On this episode of Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural, James Durham went to heaven every day for three years. He was taught how to awaken his spiritual senses. And then God imparted to him a gift to help you open yours. Supernatural senses to know your God!

is there a supernatural dimension a

world beyond the one we know is there

life after death

do angels exist

can our dreams contain messages from


can we tap into ancient secrets of the

supernatural our healing miracles real

Sid Roth has spent over 35 years

researching the strange world of the


join Sid for this edition of it’s

supernatural subrata welcome to my world

where it’s naturally supernatural

talking about supernatural my guest went

to heaven every day for three years and

was taught mysteries on how to awaken

your spiritual senses your supernatural

hearing your supernatural smell your

supernatural sight your supernatural

feeling and he wants to pray because God

told him he had this gift for your

supernatural sense is to be awoken do

you want that

you know James I really protest I mean I

have not been to heaven once and in 2010

you started going to heaven every day

for three years four months in two weeks

you visited heaven why you what did you

do to get this well actually you said

the Lord told me why and basically why

was that because I had been away in the

Army for a whole career that I wasn’t

really well-known in the church at all

and that when people would look at me

and hear from me that they would say if

he can do it I can do it and that’s the

whole purpose of our show anything my

guests can do you can do better in fact

it’s God’s heart for you to do better

that’s what’s so great about God okay

why would you say bottom line did you

have these encounters in heaven well the

Lord was teaching me things and asking

me to share with other people

he was really teaching me how to

activate spiritual senses spiritual

gifts and how then to teach people and

impart to people so that they could also

have the same experiences so the whole

purpose was for me to receive things

that I could release to other people

okay open heaven that’s a term I hear a

lot but you were instructed to pray that

people receive this serie noin ting

people operate in an open heaven

what is it define open heaven for me

well when I get an assignment from the

Lord I always go to the to the word and

began to do research and what I found

was that from Genesis through the book

of Revelation open heaven is taught over

and over Jacob saw an open heaven we see

Daniel saw an open heaven Isaiah saw an

open heaven and when Jesus was baptized

God tore the heaven open over him and I

can’t find anywhere in scripture that he

sewed it back together heaven is open

and he wants us to know it and Jesus

said to death annual you shall see


open and the angels ascending and

descending on the Son of Man now I have

a habit that any promise in the Bible I

believe is for me God preserved that not

just as history but to release something

to his people and say I receive have to

tell you this God’s not a respecter of

persons if every promise in the Bible is

for James every promise in the Bible is

for you in fact the Bible says all of

his promises are yes and amen amen means

yes and so be it now up so on this went

but it seems to me that it’s easier to

operate in an open heaven today than 30

years ago when I became a new believer I

believe that in the kingdom of God there

are seasons and things are shifting and

I believe that we’re in the season of

the open heaven right now

when this manifestation is available to

everyone I open up practical James what

does it literally mean if I’m walking in

an open heaven what can I do that I

can’t do if I’m not walking in an open

heaven well one is as you’ve been

talking about the seer anointing you

begin to see the things in the spiritual

realm but all of the senses are

activated the hearing you can hear the

word of the Lord when the disciples were

on the Mount of Transfiguration they saw

Moses they saw Elijah they saw Jesus

transformed they saw a cloud but they

also heard the voice of the Lord and I

think in open heaven times we can hear

also the fragrances of heaven began to

manifest and taste Lord says taste and

see that I’m good I believe the Lord has

taste as sweet as honey every since

you’re saying all there is a spiritual

sense and a natural yes we all

understand the natural sense many

believers operate in the natural why

would you want to app operate the

natural and be as limited as any other

human that’s ever lived

why not operate the senses you have ears

and don’t hear but God’s going to

activate him a lot of you now my Jewish

people we’re stubborn

and we got stuck and you know what it’s

not confined to Jewish people many

Christians are stuck today what do you

mean tell me from the Bible what you

mean by stuck well in Deuteronomy

chapter 29 Moses is summing up his time

with the children of Israel and I think

the children of Israel represented

humanity in general and I see myself in

that as well I think every one that God

has created it can see themselves in

these stories and Moses said you know

you’ve been with you all of this time

now you saw in Egypt with your own eyes

you saw the things that God did the

miracles of signs and the wonders that

got you separated and yet yet to this

day God has not given you a heart to

perceive eyes to see our ears to hear

when I read that it’s just something

inside of me just felt so sad and I

thought well that could be said of our

people today we need to break out of

that limitation and let all of our

spiritual senses let God open up our

spiritual senses so that we’re

functioning I think we should function

at a higher level in the spiritual

senses than we’ve been trained to do in

the natural you know example from the

Old Covenant these are examples for us

that are so practical

don’t you tear out your Old Testament

you won’t understand the Jew in Israel

and endtime events

don’t be my show cup you read the whole

word of the word of God but tell me

about in the Old Covenant Elijah when

his eyes were open well I think that we

tend to overcomplicate things people

trying to look for some kind of special

formula or some kind of special person

when this is so natural in the

supernatural realm that God wants us to

live in and Elijah was being hunted down

by this huge army his servant was

panicking because he saw this big army

but Elijah said they’re more with us

than there are with them and as his

servant said are you Michelle good


know what this is you and me and old

land and me oh but Elijah prayed such a

simple prayer what he pray he said lord

I pray open his eyes that he can see

that’s it and his eyes were open and he

looked and he saw that the mountains

were covered with horses and chariots of

fire and indeed there were more with

them than there were with the army then

Elisha prayed another little prayer he

said close the eyes of the army

everybody in the army went blind and

when he took them where he wanted to

take them he prayed again and said open

their eyes that they can see their eyes

popped open I think that we need to

build up the kind of supernatural faith

to begin to operate in the anointing of

an Elijah to begin to speak you know the

Bible says that we are all like we have

a nature like Elijah and we should be

doing the things that he did but he gave

a double portion of that to Elijah and I

think we can operate in a double portion

anointing of Elijah and we don’t have to

complicate it just pray for people Lord

okay I’m going to turn James loosen a

little bit but I want him to teach a

little more so you’ll get unstuck we’ll

be right back right back to it’s


call now and get James Durham’s keys to

an open heaven package which includes

his powerful book and is exclusive for

it’s supernatural five-part audio CD

teaching keys to an open heaven plus his

anointed devotional book 100 days in

heaven yours for a donation of $45

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 9302 CD teaching on

keys to an open heaven you will clearly

understand from the bible the scriptural

authority that exists for you to access

heaven learn 10 key steps that God

taught James Durham on how you can

ascend to the third heaven and enter the

ancient door into God’s throne room

understand how to overcome the things

that block you from experiencing and

open heaven

understand how to seek heavenly visions

how to test visions how to trust in

godly visions share your visions and

impart them to others learn how godly

character is critical in order for you

to walk under an open heaven to access

every one of God’s promises and

blessings for your life through his

devotional book 100 days in heaven many

report that they have read and meditated

every day on one of the heavenly visions

which God gave James Durham and through

his teaching they have begun to undergo

their own open heaven experience in the

books and on the audio CDs James

includes powerful revelation and

anointed prayers of impartation so you

will begin your spiritual journey in

accessing an open heaven where miracles

signs and wonders are commonplace don’t

miss out on getting James Durham’s keys

to an open heaven package which includes

his powerful book and is exclusive for

it’s supernatural five-part audio CD

teaching keys to an open heaven plus his

anointed devotional book 100 days in

heaven yours for a donation of $45

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 9302 sid roth it’s

supernatural p o– box 39222 charlotte

north carolina 28278 please specify

offer number 9302 on to sidroth.org

all right today we now return to his

supernatural at now James you’ve had so

many encounters in heaven but there’s

three in particular in which God

commissioned James for imparting the

activation of your spiritual senses uh

tell me about some of those visitations

well in September of 2009 I I had a

visit in heaven with the Lord and he

said I want you to begin to impart some

of these things to other people and he

showed me how he wanted me to do that

and there it was it was really a command

from the Lord I was not too eager to do

that but the Lord pressed on me that

this is important in this season people

really need to get their senses


there’s some three things that are

getting ready to happen and they need to

be alert and aware and ready to deal

with these things and so the Lord said

you must do this and I all that time in

the military I knew how to stand at

attention say yes sir I will do it and I

began to do that and then I had a

another visit like that in 2011 before I

got ready to go to a ministry trip

overseas and the Lord said I want to

give you an anointing to release an

impartation for renewing the mind and he

was specifically talking about how can

you help people break free from the

things that bind them up and prevent

them from using their spiritual senses

and he said the primary things that we

needed to break free from were

unforgiveness bitterness and strife

and he specifically said that when you

pray for people I’m literally going to

just burn these things out and set them

free so that they can begin to operate

and the spiritual gifts and the

spiritual senses at a higher level than

they’ve ever operated before you know

you know James I have found a spiritual

truth then I want your opinion on this

that is blowing my mind

speak and here is the spiritual truth

when I talk about true things that are

negative and don’t you have to do is

watch the news and you can talk about

true things that are negative the

presence the glory of God lifts off of

me yes and when I lift up the Messiah

when I talk about good and pure and

lovely and things of a good report just

like it says to do in Philippians the

glory increases now my mother didn’t

raise the dummy

I like the glory increasing this is what

I’m experiencing here do you understand

what I’m saying oh absolutely and one of

the things the Lord did say to me I was

so serious about some of these things in

the beginning and the Lord spoke to me

one day he said you know you need to

lighten up I think we need to lighten up

and some of these things that we’re

holding on to are causing us to be under

the spirit of heaviness and God wants us

to lighten up and let our emotions get

free from this bondage so that he can

begin to impart the things that we need

in this season he can begin to speak to

us and we hear you can begin to manifest

things and we can see and God wants us

to be set free from these limitations

well you know something James just as

you said lighten up I don’t know what

this has to do with anything except God

started operating words and knowledge

and I know with you but I know with me

right now I know it’s doing it with you

but people with arthritis and your

fingers bend them and you’ll see all the

pain is gone and people with problems in

their spine you are healed in Yeshua’s

name and then Jesus name you are healed

what’s God showing it well God was

showing me that glaucoma is being healed

so if someone who is burdened with that

right now just receive that from the

Lord and let the Lord release you from

that be healed of glaucoma and the Lord

is saying that there are people who have

literally a stiff neck and pain in the

neck and the shoulders and the Lord has

released a healing anointing right now

to break people free and in the name of

Jesus just receive that healing also

heard from the Lord that there are

people that are there

legs and their knees are kind of weak

and maybe trembling right now and the

Lord wants to strengthen you for your

walk in the kingdom so he’s releasing

healing if you have that right now a

weakness in your legs or in your knees

just receive from the Lord your healing

in the name of Yeshua HaMashiach we

release these healings to you now and a

deaf spirit I bind in Yeshua’s name is

gone now you were recently in Israel at

the Mount of Transfiguration that’s the

nother thing that provokes me to

jealousy I would have loved to been

there well I’ve been there many times

but I mean when the glory was on your

shoe and his clothes even turned is

whiter than the color white but what

happened to you there’s just recently

the Mount of Transfiguration what

happened one of the Mount of

Transfiguration we were just led to a

certain spot with a big rock and we sat

down there and it just I haven’t opened

and things begin the glory came down

people began to experience healing

spirit soul and body not just bodily

healing but also in the spirit in the

soul and then suddenly a door opened

into heaven and I was looking at this

open door and it felt as if the spirit

just lifted me up and I went through

that door and went into heaven where I

met the Lord and there with the Lord he

came over to me and he put his hands on

my head and he said I’m releasing an

impartation to you right now to set

people free from the limitations that

prevent them from operating in these

spiritual senses and these spiritual

gifts and I want you to go back and

begin to release this to other people

how about when we come back I’m going to

put a demand on the gift that James has

and he’s going to pray for you and be

right back

right back to it’s supernatural

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normal as defined by the Bible just log

on to sidroth.org forward slash isn we

now return to it’s supernatural

you know because of an open heaven well

how would you define an open heaven

James I think just the heaven is open

and but we need to see it we need to

feel we need experience and when that

happens the glory of God just descends

on people and things begin to happen

like for instance when someone’s in an

open heaven and the glory of God

descends tell me the types of things

that happen well we see creative

miracles we’ve seen you make an example

more than once we’ve seen people who

have had fused vertebrae and suddenly

all of that fuse is gone and they have

like a new spine in that area just

totally a new creative miracle

what other things happen oh we’ve seen

people that receive financial miracles

the money they needed for ministry just

suddenly manifested and you know what I

find when the glory of God comes upon

you because there’s an open heaven

everything speeds up yes is this what

you’re finding oh yes well I use big of

it as an acceleration things begin to

accelerate in the spiritual realm and

the the spirit can just minister to a

whole group at the same time and we see

people get all kinds of emotional and

spiritual healings well we saw someone

recently healed of claustrophobia just

in the glory presence okay you told this

last segment you were at the Mount of

Transfiguration and a door opened and

you received an impartation but you were

with a bunch of other people what

happened to them when you saw that open

door well when that experience was over

I let the people know that I just

received this and they immediately lined

up and I started to pray for them and

one by one they just they went down into

the presence of God in that open heaven

and we had several people who had a

third heaven visit others who began to

see visions some people who had seen

angels really for the first time they

began to manifest that they could see

them so that seer anointing just broke

loose and these people now some people

may be saying why wish James could lay

hands on me is it just as effective for

you to speak it oh yes it is well then I

Commission you in the name of Yeshua

HaMashiach seek a new Jesus the Messiah

our righteousness pray and in part what

God has given you in right now

amen amen well the Lord told me to

release an impartation for a renewed

mind and so I just want to speak that

over you right now that the Lord would

come and touch you in a special way the

Holy Spirit would touch you with his

fire burn away every hindrance

everything that’s blocked you let all

unforgiveness bitterness and strife be

gone in the name of Jesus Christ

everything that I may not know of that

may be hindering you let Jesus right now

just take that away let the Holy Spirit

fire come and burn that away and I’d

like to ask you to help me because you

don’t have to have me touch you you want

the Holy Spirit to touch you but the

Spirit of the Prophet is subject to the

Prophet so I’m going to ask you if you

would to take your hands and put your

hands over your eyes right now and I

want to pray the Elijah prayer over you

and say Lord I pray open their eyes that

they may see now I’m putting my faith

behind it I’m asking you to put your

faith behind it and believe that what

you have prayed the Lord has released

and your spiritual eyes are open wider

now than they’ve ever been before if you

would take your hands and put them over

your ears right now and speak the same

prayer lord I pray open their ears that

they may hear you pray it Lord open my

ears that I might hear that I might hear

and believe it put your faith behind it

and I believe that Jesus

releases it right now I feel that I feel

something shifting in the spirit right

now the Lord has released it just

receive it in his name put your hands

over your heart say Lord I want to have

a heart to perceive so Lord I pray let

my heart be open to perceive spiritual

things and I believe that it’s important

all the senses if you hood this may

sound a little strange but put your

hands over your nose and say nose nose

open up open up to smell the things of

the kingdom Lord I pray that you would

open up everyone’s sense of smell to be

able to detect the fragrances of heaven

the fragrance of the Holy Spirit the

fragrance of the Angels and the

fragrance of Jesus Lord open up that

scent and now if you would I’m believing

you received it but just one more step

put your fingers over your lips and

we’re going to pray right now Lord open

up a sense of taste so everyone can

taste you I can taste you and know that

you are good that we can taste your word

and it’s sweeter than honey taste your

words Lord open up all five senses right

now thank you in the mighty name of

Yeshua HaMashiach amen and amen amen we

put our faith behind it

we believe in receive it and Yeshua’s

name one more sense the most important


God wants to open up your spirit to know

him this is eternal life that you might

know him have experiential knowledge say

dear God out loud dear God I’m a sinner

forgive me for my sins I believe the

blood of Jesus washed away my sins and

I’m clean and now that I’m clean Jesus

come inside of me I make you Lord of my

life I love you lord I love you Jesus

you are amazed James Durham has had

multiple open visions of the third

heaven the Lord shared with him why God

wants every believer to understand how

to ascend into heaven and encounter his

glory today James Durham has taught

thousands of people worldwide how to

experience for themselves third level

heaven visitations

now James Durham wants to impart to you

how to experience and open heaven every

day and obtain God’s supernatural

authority and power to help you fulfill

your god-given destiny and purpose call

now and get James Durham’s keys to an

open heaven package which includes his

powerful book and is exclusive for it’s

supernatural five-part audio CD teaching

keys to an open heaven plus his anointed

devotional book 100 days in heaven yours

for a donation of $45 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number 9390 our set is not to teach the

book but to teach people and release the

impartation to open up for them those

avenues so they can begin to experience

these things for themselves through his

book and five-part audio CD teaching on

keys to an open heaven you will clearly

understand from the Bible the scriptural

authority that exists for you to access

heaven learn 10 key steps that God

taught James Durham on how you can

ascend to the third heaven and enter the

ancient door into God’s throne room

understand how to overcome the things

that block you from experiencing and

open heaven understand how to seek

heavenly visions how to test visions how

to trust in godly visions share your

visions and impart them to others learn

how godly character is critical in order

for you to walk under an open heaven to

access every one of God’s promises and

blessings for your life through his

devotional book 100 days in heaven many

report that they have read and meditated

every day on one of the heavenly visions

which God gave Jay

Durham and through his teaching they

have begun to undergo their own open

heaven experience in the books and on

the audio CDs James includes powerful

revelation and anointed prayers of

impartation so you will begin your

spiritual journey and accessing in open

heaven where miracles signs and wonders

are commonplace we’re in a season shift

right now and toward the open heaven

because God is preparing the bride for

the return of Jesus Christ how would you

like to read something from heaven the

start of every morning the Bible is from

heaven you should read your Bible every

morning but this is such a presence of

God that by the time you finish this

hundred days I believe you’ll be normal

meaning all your spiritual senses will

be activated each day you’re going to

have a revelation from heaven I want

this entire package in your hands so you

can be normal normal as defined by the

Bible don’t miss out on getting James

Durham’s keys to an open heaven package

which includes his powerful book and is

exclusive for it’s supernatural

five-part audio CD teaching keys to an

open heaven plus his anointed devotional

book 100 days in heaven yours for a

donation of $45 shipping and handling is

included ask for offer number 9302 send

your check to sid roth it’s supernatural

peel box 39222 charlotte north carolina

28278 please specify offer number 9302

on to sidroth.org

all right today next week on it’s

supernatural one of my best friends died

many years ago it shook me a little but

I went on but many people have a

situation like that and they don’t go on

with God my guest is going to teach you

how to have supernatural understanding

of all circumstances are you ready for

the keys
