God spoke to Larry Sparks and said: “Tell My people…” Find out what He said next! 🔥 Pentecostal Fire & Prophetic Insight by Larry Sparks [Book & 3-CDs]: https://bit.ly/3tdBanL

🔥 Pentecostal Fire & Prophetic Insight by Larry Sparks [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/48rhqx3

🔥 Pentecostal Fire tells you what time it is in the Spirit In Larry Sparks’ new book, Pentecostal Fire, you’ll discover the keys to reintroducing God’s Pentecostal fire to the church and creating your own supernatural journey. Dive deep into your Pentecostal heritage and use Acts chapter two as a shield against false prophetic messages. 🔥 Your blueprint for everyday life Identify harmful false doctrines creeping into Christian churches and gain insights from Larry Sparks’ exclusive CD set, Prophetic Insight, which reveals how the book of Acts serves as a blueprint for everyday life. Explore the seven prophetic alarm clocks that awaken you to God’s work and much more. 🔥 Pentecostal Fire & Prophetic Insight by Larry Sparks [Book & 3-CDs]: https://bit.ly/3tdBanL

🔥 Pentecostal Fire & Prophetic Insight by Larry Sparks [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/48rhqx3

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Copyright Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural! 2023 #SidRoth #Jesus #HolySpirit

hello Sid Roth here welcome to my world

where it’s naturally Supernatural my

guest will tell you why the first 325

years of the church had Miracles had

power had Glory and why it left

and better yet how you can get it back



welcome Holy Spirit

Moses Joshua Caleb and David had the

shahina glory on them as a traditional

Jewish man that same Glory rescued me

and gave me something I and most

Believers in the Messiah never knew was


experiential knowledge of God and that

same glory is in this studio right now

and will give you that same

experiential knowledge of God my guest

Larry Sparks publisher of Destiny image

has been traveling the world to get a

pulse on the new outpouring of God’s


Larry I’ll take you back to age 16. and

that was your first real encounter with

God tell me about that I was not

interested in God I was brought up in a

very nominal religious household

although my parents were accidentally

prophetic because they put me in a

religious school and it was called Holy

Spirit school and I really believed that

was a prophetic decree over my life

otherwise I wanted enough of God I

didn’t want to go to hell and I

certainly wanted to make the Rapture

when Jesus came back but that’s it I did

my own thing but at 16 like you said I

started to have my unsaved father drive

me to the local Baptist Church because I

got sovereignly hungry for God but then

when I drove myself I heard about this

church and they had something called

contemporary praise and worship where

they had drums and guitars and all that

so I went and in the middle of one of

those Services Sid I got set up I was

standing there not really engaging

because I thought it was kind of creepy

because people were lifting their hands

and clapping their hands and it was a

little bizarre to me and I just stood

there while they were singing praises to

God and I started to feel in my hands I

actually feel it right now Sid I felt

electricity I felt like pulsating

electricity like I were to take my

fingers and put them in a plug or into a

socket and then I felt in my chest fire

like a burning like a heat like a warmth

and even as I say that said I gotta just

do this for those of you who are

watching I even see teenager teenagers

and gen Z where you’ve heard a lot about

God but you’ve never met God you never

had experiential knowledge of God I

believe right now the glory and the fire

of God is falling on you I decree that

over you I believe God is setting you up

just like he set me up said and that’s

what happened well you had another major

visitation from God

in 2021 yes in Arizona yeah he set me up

again I was at a church fresh art church

and the pastors called me up prayed for

me prophesied over me I had a very

powerful touch from the Holy Spirit and

you know I didn’t quite know what God

was doing I felt him on me and I said

God what are you doing to me he didn’t

really tell me what he was doing to me

he just made a statement he made a

statement that really defined my life

and I believe a statement that every

believer every non-believer needs to

know because this is what’s coming to

the church and this is the statement he

made he said tell my people I’m

reintroducing them to Pentecostal fire

that was the phrase and I said all right

God I’m going with it now did you have

any idea what that meant I did as a

church historian because I got my

masters of divinity in church history

and renewal one of my advisors was kind

of the key person who wrote about and

talked about Pentecostal or

Spirit-filled history in the 20th

century so I knew what it meant because

a lot of people think Pentecostal is a

certain dynamic nation of church or it’s

a certain flavor or a style but the Lord

said it’s not a church it’s not a style

it’s actually what the church was born

in in Acts chapter 2. it was a

demonstration of the Holy Spirit and

power and I believe that’s what should

be normal as you regularly say all right

well this begs the question why did the

power leave the church and even better

how did we get it back well so many

people erroneously teach a Doctrine

called cessationism which basically says

the Holy Spirit moved in Miracle signs

and wonders until the last Apostle died

or until the Bible was put together

until the Bible was canonized if

somebody was put on a desert island and

just given the Bible to believe and they

had no other influence they would come

off that Island believing God is the

same yesterday today and forever and

every miracle in the book of Acts is

available right now but the first 300

years of church history the whole church

I mean everybody who claimed Jesus as

Messiah desire they moved in signs

wonders and miracles in fact when people

got water baptized or immersed there was

an expectation that when they came up

out of the baptismal Waters they would

speak in tongues prophesy get delivered

from demons and filled with the Holy

Ghost there was an expectation that the

standard the normal of the Church of the

believer that first 300 years was moving

in the power the supernatural power of

God but it got unplugged and here’s the

deal God never unplugged the power

somebody needs to hear that God never

removed the Holy Spirit he never removed

that demonstration of power what

happened is the church the structural

Church made certain decisions number one

they said anybody can be part of the

church where you had a lot of pagans you

had a lot of non-believers just become

part of what was going on at the church

because if they didn’t sadly you had

Emperor or Constantine now emperor

Constantine it’s very important people

understand the history people celebrate

him because is

because the Christian religion up to

that point had been persecuted if you

believed in Jesus you got persecuted you

got thrown to the Lions but then came a

Roman emperor Constantine who changed

everything so that was good the problem

is the standard got lower and that is a

big deal because anybody could become

part of the church anybody could become

part of that even if they didn’t make a

genuine profession of Faith so you had

people believing all sorts of false

Doctrine paganism even people who had no

knowledge whatsoever of Jesus getting

baptized and what happened is it deluded

the power so the reality is this I

believe we can plug back in to that

River of God that has been flowing since

the day of Pentecost God never removed

the river god never removed the power it

was certain decisions I believe people

made that actually pulled that plug from

the power of God

and that’s what I love about your brand

new book you show people how to get back

what was stolen from them yes yes we got

so formalistic we got so religious again

we started to emphasize things that were

not necessarily bad but the reality is

the early organic Church the met in

homes and then of course they came

together in larger meetings but everyone

was encouraged to operate in all of the

gifts of the Spirit exposed

the false the false prophet it’ll catch

you by surprise be right back




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we now return to It’s Supernatural



all right you have have identified

the false prophet explain you know Jesus

told me it’s like there is a false

prophet that is alive and well in the

church and I thought he was going to

give me the name of a person but then he

reminded me in Matthew 24 where it says

one of the Key signs of the end of the

age is that there would be rampant

deception so I pressed it a little bit

more I said God what is the name of the

false prophet and he told me the name of

this false prophet that is deceiving

Millions particularly those in the

church is called Progressive

Christianity Progressive Christianity

what does that mean these are signs of

progressive Christianity number one is

that the Bible bends its knee to the

direction of culture in other words it

changes it changes because the Bible

these folks will say the Bible is a

living document which we know the

scripture is alive but that’s not what

they mean they mean if culture is going

in a direction or approving of things

that are sinful and yet the Bible says

no that is sin then guess what the Bible

actually has to adjust to the direction

of culture that’s one symptom yeah I

know it’s kind of I’m reminded today

we’re doing it with something else

besides the Bible and that may be the

reason we’re trying to do it with the

Constitution of the United States

exactly what you’re saying the scripture

actually talks about moving the ancient

boundary lines and that’s exactly what

Progressive Christianity does number two

is this is I I say they teach a Doobie

Brothers religion now the Doobie

Brothers was a band back in the day and

they had a song Jesus is just all right

well the reality is this they teach

something that Jesus is he’s just all

right with any way I want to live he’s

okay with any sin that I want to approve

of he’s okay with however I want to to

conduct my life he’s fine with that but

the reality is there’s another phrase

for that it’s called hyper Grace or

false Grace I can do whatever I want

live however I want because the grace of

God is there when I have a revelation of

the true grace of God it provokes me to

actually want to walk in Holiness to

want to walk in the fear of the Lord and

to want want to give my whole life to

obey him and number three is this I call

it repackaged universalism that

basically says everybody gets to heaven

but they call it something that sounds a

little more theologically lofty they

call it ultimate reconciliation to where

some of the extreme fringes of this will

even teach that the devil will get a

second chance somehow is that why the

morality of say of society in general is

going down the tubes yes and and people

many of them say I’m a Christian yeah

yep it’s and

you know it’s so obvious that this is

going on right now in March of this year

Larry God gave you an actual prophetic

warning he did he did I was actually in

Los Angeles I went to the Bonnie Brae

house that is where the Azusa Street

Revival of 1906 started which ultimately

launched what we call Global

Pentecostalism I didn’t have a

reservation to go in the house so as a

good Pentecostal myself I just walked

around and I was laying hands on it and

praying in the spirit because Sid I got

to be totally honest I was trying to

make sense of the season of outpouring

that we’re currently living in because

we had Asbury University where there was

a wonderful visitation of God you had

all these other Christian schools and I

was starting to hear about secular

universities where the Holy Spirit was

falling the Jesus Revolution movie a lot

was happening but I’ve gotta I’ve got to

come clean I was getting cynical I was

like Lord

is this it is this the great end time

Revival is this it if it is I want to

affirm it I want to bless it so I was

processing this with the Holy Spirit and

the Lord came in and told me a few

things he said number one Larry you

spent a lot of time and money getting a

degree in Revival history you should

know what’s happening he said it’s Acts

2 verse 1. what does Acts 2 1 say it

says they gathered together I feel the

Holy Ghost as I say this right now I

just want to announce even over the

Airways we are in an Acts 2 verse 1

moment we need to celebrate it and this

is what the spirit of the Lord said to

me Acts 2 1 says they gathered in one

place and one Accord and then right

after that the Lord told me Larry you

should know Acts 2 verse 1 produces the

inevitability of a suddenly outpouring

of the spirit Sid Holy Spirit came on me

and he said this right after he gave me

that context he said Larry all of this

is my spirit I’m stirring the people I’m

gathering the people but tell the people

Larry don’t stop short of the Shekinah

Glory don’t stop short with good music

and I love good music don’t stop short

which is gathering together I love

gathering together and praying and

that’s all I believe motivated by a

spirit of Revival but he said don’t stop

shorto of the visible Glory don’t stop

short of the weighty glory Larry when

you got born again when you got filled

with the spirit at 16 you felt something

there was electricity we talked about it

there was fire don’t stop shorts of

contending and crying out for a

manifestation of God’s glory that is

visible that is weighty and that

actually comes upon entire territories

regions and cities where people step

into a certain Zone and they know the

glory of God is settling in that place

you know as as a Jew when I hear about

the glory yeah I think in terms of Moses

the Ten Commandments the clouds you

could see the clouds but it was visible

no one will doubt it no oh where is the

news when that occurs it’ll look you

want to hear the news we hear today I

mean I can’t even stand it anymore what

is about time that the world sees the

good news of the good God who loves you

Larry says get ready

for a collision

with the greater glory that will Mark






if you’re hungry for God and your

Christianity is not working anymore you

need an impartation of God’s Revival

fire call or go online at sidroth.org to

receive Larry Spark’s brand new book

Pentecostal fire your Supernatural

inheritance plus receive Larry’s

exclusive brand new three CD audio

teaching series prophetic Insight

discovering God’s plan for your future

these powerful spiritual resources are

yours for a donation of 35 shipping and

handling is included ask for offer

number 9929 Pentecostal fire tells you

what time it is in the spirit I never

thought major news media would be

reporting on Revival but they did when

the Asbury Revival broke out that is a

foretaste of what God is pouring out God

Wants You saturated he wants you

baptized in his fire with Larry Spark’s

brand new book you will learn how to

take part in reintroducing God’s

Pentecostal fire to the church and make

your own Supernatural history be

immersed in your fire of Pentecost

inheritance make Acts chapter 2 your

antidote to stop the enemy’s false

prophetic messages coming against you

and your family identify the destructive

false doctrines already appearing in

Christian churches and much more with

Larry Sparks exclusive CD set you will

see how the book of Acts is your Bible

blueprint for everyday living learn the

seven prophetic alarm clocks that awaken

you to what the spirit of God is doing

and so much more you’re called to be a

revivalist you’re called to be

revivalist in your house in your school

in your workplace a revivalist is made

when somebody reads the word of God they

go through church history and they

recognize God has not changed what he

did through people like William Seymour

at Azusa Street John Gillette Catherine

Coleman that impartation is for you call

or go online at sidroth.org to receive

Larry Sparks brand new book Pentecostal

fire your super natural inheritance plus

receive Larry’s exclusive brand new

three CD audio teaching series prophetic

Insight discovering God’s plan for your

future these powerful spiritual

resources are yours for a donation of 35

shipping and handling is included ask

for offer number 9929 or send your check

to Sid Roth It’s Supernatural P.O box

39222 Charlotte North Carolina 28278

please specify offer number 9929


we now return to It’s Supernatural


Arts traveling the world to identify hot

spots of this Glory

what are you seeing I was in Northern

Ireland and Wales a place that people

they typically write off as hard dark

secular in the UK the hunger for God

there was stronger than I’d seen in

parts of the Bible Belt I was we were

just in Maine and we had 500 600 people

there gathered together the glory of God

was so strong you had eight

nine-year-old children being marked by

the presence of the of the Lord on the

floor shaking under the power we’ve been

in Dawsonville Georgia and Peoria

Arizona places that are hot spots where

God has been moving I’m not just talking

about a few months Peoria Arizona he’s

been moving eight years Dawsonville

Georgia three four years there’s

sustained habitations of the presence of

God and like I said here’s a word I I

and I’ve got to release this because God

just interrupted me wherever you live

right now in the earth I’ve got to

declare over you nose territory no

nation and no country is safe from the

glory of God places I have seen that

have been written off you’ve got to hear

this places that have been written off

as hard and dark and secular Europe

United Kingdom New England San Francisco

Listen the only way a place is too dark

is if we go in there with gimmicks but

if you go in there with the gospel and

the glory there is no such thing as a

hard and dark place Sid have you seen

the visible Glory cloud of God twice

tell me twice one question in Maine uh I

I was I was there this was in 2022 I was

just administering I was preaching on

Ezekiel where it talks about getting

face down in the glory and I wasn’t

hyping anybody up I was just reading

from the scripture and the Holy Spirit

started to stir people’s heart to come

up to the Altar and just literally get

on their face before the Lord I felt

like the Lord was saying I’m instituting

the day of face down Glory where we are

in the glory and we cannot stand up well

I I was started to minister and flow and

I opened up my eyes and it was all hazy

now I’m very cautious about announcing

something as a supernatural

manifestation because I just didn’t

quite know so I looked around I said

okay I didn’t say anything there people

captured pictures of it and they had a

before and after photo before there was

nothing that looked normal and then

after there was a cloud there was

something you could not manufacture with

lighting or equipment there was a cloud

in that place and I go to talk to the

pastor of that church he said ever since

that meeting the glory cloud has been

coming routinely and regularly into our

gathering there are people watching us

right now and also in the studio


that know there’s more that their heart

song is

and that she used to be mine there must

be something more because I work each

sleep and that’s the way it goes because

I work each sleep and that’s the way it

goes there must be something more and I

tell you there is but you have to

initiate it that’s right you have to

make the first step

you have to pray this prayer with me and

mean it to the best of your ability out

loud studio audience as well as viewers

very important because that Bible the

truth book says if you confess with your


you’ll believe it in your heart

and you will have experiential knowledge

that’s what it says in the Greek not the


experiential knowledge Way Beyond

intellectual knowledge mostly who are

operating in intellectual knowledge

you’ve heard about Jesus since you were

that little now it’s time for you to

enter the deep water repeat this prayer

after me out loud Dear God

I’ve made many mistakes

I’m so sorry

I believe the blood of Jesus

washes away every mistake

and I’m clean

and now that I’m clean

Jesus come and live inside of me

thank you for being my savior

My Savior for my sins

My Savior from my sickness

and now I make you


my Lord



amen quickly Larry pray yeah father I

thank you right now for everyone

watching I thank you that you’re

intensifying the level of the glory upon

them in Jesus name I encourage you

number one pray in tongues Paul the

Apostle prayed in tongues more than

anybody and guess what he was so

saturated by the glory they took pieces

of clothing off of him put it on the

sick and demon eyes and they were healed

I believe it’s possible to be that

saturated in the glory number two read

the word of God until your heart burns

because that burning is an invitation of

God not just to read it but to

experience the word and number three

take risk step out pray for people pray

and cry out for the glory and the last

word I have college students and high

school students a Revival is coming to

your campus right now I feel the word of

the Lord there’s going to be locker room

Revival there’s going to be lions at the

lockers and lions at dorm rooms because

what’s going to happen is you’re going

to pray for some people they’re going to

get healed and they’re going to have no

grid to put it in and guess what what

they’re going to do they’re going to go

tell your friends that hey I know when I

go to that locker and when I go to that

dorm room there’s Glory there and I see

lines outside of lockers and outside of

apartments and dorms in Jesus name and

no matter what’s your age no matter

what’s your occupation no matter what

your finances what Larry just prophesied

it’s for you say this out loud it’s for

me for me

all right