This is the extended version of Sid Roth’s interview with Heidi Baker. How does Heidi Baker face challenges when she ministers to the people of Mozambique? She immerses herself in the Presence of God. Heidi wants you to learn how to release the atmosphere of Heaven — and prevail.

Sid: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my
world where it’s naturally supernatural!

Throughout history, many believers have
experienced the tangible presence of God

but it kind of comes and goes. My guest
is experiencing the presence of God 24/7.

She says this is normal, and you can
experience it too! Would you like to learn?


Announcer: Is there a supernatural dimension?

A world beyond the one we know?

Can we tap into ancient secrets of the

Can our dreams contain messages
from Heaven?

Is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of
healing onto planet Earth today?

Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching
the strange world of the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of
It’s Supernatural!

Audience: [cheers and applause]

Sid: Now I want you to know that my guest,
Heidi Baker,

is a very different type of believer.
So different than most of

the believers that you and I know. But
there is a problem.

She’s the normal one. Guess what that
makes–No, never mind. But anyway.

Heidi, I’ve just been observing you, but it’s
hard to believe.

You were in Mozambique, Africa and served
the Lord a year, totally burned out, pneumonia,

against doctor’s orders. And I’m sure you
didn’t feel like it. Your husband had

been to the Toronto Airport Church, had
such a transformation, that as miserable

as you were, I mean what did the doctors
say if you went to Canada?

Heidi: Well I was very very ill, in the hospital, hooked
up to IVs and they said, “You could die.”

And and my husband was so totally
transformed that he said he’ll he’d sell

his camera to get me there, and I knew
that had to be God, and I ended up

getting to California, going back in the
hospital, when I landed on a stopover,

pulled the IV out again, and made
my way to to Canada.

Sid: You know what you sound like?

You sound like the woman the
Bible has with the issue of blood.

Nothing was going to stop you from
getting there, and it was a divine

appointment, because you got radically
touched by God. Tell me what happened there.

Heidi: The first thing that happened was I was

offended by everything. I was offended by
it all, and I I’m a theologian and I

didn’t I didn’t appreciate the theology
or any of it. I was looking at people.

I was just, had a bad attitude, but one
of them stood up and said “There’s God’s

healing someone here. You’re a missionary;
you have double pneumonia.” And I thought

“Oh no. Did someone find out? How did they know?”
And they said it again,

“You have double pneumonia. Take a deep breath.” So I thought I have nothing to lose.

I’m so ill, and I was at the very very back
in the corner holding on to the wall to

stand up. And I took a deep breath, and I
was totally, completely healed.

Audience: [applause]
Totally, completely healed!

It was awesome! Then they said, “You should, you you need to come to the front.” And then I

thought oh no more bad theology, because
they said, “If you don’t come to the front

you’ll lose your healing.” And I’m thinking,
“Wow I don’t even believe that.” But God

likes to likes to get past a lot of
things like that, and and He sometimes

will offend the mind to get to the heart.
And that’s what happened with me.

He really did. And I went forward, and they
prayed for me, and just as I thought and

I thought, “Oh they have big hands, and
they’re big people and they’re gonna

push me down.” And I I did fall down. I
don’t know if they pushed me or not,

and I don’t care, because I fell down, and
and I saw multitudes, Sid. I saw I saw

people from every tribe, every tongue,
every nation. I saw the hundreds and

hundreds of thousands, and it went on. It
had no end, a sea of humanity, and I was

crying out. And I’m sad to tell you this,
but this is my journey. And so if my

journey helps someone else to say, “Yes.” My
initial response to that vision was no.

I said, “No I don’t want to see them. I’m
tired. My husband and I are tired with

320 children.” And He took a piece in this
vision of His flesh from His Son Jesus.

He did. His eyes are eyes of burning fiery
love, but He took a piece of His flesh

and He just handed it to me, and He said,
“Feed it to the children.” I said, “I can’t.”

I’m thinking. I can’t even speak. I’m
sobbing, and in this vision how can you

feed flesh to a child? He said, “Feed it to
the children. I died that there would

always be enough.” Holy!
I reached out my hand and it turned

into bread. It turned into bread!
Audience: [applause and cheers]

Then He handed me a cup. It wasn’t jeweled.
It wasn’t gold. It was a poor

man’s cup. Water and blood flowed from
the side of Yeshua. Really, it flowed from

His side, and without speaking to me, He
told me heart to heart, “It’s a cup of

suffering and joy. Will you drink it?” And
I’m thinking, “Lord, if you’re offering it, Your

eyes are burning fire, Your body’s so
bruised. If You’re offering it, Lord, if

You’re offering it, Lord, I’ll drink it.
He had ripped the the “no” out of me and I

drank the cup. He said, “Give it to the
children.” And I’m thinking, “Now You’re

going too far, God. How do we give a cup
of suffering and joy to a child?” The joy

part, that sounds wonderful, but the
suffering. He showed me the suffering of

humanity. That every single man, woman and
child who doesn’t eat,

who doesn’t know Yeshua, who doesn’t know
beautiful Jesus, is dying of starvation.

Just like the children that I picked up
in the garbage year after year just like

the kids in the famine zones that are
dying in my arms. They’re dying of

starvation if they don’t know Him.
They’re dying of lack of water if they

don’t drink of Him. So I drank the cup,
and I passed it out, and He said to me a

second time, “I died that there would
always be enough.” Changed everything.

Sid: Now I want her to tell you about
a blind woman, no pupils. Just

white in the eyes, and you know
what her name was?

“No Name.” Be back in a moment.

Audience: [applause and cheers]

Announcer: We will be right back to
It’s Supernatural!

Hello YouTube Mishpochah.
Mishpochah is a Hebrew word; it means family.

This is Sid Roth. Welcome to my
world where it’s naturally supernatural!

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Announcer: We now return to
It’s Supernatural!

Audience: [applause and cheers]

Sid: Heidi, now so many encounters that
you have, we don’t have even the time

to talk about. One that I would love to
talk about, there were thirty-six

demonized people in this unreached
people group that had stones and they’re

ready to throw it at you.
How in the world did you handle that?

Heidi: [laughs]

I wasn’t gonna ask you, but I had to.

Heidi: Okay! We were in the midst of a people of
another faith, and they weren’t really

happy we were there. We had this–
Sid: That’s an understatement.

Heidi: Really! They weren’t. And we’d

shown the Jesus film, and someone was
trying to speak, and it was all total

disaster. There there were people
throwing sand and kids running around

beating each other, and and the the
speaker was really discouraged and my

husband was really discouraged. I said “Do
you want to share?” And he said, “Absolutely

not.” And I mean it’s our first time in
this in this region in northern

Mozambique where we live now. We’ve been
there 15 years and it was a first

congregation, first group of people we
planted there, and there were probably a

thousand people out there, and I heard
the Lord really say, “Have an altar call,”

and I said, “What for?” You know. These people are not happy. They’ve got rocks and sand and

they’re really agitated, and and in the
natural it was a bit frightening to be

really honest with you, but in the spirit
realm love takes away fear so He said,

“Call the demonized,” and I’m thinking,
“They all have demons.” That’s really what I

thought. They were very very agitated, but
I said, “If you have night terrors,” and and

I believe even some people watching the
show as I share this they have night

terrors or they know they’re covered in
darkness. They just have fear, heart

palpitations, night terrors, they see dark
spirits. These kinds of people I say, “If

you have demons and you know it, or you
have night terrors and you know it come

to the front.” And about 36
people came up, and they were–it was an

ugliest thing you ever saw. Like tongues
were coming out and curling to their

stomachs some of them were like snakes,
and I’m thinking, “Now what?” I had never

done this before I’ve been ministering
since I was 16. I’d never seen anything

that crazy or or or ugly quite quite
frankly. I mean just the demonic power

that overcame these people, and I said,
“What do I do?” And He said, “Get rid of them.”


So I backed up, and I said, “In the name of
Jesus, I command you to be gone!” And all

of them at once, nobody touched them.
They all fell out on this dirt with with

broken rocks. They just fell out
in the Spirit.

Audience: [applause]
Heidi: They did. Yeah.

And then we started interviewing
them, and

because I asked, “How am I supposed–now what?”
And He said, “Interview them.” I was

asking, “Which way are we gonna do this
Lord?” I had no clue. Interview them. About

in the middle I asked each one, “Do you
want to receive the Lord Jesus as your

Lord and Savior? Do you want to receive
the One who paid the price that you

could be free, that you could be whole,
that you could have salvation; and each

one said yes, until I got to the middle, I
spoke to this woman. She got up and she

manifested demons again, started
screaming. I said, “Back to the end of the

line.” I really did. She went back, she fell
out again, no one had to touch her, and by

the end, all of those people
were set free.

We have over 2,600 congregations among
that people group.

Audience: [applause]

Sid: Tell me about “No Name.”

Heidi: Oh, that’s one of my favorite stories,
just because of how God changed my heart.

On Monday mornings when I’m at home,
which has been two-thirds of my life, and

now it’s moving to a half because of
Israel. Monday’s a very special day I

used to not like Monday’s because we’d
have staff meetings where people would

complain. Now we have testimony
meetings, and everything changes.

But I had all about 12 children sleep over
at the house, and I’m getting up really

early to make them breakfast, and and
then we have devotions then we have two

services. This is Monday morning with
thousands of children, and now I get to

do what I love doing most, which is go
out house to house, my sweet spot just

holding the poor, loving on the people,
just walking house to house and got to

dedicate a house to my friend, Tina,
little old old mama that was living

under a a tree. And so she was really
happy. I led up a few people to the Lord

next to a latrine, and I was walking
down to my truck to get to a

discipleship meeting. That sounds
important. Some of the leaders are

leading over 2,000 congregations; I think
that’s my important meeting. That’s my

assignment. I walk past this hut, and I
see a woman lying there, sitting there

leaning against the hut in the sun. Now
in in my country, Mozambique, you don’t do

that. It’s super hot; nobody needs
melanin out there.

They’re just not supposed
to be in the sun, so I knew something was

wrong, and I’m gonna tell you my failure
again before I tell you what He did.

My failure was, I looked at my watch, and I
told the God, the Living God who is God

who told me to stop, spoke to my heart
stop. Instead of just being immediately

obedient, Sid, I looked at my watch. And
then I heard the Lord say again, “I told

you to stop.” And I felt so convicted. I
felt broken by by just my lack of

sensitivity to Holy Spirit, and I just
put my hand behind my back, and I went up

to the lady just sitting there with
white eyes, and I took a hold of her

hands, and I asked her a question
in the local

dialect. “What is your

She said, “I have no name. I’m blind;
I have no name.” I asked

her in another language that’s also
spoken there: “What’s your

name?” Another lady said, “She has no name. She’s blind.” And before the Lord asked me

to to lead her into salvation, He said,
“Give her a name. Give her a name, Oo-tay-lee-ah.”

I said, “Your name is Oo-tay-lee-ah, you exist with joy.” I gave her a name, and she just

started laughing, her little teeth
dangling, she only had about three teeth

left. She’s laughing. I said to the woman
down there that nobody talked to this

lady she was so isolated I said call her
by name she said, “Oo-tay-lee-ah.” This lady

burst out laughing.

Audience: [clapping]

Heidi: And she’s blind, she’s just blind.

She’s blind, but she’s full of joy. I hold
her in my arms just just holding her in

my arms, and Jesus, the One who is worthy,
Jesus the One who is worthy,

He just stopped there. He’s in us, Sid. He
lives inside of us, and it’s only Him.

He’s the Healer. He’s the Healer. Jesus,
who is Lord, took that lady’s white eyes,

and in front of me turned them brown.

Audience: [clapping and cheering]
Heidi: He did!

Sid: You know, Heidi, there are people
watching us right now and they’re saying,

“How come that doesn’t happen with me?”

“How come that doesn’t happen at
my congregation?”

Well, I’ve asked Heidi these questions.
Heidi has told me what she does that is

the joy of her life, and when we come
back, I want her to tell us, because

anything she can do, I tell you before
God, you can do better. Be right back.

Audience: [applause and cheering]

Announcer: We will be right back to It’s Supernatural!

Call now and get Heidi and Roland
Baker’s four-part audio CD teaching and

interactive guidebook, Living from the
Presence. This is a special offer for our

It’s Supernatural! audience. Yours for a
donation of $39. Shipping and handling is

included. Ask for offer number 9544.
In this four-part audio CD

teaching, Living from the Presence, Heidi
and Roland Baker take you on a powerful

journey through eight anointed
interactive study sessions. They will

guide you into the manifest presence of
God and the glory, where you will

encounter God face to face and forever
be marked by His transforming power.

Through this one-of-a-kind teaching,
learn the significant difference between

living in the presence versus living
from the presence of God. Receive an

increase in your awareness of the Holy
Spirit presence in a way you never

thought possible before. Begin to
experience the power of the Holy Spirit

every day to help you overcome every
obstacle and circumstance that the enemy

uses to keep you from accessing every
promise and blessing God wants to impart

to you. Experience a release of the
atmosphere of Heaven into your spheres

of influence. Walk every day in new
levels of God’s glory and witness

increased manifestations of signs,
wonders and miracles flowing in your life.

These sessions include these topics:
Understanding the foundation of

experiencing His presence. Making room
for His presence to fill you and

overflow from you to others. Living
moment by moment saturated in His

presence. Experiencing miracles,
signs and wonders

in His presence. Heidi and Roland Baker’s
interactive guidebook, Living from the

Presence, takes you on a 40-day journey
to encounter God’s glory and presence in

a way you never thought possible before!
The full immersion guidebook will take

you through the eight anointed audio CD
teaching sessions with additional

insights, interactive questions to help
you understand the teaching, plus

activities to help you go deeper into
your journey into the reality of God’s

presence and glory in your everyday life.
It includes activation exercises and 18

anointed “get in the presence” prayers.
Don’t miss out on getting Heidi and

Roland Baker’s four-part audio CD
teaching and interactive guidebook,

Living from the Presence. This is a
special offer for our It’s Supernatural!

audience. Yours for a donation of $39.
Shipping and handling is included.

Ask for offer number 9544.
Call or you can send your check to

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PO Box 39222

Charlotte, North Carolina 28278

Please specify offer number 9544,
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Announcer: We now return to It’s Supernatural!

Audience: [applause and cheering]

Sid: Heidi, I want you to help the people that are
watching, and me! I’ve been observing you

since we’ve been talking for the last
few hours before the show.

Your prayer life is not one hour
here or one hour there.

Sometimes it is, but you look like you’re

praying all the time. Are you?

Heidi: [laughs] Yes!

Sid: You pray in
supernatural language, in tongues.

Heidi: Yes.

Sid: When you go to sleep,
do you pray in tongues?

Heidi: Yes.

Sid: When you’re sleeping,
are you praying in tongues?

Heidi: I sure believe I am.

Sid: So so Paul when he said,
“I pray in tongues more than any man,”

You can say, “I pray in tongues
more than any woman!”

Sid & Heidi: [laughs]

Heidi: I don’t know, but I sure love Jesus!

Sid: You seem to be, and this is just
observation, so in love with Jesus.

Tell me about your love affair with Jesus.

Heidi: I know. I just know Him.
I know what He did

for me when He gave His life for me. I
know that I was a sinner, and He set me

free, and my only response to Him the
more I know Him is to love Him more,

because He first loved me. And Abba first
loved me. And I only have one response.

Sid: But Heidi, any born-again believer knows
what you just said, but they segment God

for Sunday mornings or Saturday mornings,
and the rest is for them. How do you get

from that from where you are, if they’re
there? How do they get there?

Heidi: The only way I can explain it is if you’ve ever
fallen in love with another human being.

If you’ve ever actually fallen in love
with someone, would you not want to be

with them all the time? Would you not
want to be

connected with them and in communication?
Wouldn’t you just want to be connected all

the time? This is what is offered to us.
God, our Daddy God, God, Jesus, God Holy

Spirit said, “You can be one. You can be
connected with Me.” He invites us in, and

once you step in and you taste the glory
of His love, the glory of His presence

you don’t want to be anywhere else. You
don’t want to be separated from Him.

You don’t want your mind thinking separate
from Him.

Sid: All right. What would a first

step be for a believer that is there to
get there?

Heidi: I believe you get to know Him.

That everyone can get to know Him first
through His Word. As you, and some of you

say well, “We had this discussion. You work
9:00 to 5:00.” Well just get the audio

version. It’s like, if you’re–some
people are worried about not being

connected to the Internet, how much more
should we be concerned about being not

being connected to God?

Audience: [applause and cheering]

He’s given us a direct line. I don’t want to
be cut off, and there is a code the code

is Jesus. The code is Jesus. He’s the code
that gets you into the connection with

God the Father and Holy Spirit. As you
yield yourself to Holy Spirit, you’re in

communication. So I would say get the
Word, read the Word, listen to the Word, be

in the Word. Allow the word to be in you
and yield yourself to Holy Spirit.

You can be filled to the degree that you
want to be filled. You can be filled to

the degree that you are yielded to God.
Like Jesus, He emptied Himself out.

He became nothing. Jesus, God in the flesh,
became nothing, and He was completely

dependent on the Father, completely
dependent on the Holy Spirit, and then He

said, “Come follow Me. Come follow Me.”
How do we want to live a life in any other

way? He’s our joy and our delight.
I love Him more than–

Sid: Do you know, I believe that most
believers didn’t even know there was an

option. They thought all they had to do
was be a good person, say a little prayer

with Billy Graham, and go to church on
Sunday, and that was it. You know, I wrote

a song as a young Jewish man that didn’t
know my left hand from my right hand.

Oh, I was college educated and everything,
but I meant spiritually and and this

song was “There Must Be Something More.”
If that’s the cry of your heart,

tell Jesus you’re sorry for your sins, believe His
blood washed them away, and ask Him to

live inside of you and be your Lord. Would
you pray that the same hunger you

have–look into the camera. The same
hunger you have. Those that are watching

will supernaturally have that jumpstart.

Heidi: Yes, yes God I just pray, Lord that that

my my little life would be like salt
down their throat, God. Let it be like

salt down their throat that they can see
Lord through Your Word and through what

it is to just be so in love with You.
That they have access; they have access.

That they can step into the secret place,
and they can walk face-to-face with a

Living God. I ask you, Jesus to take
them in right

now I ask you God take them in, take them
through, take them in. Let them see that

Your blood really takes away their sin.
Oh Lord may they be covered in Your love,

and Your beauty, and who You are, and may
they never ever ever want to leave You

for a moment.
I pray Jesus, my beautiful bridegroom,

King and Savior. Invade their lives
right now, Holy Spirit [praying in tongues]

Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit. My friend [praying in tongues] Holy Spirit fill them. Fill them.

Fill them. Some of you need to just pull
over if your listening

in your car. Some of you need to stop
what you’re doing. Just yield yourself.

You might want to get low right now. Bow
down, lift your hands, and yield your

heart to God. Say, “Holy Spirit, fill me.
Fill me. Fill me. I love you Holy Spirit.

I worship You, Father
I worship You, Jesus. Holy Spirit invade

my life. I want to be fully filled,
because You’re worthy of it all.

Sid: I’m gonna tell you something. There is
so much Heidi has to offer. I’m gonna turn

Heidi loose, and I believe that you are
going to be so filled with the Holy Spirit!

Heidi: You know, let’s just go in to His presence.
I feel like if we could all just press

in right now. Just lift your hands and
lift up, just lift up your voice. Just

lift up your voice. If you’re at home, if
you’re at in your car, if you’re in the

audience, if you’re in the overflow, if
you’re in your bedroom, [singing in tongues]

[singing in tongues]

Oh, just lift Him up. Lift Him up. Lift Him
up. He’s worthy. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus we want

to be present with You.
Abba, Abba, Abba. We want to know You.

[praying in tongues]
We just come. We come in today

We come in today, Lord into the secret
place, Lord. We come into the secret place

even though we’re together, Lord even
though people can see. [praying in tongues]

Lord, I ask for a holy hunger.

[praying in tongues]
A holy hunger.

God, I ask for a holy, holy hunger.

A holy thirst. [praying in tongues]
Oh God. Oh God. Would You touch Your people?

Would You show them, Lord? Would you
show them, Lord the lost are really lost that

the thirsty, Lord those not drinking of
You are dying of thirst, oh God.

[praying in tongues] I ask that
You would put fresh bread in our hands, oh

God. That You would put fresh bread in
our hands, Oh God. Oh Jesus, You’re the bread.

Yeshua, You’re the bread. Just a little
longer. Just a little longer.

Oh [praying in tongues] If you only have a
few moments, oh if you only have a few

moments in a meeting, how do you want to
spend your time? [praying in tongues]

We spend it, Lord. We spend it, Lord like
like the little woman, Lord that just

poured out the oil, poured out the
perfume, Lord. [praying in tongues] You are worthy

oh God. [praying in tongues] You see
everything happens in the glory.

[praying in tongues]
So we ask, let’s just all if you’re

watching you’re in the audience, you’re
here, just for a few more moments before

we open our eyes, let’s just press in.
There’s something we want to we want to

do right now. [tongues] We press in. We
press in to the place You said we could be.

You said, You said in John 15, “We could do
nothing without You. But with You all

things are possible. God, we want to be
with You where You are.

[praying in tongues] And Lord, if You are

who You say You are,
and You are who You say You are.

You’re omnipotent. You’re
omnipresent. You’re omnipotent.

God, You’re all, all, all that we need.

[praying in tongues] So Lord
we ask now, Lord. Holy! Fill us with Your

glory. Now, Lord fill us with Your glory.
The Lord’s healing intestinal disorders

right now in the glory.
He’s untwisting. He’s untwisting organs

that are twisted. I see. I see. I see. I see
stomachs that are being untwisted right

now I see ulcers, open ulcers. It even
where food’s getting through your

intestines, and I see I see
the Living God.

I see the Living God. I see. I see Jesus
just just putting oil on you and and

you’re being healed right now. All manner
of intestinal disorders. [praying in tongues]

I see fear leaving. The Lord says, “Perfect
love casts out fear.” Some woman has

been beaten night after night, and the
Lord shows me it’s more than one night

after night you’re terrified. You’re
terrified. You’re woken up in the night

you’re being beaten in the night, and I
see the mighty hand of God just whoa

just rising up, and He’s saying, “No more!
No more! No more!” And I see you and the

Lord’s making a way of escape for you.
He’s making a way of escape for you, and

He’s taking you to a safe house to a
safe place. The Lord is on you and in you

and He’s doing something
glorious with you.

[praying in tongues] Lord, just as as in
Mozambique, Lord. Every week God, whether

it’s a child or or a minister, Lord, the
deaf ears open, Lord, right now.

[praying in tongues] I thank you, Lord, for
ears opening up. Ears opening up.

Ears opening up in the name of Jesus.
Ears are opening up right now.

The power of God is touching ears. Wow,
all over this, all over the airwaves.

People are hearing. Take your hearing aids
out. [praying in tongues]

Move them away. [praying in tongues]
The Lord is literally healing, healing. Jesus is

healing deaf ears. [praying in tongues] Somebody has
a twitch in the back of your right

eye. It’s being healed right now. And I
hear the word Shalom over you, the peace

of God over you.
[praying in tongues] Thank you, Jesus.

Thank you, Jesus. Thank you, Jesus.
We’re just gonna press in.

[praying in tongues] We can have as

much of God as we want. We can have a
deeper relationship with Him.

[praying in tongues] Lord, we want
to be closer.

Lord, do not leave us like this.
Do not leave us like this.

Show Your people what You
did when You died on that cross.

Show Your people what You did when
You rose from the dead.

That we would have access.

We would have access to this place of
Your glory and Your presence, God.

[praying in tongues]

More Holy Spirit. More Holy Spirit. See Holy
Spirit’s my friend. Holy Spirit’s my friend.

Hey! And He’s here. [laughs]
Do you do you know He’s here?

And He’s here with everybody
watching, and He’s here with us

[praying in tongues] But Holy Spirit wants
you to understand His language.

Have you ever learned a foreign language?


Anybody? Anybody? If you’ve learned a
foreign language, do you understand that

you’re going to make mistakes?
Even if you study really, really, really

hard, you’re gonna make mistakes. But if
you really want to communicate, you’re

willing. You’re willing to sound like a
baby. You’re willing to just press in and

not not exactly knowing where you’re
getting to. Do you understand? Holy Spirit

actually has a language. Holy Spirit is a
person. Holy Spirit is the One Jesus sent

when He went to His Father. When He went,
when He was lifted up into Heaven. Holy

Spirit wants to teach you a language so
this is, this is a little story that I’m

going to tell you all, those watching and
those who are here, because I’ve learned

this from learning languages. So one day,
I was given some keys. It was very, very

early on in Mozambique. Had nowhere to
sleep. I had nowhere to lay my head.

I just knew that God had called us to go
to that place and just find dying

children, and this little woman, this
little strange-looking woman with a

bun and a flowered skirt, and had some
tennis shoes, she came running up to me.

And she just ran up to me, and she dropped some
keys in my hand, and she said would you

please watch my house? If you don’t watch
my house, I don’t know what I’m going to do.

And I’m thinking, “I don’t know you. I
don’t know you why are you handing me

keys?” And I guess she thought I was in
ministry because I was pale in a country

where there were very few pale people. So
somehow she decided I was in ministry.

I don’t even know how she knew, and I’d
been there three days; I had nowhere to

sleep and this lady hands me keys. Well
the keys are awesome. That sounds really

really great. Well Jesus said, “Holy Spirit
will come upon you.” So He’s He He

actually hands you keys. You have access
to the Father. You have access to Jesus.

You have access to give your life to
Holy Spirit. You have keys. Father gave

you keys. Jesus gave you keys.
Holy Spirit wants to fill you

up and and give you the directions step
by step, day to day, moment by moment how

you live your life in the secret place.
How do you live a supernatural life now?

that that supernatural life is now. You
have to learn His language. Holy Spirit

has a language. So I didn’t know what to
do. Here’s my natural story fits with a

spiritual story. I said,
“God what do I do with the keys?”

That’s super cool.
She said, “Eat the food in my house, or the

rats will get it.” Well, I was hungry. I
didn’t have any provision in the natural

realm, and yet I had a call from God to
go to this nation and and later to the

nations of the world. If you don’t
understand the language, you’re unable to

understand the place God is calling you
to be, which is in His presence night and

day, and day and night, and night and day
in the presence. So I found some kid this

little kid I call ’em kids at my age I
call I call anybody, you know, under 40

a kid and, and I said, “Sweetheart, where
where, do you happen to know that that

that lady that had the the keys that she
handed me?” And his name was Lazarus

I liked it. Lazarus. I said, “Okay,” and he
said, “Yeah I think I know,

but I actually don’t know exactly

but I think I know.” And I
had a truck that was later called

Lazarus, because we had to resuscitate it,
you know. Resucitar in Jesus’ name

every day. So so we got in my old truck,
and I just gotten it in South Africa and

driven it across the border, and and
people were very encouraged by my

powerful life and said you’re not gonna
last more than a week.

Audience: [laughs]

I just, I just, I love encouragement. And
so as I was in that place we’re driving

around there’s a thing in in certain
countries called a roundabout.

You don’t have too many of them, but you have a
few now I think in America. So we went around

and about, around and about, around and
about, around and about, and Lazarus would

say, “I think it’s over here.” We’d go around
and around, and then he’d say no I think

it’s over here, and as we were going
round and around the fuel gauge is going

down and down and down.
Well many believers on the planet are

just going round and around and around.
And they’re getting tired and dizzy.

And the fuel in their tank, the oil of
intimacy, they’re, it’s just

draining down and down and down. You can
have keys, and you can have a vehicle, but

unless you have oil, and gas, and water in
that vehicle,

you just have a rusty old thing. You have
something that takes you nowhere.

This word is true. We’ve been given the
power to walk with God and live in His

presence. This word is true, but we need
to step into the presence of God and

receive oil, the oil of His presence, on a
daily basis. So you can run a car for a

long time, and and and not put oil in it.
And and eventually what’s going to

happen is that car’s gonna stop running.
It doesn’t matter if it’s still shiny on

the outside. Doesn’t matter how beautiful
our buildings are, how awesome our sound

system is, how perfect our equipment, how
beautifully dressed we are. It doesn’t

matter without intimacy, without Holy
Spirit, without a relationship.

We literally are a shell with
no power, no love.

We’re like a one-wing bird hopping
around like a chicken with no head.

Doesn’t even know it’s dead. God has
called us to understand

what it is to mount up on wings
like eagles. Your your one wing is love,

your one wing is power. Lift it up on the
wings of the Spirit, the winds of the

Spirit. So back to the roundabouts. I’m
going round and around and around,

and Lazarus finally said, “I really think it’s
over here.” There’s fuel is almost at

empty. I am exhausted. I am already
thinking, “I I must not have heard God.”

This place, you know, people were being
shot at. There were burned up cars,

people were, there were piles of children
dying in the streets. I’m thinking “God, I I know

I need you, but you’re making it very very
clear, and I don’t think Lord, I don’t.

I think maybe I didn’t hear You. I think
maybe I didn’t hear You. Sometimes

believers, as they’re going through
challenges in life, challenges in their

physical body, challenges in their
relationships, they’re ready to give up.

But if you just go into the secret place,
and you go into the Word you would get

filled up, fresh oil. You’re called to
have oil. The oil of intimacy. Face to face

with Jesus. You can go in every day. He
paid so that you could go in and you

could spend time with the Father. So I’m
going round and around finally Lazarus

said, “Just stop here, mama. I think it’s
here.” And I spoke about seven words of

Portuguese, and he spoke about ten words
of English, maybe on a good moment we

could not communicate even with words.
We were just like both of us like babies.

And he said, “Maybe it’s. I think it’s here.”
And we started walking up these dark

stairs, and I had those keys in my hand,
those keys that that little mama had

given me not knowing what she was doing
or really why she was doing it. She gave

me the keys. Finally I put them in the
door, and those keys that I had finally

we made it to the door. I opened the door,
and I walked in.

I just started bawling. I was, I just
started weeping because I saw there was

actually a bed that I could sleep on.
There was actually food in the cupboard.

But this is the thing. I feel Holy Spirit
on me right now really strongly.

Some of you are worried about your appetite. You
hear hunger for God you hear desperation

you, and you want to get hungry, but
you’re just not hungry, and you’re saying,

“I want to get hungry, but I’m not hungry.
I want to get hungry, but but I don’t

know how,” Well I was so tired that I had
lost my appetite. So what happened is I

laid down, and I fell asleep. I rested. I
rested, We’re called to rest in the arms

of our loving Father.
You can’t strive your way into intimacy.

You’ve got to rest in the arms of your
loving Father. It’s Him who takes you in.

It’s Him who holds you. It’s Him who fills
you with Holy Spirit. He fills you. So I

went in. When I woke up in the morning, I
had an appetite. I had an appetite. Holy

Spirit wants to teach you His language
He wants to teach you His language.

He wants to fill you with oil. Let’s just
ask Him right now. Let’s just ask Him.

Just lift your hands. If you’re watching
on camera, this is really so simple.

[praying in tongues] He said in the Word. Oh He said, “I will send you another counselor.”

Holy Spirit. He will be with you. He will
be with you. [praying in tongues]

So just yield right now and invite Holy
Spirit to fill you afresh. [praying in tongues]

Some of you just invite Him right
now. Just invite Him. Holy Spirit, I just

pray you would touch these people.
[praying in tongues] Holy Spirit just come.

[praying in tongues] Some of you will just feel
weeping coming over you. [praying in tongues]

Some of you will feel joy. Oh [tongues]
But you will feel He’s He comes.

When He comes, He comes in a way that is
absolutely more than you could imagine.

A way, a beautiful, powerful way. Oh, He
comes at times like a gentle wind. Holy!

He comes at times like a mighty wind.
[praying in tongues] But He wants you to learn

His language. What is He saying?
How do you get there? How is He asking

you to go in? [praying in tongues]
Oh now now we’re just gonna all begin

just to, just to begin to worship
Him again, afresh in the Spirit. Everybody

watching, everybody listening, open your
mouth and just begin to give Him praise,

to give Him praise. Oh, oh, more than, more
than you understand in English, or or

Chinese, or Spanish, or German, or Hebrew,
or Farsi. Just begin to worship. He is

worthy. He died so that you could be
intimate intimate. You’re no longer an

orphan. Now just lift your voice and
start to sing a song that comes from the

depth of your being, that He is worthy.
Here we go. Let’s go in. Let’s go in. Let’s

go in. Come on! Let’s go in!
[praying in tongues] He said, “I opened the

door for you. I opened the door for you,
but you have a choice whether you go in.

You have a choice whether you go in.
[singing in tongues]

Here we go. Here we go. Low and slow.
Oh, low and slow.

[praying in tongues]

Oh, some of you, some of you are afraid to
make a sound, afraid to make a sound.

Do you know how much Daddy God loves
to hear your sound? You say, “Well, I sound

like a frog, I sound like, I sound like a
sick bird.” The Lord loves to hear

your sound. Oh just, Oh, yield your
heart to God.

Yield your spirit to God. Yield, yield your
heart to God and begin to, begin to just

press in for the Presence. Oh, you could
have more of God. You could have more of

God. Just worship Him now, now, now.
No more English.

No more language that you know.

Oh, just a little longer.
[singing in tongues]

Just begin to worship. You don’t have
enough words in your language to give

glory to the One who gave Himself for
you. Oh, He emptied Himself out and became

nothing. Will you empty yourself out and
be filled with Holy Spirit today?

[praying in tongues]

Just a little longer. Just a little

[singing in tongues]

More. More. More. More. More. More. More.
More. More. More. More. More. More.

Some of you in your homes listening, you need

to just bow down. I know one thing; the
river of God that flows from the throne

of God and of the Lamb;
it flows to the low places. Some of you

all just need to get low right now. Get
out; get out of your own, your own, your

own thing, your own time schedule, your
own thing; and just get low. Just get low.

Just get low. Get low, for the river of
God flows to the low places, and allow

Holy Spirit to fill you afresh. [praying in tongues]
And get thirsty again.

[praying in tongues] Get thirsty again.
Get thirsty again.

[praying in tongues] And before they come

up, I’m gonna ask you to do something
else that I learned. If you’re listening

with a friend, or you’re, you’re in a
place where there’s another person, I

want everybody in this, in this area here
just to put your hand on another

shoulder. [praying in tongues] And begin to
pray: “Come Holy Spirit.” You see we can do

nothing without Jesus. We know this, but
we could also do nothing without

His body. And I want you to pray like
you want to be prayed for. You pray: “Holy

Spirit, fill ’em up. Holy Spirit fill ’em up.
A fresh oil.” And oh, oh that we would

live in the secret place. [praying in tongues]
That we would live in His embrace.

[praying in tongues] Yes Lord. Yes Lord. Yes Lord. Yes Lord. Now pray believing. He said,

“I will fill you.” Pray believing. Pray
believing. Pray believing. Pray believing.

Pray believing. Pray believing. Pray believing.
The hungry always get fed.

[praying in tongues] Oh, and if you can’t
get hungry, just stop eating for a while.

Just stop eating for a while. Fast before
the Lord. You’ll get hungry for what is

real bread, for what is real drink. Jesus.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. Jesus. You are

worthy, Jesus. You are worthy, Jesus. You
are worthy, Jesus. You are worthy, Jesus.

You are worthy, Jesus. The Lord’s giving
someone new lungs, new lungs, new lungs.

The Lord’s giving someone new lungs, new
lungs, new lungs. [praying in tongues]

Thank You for new lungs, Lord.
[praying in tongues]

Many believers have never
experienced the

tangible presence and
the glory of God, but Heidi Baker

operates in the presence of God
literally 24/7. For the last 20 years

Heidi has witnessed supernatural healing
of diseases: the blind seeing, the crippled

walking, creative miracles and even the
dead raised back to life! Now she wants

to mentor you on how you too can
experience new levels of God’s glory.

The presence of God transforms the way
you live life. It’s about intimacy.

Call now and get Heidi and Roland Baker’s
four-part audio CD

teaching and interactive guidebook,
Living from the Presence. This is a

special offer for our It’s Supernatural!
audience. Yours for a donation of $39.

Shipping and handling is included.
Ask for offer number 9544.

In this four-part audio CD teaching, Living
from the Presence, Heidi and Roland Baker

take you on a powerful journey through
eight anointed interactive study sessions.

They will guide you into the manifest
presence of God and the glory, where you

will encounter God face to face, and
forever be marked by His transforming

power. Through this one-of-a-kind
teaching, you will learn the significant

difference between living in the
presence versus living from the presence

of God. Receive an increase in your
awareness of the Holy Spirit presence in

a way you never thought possible before.
Begin to experience the power of the

Holy Spirit every day, to help you
overcome every obstacle and circumstance

that the enemy uses to keep you from
accessing every promise and blessing God

wants to impart to you. Experience a
release of the atmosphere of Heaven into

your spheres of influence. Walk every day
in new levels of God’s glory and witness

increased manifestations of signs,
wonders, and miracles flowing in your

life. These sessions include these topics:
understanding the foundation of

experiencing His presence, making room
for His presence to fill you and

overflow from you to others, living
moment by moment saturated in His

presence, experiencing miracles, signs, and
wonders in His presence. Heidi and Roland

Baker’s interactive guidebook, Living
from the Presence, takes you on a 40-day

journey to encounter God’s glory and
presence in a way you never thought

possible before. The full immersion
guidebook will take you through the eight

anointed audio CD teaching sessions with
additional insights, interactive

questions to help you understand the
teaching, plus activities to help you go

deeper into your journey into the
reality of God’s presence and glory in

your everyday life. It includes
activation exercises and 18 anointed get

in the presence prayers that will help
you experience your breakthrough, your

healing, your miracle. How would you like
living in the presence, in the glory of

God 24/7? When you sit down on
this interactive manual and

the four CD set, Heidi will be
personally mentoring you, and Heidi will

be the first to say, anything she can
do you can do better. Don’t miss out on

getting Heidi and Roland Baker’s
four-part audio CD teaching and

interactive guidebook, Living from the
Presence. This is a special offer for our

It’s Supernatural! audience. Yours for a
donation of $39. Shipping and handling is

included. Ask for offer number 9544.
Call or you can send your check to:

Sid Roth It’s Supernatural!
PO Box 39222 Charlotte, North Carolina 28278

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Your gifts to this ministry will help Sid air
It’s Supernatural! in Israel

28 times a week, and distribute his
evangelistic book

to the Jewish people worldwide.
