Cindy Jacobs, Hank Kunneman and Larry Sparks share about the year ahead. What is next for the U.S., Russia, Israel, Korea, President Trump and the border wall? Want to know what God is saying? “What’s in store for me in 2019?” Find out now!

What is the Holy Spirit Saying for 2019? Transition. No More Delay! Surprises. 2019 Prophetic Outlook brings you words of prophetic wisdom and direction for the coming year—by way of the trusted voices of Cindy Jacobs, Larry Sparks and Hank Kunneman, among others.

Cindy Jacobs (CD) says that 2019 is a transition year, a bridge year, and she prays and decrees powerful prophetic words over you. Cindy also shares her recent word delivered at the Global Prophetic Summit. Cindy sees a year of visitation, of birthing. God is saying “I’ve got this.” And He is saying it to you!

Larry Sparks (CD) brings word of breakthough: “No More Delay” for 2019. Larry teaches on what causes delay and how to break delays by aligning yourself with God’s prophetic purposes.

Hank Kunneman (CD) says God is doing a divine set-up with divine surprises for 2019. Hank shares how to “not misread the signs” as the year develops. Follow what God is doing!

Their 3-CD set has over 150 minutes of content! Then take another breath as Larry Sparks adds more powerful perspectives for the year in Prophetic Words for 2019 (book) with contributions from:

James Goll, Bill Hamon, Michael L. Brown, Patricia King, Lana Vawser, Robert Henderson, Charlie Shamp, Jennifer LeClaire, Nate & Christy Johnston, R. Loren Sandford, Adam F. Thompson, Rebecca Greenwood, Rich Vera, Germaine Copeland, Jane Hamon, Tim Sheets and Fiorella Giordano.

2019 Prophetic Outlook will get you aligned with what the Spirit is saying for the year ahead! Special bonus! With your online purchase, you will also receive access to a downloadable digital version of the 3-CD set after checkout.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Hello, Sid Roth here.

Welcome to my world, where it’s naturally

What is next for the United States, Russia,
Israel, Korea, U.S. politics, the future of

President Trump, and the wall?

You may be asking, “What’s in store for me
in 2019?”

Do you want to know what God is saying?

Audience: [applause and cheers]

Sid Roth has spent over 40 years researching
the strange world of the supernatural.

Join Sid for this edition of “It’s Supernatural!”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: You know, Hank Kunneman, I’ve we’ve known

each other a number of years, and so I get
a chance to see someone’s [chuckling] track

record, when they’re a Prophet.

And you had a prophecy about when a President
of the United States will die, there will

be a new era for the United States.

Tell me about that.

HK: It was on October 14th, 2015.

The Spirit of God began to prophesy, and He
said, “Look when a former President shall

be laid to rest or die.”

He said, “It shall be an end of a thing, and
a beginning of something new, that shall be

declared and known as a new era.”

In fact, the news even declared it.

with George Bush Sr.’s passing, USA News even
declared that his passing, just like what

the prophecy said, is an end of an era, and
the beginning of something new.

But here’s what’s powerful about this, Sid.

On November 30th is when George Bush, Sr.

Something happened that the Lord prophesied
3 years in advance, on that October 14th.

He said, “When this former President dies,
do not be afraid when the soil of your nation

shall begin to shake”, United States.

On the very same day, on November 30th, there
was a 7.0 earthquake in Alaska.

SR: That’s a big earthquake.

HK: Yes.

Now think about this.

When the Son of God, the Messiah, was on the
cross and said, “It is finished”, there was

an earthquake, and it signified a new era,

And so this is very important for us who are
wanting to know what God is saying.

And the northern hemisphere, we are to keep
our eye upon it, because Alaska isn’t just


Alaska represents the shaking of the northern
hemisphere for something that God wants.

This that’s happening is a great and new era
that, that has to do with an awakening globally;

not just for the United States, but for whatever
nation you’re watching.

And it also represents that things that have
been, it’s not going to be that way any longer.

And so North Korea, for example, North Africa,
Russia, Europe, United States; and God is

saying that there is something that is happening
with this northern hemisphere.

Even with what just happened is raising up
a North America the Great.

Now I hear the Spirit of God say this: “I
walk among the Earth, at this time.

And I’m walking, and I’m measuring the hunger
and the thirst of those that are of My”, “My


But why do you fear,” says the Spirit of God,
“the things that are taking place in the Earth?

For you must see with My eyes, and you must
hear with the voice of My Spirit that speaks

at this moment.

For there shall be a great and glorious move
of My hand that shall come upon the northern

hemisphere of this Earth.

For I still hold this Earth in My hand”, says
the Lord.

“Keep your eyes upon the United States.

Keep your eyes upon even North America, for
I shall raise it up and cause it to be great.

Do not think, United States, that the division
that is upon you now shall always be this


For out of your division shall come a unity”,
says the Spirit of God.

“I know what I’m doing.

And watch how I begin to show that My compassion
outweighs your politics.”

Audience: [cheers]
HK: “Do not be afraid of the things that you

are seeing now, for there is a new era that
is upon you.

What do I mean?”, says the Spirit of God.

“I say to you in this season, and in this
time, there is a movement that is begun in

you, United States, that shall be known as
a ‘put it back movement’.

And you shall see where they will declare,
‘In God we trust’, but there shall be the

name of My Son declared.

And there shall even be a monument that shall
be erected in your land.

You say impossible.

Watch what I do.

For the name of Yeshua ”
Audience: [cheers]

HK: “shall be declared, in a national monument,
as the name of your God, United States!”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Mhm!

HK: “And this shall be a sign.”

SR: [chuckles]
HK: “And they shall also declare it in Hebrew.

And there shall be prayer, that shall come
once again; for they say that we have taken

God out; it is time that we shall put Him

Do not think that the shaking of your soil
is a coincidence; for I am shaking the things

that have been held by demonic power, so that
I may bring My plan and My purpose at this

time, and I will not be stopped.

Do you think that a democratic party can stop

Audience: [laughs]
HK: The Spirit of God says, “I rode on a donkey

before; I know how to ride on them too.”

Audience: [cheers and applause and laughs]
SR: [laughs]

HK: “And I know how to take the pride of an
elephant, and humble them and unite them,

to bring an end to the division.

And yes, listen to Me now”, says the Spirit
of God, “I also know how to deal with the

stubbornness of a Mueller, and his team.”

Audience: [cheers and applause and laughs]
HK: “And I will not be stopped in My agenda

upon this nation”,
Audience: Hallelujah.

HK: says the Spirit of God.

SR: Isn’t our God strong enough
Audience: Yes!

[applause and cheers]
SR: to shift everything?

And it’s going to be in our lifetime!

My next guest has a word for you.

Find out I mean he has a prophetic word for

Find out, for those, for those that have never
had a prophetic word, you’re going to get

one from my next guest.

And I want you to find out, those that have
had prophetic words, how to break the spirit

of delay.


Audience: [applause and cheers]
[music] ANNOUNCER: We will be right back to

“It’s Supernatural!”

Hello YouTube mishpochah!

Mishpochah is a Hebrew word; it means family.

This is Sid Roth.

Welcome to my world where it’s naturally

If you’ve been blessed by this show, please

Then click the bell so you won’t miss a
single episode of It’s Supernatural!

Audience: [applause and cheers]

SR: I have Larry Sparks here, and Larry, I’ve
known you for a long time, and you are, were

normally not someone that says, “I had a vision,”

LS: [chuckling] Yeah; yeah.

SR: “I had a word!”

And all of a sudden, you have kicked into
the prophetic vein, but you heard a word on

one of favorite subjects, and that is the

LS: Yeah.

SR: in Heaven!

And this guy is so interested in books,
LS: [chuckling] Yeah.

SR: and publishing!

I mean if I was God and I was going to pick
someone to see the library in Heaven, Larry

Sparks would be the guy! [laughs]
LS: Yeah.

Well, it was interesting.

I had this vision, as I was putting together
this prophetic compilation.

“Lord, what are You doing in 2019?”

And I haven’t had many visions, Sid.

I’ve maybe had 4 or 5 in my whole life, so
I need to lay hands on myself and get more


Audience: [chuckles]
LS: But I had this vision, and I saw these

all these magnificent bookshelves.

Beautiful books, but they were all filled
with dust.

They had accumulated a lot of dust, and I
knew the presence of the Lord was there, and

I said, “God, why “, “what are these books,
and why is there dust on them?”

And the Lord spoke with grief in His heart,
and He said, “This is the library of unfulfilled


Audience: Whoa.

LS: “And these books don’t belong in Heaven.

They belong manifest in the Earth.”

And I said, “Well God, how do we shift this?”

And just as soon as I felt God in there grieved,
I felt the just the fire of God, the power

of God step in.

I don’t know how to explain this in language,
except that I felt the footstep of God step

into the library, and the Ruach, the wind
of God, blew the dust off of all the books.

And God said, “I am doing this, and I am revealing
Myself as the Sovereign God.”

He said and I even sense it right now.

For those of you who have had promises and
prophecies, and you feel like they’re on a

shelf somewhere and they very well, they very
well may be; you might have received them,

they sounded too big, too good to be true,
but you knew they were the Lord.

And the Lord is saying right now, “The Sovereign
God is stepping in.”

You might not even have sought the Lord.

You might have even thought out of sight,
out of mind; I got these prophetic words,

and now, it’s almost like you forgot them.

The Lord says, “I haven’t forgotten them.”

And He is stepping in, Sid, and that wind
is blowing off the dust, and it’s time for

those to come off the shelf, and become manifested
realities, destinies coming to pass in the


Audience: [applause and cheers]
LS: Thank You, Lord.

SR: You heard a word about, delay.

LS: Yeah.
SR: What was that word?

LS: I was sitting at a good Jewish deli one
day, and

SR: You didn’t invite me!

LS: I should have!

SR: [laughs]
Audience: [laughs]

LS: I said it’s amazing the revelation you
get out of those places!

Audience: [chuckles]
SR: [chuckles]

LS: [chuckling] I was having a turkey sandwich,
and all of a sudden, randomly I know it wasn’t

I know it wasn’t random anymore the Lord spoke
those 3 words, “No more delay.”

And it was on October
SR: Stop.

Stop for a second.

Look in the camera, and say that so that
LS: Yeah; yeah.

SR: go ahead.

I want this to go right inside of you when
he says this!

LS: Yeah.

And I felt the thunder of God on it, and He
said, “No more delay.”

And right I just declare right now, the heart
of God I feel the presence of the Lord on

this is not for you to tolerate and accommodate delay.

And He’s not only breaking a spirit of delay,
He’s changing a theology of delay that the

churches have accommodated, because we’ve
seen so many prophecies, and we’ve heard so

many promises, and we’ve just accepted they’ve
not come to pass, so it must not be God’s


But the Lord is saying right now, “If I haven’t
told you no, then it’s still My will for it

to come to pass.”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
LS: And I was sitting there having a turkey

SR: [laughs]

LS: and all of a sudden the Lord gave me those
three words.

And it seemed so out of the blue.

This was October 6th of last year.

And that night, a Prophet friend of mine who’s
been on your show, Lana Vawser, texted me,

SR: Right.

LS: and she said, “Larry,” all she wrote was
Revelation 10:6.

And I said, “Okay, Revelation 10:6”, but I
kept hearing all day, “No more delay.”

The last statement of Revelation 10:6 said,
“There will be no more delay!” [chuckles]

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Now it

LS: I believe it’s the Lord!

SR: Hey, in the mouth of two or more witnesses,
LS: Yeah.

SR: It’s confirmed!

“No more delay!”

Audience: Yes!

LS: Yes.

SR: Now, for someone that has said, “Ya know,
my friends are getting prophecies; I guess

God’s forgotten about me.

I’ve never had a prophetic word.”

What would you say to them?

LS: As I was sitting back there, I was asking
God [chuckling] the same question!

I’m like, “Lord, what would You have me share?”,
because I thought of a few things, but He

said to this say, and I’ll address you guys
right now.

If you’ve never had a prophetic word, come
before the Lord and say, “God, what are You

doing right now?”

“What are You saying?”; not necessarily, “God,
what’s Your will for my life?”, “Your plan

for my life?”.

“What are You doing, because Lord, I want
to get involved in what You’re doing.”

Audience: Yes.

LS: And the Lord is actually inviting you,
yes, He’s summoning you, saying, “Come before

Me, and say ‘God, what are You doing?’

‘How are You moving?’

‘What have You put inside of me, that when
it’s stewarded well, when I activate it, when

I put my hand to the plow, when I do something?'”

Because the Lord is saying right now, “No
more delay”, one of the key things that will

break delay in your life is actually do.

But there’s a lot of words where they demand
not only our prayer, but they demand our participation,

and that’s perhaps the greatest strategy we
need right now, is to participate, to do,

to act, to do to get involved in what God
is doing right now.

SR: Now, when we return, Cindy Jacobs tells
us what God is saying to her, and the top

Prophets throughout the world.

I mean amazing insights for 2019!

Stay with us.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
[music] ANNOUNCER: We will be right back to

“It’s Supernatural!”


[music] ANNOUNCER: We now return to “It’s

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Now, I have Cindy Jacobs here.

Most of you know her.

She literally is a general in intercession
and prophecy.

And Cindy, every year you have a group of
Prophets, really not just from the United

States; from the whole world.

I would love to know what is really coming
to the surface for this year.

CJ: Well, you know, Sid, for the church, we
are coming to a place where I feel God, and

many felt that God is going to tip the bowls
of Heaven, all the prayers, in other words.

Audience: [applause]
CJ: People have prayed for their loved ones,

and you know.

The power of God is going to visit, and, extreme
suddenlies; extreme visitations.

In other words, literally, the kind that just
arrests you in your path.

All of a sudden you have prayed for years
for your child; [bam] they turn.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
CJ: Or you [laughs].

Or, you know, or, you know you have been wanting
to be able to have that TV show and it comes.

By the way, there’s someone just watching,
that right now you have been trying to get

on television, and the Lord is just saying
that door is opening to you.

Someone else has been wanting to buy a home;
you’ve been frustrated.

There’s a suddenly coming for you.

There’s suddenlies, and in fact, this is been
a word for the past 3 years, Sid, that this

whole group of Prophets came.

We’ve been giving words of course about miracles,
but now, it’s like in the Glory.

The Lord kept saying, “In the Glory, I’m getting
ready to manifest My power.”

And that God never stopped being the Creator,
and this is what we’re going to see.

I mean we’re going to see legs grow where
there’s no legs.

Audience: Yes.

CJ: Eyes forward.

Audience: [applause]
SR: you know what my vision is?

CJ: What?

SR: I want to go into Hadassah or one of the
Israeli hospitals,

CJ: Yeah.

SR: with the soldiers Jews and Arabs
CJ: Yeah!

SR: that are missing limbs.

CJ: Ohhh!

SR: And I want to bring a camera in there.

CJ: [laughs]
SR: Can you picture this?

And the arms are going to grow out!

CJ: Yeah!

SR: I don’t know about you, I’m sick and tired
CJ: [laughs]

SR: of bad news.

I want good news!

Audience: [applause and cheers]
CJ: [laughing] Yeah wow, wow!

SR: [laughs]
CJ: [laughs] Well, I have to tell you, Sid,

it’s like you were right there with us, that
same Holy Spirit.

SR: Right.

CJ: Oh, my listen.

I’m feeling the anointing of God for healing!

Audience: [cheers]
CJ: [laughing] I

SR: Go for it, Cindy!

CJ: Yeah!

Holy Spirit, I thank You!

You’ve never stopped being the Creator.

So, Creator, I thank You right now, for creating
new eyes particularly.

Audience: Yes.

CJ: I see people that have been blind.

I see someone, you have no pupils.

The Lord’s forming pupils for you.

I see someone; cataracts are disappearing,
glaucoma’s disappearing.

I see someone else, that you needed a hip

You’re feeling a fire in your hips, and the
Lord is creating new kidneys, new bladders,

new stomachs.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
CJ: I mean it’s the new!

SR: What does 2019 mean?

CJ: Yeah.

Well, well you know, 2019, if you look at
the numbers, you know, it and you begin to

study about it, it means birthing.

SR: Hmh.

CJ: God is birthing such a new thing.

It’s like a child in the womb.

When I carried my children, you know we didn’t
have 4D, you know sonograms.

I couldn’t imagine what that child looked
like, but I felt it inside me.

I felt my children.

And that’s like what’s God going on with you,
Sid, and so many people around the world.

We feel! [chuckling] We feel that baby kicking,
you know!

We feel something.

Listen, God is getting ready to do such new
things for you!

If you are watching this show, and you are
feeling hopeless, I want to tell you to shake

it off!

SR: [laughs]
CJ: God is getting ready to do things for

you that you cannot imagine!

God is doing something!

And those of you who have never had a prophetic
word, I want to say to you there are some

people watching, you have begged God to give
you a word.

And I feel like the Lord is saying to you
right now, “I am trying to tell you I am real.”

And you h there’s people watching this show,
and you said, “God, if You are real, I want

You to talk to me today.”

Well God is talking to you, and He’s saying,
“I Am not only real, I have come, to transform

your life, and “, and give you miracles!

Lord, give miracles to those who have never
had a prophetic word.

Financial miracles!

Miracles in their family!

Miracles, you know in their careers.

God wants to show you how much He loves you.

Don’t let Satan steal your joy.

Audience: [cheers]
CJ: Okay.

You make a decision whatever comes, you’re
going to look at your friends, or husband,

or whoever, and you’re going to say, “No,
no, no.

Satan’s trying to ruin”, “to steal our joy”;
that is a no.

No way that is going to happen.

Audience: Come on.

CJ: That Satan has no business in my joy.

We can’t line up with the accuser!

We’ve got to say what God says, Sid!

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: Mh!

CJ: [chuckles]
SR: You know, we had a segment before this

show in front of the audience, and Hank Kunneman
had the most amazing word about the future

of President Trump, and the wall!

Let’s take a look at it now.

HK: And so I said, “God, give me Your heart,
and tell me what is taking place.”

I’m going to make it quick.

He said, “Hank, here is what is happening
from”, “from Heaven’s perspective”, and He

took me to Exodus 14, verse 22, and verses
29 30, and here’s what it was: Israel was

shut in.

They had mountains on either side of them,
they had an enemy that was pursuing them,

and they had the Red Sea in front of them.

And fake news began to be formulated, by the
enemy, accusing the President called Moses

of having an agenda, that was trying to be
bad for the people.

“You brought us out here”, they said, “to
kill us,” because there weren’t enough graves

in in in all of Egypt.

And they thought that he was working alongside
of the very leader that he used to work with;

he worked with Pharaoh.

There is a lot of stuff going on about Russia,
and trying to label this President and this

Administration with it.

So here’s what God did.

What did God do?

Again, we don’t have the United States without

We are all here, so so this isn’t an enemy
against immigration.

What did God do to United Nation?

He divided; He allowed division.

And the Bible says in verse 22 and verse 29,
that there was a right wall, and there was

a left wall.

God created a wall, and here’s what He did.

Republican and Democrat, the Bible said He
congealed the right wall and the left wall.

In other words, God had His hand on them,
that stopped and caused there to be an influence

that was of His hand.

And God’s hand is on this nation, on the right
and the left, and He will get His wall built,

and here’s why.

The Lord said to me on January 1st at our
New Year’s Eve service; He said, “The wall

that you think is dividing the United States,
you’re misreading the sign.

It is not a sign of division; it is a sign
that’s going to unify you.”

And that’s what happened in Exodus 14 the
right wall, the left wall.

They walked in on dry ground.

What is that?


God has a supernatural agenda for the United
States and for President Trump, and we need

to stop attacking it.

Audience: Yes.

HK: Because God is trying to create, like

He did with Israel in Exodus 14, a clear path
for this nation and for your children, and

for a generation to come!

Verse 30 says, “that day”; what day?

The right wall, the left wall, the clear path,
the drowning of the enemies; the stopping

of an agenda of the enemy.

It says that God, that day, saved Israel out
of the hand of the enemy.

And God is about to save this nation, out
of the hands of the enemy.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
HK: And the Lord says this, listen to me very


The Lord says, “Stand still, and see the salvation
of the Lord.”

Audience: [cheers]
HK: “For I, the Lord God, am speaking now

to those who have stood in a place to oppose,
and to be divisive.

My truth shall march on.

And I shall trump the agenda of the donkey

And I shall trump the pride of the elephant

And I shall trump the stubborn Mueller team.

And I shall cause My agenda to go forth, that
this nation shall go forth”, says the Spirit

of God, “in a new season that I have promised.”

Audience: [applause and cheers]
SR: 2019 is the beginning of a new era!

It’s a year to break delay!

It’s time to prepare for greatness!

I want Cindy to pray and decree over you,
right now.


CJ: I decree over you, in the name of Jesus,
that you’re going to have a healing anointing.

I decree that you are going to see miracles!

I decree you will have miracles! I decree
you’re going to have joy!

The fruit of the Spirit of joy is going to
manifest in your life!

I decree that the
enemy has been defeated!

Audience: [cheers]
CJ: I decree that you are an overcomer!

I decree that God is going to multiply through
you this year.

Audience: [applause and cheers]
CJ: [chuckles and applause]