Perry Stone, Rich Vera & Cindy Jacobs will share what’s next on God’s prophetic calendar concerning America, Israel and the world.

Perry Stone delivers a “right now” word for this year including current and coming events. You will also learn—What is a spiritual Manifesto? What is the Balaam Strategy? Has our Nation been given a Reprieve? What is the assignment of the United States?

Cindy Jacobs delivers the Word of the Lord for 2017 as given to the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders. You’ll also hear the complete “Prophetic Word of the Lord” as given to Cindy and the Elders, and read by Gezell Fleming from the hit movie “The War Room.”

Rich Vera received a specific word that this year, 2017, The Lord is releasing “The Law of Attraction” over His people. Specifically—this is the year of Long Awaited Breakthroughs and Unexpected Victories in the areas of family, salvations, relationships, healing and finances.