualism or demons inside

your mind or spirit guides I found a

love that you don’t find anywhere but in

a man named Jesus Christ a supernatural

power said that can go into a broken

heart like you just described in my life

that she just described to your audience

that little girl that’s what Jesus saw

he saw this little broken girl just as

you just described her and by the

supernatural power that we’ve been

talking about he reached into a broken

heart because for 17 eluc says he came

to heal the brokenhearted and he took

that little shattered broken heart that

little seven-year-old who was being

molested that little 8 year old that was

being beaten and broken and thrown away

that scarred tissue in the body and womb

of that girl me the girl we’re talking

about he reached in and took that heart

and began to reform it and recreate a

heart of flesh and supernaturally only

said supernatural power that is above

the supernatural power the psychics we

talked about above the supernatural

power of witchcraft and light

candles and chanting junk and collecting

little objects and put them in a bag

like it didn’t all that garbage of

witchcraft a pure power a power so

powerful that a spirit called the holy

spirit that opened up a grave and raised

up God’s Son that flowed over the the

waters of the deep in Genesis and God

said let there be light in the same

spirit move that spirit that holy spirit

and a multitude of spirit guides it’s

got a 50 of them to do anything one

spirit came into my human spirit

enlightened it with supernatural power

healed my body healed my heart restored

my mind the rest is nothing but a game

you don’t get anything out of that

people really believe that psychics can

change their life SID you give your

future to some girl sitting on a

telephone or somebody sitting over tea

leaves and you let them command your

life a human being that’s full of air by

looking at a bunch of plastic and paper


why not look up to the creator of all

things and understand a supernatural

power that can change your life maybe

you were never a witch maybe you were

never an adulterer maybe you were never

had a life like mine I had a wonderful

home life but something inside of you

just like me Sid needed a super natural

power not a bunch of courage you buy in

a store not some woman who sits there

and guesses your life not a bunch of

candles because they’re red or blue

they’re going to do something wonderful

not a bunch of Matra chants or God is in

the water and a chair I’m sitting on I’m

talking about the Holy Spirit the power

supernatural miracle working power that

your program is all about when a

supernatural power of God changes a life

you’re mean in the body example give me

one example you told me about an

experience where you were on an airplane

and God spoke to you about that little

girl that was a strangest thing said I’m

flying to minister to pastor Tommy weeds

gentlemen you’re aware of a great pastor

up in Buffalo New York and I’m on a

plane there’s a little girl next to me

five years old her name’s Sally she’s

flying from Virginia to Buffalo New York

she has got divorced parents her daddy’s

in Virginia she’s gone to her mother in

Buffalo they sit me next to her I’m

sitting next to this five year old she

has a hearing aid in her ear she’s

playing that little five year olds out

she’s playing and talking

plan and I’m looking and suddenly I hear

this voice only it wasn’t one of those

weird voices I heard in spiritualism it

was a voice that came from within a pure

voice that stands strong and powerful

and said to me if you pray for her

I’ll heal her well I’ve come to know the

voice of my Shepard I knew it was Jesus

speaking to me through the Holy Spirit

so I thought God on an airplane but all

these people I’m going to pray for this

little girl with a hearing aid he said

it to me against it he said if you pray

for this little girl I’ll healer I’ll

show you my power in the most remote

place well I was nervous said I want to

be honest with your watching audience

because there was stewardesses walking

back and forth when I spoke to Sally and

talked about her getting healed by Jesus

she started talking on like Jesus is

gone a year she’s a little girl

so the stewardess came up like I was a

religious fanatic and kind of checked on

us right protect her yes exactly so I

thought what am I going to do Lord so I

said I’m doing all day that’s what I’m

going to do I’m going to see the

supernatural power of the

miracle-working power of God work in

this little girl so I leaned over nice

and Sally Jesus Christ is going to heal

you well I had a little Baptist girl

sitting on this side of me

she was looking over beautiful little

dark-skinned girl she’s looking over

thinking this woman’s nuts so I just

obeyed God sit I just leaned over and

began to rebuke that spirit of infirmity

in her ear just tell that spirit to

loose her in the name of Jesus and then

ask God to heal the area that that

spirit of infirmity had destroyed inside

her here well in an instant I was just

sitting I’ll never forget this I said

lord if it happened would you show me

please show me Lord it isn’t that I’m a

doubter but please show me so I looked

over at Sally the little girl nice and

Sally and she started digging in her ear

what happened was God healed her and my

voice was amplified so it was irritated

so Sid she pulled her ear thing out and

glazed onto a sucker’s wrong with that

her hearing aid well the stewardess

comes running like what are you doing

and I was like I just and she goes it’s

bothering me so as it’s laying out and

the stewardess goes to serve coffee I

leaned over to that deaf ear Sally can

you hear and she looked up at me with

those beautiful brown eyes and she said

yes I can hear you she never needed the

hearing aid again when I got off Sid I

wanted to stand up and pick her up and

hold her above my head and say to a


people behold the god I serve behold

the God we serve some of you are hurting

bad and that’s why you’re viewing us

right now and I tell you there’s only

one answer repent of sin yes I have

sinned I’ve violated just about every

one of the Ten Commandments stealing

lying adultery anything you can name and

you know what everyone has you must

repent of sin and believe that Jesus

died for your sins and make him Lord and

Savior there is no other way there’s no

other name given unto men in which we

must be saved

