And Joshua’s bonus CD, Supernatural Wisdom, Favor and Divine Appointments, will prepare you to receive from God’s storehouse of strategies, innovations and creative ideas. It’s time for you to not just hear about God encounters, but to experience them for yourself!

SR: Joshua Giles dreamed

of playing
professional baseball.

He’d do anything
to achieve it.


He said a prayer at 12,

but never had a personal
relationship with God,

and at 22 years old

he was about
to encounter a curveball

that he never saw coming.

suddenly in your life

the supernatural
became more real

than the real.
What happened?

JG: Absolutely.

At 22 years
old I began to,

it’s funny because
there’s a thin layer

between the natural
and the supernatural,

and one day God
just lifted the blinds

and literally
the supernatural world

became so much more real
than the natural,

and I’m like,
“What is going on here?”

It was terrifying
because the first thing

that I began to see what
was affecting my life.

What I had allowed
in my life

through sticking my hand
into inequity or sin,

or things that we just
don’t think

may not have consequences.

We don’t realize
some of the things

we allow into our life.

And I remember seeing
all these demonic entities

lining up every night,
coming to attack me.

And I couldn’t sleep.

I remember sleeping
with the light on.

Didn’t even want to go
to the bathroom at night.

SR: That doesn’t work out
too well

when you’re an athlete.

JG: Oh no, gosh.

SR: If you don’t sleep,

you don’t have
your endurance.

JG: Oh, I was tired.

I had to go to school
and 8 hours of baseball.

So, it was tormenting in
the sense of exhaustion.

And that really led me
to the point

of where I was
just done with it

and I cried out one night
in prayer and I said,

“God kill me
or deliver me.”

And that’s when everything
began to change.

SR: What happened?

JG: I went to a game

the very next day
and I’m playing a team,

never played
before in my life.

I’m in the outfield,

we’re having
our pregame ritual

so to speak for baseball

where everybody
is preparing for the game.

And a young man from that
other team came over

and he looked at me
and he says,

“Hey, you had a car wreck
5 years ago,

the Devil tried
to kill you.”

Which I did,
I hit a guy head on

at 80 miles an hour
when I was 18 years old

and walked out that night
from the hospital.

One of the first times
that God began

to protect me.
And he says,

“You’re being attacked
at night by demons

and God wants
to deliver you.”

And I’m sitting here like,

“What in the world
is this?”

But I felt it and I had
prayed the prayer

the night before.
And the next thing

you know
he lays hands on me

I feel the presence
and power of God touch me.

I’ve never felt that free
and uplifting

like a weight
had been lifted off of me.

So, I go back to the dugout

and I’m just rocking back
and forth like,

“God’s calling me,
God’s calling me.”

And my teammates
look at me like,

“You’re crazy,
what are you doing?”

And all I could
focus on was,

there was no more

I was focusing on
what was happening here.

SR: Woah,
your whole life

was baseball.

I mean in every level
you were at you excelled,

you were the best.

JG: Yes.

SR: And you had a sure
type of career

in professional baseball,
and just in a second.

JG: Yeah,
in a blink of an eye.

I felt my heart
transition because

I had never encountered
nothing at that level

when it came to God.

And it really threw me for
a loop because I’m like,

“Wow there is something
way more intense

than just my desire that
I’ve had my whole life.”

My desire for the things
of the Spirit

became so much
more greater,

even though I had no
knowledge of that stuff.

SR: And you just walked away.

JG: I walked away,
left the scholarship.

SR: What did you
tell your parents?

JG: I called them
one night and said,

“I’m in another state,
I’m in a ministry.”

And they’re like,
“You’re crazy,

what are you talking
about, you’ve got school.

You’ve got scholarship,
you’ve got baseball.

You’ve still got
another year of school

and all this.”

And I’m like, I just knew
that God had positioned me

there just like
I knew my name.

I knew that I knew,
that I knew.

SR: Do you remember
after you made

that decision
and left baseball,

your first
supernatural encounter.

JG: Absolutely.
Life changing.

I still talk about it
to this day.

I remember being taken
in the Spirit,

and I’m holding the Bible

and it’s electric
blue lightning all over it

and I’m hearing
it popping like popcorn.

And I look in the distance

and I saw
massive mountains.

And it’s wild because
when you’re in

a revelational moment,
you just know.

And I knew, even though
without reading the Bible,

I knew that I needed
to swing the Bible

like a sword, and it began
to level the mountains.

Now after that happened

there was a bright light
on the Bible

I was holding that
was growing very intently.

So much so, that it would
blind a natural person.

And I heard thu-thump,
thu-thump, all around me.

Like a ba-boom, ba-boom,
ba-boom, like a drum.

And I’m like,
“What is that sound?”

And I knew that it was
coming from the Bible.

And so, I looked
at the Bible and my eyes

was able to pierce
past the light

and I saw a physical heart
inside the Bible beating.

And I was like,

“Oh my gosh
it’s the heart of God.”

And immediately I heard
an angel scream

at the top of his voice,
“It’s alive!”

And I was back in my body.

Now when I came out
of that moment

I knew that Word of God
was not just a book.

Not just something
we check off

as a daily ritual.

But it was a living,
breathing organism.

It was the Breath of God.

SR: And so, when you had

that vision
you even pursued God more.

JG: Oh way more.

SR: You separated yourself.

You even went into a fast.

JG: Oh yes, definitely.

So, I began to fast
and saw, I was an athlete

so fasting 3 hours
was almost impossible

because you’re constantly
training and eating

and training and eating
for your muscles to grow.

And so, I would fast
6 hours

and thought I was like,
it was killing me.

And then I was like,

“God give me the grace
to do 12,”

give me the grace
to do 24, then 3 days,

then 7 days.

Then after 7 days I did
my first 40 day fast

and really walked into
a whole other dimension

by doing that.

SR: What are some of
the advantages for you

from that fasting?

JG: Oh, the fasting
was clarity of mind.

I was able to think
and articulate things.

Strategies were
coming to me.

It was like God
was able to clearly speak

and I was able to hear
and understand

that it was Him.

It’s almost like
the old radio dials

where you’re tuning in,
and you hear the static.

You’re trying to find
your favorite station,

you’re going,
I can’t hear it,

but I know
I’m hearing a sound,

and then you lock in.

And so, fasting really
opens up your perception

to the things
of the Spirit

and makes it
a lot easier to flow.

SR: And, even during the fast,

you then moved into
700 days of visitations

and training by God.

JG: Yes.

SR: You know it reminds me,

when he was in baseball
he would put every fiber

of his being
into baseball.

And when you realized
Jesus was real,

you put every fiber
of your being into Jesus.

Tell me about
some of these visitations.

JG: Oh man, it was wild,
so to speak.

Most of the encounters
were not fun.

They were training grounds
of encountering

the demonic and witchcraft
and principalities

would visit me.

I could literally go
to another state

just on a visitation,
like if we’re going to,

SR: Why would God allow
a witch to visit you

as a new believer?
What was He doing?

JG: He was training me.

Just like David
was trained with the lion,

the bear, Goliath,

Saul, there was training
grounds in the Spirit

that God was building
my resume.

And I didn’t
understand that.

And through
that perspective

I began to learn secrets

on how to engage
the enemy and not lose.

So, there was a lot of time

to where I would go
into a scenario,

and I would mess up
because I’m being trained.

And I would come out of it

and the Holy Spirit
would begin to tell me,

“You should approach
it this way.

Next time it happens,
do this.”

And so, I began
to write out everything

that He showed me,
learned it in the natural

and just meditated
upon it.

So, that when

the supernatural
experiences happened,

I went in with
a different authority.

SR: What did God show
you about fear?

JG: Fear, oh man, so fear is-

SR: Because that’s
the number one spirit

that people are dealing
with today,

Worldwide Fear,
that’s his name. Go ahead.

JG: Yes fear is an illusion.

So, Satan
is a master illusionist.

I mean he wants
to come out

and look so much
more powerful than God,

so much more scarier than
you knowing who God is.

And any time you fear,

you automatically
disconnect yourself

from the fire
of the Holy Spirit,

from faith
to overcome the situation.

And I learned through
an encounter,

one of the first times
God took me into a battle

was, I was on fire.

He took me in the Spirit
by my neck.

I remember He took me out

and dropped me
in this scenario,

and I knew that there was
a witch on the other side.

But I was on fire
and I said,

“What are you doing here?”

And they responded,
“You know why I’m here.”

And the moment
I heard their voice,

because it sounded
very scary, I did that.

And just that little
inkling was fear.

And it only took
a little dot

and immediately I lost
the fire

of the Holy Spirit
and I was like,

“Oh my gosh, I feel naked,
how do I fight this?”

And God’s hand began to
push me to the encounter.

And I was screaming
and clawing,

I didn’t want to do it.

Brought me
back to my body,

and when I woke up
he says,

“You need to understand
you must engage

and destroy.

Never fear,
never flee the enemy.

Only the wicked flee when
no one’s pursuing them.

But the righteous
are as bold as a lion.”

So, I took a whole
new perspective of

when something is placed
in front of me,

I don’t even think
about it. I charge it.

The moment you catch
the revelation

of pursuing Him,

he is terrified
because he’s like,

“Oh my goodness,
this one knows now.”

SR: You talk a great deal

about ascending
the mountain.

Briefly explain
that to me.

JG: Yes.
So, I know that God wants

to take His people
into encounters with Him.

It’s not just for
the super believer,

or the man and woman
on the pulpit

or the preacher.
It is for every believer.

The veil was torn
for a reason.

We are granted access
into the Holy of Holies.

So, when we begin to press
into God’s presence

and we begin to say,
“God change my heart,

change me
from the inside,”

SR: Excuse me, I know
God showed you the secrets

of ascending the mountain.

You use a term
a lot of believers use,

“Press in,”
what does that mean?

JG: Very, very
simplistic terms.

To press in I literally,
I take my heart,

because it is the key
to everything.

We search the Scripture,
we see that

God is more focused on
your heart than anything.

And I knew that I needed
to press in, so I’m like,

“What does that look like,

He says, “Push your heart
towards me.”

And I’m like,
“Well that’s simple.”

He says,
“Yeah it’s simple.”

And so, every time I pray,
I worship,

when I’m fasting,
reading the Word,

I am in pursuit
and pushing into Him.

And when you practice
His presence

it becomes
easier to step in.

It becomes
a lot more tangible,

and you see
that it’s easier

to get out of the flesh

so that you can walk
in the Spirit.

SR: There are so many secrets,

we don’t have time for you
to share them all.

But Joshua has a gift
to prophetically tell you

your Spiritual DNA.

Better yet, he teaches you
how to find out

from God for yourself.
Be right back.



SR: Joshua,
you literally encountered

the Eye of God.
Explain that.

JG: Yeah, so, in my pursuit
over the years,

it led to this moment.

It’s not something that
just happens overnight

in that sense
of that level.

I knew that I needed
to pray for a pure heart.

The Bible says,

“He who has a pure heart,
shall see God.”

And so, in this moment
I was taken in the Spirit

and I saw a massive tunnel

with the light
at the end of it.

And I was like,
“I need to be there.”

So, I jumped in the tunnel.

And as I’m flying
toward the light,

I felt the breath,
the teeth, the claws,

of millions of demons

that were encircling
that tunnel

trying to get me to take
my focus off the light

and bring it to them.

Because I knew the moment,
because I knew that.

The moment I fear,

the moment I even
shifted my focus,

which is
another revelation,

I would have lost
the experience.

And so, I popped out
the other end

and I look
at this massive light

with lightning
all around it.

It was as big as a globe.
I was the size of an ant,

and I’m like,
“What is this thing?”

And in the Spirit you move
at the speed of thought,

so the moment I thought
it, I’m moving

closer toward it.
And I get closer toward it,

and I said,
“Let me touch it.”

And so, when I touched it
I was so electrocuted

that I knew it would
kill a normal

human being
millions of times over.

It was just absolutely-

SR: Was that which
the Bible refers

to as
“The fire of God?”

JG: Oh, it’s amazing.
Yes, it’s His power,

His everything just
sourcing through you.

It’s just, the electricity
is tangible.

And even when you operate
in the power of God,

you can feel
the electricity

come on you like a blanket,
and you know

that God is wanting
to do things and operate.

I was like, I got
electrocuted, I’m like,

“What in the world
is that?”

And I began to back up.

And you know when
you’re in the woods

or somewhere
in the country,

a flash of lighting
can light up the whole sky

and you can see everything
for a split second, right?

SR: Right.

JG: And so, I hear thunder
that was not natural.

This was thunder that
can’t even be described

in a dictionary,
it was just so powerful.

And when I’m hearing it,

the next thing was
the flash of lighting.

And when there was
a flash of lighting,

I saw what I touched,
and it was the Eye of God.

And I saw a massive being,
long white hair,

golden crown,
eyes like lightning,

and it terrified me.

But I was also amazed
at the same time,

so it was like two worlds.
And I’m like,

and when I did that, I’m
falling back to my body

and I’m just going back
that tunnel again.

And I’m like,
“What just happened?”

I come back
and I see the film

was like a fiery
amber color all over me,

and I remember saying
these words,

“The Glory of God
is upon me.”

And I woke up.

SR: Did that glory stay
with you for a while?

JG: Absolutely, yeah,
it was amazing.

SR: Is that the
same glory I feel

when you pray for me
or pray for other people?

Because it’s unlike
most other people

that pray for me.

When he prays
he stays on me.

It’s not just for a second
I feel it.

You even go
in the streets-

JG: Oh yeah.

SR: -and you pray
for non-believers

and that glory
stays on them.

JG: Absolutely.

SR: I guess they have

to become believers
when that happens?

JG: Oh yes,
you can’t deny that.

SR: What did this,
going into the Eye of God,

do for you?
Why did

He want you to have
that experience?

JG: It changed my life

because my prayer
and persistency

was one thing
that I found in the Bible,

and it was in my pursuit
of the heart.

And I began to see
that the prophet, Samuel,

when he was choosing
the King, he was like,

“Well obviously this
is the Lord’s anointed.”

He says, “No, no, no,
I don’t look at man

the way man looks at man,
I look at the heart.”

And I was like, woah,
that’s on Jeremiah.

It says, “The heart
is deceitful above

all things,
who can know it?

But I, the Lord,
test the heart

and reward those according
to their motives.”

So, I knew that God looked
at people differently

and I said,
“I must see as You see.”

I said, “If that’s the way
it is, and Jesus says,

“I do what my Father
in Heaven does,”

then I must see the way
You see.”

And I began to pray,
“God let me see how

You see. Let me be able
to see people’s hearts

and if there is
an area of assignment

that needs to be birthed

or whatever
it may look like,

just help me to see as
You see.”

And so, when I had that
encounter and I touched

His eye,
everything began to change

from my perspective
of sight.

Of being able to discern
and know who was around me

in a protective way,
where God protected me.

But also gave me insight
to being able

to help people
come out of scenarios

or speak life
into their purpose

or whatever it may be.

SR: I notice you do that
in your meetings.

However, in your brand
new book and CDs,

the same gifting transfers
and people hear from God

for themselves
on their purpose.

And have you ever prayed,
“God, what is my purpose?

What do you want me
to do?”

Of course you have.

JG: Yes.
SR: I have.

I believe that Joshua
has been given a ministry

from Heaven

that will facilitate
you hearing God

in these areas.
Now God has given you,

he goes in front
of witches,

Satanists, gangs,
and the power of God

just knocks them away.
Tell me one person.

JG: One person?
SR: Yeah.

JG: All right,
so I was praying

in the streets
of West Palm Beach.

And I remember
this was one of the,

a very training moment
that God had with me,

and I remember seeing
an actual

Satanist there
with the pentagrams

and all this stuff
over him.

And I knew that this
person served the Devil

like I served God, right?

And of course,

is what you want to do

because you cannot
deny a demonstration,

and I want to go
over there and God says,

“Don’t show power,
show love.”

And I’m like,
“That’s unusual.”

I’m like okay.

So, I sit beside him
and I look at him

and he turns to me
and he says,

“I have more power
then you.”

Immediately already trying
to get me into flesh.

SR: Right, and to fear too.

JG: Yes, and to fear.

I’m like ah man,
because I’m perceiving

all the demons
around this person

and literally
the covenants

he had made
with the enemy.

And I said, “No,” and I
began to share

the love of Jesus.

And as I’m sharing
the love of Jesus

it began to growl
and get mad.

And I felt,
which was very wild

because I’d never
experienced that before,

I felt an overwhelming
sense of joy and love

that I just cared
for him so much,

even in that mess.

He began to get up
and swing at me.

And when he began to do
that I was smiling,

I was going to
let it happen

and he stopped, he froze.

And I had a flash! I saw
an angel holding his arm.

And he was like,
“What happened?”

I said, “An angel
is holding you.”

Then he says,
“What is this?”

“I told you
that the Lord loves you.”

And I saw one little tear
come out

and I knew
that there was an open,

there was an opportunity
to minister to him

and I began to share
to him the Gospel

and the Saving Grace
of Jesus Christ

and he says,
“What do I do?”

And I said,
“Just repeat after me.”

Renounced his covenants,
renounced the altars

and everything he had done
in the occult.

Gave him a hug,
Power of God hit him,

he walked away
never the same.

SR: And you know another thing

that is wonderful
the Bible says,

“If you want wisdom,
ask God.”

So, Josh did that,

but this was way beyond
his pay grade so to speak.

He’s got inventions,

Just tell me in the gym,

you bumped into
some people

that are very
prosperous investors.

You know that much
about the market, nothing,

zilch, what happened?

JG: Yeah so, I owned
a gym in Palm Beach.

God was able
to supernaturally

get me there,
even though I have a GED,

so I don’t have the knack
or education to sustain

where He had placed me.

And I was walking around
with millionaires

with billionaires
with a b hand in hand,

sowing principals
into them.

So, one of the things
we need to know

about winning souls are
what level are they at?

Are they ready
to be harvested,

can you go right in
and just pray

and get them,
or is there times

where you have to
sow a seed into them?

And so, over time
most of time,

I had to sow a seed
into our principals

and it began
to change their heart.

And before you know
it they began

to give their lives
to Christ,

renounce witchcraft,
all these things.

But they trusted me.
And so, I would be in the gym

and all these people loved
watching the stock.

They were always at the TV
in the corner

and they were like,

“Oh, I need to do this
and oh, I need to do that.”

And I would pick up
words of knowledge like,

“Oh you’ve got that stock,

oh you need to buy more
and do this.”

I didn’t know what
I was talking about,

but they went and did it.

And when they went
and did it they’re like,

“You’re not going
to believe your strategy

and you got us
this much money or that.”

And I’m sitting here like,
“What in the world, God?

I’m like, that’s amazing
but what about,

what’s going on here?”
And it was powerful.

SR: So, you had
a successful gym,

but that wasn’t
your purpose.

You were just representing

The Holy Spirit
in this gym.

JG: Absolutely.

So, the gym was amazing.
I’m thinking, “I’m here.”

You always get
to that moment,

“I’m here,
this is my baby,

this is what God’s
calling me to do.”

And He says,
“Give it all up.”

And I’m like, “What
are you talking about?

How do you just give up

what you
positioned me for?

Especially in this crowd.
But you don’t just enter

into this type
of arena of people

unless God transitions
you there

or they open
the door for you.

So, I obeyed
The Holy Spirit

and we moved, and God began
to do His work within us.

And that’s
the ministry’s birth

and it just began
to go from there.

SR: Joshua, I want you
type pray

whatever God has put
on your heart right now

for those who are
watching right now.

JG: Awesome. Father I pray
in the Name of Jesus that

You begin to move
in the hearts

of the people
like never before.

That the atmosphere
of your presence

becomes so weighty,
so tangible in their life,

that they cannot
deny that

You are a living God in
the mighty Name of Jesus.

And I pray
that every storm

that has encircled
the people

to keep them
in a state of despair

is removed by the power
of The Holy Spirit.

And I speak and prophesize

that the movement
of the bodies

will begin to take place.

That people
will experience healing,


deliverance of mind
in Jesus mighty Name.

And Father, I pray
that you begin to touch

their very heart
in this moment right now

that they shall be granted
a deeper access,

a deeper fellowship
to your presence

in the mighty Name
of Jesus,

just as the Word declares
that deep

crieth out unto thee,

the depth of God’s
heart cries

out to the depths
of your heart

and He is ushering you in
at this very moment

in the mighty Name
of Jesus.

And I declare a complete
and total

turn around in your life.

May ideas, perspectives,

innovations, inventions,
everything that

God wants to release
within your spirit man

in the realm of creativity
is released upon you

for the Glory
of His Kingdom

in Jesus mighty Name!

SR: Hello, I’m here
with Joshua Giles,

I’m interviewing him
and his brand-new book

and brand-new and exclusive
three CD audio

teaching series “Secrets
to an Encounter with God.”

And yet you have
to understand, Joshua,

I interview
a lot of people,

but the presence of God,
that- I am a feeler

so I know what’s going on
in that arena.

And the presence of God

is not only extremely
strong upon you,

but it’s transferable.
And I think, I mean,

you prayed a simple prayer
for me

over the phone
30 seconds or less.

And I felt it for about 15
or 20 minutes afterwards.

Now, you make
a bold statement

for the title
of your brand-new book,

“Secrets to an Encounter
with God.”

You really believe
everyone can have

encounters with God,
like it is normal for you,

you believe it’s normal
for everyone else.


JG: It’s normal
for everyone.

God wants us to-
the veil was torn

when Jesus shed His blood
on the cross.

There’s access and God

wants us to have
that mountain top access.

And it’s accessible to you

because He is trying
to transform our hearts

and bring us
to a place of holiness

that He may use us here
on Earth with His power.

SR: You have a passion.
I mean it’s- most people,

their passion is, “I want
to have intimacy with God.”

You have a passion

for everyone to have
intimacy with God.

What’s going on when you
teach- it’s a brand-new book

but what goes on when you
teach this to people?

JG: When I, when I
teach this to people,

when you encounter God,
it changes your very DNA,

your perspective,
your thoughts,

your everything about you
is transformed.

You cannot have
an encounter in God

and be the same.
It’s, it’s impossible.

And so when
I experienced that,

I knew I had to
spread it to the world.

I had to apply
the same principles

that I learned
through my walk

to help others
climb the mountain

so that they could have
their secret

to encounter with God.

SR: I have to ask you this,
though, Joshua.

The presence
I feel coming out of you,

it is so tangible. Is that
for everyone viewing us,

that makes Jesus
their Messiah and Lord?

JG: Absolutely.

You know, the tangible
presence of God

is for us to access.
But there are secrets.

There are mysteries
hidden in the world

that when we begin
to pursue Him

with the right heart,
because here’s the thing.

God says, “I don’t look upon
man as man looks upon man,

but I look at the heart

and I reward them
according to their motive.”

So, when I started
to understand

there was two realms
of, of the heart,

the Bible says
that, “The heart

is deceitful above
all things.

Who can know it,
but God tests the heart.”

And so, if I can’t know
my own heart,

I must search
the scripture

and see what God does
not like about the heart

and what God does,

want our heart
to perform in.

And so, I begin
to really renounce

those bad things
that God did not like.

And I begin to pray,
prophesy, fast,

decree the things

that God wanted
my heart to be like.

And that’s when everything

SR: And the three CD
audio that you did for us,

the people in the studio
were raving about.

Tell us about that.

JG: Yeah, the three
CD audio

really gives
practical examples

of how we as believers
do not have

to have some wild system
in order to access God.

No, we come to Him
as little children!

And when we understand
who we are in Christ

and the principles
He has laid out,

everyone can access Him.

And it is your right
as a believer.

SR: And the bonus CD,

that- this is worth
the whole package.

But no, no, no,
not really.

Everything that has been
imparted to Josh, you

want! Trust me!

The bonus CD is
“Supernatural Wisdom, Favor,

and Divine Appointment.”

Now, who doesn’t
want wisdom, favor,

and divine appointments
that are supernatural?

There are people
that are intrapreneurs.

There are people
in business.

There are people
developing inventions.

But that’s
for special people.

Do you think everyone
can move

in supernatural wisdom
of God in these arenas?

JG: Absolutely.
Everyone can do it.

See, God can visit you in
many different variables

and perspectives,

whether it’s strategy,
innovation, ideas.

You may be limited
in a salary of, say,


but God gives you
an invention

that can make millions

or to transform
the company your in.

And so there’s
so many ways

that God can visit you
in this perspective.

If it’s happening
to the nonbeliever,

why can’t it happen
to the believer?

And it’s accessible
to everyone.

We just have to know
how to tap in

and create that atmosphere

where God begins
to drop ideas,

and really carve a path

in that realm.

SR: And the thing
that’s so amazing to me

is you take no credit
for these things.

You have no knowledge
of some of the things

you’ve invented.

You didn’t study them
in school.

It, it’s as
a matter of fact,

you would have probably

run from courses
like that in college.

But this is
available to us.

And when the scripture
says, “The wealth

of the sinner is stored up

for the believer,”
it’s you!

It’s not someone
down the street.

It’s you that are going to
have encounters with God.

It’s you that’s

going to radiate
the presence of God

wherever you go.

The new book and brand-new
and exclusive three CD,

audio teaching series,
“Secrets”- and they’re

heavenly secrets-
“To an Encounter with God.”

and the bonus CD
“Supernatural Wisdom, Favor,

and Divine Appointments.”
You’ve seen Shark Tank.

This is
Supernatural Shark Tank!