Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist who conducts healing services, seminars, and conferences globally. She and her husband David have been full-time missionaries since 1994, in Guatemala and Central America. They are founders of Healing and Miracles International and Vida Ilimitada.

welcome welcome to my world where it’s

naturally supernatural

my guest that doesn’t have just one

healing angel she has seven healing

angels that travel with her wherever she

goes and tells her what to pray even

healings take place like at a meeting

she was that there were a hundred people

instantly healed of arthritis wanted to

pray for you is there a supernatural

dimension a world beyond the one we know

can we tap into ancient secrets of the


can our dreams contain messages from


is God ready to bring a tsunami wave of

healing onto planet Earth today

Sid Roth has spent over 40 years

researching the strange world of the


join Sid for this edition of it’s

supernatural if someone has one healing

angel that goes with them wherever they

go I think that’s fabulous but my guest

has seven healing angels tell me about

how they operate with you these healing

angels I was ministering at at a healing

conference in Ocala Florida and during a

break during between the seminars one of

the pastors came up to me said Becky do

you know you have an angel that follows

you wherever you go and I said yes I do

because people see him and he said you

actually have seven and and he said the

sixth follow the one he says do you know

what the angel does and I said tell me

what does my angel do and he said well

he has this little book and he reads

from his book into your ear and after

after he’s done saying what what he’s

reading from his book you then repeat

what he says he said do you know what he

does when you pass I said tell me what

does he do when he passed and he said

he’s searching through his book and when

he finds another thing that he wants you

to say he reads it out loud to you and

then you repeat what he says and Sid

that is to me very prophetic and I

believe that’s how the prophetic works

because all we do when we minister in

the prophetic is we surrender our voices

to him and we speak what the Spirit of

God would have us say I’m just curious

do you sometimes hear his voice and

speak what you hear or you just speak it

because it’s coming out of you how does

that work it works both ways

usually it’s it’s just I just have

surrendered my voice many years ago to

the Holy Spirit and

and I just opened up my mouth and he

starts speaking but sometimes I

literally will hear him speak in my ear

he’ll call me my name and I will hear

him I’ll actually even feel his breath

in my ear and he speaks to me and so I

just repeat when he says let me take you

back to that meeting you had with a

hundred people with arthritis tell me

what occurred I was ministering about

the redemptive blood of Jesus and I

think this might have been in

Pennsylvania and and it was time to give

the altar call for healing and I heard

the Spirit of God say to me call out

people with arthritis tell them to come

forward and so I did that I said if

you’re if you’re struggling with

arthritis I want you to come forward and

we’re gonna minister to you first and

I’m serious about a hundred people stood

up and came immediately to that altar

and there were so many of them to save

time I just had them hold hands and

groups and I released the healing power

of the Holy Spirit to them in that

manner and I said in Jesus name I

renounced the spirit of arthritis and I

released the healing power of the Holy

Spirit into your joints and I command

the pain and the swelling to be gone and

I told them put your faith in action and

do what you couldn’t do and they started

moving their body parts and almost every

single one of them were instantly healed

tell me about me listen to this a brain

tumor melted it’s an amazing testimony I

know a woman in Europe and she emailed

me and she said Becky

I wasn’t feeling good and I had to go to

the doctor because she started to faint

in things so she went to the doctor and

they ran some tests on her and they

found out that she had a brain tumor and

they said they had to operate on her

very soon and so she went home and she

emailed me right away and she said Becky

will you please pray with me and I said

okay I’m praying with you I’m joining my

faith with you but I want you to start

prophesying this over your own body in

Jesus name and I said say in Jesus name

I renounce the spirit of death in Jesus


I renounced this this tumor and I cursed

it at it’s very root and it’s very seed

in Jesus name I command it to shrivel up

and be eliminated from my body in Jesus

name and I said keep saying it over and

over however many times it comes to you

you just keep speaking it out you keep

prophesying that over your body she had

to go to the doctor the very next day

for another test excuse me yeah that was

key you said you speak to your own body

yes explain that because according to

God’s Word proverbs 18:21 we have the

power of life and death in every word

that we speak there are certain times

when you need to speak life to something

and other times when it comes to Satan

and his wicked works like sickness and

disease we need to speak death to

certain things like tumors we need to

speak out loud because it’s not what

you’re thinking that’s going to come to

pass is what you are speaking out loud

so let me take you back to the person

that had the tumor yes and so she goes

to the doctor the very next day and all

day long the day before she’s been she’s

been quoting this prophesying this over

her own body and she gets to

doctors and they run some more tests and

there are several doctors there because

they’re gonna be operating on her within

days and and they’re all just confused

about what they’re seeing on these tests

and they’re starting to argue with one


because they had never seen anything

like this overnight that brain tumor

actually melted into liquid and they no

longer needed to operate and they didn’t

know what to do so they gave her an

antibiotic and sent her home I don’t

know I just know there was a lot of

fighting going on amongst them and so

they called her in the next day and they

said we want to make sure and so you

come in and we’re gonna run another test

but it showed that it was now gone every

time they did another test it just made

the testimony of her supernatural

healing all the more powerful

you say the most powerful thing is

speaking God’s Word why is God’s where

it’s so powerful because it’s truth

God’s Word is the truth and it’s more

powerful than our five senses human

reasoning it’s more powerful than than

feelings and it’s more powerful than any

circumstance we are facing and so when

we speak God’s Word into a situation we

are speaking his life and and it

transforms the situation into a miracle

okay when we come back there are many

watching us or in the studio audience

that have gotten really bad reports from

doctors I want to find out the first

thing you advise people to do and what

in other words you just railay over well

the doctor said it must be true

maybe there’s a higher truth we’ll be

right back

hello YouTube misbehave misbehaves a

Hebrew word it means family this is Sid

Roth welcome to my world where it’s

naturally supernatural

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and he tells you something you didn’t

want to hear it’s literally a death

sentence Thank You de porc what is vice

do you give this person well I say that

you don’t give the enemy the last word

in your life you need to take authority

over the negative report that doesn’t

mean you have to be rude to a doctor

because let’s face it you’ve gone to him

for his advice him or her for their

advice but if someone if they tell you

that there’s no hope you’re gonna die

whatever you have the right on this

earth and I believe you have the

responsibility in the supernatural realm

to use your authority in Jesus and say

no I am NOT going to die

in Jesus name all right give me a

real-life example the boy that had two

weeks to live he had two conditions he

had AIDS and he had tuberculosis yes we

received a boy he must have about 10 or

11 years old at the time in the

children’s home in Guatemala and they

run a children’s home in Guatemala going

yes so this boy came to us he was his

the HIV count in his blood was two and a

half times more than what then the level

that they consider AIDS the last stage

that that is tremendous he’s about ready

to die he is and one of the

opportunistic diseases that attacks

someone in that situation is

tuberculosis and this was tuberculosis

of the lungs because he was coughing up

blood and all that which is very

contagious and so we received

and I remember that that evening because

he came late in the afternoon and that

evening I remember I was holding shoes

me did you have the option not to

receive him yes

so weren’t you a little concerned no we

I remember holding him in my arms and I

was praying in the Holy Spirit shamash

in direction I was praying in tongues

and and and I was i renounced that

spirit of death in him and that and that

hiv/aids and that and the tuberculosis

and all of that that was happening in

his body and I was telling this little

boy who was afraid he didn’t know where

he was going he was being told he was

dying and now he’s with us and he

doesn’t know who we are and I’m telling

him it’s okay you’re going to be okay

jesus loves you you’re going to be okay

don’t be afraid and the next morning we

had to take him to the hospital and I

started to testify to to the doctor and

the nurses in the room because they

wanted to know who was I and what was my

relationship to this boy and so I

explained it and I was saying but I said

I believe in healing and I see miracles

happen to people all over the world and

this little boy isn’t going to be any

different and I’m not afraid of this

he’s he’s not going to die he’s going to

be healed and they’re like yeah really

are you sure and this doctor started he

he obviously was not a believer and he

didn’t like the faith to talk that I was

speaking and and so I had to step out of

the room while they put this tube down

and and when the doctor came out he had

already started testing my faith you

know and he came out of the out of the

room and and he held up this little

bottle the sample bottle and he looked

at me and he said tuberculosis

this is classic tuberculosis and the

liquid that they pulled up out of his

lungs it was all peppered with all this

little black specks all over and I said

in Jesus name he doesn’t

have it and he got mad at me and he said

tuberculosis classic and I said in Jesus

name he doesn’t have it and and the

doctor he was left the room and he

shouted out loud at me tuberculosis and

I said no he doesn’t have it in Jesus

name and a few days later we received

these test results back

now this doctor didn’t call us he had

someone else call us there was no

tuberculosis in his body

find the HIV in his body either it was

that miraculous what if you have a child

that is labeled autistic Becky says she

had a child labeled autistic but she

refused to label him that tell me about

it you’re right one of our adopted sons

Andres he came to us when he was six and

a half weeks old he had many many

problems and as we were to find out one

of them was autism I mean he had the

classic symptoms he couldn’t look you in

the eye he spun around in circles

everything in his life had to spin it

was classic where he would have the

Tantrums that would last four or five

hours and it would it would send me in

tears it was it was so difficult of a

situation and and my heart went out to

him because I couldn’t settle him down

in the natural and I remember Andres was

now having another one of these Tantrums

that lasted for hours and hours and and

and I just had to just keep going about

my daily business the best I could and I

remember I was changing one of the

babies and I heard I literally heard the

Spirit of God say to me take your

authority over that autistic spirit now

and when I heard it I stopped what I was

doing and I said that’s it and so I

pointed to him I turned to him and I

pointed to where he was and and I said

in Jesus name I renounced that autistic

spirit in you now and I commanded to

come out of you now in Jesus name the

tantrum stopped SID and he never ever

had another autistic fit

I think it’s so wonderful is that when

you teach and people do what you tell

them to do for instance tell me about

the friend of a friend that had stage

four cancer yes this is amazing

sometimes people think that only someone

like myself in a healing ministry can do

this but know that that’s not the truth

God wants all of his people to minister


wherever we go and that’s part of the

Great Commission right if you believe

you’ll lay hands on the sick and they

will recover well anyway I was mentoring

a young lady and she’s in Virginia and

and she’s been reading my books and

listening to my tapes and she comes to

the healing seminars and all of that and

she emailed me and she said Becky a

friend of a friend just emailed me and

he had just was told he has stage four

cancer in the lungs and and there’s no

hope and he’s about to die what do I do

and I wrote back to her and I said this

is what you do and this is what I’ve

always told I tell people to do number

one with you with the prophetic words of

your mouth you take and you renounce

that spirit of death you renounce that

spirit behind that cancer and you curse

those cancerous tumors in Jesus name and

you command them to be gone from his

body and you and you declare that he’s

healed and made whole by the redemptive

blood of Jesus so this young lady did

this well that next week the man went

for another doctor appointment and all

the cancer was gone


you know that kid has so much

supernatural to share that we’ve

prepared a special extended segment that

you can watch after this show just log

on to slash Becky now when

we come back Becky is going to share

with us the greatest revelation that she

has received about how you can have

miracles and it’s I’m gonna tell you

most have never heard this before and

I’m gonna have her pray for you if

that’s okay we’ll be right back

call now and get Becky Dvorak’s powerful

brand new book the prophetic and healing

power of your words and are anointed

three-part audio CD teaching speaking

miracles this is an exclusive package

for our it’s supernatural audience yours

for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine five eight five through

becky Dvorak’s brand new book she draws

upon her personal experience and

timeless Bible teaching to help mentor

you on how to prophesy your healing by

using words charged with the power of

God you will learn how to open the

supernatural prophetic toolbox God has

given you create atmospheres of healing

through faith filled words release

blessings and reverse curses understand

and operate the law of the spoken word

activate the prophetic gifts of the

Spirit words of knowledge faith

declaration praying in the spirit to

flow in the miraculous the healing

miracle that God wants to release to you

maybe just one word away I wrote the

book because people have been writing to

me and asking me to teach them how to

speak words over themselves that produce

healing in their physical bodies Becky

Dvorak wants you to experience what she

does on a daily basis the Dead coming

back to life

incurable diseases healed tumors

disappearing blind I see

phears hearing paralytics walking and

unusual and unexplainable miracles

manifesting right before your eyes

becky has prepared three dynamic

messages in this powerful teaching how

to create a miracle near your words hurt

or heal impartation for miracles the

series includes Becky’s powerful prayers

of impartation how many of you have

heard teaching on speaking the right

words but you have never had the prayers

written out for you you have never had

the insight she’s learned from all her

prayer and fasting as you see it’s all

happening in the invisible world and she

makes it visible don’t miss out on

getting Becky Dvorak’s powerful brand

new book the prophetic and healing power

of your words and her anointed

three-part audio CD teaching speaking

miracles this is an exclusive package

for our it’s supernatural audience yours

for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine 585 call or you can send

your check to sid roth it’s supernatural

p o– box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number nine

585 or log on to call or

write today

we now return to it’s supernatural


now don’t forget that after this program

is over you can log on to

slash Becky to watch a powerful extended

version of this program you know Becky

you had such a powerful revelation of

the whipping post was this a vision was

this how did you receive it I was

ministering the Word of God concerning

the how the redemptive blood of Jesus

and I was on the topic of the whipping

post on Isaiah 53 4 and 5 and as i’m

ministering this to the people teaching

the people i see a vision and i hear god

start speaking to me and he’s asking me

did you ever read that jesus was sick

have we ever read jesus was sick see no

and and he said it’s because jesus was

an exceptional man of faith on this

earth he operated in faith anytime in

his sickness or disease would try come

upon him he did not allow it to enter

into his body because he knew the power

of life and death were in his words and

so when jesus when they started to whip

him what I saw God was speaking to me

and he said that sickness could not

enter into his body because he was such

a man of exceptional faith and so those

first initial whippings were to break

down his human flesh so that sickness

and disease could actually start to

enter into his body God actually told me

that Jesus was being marinated with our

sickness and with our disease but the

only way that that could even happen and

to begin with happened because he gave a

verbal permission with his words in the

Garden of Gethsemane when he said not my

will but your will be done it was our

sickness our disease that was entering

to him into his body so that we could be

delivered and free from it

so that we no longer have to have

sickness and disease and that is at the

point where we received the power of

life and death in our words over this

sickness to say no not my body in Jesus

name right now pray a prayer for healing

for those that are watching right now in

Jesus name

I renounce the spirit of death over your

bodies and I released the spirit of life

to enter in in Jesus name for that man

that is dealing with with pancreatic

cancer in Jesus name I renounced that

cancer and I command it to come out of

that pancreas in Jesus name and your

pancreas is recreated and it functions

perfectly normal in Jesus name and there

is a woman and she is contemplating

suicide because her your husband has

been unfaithful and I say in Jesus name

the Word of God says choose life you

always choose life I renounced that

spirit of suicide that is over you right

now in Jesus name and I released the

ministering angels of the Holy Spirit

into your into your very presence in

Jesus name Amen

did you know that every word you speak

is prophesying life or death concerning

your future what if every believer could

defeat the powers of sickness by

prophesying words of healing and receive

healing for themselves or release it to

others by simply speaking the prophetic

words that God gives them now Becky

wants to help you learn how to create an

atmosphere for the miraculous in your

everyday life call now and get Becky

Dvorak’s powerful brand new book the

prophetic and healing power of your

words and are anointed three-part audio

CD teaching speaking miracles this is an

exclusive package for our in

supernatural audience yours for a

donation of $35 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number nine five

eight five through becky Dvorak’s brand

new book she draws upon her personal

experience and timeless Bible teaching

to help mentor you on how to prophesy

your healing by using words charged with


of God you will learn how to open the

supernatural prophetic toolbox God has

given you create atmospheres of healing

through faith filled words release

blessings and reverse curses

understand and operate the law of the

spoken word activate the prophetic gifts

of the spirit words of knowledge faith

declaration praying in the spirit to

flow in the miraculous the healing

miracle that God wants to release to you

maybe just one word away I wrote the

book because people have been writing to

me and asking me to teach them how to

speak words over themselves that produce

healing in their physical bodies through

Becky Dvorak’s exclusive three-part

audio CD teaching Becky shares that

every word you speak actually prophesize

either life or death and with the power

of this revelation Becky Dvorak wants

you to experience what she does on a

daily basis the Dead coming back to life

incurable diseases healed tumors

disappearing blind eyes see deaf ears

hearing paralytics walking and unusual

and unexplainable miracles manifesting

right before your eyes

Becky has prepared three dynamic

messages in this powerful teaching how

to create a miracle near your words hurt

or heal impartation for miracles the

series includes Becky’s powerful prayers

of impartation how many of you have

heard teaching on speaking the right

words but you have never had the prayers

written out for you you have never had

the insight she’s learned from all her

prayer and fasting as you see it’s all

happening in the invisible world and she

makes it visible don’t miss out on

getting Becky Dvorak’s powerful brand

new book the prophetic and healing power

of your words and her anointed

three-part audio CD teaching speaking

miracles this is an exclusive package

for our it’s supernatural audience yours

for a donation of $35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number nine 585 call or you can send

your check to sid roth it’s supernatural

p o– box 39222

carolina 28278 please specify offer

number nine 585 or log on to

call or write today well it started a

long time ago on a journey to to seek

after more of God in his ways and I

desired to walk naturally in the

supernatural because as I read in God’s

Word people you know the people of God

it wasn’t just occasional but they they

had a lifestyle of healing and miracles

and I prayed and you know I fasted and I

prayed and I saw God on how to do this

and and the more I read God’s Word what

he taught me number one was my identity

who I was in Christ and once you

understand who you are in Christ all of

a sudden that authority that we’ve

always been told you just need to

exercise your authority but it’s not

it’s hard to exercise your authority in

Christ if you don’t understand who you

are actually in him but once you

understand your identity that authority

just supernaturally or naturally just

kicks in and you can then take your

authority over Satan and all of his

wicked works including sickness and

disease another son Marcos that gets

creative body parts what happened to

Marcos Marcos we received him when he

was a day old and he had already

survived to abortion attempts and the

third attempt was at a hospital and and

and we and they would have just removed

him but a Christian nurse gave a plan to

this mother and she said please don’t

have this abortion please if you really

don’t want this child finish off the

finished out the pregnancy she only had

a couple months left and and and they

said if you really don’t want him we

will find someone that does and so we

received this baby boy we named

Marko’s when he’s what was one day old

and when Marcos was a month old

he died from sudden infant death

syndrome it’s a long story that I don’t

have time to go into but my husband I

walked in into sudden infant death

syndrome where he was no longer

breathing in it was just exhaling and I

don’t know how long he had even been in

that situation and you know in the

natural you only have three minutes and

before the body parts start to die off

and we lived out in a village to get

into the hospital in Guatemala City

would have taken us a couple of hours

because it was rush hour so my husband

had to go into a nearby town and the

hospitals there are they don’t have

equipment the people aren’t trained the

basic necessities they lack and when

someone’s not breathing what do they

need oxygen well they didn’t even have

oxygen and so they sent him to another


Marko’s was no longer breathing and and

he was all blue and all of that and and

he finds this hospital they send him to

and they were and they grabbed Marcos

out of David’s arms and their race up

the stairs and my husband’s following

them and they’re working and working

they don’t have the equipment so they’re

just working on him manually but too

much time had gone by and and so much

pressure was had had been inside of his

heart and his lungs that they didn’t

stop they literally exploded into pieces

and his lungs came up in little pieces

out of his nose with his blood and he

had been pronounced dead I had no way of

knowing that because at that time we did

not even have cell phones and but what I

did do the minute they walked out the

door I started to pray in tongues

there’s prophetic power when we pray in

tongues I know Christians a lot of

Christians balk at it but it is a tool

that we need to get back to the basics

and start operating in the

Phatak realm and use every gift that

he’s given to us it’s powerful and I was

praying in the spirit

mikoto-chan latakia and I had prayed and

I prayed and I prayed and I prayed for a

long time in the spirit until I broke

into the realm of God into into the

tangible realm of God and he called out

my name just like I’m speaking to you

and he said Becky and I said what I said

he said you need to come against the

spirit of death over Marcos now I had no

idea of what was going on I didn’t even

know he had been pronounced dead yet I

just knew the situation was bad and so I

heard myself say in Jesus name I

renounced the spirit of death over

Marcos now released the spirit of life

and then I heard the Spirit of God say

and audibly to me again he said now

Becky now you need to speak to Marcos

his spirits directly said no one had

ever taught me that other than during

all the praying and fasting I was

reading in God’s word that Jesus spoke

the word he sent the word and the people

were healed and so I didn’t question

what I heard the Spirit of God safe to

do I just heard myself say these words

Marcos I know in the physical realm

there’s a distance between us but in the

spirit realm there’s no distance Marcos

I need you to start breathing on your

own I didn’t know what was happening

I said Marcos I need you to start

breathing on your own now and I said

breathe breathe breathe and this spirit

of God this piece just came upon me in

such a tangible manner and it wasn’t a

feeling it was a place was a tangible

place with God that peace that surpasses

all understanding it was in his presence

Sid and as we were to find out hours

later that when my husband came to get

me and somebody was gonna watch all the

kids so that I could actually go

wherever Marcos was my husband started

to tell me the story and Marcos had been

announced dead just as I said to you and

no one was even trying to work with him

anymore he was just laying in his blood

as it was flowing out of him

with pieces of his lungs and my they

walked my husband over to another part

of the hospital where he had to sign

paperwork so the coroner could come and

do his job and but the Holy Spirit is

speaking to me in my room and he’s

saying say this now say this now and I

did what he said and out of nowhere CID

no one is working with Marcos there’s no

medical equipment they don’t even have

it and all of a sudden Marcos just takes

his big deep breath and the doctors in

my husband and everybody turned and they

were like what and they went running to

him you tell me how could someone whose

heart and lungs exploded into pieces and

was dead how could he breathe it was the

spirit of life because I renounced the

spirit of death and commanded it out of

his body and I released that spirit of

life and it started breathing for him

and it’s a very long story but we

believed for a recreated heart we

received it recreated set of lungs we

received him recreated kidneys we

received them and a recreated brain and

he has it feeling isn’t just for me to

minister God says if you believe that

you will lay hands on the sick and they

will recover and in order for you to

Minister healing successfully number one

you have to learn what what God taught

me number one you have to know who you

are in Christ and once you know your

identity in Christ you can operate in

his authority why would it be so

important for you to understand your

identity in Christ before operating in

his authority so

often I remember being a young Christian

and they would say just just operate in

your authority you’ve been given

Authority and and we knew that but we

didn’t understand what that even meant

we didn’t know what to do with that

knowledge and and what God taught me

through all the times of prayer and

fasting he first taught me who I was in

Christ and he gave me this example of a

sheriff now a sheriff has a badge and it

represents Authority but if that person

doesn’t know that they are the sheriff

they haven’t a clue

how to operate in that authority they

don’t even understand what that badge of

authority even is and so first a sheriff

has to understand that he or she are a

sheriff right once they understand that

they are a sheriff and what a sheriff

actually does and what they’ve the power

the authority they’ve been given then

they can naturally activate the

authority the power of that badge and

that’s what we need to do we need to

know who we are in Christ as far as

Genesis 1:26 27 28 says God created us

in His image that word image means

mirror image the New Testament says as

Jesus is so are we on this earth many

people believe well I’ll be healed when

I’m in heaven and I say no you won’t

there’s no sickness to be healed from in

the first place in heaven you’re not

taking your earthly baggage with you

it’s here on this earth that you are to

operate in this authority and have

dominion and subdue the power of Satan

on this earth and so you first have to

know your identity in Christ and then

the authority of Christ and then with

the authority with with with the power

of faith you release the prophetic and

healing power of your words because

every word you speak is either

prophesying life or it’s prophesying

death and you choose you get to choose

if you want to walk in sickness you

continue to seek

you continue to speak sickness and

symptoms if you want healing you call

those things that are not as though they

were you no longer mention the sickness

or the disease and you declare those

things that are not in Jesus name you

are healed and you are made whole in the

name of Jesus and that’s how you

minister healing and miracles to people

by faith you have such tenacity and

ferociousness against the devil and

healing I’m gonna ask you to pray and

you come against just about every

disease that you have seen healed in

Jesus name

I renounce the power of Satan that is

attacking your body I command those

blind eyes to be opened those and see

those deaf ears to open up and to hear

the muted voices to open up that tongue

be loosed and you speak in Jesus name we

command epilepsy to be gone and cancers

to be gone in the name of Jesus I

command all arthritis out of these

bodies and broken bones to be mended in

the name of Jesus creative miracles take

place the brain is recreated the memory

is restored 100% in Jesus name and and

the spines are realigned in Jesus name

and crooked bones are made straight made

whole for the glory of our God cancer

diabetes Lyme’s disease it doesn’t

matter the label autism alcoholism

epilepsy whatever it is in Jesus name we

curse this disease we curse it at its

very root in its seed and we curse the

power behind the label of the disease in

Jesus name and we say receive the

healing power of the Holy Spirit into

your body 100% and you be totally

completely delivered healed and set free

for the glory of Jesus a men and a


next week on it’s supernatural

you know many believe that there’s a

difference between encountering the

glory realm and engaging in spiritual

warfare you know but God has called us

to experience both and it’s called glory

warfare and in this place I really want

you to hear there is no defeat

there’s victory so if you’re ready for

victory be sure to join me on the next

it’s supernatural with sid roth is going

to be an awesome time where you will be

empowered to encounter the glory realm

for victory
