Women are just misunderstood. Or is it that men are just not clear on what women wished they knew about them? In this episode, Priscilla will discuss just what it is that women wished men knew about them and how this plays into the interactions with each other.

hey there welcome I’m so glad that

you’re here I’m always so glad that you

are here this is our vault virtual

living room the chat that’s where you

are where we chatting about things that

are important to you hopefully or things

that should be important to you we’re

gonna challenge you encourage you and

today I think we’re gonna inform you and

someone in your life this is a great

show I have a panel full of incredible

wonderful articulate godly women who are

gonna be talking about all of the things

they wish men could understand about

women so listen this is not just a great

show for you to watch but you don’t want

to grab your husband for this one

girlfriend you’re gonna wanna get your

boyfriend your teenage son who maybe is

starting to date and try to understand

women we’re gonna dive into the female

brain and figure out what men need to

understand about us this is gonna be a

great show you’re gonna want to stay

tuned we’re gonna happen




I am so glad you’re here we’re gonna

have a lot of fun talking about things

that should matter to you but also

should matter to the men in your life so

you still have a couple seconds grab

your husband grab your boyfriend grab

your teenage son tell them to sit down

and watch this got a panel of women who

are going to be talking to us about what

we wish men understood about us to help

us do that is the beautiful and talented

writer speaker author Patsy Claremont is

coming right on here woman her name is

Nicole C Mullen will you please welcome

home recording artist emotionally and

then Angie Smith blogger writer speaker

incredible woman in ministry Angie

significant and then a knee down who has

an incredible ministry too young woman

will you help me to welcome any down

below thank you so much for being here

this is quite a panel quite a group of

women we’re talking about do you know

what we’re talking about today do you

know why I have asked you here today my

friends I’ve asked you here because

there are men that don’t understand

what’s going on with the female

understanding what is going on with us

what’s going on with our minds while we

do the things we do or don’t do some of

the things that they would like for us

to do and we’re just trying to figure

that out a little bit so I’ve asked you

all here because you’re from different

seasons of life different sides of the

spectrum a little wisdom here you’ve

been married how long was 51 years

that’s something to celebrate Nicole I

know you’re married as well tell us how

long you’ve been married

two years I can’t believe that

Wow and Angie how about you twelve

you’ve been married for 12 years I’m

kind of along the same lines of you

we’re going we’re going into our 15th

year now so kind of where you are and

then tell me yes

we love that just single but but single

and said you told me how often you’re

satisfied about being single five out of

seven days five out of seven days a week

okay we want to walk away from this time

that we’re gonna spend together with men

better understanding something about

their wife something about even maybe

their mom or just the women in their

life to help us to better relate to each

other one of the main things I think one

of the main hiccups in relationships

between men and women is this area of

communication men just don’t seem to

value it the same way we do you know

talking tell a man a guy somewhere who’s

listening the value of communication

from our perspective and what they can

do to to help us feel heard and listened

to and cared about Miss Patti you look

like you have something to say about

this okay

come on first of all I just have to say

that between us I added it up we have 97

years of experience here so somebody

ought to be listening here’s what I

think about communications men are

working too hard

trying to figure us out we can’t even

figure ourself out we don’t want them to

understand we just want them to listen

we want to feel heard because when they

start kind of chirping in and what we’re

saying it can be annoying they just

listen to us and every once in a while


shake honey and you are you were so

right yeah yeah and it’ll be good for

them and good for us yeah and I think it

would help if they would like turn the

television offer at least down maybe put

the iPad aside you know to act as if

they’re listening what actually probably

anything I think it’s like the age-old

thing that we hear about men and women

where women are going just kind of

wanting to share and men want to fix and

so that feels like the struggle that not

that I deal of course not that other

people might that I feel like you know

sometimes I’ll I’ll go to my husband and

just sort of want to want it like let

some things come off my chest and how

are they support how was it guys

supposed to know when he needs to be

your hero because I mean that’s why you

one of the reasons probably why you fall

in love with the guys because in some a

sense you feel safe and secure and he

bites for you and you love him so for

that reason so how is he supposed to

know if a guy’s watching right now he’s

trying to figure out how am I supposed

to know what I’m just listening and what

I’m supposed to step in and do something

about what you’re telling me you gotta

have a code you know you got a half

signal so you just gotta say this is a

time I just need you to listen yeah cuz

it’s not fair to the guy to have to

guess well you know we want them to know

and that’s not fair they can’t know so

we just need to say I just need you to

listen or this time I really need you to

give me your counsel on this or I really

need you to protect me on this because

I’m feeling so heart vulnerable so you

have to the men who have single women in

their lives we want that from your

husband’s too we want to be able to sit

down with Angie and Todd and for me to

say I am working through this and Todd

to go I hear that you know like God puts

y’all’s husbands in my life kind of as

big brother how to cover yeah help for

those times when I need someone to step

in and go that is not fair yeah you know

we have Carlos Whitaker is someone who

will look at me go that’s not fair that

that happens I’m really sorry and that

is all you need yes ago okay I I needed

a man

to say I’m protecting you a little bit

in this even though you’re not my wife

you’re not my sister but I recognize and

so I think sometimes single I mean

married men need to know that there are

single women in your life who love that

about y’all’s friendship too and I want

to ask you something as a single women

single woman do you get a little bit

nervous that this guy who you might be

dating is listening to you and he said

he’s leaning in and he’s concerned about

the things that concern you and he seems

all interested do you worry that after

you get into a marriage relationship

with this guy that it might change

because I hear a lot of single women

that are concerned that the same guy

they’re dating is not going to be the

same knight in shining armor after the

ring is on the finger you say I do and

you’re just into the regular rhythms of

everyday living so I think that that’s a

worry that we would face because we hear

women with wisdom saying it gets hard

and you have to have signals and you

need to be able to say so I think but

the other benefit is me being not 21 and

getting married I’m gonna marry a man

who’s been around a lot of married women

at this point you know like I’m 33 so

whoever I’m gonna end up with probably

has had a lot more experience having

sisters and friends get married and see

their buddies be husbands does that make

sense yeah but so yeah I think but I

think that’s a little bit of a we’re

really great at talking over dinner once

or twice a week I wonder how that would

work seven days a week you know right

right I was talking to Annie in the back

room and I said I always tell the single

women watch how Batman treats his mama

mmm and now if he doesn’t have any

respect and he’s critical of her and he

doesn’t check in on her then I’d be real

careful about that relationship but if

he’s good to his mama that’s a pretty

good indication he’ll be good to you

that’s good what would you guys say

would be the most important attributes

of a man that you would want to be

married to in relationship with that

you’d want for your own daughter now

that it’s specifically those of you who

have been married what do you find now

in hindsight are the most important

characteristics you better be looking

for in a guy cuz some guy right now is

needing to hear and know what is most

valuable as he pursues a woman maybe in

his own week I would love to know when

you think about who someone like me that

you love is going to end up with yeah

what are the characteristics you want

me to look for and you want in a guy

this is a good question and I don’t know

that my answer would be the same now as

it would have been when I was dating

yeah my husband and I you know we’ve

been married 12 years but just the Lord

had those 12 years be pretty jam-packed

mm-hmm with events and I meet a lot of

people who or who start dating and

there’s this just like pounding hard and

everything feels you know emotions are

so overrated yeah in relationships

because they actually don’t have

intellect they’re not very serious

they’re not small you’re not smart you

actually shouldn’t follow them yeah yeah

you really shouldn’t and I think it’s

easy to sometimes and to in your mind

skip past the things that you’re seeing

as a gap in the person that maybe you’re

dating and think well when we’re married

we’ll move into that well whatever and I

think looking back now several years ago

kneeling in a cemetery

burying a daughter with my husband what

mattered in that moment was not how much

I felt attracted to him or how much I

felt you know there were just all these

superficial things that have been on the

table and then you’d get your knees and

the dirt together and it’s like no I

need someone who I can have these kinds

of moments with and so it’s a hard it’s

hard to give advice because some of it I

think you learned but just just really

see the character of a man in different

situations how does he deal with crisis

how does he deal with you when you’re in

crisis what is your you know I think a

lot of it goes back to communication but

what would you guys say I I would

definitely say that he would need to be

kind and it really helps if they’re

funny yes because life is intense and

can be complicated then les brings a lot

of levity into hard situations and it

makes them that much more bearable

what will happen when we have churches

that really let the word of Christ dwell

in them originally what will happen when

we have teenagers and children who

really let the word of Christ dwell in

them richly we think marriages are going

to be healthy we think churches are

going to be transformed that communities

are gonna be impacted as Christians

start to obey the text in their context

and their setting you think about the

Bible the Bible is the revelation of God

in fact John says that it is the

revelation of Jesus Christ if we are to

know God then we must know him through

the button explore the Bible will help

us to do that so the heart behind

explore the Bible really is Colossians

3:15 and 16 let the Peace of Christ

control your hearts verse 16 is let the

word of Christ dwell among you richly so

we want to say hey churches church

leaders pastors do you want a

congregation you want a small group do

you want a sunday-school class filled

with people that speak to one another

and wisdom that encourage each other

that admonish one another that are

filled with gratitude and their hearts

together that they sing and they

celebrate the salvation that God’s given

them do you want a group of people like

that then you have to let the word of

Christ dwell among them richly the

exploration of the Bible book by book

for groups of all ages from senior

adults to adults to young adults to

students to kids of all ages if everyone

is studying the same book imagine the

possibility of revival based upon the

study together in community as a group

studying the text in its context

imagine the possibility of letting the

word of Christ dwell in you richly

whenever we’re squeezed whenever people

in art groups or in our churches are

squeezed whatever is in them is gonna

come out if the word of Christ is deeply

in them then that’s what’s going to come

they’re gonna speak to one another with

wisdom they’re gonna sing songs to God

they’re gonna be filled with gratitude

what’s in you is going to come out of

you and so we want to do everything we

can to help churches and help small

groups and circle classes get the word

of Christ and deeply richly in the

people when you are so outnumbered it’s

so unable to complete that impossible

task so in over your head that you

couldn’t see the light of day even if

you drive you are exactly where God

wants you this is a God who loves

weakness he loves weakness because his

strength is perfected in weakness


are you choosing to stand firmly on the

promises of God’s work on the faulty

shaky philosophies of our culture

because the way we stand now has every

bearing on the way this thing is going

to end up


all right this is kind of a sticky

little question all right you guys are

all very successful you are articulate

you have kind of paved a path in your

own careers and the venture that you’re

on in your life so I want to talk to you

about what men need to understand about

a successful woman because sometimes men

are intimidated by the single all right

cuz all are successful and there are a

lot of men that are a bit intimidating

when they see this successful woman

coming so what does a man need to know

about a successful woman that what does

she still appreciate what is still

important to her what does she value

regardless of how much money she makes

or how well-known she is talk to me

about what a guy needs to know about a

successful woman it took quite a while

for me to be able to communicate to less

that I can be in a stadium with 10,000

women and they can be all tickled over

what just happened but what matters most

to me is when he says to me you did a

great it met the truth I need to hear

from his heart how he feels about what I

do and he found that confusing because

he thought we just heard from 10,000

people or yeah they were all clapping

for you know what what do you need that

for they don’t hold the position they

don’t hold my heart in their hand and so

I need to hear from you is your love


words of affirmation would you say that

is one of your love languages that you

need to have those words spoken over you

by your husband ah that and a good

credit card


okay we’re going to talk about financial

security but what about you I love that

so much

be that the simple things really matter

you know not just the big things

sometimes I guess we can I don’t know if

you are you appear to be successful

people may think that it takes big

things to impress you I like the little

things you know I like just being able

to sit around and no makeup and sweats

and hang out you know I love good

conversations you don’t have to buy me

things that’s not me and at the same

time to remember that I am NOT just what

I do you know I am NOT just Nkosi Mellon

the artist

I’m Nicole Cemal I’m the person the

woman the wife the mother the daughter

the friend that’s who I really am not

just the things that people applaud and

so for me that’s really important but

can I say one more thing I’m gonna go

back to something you said earlier Annie

about having married couples I’m help

kind of protect you know and to speak

into your life I think it’s very

important for single women to have

married couples I would caution against

just a single one very good talking to a

married man even as a big brother little

sister because that can get kind of you

know saying so if we can do it in the

know is we do not want you meeting you

said Todd and Angie yeah I’m saying so I

wanted to just kind of that’s good and

you won’t remember it but I thought

about it today there was one year that

you were singing and it was the year of

I know my redeemer lives it was the

devil words and your husband was sitting

in front of me and when you got out on

that stage to sing he started weeping

and he cried through the end

your thing and there was such a sense of

we are a team you know and this was an

extension of himself and I think that

that is so important is we’re respecting

our husbands as our shepherds and and

we’re making sure that they maintain

that and as a result it’s we give them

the opportunity to just like see you

know embrace and I think that can be a

little bit tricky because I wasn’t doing

what I was doing when we first got

married and I don’t know if you guys

were no see so I think that some of that

is a little bit different too you know

like he didn’t marry into this we sort

of had to learn it yeah it was I’m only

a Nicosia Molly because of David Molly

yes yeah and he as I was an artist yeah

he decided to step back so that I can go

ahead he’s my boy my producer Wow you

know saying so every time I take a bath

to take a bow for him as well yeah we’re

not in competition that is that’s

exactly hit it’s the same team I’m dying

to hear from you because you’re on the

other side of the coin in the sense that

single and successful do you find that

there are men that are a little bit

detoured by the success yeah you know

it’s really interesting because I

haven’t I didn’t know this would be my

life either and and so five years ago

who had a married would have graduated

into this lifestyle and whoever I picked

now or picks me now is choosing this

lifestyle right you know but you know

the thing I that I wrestle with is that

just because I work hard doesn’t mean I

don’t need you that’s good you know just

because I’m I am we’re and you don’t

have to have my job I don’t need you to

feel like if I’m gonna marry Annie I’m

marrying her job you know like no I want

to respect you and celebrate you and

what you do and so you don’t need to

feel like you’re supposed to be in

full-time ministry to live with me yeah

yeah I don’t need mister Aniyah right

he’d be funny chivalry chivalry do you

still need that as a successful so you

know sometimes when we bus home from an

event from a girl’s a grace event and I

get home at 2:30 in the morning and I am

lugging four suitcases I just go lord I

need you to

work this out you know like this is I am

tired and I need to feel like someone

else takes care of me sometimes

alright I want to talk about along those

same lines I want to talk about

leadership male leadership and how

critical that is to you as women who

honestly could lead yourselves you could

figure out your own finances you could

take care of doing a whole lot of things

yourself how do we balance that with the

fact that we hope that a man will be in

our life the leader that he’s been

called to be I love it when a man steps

in and steps up I really appreciate it

especially when you say numbers because

you say I could do that myself but I

couldn’t do that myself I am no good at

it and my husband is a calculator for a

brain yeah God knew I would need that so

yep yeah okay I’m gonna just be a little

bit vulnerable on that I would love that

okay I struggle with that you struggle

with leadership and with ID okay talk to

me I do it’s not cuz of what I do it has

nothing to do with that this is just a

the way you’re wired it is I mean it’s

part of and it’s something that God is

constantly working on in me and that I

was talking with my friend Jenny the

other day and she was talking about

cleaning her house and she didn’t mean

anything profound by it but she just

said you know at the end of the day my

family helps me and there are things but

I’m the only one that can get it to a

hundred percent mm-hm and she was

talking about cleaning her house but I

think a lot of times and it’s not

necessarily truth but I feel that way we

do feel that it’s gonna be done right we

have to do it yes and so that’s just

something where I have and and I’m

getting better about it but I I had to

learn that one the hard way I’m still


yes because just handing that over and

saying when there are some things that

it’s to be totally honest I actually

probably could do better but that’s not

the best thing for my marriage yeah you

know that’s my worry into that because

at this point I have had to learn to do

everything you know like I don’t get to

go I’m really terrible at taking out the

garbage like sorry take out the garbage

okay so there’s not a lot of things that

I can go well I’m saving that for when a

husband comes along to leave me I’m like

no I’ve got to have a balance check

account and I’ve got you know yeah and

so I worried that I see myself and in

that and Angie of like how do you decide

how do you side how to let him lead and

where to let him lead what left a

question and not let that lets us get

this way how does a man who is watching

right now how does he help his wife to

grow in this area with this struggle

that she has with leaning in and leaning

on someone else and trusting in that

leadership how can he help her along in

that path so that they don’t end up

butting heads and fighting against each

other in the process what does a guy do

to make it easy on her to learn to let

him lead I think he sits down with her

and assert that very question I think

they need to have some dialogue about it

and they need to be honest with each

other because we don’t know how she’s

wired and what her greatest needs are

only she knows that so we would be

guessing if we said it out of the

content of our needs just like a lot of

women out there they are better at

numbers than their husbands and they do

a better job but if there are

overarching all these little specifics

about but you know balance me check but

it’s taking out the trash

you know biblically leaving the home and

those are specific things but the

overarching principle of a woman

relaxing into the leadership of her

husband and say how these to be yeah it

is a great place to be it is I think it

really starts to sound like I’m trying

to be super spiritual and I’m really not

but I think it really comes I know it

comes down to really do we trust God you

know I’m saying if I trust God then I

can trust that he’s going to even if my

husband fails at it you know I’m saying

even if he puts his in the doghouse you

didn’t say I can still trust God because

I’m falling into my position in my

position is to be I hug the lecture

woman who if he’s not gonna do it I can

do it you know say obviously you know

I’m saying times where we have to go

because I trust God and then God put me

in the family I will submit that even if

I could do it better absolutely do it

and I need you to help me here I need

you to take care of the finances here

because I cannot that’s not my strength

and because I’m helping him I do that

but then there other times I have to say

honey you know what I’ve been doing

Bible studies with the kids every

and the boys will really respect you

more than me as if you were daughter you

want to sample then then they boys will

listen to you more and you know what

because I grew up in a Christian home my

husband did not he decided to do it and

I had to step down and there were times

my husband said certain things that I

may not have agreed with the but I was

going to trust God with it so I had to

do this and say okay you know what

that’s not exactly how I see it and I’ll

tell the kids later see him grow and

we’re here to help so there are times we

have to undergird them and say okay baby

if you get out I’m here I got your back

you know I’m saying you can do it we

have to speak that into them until they

actually get to that position where they

can stand you don’t saying what that is

yes you know doing all this okay when

you said you have to do that was that

put on lip liner yeah you have to do a

little bit of that too we might get to

that conversation so look this this is

just part one of a conversation that we

are having with an incredible group of

women who have already helped not only

the men in our lives but also us to see

just a little bit more clearly how we

can relate with the people that we love

so much in our relationships and the

dynamics of our homes so would you just

help me to thank these incredible women

for part one of this conversation and

listen I want to tell you that you need

to make sure that you look up every

single one of these women we have links

for you right here below of the screen

you’re going to want to click on every

one each of them has incredible

resources that are going to help to

encourage you your relationships and

everything that is happening in your

life so it’s been a great time you got

to join us next time to go for part two

of this incredible conversation we’re

gonna go even deeper than this


