Aliss Cresswell is an international speaker, business woman and “miracle worker,” training and equipping followers of Jesus to move in the supernatural realms and to impact the world with the love and power of the gospel. Aliss and her husband Rob are based in Chester, UK. They head up Morning Star Europe and have two children.

SR: I’ll tell you what, I have such an expectation
for God to show up [with emphasis] big on

this show! Not only do I, you can see our audience
is already lined up! I’m Sid Roth. Welcome

to my world, where it’s naturally supernatural!
My guest not only, is she positive there will

be miracles on this show, she literally made
a sign! Look at this! “Expect a Miracle”!

And I’ll tell you one other thing, if you
have your expectation up, God is not going

to disappoint!

Announcer: Is there a supernatural dimension?
A world beyond the one we know? Can we tap

into ancient secrets of the supernatural?
Can our dreams contain messages from Heaven?

Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of healing
onto planet Earth today? Sid Roth has spent

over 40 years researching the strange world
of the supernatural. Join Sid for this edition

of “It’s Supernatural!”
Audience: [applause and cheers]

SR: Now, you notice I still have my sign,
and that is not just a nice phrase. That’s

for you: Expect a miracle. Now Aliss, you
do workshops all over. You go in the street,

you have miracles.
AC: Yeah.

SR: You have miracles all over the place.
But you maintain it’s totally caught, and

transferable to every Believer. Explain.
AC: That’s right. Well, I believe that the

anointing for doing miracles is transferrable.
That we I love to do miracles, but I also

love helping other people get activated to
do miracles too. So what I tend to do is when

I meet somebody, as soon as I meet them, if
I’m teaching in a workshop, one of our parties,

whatever it might be, I like to release a
miracle up front.

SR: Go for it!
AC: I’m going to do it now.

SR: Right now!
AC: So I’m going to release some miracles

for you that are watching, so
SR: And by the way, studio audience,

that’s you! Get ready!
AC: Yes.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
AC: Um-hmm!m!

SR: And you at home. [pointing to sign]
AC: [chuckles] So if you need a miracle, then

I release that for you, in the name of Jesus.
Right down uh right now, I invite the presence

of Jesus to come right where you are. I don’t
need to be in the room physically with you.

You have Jesus with you, wherever you are
in the whole world, and you just call out

to Jesus. And I release that tangible anointing
for healing, right now or not even healing,

but any kind of miracle. Receive into your
body, receive it into your life. Whether you

need some kind of breakthrough financially,
in your marriage, whatever it might be, receive

that. In fact, you’re actually going to start
feeling something happening in the room right

now, because this is what happens: That you’re
going to feel, you’re going to sense that

tangible anointing of the Holy Spirit, whoa!,
right where you are! So I release that for

SR: I can tell you,

AC: [laughs]
SR: I’m feeling it now, guys! [chuckles]

Audience: [chuckles]
AC: I’m releasing that for you, wherever you

are. Something you’ll start to see lights
in the room, some of you are going to see

lights right now. There’s lights appearing,
there are angels around you. Some of you,

you’ve actually got bones that are broken
in your body, and they’re moving! I just tell

those bones to move around, to get into the
right place, that everything come into alignment

with Heaven, now, in the name of Jesus! Wow!
Audience: Amen!

SR: Well I’ll tell you, the presence is here,
and it’s going to do nothing but get stronger.

Tell me about the woman with Parkinson’s disease.
AC: Wow! So, just telling a story of something

that’s happened, it means it releases miracles.
So, what happened was, I was the after-dinner

speaker in a hotel! It was a nice hotel room,
with these roundtables, and I was talking

about the Kingdom of Heaven, and releasing
miracles. And this lady comes out, and she’s

actually pushing her friend who has Parkinson’s
disease, who is sitting in a wheelchair. And

she’s just like this tiny woman in this wheelchair,
and I can hardly hear what she’s saying, but

she’s trying to speak to me. So I put my ear
next to her mouth, and she says, “I want to

be healed!” So I said, “Okay, we’re going
to pray”, so we released the power of Jesus!

And then she’s trying to beckon me, and I
I was like I could hardly hear, “I want to

stand up! I want to walk!” I said, “Okay!”
She just she hangs onto us, she pulls herself

up, and we say, “In the name of Jesus, be
healed. Walk.” She stands up, she pushes me,

she pushes her friend out of the way, and
she gets up, and she just starts to walk around

the room.
Audience: [applause and cheers]

AC: She does a whole lap!
SR: Hmm!

AC: She does a whole lap around the room!
She grabs the wheelchair, and she pushes her

wheelchair all the way around the room, all
the way out, the building, and she jumps into

the car, completely healed by Jesus.
Audience: [applause and cheers]

AC: [chuckles] I love Jesus! [chuckles]
SR: You know, I sense that same power is here

AC: Oh, yes.

SR: What about you?
AC: Yes!

SR: And I sense that as we continue talking,
it’s going to get stronger, and stronger.

Now, I would like to Aliss to release she
knows so many revelations about healing but

I would like her to release the strongest
revelation about healing, when we come back.

Audience: [applause and cheers]

Hello YouTube mishpochah! Mishpochah is a
Hebrew word; it means family. This is Sid

Roth. Welcome to my world where it’s naturally
supernatural! If you’ve been blessed by

this show, please subscribe. Then click the
bell so you won’t miss a single episode

of It’s Supernatural!
[music] ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s

Audience: [applause and cheers]

SR: Now Aliss, you have been praying for the
sick for years, seeing amazing results, and

especially in the streets, when you see someone
sick. Why did you wait till now to release

your book on healing?
AC: Wow. The Holy Spirit told me to wait.

He said that, you know where Jesus when He
did when he performed His first miracle, the

Bible says, “He thus revealed His glory”.
And I really sense the Holy Spirit say to

me that when I release this teaching, there’s
going to be such anointing on it, that actually

miracles will just start to burst out and
explode all over the place, and it will release

the Glory of the Lord. And now I believe that
the Lord has said it is time.

SR: Aliss, tell me the most important revelation
for us to understand about healing.

AC: I believe the most important revelation
is that God wants you well.

Audience: Amen.
AC: And there’s a Scripture that I love, it’s

Psalm 103. “Praise the Lord, O my soul, and
forget not”, don’t forget, “all His benefits:

He forgives all our sins, and He heals all
of our diseases”.

Audience: Yes!
AC: So important. And when we look at Jesus,

when He was walking the Earth, there was a
guy who had leprosy. And he went to Jesus,

and he said, “If You will,” and what did Jesus
say? He said,

SR: “I will.”
AC: “I will.” Jesus healed all who came to

Audience: Yes.

SR: Now, you kinda coach us, to walk into
which is already ours. Would you do that right

AC: I release miracles right now. Healing

particularly, I’m releasing in the name of
Jesus. And what I do is I don’t say “God,

will You please do this?”, “Will you”, you
know, “heal this person”, because Jesus did

it 2,000 years ago, so we can be healed instantly.
Audience: Amen!

AC: So I release instant miracles right now.
Audience: [cheers]

AC: Just tell that thing to go. If you’ve
got a problem in your body, you just speak

it out, and you say, “Go, in the name of Jesus”,
and receive that healing from Jesus, right

now. Just receive it, in Jesus’ name!
SR: Tell me about that pub. And you might

think a pub is a bar, but in England, a pub
is a nice family restaurant.

AC: [chuckles]
SR: Tell me about that pub.

AC: I was staying in a bed and breakfast which
happened to be a pub! And I was actually doing

a radio show that that day, and the radio
host came to the pub. And we would we were

doing he was recording me talking about miracles,
and I said, “I want to do some right now!”

So we went out outside, and we started praying
for people, and miracles started happening!

The landlord of the pub gets healed, somebody
outside gets healed, so these miracles start

breaking out. I go up to my room to prepare,
and just to pray for our evening’s meeting,

and the Holy Spirit speaks to me. He says,
“Go downstairs now, and go and sit at a table,

outside the back of the pub”! So I’m like,
“Okay!”, so I went downstairs, and I I found

the back door. I sat at this table outside
the pub, and I waited there just for a few

moments, and then two workmen came outside,
with their pints of beer and their cigarettes,

they wanted to have a smoke. They sat at the
table next to me, and I could overhear their

conversation! And they started to talk about
the miracles that had broken out! And one

of them says, “Oh, yeah, but it’s all in your
head”, and I thought, “Hmm, we’ll see about

that.” So –
SR: [laughs]

Audience: [laughs]
AC: I got up, and I went over to them, and

I said, “Oh, so it’s all in your head, is
it miracles?” And they said, “Oh yeah, just

all in your head.” So I said, “Well I’m going
to prove to you, right now, that God is real,

that He is powerful, and that He loves you,
and it’s not just in your head!” And they’re

like, “Yeah, go on then.” So one of them,
I said, “What’s wrong with you? Anything wrong

with you?” Workmen always seem to have a problem,
don’t they? But so, we know all the stuff

they’re doing. So, he had a problem with his
back, but his main thing was he said, the

hand the “The bone in my hand, the scaphoid
bone”, I’ve never heard of that before, he

said, “Three years ago, I damaged my hand,
and can–.” He said, “Look at my hand!” And

his the bone was sticking up, under the skin
SR: Hm.

AC: in his hand, and he said, “It should be
there, and it’s here.” A few inches, it had

moved a few inches. I said, “Okay. I’m going
to demonstrate the power of God.” I put my

finger on it, and I said, “In the name of
Jesus, I tell that bone to move”, and we watched

as that bone moves along.
Audience: [applause]

AC: it was amazing! So, [chuckles] what I
did was I I actually got my phone out and

started to video, and we’ve got this on YouTube,
you can watch it! And he’s going, “I’m not

kidding! I’m not joking! I’m not joking!”
He said, “It’s moving! It’s moved!” And his

friend sitting next to him says, “Well I’ve
broken my ankle twice, and I need some healing

in my ankles!” So I prayed for his ankle,
and he goes, “Ooh, I’m feeling all tingly!”

SR: [chuckles]
AC: And he gets completely healed by Jesus,

SR: [applause and cheers]

AC: Now,
SR: [chuckles] what you don’t understand,

this isn’t something that happens every 5
years to her, this happens, I would have to

say every time you will go out intentionally
to pray for the sick!

AC: Well, not even intentionally! It’s just

SR: [chuckling] It just happens!
AC: minding my own business, and it just happens,

[chuckling] yeah, every day.
SR: Now, tell me about someone that’s because

they’re watching us right now that is discouraged,
and you’ve kind of given up on healing, you

don’t even want to talk about it! Hope isn’t
even in your vocabulary! Tell me someone like

that that you’ve prayed for.
AC: One time I was speaking at a seminar,

uh on healing, and right at the beginning,
a woman puts her hand up and she says, “Oh

excuse me, Aliss. I just want you to know
that, me and my friend, prayed for her son.

As a teenager, he was very ill, and he died.
And we will write off healing, we are so discouraged,

and disappointed in God, that I just,” she
said, “I’m off healing.” And I thought, “Well

that’s great”, [chuckling] at the beginning,
thanks for that encouragement, you know.

SR: [laughs]
Audience: [laughs]

AC: Anyhow, I didn’t say anything, but I thought
well I’m just going to go through all my teaching.

SR: Um-hmm!.
AC: So I was sharing the teaching on healing,

and at the end of it, this young lady, she’s
she was 30 years old, and she broke her back

she said 10 years previously. And she’d actually
had surgery in her back, and her spine her

vertebrae were all fused together with metal
pins and rods. She couldn’t bend to pick

up her son even. She was in constant pain
on liquid morphine, to try and ease the pain,

for 10 years, but she was still in pain. So
I thought I know what I’m going to do. The

woman that’s discouraged and disappointed,
I’m going to get her to do the miracle, because,

I always like other people doing the miracle,
so they know it’s not me, it’s Jesus. So

I said, “You, you are going to do the miracle”,
so she puts her hand on the woman with the

broken back. She starts feeling the power
of God coming from her, the Holy Spirit in

her, coming down her arm, releases the power
of God into this woman’s back. And this woman

we’ve got it on video because I got my phone
out again, it’s on YouTube.

SR: [chuckles]
AC: She’s jumping up and down, screaming as

the just with joy, not pain, because the pain
leaves her, and she gets completely healed.

The woman that prayed says, “Wow, that has
so boosted me.”

SR: Hmm!
Audience: [applause]

AC: It was amazing.
SR: Now, there are people, and they don’t even

realize it, they’re in low-level counterfeit
things. What about people that are into counterfeit

AC: Well, they’re usually people that really

want to see the sick get well.
SR: I believe that.

AC: So it’s from a good heart, but what they
don’t realize is that Jesus is the legal access

point into the spirit realm.
Audience: Amen.

AC: He Jesus is the only way. He is the door,
and He’s the safe way in. This one day, I

was in our shop, that we had at the time,
and a lady comes in. And she had two walking

canes, because our sign outside, you know,
“Expect a Miracle”, so she comes in, and she

could hardly walk. And her husband was with
her, and he said, “I’m her carer. I’ve had

to give up my job to be her carer.” He said
she’s “She’s in so much pain. Can you help?

Can she have a miracle?”, and I she started
to tell me what the problem was. She had fibromyalgia,

which is like pain all over her body. They
don’t know why, well I knew why. She had M.E.,

and chronic fatigue, she had arthritis, and
some problem with her abdomen she’d had surgery

on. And and I as she’s saying all this, I’m
thinking, I think these things are caused

by evil spirits in my experience, in my opinion.
So, and then just a little thought popped

in my head. I said, “Have you ever been involved
with Reiki healing?”, and she said, “Oh! I’m

a reiki master!”
SR: Mh!

AC: And I said, “Well when did your troubles
start?”, and she thought about it a moment.

She thought [gasps], “Exactly the same time
I started practicing Reiki.” She said, “That’s

when all these “, “the trouble started.” And
I said, “Well I believe that this is the “, “the

problems you’ve got are caused by evil spirits,”
and I said, “We can help you get free from

those things.” So I said, “What I’m going
to recommend is that if you want to get free

from these evil spirits, and all the pain
associated “, “associated with them, then

you need to know Jesus. You need to invite
Jesus to come into your life, so that if these

evil spirits try and come back, you can stop
them through the power and the blood of Jesus.”

So, she said, “That’s what I want to do. I
want to give my life to Jesus!” She prays

out, and she says, “Father God, forgive me
for coming into agreement with these evil

spirits. Forgive me for doing reiki, and all
those other things, and for all the sin in

my life”, and she tells those evil spirits
to leave. She invites Jesus to come into her

life, she gets completely healed, and full
of the Holy Spirit, and she’s jumping around

the shop.
Audience: [applause and cheers]

AC: Amazing.
SR: You know, Aliss, many people have been

involved in New Age activities, and frankly,
they’re looking for love. So I want you, right

now, to renounce any New Age thing that you’ve
ever been involved in. If you know the name,

you can renounce it. I want you to say repeat
after me, and even if you haven’t been in

the New Age, your ancestors could have been.
AC: Um-hmm!.

SR: I want you to renounce that New Age involvement,
and then I want you to say a prayer out loud

with me, to receive Jesus. Say out loud: I
want no part of the New Age,

Audience: I want no part of the New Age,
SR: or any other New Age type of course.

Audience: or any other New Age type of course.
SR: I believe the blood of Jesus

Audience: I believe the blood of Jesus
SR: cuts that authority,

Audience: cuts that authority,
SR: and I am free.

Audience: and I am free.
SR: And now that I am free,

Audience: And now that I am free,
SR: I ask You, Lord,

Audience: I ask You, Lord,
SR: to forgive me

Audience: to forgive me
SR: for every sin I’ve ever committed.

Audience: for every sin, I’ve ever committed.
SR: I believe that Your blood

Audience: I believe that Your blood
SR: washes my sins away,

Audience: washes my sins away,
SR: and I am clean.

Audience: and I am clean.
SR: It’s so good to be clean!

Audience: It’s so good to be clean!
SR: And now that I’m clean,

Audience: And now that I’m clean,
SR: Jesus, come inside of me.

Audience: Jesus, come inside of me.
SR: Take over my life.

Audience: Take over my life.
SR: I make You Lord of my life.

Audience: I make You Lord of my life.
SR: Amen!

Audience: Amen!
SR: Now when we come back, Aliss says, that

most of the time when she prays, she doesn’t
pray little meek, mousy type, prayers, she

demands the people to be healed! She demands,
if there are any evil spirits on them, to

leave! I’m going to have her pray for you
when we come back!

Audience: [applause and cheers]


[music] ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s

Audience: [applause and cheers]

SR: Now Aliss, you pray differently than most
Believers pray, but you literally

AC: [chuckles]
SR: command! You’ll command the demon to leave!

You’ll command bones to go into place! Tell
me one story about that.

AC: Yeah. So, following on from the story
we told earlier, about the woman that came

into our shop. That what I was saying to her
was, “Just tell that thing to go.” She was

actually, you know, as she’s telling the demons
to leave, she can feel them, she starts making

a noise as they’re coming out. And then
she starts feeling all this pain in her neck,

so I said to her, “Well just tell that demon
to go, but don’t cause any pain.” So it’s

important, you just speak to those demons
so they’ve got to do as you’ve told. And at

this point, she knew Jesus, because she just
asked Him into her life. I said, “You just

tell that thing, ‘Don’t cause any pain, just
come out.'” So she did that, and the pain

stopped, but the demon came out.
Audience: [applause and cheers]

AC: [laughs]
SR: It’s nice that you prayed for people to

be healed. But what happens when you get sick,
or your husband?

AC: Wow! That’s a good question! Now, sometimes
I don’t really get sick very often, but sometimes

things will come at all of us, and we’ve got
to fight those things. We’ve got to contend

for them, not come into agreement. So I believe
like, with an evil spirit, it can only have

any power in your life if you come into agreement
with it,

Audience: Amen.
AC: so, you’re going to break that agreement

straight away. One time, I found a lump in
my breast,

SR: Right.
AC: basically. And I straightaway, if any

if you find anything like that, you’ve just got
to tell it to go, in the name of Jesus! And

you know I said don’t come into agreement
with it, so basically, I thought I’m not going

to get it checked out or anything, because
I don’t want to you’ve got to be careful

with this be led by the Holy Spirit. But what
was interesting to me was just later that

same day like I didn’t tell anybody else later
that same day, I get a letter come through

my letterbox, I open it up, and it’s from
the hospital! And it says, “Oh, we are just

“, it was I was in my forties at the time
it says, “We are just offering random mammograms

to women in their forties, and we’d like to
invite you for a mammogram”! And I thought,

SR: [chuckles]
AC: that is interesting, maybe the devil is

just overplaying his hand here, because this
is the same day I’ve just found a lump. And

I knew it was the enemy anyway, so I just
tore it up, threw it away, and I said, “No,

I am not coming into agreement with that thing”,
and I tell that lump to leave, in the name

of Jesus. And I had to speak to it a few times,
but it just one time I put my finger on

it, and it just disappeared, completely, because
of the power of Jesus!

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Okay. You have heard the testimony. You’ve

had some terrific teaching. You’ve had the
presence of God come at you. I want you to

operate in commanding faith, right now,
AC: Um-hmm!.

SR: to pray for the sick, right this moment.
AC: So I release the presence of Jesus, right

where you are, and I command; what I tell
you what, just put your hand on the part of

your body that needs a miracle right now.
So just place your hand on that part of your

body, and I’m going to speak to those things.
And I just command everything that is in your

body that should not be there, has got to
leave now, in the name of Jesus! Just disappear,

everything that should not be there, go. Any
lumps, any tumors disappear. Any sickness

in your body, any pain that should not be
there, you go now, in the name of Jesus.

Be completely healed. And you agree with me.
You just speak to that thing, and you tell

it to go, in Jesus’ name, and receive the
miracle from Jesus, right where you are.

SR: And may the sweet Glory of God, that is
in this studio, come right out of your television

or computer or cell phone, and touch you,

and be whole!
Audience: [applause and cheers]